The Presidents Save the Universe...

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Marines I want this area locked down not a single hostel gets through our line establish a perimeter ground units have the compound completely surrounded Wing leaders keep the skies clear take care of our troops and they'll take care of the generals no need to remind us Admiral with our flying ace O'Leary here the skies are safer now than they were over 30 years ago well I would hope so given that 9 11 happened in 0-1 oh [ __ ] I uh kind of forgot about that I'd also be a bit more confident in my abilities if I wasn't tripping my balls off right now damn you Rogan Wing leaders keep calms clear and heads focused additional enemy air support could be unroot as we speak 44th get in the compound and support the generals 31st year with me Chang take that tray of shumai and place it on this table over here hurry before it goes cold can't believe I'm [ __ ] doing this whatever happens today it was an honor to serve with you all save that to laughter Joe when we all make it out of here and we will I'll get you that chocolate chip ice cream you've been dying for oh hooray s words are final farewell boys we'll all have a nation to rebuild tomorrow together enough of this we need to get moving Marines with me Bill was last spotted on the roof so that's where we're headed goodness if he's still out there he'll most certainly catch a cold what makes you believe he's still there he wasn't standing out there just for show he was trying to bait us into the aerial units line of fire now he's trying to bait us into a confrontation he'll be there as you well remember he's heavily augmented he has has increased resilience strength and speed try to keep your distance from him look I get that you desperately wanted to get into the compound but we need to get one thing straight and what exactly might that be ordering your men to advance while there was a wave of T600 enforcers firing on us ordering an air strike while we were in The Kill Zone what are you implying I'm saying you're not level-headed you're compromised you're lust for Retribution is clouding your ability to lead before Joe and I go up there we need to know that the orders you issue don't stem from impulsivity if you've knew what they've done if you've seen how many of our people they've butchered you'd know that the only thing that matters is finishing this today I agree but not at the cost of being Reckless we should have gotten our people clear before issuing the airstrike we're lucky to be alive in this war every second counts we Retreat and we'd have lost precious time let me ask you when you needlessly paved the way with the skulls of the men who trusted you is it still a victory he's right Donna you haven't been yourself these past months you've let anger govern your Every Act your wants Resolute and tactical mind has been supplanted with imprudence bill needs to pay but we can't lose ourselves in the process otherwise they've already won we've wasted enough time get moving gosh I'm sorry Donnie but at least you tried your best to get through to them you have to understand it's not entirely his fault he blames himself for all of this in his mind if he had won the election he could have saved us from this world and he's never forgiven himself for it well that hardly seems fair he shouldn't be the one to shoulder that burden none of you are to blame for this nightmarish world it's just how he operates but I'm sure with you being his counterpart president Trump you can empathize it's true if our world suffered a similar fate I might have turned out just like him whenever he looks at any of you it breaks him I can see the pain in his eyes how come because you're a cracked mirror reflecting a different and better world one that in his mind he failed to attain damn it then I better catch up to him he's gonna need my help in ending this our help Donnie we're in this together thanks Joe I wouldn't have it any other way now come on let's get a move on bidenator on the Move getting to that way gate is of the utmost importance if the other teams fail in any capacity the way gate can still be activated meaning Sovereign will still manage to gain entry to our reality we won't let it come to that I really appreciate you being here Barack it may not be the reality we were born in but we're still prepared to give our lives to safeguard it if it comes to that let's pray it doesn't dang mind if I say something I swear if this is anything Panda Express related no it's not I just wanted to say it's an honor to stand beside my counterpart on this momentous day if we pull through this God this is quite embarrassing to ask what is it uh I was wondering maybe you could teach me how to look as cool and Alpha as you well it's true I do possess the ideal Alpha physique your incredibly wide chest boggles the Mind Chang tell you what if we survive this I'll let you jump to our reality and tag along to one of my chest days oh wow you really mean it yeah then after that I can show you how to style your hair just like mine all the chicks dig it let me tell you one time I made a profile on North Korea's version of Tinder and I got 80 super