The Pride Of St. Louis

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you hey there young man see you minute I sure you wasn't fooling nobody mister we know you as a big league scout all the time big leagues is a horse of a completely different color right now our deal is for you to report to the Houston Club of the Texas lead role of Si and if you make good the national leagues your next stop st. Louis st. Louis Cardinals that's as far as anybody can go I ain't fixin to tell you your business mister but once you sign me up for st. Louis right now cut out all us Houston shenanigan I promise you to take a very careful look at your euston that's all the doggone promise I need I sure would like for you to give my brother Paul a try too I wish I can make you understand mister as much a better a pitcher as I am the Paul that's how much a better pitcher he's than me I'm sure and maybe someone a bucket balls gone let's do we have his bigger right now right care with a call see you in Houston B I sure envy you guys wish I could stay in the same place more than overnight no fun beating the bushes day after day believe me be here for you hi Jim right you know if you follow through a mind faster with that shoulder you get maybe twice as much steamed back of that ball gonna learn me that takes Arkana one time Oh Dean Oh mr. horse you know I've been able to say hello to you all morning but they keep it fellas a dog gone busy around here this guy you're teaching our kid a nice fella all he did was lead the Texas League in pitching last year and him without a fastball what do you know Holly been treating it Oh fine say mr. horse I was wondering this number they gave me 17 now it's gonna keep on being my number after st. Louis sense for me in it cuz if you a doggone shame to mix those folks up there's no rule about that except all that says you have to make good with Houston first well now there's another thing I want to ask you about while it's about your brother Paul I wrote you several times how you people claim to be looking for pitches and don't recognize a mannequin - look I will make mistakes team you just have to forgive us but I just hope you don't wind up with one of America League clubs because if Paul was to get in the World Series and win four games against the st. Louis Cardinals you'd have an awful lot of explaining to do you're forgetting something Paul went in four games against st. Louis with you pitching for st. Louis it reminded close no question of that you're facing that ball pretty good today yes waiting for the pitch of it mm how in the snow don't forget it right oh yeah Kenny I'll see you with Jax at 8:00 right I didn't see the Sun hey how's Mabel she's still with the phone company Rhonda I sure hope Jackson makes off with a card yeah he's good hustler if there was a fastball I want no we never told me about that mirrors before I beg your pardon not like I really see what he looks like when he's working most times that's all he needs with fastball will that be all sir everything to the same address haberdashery and shoes sir missed that one a foot could I have your name mr. Dean Jerome Herman Dean mrs. burgers boardinghouse 38 Mesa Street have you a charge accomplished I won the whole thing charged the Houston baseball club I'm their best pitcher on any day I'm moving up the st. Louis Cardinals I wonder if you'd mind talking to our credit department mr. Dean I don't mind talking little buddy the elevator operator will direct you I'm certain everything will be quite in order sure was quite an order all in shirts socks ties a brand-new suit come in come right in mr. Dean oh you know who I am huh must've them the picture one of them newspapers mr. Vorhees at the men's department called a few minutes ago your request is slightly irregular I'll be irregular in a couple of days don't you worry yeah they made them britches a little long normally we require written authorization since the charge isn't your own but because you're in such a hurry for the merchandise I've put in the call from mr. Monroe the manager of the club for his approval excuse me ma'am ain't you pretty young to be a credit manager it's the custom of this office mr. Dean for the credit manager to ask the questions the customer did but just as once for your information I'm not the credit manager mr. Gallagher the regular credit manager is on his vacation and I'm taking his place until ok so now we know mr. Gallagher's name and you know mine Jerome Herman Dean what's yours Patna that's nice Pat Patricia my parents were sort of hoping for a boy I think they sure got a wrong number hello oh yes mr. Monroe this is the Houston Emporium I have a Jerome Herman Dean in my office and he claims he's a pitcher one claims is a pitcher he's purchased merchandise here in the amount of one hundred and thirty seven dollars and 64 cents and asks her to be charged to the club well thank you very much certainly he wants to talk to you I figured you wouldn't watch a star pitcher running around he look like some freak or scarecrow or something so I you know you're two hours late you know I just had to walk a half a mile and climb two flights of stairs oh okay that cruise or your bank huh I don't mind okay and the money you figure to be around here for a couple of weeks anyway until the hitters start getting back in the groove not getting right over here do you hear me mr. Monroe sure was man no foolin no that seems to take care of your business mr. Dean all okay the charge if it wasn't for that I'd ask you to have lunch with me but I reckon I better beat it back why me and you have supper together tonight because I have another engagement for one reason did you have it before I asked you look lady a fella can't turn around in this town without seeing science and Houston welcomes you anything Houston can do to make you happy and he ain't no such thing as a stranger in Houston you gonna make a sucker out of Houston you are making it very personal look lady I got her I don't know no other person in this whole town I just got me a brand new suit new shirt new tie socks shoes I'm brand new all over you want to know something mr. Dean you gonna have supper with me I was just going to say that it's a good thing you're not an international swim they're just spending a couple of hours in Houston between trains I'm afraid you two walk off to the store are you gonna have supper with me someplace where the Houston ball club has a charge account I'm glad you reminded me I asked mr. Monroe Edie I mean I'll tell him this afternoon seven o'clock I haven't seen you ain't gonna get no chance to meet her I'll be there at 7:00 one minute mr. Dean don't you even want to know the address because it's 2 5 8 acad Street 2 5 8 acad just the Monroes said I should come here said he figured if I was gonna have a couple of drinks I should go someplace where you should be sure about the liquor guess what he don't know don't hurt him not I don't drink not even moonshine I thought in Arkham I quit that when I was seven I don't smoke neither never even started that guess that's cuz it passed a jug around for free but tapering to back and cigarettes pipes you know whether that cost money there's a lot of things I guess I don't do and don't know just cuz I never know there was them things for else is out of my league and I like you take my English I practically never went to school and the folks I growed up with never went to school neither so I never learned nothing from them well like in the way English book reading like that well we're kind of in the same boat because until recently I never did anything but go to school in Biloxi Mississippi I've only been in Houston a few months and you see the people I grew up with all went to school so I was never able to learn anything from them except what did you call it English and book reading and like bad and that's just the other side of the same coin I wished I knowed what you was talking about tell me some more about when you were very young you really want to know you not just I'm not