The Power Of Presence | Becoming | Online Weekend Experience

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] well hey everyone wherever you're joining us in the world i just want to give you a special welcome to valley creek and if the online campus is your campus we would invite you to fill out the form below so that we can get connected with you you see we are one church we meet on multiple campuses and we take the hope of jesus to thousands of locations and right now there's so many amazing things happening at valley creek like you just saw bcla our leadership academy for young adults they're taking applications right now and if you want to connect with that or anything else with valley creek connect with us on social media and text vcc to the number below and we would love to keep you informed and connected with everything that's happening right now at valley creek and hey today it's a great day to meet with god so holy spirit we invite you into this place may you come and have your way in our lives today all right valley creek come on wherever you are today let's turn our hearts to the faithfulness of jesus of who he is and what he has done for us let's sing [Music] [Music] lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] you're the god who fights [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] we'll let joy rise in this place he turns our morning into dancing we get to celebrate the freedom of who jesus is so let's put our hands together and remind our hearts today [Music] and now i will not forget you god and you took me you're the god who fights for me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus for your faith [Applause] you are here in this moment so draw near take us by the hand and continue to lead us lord deeper into your presence deeper into who you and are the spirit was moving over the spirit come over us come rest on us come rest us as the spirit was moving over the water spirit can't move over us come rest ours come rest arms to calm down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me [Music] open up when you fill the room when you feel the roof you're i know you're here god holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i know [Applause] so [Applause] here [Applause] [Applause] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're all that we want you're all i want you're all i want so come holy spirit come holy spirit we make space for you come holy spirit we make the space for you so come holy spirit come even now come and fill this room even now come on we're going to do that again but i don't want us to just sing it i want us to actually experience what it is that we're singing see the holy spirit is here the holy spirit is in your midst right now and so when we sing those lyrics can we get it on the screen the holy spirit come rest on us what you're saying is spirit of the living god come rest on me healer come rest on me breakthrough bringer come rest on me revival come and rest on me life come rest on me joy come rest on me that's what you're singing when you sing there and so if you're here and you want more of the holy spirit if you just want to make that your prayer today can you even just do this as a sign of receiving would you put your hands out and say holy spirit you can come and rest on me right here right now you're all that i want as we sing it again [Music] your prayer oh [Applause] holy spirit [Applause] oh [Applause] holy spirit [Applause] [Music] when you fill the [Music] you're hearing i know you are moving i'm hearing one more time to calm down spirit when you move when you feel this room [Music] [Music] you're faithful to do it you're faithful to calm [Music] [Music] jesus great is your faithfulness to me from the rising song to the setting same i will praise your heart is your faithfulness too come on say it again [Music] [Applause] go on he's faithful because he came here to see you [Applause] [Music] easy [Music] is [Music] oh thank you for your faith thank you [Applause] [Music] though the earth may pass away your word remains the same your history can prove there's nothing you can't do you're faithful and true and though the storms may come and the winds [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh jesus the hope of glory he's living in us his spirit fills us so i'll put my faith in jesus [Music] he'll never let me come on this is the declaration that i'll put [Music] foundation [Music] my hope is [Music] [Music] [Music] come on you ready [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is your faithfulness to me from the rising song to the setting same [Music] is your faithfulness to me thank you for your faithfulness to me your goodness to me [Music] cause even when i didn't see it you were there and you were so faithful faithful is who you are you are faithful so faithful to me lord [Music] [Music] time and time again we've seen your faith [Music] so i'll put my faith [Music] [Music] come on remind your heart of who he is how good my faith is he is my anchor to the he's my hope in firm foundation [Music] is is your faithfulness to me so from the rising sun to the setting same i will [Music] so jesus thank you for your faithfulness thank you for your goodness thank you that we can take times like this [Music] to just think and remember that you are hope and firm foundation that you are our life you are our salvation and so jesus i just pray for our own hearts right now wherever we're at would we be reminded of your faithfulness to us that you have come into our life you come every time that we invite you in to give us hope and life and freedom within our hearts to experience your presence in our life thank you that you're here in this moment now we give you praise and honor and glory and we lift you up and it's in the name of jesus that everybody said amen amen all right well i'm so glad that you are about creek today go ahead and find your seat settle in as we continue through our time together all right hey everybody welcome to valley creek wherever you are today denton flower mound gainesville lewisville the venue online let's just welcome each other together come on it is so good to gather around the presence of god and i am so glad that you're here because we're in this series called becoming life as a disciple and we're asking ourselves this really simple question who am i becoming you see we're all coming out of this season where we've been doing a lot of reflecting and a lot of question asking like do i want to live in this house or the state or the city that i'm in do i want to keep the job that i've had for these past few years do i