Hidden Treasure | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is Bishop Dale Bronner thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today if this is a blessing to you I want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro Atlanta area on a Sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. or 6 o'clock p.m. well our scripture lesson today comes from the 13th chapter of the Gospel according to st. Matthew Matthew is a meticulous person because he's a tax collector so he understands some things about accounting and he would be meticulous in the recording of the various instances in stories about some of the teachings of Jesus and the miracles of Jesus but here in Matthew chapter 13 verse 44 through 46 in a New Living Translation there you'll find these words the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field in his excitement he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls and when he discovered a pearl of great value he sold everything he owned and bought it I'm talking today from the subject simply of hidden treasure hidden treasure have you ever found something in your life that was so valuable that you were willing to give up everything that you had in order to take possession of that because you saw a value there and the truth of the matter is this is that the intensity of your desire is revealed by how willing you are to truly give up what you have in order to get what you want that's the real measure of the intensity of desire if a person desires an advanced degree in education you have to be willing to give up some of your social time some of your meantime so that you can pursue that degree if you want to develop your body you have to give up your comfort the times that you don't feel like it because when you really understand discipline discipline is about deciding what you want most over what you want now it's about deciding what you want most over what you want now and so here Jesus gives us these two parables here trying to help us to understand some things about the kingdom of heaven and who better than Jesus to talk to us about the kingdom of heaven he came down from heaven and so the kingdom of heaven describes whose kingdom it is where it is where it is the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God it tells us whose kingdom it is it's God's kingdom and it is from heaven and Jesus was the only one who came to the earth in a physical form that had experience living in that earthly realm in that heavenly realm that came down to the earth when now he could share with us the secrets of the treasures of heaven and he's trying to give us something that is analogous because it's impossible to teach people unless you can peg the new knowledge onto some all knowledge that they already have to help them to be able to understand it and so Jesus is now connecting using an earthly example saying that the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field and you may not understand exactly why treasure was hidden in the field why don't you just discover somebody's treasure in a field well a lot of people don't understand that banks receiving deposits is an innovation of the 19th century so prior to that time if you had something of great wealth you had to hide it on your property so they would dig a place on the property in the field and hide their treasure you dug a hole and you hitted the great danger in this is that sometimes people would actually hide stuff on their own property and forget where it was themselves and so that was a danger that's why that's hidden treasure you hide only things that are valuable to you you see I mean you can go to a public place and pull up in the parking lot it's no problem to leave your Bible on the front seat of your car or in the dashboard because nobody's gonna break in to get your Bible but I dare you to make a fan of Ben Franklin's and lay it across your dashboard even if you do lock your doors they know how to crash and dash and so that's why you don't take things that are valuable to you and just leave them out in the open you have to put up your good stuff you you hide or you protect what is valuable to you and Jesus is letting us know that the kingdom of heaven is like this great treasure that a man a man finds hidden in a field because obviously the previous owner of that had had hidden the treasure in the field moved away from it and forgotten that he had even left it there and so here comes the lucky new buyer who discovers the treasure hidden in the field and he quickly goes and sells everything that he has to get the money he sells everything that he has because he realized that if I'm giving up what I've got I'm about to get something that is worth more than everything that I own so I'm gonna give up everything that I've got in order to get all this in that field and it is hidden there for me God has hidden treasure if the other parable he talks about a man that finds this great pearl of great precious price and pearls were extremely valuable and pearls grow in a shillin environment in the shell of an oyster they grow in a hidden environment they don't grow out in the open and what I want you to realize that when you think about real treasure our greatest treasure that we have on earth the things that we really value in our society are oftentimes hidden in the earth think about iron ore or petroleum hidden in the earth gold hidden in the earth silver hidden in the earth platinum hidden in the earth Ruby's hidden in the earth diamonds hidden in the earth this stuff is hidden in the earth it's hidden in the earth our greatest values are generally hidden in the earth and you know I'm here to tell you that I think that one of our most valuables greatest treasures this actually sidon is our destiny it's just our destiny and you know the danger of burying money or treasure is that you might forget where it is yourself and so you'd have to let somebody know where it is and I want you to think about this whenever you are so afraid that somebody is gonna take something that you have the fear here this carefully the fear of losing