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dizzi J Hanna Dean dizzy he was one of the most talented and colorful pictures in Cardinal history and outspoken dizzy was a leader in the famous gas house gang he was never shy he used to say it ain't bragging if you could back it up he also didn't mind talking about how much he was worth no I haven't signed my contract this year yet and don't expect to unless the Cardinals pay me $50,000 I'm worth $4,000 for the balls out on the feet worth tip it to myself for a few years Dizzy was the most dominant pitcher in the game in 1934 Dizzy's brother Paul they called him Daffy was part of the Cardinal pitching staff we win 45 ballgames this year I think we will this you win 35 I'll take care of the rest actually they did better than that dizzi 130 games Paul 119 in the 1934 World Series dizzy was sent in as a pinch runner and got hit in the head with a throw at second base and had to be carried off the field I can't miss the hospital you know just gets raised in my head and look up here on the hospital overnight big headline come over next morning x-ray disease it shows definitely dizzy pitch the Cardinals to and then 11 nothing victory over Detroit to win the 34 World Series sadly Dizzy's career was shortened by a broken toe we stopped casey stengel story long enough at an old-timers game here in st. Louis for DES to tell the story and I think Miller Huggins was running the team here and I believe as well Robinson field or something like that was in the ballpark and I was young kids starting myself and I saw this man get up and I saw him get three or four hits and when he got the three or four hits at the end of the year they said well he's all right but tell you the truth he's playing shortstop I'll tell you what he needs you ought to be farmed out now then in this day nobody knew anybody could farm any better out until the st. Louis Cardinals started to see Lindley farmed everybody in the world so there was nothing on the far but whose boys for the part so he thought them at being farmed out meant to go out and get some big special jig he went down worked on a farm so he was the first fellow they have a farm down with the cartons became the richest city in the world nobody taught him how to hit I started a ball game in the third inning we don't allowed to pitch three innings in those days and the third inning I had two men out and early April came to the plate and he had a line drive back at might hit me on a big toe and broken we got him out on the play but then ten days later I tried to pitch with a splint on my toe in Boston Massachusetts against the Braves and that's when I hurt my arm I was in funny thing Ron I was 13 wins and one loss at the time that happened in 1937 on everyone out of the ballgame the rest of the year you were hard enough to wonder fits I wanted to play ball I believe that everybody won't go out there giving their best I believe they do and I just left the play gay of baseball you know when I signed my baseball contract it was a lot better to go out and pitch for $3,000 a year and 7,500 as the most I got for winning 30 ballgames but it still be taking cotton for 50 cents in Arkansas I'll tell you that right now partner dizzy was honored by Babe Ruth for he's pitching ability the Dean they tell me the chair did for the baguette throw a ball like you I'd like to be as busy as you are thank you for your all-american thank you to pick you on the team thank you after his playing career Dean went into the broadcast booth and entertained fans in st. Louis on Cardinals and Browns games and worked with Buddy Blattner nationally televised games he was often criticized for his folksy language by English teachers he said a lot of folks who waits a an 8 and eaten so teach learn him English and I'll learn him baseball he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1953 and now into the single Sports Hall of Fame
Channel: St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame
Views: 50,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dizzy, Dean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2013
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