The Process Protects Me | Pastor Steve Smothermon

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[Applause] acts 20 verses 17-38 i'm going to read some scripture today you know i've been you know over the years you get comments and i quit listening to them but they said you didn't read enough bible i'm going to give you so much bible today some of you are probably going to write and say dear god what happened but without the bible we're lost and so uh that when the last of the series acts this is the finale and it's the the title of it the process protects me guards me acts 20 verses 17 through 38 the bible says but when we landed at melitas he sent a message this is paul to the elders of the church at ephesus asking them to come and meet him when they arrived he declared you know that from the day i set foot in the province of asia until now i have done the lord's work humbly and with many tears oh by the way you know jp was up here doing ties and offerings and he's a volunteer so please don't go tell him how great he did you say why because then he's going to send me an invoice and say i did so good you got to start paying me so saying nothing is better because then i have to pay him also vicente who was playing the guitar here earlier he was our first valedictorian of legacy academy and um i don't know if he's sitting in here they they kind of come and go is in is is vicente in here oh vicente opposition stand up can you put can you put the camera on him this is vicinte pacheco no not on me can you put it on him can you put it on him oh there you go there you go all right congratulations man i told him when he when he was a valedictorian i said you realize you're the first they'll never be another first valedictorian of legacy academy i'm so proud of our seniors and i'm so proud of our school and i'm proud of vicente vizente i wanted to congratulate you congratulations buddy you did awesome now where was i have done the lord's work humbly and with many tears i have endured the trials that came to me from the plots of the jews i never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear folks there's so much richness in this we can't preachers men and women of god cannot step back and tell you and not tell you the truth i never shrink back from telling you what you needed to hear either publicly or in your homes i've had one message for jews and greeks alike the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to god and of having faith in our lord jesus and now i'm bound by the spirit to go to jerusalem i don't know what awaits me except that the holy spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead but my life is worth nothing to me unless i use it for finishing the work assigned me by the blood by the lord jesus the work of telling others the good news about the wonderful grace of god you know what's interesting when paul says the lord keeps telling me you're going to go to jerusalem and you're going to suffer and be in jail you know what in our culture today if you talk to christians they would never admit that was god saying anything to them like that like you know if you move here you go there it's going to be some issues we would say that's not god we just think god is leading us to to just be happy all the time and can i say it this way god never says he'll make you happy god's not here to make you happy he's here to make you an instrument that he can use wherever you are at to mold you he's the potter we need to be reminded that and we're the clay what people think in our culture is we're the potter and he's the clay so i love paul when he's talking here people say i wish i could listen to paul i don't think i don't think you'd be yeah i think some of us would be getting up and leaving because that's so spiritual you're so spiritual but you'll get up and interrupt everybody somebody can see you and say oh they're mad and i watch you go and i'm pretty cool i don't know and now i'm bound by the spirit he tells us and that jail and suffering lie ahead but my life is worth nothing to me unless i use it for finishing the work assigned me by the lord jesus the work of telling others the good news about the wonderful grace of god and now i know that none of you to whom i have preached the kingdom will ever see me again i declare today that i've been faithful if anyone suffers eternal death it's not my fault folks i could i believe this and i've lived by this no one will ever when i get to heaven no one will ever be able to say oh jesus you didn't teach the truth it's your fault they didn't make eternal life and that should be for all of us for i didn't shrink from declaring all that god wants you to know so guard yourselves and god's people feed and shepherd god's flock his church purchased with his own blood over which the holy spirit has appointed you as leaders i know that false teachers like vicious wolves will come in among you after i leave not sparing the flock even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw following we're seeing that today with hollywood christianity there's so many of them out there that are not following the truth and if you get to know them they're all about themselves they're not about the kingdom they're about their kingdom that's why they don't really teach much watch out remember the three years i was with you my constant watch and care over you night and day in my many tears for you and now i entrust you to god and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself i've never covered it anyone's silver or gold or fine clothes you know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who are with me and i have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard you should remember the words of the