just well like I'm saying when I was six alongside my brother Paul I was planting a field behind a team of mules well when I was going on 10 I could do a man's work he wore nothing for me to pick four to 500 pounds of cotton a day a day Asher and day all you do is get up 5:00 in the morning set the milking he's some sour belly and black-eyed peas and get out of the field it's that simple it's that simple wasn't until a couple years ago me and Paul out a pair of shoes piece of course then was our winter shoes we took them off in the summer to save the leather course that don't really hurt a person none cuz well it's it's warm in Arkansas in the summer warm tell Cohen it's hot while we was just like everybody else around where we was you know what you're doing you got your hand on mine did you think just the weight of my hand on yours would bother you well it don't really bother me none I mean it bothers me terrible that make it better well yes and no I think you better take me home Jerome I I have a big day's work ahead of me tomorrow maybe you say I don't have to see no credit manager here neither mr. ma no he called for I come you might be missing something she might be very cute Oh cuz I asked he's 64 years old ball is a billion balling a store teeth I've had a very pleasant evening same here okay I sure am sorry about tomorrow night tomorrow night I don't quite understand ladies have one of them Chamber of Commerce smokers and the whole team has to go supposed to be there around 6:30 so it wouldn't even work out for me and you'd have supper together first I guess I should have told you earlier but well I was afraid it'd spoil your evening don't you worry none I'll make sure make it the next night now on the ain't gonna be no more Chamber of Commerce's nor Lions or rotaries nor nothing me and us having supper together every night ballplayer ego slave Joe cuz between the time I leave that part and get back the next day well I'm on my own time if I want to spend it with my girl your own aren't you taking it off a lot for granted oh man cuz in any other line of work it's none of the boss's business what a fella doesn't a time he quit still i whistle blows again in the morning it would never occur to you it certainly would not I get paid for pitching not for doing a little Chamber of Commerce smokers and like I told you I don't even smoke good night you good night you you're not getting tired are you I'm gonna follow your tired playing ball find you better call it a day just the same whatever you say mr. Munroe I told you to call me Ed I forgot again didn't I well now you see I got me a friend back in River Creek named in Eid holiday well it may take me a couple of days see first time I ever knowed to it I got a solution for you can you get it all straightened out just call me adding this other fella mr. holiday oh I've known ed holiday all my life I couldn't call him mister where'd you get over the clubhouse and get dressed and get back to your boardinghouse and get a good night's sleep like I told you okay mr. Motta and end up in a wonderful day like that good night iPad he wasn't in so I decided to wait I figured you was problem well I sprang a new one on me today so I beat it over here just as fast as I could I can't pick you up at your house at 7:00 like we arranged we're gonna have to have an early supper cuz I gotta get the bed by 9:00 I promised mr. mono there I forgot again he told me I should call him add your own and a Chamber of Commerce not war no fun at all a lot of guys speaking speeches and smoking cigars telling me how they used to watch Christy Mathewson and Roger Bresnahan it will lie too much rather been with you just a minute Jerome thank you very much about you'd rather have been with me but we might as well get something straight you just said that we arranged for you to pick me up at my house at 7:00 but we didn't arrange you arranged you also arranged we would have supper last night and it was only because the Chamber of Commerce well I have something to say about whom I have supper with and when when I told you nobody never learned me no manners I guess I've been kind of unpolite so I'm asking you right now why I mean you have supper together tonight only it's got to be someplace right around here cuz I got to get back to mrs. burgers and hit the hay early well thank you very much but I have another appointment for supper you haven't well now I'm real disappointed but if you promised some girlfriend you was gonna eat with her well I guess there's nothing I can do about it only you got to be out the ball park tomorrow cuz that's why I got to get the bed early we're playing an exhibition game against of Chicago White Sox and I'm pitching starting pitcher mr. Monroe Edie he talked like he was doing me a favor when he told me about it pitching against the Chicago White Sox well that's pretty important isn't it says he keeps telling me it ain't usually a start nobody in the game against the big-league club what ain't only been up as little a while as I've been but on account I'm in better shape well I murder them White Sox they you and your girlfriend is gonna see wait a minute you eaten sup with a fella tonight going steady with this guy that isn't any of your business is it you are are you ain't I are and I ain't does that answer your question and I've got to go home now if you don't mind well I won't kill with a bus this fellow you known him a long time you can walk me over the bus if you like but we won't discuss this fellow anymore if you don't mind your own okay and I really will be at the game tomorrow and I'm sure I'll be very proud of you win or lose lose you know something fat you got a dog going good sense of you hey where you going well I got friend I got a see you're crazy you're pitching today I'm all warmed up besides you told me yourself quit throwing and relax now only view a minute you're rolling iPad Oh Oh Jane how'd you let me know you was coming fall out of met you I only made up my mind all of a sudden so I got mr. Joplin to figure out the busses for me mrs. Joplin she fixed me up some Chow sure glad to see you Paul I've been watching him White Sox at batting practice geniu somebody fellas it's just Logan's buried damn Oklahoma to me Paul everyone I've only got Chicago on a shirt you're sure looking good Paul except anything can happen in just one ball game Jay like that time Joe Medford from Pine Bluff got his chance with a New York Giants and just the one area made losing the ball in the Sun like anybody couldn't he was through before he even got started you just got to beat them fellas today Jay I'm gonna Paul I don't worry I'm gonna I'll be pulling for you well writes I shouldn't have left my job I gotta be going back on the midnight bus but there wasn't gonna be nothing keeping me from seeing this game I sure wish you could stay Paul there's a girl I met the other day terrible event for Houston Dean and Matthews it sure sounds great for Euston Dean and Matthews come on the Houston buffs are now taking the field this my brother Paul this the girl I was talking to you about hello mr. Bishop mr. Jerome Dean how do you do mr. Paul Dean mr. Bishop are you doing things either Trisha - I knew you I thought maybe it'd be more sociable and Paul wouldn't be so lonely if he was to sit with you won't you sit down thank you hey Dean what's going on here I'm sorry mr. Mont ahead but I just got word my brother Paul was here this here is Paul why don't you get yourself a mitt and go on out the bullpen let Paul show you what he's got he's got a lot of stuff Paul has get out there in pitch oh thanks for bringing me my glove yep pleased to meet you mr. Monroe come on let's get this thing started all your horses pop you strike out quick enough he's amazing your friend Dean if you Tommy Alexander the one that tell me kills a high fastball inside come on pusher throw the ball cuz that's just what I'm throwing you mister high fast and inside just to keep the both of us on stay right stee-rike in a pretty safe lead now I'd say figure