want to keep doing education the way i've been doing them and we've been reflecting and asking questions and the world will tell you to ask all kinds of questions like what have you acquired what have you accrued what have you accomplished where have you been what have you done what kind of followers do you have significance or influence and while all those questions are fine they're really an inferior question you see the real question is who am i becoming because who you are is far more important than what you do who you're becoming is far more important than what you're doing and so the question that i just want to ask you today is who are you becoming like are you a better person today than you were a year ago are you growing are you maturing are you becoming free and healthy are you growing in faith hope and love righteousness peace and joy are you becoming quicker to repent quicker to forgive quicker to apologize is humility beginning to grow in your life like who are you becoming and really the person that we're evaluating our life against is just jesus if jesus is the way the truth and the life then the more i become like jesus the more life i'm experiencing and the less i'm like jesus the less of life i'm experiencing so we have to acknowledge and understand that he is the standard and the source of our becoming he is the the prototype and the power for our transformation he is the mold and the momentum that propels us and gets us going so the question that we're really asking is am i growing in the character and the power of jesus am i growing in the fruits of the spirit the character of jesus love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness and self-control and then am i just doing the things that jesus did which he has empowered me to do like serving and being generous and forgiving my enemies and walking with the father and making disciples like who are you becoming you see the moment that jesus invites us to follow him he invites us to be a disciple a disciple is this kind of mysterious word that we're not really sure what to do with but it simply means a learner a student a follower one who becomes like the one that we're following and jesus says a student is not above his teacher but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher when jesus invites us to follow him he invites us to be a disciple a learner a student and he's our teacher and he is in the process of fully training us of shaping and molding and and putting pressure on us to conform us into his image and his likeness and what's cool is you get to decide who you want to be discipled by you you don't have to be a disciple of anybody you get to decide who do you want to be like and then you position yourself as a student of that person and when you think of disciple or discipleship it's it's so much simpler than we make it to be a disciple is somebody who's simply learning to live free as a beloved son or daughter it's learning to live in the superior realities of the kingdom in the midst of the inferior circumstances of this world being a disciple is not about sin management or behavior modification or eating from the tree of the knowledge of good in life it's about learning to become who you already are in jesus see this is huge if you can catch this the moment you put your faith in jesus he gives you a new identity everything about you is now changed he's made you righteous he's made you holy he's made you a beloved son or daughter he has reconciled your relationship with god once and for all time not because of what you do but because of what jesus has done in fact i love this verse that says god made him jesus who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of god jesus the one who had no sin literally became our sin on the cross so we could become righteousness once and for all so that you and i could be reconciled with god once and for all time so discipleship is simply the delta between who you are and how you're living your life it's the delta or the difference between who you already are in jesus and how you're actually living your life does that make sense to you like in jesus you've been made righteous that's who you are so discipleship is now learning to live righteously it's just the delta between who you are and how you're actually living your life but we don't really like this word disciple or discipleship very much in fact the guy in my circle this week as we were talking about it he said man i'm going to be honest that word kind of like it exhausts me it makes me feel like i have to do a whole bunch of stuff for god and that's what we think about disciple or discipleship but but we have this mindset like that god is going to take all these things away from me if i'm a disciple like he's going to take away my fun and my freedom and my finances and my life and you're right he is going to take some things away from you he's going to take away your anxiety and he's going to take away your depression and he's going to take away your addictions and he's going to take away your sin patterns and he's going to take away the works of the flesh rage and sexual immorality and and idolatry and all the jealousy and the envy in our heart that's what he's gonna take and he's gonna give you his life come on think of peter for a second jesus took a lot from peter he took peter's failures and he gave peter victory because peter couldn't catch a fish to save his life before jesus and then he becomes the greatest fisherman we've ever read about or how about john jesus takes away john's anger problem and he gives him love and makes him the apostle of love how about thomas jesus took away thomas's doubt and he gave him a faith where thomas was willing to lay down his life for jesus or how about matthew god took away matthew's greed and yeah he might have had a little less finances he was a tax collector ripping people off he might add a little less finances after meeting jesus but he gave him back purpose and matthew writes one of the gospels and the same is true with you you see we have to understand if we're going to live as a disciple it's an invitation into relationship and that's what i really want to tell you today the discipleship happens through relationship in fact it's impossible to be a disciple without a relationship because the moment jesus invites you to be his disciple he's inviting you into a relationship where you'll know and be known love and be loved connect and be connected experience and and be experienced in fact of all the major religions of the world the only one who offers you a personal relationship with god is jesus it is impossible to