likes within the hour at first I was a bit suspicious that perhaps my generals were making bot accounts just to make me feel better but they assured me that wasn't the case it is my wish to one day be as cool and handsome as you Chang I can definitely make you cooler but I'm not sure about the handsome part I'm not a miracle worker after all soldiers we need covering fire we're pinned down General Bush hold tight sir we're on our way I thought General Bush was George are you General you need to listen pull your men back right now ah what was that Marines stay frosty Connolly do you copy everything is fine Marines get back now General get back [ __ ] is that Arnold [ __ ] that's Lieutenant Schwarzenegger he went M.I.A on a mission that went awry six months ago what did they do to you my God they turned him into a cyborg the next generation of infiltration units this was exactly how the last one attempted to Ambush US Marines Focus fire on the optical sensors that's the most vulnerable area should we attempt to take him alive negative he's shredding our troops apart we have to prioritize the mission and the safety of the 44th regiment everyone get clear grenade out [ __ ] yeah good [ __ ] Marine USA USA uh Barack don't tell my generals I cheered for U.S troops when we get back to our reality Barack get ready to use your drone on this thing but isn't it oh my God General your orders Marines hold the line as best you can we're prepping the drones it's our only hope you said you knew how to operate these things yeah I do good here's the controller what the hell you guys use a Logitech controller to navigate these things well Beggars can't be choosers in a war where we're The Underdogs this doesn't look too reliable trust him for rock it's fine in North Korea my generals use the same Logitech controller to Pilot our submarines made of carbon fiber all the time what kind of idiot would get into that can you use it or not of course I can what's the game plan we're going to have our Marines throw a smoke grenade we're going to use that cover to hover our drones close enough to fire an EMP at him it won't destroy him but it'll incapacitate him long enough for us to sneak past and collapse the way gate all right I'm ready Captain Wilson toss out a smoke grenade now smoke [Music] [Music] General you did it Lieutenant Schwarzenegger is incapacitated yes but it came with a heavy price Wilson will ensure your sacrifice won't be in vain along with all of the other men we lost today Barack and the rest of you you're with me we need to collapse the way gate now what about Arnold if generals Trump and Biden make it to Bill and defeat him perhaps they can find a way to free the lieutenant from the Clinton's control and if Arnold systems reboot before then that was the only electrical discharge our drones had if he wakes up before we're out of the compound we're finished not if I stay and ensure he doesn't pose a threat if he wakes up I'll cut him down your blade can cut through an infiltration unit yeah it dismantled the last one like butter curious my blade can hardly do damage to a T600 let alone dismantle an infiltration unit then it settled the rest of you with me we have a fight to Finish Chang you stay with your counterpart and provide additional support understood General each other again let it be known [Music] it's my honor as well Chang never before has there been a more loyal and honorable Panda Express manager but like I said no farewells we'll meet you back here when our task is completed Donnie come in I'm here talk to me George we're at the Mainframe we encountered minimal resistance the other George is currently uploading the inverted signal once it's fully processed all hierarchy Terminators should cease their functionalities then this war is almost at an end good work George let me know when the signal is fully uploaded will do over and out so listen I know this is kind of out of the blue but you're telling me where you come from you're a fashion model yeah I mean it was something that just kind of blew out of control I just posted a few pictures of myself on social media and it kind of did all the work for me you know pops always did tell me I was a silver fox well Dad always knew best he sure did well except for this one time where where what I don't know if I should go into detail about it oh no of course I understand we're only just about to possibly all die from some sort of cosmic evil what better time to keep secrets huh I guess you're right there was this one time where this fashion agency reached out to me asking to do a photo shoot I'm listening well Dad urged me to go check it out but when I got there oh my God it was a porn set wasn't it it was Casting Couch gross was there a used condom there was a used condom by the door yes that's just wild I took a selfie with it you took a selfie with it 70 000 likes on Instagram Jesus when this is all over we should go on Instagram live together that would Boggle everyone's Minds I'd love that George hmm an alert just popped up on the top level of the complex it's Donnie and Joe they're about to confront bill sir we're reading one heat signature on the other side of this door it's him Marines