The precious blood of Jesus- - English Christian Sermon by Pastor Benny Hinn

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just head to get you going a little bit it's it'll it'll do you good wake you up too all right are you ready lift your hands say there's power in the blood of the Lamb come on Power in the Blood of and Lord I Thank You For Your Blood Lord I Thank you for your blood and Lord Jesus come on say Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I believe I believe a mighty anointing a might is coming on my life coming on my life amen now turn with me turn with me if you will please all of you to a very powerful portion of scripture First Peter 1 Peter chapter 1 uh 18:19 and I'm going to have Mr Brock and I'm going to have Ron and I'm going to have James so James com in right here you're going to all help me preach gentlemen to get things moving real rapid though okay you're going to use One mic and someone going to use this mic right here Ron you can use mine and Jim and uh uh Steve Brock Brock yeah I didn't forget your name how can I forget your name Brock that's right the precious blood of Jesus it is precious and the people said now let me talk about what happened one day in the Old Testament and then I'm going to read with you first Peter but first of all the most costly sacrifice in the Old Testament was Solomon's offering at the dedication of the temple the Bible declares in First Kings 8 First Kings 8 chapter 8 of First Kings verse 62- 64 that Solomon offered 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep now think for a second gentlemen 22,000 oxen 120,000 sheep in one offering to God think about how many priests it took to offer those animals to God think about how much blood was shed on that day [Music] think about the price of those animals in the millions of dollars today Solomon surely called that day a day of blood to him it was a costly sacrifice but how costly not as costly as the blood of Jesus all those animals and all that blood poured on the altar that day a very great altar may I [Music] add that had to be built especially for that day Israel has never seen so much animals sacrificed in one day a 100,000 120,000 140,000 and they kept counting and he stopped at 142,000 animals costly very costly but the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 1: 18 and 19 I'm going to have Jim beginning reading to read for us I'm going to have Jim beginning to read here First Peter chapter 1 18 and 19 and then I'm going to have uh Ron house read me Revelation 59 and Mr Bron will read me Revelation 7 9-14 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 18 and 19 Jim please for as much as we know that we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot Precious Blood of Jesus read that again please if you will Jim please for as much as we know that we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers corruptable things as silver and gold but wait read it again for as much as we know that we were not redeemed with corruptable things as silver and gold we stop right here Jim because Peter is making a powerful point when he says you were not we were not corrup uh we were not redeemed when he says we were not redeemed with corruptible things when he said that he was also saying that the blood of Jesus is Incorruptible for silver and gold are corruptable the blood is Incorruptible read that please and finish it as much as we know that we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Jesus of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot with the precious blood of Christ it caus [Music] Solomon a lot to sacrifice those animals ladies and gentlemen it cost a father more to sacrifice his son the blood of Jesus so precious and so rare so costly that the Bible says that the Saints in heaven talk about it and sing about it in Revelation 5:9 the Bible tells us what Ron and they sang a new song saying Thou Art Worthy to take the book and to open open the seals thereof for thou was slain and Hast redeemed us to God by the blood out of every Kindred and tongue and people and Nation they sing about the blood in heaven gentlemen there's a reason why they do which I'll explain later they talk about the blood in heaven Revelation 7: 9-14 says what Mr roock after this I beheld in low a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations kindreds and peoples and tongues stood Before the Throne before the lamb clothed with white robes and Palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our god which sth upon the throne and unto the lamb for all the Angels stood around about the throne and behold and about the elders and the four beast and fell Before the Throne on their faces and worshiped God saying amen blessed and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving and honor and power and and might be unto our God forever and ever amen and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and which came they and I and I said unto him sir thou knowest and he said to me these are they which came out of the Great Tribulation yes and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb Hallelujah they talk about the blood in heaven absolutely they sing about the blood in heaven but the Bible tells us ladies and gentlemen in Acts 20:28 you and I were purchased with the blood of Jesus Amen Jim acts 20:28 take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost ha made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood I want to stop here a minute because I want to deal with something very important that most people would not even touch but I am not afraid to touch it would you read that again take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost ha made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood stop notice ladies and gentlemen Jesus is not mentioned in this verse God is look at your Bibles do you see the name of Jesus in this verse it says [Music] God purchased with his blood now let's stop here and think a minute