can sometimes stop you from the joy of using the fear of losing can stop you from the joy of using you know if God gave you a treasure and if nobody can see it if you can't ever put it on display I mean if you've got a necklace that's so expensive that you afraid to wear it anywhere why do you have it maybe you need to be a curator of a museum and and at least a museum realizes that it has treasure and they put it on display for other people to see if you got something on that it's a treasure something of worth and great value you want to be able to display it but here Jesus is letting us know that the kingdom of heaven is like discovering something that is a great value great treasure and you sell everything that you've got to be able to go and to take possession of this thing and and I believe that our destiny is our most valuable valuable possession it is our most valuable treasure for you to discover your destiny which is something that is hidden to most people it baffles me that people are grown they've already finished college and they don't know what they were born to do the two stays in a person's life the day that you're born and the second day is the day that you find out why you were born when you discover that destiny and I want you to understand this destiny is not something you decide but something you discover it is not something that you decide it is something that you discover you have to discover what God has already decided we discover what God has already decided that's why we in Christendom we said God not my will but thy will be done you see if you decide on something there's nothing more disappointing to a human being than to spin their life climbing the ladder of success only to discover that the ladder was leaning against the wrong building and it didn't bring you joy it didn't bring you any fulfillment because it really wasn't your destiny just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should you want to do what is God's plan for you for your life and I want you to understand this god is not asking you to figure it all out but God is asking you to trust him that he has already figured it all out he's not asking you to figure it out but he is asking you to trust that he has already figured that thing out for you now I want you to realize that although Jesus is the ultimate treasure to us I believe with when he's talking about this treasure hidden in the field and when he's talking about the parol above great price I think that he's talking about the church I think that he's talking about the church whom Jesus Christ gave himself he gave everything that he had he gave His life to be able to redeem lost people and it oughta really make you feel special and elite to God to realize he didn't get you by default he chose you he chose you he chose you I remember years ago we had a young man that was a part of our church and and he came to me one day and he he he was he was an adopted young man and and he felt poorly about himself because he was adopted and some of his friends that started teasing him at school and he shared that with me and and I and I looked at him and I said I want you to change how you were viewing this I said your parents chose you your friends who were born to mom and dad if they were stuck with them but your parents chose you that's the way it is with Jesus Jesus chose us and and let me know element even let you understand this Jesus chose you after doing all of the due diligence he knew everything that there was to know about you good bad or indifferent he knew everything he knew where there were leaks in your building he knew where there was a flaw in your character after doing the due diligence taking a search knowing you from the inside out he knew your thoughts he knew every weakness that you had and after doing the due diligence of knowing everything that there was to know about you he still said I want that one yep the one that's struggling with their weight yep the one that is that is inconsistent in their commitment I want that one yep I want the one that exaggerates the truth at I want that one and and let me say that one of the reasons that I believe that he'll take the worm that has a problem with alcohol or the one that even has a problem with pornography is because God sees something independent in the destiny of an old rusty earthen vessel he realizes that he's got heavenly treasure hidden in an earthen vessel so you are not all that you look like you are so much more than what meets the eye when somebody sees you of somebody that used to turn tricks and somebody that used to run schemes on people and a person that had dishonest hustles in life and you swindle people out of money God can see in this person I can use this person as an evangelist for me as a missionary for me I need somebody with guts with boldness somebody who's willing to take some risk that when they said you can't do this here God says I need somebody like that that's why God could use an impetuous Peter somebody that had a problem with their temple because God saw something beyond the flaw of his flesh God saw the earth and treasure in him and so you have to realize that despite all of the issues and the flaws that we have as human being Jesus is able to look beyond the dirt on your earthen vessel and he sees the seed that what he planted on the inside of us there is hidden treasure in you and just as well Jesus said it's like a pearl of great price you know that we talk about the gates of heaven the pearly gates it is a precious precious gem the pearly gates something is interesting about the gates of heaven the pearly gates the Bible says that it's made out of a single pearl that's a humongous whopper Magna pearl that's that's a--that's a huge pearl it is it's incredibly valuable and because as you know a pearl is only formed because an irritant enters into an oyster that causes it to start secreting hormones and and those hormones end up forming the pearl your real value is created out of the adversity that comes into your life the struggle that comes into your life the issues that you deal with the come