be a disciple without relationship because relationship is the vehicle the method the conduit the bridge if you will through which discipleship travels life flows through relationship in fact when jesus first called his disciples check this out i love this verse it says jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted he invited his disciples to come follow him not because he needed them but because he wanted them and they came to him and he appointed 12 designating them apostles that they might be say it with me with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have power to heal sickness and to cast out demons so catch it when jesus invites disciples to come and follow him it's not because he needs them but because he wants them and this word appointed designating them apostles it literally means to take someone and make them into something they're not the moment we put our faith in jesus he takes us and he makes us into something we're not he gives us a brand new identity and then what that we might be with him kitchen jesus didn't want the disciples to go out and do a bunch of stuff he just wanted them to be with him walk with him talk with him laugh with him play with him hang out with him spend time with him learn how he thought learn how he spoke he just wanted them to be together and as they were together in relationship eventually he was going to send them out with a power that would not only transform them but would transform the world so now bring this verse to your life today jesus is calling you not because he needs you but because he wants you and he appoints you and designates you makes you into something you're not that you might be with him stop when was the last time you thought discipleship was about being with god we think discipleship is about doing things for god discipleship is about being with god and when we're with god a power starts to emerge in our life that not only changes us it changes the world around us and so we actually have to think about this in reverse order if there's no power in my life to change me or to impact the world it means i probably don't really have a relationship with god when you or the church at large is powerless the real problem is not a lack of power the real problem is a lack of relationship because when we build a relationship with god what are we doing we're cultivating his presence in our life and when his presence is in our life his power begins to flow that's why the kingdom of god is not a matter of talk but of power it's not about learning about god it's about being with god and when i'm with god his presence releases his power into the world around me you with me on that in fact look at what jesus goes on to say i am the vine you are the branches if a man remains relationship in me and i in him he will bear much fruit you'll change you'll become apart from me you can do nothing this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples so catch it jesus says his disciples his students those who follow him and walk with him bear much fruit what is the fruit it's the character and the power of jesus naturally and effortlessly emerging out of our life and how does that happen by simply remaining in him remain abide rest receive if we will have a relationship with god we will start to become who we already are in him in fact every healthy mature follower of jesus that i've ever met and as i talk to them about their relationship with god they will almost always point to this verse and they will always say if a man remains or if you abide or if you rest in or you receive him and i always want to ask him i'm like what does that mean what does it mean to abide to remain to be in god and they always just kind of smile and say it's just relationship it's just about being with god when you're with god all kinds of things start to show up in your life come on think about your phone for a second right everybody probably here has a phone and your phone is an amazing tool and when you your phone is connected to the network you can access anything in the world when your phone is connected to the network you can access anything in the world any information any person any resource you got access to it but when you're not connected to the network this thing is a piece of junk right okay when we're connected with god we can access everything in the kingdom of heaven all the resources all the wisdom all of his love all of his hope all of his power when we're connected we got access to all of it but when we're disconnected we're walking around trying to do it in our own strength and in our own power see this is the problem with the american church view of discipleship we have made discipleship about information we have for years we in the american church we have we have excelled at this we have like crafted this thing down where discipleship is all about what you know messages and podcasts and books and bible studies and series and instagram posts and tweets and blogs and this and that and the other thing and activities and events and conferences we have figured this thing out to a science and we think it's all about the information to know but the whole point of content is to lead you to a connection the whole point is not about information and knowledge it's about experience and encounter i mean come on just think about you for a second let's say i spent a whole year studying you like i wanted to just get to know everything about you so i interviewed all kinds of people that knew you i studied your life i figured out your past i figured out your personality profile figured out your enneagram number and where you like to eat and what you like to do and what interests and hobbies that you have now imagine i did all of that but then i never came back around to use that information to have a better relationship with you it would totally defeat the point wouldn't it who cares if you're in enough gram number four and i don't ever talk to you but that's american discipleship well i know everything there is to know kind of about the bible and god have been in church for 30 years okay the real question is do you know god though like here's the here's the question when was the last time you enjoyed god just straight up so when is the last time you just enjoyed god because every healthy relationship in your life at some point the reason it's healthy is because you enjoy that person when's the last time you just sat with god just listened to his voice spent time in his presence telling him what you you like about like when was the last time you liked god not not just loved god because i think sometimes when