would you all look at me please this is is very important did the blood of Jesus come from God or Mary very good answer therefore the birth of Christ the Incarnation was a miracle Mary's blood never touched him for had her blood touched him he would have been born in [Music] [Applause] [Music] sin can I be a little blunier than that can I really get raw that Holy thing the angel said turn to Luke chapter 1 come on all of you while I'm talking Luke chapter 1 oh I feel the anointing here when I talk about this I come alive you see ladies and gentlemen in in in Luke 1:35 the Bible says the Bible says I I would like Mr Brock to read this because you're going to preach this brother I want you to preach this in every church that you go to and you pastors preach it and teach it to your people Luke 1:35 says what Mr and the angel answered and said unto her because she just said how can this be the angel said what the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee uhhuh the power of the highest shall overshadow shall overshadow thee and and therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee stop it he called the seed the holy thing right finish the verse that Holy thing shall be called the Son of God the Holy Ghost is so powerful oh this is marvelous can I get into something would you let me hear a [Music] [Applause] second God the Eternal [Applause] one who has no beginning and no end the Holy Ghost the Bible says in Philippians 2 he disrobed himself of his Godly form the word disrobed would be like you taking your suit off God disrobed himself of his Godly form that's the work of the Holy Ghost you see before the world began God the Father God the word because he wasn't called Jesus till he became flesh God the word and God the Holy Ghost had a conference together no Angels were present for Angels were not even created no Saints nobody was there except God father word and spirit there was no Heaven no Earth no Universe No Angels no principality no powers nothing but God and God planned our Redemption and wrote our names in the Lamb's Book of Life before the world began God saw you through the corridors of history and said mine mine mine mine mine he he wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life Before The Devil could ever have the chance to see your name in there and the Bible says in Ephesians 1 and Romans 8 we were predestined [Applause] chosen God chose you before you ever knew him God called your name before you ever called his name and your eternal salvation and Destiny planned when God spoke it it happened and the Bible says Jesus died before the foundation of the of the world meaning when God spoke it it happened and all history did is bring it into [Applause] time and God the Father looked at God the word and said will you do it will you be become the substitute for man's sin you see nothing took God by surprise God was not shocked when when when Satan deceived the woman he knew it already God did not was not surprised when when Adam failed everything is known to the almighty he knows the end from the beginning somebody say hallelujah huah and the Holy Spirit was sitting there and the father said to the word he said will you become flesh and the word said to the father just a second Holy Spirit he looked at the Holy Ghost and said holy spirit you are the power of the Trinity the father just asked me to disrobe myself of the of of of The Godly form I'll need you to do it and I'll need you to turn me into a seed my God and I'll need you to deposit that seed in the womb of a virgin and I'll need your power to be anointed as a man and live as a man and I'll need your power to raise me back up from the dead will you do it holy spirit and the Holy Ghost said and the Holy Ghost said I'll do it think about the Holy Ghost so powerful that he took this eternal being and turned him into a seed and placed him in the womb of a woman a young girl a virgin named Mary from Nazareth now the Bible says the blood came from God you see the Catholic Church believes in what they call the Immaculate Conception because what they say is Mary had to be sinless to become the mother of god well that has a big problem with it how about her parents and their parents and their parents where did it all start if Mary was the first sinless human being then Jesus is second to Mary and nobody is second nobody my brother can be second who only he is one and he's only God he's only even a man Hallelujah Jesus has all preeminence all things begin in him all things a in him he is the beginning he's the end he fills all in all he is the only Redeemer oh Hallelujah in the magnific she called him my savior read Luke when she cried my soul do magnify the Lord and my spirit have rejoice in God my savior if Mary called him my savior she was a [Applause] sinner brother I have just shattered Mary [Music] worship since Mary was a sinner don't you ever pray to her she's a sinner you can't worship her she's a sinner you cannot exalt her as God there's only one Lord one God one year of man his name is Jesus oh my God I'm here to tell all Catholics all lutherans all Pentecostals and all charismatics there is no savior but Jesus there is no Redeemer but Jesus there is no King but Jesus there is no God but Jesus Jesus Jesus and [Applause] Jesus my God take a seats [Applause] I'm here to tell all Catholics if you worship Mary you are an idol worshipper Thou shalt have no other gods before me he said you say I never thought you'd be so bold I'm bold all right cuz it's time to preach the truth all this stuff about worshiping Saints is not in the Bible all the stuff about the pope declaring who's the saint is not in the Bible I have news for you the Saints are sitting here washed in the blood of the Lamb my God we are the Saints we are the saintes I said we are the saintes [Music] and I don't need my God and I don't need no Pope in Rome to have a celebration to bring me to sat I don't need the pop Jesus God's son washed me with the blood and