The pros and cons of becoming a software engineer in 2021 | CHII ALIA
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Chii Alia
Views: 3,665
Rating: 4.9775281 out of 5
Keywords: software engineering, software developer, software engineer, tech career in 2020, software engineer day in life, black girl in tech, a day in the life, The ULTIMATE pros and cons of being a software engineer in 2020, why you should be a software engineer, pros and cons, grwm, why you should not be a software engineer, software developer career, is coding for me, day in the life of a software engineer work from home, beginner programmer mistakes, coding bootcamp 2020
Id: 4aSeb2XK4qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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