you like somebody it's actually better than when you love them because that word is so overused sometimes but like actually liked god for who he was not for who you want him to be when was the last time that this is discipleship like like even today as we worship the experience the point is to enjoy god not what is just singing songs we're enjoying god like do you remember the story of mary and martha two sisters they have jesus over for lunch and and we use this story a lot to to teach how to like have a healthy life not to be so worried and stressed out all the time and and they come jesus comes to their house and martha's doing all the stuff to get things ready and mary is sitting at jesus's feet and and i love this it says mary who sat at the lord's feet listening to what he said but martha was very busy and distracted with all of her serving responsibilities so martha's getting everything ready for the party and as she's getting everything ready the more work she's doing the more stressed out she's becoming the more angry she's becoming the more anxious she's becoming she's getting burned out eventually she yells at jesus and tells jesus that mary who has just been sitting at jesus's feet enjoying him needs to get up and help her right that's the basis of the story now you can use that to learn a lot about living in a busy life and all those different kinds of things but really i actually think the story teaches us a lot about discipleship you see i think martha is living as an american disciple she's busy and distracted with all the stuff the podcasts the bible studies the sermons the messages the instagrams the tweets the activities the events the places the gatherings the conference the next thing the next thing the next thing martha is like in that vicious cycle that we get in consume consume consume consume but eventually it makes you bitter wore out broke down burned out till you actually start becoming edgy and frustrated at god himself all while mary is just sitting at his feet and enjoying jesus and i think the paradox is as mary actually could have got up and done all the things martha was doing but she could have done them with a good attitude because she had been with jesus see discipleship is about learning to carry god's heart discipleship is not about stuff to do or information to know it's about learning to cultivate and carry god's heart in your life and that's what mary's doing she's sitting at jesus's feet and she's learning his heart and as we learn his heart we will start to live his life in fact every business owner you know that you want your employees to carry your heart every parent knows they want their kids to carry their heart every coach knows they want their team to carry their heart jesus wants us to carry his heart into the world in fact think of david the man after god's own heart what does that mean it means david spent so much time in relationship with god enjoying god read the psalms that he learned god's heart and he carried it into the world around him that's discipleship not information or facts or behavior modification in fact just think of god for a second right we know that jesus is the exact image of the father he came to represent the father and show us who he was and we know the holy spirit is another one just like jesus the the parakletos another of the same kind so all three of them carry the exact same heart how because they're the trinity and they live in relationship and it's through relationship that heart cascades this is why at the end of his life jesus prays for you and i and he says father i am you are in me and i am in them may they carry the same heart that i've been carrying this is why the first century disciples it says they were all together in one heart why because they all lived as disciples so they were all learning god's hearts so they all had the same heart could it be that that's actually what god's trying to bring his church back to because if you look at the american church over this last season we've had a lot of different hearts towards a lot of different things so could it go back to again that there's a lack of power because there's a lack of relationship come on are you are you with me on this you see i i think we've got to learn to change our perspective like like this verse we use a lot around here he who walks with the wise grows wise but a companion of fools suffers harm we talk about this in terms of relationship with people whoever you hang out with you'll become like that's true horizontally but it's also true vertically god is wisdom itself so if i walk with god who is wisdom itself i'll become wise but if i don't ever have a relationship with god i keep growing in foolishness you become like who you hang out with that's why a couple who's been married for 50 years after 50 years of marriage they look like each other they talk like each other they act like each other have the same issues that each other has right because you're together so you start to mold and shape and form and the same is true with god see here's what i'm trying to tell you to try to become like god without god is religion to try to become like god without god is the birthplace of the heart of a pharisee because it's i'm gonna conform the outward realities of my life to align with god even though i don't want to know god doesn't that miss the whole point the point is not to learn about god it's it's to walk with god and to let him change me and the reason so many of us are so burned out and stressed out in our journey with god it's because we're trying to become like god without god we don't need to become like god without god because he wants to help us become like him through his grace and his spirit within us as we walk with him and what you have to understand is that coaching without relationship feels like criticism and correction without relationship feels like condemnation so when god tries to coach us or correct us and we don't have relationship with him we think he's critical and condemning this is the pharisees whenever god would try to coach them or correct them they got offended at god isn't it interesting though whenever jesus tried to coach or correct the disciples they transformed why because there was a relationship there come on does that make sense to you in fact look at this is what pharisees do these are the pharisees jesus talking to him he says you diligently study the scriptures like you you got all the content stuff down every podcast every bible study the next thing and there's nothing wrong with those things but look at what the point of them are because you think that by them you