prepare for the fight of your lives as for the both of you are you with me we're with you General we came here to topple the regime and that's precisely what we intend to do good now listen I'm not entirely sure if we can overwhelm him with brute force and Firepower alone Jesus is he really that durable he's heavily increased his augments since last you saw him if John Schnatter hadn't uploaded Cortana to our Network and it instead fell into the hands of Bill Victory might not have even been possible in the event that our Firearms prove inadequate against him we need to either detonate an EMP near him or use this armor lock device to short-circuit his augments the problem is he's too fast to have any hope of hitting him with it we need to catch him by surprise well is it close to his birthday we could throw a surprise party for him and hide it in his cake that's how the tater tot crew and I used to trick Mr Bennington in the retirement home to take his meds and that worked oh my most certainly however we didn't know that there was peanut butter mixed in with the cake mix so even though we managed to get Mr Bennington to take his meds he did fall into anaphylactic shock mere seconds after Sheriff Scott and the pet rhino he wrote on rounded up all of the townsfolk for questioning but by then the tater tot gang had been drafted into the Vietnam War and were already overseas okay plan B if we don't get an opening to land any of our devices on to bill you just rant on like that and maybe he'll have a stroke is he usually accompanied by any armed guards trust me Bill doesn't need them he's more than capable of handling himself now let's go oh Fiddlesticks I have a really bad feeling about this you have no idea how long I waited for this day Bill why Donald you flatter me to live in your headspace rent free after all these years is truly High Praise the Day of Reckoning has come for you Bill I can see that you've prepared quite the welcome party for me and here I am all by my lonesome one against over a dozen perhaps even more this hardly seems like a fair fight today's the day you die [Music] need the eight of your counterparts to accomplish that so desperate for assistance are you that you're compelled to enlist their aid you bring them to their demise Donald now that's not very nice bill I was concerned you'd catch a cold standing out here all by your lonesome you delude yourself if you're so dismissive of them then why send an infiltration unit to their reality Lord sovereign's orders I don't seek to question them you're a lap dog Bill and I'm going to Crown you this time just like I promised ah the notorious repugnant loudmouth the same in your reality as he is in ours I see tell me Donald why do you fight for them this Rebellion masquerading as anything else other than what they truly are contemptible rabble don't listen to him we were a global superpower if we have the capability to take the World by force control all facets of every inch of every country seesaw conflict then why be so disinclined one world United under one nation fighting under one Banner it would have been marvelous these people you bleed in the dirt for they take it all for granted only speaking up for themselves when it benefits the most yet turning a blind eye to iniquity and wickedness so long as it suits them goodness he's starting to sound like Hunter raving like a madman whenever he finishes inhaling that strange white powder I do believe he gets it from our gardener Enrique the people claim to have a code and they hide behind their ethics but do you know what happened in the initial days when America failed president Trump he's trying to get into your head he won't they turned on each other violently I'm afraid it's true we had to put down revolts in opposition but they were the ones that made it easy fear spread like wildfire and those people you protect those down below us with their sacred virtues and precious morals they were the ones who precipitated the infighting not all of them bill when you put a gun to their head you left most with little choice and that's exactly my point peace stability neither can truly be achieved so long as the people are left unchecked but blanket the world in security exhibit iron control and who is left to incite these conflicts all wars strangled in their infancy and Global Peace finally made possible this world that you molded doesn't look so peaceful bill how can you expect stability and Order when all Sizzlers are decommissioned you monster I uh is there something wrong with your counterpart you're right Bill what Donald most people are out for themselves and when mishaps arise people tend to trample over each other well well perhaps you're wiser than I gave you credit for Mr President but they have that right strip away their Liberties tighten your fist bleed your people dry of even the most basic of Rights and we might as well be dead Freedom equality these are virtues Worth Dying For and that is the very reason our nation was born or have you forgotten you speak as if you've protected the people what you've really accomplished is in stating nothing more than a global dystopia who LOD yourself as a Visionary when bare bone