The PROBLEM With The Batman Family

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I think the perfect way to describe one of the main issues with the modern bat family in mainstream DC Comics is that it's just way too damn big like why is Harley Quinn here harlene over here thinks she's a team player they don't practically turn into a part-time member sure the family roster has been somewhat larged even back during the pre 52 era of DC Comics but writers just keep adding more and more unnecessary members that end up being neglected or forgotten down the road I mean right now we got so many moof foes in the main family roster not even including bat family adjacent teams like Batman Incorporated but on the other side of things I really prominent issue with the bat family comes from the lack of proper adaptations of the family roster or dynamic in outside media like television movies or games it's like every Creator in the industry has had a collective hate boner for the bat family Mythos and stayed away from it with a 10-ft pole the general knowledge of the bat family members is pretty much limited to the four Robins for those unfamiliar with the source material but even then there's some neglect for characters like Tim Drake who often get the short end of the stick when it comes to adaptations there are a decent amount of characters that have either had a very limited amount or just straight up no significant adaptation across different media my baby girl Cassandra gang gets no love outside Comics the only two depictions that come to mind are the birds of prey film in the DCU and Young Justice the version in the birds of prey film is just an absolute travesty she's the character in name only not resembling the character from the comics in any way shape or form does this version have any martial arts training no was she raised by David Kane or Lady Shiva no does she have any connections to a single bat Family character nope she's just some random little girl who serves as a means to get the plot going I generally do not understand why the r fighers called her Cassandra Kane the Young Justice depiction is actually pretty solid but like many characters in the show her screen time is very short but she does get a cool little Arc in season 4 it's basically her origin as well as putting emphasis on her mother Lady Shiva where they essentially swapped David Kane with Lady Shiva with her being the one who trained Cassandra and wanting her to become the Ultimate Weapon for the League of Assassins stay with me daughter else my Shadows shall hunt down everyone you care about your friend Barbara Gordon will be dead before you return to Gotham orphan stop Sandra you're free now you don't have to be the weapon your mother tried to create in the comics Batman served as a father figure to Cassandra take into account her previous upbringing and how she never grew up with being taught basic human morals it served as a way to give Cassandra the opportunity to grow from her past actions as a killer assassin many bat family members see Bruce's obsession with becoming Batman and they sort of shy away from that but Cassandra fully Embraces that Dedication that is required to wear that symbol going by the codenamed orphan you see her as a member of what is essentially Batman Incorporated in Young Justice season 3 but her and Stephanie Brown Don't Do Anything of substance nor are they given a lot of screen time speaking of Stephanie Brown she gets even less attention than Cassandra in more recent Comics she was a main character in The Batgirl Series where she Barbara Gordon and Cassandra all took up the mental of Batgirl but that series only lasted like 19 issues or so I don't even know what Stephanie's been up to since then you do see the rest of the prominent ban members like Tim Drake Barbara Gordon and Nightwing throughout the course of the show but they're not the center Focus cuz because they're not the main characters I like what they did with Tim in season 2 but he's not given much in season 3 onward I'm pretty sure they planned on doing some stuff with Jason Todd and Damen Wayne in future Seasons as this was teas in season 3 but with the series not getting another season it probably will never come to fruition gray son oh your memory is finally returning what is best for my boy is to be by my side I will never give Daman up you see bits and pieces of some of the lesser known characters in animation like in the dcam muu for example which introduced Luke Fox's batwing and Batwoman alongside Nightwing and Daman but we really never see much of this iteration of the family in the DC AMU continuity as the Batman films in this universe are more focused on the dynamic between Bruce and Damen to make matters even worse they skipped over Jason Todd and Tim Drake entirely not even a mention of either character at any point in these movies it's also a minus 10 points of the grade book for these movies hoing Nightwings character in some way shape or form you're overrated kid a the dcau however I think had a pretty solid foundation for the bat family small and contained allowing for stronger character writing for each member it was cool to see characters like Nightwing grow out of the robin mantle and become his own hero in like Batman the Animated Series this continuity unfortunately suffers the same fate many adaptations do when incorporating Tim Drake as while this isn't a bad character or anything there's really nothing about him that screams Tim Drake kind of just acts like another young Dick Grayson or