into your life they are forming something that is so precious you don't even realize how much God is a value to you until you get in trouble you don't even realize and understand how valuable grace is until you have missed the mark and you need the mercy of God to come into your life and said God forgive me you don't even understand how valuable God's gift of eternal life is to us of grace of mercy of long-suffering until you have missed the mark and you stand in the need of it and I want you to notice here that Jesus saw us as something of great price as a treasure and Jesus was like I'm going to give up my life so that I can purchase them you are bought first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 and 20 notice this don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God you do not belong to yourself for God you with a high price God bought you with a high price God bought you with a high price it was the price of his son Jesus's life he bought you with a high price so you must honor God with your body and this is why it doesn't matter even when the church doors are closed there is a temple that's you are that never closes and that's why every place that you go you have to let your light shine you have to let it shine in the grocery store in Walmart in targets you have to let your light shine wherever you are wherever you are because when the church doors are closed your light ought to be owned in your temple because you're bought with the price you are bought with a price you're bought with the price and the treasure represents Jesus's treasure of his precious people to whom he bought and when Jesus bought this treasure guess what he did with the treasure he went and took the treasure and then hid the treasure he hid the treasure because of his treasure if it's something of Worth and value you hide it how do I know that notice Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 and 3 notice here set your mind on things that are above not on things that are on earth for you have died and your life is hid with Christ in God you're a treasure he redeemed you your life is hid with Christ in God your life is hid with Christ in God because you hide treasure Jesus purchased us with his own blood with his life he purchased us and now we are hidden with Christ in God now that means that when the devil comes to try to mess with you he's got to come through Christ he's got to touch God we are hidden God is our covering he's our protector that's why he that dwelleth in the secret police of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty God has us hidden under his wings he has us hidden and sometimes we have to lose some things that we think are valuable in order for us to find the things that are truly truly valuable it's amazing how God does that I mean because it is not until you experience sadness that you appreciate joy and happiness it is not until you have noise that you appreciate silence isn't that amazing I mean God has a he has a way it is it is not until you experience absence that you actually appreciate presence so sometimes God has to allow us to lose some things so that we appreciate the real things of value and you might wonder God why on earth would you bring trauma into my life God why do you have to introduce adversity everything was going pretty good I was doing ok God and now here you come interrupting my world you start disrupting my normal may I give you a little insight into what God is doing here is God's process here is God's process number one there is a need for change or growth there's a need for change or growth whenever it is time to change or time to grow God's getting ready to send an irritant he's getting ready to send adversity he's getting ready to send challenge he's getting ready to send a storm into your life there's a need for change or growth secondly God uses a crisis God uses a crisis this is true in business it is true in government it is true in a marriage it's true in a household God uses a crisis number three crisis creates a hunger crisis creates a hunger it creates a hunger number four the hunger creates a search hunger creates a search see there's a need for change a growth then God uses a crisis the crisis creates a hunger the Hunger Now puts you on a search number five the search leads to a higher or understanding or revelation it leads you to a higher truth an understanding or revelation number six the revelation brings transformation to our life remember a revelation produces a revolution a revelation produces a revolution God's trying to change us is all about growing us it's about drawing us in number seven transformation brings glory to God see the search leads to a higher truth understanding a revelation that revelation brings transformation to our life once we are transformed it brings glory to God because you have to change to deal with the adversity that has come into your life and when you enter out of a challenge you are not the same person who went into that God will have grown you up and you don't realize that it's not until you go through the fire that you really are able to recognize and have the the things that are not a part of the true essence of who you are to be burned out of the way so that it reveals the true treasure that is in you sometimes you've got too much dead stuff around you you've got too much stuff that doesn't belong to who you really are you've got too much stuff that looks like they owe you and God will send you through a fire and everything that is unlike God will burn off in that fire but see I'm glad that God uses lack or hunger to put us on a search because it's actually a blessing to be able to experience hunger you know why because a loss of appetite is one of the first signs of sickness and you start losing your appetite I'm just I'm just telling you I told you years ago I mean I had a lady she was it back in the green room and she just she was it she was a big momma - and she said she looked at me because I looked at her a certain way because she was hogging over the chicken wings and then she looked at me and she said I thank