nothing and just two more men to get out he's pitching good ain't out of the woods yet right certainly leaned on that one to let it bother you enjoy the water body I've got this dizzy get out of the box show he'll go like an acorn Eve I got color that Joe let's drive this push a tizzy and keep far he's busy that's what he is dizzy yeah you'll be back at the Forum on our wake desi you're up for you just gonna have to show those dizzy dizzy attaboy let's get busy on dizzy right that's when you throw dizzy I'll cut you in half stee-rike come on push it play ball what's the matter mr. manager just a minute ago you was calling me dizzy don't you love me no more play ball as a header up there I'll tell me you quit too just cause it's too awful let's keep calling me dizzy kid apologize to you a that sure is a sorry game I pitched out there today then foolish shouldn't have got that one yet I guess I just wasn't watch you just keep right on not watching say what your mine told me again about that shoulder there's there almost any time constant music or something a game today never needed it you done great Jay nice Paul congratulations mr. Dean I wasn't Dallas the other day and down there they tell me they may prove to be pretty tough when you fellas this here they got some new players make it up your honestly claw enough no mr. Bishop figure to be with the st. Louis Cardinals in just a couple of weeks oh well nice to senior now Phil thank you congratulations again to him thanks Pat I promise Oh Oh glad I met you miss Nash you too mr. Bishop hi J you figured out it make good for sure except for that one pitch you throw a perfect game oh that's the most wonderful girl you'll ever meet if you live forever she is pretty impolitely it's you feel like of course I couldn't tell much about her figure but it seemed to me one thing I wasn't so sure my support if I was staying here I talked to mr. Mara EDI trading some of them fellas I was wondering about that shortstop myself don't go to his ride as good as he should I'm crazy about her Paul I could never been about anything in my whole life he was sitting with her the whole game this fella Bishop what do you think look Jay what are we talking about the gamer this girl do you know what about bishop and and her yes no I'd say Jerome what do you think you're doing you got any idea how hard it is to get the length of a ladder here in Houston one fella started to call the police you stay right where you are you must be crazy I am about you but you know that didn't you you asked me what did I think I was doing here didn't you well I'll tell you I come here to get you - hello hello yeah I wouldn't be no such hurry except that I'm a little worried about that fella bishop you don't love him I know that you do yeah cuz me and Paul talked it over we decided but if you keep on seeing him and not seeing me well and especially if the Cardinals sent for me well that would mean I'd have to live in st. Louis well he'd be right here in Houston well that's mostly what me and Paul talked about all evening I love her I said and I'd like for her to marry me will you you stay right where you are answer a person's question won't you will you marry me tonight tonight no tomorrow morning no my afternoon my afternoon I never made days that far ahead look Pat I aim to be polite and friendly because I love you I'm gonna give me an answer Jerome Herman Dean I was just getting closer to make sure you hear me that if truth don't have to get no closer cuz well probably you wouldn't know but I've been runner-up in the hog-callin contest and Lucas Arkansas the last two years don't you dare raise your voice will you marry me tomorrow tomorrow afternoon we talked to mr. Munroe I mean had being folded over in the clubhouse he said that if he didn't have a full player limit right now why he'd take a chance said he thought he'd get Paul a tryout with st. Joe Missouri we told him what we thought about trying out was st. Joe Missouri it's a st. Louis Cardinals are nothing for the both of us wife I didn't figure Houston was the same as the Cardinal Dizzy huh said all you've got on your mind what a good pitcher Paul is now you know better than that do I well I know what you wanted me to say how much I love you how Carol I love you I do look just that much and just that terrible and you know what I already asked mrs. Berger over at the boardinghouse could I have a double room stead of a single I sure did cuz when Paul says the thing is gonna happen it happens viii is just the most wonderful day ever was Jerome if the wedding chapels on Market Street aren't you going in the wrong direction but I gotta stop by the ballpark a minute it's something that well it's a surprise for you hee hee all right there hi friend how are you what's this all about oh this will take just couple minutes hello dizzy I am a ver good to see you anything you have to pick up we could stop by for it later not what I got in mind what have you got oh yes everything is set the day Lisa sent it on more guys and I made it sound so important that even the wire service is gonna handle it all well you see Pat I was having breakfast Larry here this morning he's press agent for the Houston ball club listen mrs. burgers boardinghouse - well I was just busting with my news how was that happy I must have said something to Larry Tate you read between the lines well I am Larry here had an idea for me and you to get married at home play with the game going on it's never happened before is baseball history and for sure not with a pitcher who just shut out them White Sox with one hit they shouldn't even I got dizzy D why nothing in this whole world could persuade me to start our life together with such a dizzy farce what miss mash look like you have to get yourself a substitute quick doesn't mr. Larry maybe the first baseman can do a striptease dance or you can persuade mr. Monroe to roll peat out around the bases with his nose yeah I'm ashamed of you Larry thinking you could get away with anything as dizzy as asking a girl to starve our married life up why there's things a fella just don't do Larry good luck there thank you friend sure hate to disappoint all them fans telegram mr. Munroe you pitched a great game did I did not it finally come huh hot dog hey wait a minute you have read deposited your check for your in skinny that now I thought sure that was with st. Louis Cardinals I'll let you know as soon as they send for you if they do can you figure them Carla they need me bad you think that have sense enough Center fire I'll hear traffic Connie I'll bet you anything that st. Louis has been Harlan on here to send me along but he keeps it to herself this is no time to be clowning around with caller Chuck in an outfit I'm 83 years in 180 right I already got me most strikeouts for 10 consecutive games and I to pitch me a shutout today if it hadn't been for them three errors that my classy haircut you got there Connolly where'd you get it so there I am full of charm if you ask me figuring you forget I mentioned them three eras cuz I just told him what a classy haircut he got when he hauls off and clouds me one day you be quiet you're supposed to keep this cloth pressed very hard over your eye so Don I go and then I get up to say a few words cuz to my mind when people are gonna do some fighting they first got to make remarks to each other I just figured out a dandy wisecrack warm be quiet no not him he don't do no talking he just lets me have another one I'm down I go yeah you know something Pat me and him never did get the talk and I never got so tired to get knocked down in my whole life old dear sure lost that one fool eh that's cold not holdin up Oh I still got time to feel me a couple of months Paul Herbie you'll be like you're playing first I have fat you told me when you left this morning because stop fighting at four o'clock balance nearly six well I was coming right home but me and Paula Herbie we thought we'd have us little game of catch for Miller - why got a whole creel full crop nice fat ones it