lord jesus it is more blessed to give than to receive and when he finished speaking he knelt and prayed with them they all cried as they braced kissed him goodbye they were sad most of all because he said he had said that they would never see him again then they escorted him down to the ship the way we guard ourselves is with the word of truth the word of god but also our habits and or our processes in life everybody has one but it doesn't mean it's good or healthy process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end matthew 24 24 says for false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive impossible even god's chosen ones we're seeing that in our culture today so many of so-called gods elect have been deceived over a virus i don't know if you guys knew this but we got kicked off of youtube for a week and now we have a badge we have a medal we get protested from time to time do you know why because we're doing something you know i was worshipping this thought kept rolling through my mind says beware when everyone speaks well of you i mean that's a scripture right there and god would i think god was encouraging me so steve beware all these people that always want to be spoken well of beware when everybody speaks well of you because you know what that means you're standing for nothing because when you take a stand for righteousness somebody's not going to like you we've been protested several times now and i laugh i wonder how long they'll last it's hot we're cool in here and some of the protesters are so ignorant that when we had charlie kirk you know they came and one guy walked in because we have welcome to our peaceful protest so he parked he saw the signs he walked into our foyer and he says where do i sign up for the protest i said dude they said go go out those doors and go back to where you belong that's your protest out there oh i'm like dude if you can't even be a smart protester then don't you shouldn't be protesting come in here asking where we sign up [Applause] i didn't know you signed up for one like i need to sign up but so many have been deceived see we are all susceptible to be deceived if we don't have a process of knowing and learning the truth deception one of the enemy's greatest tools deception or falsehood is an act or statement which misleads hides the truth or promotes a belief concept or idea that is not true it is often done for personal gain or advantage causing someone to believe something that is not true deception can involve dissimulation propaganda sleight of hand as well as distraction camouflage or concealment we've seen it today in our culture over this virus we've seen so many changes and and they called it science but you never hear that word anymore because people are getting smarter realizing that there was no science to it when liberal universities are coming out saying the lockdown should have never happened the mandate should have never happened when there's more evidence to say we should have just been living our lives the whole time but when you get people in fear what do they do they'll just try to preserve their own lives and and i've asked myself this question i'm asking it rhetorically now how did america ever get so duped into doing the crazy stuff they've been having us do with no evidence no real science just somebody saying this is what you should do now i'll be honest with you i understand this is a virus and this is that it can kill people but so can the flu so can heart disease so can diabetes all these things but i i've wondered how did we get so duped to believing all these things now they're coming out and saying they didn't work anyway there's more studies out now that said that didn't work but you watch they'll take credit for it with no science no no way to substantiate it you say why do you keep harping this because it's destroyed our state it's destroyed people's lives devastated them some of you sit back in your ivory towers because you're getting a paycheck at home and telling everybody else they should just stay home and i'm like really through this whole time we have helped the broken we've helped the lost we've helped the suicidal we've helped feed thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of people we have done this just because you're not in the offices listen to all the calls of suicide domestic violence children neglect and abuse people relapsing into drugs that they or whatever they're you know they're addicted to that they're relapsing because of all this craziness happening see when you say i don't think you should fight why shouldn't we fight for the right for people to be healthy and whole spiritually physically mentally and emotionally and if we don't fight who's going to fight for the broken jesus came to heal the brokenhearted that's what the church does that's who we are how do we stop being who we are because someone said that little scrawny guy fouchy he should be tried for treason here's what i'm trying to tell you paul never held back from proclaiming the truth and we shouldn't either truth is precious it must be protected because only the truth reveals to us what is real who we are who god is and it is the truth that saves us the truth frees us brings life to us and changes our hearts and minds truth is precious because jesus himself is truth so when it comes to what is true we submit ourselves to what god has revealed and he revealed his word the absolute truth to all of us truth cannot be invented by us nor can we determine what is true based on how we feel john 8 32 and you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free the better translation is and you'll know the truth and the truth you know will set you free you don't know any truth until you're