God for appetite I thank God for appetite and you know after I thought about it I said you know I mean it is a blessing to be able to have appetite to actually have an appetite have an appetite because when you get sick you lose your appetite and if you lose your appetite you lose yours strength and if you lose your strength you lose your health I mean so so much of our livelihood it's connected to having an appetite you're in a dangerous position when you don't have an appetite for God you're in a dangerous position if you don't have an appetite for healthy food for wholesome relationships and wholesome activities you're in a danger if you ever lose an appetite for the wholesome and the holy and that those things that build and edify but jesus promised us that if we're hungry that we'll be filthy that's the blessing Matthew chapter five verse six notice this those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed for they will be filled she said if you hunger and thirst for righteousness you're blessed blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness right things having a hunger for right things who are thirsty for right things for they will be filled you cannot give people an appetite for something that you have you can't give them an appetite if they don't have the appetite for it they won't eat you ever tried to feed a baby and they just won't eat they just won't eat they don't have appetite but he says blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled that's an incredible treasure that has been hidden in the earth and God wants us to discover it you know in my first pastor it one of one of my oldest deacons I didn't understand we went at deacons meeting and he was 86 years old and this is back in the 80s and right in the middle of the Deacons meeting this my 86 year old deacon he's fell over on the bench I heard his head go boom on a wooden bench and he's 86 and you know when somebody passes out like that at age of six I thought don't call the hospital call the morgue I thought that it was that he was gone but he wasn't gone he was revived we did get the ambulance and he was revived but as he was getting in the ambulance they discovered that he had his life savings on his purse in cash in cash there were 5,000 in this sock and 5,000 in this sock and yet 5,000 in this jacket his whole life savings were on his person I asked him afterwards I said well it is a particular reason now mind you this is in the 1980s he's 86 years old so he's you know born around the turn of the century and remember whole idea of banks and being able to make deposits they were not for ordinary people they were only Provari wealthy people to be able to make a deposit so they didn't have a place to even put in so they had to hide this stuff and I asked myself why at your age were you carrying this amount of cash and he said well he says because I don't trust banks the reason that they didn't put their money in the banks because when as I said banks were an invention of the 19th century but they were not insured and they were subject to bank robbery and bankruptcy so there were a lot of people that didn't trust the financial institution I think they had pretty good reason I mean if somebody goes by and and holds up the bank and then your deposit I mean there's nothing to insure that it's like we're sorry I would have probably dug a hole in on my property somewhere to and drawn me a little map somewhere that I would then hide the map so it is so interesting and then I asked him I said why why did why did you have this on your person he said because I didn't trust banks I didn't trust banks and I said well why were you carrying it with you he says because my friend who also didn't trust banks used to keep his money at home and while he was away from home one time his house burned down along with all of his cash his life savings in cash went up in smoke I said I understand your position now it is amazing how when you get the background information about why he was carrying it because you if you just read this as a cursory think why would a person go on a feel and find a treasure because that's what you did if you had valuable stuff you didn't take it to a bank there was no bank to take it to in that time and and and if you did find a bank like in the 19th century it was not insured so you were better off if you took your treasure and hid it yourself you weren't getting any interest off of it but at least you had it at least you had all of your principal money there you had it and so he had it and so he realized I'm not gonna leave this at home because my house could burn out and I can lose everything I've got so he had his whole life savings on this person because I guess he said I trust me I trust me and I got this and he's you want to take my life to take this and so he had his whole life savings because it was his treasure and he was doing his best to protect what was a treasure in his own life but one of our greatest treasures that we could ever have is the discovery of our destiny in God I want you to notice as I said one of my favorite scriptures Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 through 13 most of the time we only focus on verse 11 but I want you to read verse 12 and 13 as well with me notice but I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future now remember I said that God wants to create a hunger and send you on a search notice he says verse 12 then you will call on me he said I know the plans but he says then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you and you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart Jesus taught these same principles you know that ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find ask and it shall be given to you he hid it but he says I I don't want to just hide this or just make this available to just any old person I want them to have an appetite for it I want only people people that will value this thing I want them to want it I don't want to just give it in discriminately to everybody you just sit back and just passively receive it because you won't