therefore I am a [Music] SA [Music] for3 CH to the highest [Music] mountain so take take take your seat take SE take your seat ah I need to put this on television and Shake him up a little bit out [Applause] [Music] there you see Mary chosen of God yes she was only the vehicle that carried the seat the seed of the woman mentioned in in Genesis his blood is Precious Blood his blood is costly blood no pollution touched his blood if her blood had ever touched him I and you are doomed forever if her blood ever mingled with his you would never make Heaven the blood of Jesus came from God and that's why I love that that verse whom God God read that again Jim getting all stored up again 2028 give me some air conditioning here somebody turn that thing on would somebody come and turn that thing on I'm heating up here and if I am heating up you're about to blow up get ready [Applause] brother Jim Jim turn the fan on turn the fan off Mal [Music] for to the church fix that V somebody will [Music] you don't worry about I got another one right here I got another one here forget it boys all right sit down now both of you the blood can give this right you see you see you see how powerful how powerful the holy spirit is think about the Holy Ghost turning God into a seed think about the Holy Ghost being so powerful that he he raised that seed up to be a man think about the Holy Ghost anointing him in the River Jordan and protecting that blood from pollution [Music] see the Bible says in go read that again you you you you haven't read it yet see I honor Mary because God chose her still Hail Mary full of grace is still in the Bible but she's not to be woried she's not Co redemer the blood of Jesus was shed not hers read that again heed therefore unto yourselves and and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God God which he have purchased with his own blood how often we read that and just miss it all together how about Hebrews chapter 10 Mr Brock that's going to get you really SED up a little bit preach it in every Church Brock I pray you'll preach it one I pray I pray one day you'll preach this in a Catholic church and shake them all out real good I will I promise you if God if God ever opens the way for me to preach on the Catholic church I'm preaching on this let those Priests get all shaken real good Hebrews 10 see I grew up I grew up in all this I used to worship Mary as a child till God saved my soul and said quit that see I don't come from a Pentecostal background I was a Catholic from Head to Toes I even thought Jesus was Catholic I did that's a fact the Catholic LS never taught me that Jesus was Jewish I got very mad one day when a boy in school told me Jesus was Jewish I I got into I got into an argument with him what when when when I was a kid in Jaffa I got into a fight with a kid Jewish kid yeah oh no I didn't with him no I was just we we we just fought with words words words yeah he said well Jesus Jesus was Jewish I said no he wasn't he said yes he was no he wasn't he he said even Mary was Jewish I said no she wasn't so I went home and I asked my father I said Is it true he said yes shocked me so bad man I almost lost my faith I said you mean he was Jewish he said yep the whole time I thought he was Catholic cuz those those Catholic sisters had me convinced he was he was he he he was a Catholic I have news for you he's not a Catholic sir he's not Pentecostal oh sir he's he's not even Episcopal he's the son of almighty God that's who he is okay Hebrews Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews 10 5-7 look look look what it says Brock hence when read properly I did when you said hence you were coughing I'm sorry very sorry Pastor it's all right wherefore clear the Thro go ahead Miss wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice an offering thou would not but a body hast thou prepared me see what Jesus was saying to the father prophetically this is also in the Psalms he was saying you prepared me body therefore the blood was also prepared wait you missed what I said Brock if God prepared the body he also prepared the blood in that body absolutely Hallelujah so the blood came from God because Jesus said a body has thou prepared me therefore the body didn't come from Mary it came from God Mary had no part in it excellent he say well he probably looked like her no he did not Mary's blood nor Mary's jeans nor nothing of Mary touched his body even his skin Came From Heaven thou prepared me a body God did not did not need human intervention no he just needed a body to carry the in in that womb my God the Son of God why would he say to her woman on the cross he he never called her mother he said woman yes why cuz all she was was the carrier oh yes boy I can really get into this but I won't where is my mother he said where are my brothers why she wasn't his mother let's get raar here there was nothing of her in him came from God no DNA you could not Trace his [Music] DNA his body came from God every B of it read that again wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body hast thou prepared me yep in burnt offering and sacrifice for sin thou Hast no pleasure keep going then said I lo I I come I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will oh God oh God I know it by heart I don't need to read it I know you but I still read it cuz I love it see he is the word incarnate the Incarnation is a miracle Hallelujah so therefore his body was entirely prepared by God in the virgin's womb Mary was a chosen vessel yes a chosen carrier of the Body for the body and the blood that flowed in in him came entirely from [Music] heaven a miracle that's why we can we can say Incorruptible blood that's why Peter said Precious Blood oh blood wasn't precious his is his is her blood decayed when she died his blood is in heaven [Music] alive the reason the blood of Jesus is in heaven now and still lives because that blood came from God not from Humanity see we can get a little deeper in this but we should not