acting on it people tell me i know the bible then act on it you know what the bible says but you don't know the bible because the truth i know i will act on and folks this word is no good to anybody unless you're doing it read it all day long you can tell the lord when he comes and you determining where you go to heaven or hell well i read the bible he said i don't give a rip if you read the bible did you do it no then you didn't believe it truth the truth is if you die in your sin without repenting you're going to hell and all these people that are flaunting their sin in front of all of the world in america they're lost that's why the church has to stand up and be that bright light to say listen if you want hope if you want healing if you want salvation come to the cross of the lord jesus christ and receive him as your lord and savior that's the truth well i think doesn't matter what you think unless it's in line with this see too many people are living by what they think instead of what they learn or what the bible says truth is not meant for comfort i love this statement it is meant for liberation how many i heard the truth hurts you know why the truth hurts because it causes you if you believe it to change your mind that's it elvis presley said i've quoted all kinds of people cartoons looney tunes i'm riding in my car i turn on the radio i draw you closer but you say no but when we kiss it's like wire pump no okay okay y'all didn't know i had that in me did you can i give you some truth right now i can't sing a lick how many know who that was when i was trying to mimic anybody okay well okay some of you like i don't know because you don't watch cartoons oh they're they're evil i forgot they're evil elvis presley said truth is like the sun you can shut it out for a time but it ain't going away stupid is seeing and knowing the truth but still believing the lie martin luther king said i still believe that standing up for the truth of god is the greatest thing in the world this is the end purpose of life the end of life is not to be happy the end of life is not to achieve pleasure and avoid pain the end of life is to do the will of god come what may that's what we all got to get in our mind that's the truth we do the will of god we serve god and how do we serve god by serving people because i just want to serve god then serve somebody how else do you serve god well i'll pray and worship him that's something you're obligated to do because you're recognizing who who's the leader we don't serve god by worshiping we serve god by serving others so if you're not serving anymore that's why these people walk around these days with moral superiority because and i've watched this over the whole year that people you know they feel like they're morally superior to the point they can address you like why aren't you wearing this and why aren't you social disney they they go crazy with you know why because they're helping nobody but people like us who are helping people we don't have that same attitude you know why because we realize that's not what it's all about so they have this moral superiority about them like look at me and if they knew what i was thinking when they asked me to look at me they'd be like what see we guard ourselves by knowing the truth don't wait until something comes up to try to figure it out whether it's truth or deception we need to be ready for it and we can be ready first second timothy 4 verses 3-4 for a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching they will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear they will reject the truth and chase after miss one thing you need to know write off is this anyone can be subject to deception no one is immune and when you do something wrong and you know it's wrong that's not deception that's just making a poor or bad choice true deception is much deeper it comes when you get swept away by a wrong idea but you have become convinced that it is truth even though it's wrong that's what the apostle paul is saying to us in timothy think about this folks and i've thought about this a long time just because someone said with no evidence no science no studies all of america and the world abided by it and i asked myself all the time how how did we become so weak minded that we stop thinking because someone said oh there's a virus oh it's deadly it is deadly but there's so many other things that are deadly that we quit talking about people don't die the virus as much as they die of heart disease it's the number one killer in the world but we we don't see that tallied up so there was a movement to destroy the church it's called cultural marxism and you know how they did it by saying for the first time in the history of america closed the church and i said what i did it for a few weeks but we were never really close because we always had people in here and then what happened was we started having so many people show up that people online were listening and then they would find me or call me and say hey are we allowed to come to church and i'd answer it this way we won't turn anybody away and then next thing you know i walk in there's over 300 people in here and it's like and i'm like don't laugh don't laugh out loud laugh quietly like mugsy you can tell my intellect i'm in elmer thud and now mugsy and we bought it hook line and sinker and i asked myself oh god just because someone said didn't prove it to us didn't have to still hasn't and we bought into it i told you when we opened the church back up we would open up sane and safe spiritual we would not let this thing divide the church some people listened and some people didn't and they've allowed it to be divisive making claims that are so false like well you're not