was all my fault I brought the ball in bat Jay he specially ordered me not to and you just happened to bring along a couple of gloves I suppose sometimes you get a little cold are sitting in efficient but you can always get warm just throwing a ball around and I thought well I guess I might as well face it I'm married to a Huckleberry Finn all his playmates are huckleberry Finn's - come on huh I'm gonna work tomorrow and a good thing too I think J she's mad oh no she couldn't be mad on me and you never Paul she knows she comes first with us in b-school of course baseball wait a minute all four that's two walks enroll for New York and it looks like that might be all four or Manske of course we can't tell but out in the bullpen warming up is number 17 and that's Jerome Herman Dean the Dizzy Dean we've all been hearing about so maybe this will be the day the st. Louis fans will get their first look at mr. Dean he's certainly a most colorful character to break in a baseball in a long time that's without question but except for that one exhibition game against the White Sox in Houston he's never shown what he can do against major league competition and there have been a lot of morning glories that have come and gone because whoever leaves or Manske he's certainly in a tough spot with the score 3-2 in favor of st. Louis and the Giants and men on first and second and only one out so if it's Dizzy Dean there will be a real chance now to see if he really pitches as well as he talks or if he just that's right they're taking the ball away from our man skin here comes Dean in from the bullpen game number 17 now pitching for st. Louis dizzi is now on the Mon Denis well what do you know he doesn't want any practice bitches he's motioning the batter to get into the batter's box so folks we shall see what we shall see here comes the pitch Olsen swings as a sharp single dissenter right over Weaver's head whether be a big hill appeared and Jones was gone in a second standing up and Olsen who rounded first has returned to the bag so now there are three men on base and only one out mr. Dizzy Dean is going to have to come up with something fast hi hi Dizzy's calling time wants to talk it over with a catcher well it's not regular but I don't know why not belly huh dizzi said for you not to worry mrs. Dean you've all just slept slept thanks Dave well here's the pitch it's a bunt down the third base line Dizzy's over after he picks it up tags the runner and throws the first for a double play the side is retired folks and the giant fred is over right now there's one more thing where were you born and where what'd you say I said upon my story where were you born what thing Holdenville Oklahoma August 22nd 1911 by far the morning how much obliged is he I almost forgot when were you born January 16th 1911 Lucas Arkansas thanks to thee ballplayers talk to spree me as you do dis I'd be a lot happier me and the Brooklyn Eagle thanks I'll be seeing it oh by the way kid where were you born malach C Mississippi October 12 nineteen level walk me up a new car or are seen at Terrapin Anatole there four times toady jump old Caravan it's behind a stunt hold you while I dance to Z oh hello supervisor this here is Dizzy Dean well now you're kidding you mean you really knit we'll never mind look I've been the bat with three operators and it seems to me I ain't been unreasonable no I don't want you to stray no telephone line out there no cotton field I maybe had me an idea like something like that before but I give it up know what I want now is for you to get hold of Ed Halliday he's in charge your River Creek branch uh-huh well that'll be fine I'll be right there awaiting thank you very much what now she says they ain't pay me no mind anyhow they've been trying to get hold of Ed Halliday only his offices are closed for lunch but soon as he gets back ain't it just wonderful path just the most wonderful thing that ever happened say Roy Stockton in the Post Dispatch call me as a me the other night what's a zany zany is a picture that was born in Lucas Arkansas January sixteenth nineteen eleven and in Holdenville Oklahoma August 22nd 1911 and Biloxi Mississippi October 12th 1911 well now then three fellas all wanted exclusive stories and I want to give him a break and that blocked you I just threw that in to make you happy thank you very much hello oh hello head and beat it out that cotton patch where Paul's are working and tell him the good news and let me know what he says right away what oh I forgot to tell you yeah the Cardinals they're sending Paul a contract they want him to start pitching for next spring no no he don't have to ask mr. Morgan to hold his job for him listen to fella the figures to pitch in every World Series every fall for the st. Louis Cardinals from now on well he can forget about choppin cotton hey our city's right here lady you take that one then you won't get bumped with people going up and down you sit right there to get a good view of the pitcher's mound right from here here's some guy hey Paul don't give that mark 311 to nobody he's a friend of mr. Richards right right here the upper grandstand please yes sir say aren't you Dizzy Dean I got to kill Pam somehow to send me out of fire fall coming up thank you there you are sir you two Dean's the guy gets his money's worth before you even get to the grandstand Oh by talking to you is completely off of the record of course but you've just got to call off the strike you're gonna have to pay those fines it's all part of a discipline it just simply have to have her you can't have a ball club just cuz I happen to be sleeping when we get to Elmira and don't wake up on a train gets to Pittsburgh then you kept right on sleepwalking all the way through Pittsburgh to a little fishing hole about 60 miles up the Monongahela I like fishing SOLAS Paul we don't see nothing wrong we find ourselves a day without a regular scheduled game that's a matter for the club to decide this where and when to use you and that time we missed our train in Chicago there was a kids baseball tournament scheduled that day and me and Paul we promised them those promises have to go through the club where is interested in having kids play baseball and love baseball as you are but we've got a pennant to win and how about you Paul you feel away just as always about everything why don't you be good soldiers both of you put your shoulder to the wheel and let it be one for all and all for one everybody pulling together Frankie my shoulders lopsided on one side from that wheel I've done every dog gone thing I could for this club SEP sell hot dogs now there's one thing nobody can say about me Frankie is that I'm boastful and so I got a right to remind you that I'm a sure thing right now to win 30 games just like I said before the season started I already won me more games than anybody in the whole league all the last year and speaking last year I struck me out a hundred and ninety-nine men and in July I set me a world's record striking out 17 of them Chicago Cubs in one game and you can't strike out more than 27 no matter how hard you try nobody's questioning how great a pitcher you are does he or Paul either I'll give you a ring tonight think it over fellas hard I got a notion they've been thinking all along we didn't mean it well now they know I'm with you Jay whatever you decide but do you think we're doing I think I know Paul I'd like to talk to Jerome alone we'll see you in the dining room at 6:30 right whatever you say Pat I sure do admire you Pat the way you kept flying with that Frankie French the way you did I mean nobody knows better on me how you can really let fella have it when you're mad at that aunts are sure if you told him of dizzy cuz coming from you he might have caught on yeah for two days I've listened to you and I haven't said a word because it's something you got to figure out for yourself you see there are things you do or don't do different from other people because you're you and well there are other people that's why it wouldn't make any sense