I was challenged Once on This when I said the word was made flesh therefore if the word became flesh that flesh could not decay in the in the grave they challenged me on that so what the Bible says Thou will not suffer the Holy One to see corruption if the flesh is the word incarnate right how can the flesh turn back to dust it never came from dust it cannot go back to [Applause] it may I say that again the difference between your body and his body your body came from dust because of sin your body became dust his body was Untouched by sin therefore his body never came from dust and since it did not come out of dust it could no it could not go back to it have the Holy Ghost not raised Jesus listen had the Holy Ghost not raised Jesus from the dead his body would still be intact in that [Music] grave cuz his body never came out of dust that's right what will it go what will it go back [Music] into he rose from the dead w y be to me and the Bible tells you something amazing let's go back to Adam a second turn to go back to Genesis 3 all right um sin entered into that first man whose body came out of dust Adam that's what what what the word Adam means it means Adama dust dirt God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life he became a a living Soul we read in Genesis now sin penetrated through him and polluted him the first man Adam with sin Came Death and sickness but God came immediately and promised redemption in Genesis 3:21 the Lord slew an animal God killed an animal therefore the first sacrifice was killed by God and the last sacrifice was killed by God the first sacrifice was probably a lamb possibly a lamb that covered Adam and Eve now now remember something remember Adam and Eve were not naked not really they were naked in the natural they were clothed with the glory of God the Bible tells us in in the Psalms and keep your finger in Genesis 3 and turn to Psalm 104 the Bible and you're going to read this for me Psalm 104 the Bible says God covers himself with light as with a garment Psalm 104 Mr and you're going to read for me verse two and and and then first John 1 John uh Ron you read for me 1 John uh 1:5 God covers himself with light as like a garment read that quick 104 Psalm 104:2 who cover thyself with light as with a garment okay stop now if God is covered with light like a garment so was Adam Adam was covered with light in fact in Psalm 34 turn turn to Psalm turn to Psalm 34 and stay uh uh in in 1 John turn to Psalm 34:5 Psalm 345 says watch this watch this it says when they saw him I Shall Behold when they beheld him light covered them and they were not ashamed that talks about Adam read that they Psalm Psalm 34:5 they looked unto him and were lightened enlightened and what else and their faces were not ashamed who was that that was Adam and Eve right now what happened is when they saw God Michael when Adam and Eve saw God they were instantly covered with his glory his light so like God covers himself with light he covered Adam and Eve with light so their their covering was the light of God's glory if I can say God's divine presence was were the clothing and they were not ashamed just like Genesis 3 says they they walked around naked were not ashamed but they were not naked they were naked in the natural sense not the spiritual sense and and first John chapter 1 Ron says something quite remarkable would you read that for me 1 John 1 uh verse verse 5 this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare it unto you that God is light yeah and in him is no Darkness so God is is is a being of light that's why God is neither white or black he's light and light has all colors in [Applause] [Music] it God is not a white man brown man or a black man God is all colors God is white black yellow brown because light has all colors in it see he's light and he covered the first man with light now the Bible says something amazing their bodies were covered with God's divine presence that marvelous spiritual presence and they were used to it so when sin entered in Genesis 3:7 says they covered them their their bodies with fig leaves figs fig leaves the Fig Tree I wish I can have time to teach on this because the Fig Tree is symbolic of Israel in the Bible of God's people the reason they covered themselves with fig leaves I believe possibly they they had a revelation of the fact that the victory symbolizes God's family and they said we're still in the family possibly I'm not totally sure on this but when I read joel: 122 and when I read Hosea when I when I read Joel chapter 2 I find that God's and especially Joel 11:7 it says they barked my fctory and my Vine the vict Tre is God's family the vine is God's family we are the vine he's the he's the vine we all the branches whenever God mentions Vine or or fig tree it's his family always in fact the Victory is Israel while the vine is the church in the in the in the in the Bible and I'm going to say one more thing here and and and I don't want to get distracted but when Jesus cursed the victory he was prophetically prophetically declaring Israel uh Israel's years of of of of death when when they were scattered because you see Jesus knew it wasn't times for figs but he cursed that fctory when he knew the season for figs was not on he was predicting Israel's collapse as a nation but then he said in Matthew 2432 that when the fix we puts on leaves again it's the last generation that fix rep put on leaves in 48 right but he cursed it on the way to to Jerusalem predicting its collapse as a tree but the resurrection came 2,000 years later if you missed what I said it's your fault how many got what what I said put your hands up high study your Bible now the Bible states that that they they cover themselves with fig leaves because they were accustomed to God's presence but God comes and does something amazing rather than that than covering them with light or figs he covers them with blood and introduces to them the Covenant with blood the minute he covered them with