value it he says I only want to give this treasure to people who value it and so he says you gonna have to come to me I know the plans guff says I know the plans that I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope in a future God says I know about your future I know about those people I've already got the plans I'm not trying to figure that out God says I already know the plans you don't have to figure this out he doesn't want you to think that you've got to figure it all out he wants you to trust that he's already figured it out but seek Him and said God show me your plan for my life show me why you made me he's the manufacturer he is our Creator he knows the very purpose for which you are created God knows the purpose for which you are created that alone is a treasure to you because out of that church it really comes your fulfillment if you don't recognize your treasure you can bring you know no real joy no fulfillment but this is why you said I know the purpose the plans that I have for you my intentions for your life I know them he says seek me because here's the principle pursuit is the proof of desire pursuit is the proof of desire pursuit is the proof of desire if somebody wants you and they don't ever make any effort to initiate anything if they won't ask for your phone number if they won't send you a text if they won't try to holla at you in some way pursuit is the proof of desire pursuit is the proof of desire if you really want to show that you really want God you you have to show in some way what you're seeking him but you are pursuing him with all of your heart and God's purpose for your life I just want to give you this hint God's purpose for your life will always involve you serving others it will involve you serving others it will involve you serving others not serving yourself God's purpose is never to reveal to you how you can serve yourself it's always about how you can serve others I love something that dr. Bernie Siegel said is that the more you serve others the more fulfilled your life will be the more you serve others the more fulfilled your life will be the more you serve others the more fulfilled your life will be if this thing is just about you you're wasting your time and you're so empty you're so unfulfilled let me just tell you this you know I see three different levels in the lives of human beings I see people that are just doing stuff just doing stuff you know you've heard that think about this the guy that was out laying bricks and they asked him what are you doing he says I'm laying bricks and they asked the next guy on down he says what are you doing he says I'm building a wall I'm building a wall and then he asked the third man what are you doing he says I'm building a cathedral all of them were doing the same job all of these guys were brick Masons the first one said I'm laying bricks the second one said I'm building a wall the third one said I'm constructing a cathedral I am constructing a cathedral only one of them had the big picture can you imagine how mundane your life is if you feel like all I'm doing is laying bricks everything Lynn I'm just time to make the donuts I'm just making donuts no no I'm connecting with people I'm I'm opening a door an opportunity for me to be able to bring inspiration life I want people to see my joy I want them to be able to see my life if you only have a little bit see when you're in the end of the first phase of people these are people who are just in the moment doing the mundane labor just doing the dude just doing the do just doing the do day by day they have no joy they're just getting up going to work putting in two hours just so they can get that check and pay their bills this is a person that's living moment by moment they're living moment by moment they're living moment by moment they're living moment by moment now the next category our people who are have have learned how to do this moment by moment but they've learned to have an enjoyment with it I love to see people that are doing a mundane job but they they got music on they're dancing while they're doing it than you know they just having fun I mean they just get in the groove on they they have made it a party I mean they are celebrating they are into the enjoyment phase of it they're into the enjoyment phase you know I hate trying to trying to work out because you know I'm just working out just because I can you know just so that I won't let my heart down me I'm just doing it just because I'm trying to stay healthy you have to do it until it becomes delight the second phase is delight or enjoyment where you've actually learned to enjoy it now if you realize that you've got to do something you may as well have fun if I'm called to the ministry oh my god I'm gonna have fun I'm going to have fun with it I'm having the time of my life right now I really am I don't want to just sit oh my god I've got to get another message together gee oh god oh god oh let me see well first John live all Jesus I don't want to be in the labor of that moment by moment I want to be into enjoyment enjoyment enjoyment you go from living moment by moment to coming into a place of delight and enjoyment and then you move over not just this is what I love by living long enough to have grey hair because it gives you a perspective of all of these things I know what it's like to do moment by moment and a boring mundane kind of thing that you didn't really feel called to do and I know what it is to be able to do something so long that you learn how to say you know but I got to do this I may as well enjoy myself but then when you reach this highest level it is where you have meaning that what you do has meaning to your life that I am NOT just here serving coffee and doughnuts to people I'm connecting people in community I'm building a network of relationships you have to have meaning to what you do the people who do what they do because of meaning have the greatest joy and fulfillment in their life they have it the greatest joy and fulfillment you see we start off in struggling just trying to survive survival survival another way