for me to tell you how I'd handle this thing you've got to handle it yourself I just like to make sure that it's the real you I know what I'm doing I'm hoping you don't you just frame me and Paul is gonna lose this strike I'm afraid you'll win it I'm afraid you'll keep on with your notion that that anything that seems to you like a good idea at the moment like a child stealing cookies five minutes before dinner just because he's alone in the kitchen and you just can't always have things the way you want them things happen that well that you have to adjust yourself to and that you haven't the power to change unless you insist on twisting and bending and forcing everything out of its natural shape just so that you can but even then most of the time it doesn't work out well this here is gonna work out last thing in this world our thought you do Pat was to quit on me you okay thanks again hey aren't you Dizzy Dean yeah I'm dead one of the most people don't recognize the Latin uniform I don't think I've missed a home game you fit since you've been with the Cardinal there's quite some fancy do-dads you got in there you see I'll have to make certain adjustments I was lucky enough to be able to afford these gadgets because I am unable to lick getting in and out of the car completely after I will sure must be tough not as tough as pitching to Bill Terry I'll bet I want to get him four or five times a season well I do get in and out of this thing a little oftener than that every day yeah I do nothing this afternoon why don't I Drive around with you we could chew the fat you can help me in a knot you me don't you I'd be delighted thing my father happens to be connected with a brewing company that's why I'm learning the brewing business you work things out that way I ought to be a sharecropper one of my lineup on I ought to be a sharecropper sharecropper I can't tell you how much I admire people to do it the hard way you kiddin you must had a tough run anybody I know not at all I just had to face facts that's all you can't not face thanks Kenny cuz even if you do turn away from they move around with you to turn your back on them to get behind you where you are I know it's none of my business mr. Dean call me did huh it is not a great Cardinal fan well is it really true you're on strike against the club you and your brother there was a piece in the paper last night I guess I didn't want to believe are we on kind of strike me and Paul if you'd like I'd be glad to talk to my father he could probably organize a committee and see that you get the proper backing and support from the fans I do want to go and do that for because I know whatever you're doing you and your brother you you've thought it out it's the right thing you know you've helped me with my exercises don't you huh my therapy on me I took my doctor at the game one day and he said that just the body English I use trying to help you out in every pitch you throw and get along without half an hour of massage every ward we can go now understand what I'm saying oh we call the strike off yeah but what am I gonna tell the reporters j-just what I said that you just can't keep on doing what seems to you to be a good idea at the moment like a kid stealing cookies out of a cookie jar five minutes before someone just because he's alone in the kitchen but you've been saying then you must have heared me wrong as tight as a person got to adjust you can't go twisting and bending and turning things like well not there's situations and you got to face facts and even if you turn away from them facts they'll move right around with you sometimes if you turn your back on those facts all together why they'll slip right around behind you upstair you square in the face if you say so gee I mean we should just tell me in plain words how we stand we're striking her we eat striking I figured it'd go against Pittsburgh tomorrow and you Thursday that's two more games we win and even we pay that $200 fine why will the World Series though we would get us three or four thousand more than we figured on Jay it ain't your idea we give the club back that money now is it oh no you see they gotta face facts too Jerome I'll tell you what Paul why don't you meet us in the dining room about 6:30 yeah the way things happen around here seems like the only thing I'm sure of is I'm eating with you and Pat at 6:30 if I am and so we go into the last inning of the last game of this year's World Series folks but st. Louis ahead 11 and up it's an anticlimax no question of that but it has been a bitterly contested series with the teams even Stephen at three games apiece until today but unless Detroit can come through with a miracle he'll mean that dizzy and Daffy of each one two of the st. Louis for right now this Detroit crowd is pretty quiet and hopeless they seemed to sense that with Dizzy Dean at the top of his form there's very little chance for that miracle been a great series his Brenner boy that did what makes you say boring Jackie just an expression you you're right ah Dizzy's called for time the catcher is going out to meet it I still don't understand what they say to each other the picture in the catcher some kind of strategy sometimes they're afraid the other team is stealing their signals so you know that double-barrel shotgun you said your uncle one yourself I was wondering you could get him to ship it to me and Lucas are so I could let him know 24 hours do I like it or don't I was afraid you might get dressed and beat out a locker room after the game before I get a chance to talk to you sure this looks like they talked it over and decided to pitch to the guy you know everything don't you Eddie I always download with the DuPont Paul he ain't never acted like this in all the years that I know it that's all he is if there is we really ought to be angry with him Joe because he doesn't have a duck honey with you it's not I can't figure what's so important he's got to do that he'd know about a week ahead of time he's been acting mysterious ever since we got back he can't go fishing he can't play bar thirds ditch I've dropped on this row already this slings patois I mean you go on over to Little Rock tomorrow and look up one of them real doctors I know it's probably nothing except I don't like to see you slip and hurt you so doesn't hurt myself it's just it's just that in st. Louis you slip and got your whole shoulder all black and blue in September the day I shut out the Cubs four to nothing I'm here day before yesterday I come back from fishing find your whole arm in a sling slipping bump your elbow that bad now why don't me and you go on over to Little Rock and see one of them real dime I'm alright I tell you hi Jane where's the shotgun hey you got none but I hate you I've seen that duck drop ha that was me proud of me well I don't know cuz I don't get it I had a teacher started shooting st. Louis but she kind of hurt her shoulder and she got discouraged I guess he wasn't too good at teaching I was determined I wasn't going to be a hunting Widow again this winter and maybe I ain't such a good teacher neither because last week she bumped her elbow pretty hard when she went looking for the recoil okay Pat you win but as soon as we get back up the hotel I'm gonna learn me to crochet Jay here comes a whole flock for Jay back it's only fair we should start even right - away with nobody on and it's two balls and two strikes on Evans let me have a look at it better help him off I'll help the club thinks I'll be spending the day with my arm in one of them diet thermi machines but the doctor says the machine might maybe bring in enough static to interfere with listening on the radio to the all-star game so that's out tell the truth I think I'll take me my radio and drive to that little pool above Martin's landing you know where I mean where the creek hits them rocks from all directions at once and you get a feeling there's probably some truck hanging around don't even know yet fishing is legal in Missouri what kind of fly to you imagine he's using for those