blood six things were established six write them down you you you've got to get this you got to get this you got to get this number one when God covered them with that skin wet skin remember Genesis 3:21 it says God covered them with skin but that skin Pastor asish was still wet the blood now covers them and in that act God establishes six foundational truth dealing with our Redemption number one God requires the shedding of blood for sin when they sinned blood had to be shed it had to be shed number two and I'll explain that maybe tomorrow but just keep listening number two The Sinner must be covered with the blood number three God provided a sacrifice cuz God provided the animal he slew that animal Adam and Eve did not he did it prophetically speaking about his son one day whom he himself would slay and then the Bible says God number four God covered The Sinner it was God who covered him he didn't cover himself so number number one The Sinner must be covered with blood number two God provides the sacrifice number three oh I'm Sor let me just redo it number one God requires the shedding of blood for SIN number two The Sinner must be covered with blood number three God provides the sacrifice number four God covers that Sinner and number five the innocent Must Die for the guilty that animal was innocent God killed an animal to cover the guilty Adam and number six God brings judgment upon the sacrifice the sacrifice had to be judged when God covered the first man with blood he had just given the amazing promise of redemption if you read verse 15 of that chapter it says the serpent will bruise you the heel but he the seed of the one will crush the head of the serpent God was talking about the seed of the woman are you still all awake are you awake he did not say the seed of the man because had he said the seed of a man it would have been Joseph who would be the father father of the Messiah see the Bible is the story of the seed say the seed the seed if you really want to know the Bible follow the seed follow the seed the seed began with Adam from Adam to his son not Cain may I add Abel that's why the devil killed him they had Seth Carri the seed set Noah Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob not ishmail not Esau did you did you hear that and after Isaac Jacob the seed came into a nation called Israel through the tribe of Judah and then the Messiah was born now here's something very important this is very important God never made a covenant with anybody unless they carried that seed God made a covenant with Adam cuz the seed was in him God made a covenant with remember now remember that the two offerings in Genesis 4 Cain Abel remember that one Cain offered fruits and vegetables he really gave God a fruit a fruit basket and God said no Abel gave him blood why he was making a covenant with him because Abel carried the Messiah his brother killed his brother killed him moved by Satan to stop the Messiah from coming the devil plan was to kill right but Adam had another son called himself Seth into whom came the [Music] seed Seth carries the seed from there he's the father of Noah Noah Abraham Abraham Isaac watch this Abraham Isaac not Abraham is not Abraham Ishmael God makes the Covenant with who with Adam Noah Abraham and then Isaac that's why when Abraham said to God he said why don't you accept Ishmael he said no in Isaac shall thy seed be called other words in Isaac the seed the Messiah he come through Isaac not Ishmael God always protects the seed and now the seed carries from Isaac to Jacob not Esau God never made a covenant with Esau but Jacob he did and through through Jacob to Israel the nation the whole reason there was a nation called Israel because they car the seed and that's why and don't you get mad at me right now that's why God commanded Israel not to inter Mary with other nations to protect the seed are you listening the Messiah came through the Virgin Mary the seed of the woman is here but here's what we see that's amazing you see the two genealogies in the New Testament you see Matthew and Luke Matthew is is the genealogy that came from Solomon down to Joseph and that genealogy was cursed in Jeremiah God because of sin judged that that line so you read Matthew and you start with Solomon and down from Solomon to Joseph but Joseph is not the father of of the of the Messiah so that line of Solomon was cursed in Jeremiah because the the Kings of Israel that came from that line were Wicked and God judged that line and said no King will sit on the throne from that seed therefore it could not come the seed could not come from Solomon then you read Luke you see Nathan it's not Solomon mentioned it's Nathan the son of David Nathan and Nathan seed is carried through to Mary even though in Luke it says Joseph but it says his father was Jacob ah Jacob is Mary's father but in that tradition to mention the man or to mention the woman is an insult to her husband so it's it it mentions Joseph again and causes confusion wait wait wait wait Joseph is in Matthew and Joseph is is in Luke but they but he's got two fathers no the father in Matthew is his real father the father in Luke is his father-in-law Mary's daddy through whom became the Messiah did you get that yeah that's why he's called the seed of the woman not the man now here's something so remarkable the Bible States in in uh Leviticus 1711 Leviticus 17:11 says the blood makes an atonement therefore the blood had to cover the blood of Jesus covers the blood of Jesus not only cleanses the blood covers that word cover is the is the same word for propitiation or substitution it's the same word gentlemen used for The Mercy Seat over the Ark of the Covenant don't miss this this is Hot Stuff Jesus Romans 3:25 says is our propitiation he's our cover he's what he's that he he he's the one who covers our life with his blood so over The Mercy Seat the high priest would come and pour the blood every year remember that that that blood was never washed off so for for