The Prophet Haggai & the 6th Full New Moon

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well here we are on the 30th day of the fifth month on the celestial clock and calendar of yahuwah and it is the pagan day monday september 20th so here we are going into the first watch of the evening out of four night watches to study the word and tomorrow morning at the dawn will commence the first day of the sixth month yes on the pagan day of tuesday september 21st so we're going to try to come back out here this evening around the second and third watch around the midnight time period uh and i will give more information on the uh whole nine yards of the sun moon and stars and their positions at sunset all the way to the dawn and all the way to the sunrise a really great moon rise here tonight as you can see it's orange there's some cloud cover way back here i'm looking towards the east and as you can see the moon here right now is 100 percent illuminated hallelujah so this study today will be focusing on the prophet hagai and his strength to rebuild the old places yes those old ancient paths that were broken by man who take away what is good so again stay tuned enjoy this scriptural study video and uh we'll come back at you here hopefully around the second to third watch around the midnight time period but hallelujah tomorrow it will be the first day of the sixth month on the celestial clock and calendar of yahuwah well hello again here we are going into the second watch it's a little after 11 p.m eastern standard time on the pagan day of monday september 20th and here we are the night before new moon day which will commence set the dawn into the sunrise for the first day of the six month which will be on the pagan day of tuesday september 21 i will include the details of the moon as everyone likes me too as it relates to our ongoing scriptural study videos testing and proving what the sun moon and stars actually do on any given new moon day let alone every day within a monthly cycle again we're going to test and prove what the stars do and as you see here on the actual video once again in 2021 it's the same scriptural stars with the bear ursa major platys orion and hamal everyone will see the stars of hamal pilates and orion in some parts of the world only portions of ursa major will be seen but again the scriptural sign for the first day of the sixth month was the same as we've seen last year in the pagan year 2020 and of course the same thing we've seen in the pagan year of 2019 you can forecast this in advance and see the same scriptural sign or you can go backwards with stellarium and test and prove that as well but more importantly get outside and test and prove that forecast like we're doing right now anyone can do it and as you can see we are doing it from our home here on the upstairs balcony it's a little bit misty out tonight so it will be a little more difficult for the stars but i could travel a little bit north and see a much more clearer sky so again there are tools for that that we have shared in past videos that help you do that so i'm going to attempt to get up before the dawn to see the moon greeting the sun at the dawn and again all the scriptural stars can be seen at that moment if you wait just to sunrise you may miss some of those excellent scriptural witnesses of light that yahuwah provides to number our days so thank you very much as always for the feedback and the constant support in regards to others doing this very same thing testing and proving outside in creation well here we are just before the dawn and it is now the pagan day of tuesday september 21 and uh you can only faintly see the moon inclement weather has set in in my location but again you can see the moon behind the clouds and it's shining brightly to make a long story short i'm at the waterfront in this fourth watch and final watch of a scriptural evening so again here we are at the dawn and the moon is peaking out even though there is inclement weather again the light shines through the darkness hallelujah so i'm looking in the uh western area or location and as you can see the moon's just disappearing behind those clouds right now so i'm going to pan over to the bay and as you can see dawn is just on its way but uh again it rained last night after i went to bed and the inclement weather is set in but we will get many pictures and photographs and film footage of many others filming this wonderful new moon day of the sixth month hallelujah and finally here we are just before sunrise and hallelujah for these wonderful gifts of light yes those perfect gifts of light from our father of lights to tell time more specifically the appointed times of yahuwah so let's get on with the scriptural study video yes welcome to another scriptural calendar study and hallelujah that it's new moon day the first day of the sixth month as always please feel free to stop this video at any time to further focus on the scriptural and astronomical information being shared and yes on full view yes full screen for your ipad mobile phone or computer screen itself in this scriptural study we will also be reviewing and exploring the prophet hagai and his contribution to the first day sixth month new full moon hallelujah that the prophet hagai had the strength