trout I am so sure I liked it better when you didn't know nothin to my fishing the club leaving me behind this trip east to give my arm arrest has also give me a good chance to do a little thinking and the way I figure now if my arm don't get better pretty quick I'm gonna get out of baseball and see if I can't buy in on that sawmill back in Russellville so please give my love to Pat and don't you let that American leaguers get even one hit off and you you hear Jay your lovin broke Paul well now who does he think he's fooling get out of baseball fella what can remember being out there pitching his self a game every couple of days he can't forget about baseball there are other things when the time comes buying in on a sawmill in Russellville fella pitch two no-hit game against Brooklyn well Paulie gonna never learn from me I'm on Twitter he wants to pretend he don't mind I'll keep on pretending I don't mind he don't mind it's not the World Series of course but every year this all-star game is becoming more and more of a classic in its own name for two scoreless innings now a crowd here at Griffith stadium has been just as tense and alert thus if it really were a World Series game and no wonder with red Ross Lou Gehrig Joe DiMaggio Joe Cronin and Feld Dickie to name just a few in there for the American League and Paul Waner ducky Medwick Johnny Mize and Gabby Hartnett in the National League lineup say nothing of Dizzy Dean himself pitching now here we are folks with that dog chased off the field ready to play ball again two out Mike's batters coming to the plate for the American leaguers right why sorry dis you hadn't even Auto hit and it was all mine URI dish yeah Mama's caramel you ain't carrying nobody off I'm finished listen but did I'm finishing this error we just had word that Dean's injury is not serious and that he will continue to pitch for the National League all-star he's indestructible right well looks like des is undecided about something well here's something new the Pittsburgh coach is calling time and walking out to talk to des no it's not any of my business tis but I've been through these things before I know what it can mean that time move Marlborough Bank in Boston wait you were hit real hard in Washington on that toe your back pitching too soon I don't figure I have my right now with one bad pitch you can ruin your whole career you can't putting weight on that toe you're upsetting your whole I'm much obliged whoa guess it just ran out of gas right technically is an inflamed deltoid muscle a stretch ninh flame back muscle and super deltoid bursitis aggravated by spreading sinus condition prognosis doubtful all right what does all that mean it means that we don't know whether your arm will respond to treatment or not the chances are that it won't enough to suit your professional purposes what do you recommend dark rest and physiotherapy as you know mr. fish there's a great deal we don't understand when a pitcher's arm goes I get it he just can't pitch no more well I'm gonna pitch and I'm gonna pitch as long as I can put on a uniform you promised you wouldn't get excited I promised I'd listen quiet you people talk a little more sense around here tell me what I could do so I could get butt so I could keep on pitching like I always been but you can't expect me to stand here and take it when you tell me my arm is gone cuz it ain't gone Jerome we'll do everything we can well cut the plate right in half I've seen where it went now tell me what do you think let's throw me back the ball strike that's so hot can't get around facts Chicago Cubs ain't paid st. Louis $185,000 for nothing you'll see I sure hope so Jay you've been reading yourself for maybe st. Louis seen a chance to get out from under Chicago figures you'll be a drawn card for him just long enough to make it worth their while cuz Jay you got all the control you ever had more and some are you smarter about what you throw it seems to me but your fastball anything that needs following through or sheer drama folks I'm not sure but what the second game of the 1938 World Series may not turn out to be one of the greatest games in World Series history or here we are at the top half the fourth inning and Chicago's leading the Yankees 3 to 2 and Dizzy Dean with nothing but a glove and a prayer that's all he's got left except he's Dizzy Dean setting those Yankees down like the Dizzy Dean he used to be crow sorry rough Henrik DiMaggio Gehrig and Dickey you'd have a mighty tough time right now persuading them he's not the old Dizzy Dean right well here we are at the top half the eighth-inning Gordon on first two out Frankie crecelius play just imagine Dizzy Dean the old master has only four more men to put out to win himself a ball game from the New York Yankees here we call back just one year Frankie when we got even allowed file off of me high school right yes attention please number two here's little strange donut is back in the old Texas League well now why don't you come right out and ask me does it bother me none to be back here in the minor leagues for a spell well I'll tell you Freddy not the least little bit couple months that's good hot close of sunshine I'll be going right back the Cubs sighs I figure I might just pitch you fellas right into a pennant I'm here there Marty for warmup pitches all I need relaxed is they gave you a rough time yesterday Dennis come buddy get out there and loosen up never fails you allow yourself plenty of time the trains late not if we then late the train would have been on time hey did I miss teen hijack I try to catch at the hotel but you'd go and checked out say what are your plans I mean I have to get back to st. Louis oh there's no question but you'll do alright any business you decide well it Dizzy Dean grill I can see it all now neon lights a mile high I ain't Oakland or Dizzy Dean grill and they ain't to sign the note business oh look I'm just doing a job if you don't want to tell me or if there's something that you haven't worked out yet that you had a very bad season here you really wouldn't call it a season well you just tell me what you want me to print is and you being the guy that you are out credit the way you say we've got to run that story tomorrow the Tulsa Club said us what about you being given an outright release so everybody gone crazy I have me a couple of tough breaks down here Tulsa lost couple of close games cut gone either way what are the plans well just to some bush-league club feels or the idea of anybody getting in their head the Tulsa Oklahoma's gonna decide who's a great pitcher who ain't a great pitcher yeah well I didn't mean anything did you say you're gonna keep on pitching that's great with me so hi you want to know something Pat it's a dog gone good thing for you that we're going home ever since you've been down here you've been nervous and jumped up and kind of tensing ready to fly off the handle slightest thing yes sooner we get back to st. Louis better ain't no question of that and we should think it over Johnny I thought a little before you brought it up and I knowed what you wanted when you sent for me but thank you very much I ain't gonna be no salesman I'm a ballplayer a pitcher dude I never heard of anybody who worked as hard as you did last year trying to get your arm back in shape you thought maybe if you could get a job pitching regularly down south where the weather was warmer will you were with Tulsa for three months trying to come back I ain't never been away where you mean just cuz all in front offs are sitting back waiting to see what somebody else does about signing me kids you don't believe that yourself I don't go telling me what I believe and don't ever forget I'm still Dizzy Dean come on Pat smile homey will it oh no I don't like a feeling mad at me that's just it you get an idea that all you have to do is decide what you like and go all the way to Detroit to discuss mr. president's offer and then then you decide that you wouldn't like to stay for one day to think it over when I build Preston's been a