keeping people safe for your people first of all you're not my people you're god's people secondly i have no ability to keep you safe i don't have the ability to keep myself safe i mean you drive in new mexico and albuquerque [Applause] you just pray when you get home say thank you god that i'm lucky at least it's crazy out there but thank god he can keep us safe when the governor said all churches can open up 100 i laughed i laughed and i got up and said what i meant governor we've been open up 100 since the beginning we you know you know you or none of your cronies have the right to tell me when we and how we worship god then they outlawed singing no it's true it was a mandate we could have got fined so people calling me a rebel everybody in here was a rebel because we were like singing at the top of our lungs like but we can protect ourselves from deception by having a process that guards our hearts and minds when tough times come if we don't have a process good habits if you would of learning the truth already and growing in the truth acting on the truth when adversity strikes you open yourself up to being deceived go to the book of daniel if you would daniel chapter 6. i have to find it in mine because i didn't write it all out but it's too much daniel chapter 6. i'm going to read some verses here and i think this is interesting this pertains to a lot of what's been happening today with people say you should obey the governor you should do this she's only trying to help [Music] help who i mean it's been proven by our health secretary that she made it up as she went and we bought it breadlines which is the most egregious thing to me i've ever seen in my life so daniel chapter 6 negates what a lot of people think romans 13 teaches the iris the mede decided to divide the kingdom into 120 provinces and he appointed a high officer to rule over each province the king also chose daniel and two others as administrators to supervise the high officers and protect the kingdom kingdom's interests daniel soon proved himself more capable than all the other administrators and high officers because of daniel's great ability the king made plans to place him over the entire empire then the other administrators and high officers began searching for some fault in the way daniel was handling government affairs but they couldn't find anything to criticize or condemn he was faithful always responsible we should take that and say we are faithful i'm faithful and always responsible and completely trustworthy so they concluded our only chance of finding grounds for accusing daniel will be in connection with the rules of his religion why because he had a process daniel did and they knew it so the administrators and high officers went to the king and said long live king deiris and we are all in agreement we administrators officials high officers advisers and governors that the king should make a law that will be strictly enforced give orders that for the next 30 days any person who prays to anyone divine or human do you remember the the governor said no singing no chanting in church you know that they didn't want to just say praying so they used chanting how many people go to church and chant i should have bought a honda about a honda should have bought a honda should have bought a honda i mean we got to think through this it's like what that's why i've challenged to debate her any time any place in new mexico anytime anyplace because i know i could talk and she can't i am pushing some of your buttons so hard today i really am and let me read on let's lest i get sidetracked so give orders that for the next 30 days who praise anyone divine and human except to you your majesty will be thrown into the den of lions and now your majesty issue and and sign this law so it cannot be changed an official law of the medes and persians that cannot be revoked so king diaries thought it was a good idea and signed the law but when daniel learned that the law had been signed he went home his process he went home and knelt down as usual everybody say usual in his upstairs room with its windows open toward jerusalem he didn't change a thing he prayed three times a day just as he'd always done giving thanks to his god then the officials went together to daniel's house and found him praying and asking for god's help so all these millimouth christians and millimouth preachers that are in town i can give you some if you want you can go to them they said we should just submit to what they're saying and they and they wore it as like a badge of honor but here and they said we should just all submit they even criticized us publicly and yet they don't know their bible they said you're violating law first of all it was a mandate it wasn't a lot it was never adjudicated or went through the judicial process and and i'm thinking why do we have to listen shouldn't we listen to god first when jesus says close the doors of the church we'll close the doors when jesus says don't gather itself together then we'll quit gathering ourselves together but daniel he went against it all he defied the order why because it was ungodly and when anybody tells the church to close that's an ungodly order when they tell you can't be the hands and feet of jesus you can't help people you can't love people you can't hear help people get healed you can't feed people that is something none of us have to submit to none of us none of us online in here who's watching the crazy media none of us you notice the media won't print that they watch all the time they won't print the pastor is calling out the governor to debate her they won't say that so they found him praying so they went straight to the king and reminded him about his law did you not sign a law that