for 40 years in the wilderness and later in Israel's history that blood was never removed of the mercy seat and the angels that brought brought judgment in the Garden of Eden could not bring judgment when they saw the blood the sherbs had a sword in their hand ready to kill in Eden remember that those same sherbs now had their heads looking at the blood therefore they could no longer judge when the blood is being shed Mal did you get what I said you see the sherbs in heaven are the Angels of judgment there are five divisions of angels right them down quick come on five different divisions of angels there's the seraps angels of Glory they declare the glory sherbs protect the glory but they are the same angels that brought judgment in the book of the Revelation then you have the living creatures of Revelation 4 called zois or zoas in the Bible these angels are the combination of sarap and sherub then you have the archangels woring Angels then you have the common angels angels without wings wingless Angels not all angels have wings because the fifth division of of of angels are the most the the the most common and there's more of them than any other division they are the Angels who were seen in the book of Acts young men dressed in white they were the same angels SE of the at the at the tomb of Christ Resurrection morning they are the same Angels mentioned in Hebrews many have seen angels unaware because there's no wings on them so nobody recognize it that they're Angels right five divisions the seraps declare the glory the sherbs protect the glory the living creatures combination of both and you see their their job is actually both they declare and protect then you have the Waring Angels Michael Gabriel and once Lucifer who now Satan and then you have the common angels the angels that Minister for the a of Salvation this is glorious but the sherbs are the angels that protect and judge if you see if if you read re Revelation you'll find that the sherbs were the angels that were pouring out the judgments upon the lands upon the Earth these same angels that destroy they cannot touch any who are covered by the blood oh this is marvelous that's why it was sherbs over the ark looking down not up what are they looking at the blood therefore they cannot judge those covered by the blood get ready people the day will come the sherbs will judge Humanity but not the Saints not those covered lift your hands and say I'm covered now the blood covers and now can can can can you give me just 10 more minutes the blood covers because the Bible says Leviticus 1711 says the blood makes an atonement now watch this this is amazing the Bible says Jesus is our propitiation because jesus carried his blood into heaven we don't know when sin touched him we do know that the blood was shed seven times on the on the on the Earth the blood was shed first in Gethsemane from his forehead when his own sweat became blood as he as he fought against sin and death because the devil was trying to kill him even in in Gethsemane but blood was then shed according to Isaiah 50 when they beat his face and pulled his beard off it was shed when when when the scripture says in Isaiah 52:14 they marred his face then it was shed the third time when they placed a crown of phones on his head that's the Gospel of John it was shed the fourth time the fourth time when they beat his back whipped his back to the place it was it was so Mar you couldn't recognize it was the back of a human being forget Mel whatever his name is Gibson's movie his his his movie is cheap in comparison to what happened true and then they they they the the blood was shed when they nailed his hands it's number five then the blood was shed when they nailed his feet then his side the seventh the blood was shed seven times precious people and that blood by a miracle was carried into the presence of God we don't know whether Angels collected it because it was shed in different locations who collected that blood it's a mystery zakariah says there's a fountain filled with blood in heaven every drop of his blood today is in heaven not one blood not one drop stayed on the planet Earth so the blood was carried Hebrews 9:12 into heaven itself that's why the high priest prophetically had to carry the blood into the holy of holies and they would place a rope on his on on uh around his foot just in case he had walked in in sin and dropped dead and the bells under His Garment would have let him know he's dead so pull him out Jesus walks into heaven with his own precious Incorruptible pure Holy Blood and puts it where but over the mercy seat I have news for you the Ark of the Covenant is not in Ethiopia or Jerusalem it's in heaven read it in it's in Revelation it says he saw the Ark of the Covenant and here's something else the throne of grace is not the same Throne of judgment Hebrew says let us come boldly into the Throne of to the throne of grace that there are two there are two Thrones in heaven gentlemen there's the throne that covers the Ark of the Covenant and there's the Throne of judgment Jesus poured his blood over the throne over the ark the throne of grace is the cover of the Ark the lid that covers the ark is called the throne of grace on that is the blood of Jesus so when we come into heaven when we come into prayer in prayer to the throne room of God in heaven when you wake up in the morning and say father you come to the throne of grace that Throne of of Grace is the throne that's covered with the blood that Jesus poured his blood over you see that's that's why when when God said to Moses to to to to build the ark he he said cover it with with a throne the throne of grace covered with blood Hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah and that's why Paul in Romans 325 says Jesus is our Mercy Seat the word propitiation he's our Mercy Seat you see my brother watch this a moment God sees you through the blood you are covered with the blood if you're not covered with the blood you will be killed