stripped of all ranks and titles all you are is a barbaric to spoiler you're a fool to think you could ingratiate yourself with me I should have known there would be no Common Ground make your peace Bill you've seen your last sunrise you stand alone then we are in agreement let it be finished today one war to end all wars when the sun sets your bodies will be nothing but Ash and Lord Sovereign will save us all Marines open fire frag out I'm afraid you'll have to be quicker than that overload his Shields once they're down we'll be able to penetrate his armor well if that's the case I suppose I shouldn't be walking Jesus Jesus I can't land a single God on it [ __ ] he's much faster than I anticipated General they're getting shredded out there we have to do something look here the building is filled with Radiant Heating and barriers I can redirect most of the energy in the upper levels to the rooftop and detonate an intense electromagnetic surge but it's going to take time the system needs to be overloaded do it I'll alert Donald Donald you might feel a bit of a sting but it should stun Bill long enough for you to incapacitate it then it's going to take a few seconds you need to stall him everyone put your weapons down you put up a good fight with but contrary to popular belief I don't want you dead I want you to see the order and stability that we'll Usher in once our Lord is Among Us then after you see how wrong you were I'll give you one more chance join us in the New Order or die amidst the old New Order is that the drivel your new master has fed you Donnie we're almost there once Lord Sovereign arrives you'll understand you know I've been through tougher situations before bill you see back when I was a wee lad there was this nuclear Factory that emanated radiation ultimately affecting the local Wildlife one time I was skating across Bachelor Beach without a helmet so I could stare at all the sexy broads oh of course this was risky for you see Patrick the police officer would usually Patrol the area when he spotted me he decided to write me a ticket 90 percent of the way there unbeknownst to him Wilfred the irradiated wasp was flying at Mach 12 behind him with his Stinger primed ready to strike with the Speedy reaction time of a sloth I reached into my backpack grabbed my Slappy hands and Joint his bear spray out from underneath his nylon belt with that in my Arsenal I sprayed the Titanic mutant wasp essentially saving his life what the hell is he saying [Music] Jesus I cannot believe that actually worked nice going Joe what did I do I was just reminiscing with Bill over here nice work George uh was that story he was saying true though I have no idea Shields are down Bill armor system's locked you're just as human as the rest of us now one bullet to the head and you're finished killing me will do you no good Hillary has already ensured sovereign's arrival what are you talking about where is Hillary to usher in the arrival an offering is needed someone of pure unwavering devout loyalty to my Lord must surrender themselves to the portal in order to open it the portal is activated through a sacrifice surrendering through flesh catalyzes the activation of the portal in mere moments Lord Sovereign will be among us and a world without conflict soon achieved what world is it you're referring to you bring Sovereign here and it will kill us all what are you talking about Bill Sovereign is a parasite it feeds on whatever reality it enters influences its denizens to do its bidding leaving the world devoid of all life when it's finished you really expect me to believe this Donnie [Music] then I'm putting a bullet in his head we've wasted enough time hold on George upload the infiltrator's microprocessor into the hierarchies network but why it has archived an audio data of when Sovereign took control of it and spoke to us right yes it does good upload it so Bill can access it we're wasting precious time every second we stand here is another second that Sovereign inches closer to our reality there's still hope for him just do it uploading now no no it couldn't have all been for nothing instruments Stepping Stones the cataclysm which will darken the Stars turning the sky Crimson with blood the harvesting what have I done Hillary what have you done why would you agree to this you truly didn't know of sovereign's intent but Hillary did then he's an even bigger fool than I gave him credit for Donald if ever there is a time for you to believe me it is this moment your team won't be able to detonate the way gate in time in addition to being powered through flesh the waygate needs an immense power source in order to open give me a few seconds in using my neural link I can cut off all power to the way gate it will allow your team the necessary time to collapse it and we should trust you just like that as a gesture of good faith I'll release Lieutenant Schwarzenegger from my control Lieutenant Schwarzenegger you've had him all this time I don't seek forgiveness and I know it's too late for atonement I simply wish to buy you the necessary time to save this world Donald what would you do you're asking me you're the commanding officer you were right about everything