for the next 30 days any person who prays to anyone divine or human except to you your majesty will be thrown to the den of lions yes the king replied that decision stands it is an official law of the medes and persians that cannot be revoked then they told the king the man daniel one of the captives from judah is ignoring you and your law he still prays to his god three times a day called jealousy hearing this the king was deeply troubled and tried to think of a way to save daniel he spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get out to get a way to get daniel out of this predicament in the evening the men went together to the king and said your majesty you know that according to the law of the medes and persians no law that the king signs can be changed so at last the king gave orders for daniel to be arrested and thrown into the den of lines the king said to him may your god whom you serve so faithfully rescue you you know we're too many christians are always questioning god's faithfulness but we never really question our faithfulness to him we want to question and blame him god if you love me you did this god if you love me you do this god if you really cared you would have never let this happen to me we're always questioning his faithfulness but we never question ours that's another message for another day you sir so faithfully rescue you a stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den the king sealed the stone with his own royal seal and seals of his nobles so that no one could rescue daniel then the king returned to his palace and spent the night fasting he refused his usual entertainment couldn't sleep at all that night very early the next morning the king got up and hurried out to the lion's den when he got there he called out an anguish daniel servant of the living god was your god whom you served so faithfully able to rescue you from the lions daniel responded long live the king my god sent his angels to shut the lion's mouth so they would not hurt me so for i have been found innocent in his sight and i have not wronged you your majesty the king was overjoyed in order to daniel be lifted from the den not a scratch was found on him for he had trusted in his god then the king gave orders to arrest the men who had maliciously accused daniel he had them thrown in the lines then along with their wives and children the lions leaped on them and tore them apart before they even hit the floor of the den david was a unique character he went against all their protocols he wouldn't eat the food that they ate with intense political pressure upon him he said no he knew that he could be thrown in the lion's den and killed but he continued to pray we knew we could have been arrested or fined which we were which we're never going to pay by the way and we knew that but we still served our god we still put him first we still opened the doors and told anybody come as you want no no issues no no signing up and notice he didn't start praying all of a sudden that's what happens to people we get in the fire getting adversity like oh now i'm going to pray it hasn't been your process it's not going to keep you through there's a statement so he didn't start praying all of a sudden to be defiant he just kept doing what he always knew to do and his process so when this came along he kept doing the process even when it meant he faced death are you hearing me you got to have a process in life you have to have a develop habits that keep you going through no matter what you face you don't start praying when you're in the fire you've been praying the whole time when you're getting a fire it'll just help you go through the fire that's what he did that's what we need to do we need a process for success instead of one for failure people come to god when they're in their crisis moments as soon as the crisis over they leave and they wonder why their life never changes because we gotta have a consistent way we serve god and we do things so no matter what happens to me today whether it's good or bad i always have my process i always pray believe god thank him god you'll see me through i've said this many many times and i believe it true believers that are faithful and trustworthy to god are like cats no matter how you throw us we always land on our feet but if you don't have a process you might not land on your feet you might land on your back or your belly face first then it hurts more and then what do we do we blame god folks can i say this to you online or in here don't ever blame god for anything it's so funny we won't worship him for the good things but we'll blame him for the bad things and i think sometimes god leads us into tough situations i don't know why i'm around this person maybe god needs you around that person maybe that person you need to be around maybe we need to learn how to work with people that are different than you and have different personalities without being so stinking judgmental to them and not my time we can't judge things i'm talking about you just you just you just never try to work to get along with them you just always avoid them like oh they're terrible people yeah they might be but maybe you influence in their life can make them a better person see we blame god don't ever blame god make it part of your process no matter what you face you never blame god you you never come into contempt with the god who created the heavens and the earth and blame him for your stinking life and then you won't even worship him but you'll blame him don't blame him yeah but you don't know what i've gone through it doesn't matter what you've gone through you don't believe god for it you ought to thank him for helping you get through it help heal you help strengthen you