friend of mine for a lot of years that's why I went to Detroit he could have come to st. Louis just as easier course but what was there to think over head of the public relations department of Bill Preston sporting goods company no thank you don't you understand Pat I just can't spend the rest of my life behind a desk well you can't spend the rest of your life in high school either now I can't figure out at all I never went to no high school you know that you want me to read you off a list of guys that was through only somebody had sense enough to see a warrant so and they went back to work and had some of the best years of their lives why there's so many are hot in a way to begin not pitchers yeah pitchers noting their arms went dead 100 percent dead this it's a fact and you gotta buy it I just want to talk about it no more okay I guess I can stand another beer you want another ginger ale oh I'll have me a little straight whiskey and bring me the bottle I'll pour my own yes sir you've been drinking you know everything you and Pat you tell me even tell me everything else you're not gonna throw that down your throat I'm getting tired of being told what I am gonna do and what I ain't gonna do wasn't that busy Dean if you ever ask him directly make that isn't not wasn't if you know what's good for you I call I got me two pair aces up now dad three tens and you can't win them all but you do figure to win one now and again you gotta be in every pot des ain't smart could be guess you'll have to advance me a stack Louis sorry dizzy I want them out of my credit no gun forget it no way dealers write him in and I got a right to win my money back deal the cards will you Harry I'm a plan here with you fellas lost quite a bit of money last couple of weeks oh I know this ain't a crooked game get outta here I wait a minute you're getting just too big for your britches I don't let nobody brush me off I'm busy being yeah yeah Dizzy Dean you're a husband what are you gonna cry the exam I'd have waited but I wasn't sure what time there's always juice and fresh coffee I can have you a I know I had breakfast at the Turkish bath sure sorry about falling you're waking you so late you didn't wake me but it didn't seem to make much sense coming home in the middle of the night had to find me all-night drugstore to get this year court place it's perfectly all right I might have a cup of coffee at that you all dressed up for something you're mighty stylish too if you ask me Jerome I decided to go away for a while going away where you going I don't know it it really doesn't make any difference you mean you're leaving me that isn't exactly the way I'd phrase it but got a couple of days ago I I went down to the Boston store because I heard there was an opening in the credit manager's office and I didn't take the job well I'm sure glad you didn't cuz you don't need it we ain't got to worry for a long time yes yes we do have to worry right now well I hate pizza bar my gamma pen I'm sorry you know that I learned my lesson last night I find out what kind of fellas having gambling with and I quit I'll learn them who's a has-been you may have learned your lesson about gambling but but I've stopped kidding myself that you have any idea of what that lesson means my pet I got a right to I know what a great tragedy the whole thing is really I do by all rights you should have many more years ahead of you as the greatest pitcher in baseball I am the greatest pitcher in baseball you're a child is a sweet kind generous child but it just isn't possible it it just isn't in the cards for anybody to remain a child all of his life that's why I wanted to go to work and that's why I'm going away because I don't want to be forced to see huh honey such a familiar pattern first you try to drink away your troubles later didn't agree with you you didn't like it then you gambled well you lost your money and and you had a fight so now you're through with gambling Pat honey the last thing I want in the world is make you unhappy everything's gonna be all right I just yesterday afternoon I sent a letter to Cleveland I should be here from the Red Sox any day still hoping some big league ball club will say they've made a mistake aren't you well they haven't you have so I'm leaving just like I said it's up to you when I come back and whether I come back that's something you're gonna have to work out all by yourself maybe is talking to Walsh and I guess he's going to let him stay in the game Haney is now leaving the mound and Burroughs is stepping in to the batter's box and Browns sure is getting a liquor first second well Johnny that's just how it is I'm willing to take any kind of a job any I just got the proof that I put you on a route on the north side right away it won't be easy but excuse me you wanted me to remind you about wearing those people ah thanks Johnny to begin with Realty me with Joe Meredith are you ought to be getting back from lunch anytime mom this announcer of ours annoying you as much as he does me when I think of the dough we pay that guy ain't nobody annoy me when I stalk about baseball course this fella he ain't awful good that's fact I don't Berg who's gonna hit him that double play he wasn't lost get ahead of him rod cast I gotta talk about baseball no more that's all behind me that's over with from now on I'm gonna be the best dog Gong sales of st. Louis ever seen you just give me a couple of weeks I wouldn't be surprised if he decided you mind turning that guy off not at all as a matter of fact I promised my father father feel them well so do I it's possible for somebody to make baseball as exciting and colorful on the radio as it really is oh I was wondering if some Broadway comedian well now you got to be fair they ain't got it too easy these fellas trying to tell you what a game is like on the radio you see there's nine men out there each half of it in it and it even looks different each of them nine guys probably sign like nine different games been on Telegraph that's Dizzy Dean mr. Kendall I know it's to Dean there's one day I remember Stan hack he couldn't get his self a hit and Gabby Hartnett he couldn't do nothing but hit two homers he homered and a triple so hack he says he never seen a team with as much sparked as them pirates that day and Gabby Hartnett he says they ain't got nothing even looked like sparks vampy he probably means spirit mr. Kendal quiet but I'm a pitcher and I know all Atkins in there for the Pirates he's pitching one way to hack and other way to Hartnett he's pitching him loosey-goosey to hack and he don't like him loosey-goosey and a heartless he's getting pitches like he's having dinner at his mother's and she figures he ain't been eatin regular so she's fixing him up everything he likes and making sure he don't get nothing he don't like and them to hacking heart he's arguing about Sparta go back Jeff and tell the sheriff dirty Jim and his gang are headed for the Rio Grande I aim to head him off at the big pass there's a breeze that sprang up in the last few minutes it looks like the left-handed hitters is gonna have it going for speaking left-handed hitters there was only two kinds of hitters ever bothered me when I was in there else I'd still be pitcher and that was left-handed hitters and right-handed hitters they both of them can be mighty troublesome to a pitcher and there they go off with a pitch running like hens elope it looks like a hit and run only Georgia McQueen he only caught part of the ball and it was the wrong part and there it goes Rick it and off the dugout fence for file and the runners are going back to their respectable bases and so it's for quints still up at bat for the brownies Georgio's reminds me in that batter's box like I remind myself for me when I was pitching very confidential at all times last time Georgie got on base he might have scored on Hefner single if he the sludd but he didn't and he was out by a heifer step well what do you know George is slang and slept the breeze dances on now they'll give him something not too good