it was impulsivity that led me up here to confront Bill and it was through sheer luck that we are still alive as of this moment every fiber of my being is urging me to pull the trigger take revenge while this window of opportunity presents itself but I no longer know if I should so I'm asking you what would you do spare him give him the chance to do what's right it's our only hope of stopping Sovereign from entering this world do what you have to do bill before I change my mind the lieutenant is waking up oh [ __ ] what the Mr Chang Arnold answer me a question if you get this wrong I'll assume you're still under the Clinton's control and I'll cut you down what's your thoughts on Planet Fitness the only thing more abominable than that place is the hierarchy itself oh my God it's actually him I missed you my friend I uh wish I could say the same although I never met you all I can tell is that you are a much more badass looking Chang than ours it but it is true all of this destruction this chaos I wrote I I am so sorry it wasn't your fault Lieutenant the clintons Twisted you into their puppet yes but I was the trigger the blood is still on my hands the blood is on no one's hands but the clintons now come on we have to get wait I'm getting a reading of an anomaly Barack come in we read you loud and clear Donald no sign of Hillary and charges are set but you should see this place it's something Straight Out of Hell only thing that looks just as bad as Alex's basement uh you are on open comms by the way General I'm aware listen you need to vacate the premises and collapse the sovereign's arrival is much closer than we anticipated General what's happening Barack Barack Barack come in over yeah Donald I've rerouted all power but I don't know if I can resist holy Cracker Jack [ __ ] guys we gotta get the hell out of here [Music] me Donald I can't resist him killing unexpected given the history of trying you know nothing about me your plans are foiled your regime toppled shortly your way gate will follow suit you have lost parasite [Music] resist to access this world submit Wing leaders we're picking up multiple electromagnetic anomalies in your airspace what's going on out there negative command we don't see holy mother of God what is that evasive maneuvers we have hostels dropping in from above guys I can't tell am I still tripping or do I actually have one on my Hull this time [ __ ] Veer towards me O'Leary I'll shoot it off boys I can't oh weary O'Leary command this is Red Baron we just lost O'Leary my God command we have a situation we made contact with new enemy hostels they're tearing us apart Captain Rogan hold that line those hostiles get through in the General's lives are foreign actual come in this is 2-1 actual 2-1 actual air support is crippled the perimeter has been breached and Captain Rogan is believed to Evac now what but how all hierarchy units should be decommissioned say again your last Rogan is Kia new enemy contacts are tearing through our aerial and ground units Evac now [Music] become one of us the being with a thousand faces faces [ __ ] you heard command we need to Evac now George do you copy [ __ ] why isn't he responding I don't know but we'll have to figure it out later for now we need to get to the lower levels Donnie the frequency is fully uploaded all hierarchy mechanical assets are now decommissioned what up George get behind me identify yourself do not be alarmed George I am called Sanctus what are you where Sovereign begets chaos I instill order you're the polar opposite of sovereign your world is in great Peril George and so you must heed my words carefully that can't be right hierarchy units are rendered inoperable and the way gate is about to be destroyed collapsing the way gate has indeed bought you precious time but that will not avert the impending Horrors that will soon visit your world how do we know what you're saying isn't a trick that you aren't Sovereign itself to understand Sovereign you must first understand me at the dawn of the cosmos there was order and Scattered amongst the stars on the planets that orbited them was life as the cosmos continued to expand there was stability and security until that expansion crossed the fringes with that of another entity's plane of existence Sovereign yes but at the dawn of life this was not his title he appeared as an Angelic being stalwart Noble and our goals aligned his name was Tyrion and we agreed that the ordering of the cosmos was to be of Paramount importance however we decided this was to be done by stabilizing the Raging and chaotic contents of the universe and not by interfering with Mortal Affairs in time there developed two space-faring species the stellars a race of beings devout to myself and another that were loyal to Tyrion named the forebearers but much like Humanity life has a tendency to gravitate itself towards self-destruction soon infighting had ignited within the forbearer Empire weapons of mass destruction used against themselves rendered the forebearers nearly extinct the conflict drove Tyrion mad soon the remaining forebearers desperate and innovated came to Tyrion begging for his Aid and so their prayers were answered Tyrion had divined what