if you're not covered with the blood you'll be cast out God covers you with the blood every one of you is covered with the blood and when you enter into heaven he'll say what right do you have here you say the blood the blood gives me right to walk in here boldly with boldness and when you're covered with blood no devil can touch your [Music] life you see listen job5 says my God I feel they know strong job: 15 says that job offered blood every day for his children in case they went and cursed God and the devil walks in and says well I can't even touch him you built a hedge around him what hedge the Hedge that the blood built did you hear that job 1: 15 he applies blood later the devil walks in and tells God I cannot touch him because you built a hedge around him I have news for you God builds the Hedge but we confess the blood we have to confess the blood for God to use to build a hedge he said well I'll I'll I'll I'll offer the blood in case my boys and my daughters go and sin against God and curse him you see my brother when you apply the blood even on your wicked unbelieving loved ones God says they're [Applause] [Music] mine I have news for you if you apply the blood over your children God has built a hedge around your [Music] children and tell something else you see the Bible the Bible States as I said earlier that your names were written were written in the Lamb's Book of Life Jesus said to his disciples when they came back and said we have power over Devils he said don't rejoice in this rejoice in the fact your names are written already so God doesn't write your names when you walk down the aisle you walk down the aisle because your name is in already the Holy Spirit doesn't convict anybody whose name is not in already the reason he convict you is because your name is in the book and I have news for you if you are pray dear God if you are praying fervently for somebody the Holy Ghost is moving you to play because he knows their name is also in the book how many are praying for some Son how many are praying for some daughter if you're praying for them and how many are praying with real intensity for them that means they're already in the book and if they are in the book no devil can erase them out of the book I want you to give the Lord the biggest shout of [Applause] Hallelujah Dear God now secondly just a few more minutes I promise you secondly The Sinner must be covered with the blood remember that God said blood is required number two the sin has got to be covered The Sinner must be covered or there's no place for him the sinner must be covered with blood the Bible tells us because you see not only dear God I feel such an anointing here Not only was the was the was the sub was the substitute the animal slain but the blood had to be applied the pouring of the blood provides the cover but you see brother the individual must accept it you see there are people who teach that all are saved they just don't know it no as many as received him you see his blood was shed for the whole world his blood was shed for the whole world because John the Baptist said Behold the Lamb of God slain for all men is what he he had announced Jesus shed his blood for all Humanity but only those who accept the blood are saved for there are those who have rejected the blood just like Cain you see the Bible says by faith Abel offered by faith that's the first thing the first thing the the the writer to Hebrews 11 talks about is is is Abel he says by faith Abel offered meaning somebody had to tell him and that somebody was his father because faith comes by hearing but his brother Cain refused the message and said I don't want to offer blood I'll just bring God a fruit a fruit basket and God said I don't want it the result he was judged Abel was blessed he killed his brother because of jealousy we all know the rest but you see the the the the the blood must be must be accepted he's the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world yes but he must be as many as received him John 1:12 says to them give be power and once we we we accept the blood only then the Bible calls us the elect because in Peter 1 Peter 1:2 the and let me just say this quickly in 1 Peter 1:2 it says we've been sprinkled by the blood therefore the second the blood touches you God says you're my elect and in Revelation 1:5 the Bible says the the the blood once received will cleanse you make you white and here's something marvelous the body of Jesus Jesus his resurrected body has no blood in it he said to Thomas come see come come touch the spirit doesn't have flesh and Bone he never said Flesh and Blood now there's a Marvelous Mystery here flesh and blood does not inherit the kingdom of God we read in Paul's writings flesh and blood does not inherit because the blood of humanity is polluted with sin and corrupts after death if you take your blood right now and P it out of your hand within a short season your blood will begin to corrupt on the ground it will die and be and will stink dead blood is really dead but Jesus walks in with his living blood still living blood Forever Living blood and the Bible declares that every drop of blood was shed out of his body so he tells Thomas come touch me see that flesh and Bone not blood flesh and Bone not a spirit I'm flesh and Bone now his resurrected body is alive by the spirit your blood is keeping you alive his blood is keeping us alive I need my listen I need my blood for the life of my body I need his blood for the life of my spirit therefore my blood flowing through my body my body needs it but the blood that flow through his body my spirit needs it my spirit is not dependent on my blood it is dependent on his blood as long as his blood is over me my spirit lives and I'm alive in Jesus lift your hands and thank him for the blood thank him for the blood would you be free from your burdens and sins I tell you tonight there's power in the blood Mighty Power in the Blood would you or evil have VI Victory with there wonderful