of saying it's survival then except enjoyment success you enjoy success but the highest level is significance significance where what you do matters to you you do it not for the money you do it because it matters because you're making a difference in the world because it matters because you've discovered the treasure part of that treasure is saying I understand why I'm doing what I'm doing I understand why I'm doing what I'm doing I understand why I'm doing it and it's giving meaning to my life it's giving significance to my life and I want you to see that in first Kings chapter 19 verse 19 through 21 this is the life of Elijah how he was Elijah how he was rather he was suicidal and he asked God to take his life and then he went and he found Elijah but notice this so Elijah went and found Elijah son of shaphat plowing in a field he was plowing a field and there were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elijah was plowing with the 12th team and Elisha went over to him and threw his cloak across his shoulders and then walked away and Elijah left the oxen standing there ran after Elijah and said to him first let me go kiss my father and mother goodbye and then I'll go with you and Elisha replied go on back but think about what I have done to you and so Elijah returned to his oxen and slaughtered them he used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh and he passed around the meat to the townspeople and they all ate and then he went to Elisha as his assistant now I want you to understand this Elijah this wonderful prophet of God in the same chapter he was just suicidal asking God to take his life sitting under a juniper tree he was sitting there asking God take my life god I want to die and my life is over and right after that episode this is where he goes and he finds Elijah he has to find somebody that he can pour himself into to give meaning to his life just to prophesize not enough you you're designed to be able to serve somebody to be able to transfer what God has given to you you have to be able to bless somebody else with that wisdom with that knowledge with what God has given to you and now he finds Elijah and Andy and he just tags and throws his cloak on him and and then he says you know what I want to make sure that you have a hunger for this because he said wait I got to go bury my mom and my dad I got to go to handle the szigetvár to them I got to deal with them and that's why he said you know I mean go ahead and do what you got to do but he said you know you know I touched you III I woke you up to your purpose and it was it was as though he was tagging him and saying I've got something to do with your destiny that your life and your destiny is intertwined with mine and I'm carrying something for you but I'm not going to just give it to you you got to pursue me because pursuit is the proof of desire and he says you got to want this I'm not gonna give it I'm not gonna cast my pearl that's for the Swan this reminds me so much of what Jesus did Jesus would go to people and he just tagged him and then he said follow me follow me but you know he was not like I'm gonna make you do this he's like if you're gonna follow me you gotta follow me because you want to do this because it's going to get hard and it's gonna get tight sometime and if you're not doing this because you have a desire on the inside of you that at the first moment of trouble and discomfort you're gonna want to call it quits he says you gotta be called to this you gotta be willing to bear pain and embarrassment and suffer you got to be able to make yourself uncomfortable this is going to require a discipline of your flesh what you're gonna wonder is this all worth it and the interesting thing about treasure is that you can't take it with you you cannot take the treasure with you Elijah was getting ready to be taken he had to find somebody who would serve with him so that when I'm gone he was saying that what God placed and mean it'll still be able to live on in somebody else because you can't take the treasure with you you can't take the treasure with you when you you can't take houses and deeds to property with you you can't take your jewelry you can't take an automobile you can't take any of your stock with you it's gotta be transferred somewhere you're gonna find somebody to be able to transfer it to that you can trust who has pursued you not that just Falls to them just like ripe cherries off of a tree they have to pursue you they have to pursue you they have to pursue you they need to want it because if they don't have an appetite for it if they don't really desire it they will squander what it is then if you're gonna do that I'll tell people this you ought to give it away while you're alive to people that are hungry for it instead of letting people fight over after you did you make that that decision Elijah said I'm gonna give away what I've got while I'm still here but he said you're gonna have to come you're gonna have to serve me that's there's only through serving in honor that you can be able to inherit certain spiritual blessings and he understood that purpose but he came alive to purpose after he found Elijah he was suicide are prior to then but when he found somebody it was his way of saying that what I've given you this treasure is gonna gonna live you only become the steward of the treasure you never owned it you become a steward of it because you can't take the the treasure with you but Elijah introduced Elijah to a destiny in God and I hope that you realize that you have been tapped by the Spirit to be more and to do more to be more and to do more than just mundane work moment by moment I came to remind you today that destiny is calling you destiny is calling you destiny is calling you and God has hidden opportunities waiting just for you that's a treasure of hidden opportunities waiting just for you and only those that seek those opportunities will find them the opportunities may be there for everybody but only those who are hungry will seek them and pursue them and actually find them I want you to hear the word of the Lord to