Jason toddes Robin due to a lack of demonstrating his detective skills and things of that nature and barbar Gordon Batgirl is pretty solid in this universe for the most part there's still that elephant in the room that would give any Batman fan the ick if you mention Bruce Tim's weird fascination with the Barbara and Bruce ship Bruce it's Barbara hey Barb she misses you but spring break will be coming up soon and I'll be back in Gotham for two whole weeks won't that be nice we'll all be happy to see you don't drag me into this I just saw the news and I was wondering if you'd gotten a new partner cuz if you had I'd be really upset cuz I thought you and I were you know he was hurt when I chose to stay behind with Bruce as his partner his girlfriend whoa and what the [ __ ] is you talking the [ __ ] was that I'm I was thinking about it the fact that I've seen some people say there's nothing intern wrong with this pairing is crazy work talking about some they're both adults so what's wrong with it in the comics it's in the comics so why are yall complaining I'm not upset with y'all because I know you're mentally ill which is why one day I'm going to open up a hospital for mentally ill first off there has not been a single time this has been a thing in mainstream DC Comics they only say that in reference to the dcau Batman Beyond tyan comic where Bruce had her pregnant and two you're telling me you don't find it weird for a guy to have an interest in his best friend's daughter SL his own son's often romantic partner weird buddy you're weird I think a really underrated depiction of the bat family is via the Batman cartoon from the early 2000s the only members include Batman Robin and Batgirl but I think the dynamic works really well this version of Batman as a whole I think does a good job in slowly becoming more willing to work with others as this is a younger Batman in his mid to late 20s or so there's an interesting bond between Batgirl and Robin as Barbara is a few years older than dick so she kind of has this almost big sister type energy whenever they interact do you ever get scared what you're scared B let's not redirect the question do I get scared yeah sometimes I guess it's fun to see Dick Grayson as Robin have this very playful energy to his crime fighting and how it bounces off with his Dynamic with Bruce in the field hard or easy your choice looks like I'm not the only one with a lacky who's the lucky now huh sir I swear this Batman show was slow slept on bro it's not even funny I think the gaming side of things have had a massive impact on people's perception of the bad family or just letting people know they at least exist the Arkham games well featuring the family have had problems in the lack of a proper Dynamic amongst the members themselves as many of them don't have too much to do throughout the course of the series active bat family crime Fighters were first seen in the Arkham City DLC as playable characters with distinct challenge Maps featuring the likes of Tim Drake Robin and Nightwing Arkham Knight also features Tim Drake in the main game's narrative but you constantly see Batman put him at a distance for his own mind's sake as he wanted him to focus on the cure for the Joker disease and even went as far as placing him in a Cell after Tim found out Batman was susceptible to becoming the Joker himself they really got my man's built like Eminem with that cut Barbara Gordon is prominent as the girl in the chair in Asylum city at night but she literally gets kidnapped early on in Arkham KN this also the weird creative choice of having Tim and Barbara engage and ultimately married post Arkham Knight I genely don't know why rockity did that Nightwing was done dirty a couple of times with being captured by penguin and being defeated by Harley and poison ivy in the Harley Quinn DLC we never really got to see too much of Jason Tod's Red Hood and what his relationship with the rest of the family would have been like after Bruce fak's death Gotham Knights handle some of the family aspects well but there are some questionable creative decisions like with red Hood's abilities feels more like The Stereotype surrounding each member bleed into the character writing a dialogue and the Four Knights don't interact with each other outside of the cut scenes in the belfree you only see any notable interactions if you're playing Co-op many character movements or arcs for each member are only prominent in side quests instead of actually being Incorporated in the main game there's only one notable cut scene between Nightwing and red hood that isn't in the belfrey but It suffers the same problem by not being in the main game it's just a side quest I bet I could stay up here all night sure you can dick [Music] dick I was an acrobat you know fine you can sit but you have got to shut [Music] [Music] up adding new characters can change the roles of others such as how Daman Wayne's arrival impacted Tim Drake's position as Robin I swear Tim Drake hasn't been given Justice since either before the new 52 or maybe around James Tan's Detective Comics rebirth run Bros detective skills have been praised by the likes of Batman and Raa ghoul and is a pretty skilled hand-to-hand combatant but modern riters have been treating my boy like straight F when it comes to Jason Todd Red Hood a recurring problem I often see is how writers will retread the same story beats over and over again it's this repetitive nature where he has a conflict with Batman and the rest of the family with either his no kill rule or going