he believed was the solution life was always fated to end in self-destruction and the only way to avert that catastrophe was to preserve them through harvesting reforging their flesh unifying their consciousnesses with his own he would immortalize them within himself before he believed they would have the chance to destroy themselves from that moment on he took on the name of sovereign my God so he isn't just killing the people from these realities he's trapping their consciousnesses within himself in some maddened and twisted sentiment of saving them his once seraphic form warped and twisted with each additional Harvest until it became as you see it now soon Sovereign began harvesting my own people down to the very last individual I was forced to act and we engaged in a cataclysmic battle one that tore planets asunder and bled the Stars I knew that if this eternal conflict continued all that once was would be no more as a last effort to safeguard all of the cosmos I sacrificed myself which resulted in a devastating explosion sealing Sovereign back to its plane of existence inevitably slowing his Harvest while also scattering my Stardust across the Multiverse this shattered my physical form but ensured life would take root and thus Humanity would be born why did you not make your appearance known to us before our conflict has left me significantly weaker than Sovereign Sovereign is whole yet trapped in a different plane forcing it to slowly bleed itself into realities I however can only manifest myself when Sovereign signature is present that is the condition where ripples in space and time reach their Zenith it was you that was your voice we heard on the Queen Mary recording you were trying to reach out to us to Joseph why specifically Joe the Joseph you know is not of Your World what what are you talking about the last person who stood where you stand right now was Joseph there have only ever been two realities that have managed to impede sovereign's efforts one is yours and the other is a reality where Humanity nearly thwarted sovereign's Endeavor to harvest them outright the one who led Humanity in this nearly Victorious reality was Joseph when his world had fallen and he thought it all lost I reached out to him and offered him a Lifeline as recompense he agreed to travel to other realities save as many as he could and thwart Sovereign whenever possible then why is he on our world why has he concealed all this from us he hasn't battle after battle reality after reality the burden became too heavy Joseph Biden was surrounded by death and Horrors you could not begin to Fathom he was at his Breaking Point and so I decided to spare him I wiped him of his memories and sent him to your reality hoping that he could live the rest of his days in peace unfortunately this process was not without fault and it ended up muddling parts of his mind which is why he often ransing coherently oh my God George that explains why our Joes are so different if this is true and this is what became of our Joe then why bring us here because in every [Music] when your world comes Under Siege you take a leading role in defying Sovereign as well and you George are proof of this your exhibited interest in sovereign's Origins your speech to strengthen Joseph's resolve to step foot into this conflict you are the embodiment of Humanity's will of defiance even in the face of the harshest of storms which is why I have come to this conclusion alone you will all fall to Sovereign United however you may stand a chance your efforts to destroy the way gate is proof of this and you have robbed Sovereign of his prize for now what do you mean for now your friends are in grave Danger Sovereign although it cannot enter your world currently without the way gate has a very strong signature permeating your reality due to its strong presence it can now create miniature Rifts from its plane into your world Sovereign will send in The Souls of those it has harvested into your reality my God then send us back now we have to warn our friends your companions are in the midst of fending them off as we speak that is why you mustn't panic and need to listen to me carefully because of those who have laid down their lives your world is spared for now every sacrifice today will buy you the time to eventually face Sovereign George you must persist and continue the fight to preserve your world and you must return back to your world and prepare prepare for what Sovereign gave the regime Insight on how to construct an advanced jump engine now I too will assist Elon Musk in how to alter his jump drive to allow you eventual access to sovereign's domain due to my weakened State and the fact that sovereign's realm is not a standard reality however this will be no ordinary jump and will take time to devise but eventually we will map out the location of sovereign's plane of existence and that is when you all together must jump to sovereign's realm to defeat it how do you expect us to defeat something like that in its own reality Sovereign can only ever be defeated in its own realm and Kim's sword is the key the sword that was molded from the medals of a fallen asteroid Who the hell's Kim it was not forged