to build as we can read in the book of hagai chapter 1 verses 1 through 7 we find out that something very special happened on the first day of the sixth month yes new moon day the full new moon day where the word of yahuwah came by haggai the prophet to zerebabal son of the shihatial governor of yahudah and to yahushua son of yahushua the high priest saying thus spoke yahuwah of hosts saying this people have said the time has not come the time the house of yahuwah is to be built then the word of yahuwah came bahagae the prophet saying is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses and this house the house of yahuwah be in ruins question mark and now thus said yahuwah of hosts consider your ways how many scriptural passages have we read where something extremely special happens on new moon days where we must consider our ways it continues to read you have sown much but brought in little eat but do not have enough drink but you are not filled with drink clothe yourselves but no one is warm and he who earns wages earns wages to put it into a bag with holes sound familiar are we not living in an age of decadence where money is being printed out of thin air and being placed and put into a bag with holes should we not consider our ways even in this day and age is the house of yahuwah still in ruins do we need more folks to have the strength to build because if you look at these scriptural verses and others we've covered on the specialness of the appointed time of a new moon day please if interested take the time to view this scriptural study video entitled the consecration of aaron and its day count and what happened then in regards to people having to let's say reconsider their ways just like we have to today and if that interests you you may also be interested in another scriptural study video entitled the battle of jericho count yes the new full moon day during the first week of the second month if we do a scriptural etymological word search further things will be revealed and over and above a word study how about a name study on the prophet hagai what value could we get out of that so looking at bible hub we see the strong's entry h2282 chag which is very very interesting it's a festival gathering a feast a pilgrim feast yes all new moon days are feasts they're appointed times they're a festival of gathering we can see this in the nas exhaustive concordance from the word origin chicag or as some people cacag i may not be pronouncing it wrong i am still learning as each day goes by but the definition is intact a festival gathering a feast a pilgrim feast the nasb translation states feast 52 times feast five times festival once festival offering once and festivals three times looking into this further we get the root word or strong's h2287 entry to make a pilgrimage keep a pilgrim feast if we go further into the nas exhaustive concordance same thing to celebrate celebrate a feast dancing keeping festival to observe what is new moondale about yes looking at all three witnesses of light with the sun moon and stars and the witnesses that each provides to discern properly when new moon day is this is such a beautiful time of discernment which hones in our skills at utilizing two to three witnesses to establish a matter looking at this further runs under we get this definition from the brown driver briggs hebrew and english lexicon hagai equals festive tenth in order of the minor prophets first prophet to prophesy after the captivity so extremely interesting if you take it a step further into the paleo-hebrew and you look at that evolution of the language from the pictographic into the paleo-hebrew before 585 bce before the common era we start to see some other things the first letter being the tent wall standing for the h today now let's get outside and what let's gather a new moon day the second letter with the foot and the third letter being why why do we gather outside well because we're going to worship it's new moon day we can verify that up under the shemaem with the sun moon and stars so the name etymological search provides further value as well and it's all about rebuilding and if we get into the prophets what were they rebuilding yes they were repairing the breach that all flesh shall come to worship on new moon day even the ernest cline comprehensive etymological dictionary of the hebrew language for readers of english provides further definitions that are equal in this limelight so to speak pardon the pun so again yeshua yahoo known as a major prophet in chapter 66 verse 23 stated and it shall be that from new moon to new moon and from sabbath the sabbath all flesh shall come to worship before me declares yahuwah these prophets the minor and major prophets were rebuilders repairs of the breach so to speak and they helped us with their writings from the inspiration of yahuwah and the ruach hakadesh to talk about having the strength to build to repair and what we can do here today and we can gather together as one under the lights and the witnesses of the lights to have that strength to rebuild these paths that have been broken down so again there are lots of information it's just there for the taking if you're interested in doing full and complete scriptural studies enjoy yeshua yahoo chapter 66 verse 23 