The President that Kept Reading a Speech after being Shot

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this episode is brought to you by Dragons City build up your island and grow your dragons into strong powerful beasts there are over 600 dragons to collect of different elemental types flame earth water ice electric metal and wind combined different dragon species to make unique types of dragons such as the old general dragon the gladiator dragon the Viking dragon and the Panzer dragon over time your dragons will generate gold that helps you buy food to make them stronger and stronger I've decided to level up my gladiator dragon with food because I'll need him soon for battle battle against other players in PvP with your most powerful dragons and fight them in leagues or in the arenas as well as this there are weekly events with races puzzles and mazes the game is available now on ios and android play the game now for free and support the simple history channeling by clicking the link in the description Teddy Roosevelt the president that kept reading a speech after being shot 1912 the famous American Theodore Teddy Roosevelt was the biggest hero of the spanish-american war of 1898 won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for mediating an end to the Russell Japanese war and was the inspiration for the teddy bear toy one time he found himself in a bar fight when a cowboy was shooting wildly at the room scaring the customers the cowboy called Roosevelt four-eyes in reference to his famous spectacles and followed Teddy around with his guns Roosevelt hit him in the jaw with his left and right fist then the Cowboys guns went off and he hit his head on the bar knocking him unconscious another time Roosevelt's boat was stolen him and his friends built a boat from scratch in three days to hunt down the thieves they tracked them down along the river while in temperatures as low as zero degrees Fahrenheit when they caught the thieves Roosevelt roughed up and captured the men who brought them back to be arrested it said that to pass the time on the journey back he read poetry to the dangerous bandits Roosevelt was elected vice president of the United States in 1901 but just over six months later he became the 26th president when the current president William McKinley was assassinated after being shot twice by Polish American anarchist Leon shawl gosh at 42 Roosevelt became the youngest president in the nation's history when the u.s. president refused to shoot a bear cub on a 1902 hunting trip a toy maker named a stuffed bear after Roosevelt soon the teddy bear fad swept the American nation Roosevelt was also a mixed martial artist in jujitsu judo and boxing he loved boxing and he continued to do it even when he reached the White House he would often challenge professional boxers to hit him in the jaw as hard as possible and wouldn't hesitate then knocked them back one day Roosevelt challenged Colonel Dan T Meade a military aide at the White House to a boxing match in the White House gym Roosevelt demanded a tough fight in the fight meets punch landed on Roosevelt's left eye damaging blood vessels and making him blind in that eye after this he continued fighting in jujitsu and judo Roosevelt was successfully re-elected for a second term as president in 1904 and served until 1909 he then decided not to try to be reelected for another time as he felt it was time for a younger man to take over but by the time of the next presidential elections in 1912 he had become disillusioned about how his party the Republicans were running the country so we stood as the presidential candidate for a newly formed Progressive Party which was often referred to as the bull moose party it got its nickname because Roosevelt was often described himself as having the strength and vigor of a moose his running for a third term as a president was considered controversial because he intended to break the American tradition of to turn presidencies and while campaigning in Milwaukee in the state of Wisconsin and hope of being elected president once more Roosevelt nearly suffered the same fate as McKinley he was about to give a speech when John Fleming shrank a Bavarian born saloon keeper attempted to kill Roosevelt by shooting him with a revolver the bullet struck Roosevelt in his chest but his life was saved as the bullet was slowed down considerably as it went in first through the heavy overcoat he was wearing then the steel reinforced eyeglass case at his breast pocket and finally the 50 page copy of the speech he was about to give before finally becoming lodged in his chest but the crowd screamed and Halleck Fat Albert Martin Secretary of the President and an ex-football player left from his car and tackled shrank to the ground soon fermer Rough Riders bodyguards and policemen were upon the assassin and began hitting him Roosevelt stumbled but then straighten himself and reassured the audience with a beaming smile he turned to his aide saying he pinked me Harry the crowd demanded blood and for shrank to be killed it was only Roosevelt who seemed to be calm and wanted to prevent this shouting don't hurt him bring him here I want to see him Roosevelt then asked the shooter what did you do it for when there was no answer he said no what's the use turn him over to the police feeling the bullet hole in his chest Roosevelt called three times as an experienced hunter and anatomist he concluded that the lack of blood being coughed up meant that the bullet had not reached his long Roosevelt feeling he was not seriously injured insisted to the doctor that he was going to give his speech the speech lasted for 84 minutes despite the blood that could be clearly seen staining his shirt he started the speech by saying I don't know whether you fully understand that I've just been shot but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose then when his speech was finally over he allowed himself to be taken to the hospital where the doctors decided it would be more dangerous to remove the bullet and instead left it lodged in his chest muscle where it remained for the rest of his life shrunk the would-be assassin was later to claim he was told to kill Roosevelt by the ghost of the former President McKinley who came to him in a dream Roosevelt recovered quickly but was not successful in his bid to be re-elected as president and later devoted much time to being an explorer as well as a successful author he died in his sleep from a blood clot On January 6 1919 at the age of 60 as for shrank his trial he was deemed insane and spent the rest of his life in a mental institution he died of bronchitis in 1943 at the age of 67 big thank you to our sponsor dragged in the city build up your Island grow dragons and battle them against other players the game is available now on ios and android play the game now for free by clicking the link in the description below [Music]
Channel: Simple History
Views: 2,196,461
Rating: 4.9277468 out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, Rough Rider, teddy, roosevelt, president, usa, Manliness, badass, dr eggman, Nobel Prize, Leon Czolgosz, William McKinley, murica, jiu-jitsu, judo, boxing, mixed martial art, mma, White House, Dan T. Meade, Republican, Progressive Party, Bull Moose Party, John Flammang Schrank, San Juan, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, chest, bullet, Elbert Martin, Rough Riders, assassin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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