from the metals of the asteroid his generals have lied to him in an attempt to explain the inexplicable go figure the sword was embedded in the center of the asteroid and it contains my essence when my physical form was dissolved splinters of my being were scattered across the cosmos that sword was sent to your world with a purpose it is the key to ending Sovereign when the time arrives jump to its realm and use the sword to end this conflict now I will send both of you back and open up Rifts to your reality George and Rifts back to your resistance compound be aware I can only do this once so notify your companions immediately once I bring you back to your world understood I'll do my best to ensure our world survival you always have George good luck charges [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh this is a nightmare keep your head on straight Joe we can make it out of here with Rogan gone how are we gonna get out of here these bastards are swarming the place let's just focus on getting through this hallway first [Music] Barack listen to me you need to come back to reality [Music] they all they all turn on them yes I no get out of my head Barack detonated I'm not detonating the charges while you're still here [Music] yes you are right does anyone read George where the [ __ ] have you been the complex is swarming with hostiles we need to find a way out of here now that's putting it lightly I'm staring at what looks like an undead gorilla guys you need to trust me riffs are going to open close to each of your vicinities step through them and you'll be delivered to safety Donald yours will open up by the east stairwell The Rock yours will be right on top of you and Chang's yours will be by the north hallway it looks like this is goodbye for now my friend we won't forget you we'll re-establish contact as soon as we have something of substance we'll get through this somehow I won't let this world die I guess Sanctus was right it's in our nature to Brave even the harshest of storms goodbye George it was an honor the honor was all mine Chang you need to leave without me we aren't leaving you here are you insane you must if you do not they will swarm over all of us Lieutenant we aren't going to fall back without you allow me this one final Act of atonement your lives in exchange for my own it is the only way go I'm sorry there isn't another way to Die to Save one's friends is an honor Jang this is where we part ways listen all the orange chicken [ __ ] aside I'll be honest you were a really cool guy after all wow do you really mean that yeah just not as cool as me well of course let's not State the obvious farewell Chang until we meet again the rift is behind me go while it's clear Donald Donald hold on we'll get you out of here boys it's no good circuits are fried listen you need to leave that's an order Donnie I'm not going to leave you I can't just give us a minute to figure this out we don't have a minute Joe leave now that's an order get your counterpart to safety you were my brother Donald I'm sorry it had to end like this it was a hell of a fight brother look out for George in Barack they'll need you now more than ever always Donny Joe get here don't worry about me I'll take care of this Donald don't we can figure this out George likes to think of himself as the brains of the group but we always knew we could outsmart him we'll come up with something Donald thank you I let Vengeance take hold of me and I nearly lost myself within the fog but then you arrive and help me remember who I was before all of this if you weren't here I would have shot Bill Sovereign would be here and everything would already be lost Donnie Joe I thought I told you to go I'm not leaving without you I see your Joe also fails to listen to direct orders listen my time is up we thought this was the end game but it's just the beginning of something bigger he's just there's no cares Not For What Becomes of you I General move your feet we have to go don't worry about me we did good today go back to your reality and dig deep for the fight against Sovereign has only begun and next time I won't be there so do me two favors boys look out for them our friends George Joe Barack and get the hell out of here Barack it was a good thing we brought those drones [Music] no what have you done sir go through the portal will detonate the charges [Music] goodbye come on then you bastards [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr President you're back what happened we lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Krucial
Views: 136,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai presidents, ai voices, presidents play, presidents playing video games, presidents wii sports, presidents call of duty, presidents play minecraft, president ai voice, presidents cod, krucial, donald trump, us presidents, the presidential adventures, presidents play dnd, presidents go to, us presidents play, president meme, presidents series, ai presidents series, presidents go to an alternate universe, presidents play family feud, gaming presidents, endgame
Id: 90_Vpljjvh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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