spiritual Israel in the church today we are spiritual Israel this was natural Israel in Isaiah 45 first two and three he says I will go before you and make the crooked places straight God says I'm gonna I'm gonna bring something you're talking about social justice God says I'm gonna straighten some stuff out I'm gonna make crooked places Street and he says I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron he says I'm gonna let you out of the prison that you're in and I will give you the treasures of Darkness treasures of darkness there's treasure in in dark places you can't even see the treasure but it's in there and hidden riches of secret places riches hidden hidden hidden riches treasures of darkness why is he gonna do that he says that you may know that I the Lord who called you by your name and the God of Israel he says I've got some stuff I've got some treasures of darkness and I've got hidden riches of secret places and you see I want you to realize that there are some things that God will not let you find through instruction he will only let you discover through a journey through an adventure and you've got to be willing to go through trouble to get some of the greatest treasures of life because God will hide what you really want in a field with landmines and you have to follow him and that's why he has to order your steps because wherever there's treasure there's also danger and that's why we have to go trusting and trembling and you're wondering where is this great treasure Jesus told us it's not a secret he told us in Luke chapter 21 verse 17 or 17 21 he says the kingdom of God is within you the kingdom of God is within you the kingdom of God is within you listen listen when it gets too hard out there when it gets too stressed out there when it gets too depressing out there go within when it gets too hot outside go within the kingdom of God is within you those are the words of Jesus the kingdom of God's within you sometimes you got to shout out all of this other stuff and realize there's hidden treasure on the inside of me in spite of all of this dirt on the outside in spite of the limitations in the unattractive nature of the earth and vessel nothing that seems glorious about it but God says I wanted to hide something of great value in something that looked dirty so that people would have to get to know you you are not your hair and your nails you're not your lips and your hips and your fingertips you're so much more you're so much more when people look at you they cannot tell that there is a faithfulness in you they can't see your loyalty you can't look at a person's physique and tell anything about their perseverance you don't know anything about their joy that disposition of being a positive person and unable to encourage you you don't really know but I declare to you that when you get what God has for you God will hide the treasure of everything that you need in the person that God assigns to your life and you have to be discerning to know who is assigned to you as opposed to who is attached to you the person that is assigned to your life will carry within them treasure they may not look like much my god how do you see pertinacity and a person how do you see great skill and determination how do you see encouragement you can't see that from the outside it is hidden treasure and God says that if you will seek me if you walk upright with me he said I will give you the treasures of Darkness than the and the riches of hidden hidden riches of secret places I'm gonna show you where things are of great value and I want you to realize this it's not hidden from you it is hidden for you that you are so much more than what you look like you carry within you hidden treasure the kingdom of God is within how can they keep God out of the school system if you carry sitting in your classroom the kingdom of God in you how can you keep God out of government if he sits on the throne of your heart while you work in government you have to realize this is the assignment that God is using you as a Trojan horse if they had been able to see what was in you maybe they would have blocked you and this is why when God opened some doors when he opens the doors close your mouth when he opens a door close your mouth so that they can see the glorious light you don't have to explain light and you don't have to tell a person I turn the light on the light announces its own presence jesus said you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth and I don't know whether you realize even how valuable salty is but at one point in history people's wage was paid by salt you worked all week and they paid you in salt and that's why you get the expression that so-and-so is not worth their salt because it had value but when you've got salt in a stewar salt on chicken you don't see it but the salt announces its own flavor its presence speaks and its absence will beg for its presence but when it is there you don't have to the salt doesn't have to say here is you know Quinn is there and maybe God just wanted you to be salt and light you don't have to explain light and you don't have to announce that salt is present you just let it do what it do you're a treasure you are a treasure and you can walk into an organization at an entry-level position and they cannot see that there's a CEO on the inside of you they can't see that there's an entrepreneur in you they can't see that there's a there's a district manager on the inside of you they cannot see it unveil it over time take your time walk with them and go for a moment to moment to place of contentment enjoyment delight to stepping over in demeaning that what you've carried that has been cloaked around your shoulder that you got to find some other who's hungry for it and be gave it to give it to others Jesus saw us as a treasure this is why saved or not you're bought with the price you are bought with a price you are not your own Jesus purchase you with his own blood and he tagged you and he says if you really want to what I've got for you you're gonna have to chase me you're gonna have to seek me you come to me