after the Joker he reconciles with them and adopts a less brutal approach to his crime fighting to where he can work alongside the family then something happens where he butts heads with Batman or some other bat fil member and then for whatever reason wants to kill Joker again rinse and repeat and I'm just really sick of artificial conflicts within the bad family one minute you have a heartfelt Father and Son moment between Batman and Nightwing after the events of dark crisis next thing you know you have some bull crap Gotham War event with there's a short divide that leads to a physical altercation between Batman and the rest of the family in terms of giving light to some of the even lesser known characters I mean does anyone even really care personally I've never really cared for characters like Duke Thomas signal Harper row or Jace Fox who became Batman of New York I don't really understand the point of his character not like the Batman Mythos benefits from yet another Batman he's not even that prominent in current Comics nor do I see him appear in any other major modern Batman stories I lowy forgot he existed for a good while the adaptations of the bat family live action or lack thereof is just absolutely pathetic and a part of a larger problem of bat family depictions the last time there had been a prominent bat family in a liveaction theatrical film was the infamous Batman and Robin from the late 90s I don't really think I need to explain why this was such a stinker the film was so bad every future adaptation wouldn't even touch simple bat filmy lore like incorporating a robin the other live action depictions are seen through a couple of TV shows like Titans for example This Bat family is complete garbage they butchered pretty much every character aside from like maybe bar Gordon Batman's a psychotic murderer Tim Drake acts nothing like his comic counterpart Nightwing just acts like another pseudo Batman brooding character The Writer's tremendously fumbled the Red Hood character in every way imaginable thecw is an absolute disgrace to anything Batman related the only bat related show that was connected to the arol verse was Batwoman this version of Katherine cran is a bunch of dog doooo she just acts like a genderbent Bruce Wayne but worse she has no distinct personality nor is she likable I need you to fix his suit the suit is literal Perfection it will be when it fits a woman you're a female Bruce Wayne awesome hilarious handsome I haven't seen the Gotham kns TV show but I can only imagine that pain and suffering one must have felt as a Batman fan or what any human being with intelligence must have felt watching that show like bro who the hell is Turner the selection of characters in this show is so weird they made a completely original character as Bruce Wayne's adopted son they implemented characters like kby Kelly Harper row and Stephanie Brown who without a doubt probably don't resemble their comic counterparts in the slightest was the budget for the show $20 a college student could 3D print a better looking bat cow than that it's refreshing to see how the new DCU under James gun and Peter saffron are introducing their new Batman with him being an established crime fighter but more importantly this new take will incorporate members of the bat family this is honestly the first step in the right direction if you want to differentiate from the liveaction Batman that have come before as well as Robert Patterson's Batman Brave and the Bold is the story of Batman and his actual son Damian Wayne this is based on Grant Morrison's great comic book run Damen Wayne is my favorite Robin he's a little assassin who Batman tries to get in line and so this is the story of the two of them and the beginning of sort of the bat family in the DCU at first I was kind of confused and shocked as to why they would even start with Damian Wayne as Robin when introducing This Bat family as I was expecting at the latest Tim Drake to be Robin or something along those lines there are some initial concerns that they might go the DC AMU route where they just go from dick straight to Damian and skip over some of the other prominent members of the family to avoid being too bloated on the flip side This Could Be an Effective choice to start with Damen as the audience could be introduced to the bat family through his perspective as he's first brought on to the fold and meets characters like Nightwing Tim Drake Barbara Alfred Etc it would be weird to not include characters like Jason Todd Red Hood into the mix I'd be surprised if they had no interest in incorporating Jason Todd in this universe there are a multitude of ways they can give light to other relevant bat family members in other projects like Nightwing with the Titans solo projects or prequel projects showcasing how batf members have interacted with Batman in the past bat family myth is something that needs to be shown more in the public eye as it's a major part of the Batman's character and that more often than not gets neglected in popular media whether it's a more self-contained roster with only a few members here and there centering around the main Robins or a larger roster with a variety of characters despite some of its problems the bat family has proven to be one of the most beloved and overall best lineup of Heroes surrounding a character's Mythos
Channel: M Enterprises
Views: 103,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Btvx3o2TCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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