and give you more courage and strength so because of his process when they came along he kept doing the process even when him in his death whatever we do consistently we can fall back on whatever you've been trained and you train yourself you can fall back on see we often aren't reading our word the bible with the thought to do it i'm not talking about just reading it as a book reading it with a thought how can i put this in my life today we don't pray we're not getting in church with the thought of preparing for the battles or adversity we're not prepared for the grind of life and if you've lived any kind of life you know there's good moments and bad moments if you've been married any length of time you know there's highlights and there's mountaintops and there's valleys and if you can work through the valleys you can have more mountaintops that's the way it is in life we need to develop a process not a starting place when tragedy or adversity comes or when we feel we're being overwhelmed how can we quote the scripture at the enemy or at circumstances if we don't know it how can the holy spirit bring things to your remembrance when there's not anything in there to remember that's why you got to be in church that's why you got to read the word so i'm sitting there worshiping god and he brings that to my remembrance because i'm thinking god this is like this is crazy and the thought that he gave me i'm telling you it's a thought woe to them when everybody speaks well of you steve whoa do you and so i thought to myself i don't need woad because there's a lot of people not thinking well of me at all so we should wear that as an as a badge as a as an award as a medal and say i must be doing something because if you're not doing anything for god there's no criticism it's when you stand for christ that you're going to get criticized and we've got to have a process to handle that so we must all develop a spiritual growth process listening to every single listen this just because a speaker is dynamic doesn't mean what they are saying is good or have any quality to it people talk about all these different preachers and i listen i try to listen to some of them just so i can know personally and a lot of times i can't even listen to them i'm like what why would anybody because of hollywood christianity well he's popular she's popular let's listen to them and if you really listen to some of things they say it's crazy and if you listen to a lot of people today that used to be leaders that will no longer be leaders tomorrow they faltered they failed they squandered an opportunity to truly lead listen leadership is not leadership when it's easy leadership is leadership when it's difficult how did you lead and the church as a whole led from behind and i i i i criticize it because we were never called to lead from behind i said this earlier i was probably born in the wrong era i should have probably been born in the revolutionary war because if whether you know it or not in the revolutionary war a lot of battles were fought right in front of churches and it was the preachers who led the revolution against the king of england against the tyranny against socialism and and and this communism where the government ruled everything and those preachers would tear off their robes so there's a time to fight and a time for peace this is a time to fight and they marched outside those doors with the men that would go with them and they fought against the english tyranny and they won and that's why we have america today so don't come up to me and say you're a preacher you shouldn't do that how do you know unless you've been one and if you want a milli mouth preacher that's not here i can send you down the street they don't say anything they don't stand for anything and the one thing legacy church has done guys i want to i'm so proud of you because we didn't just fight for our own rights we were fighting for every business to stay open for the economy to stay open and for truth to be revealed and now truth is being revealed and we're realizing that everything this government did was wrong everything broken families today families aren't even together because of this now they're talking about how can we heal them you can't heal them you've separated them you made them fearful and why she was telling everybody to stay at home in thanksgiving don't be the family she was having wagyu beef and alcohol parties in the governor's mansion 25 an ounce you paid for so if you voted for it good for you i didn't partying drinking why she's telling all of you stay at home don't get with your family because it's dangerous it was so dangerous why they keep doing it but we need to be planted go back and read jeremiah 17 7-10 it's those that are planted that flourish in the things of god so what is the process i'll go through quickly that helps you guard your heart and minds from being deceived number one you got to have a schedule you've got to schedule a time to read the word with the thought of putting it into practice not just reading it just to know hey i'm going to apply this to my life how can i do schedule a time to pray make church attendance a priority over everything else serve god how do you serve god by serving others the bible says acknowledge god in all your ways and he'll lead and direct your past and crown your efforts with success i have a process every morning i wake up i say to the lord lord i acknowledge you i tell them father i love you jesus i love you holy spirit i love you i acknowledge you in my life today and i thank you for leaning and directing my steps and crowning my efforts with success practice the word consistently through the good the bad the tough and easy begin meditating that god's word has the