unless they figure that's what he's figuring it but then he might be figuring their figure and that's what he's figure so they start figuring that he's figuring that they're figure and that's what he's figured folks it's a shame but Georgie just struck out so that's the end of the Browns rally and come to think of at the end of the ball game and come to think of at the end of me for today ceptin former summon up well it was a great game with everybody given that everything they had he can't do no more than that and you never should do no less and for them it wasn't listening in earlier I'm gonna make it a point tomorrow repeating my receipt for Ozark rabbit stew as for you ladies well they can't stall to the fine points of baseball as yet technologically speaking just hold your hogs of discontent minute old schoolboy Robi I just win it 16th this afternoon hey Greenberg another two homers that's 39 for this evening you kids right wait right here hit me right Jimmy went down at the Travel viewer and picked up your ticket for st. Louis mrs. Dean I'm sure you'll find it all right thank you very I don't know whether you saw this piece in the Sporting News I was reading it a little while ago and thought you might be interested according to an official spokesman and now for the local news the situation between Dizzy Dean and the powerful heads of the teachers and parents organizations that are opposed to his continuing as a baseball announcer is rapidly coming to a head Dizzy's English they say is having a murderous effect upon the impressionable schoolchildren of this city and petitions calling upon the Kendall company to take him off the air are being widely circulated we feel it our duty to protect the children it's simply preposterous to teach them English and then to allow mr. Dean to undo everything as soon as they leave school and can get to their radios the simple fact is it's become close to impossible at mrs. Martin school as well as mine even to try to teach correct English I really don't know what to say in our opinion we're broadcasting the game is a public service with an occasional reference to our own product to be sure that has been my impression that the public on the whole the public is delighted with the broadcasts I've been doing the best I know how man I'm sure you have mr. Dean and there's nothing personal in our attitudes truly we all seem to be repeating ourselves to very little purpose the nub of the matter is this mr. Kendall miss Johnson and I and the organization's we represent would hate to have to appeal directly to the Federal Communications Commission but if you leave no other alternative aren't you making a much greater issue out of this we'd like to have your decision as soon as possible mr. Kendall so that we could then set our own course of action today gentlemen mr. Kendall mr. Dean there's no session fooling ourselves we're in a tough spot they can make a lot of trouble for us and frankly I have the question or good will to consider pop this already has a greater following than any other baseball broadcaster in America I don't think it's fair no I know and that's just why I don't see any other way out of this diz and to leave it up to you you've got to decide I wished I know what was right to decide I wished be alright if I let you know in a day or two mr. Kendall there's no rush about it and whatever your decision is we'll stand right behind it now coming right up there's you wait having another one of them colors you listen on the radio no Jam on I am I am i corrupting the idiom of the city school children and putting two now thank you all a tireless endeavors of the teachers to inculcate in them a sense of the historic beauty of the English language who said that all subscribers nice post-dispatch Emily yeah I still haven't told is where you are Patman you've got to come back anyhow you've got to call him yourself it's a simple pops on his side and all it would take us Ford is to say he wants to keep on giant to come back now would be the worst thing I could possibly do I simply can't talk to him now unless I want to undo everything you see the only decision that'll be worthwhile at all would be the one that he thinks out and well I'm so obliged for your call Johnny truly I am by and that's how it is Betty so what do you think frankly does he I've been worried since I first read about it I was wondering maybe you could work out some kind of you know compromising your broadcast not be quite so colorful like they say I thought about that I wouldn't know how to go about it I got to do it my way giving it everything I got person can't be yourself in somebody else - well I'm Dizzy Dean and that don't know no other way thanks all the same better right dizzi we'll be right back as always to sum up the highlights of the game for you we've had enough evidence through your letters and telephone calls that this is really one of the high spots of the day for you so I'll make my message very brief this broadcast is coming to you through the facilities of station kwk folks I'm gonna pass my summon up for today if you don't mind as I've made up my mind that this is my last broadcast and I'd like to use the time to clear up a couple of things especially to any of you kids that might be listening in there's been some teachers saying that I've been learning bad English to the kids of st. Louis me I never thought I was doing nothing except telling how a ball game was happening play-by-play now it turns out and I'm setting you kids a bad example in the way I talk well get this straight it ain't smart to talk the way I talk and I wouldn't talk the way I talk if I could talk any other way but I never had no education but you're getting one and so the thing to do is for you to talk educated no question of that cuz education is the best thing in the world I wish that I had more of it well I wish that I had any of it but you see I had to quit school in the third grade and get out chopping cotton for a living that was just the brakes of the game as far as I was concerned believe me I'd like to kept on this job but if it's true I'm hurting you kids but I'm tickled to go cuz I never want to hurt nobody so there you are only there's one thing I'd like to you to remember that is every time you're up at bat give it everything you got and be sure to tag all the bases all the time now this Dizzy Dean signing off for the last time so on that concludes today's broadcast folks and now we return you to our main studios look Dez you Jerome it's for you for you oh you can't quit this we won't let you nobody will let you our switchboards been swamped we've had hundreds of calls and they all say that what's that I meant every word I said Johnny if it's true I'm hurting the kids of st. Louis I don't want that job another minute and this is something you can't decide and your Paul can't decide and nobody can't decide except to me of course any time you're a wonderful guy I'm so proud of you dad I missed you something terrible better well if that's Johnny : back I'm gonna make a real play knowing this time hello mr. Dean this is miss Johnson our entire committee heard your farewell broadcast this afternoon we discussed the issue at great length and after due deliberation we decided to what she wants to say mr. Dean is that we are ashamed of ourselves we'll keep teaching the children English and you keep on learning them baseball okay dizzy okay miss Martin thank you a lot that was a principal from E st. Louis has been after me I want us to keep on broadcast that phone hasn't stopped dreams since I got in the house that fixes that I wonder hi miss Dean hello Rosco we didn't know your back we were wondering you seen Ken dizzy come out and play well I don't know I out with you you
Channel: Kelly Petritz
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Keywords: John, Doucette
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Length: 92min 59sec (5579 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2013
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