marvelous glorious power power power in the blood for it to Rees I said it riches lift your hands and thank him it [Music] riches come on brother I'm waiting for you [Music] [Applause] and it [Music] flows it's that precious blood let give me Str one day today it will never never never lose it if your hand say for the [Music] tradition [Music] [Applause] [Music] I the because of that do you know do you know that the blood of Jesus actually [Music] speaks the Bible says in uh Hebrews 12:24 it says the blood that speaketh better things than a of AEL you see the blood of of of able said kill him judge him the blood of Jesus said says I died I took it Let Him Live let him be free the sin in your life the filthiest sin is cleansed by the blood of Jesus Take take your microphone any microphone I want you to lift your hands and PR the Holy Ghost and pray loud I mean [Music] loud I should have been crucified I should have suffered and died but you see I could not because my blood was polluted I was guilty yeah with nothing nothing say nothing whatsoever they were coming coming to take me to prison to take me away by The Voice my God but in a voice from heaven from Heaven I was heard that said wait can I tell you something why do we need a high priest wait no no no no no no no no why do we need a high priest if we're saved and why do we need him forever forever see we we don't think about this not only does the blood save from the power of sin the blood will save one day from the very presence of sin yes therefore when we get to heaven it will be impossible to sin like the Angels did yes because he remains our high priest yes forever forever right if Jesus you see he is our high priest now even though we're already saved he is our he is not the high priest for unbelievers right he's our high priest every ever ever living ever living to make intercession why does he need to pray for us forever wait wait wait wait father you mean to to tell me that when I stand in your presence there will still be a chance that I could deny you there'll be a chance in heaven a billion 2 billion 3 billion 4 trillion years from now I can change my mind well the Angels did a third of them in fact but it's guaranteed guaranteed because someone will be praying for me forever my salvation therefore not only is guaranteed for the present forever it's guaranteed for all eternity and Jesus will say to the father father look at the blood right that blood not only washed not only cleanses but even has taken care of tomorrow that's what the word Justified means as if I as if I never did but justifies just doesn't give me a license to sin tomorrow cuz if I'm really saved I will not I will not decide to go sin tomorrow but here's something else Brock there something awesome man awesome the presence of sin is destroyed because the blood is eternally there amen think about this you will never ever walk away from him because the blood guarantees your security one of these days the blood of Jesus you see the job is not over yet you said the job no it's not over yet the blood has cleansed you the blood has washed you the the blood has redeemed you the the blood justifies you but the blood one day is going to erase death of this planet yes and the blood one of these days is going to cause God to bring about a new Heaven and new earth you know you know what what what what what what the Bible says in in in in Hebrews 13 we read that it's it's the blood that raised him from the dead Jesus rose from the dead because of his shed blood therefore if his blood raised him his blood one day will raise you every believer will be raised from there by the power lift your hands and praise his mighty name come on sing it I was guilty with nothing to say they were coming to take me away but a voice from Heaven BR but then a voice from Heaven Was Heard that's said that's said let him go let V hen go let go take take me instead yes he did LIF your hands of prais him I should have been crucified let me hear you come on brother I should have suffered and died I should have I should have H on the cross in this race but Jesus God's son took my Jesus God's Jesus God son took my of yes and a spear in his side ladies and gentlemen that awful pain it should have been yours and mine lift your hands and thank him rushing were made for for you and me oh but Jesus let [Music] me I sure have crucified I should have suffered and die [Music] I have all cross in disce but Jesus God's son Jesus God's son Jesus God son took [Applause] my I was the re one [Music] Earthly I was the guilty I was so guil oh but he was my [Music] [Applause] sh I was the take he was The Giver he was the G dying that I go free the one Earthly reason he came to this Earth was you and me was you and me there is [Music] a with [Music] [Applause] blood IMU your hands and thank [Music] you that all [Music] that lose all their guilty s [Applause] l that L all [Music] their oh I'll cherish [Music] the my at the [Music] last I will cling to the [Music] to the old I never be true I true gladly he'll call me somay then he'll call somay to my home far away where Glory forever CH so I cherish till my soul and [Music] I [Music] will Ro and shes somay for our
Channel: Christian Sermons
Views: 63,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Sermons, Christian Message, spiritual message, manna, Christianity, Salvation, Baptism, Holy spirit, The Lord, Bible, Holy Bible, Jesus, love, christ, Genesis, Ezekiel, Exodus, Daniel, Leviticus, Esther, Hosea, Numbers, Joel, Deuteronomy, Amos, Joshua, Job, Obadiah, Judges, Psalms, Jonah, Ruth, Proverbs, Micah, Samuel, Ecclesiastes, Nahum, SongofSongs, Habakkuk, Kings, Zephaniah, Haggai, Chronicles, Isaiah, Zechariah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Ezra, Lamentations, Nehemiah, New Testament
Id: 7pDPZqXlKk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 48sec (4848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2013
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