final say in my life make it a process to meditate to think about god's word has the final say it settles all issues no matter what my desires are god's word settles the issue and in your mind in your life when you get in tough times or things go wrong or you're living the grind of life you'll come up to a place and you'll have a desire and then you'll say uh uh the word of god settles all my issues and the word of god says this so i won't do that this is a process and it can help protect you and me us from ever being deceived that's the reality of what paul was saying he said i have this process i've taught you the truth if you don't make a heaven it won't be my fault god will never hold me accountable i never shrank back from telling you the truth and folks if i got to be a preacher i want to be a preacher like paul not like anybody else i want to be a preacher that god looks at and says you know what you at least told them the truth i made a lot of things wrong but i told them the truth and you ought to be that friend that person that believer that believes truth is more important than anything else because it's the truth you know that will set you free father in jesus name i thank you for being here i thank you for teaching us i thank you for helping us i thank you for encouraging us i thank you father i know this service went just a little bit longer than it normally does but father there's so much going on this weekend and monday with memorial day and honoring it the bible says give honor to him honors do we wanted to honor our veterans and those that gave it all but most of our father we want to honor you so thank you for teaching us today and helping us changing our hearts and minds to follow you father the word is truth and if we love the truth nothing shall ever offend us that's your word psalms 119 165. so continually teach us the truth god we'll never be offended we may not like it at times but we'll do it because your word settles all issues and we're going to begin to schedule times in our life where we can do a process so that we get into something we're not trying to start something we just continually do what we know to do and it'll help us through it give us strength god and wisdom in jesus name if you're here with every head bowed or online with every head battle you say pastor would you pray with me i walk with god but i've walked away our father if you say father god i i've never really invited you into my life the way i should with the intention to follow you preacher will you pray for me i'm ready to give god permission to my life like i never have before because the truth is without jesus you're lost for eternity the truth is your destiny is hell without jesus you think it's been tough here hell is worse than the worst place ever i don't even wish my greatest enemies to go to hell because to me it scares me i don't want to go there neither should you and the only way that prevents you from going there is to start today by asking jesus to be lord of your life if that's you with every head bowed if you're online i can't see you but god can but in this house with every head bad just for a moment you say preacher including your prayer i want to know who i'm praying for and i want you to have a moment where you say i'm going to jesus i'm going to acknowledge you before these people and you're going to acknowledge me before heaven if that's you in jesus name right what you see here's what i'm asking you quickly you say pray for me would you lift your hand right now is anybody here thank you man god bless you as a look across the church god bless you who else as i look across god bless you thank you as i look at the top thank you sir anybody else i'm gonna look across the top i wanna see your hand i i'm just not looking up there thank you thank you god bless you god bless you anybody else in the top section said preacher pray with me i need to get my life right today i'm ready to submit my will to his will i'm ready to start a new process in my life that says god is first as i look across the bottom section anybody else want to join these say preacher this is my day father in jesus name i thank you for everyone that lifted their hands the ones we see and the ones we can't see there's so many people thousands online watching i pray god that you manifest yourself to them in a tangible way that they would know you and know your ways in jesus name now if you lifted your hands i want you to pray this prayer loud with me i want you to pray light enough for your ears to hear your voice and if you're online i want you to pray it out loud also the bible says we believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths would you pray this with me and if you're right with god prayed in support of those who lifted their hand would you pray father i choose to believe in jesus and i believe he's your son and i believe today he's the only way so with my heart according to your word i believe and now with my mouth i willingly confess jesus be lord of my life thank you for saving me and thank you for forgiving me in jesus name be safe tomorrow guys god bless you
Channel: Legacy Church
Views: 9,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legacy church, pastor steve smothermon, steve smothermon, smothermon steve, legacy church steve smothermon, legacy church (sermon series name), pastor steve smothermon (sermon series name), (sermon series name), legacy church 2020 sermons, steve smothermon 2020 sermons, 2020 sermons, church sermon, church, Christianity, Jesus, God, God the Father, Holy Spirit, Bible, Albuquerque, New Mexico, sermons, best sermons.
Id: lv07E4m2S_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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