it's rich in scriptural value like the other prophets like hagai as we are here in the first day of the sixth month let alone what happened during new moon days in these scriptural events again please feel free to view these scriptural study videos as well also if you haven't seen this scriptural study video there are tons of information on what we call the mechanics of the moon at dawn and as you all know we do the same videos at sunset midnight it's around the second and third watch all the way up to the dawn the fourth watch all the way up to sunrise yes the mechanics of the moon in association in working in perfect harmony with the sun and the stars is a wonderful thing to observe let alone track in advance and get outside because forecasts allow you to calculate the future that's what that word means as an intransitive verb so again on the video that you just seen we went out last night at sunset and at sunset the moon was minus four degrees below the horizon 94 degrees to true north very close to the eastern mark as you've seen in the video and moonrise was at 1939 or 739 and again this data is for my area everyone has to do their own forecast if interested and at moonrise the moon was still minus 0.2 degrees below the horizon and uh was 97 degrees to true north but its illumination was a hundred percent illuminated so through midnight as you seen in the videos and everything else the moon was ruling with its set specific stars for a six-month event and by the fourth watch yes the dawn the moon was 20 degrees above the horizon 99.8 illuminated and by sunrise it was 705 in my area the moon was still above the horizon greeting the sun again great witness but two to three times a year this particular witness does not happen for everyone on earth as we've covered in so many videos but again by sunrise it was 262 degrees to true north and by 7 30 at moonset it was minus 2.2 degrees below the horizon or 267 degrees to true north and 99.8 illuminated welcome to new moon day uh for the six months we went from the fifth month to the sixth month here and uh last night was still the 30th day of the fifth month and as you've seen in the other videos this view is from the dawn time period this view is a sample of 37 days just for the dawn and three days before the first day of the fifth month which occurred on the pagan day of sunday august 22nd you notice with this view if you're looking just at the dawn that the moon pops its head up above the horizon the day before new moon day for this view and again we do sunset midnight which is approximately the second and third watch depending on the time of year you're in and we do the dawn as you see here and the sunrise view but on this view as requested this witness is a really cool witness something that most people ignore regrettably but you know they have a right at the end of the day we're not telling anybody to do anything if you want if you do not want to learn the mechanics of the sun moon and stars you have the right not to a bunch of brains do and we track everything in advance and then we go outside and test and prove it and we believe this is why another witness there's more than one that dawud before he was king said to yahukan and or jonathan see tomorrow is new moon day he had a ton of witnesses to do that and the dawn witness here as you can see uh before the first day of the sixth month so on the september 20th the moon at dawn peaked its head above the horizon another witness letting you that the following day and look at this the moon's 99.8 the month before was 100. it's still at its highest percent illumination another witness over and above the moon peaking its head up the day before for the dawn view there are other witnesses in the sunset view that are valuable there are other witnesses towards the midnight view that are extremely valuable and as you can see this one's valuable and finally the sunset view in the same manner provides other witnesses why not use them all why just settle on one yahoo is giving you these perfect gifts that you can actually number your days with why not do it so if you're going to use one go ahead we're not going to stop you obviously and you're going to find yourself in debates with other people if you use all the witnesses the new moon day and thus obviously all sabbaths are on the same day everywhere on earth it's the sun moon and stars that will unify us all of those witnesses have that capability regrettably human beings who they are like to simplify things in their own minds but at the end of the day these witnesses state otherwise yahuwah brings us together with his perfect witnesses from above doesn't he so also uh this year thank you to all of those bereans all over earth in these locations that provide their forecast to us because they've also confirmed that the first day of the sixth month everywhere did occur on the pagan day of tuesday september 21st 2021 and that the moon everywhere provided 10 hours and 22 minutes of full moon illumination hallelujah that the moon is established forever and that this witness in the heaven is indeed steadfast and that we can empirically and absolutely prove that mathematically thank you to the lights yes all three witnesses of light to tell time because they provide signs for these specific