come and get relationship with me and I'll open up your destiny I'll show you your purpose because I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future and if you're watching today and if you don't know him it's nothing sophisticated it's really about the sincerity of your heart saying Lord [Music] you put a god-shaped void on the inside of me that only you can feel drugs can't fill it alcohol cannot fill it sex cannot fill it position titles money material things houses land clothes jury cannot fill it there's a god-shaped void in every man in every woman and every boy and every girl and when you said God I realize that I'm born but I need to be born again to your purpose in my life that's treasure in me and I never want you to ask other people who you really are because if you let other people create your world they will always create it too small because they can't see your God potential but God knows how he built you with elasticity to stretch and to grow God knows God knows God knows he desires that you grow and that journey begins with an invitation to pray this simple prayer if you'd never prayed it I want you to just pray this with me very simply dear Lord Jesus I come to you realizing that I need a Savior [Music] I've failed I've missed the mark but I thank you for dying for me purchasing my life with your blood and hiding me with you in God I give you all that I am so that I might receive all that you are I give up the lower life so that I might gain the higher life father fill me with the fullness of who you are through and through and I will praise you forever and tell others of your marvelous works in my life in Jesus name Amen but I pray pray and trust that you have been blessed by God's Word today and that you are a treasure to Jesus such a treasure that he chose without regret to die for you and I'm absolutely convinced that if he had to do it all over again that he would because he knew what he was getting because he had done a full inspection of you before he purchased you and he still said I want you flaws and all you're mine you're my beloved you belong to me and I'm yours as you walk with him he'll take you to great places and show you things that you never saw and I pray that you will ask God lord help me to see myself through your eyes so that you will stop [Music] thinking low thoughts concerning yourself can I give you just a simple definition of what confidence is confidence is simply believing that you're capable of doing amazing things confidence it's simply believing that you are capable of doing amazing things and because we are Christians we know that our confidence our boast is in the Lord that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens or empowers us be confident in him today believe that you can do amazing things it takes confidence in the face of something difficult that yes we can work through this we've got an issue we've got a problem but be confident and this one thing he's already overcome the world and he gives us the power to overcome the world well we looked so forward to having you back in the house of the Lord real soon we're working on our plans right now to be able to reopen and to have you to come and to be back with us those of you that have been keeping aware of things that are going on in our world you even see that Las Vegas and all of these gambling casinos are in deep planning right now to reopen the casinos and I refuse to let people go and sit at slot machines and gamble and then we not be able to meet in the house of the Lord so they considered a smoky slot machine and gamble the people of God can lift their hands and worship and adoration to the king of kings and the Lord of lords I'm so glad that God is bringing us out he's bringing us out and you don't want to miss next week's message this is a prophetic time and I've got a prophetic word as to where we are and what God is walking us through so that you don't go back to normal but that you go forward to purpose forward to your new normal and that everything that God has been working out in you you let him work it out and you let him develop it and what needs to be left back in the past let it stay there else you you make everything that has happened no and void we don't want to go back when God saw a reason to disrupt us we want to say god I thank you for shaking from me things that I had gotten comfortable with but help me God in the midst of all of this to know what I need to take back and what I need to let go forever the youtubes change you are to grow once you grow there are certain garments you never wear again because you have out grown them please don't do desperate to the Holy Spirit by trying to go back and reclaim a life that puts God on the fringes of your life he's trying to rearrange your priorities and I pray that you are very intentional about God's purpose and what he's doing in your life he's loving he's compassionate and God has given us some real think time and I pray that in your desperation to want to get back to a normal world that you don't insult the work of the Holy Spirit and God's new design let him be the architect ask him to search you as every time that you search the word that word is searching you and God can bring you into a good place but we look forward to having you with us here in the house of the Lord real soon until that time we love you and there's really no distance in the spirit you are a tremendous treasure both to me and to God we appreciate all that you do and thank you for your faithfulness in the kingdom of God continue to let your light shine and be the one that can help reveal the treasure hidden in other people make your life a blessing to others in Jesus name god bless you we love you [Music] we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to Like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give Now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 56,956
Rating: 4.9030733 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: jTEwb6peLno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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