appointed times which new moon day is just one of those wonderful witnesses that are fully aligned with these scriptural stars that anybody can go outside in creation under the shamayim film and photograph so again to discern anything to establish any matter you need two or three witnesses not just a one witness approach the etymology proves that both the old covenant and the renewed covenant scriptural witnesses prove that so we're gonna do that in all four night watches starting from sunset all the way into the second watch third watch towards the midnight time period all the way towards the dawn of the fourth watch all the way to sunrise we use all four night watches to ensure that our eyes go before the night watches to study yahoo's word so as you can see here in 2021 that we just confirmed this view shows those scriptural stars that always pop up and again this view is for the dawn here are the scriptural stars for a six month first day event so here we have orion pilates and the morning star jamal at the dawn with the bear the seven star cluster scripturally known as ursa major with its two sons arcturus and spika below or beyond the horizon as somebody would state and again the moon in my area was 99.8 percent percent illuminated 20 degrees above and or beyond the horizon and it stayed up all the way to sunrise for this particular month hallelujah and if i took off the view on stellarium of the imaginary horizon line you will see this is why dawn is so important because you can see all three witnesses and this is the 2021 view that has just passed us we've seen the very same thing in 2020 the same scriptural witnesses of light with the scriptural stars the same position so this is 2020. the only difference the moon was 16 degrees above or beyond the horizon at the dawn time period and for that particular year the moon did also greet the sun at sunrise as well but look at this it was 99.8 percent illuminated like it was this year in 2021 again if i take off the imaginary horizon line this is why everyone can see this it which it is what brings us together so to speak and you can see all the three witnesses of light we've seen the very same thing in 2019 again go back as far as you want this is what you're gonna witness forecast in advance this is what you're gonna witness this is what hagai witnessed on the first day of the sixth month with the full new moon being new moon and in 2019 the moon was 99.8 percent eliminated but this time 17 degrees above or beyond the horizon and yes the moon did greet the sun at sunrise that year as well again we do this view for sunset midnight as you can see here dawn all the way up to sunrise please for your own well-being utilize all of the witnesses of light to understand what month you're in in fact if you get good at this you can get knocked out for three months in a coma heaven forbid that happens but you can wake up and know which month you're in that quickly with one night's view with a little bit of practice so again here's that same view for the pagan year 2019 and as you can see you're not worried about sunrise with a few trees where the moon is out of sight greeting the sun at sunrise the dawn witness provides so much information to understand when new munda actually is please don't discount it some of you will we know you will and and you're going to go through that evolution of testing and proving which you should and you don't trust me we don't want that we don't want you to trust any human being let alone any world institution get outside and test and prove this for yourself with a camera taking photographs and film footage okay let's continue so we are still learning these laws of the heavens and how they set their rule over the earth so there's so much more to learn and that's why we do the workshops and that's why we know how to measure all of this just with our fingers outside in creation these degrees and how the mechanics of the sun how the mechanics of the moon and how the mechanics of the star on this timing piece called the celestial clock of yahuwah and his calendar actually operates anyone can do it since the beginning of time and anyone can do it here and now so as always hallelujah it's indeed new moon day for the first day of the sixth month may yahuwah keep in guard you and your loved ones and as always we call upon the name of the father of lights that these scriptural study videos provide value to you and your loved ones so until next time let us focus on all of the prophetic writings as they relate to helping us determine each and every new moon day let alone every other appointed time throughout a scriptural year and finally may our messiah yahushua our only teacher be in everything we say and do thank you everyone for the opportunity to share in the name which is above all names all the best
Channel: Mikal Shabbat Scriptural Studies
Views: 967
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: YaHUaH, Father of Lights, Celestial Clock and Calendar, Scriptural Word Studies, Scriptural Name Studies, Scriptural Law Studies, Torah, YaHUsHua, MessiYAH, Prophecy, The Prophet Haggai, Haggai, New Moon Day, Full Moon is New Moon
Id: LopXZp7mFGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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