possess eternal life these are the scriptures that testify about me yet you refuse to come to me to have life he says you got all the information in the world but you don't have me so it's not about the next thing and can i encourage some of you some of you with such good motives and such eager hearts and such a sense of wanting to please god have spent your life chasing content content curriculum bible study next thing and there's nothing wrong with all those things just make sure they're always leading you back to him i mean this is why ephesians says to know this love that surpasses knowledge to know to have an experience or an encounter with god that's more than knowing up here that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of god come on god wants to fill you to the measure of the fullness of him how through relationship not information you with me on that this is the heart of discipleship it's god's heart being formed inside of us in fact let me give you another analogy to try to help you grab this do you remember moses and the israelites moses and the israelites moses the friend of god the guy guy who speaks to god face to face the most humble man on the face of the earth which is cool because moses wrote that he was the most humble man on the face of the earth so and it's in the bible so it must be true and then you got the israelites the stiff-necked rebellious grumbly gossipy always wanting to go back to egypt always walking away from god people okay what's the difference between the two of them relationship the israelites knew about god moses knew god in fact look it it says the israelites stayed at a distance god is inviting moses and the israelites to meet with him in his presence but the israelites stayed at a distance and said to moses speak to us yourself and we will listen but do not have god speak to us or we will die not realizing that without god's voice you die moses said to the people don't be afraid come on god has come to test you so that the fear of god will be with you to keep you from sinning the people remained at a distance while moses approached the thick darkness where god was so catch it god invites everybody into his presence and moses says amen and the israelites said we out and that's why moses became who god called him to be and the israelites never did this right here that's it that's the reason why because the israelites knew about god and if all you ever do do is is know about god then when life gets harder things can happen it's information it's irrelevant it's beyond any sense of application in your life but when you know god you can get through anything and what moses is trying to help them understand is this come on come into the presence of god and what i'm always trying to invite you like come on come into the presence of god like hear me you don't need a mediator anymore you don't need a broker between you and god like like jesus is the mediator once and for all he's brought you into god's presence you never have to question it again so you don't need a a a bible study person or a curriculum or this person or that person to be a mediator you need pastors and teachers spiritual accountability and spiritual authority in your life to show you the way and then hold you accountable to walk in the way but you do not need a mediator you need to go why because when i get in his presence it keeps me from sinning there it is again relationship is discipleship it changes how i live not through effort not through behavior not through trying harder but through his holiness his presence and his grace come on in fact catch this i notice a lot of verses today but stay with me when moses came down from meeting with god he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the lord the israelites said no they stayed down became even more foolish moses went up met with god and when he came back down he was radiating glory why because when we get in the presence of god we change when we build a relationship with god we change we begin to absorb his heart and his glory and it begins to radiate out to the world around us come on you are made for the glory of god for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god if we've fallen short of it it means we were created for it and so when we get in his presence and build a relationship we start to absorb his heart his qualities his character we start to absorb his glory and it changes us and it's revealed to the world you say what is glory it's the character and the power of jesus it's the love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness self-control come on do you know how much glory is in self-control in our world today do you know how much glory is impatience in our world today do you know how much glory is in joy today it's the glory of god and after three years of jesus having a relationship with the disciples he prays for them in john 17 and says father i give them my glory why because three years of relationship they had now absorbed it they had learned his heart they were ready to walk in his way and he released it into their life and they began to radiate just like you and i can not by trying harder not by doing more stuff come on this has always been god's heart relationship relationship relationship and yet if we're honest we struggle with it we struggle with it because we're busy and relationships are inconvenient and costly they take time and cause you to have to detour some of the things that you're doing to prioritize someone else it's true in every relationship in your life struggle because we're distracted we have a really hard time sitting focused for more than like 30 seconds your phone is a great tool that can do great things just let me encourage you don't let it reprogram your brain you can get students like i love it you're the generation of tech you're going to be able to use it to do great things for the kingdom don't get so addicted to it that you can't stop long enough to put it down to actually just enjoy god for like 90 seconds and adults before we clap for the students we're modeling it to them probably even worse so you can't tell them to put it down while you've got it in your hand it's bonus right there and the third is just unbelief we don't really think that god wants to have a relationship with me or we tried we came to one church service one circle prayed one time read one bible chapter and we're like yeah i don't really feel i'm not really feeling connected to god yeah so we buy into this belief that it's not available to me but jesus has gone through heaven and earth to make it forever available to you in fact this is why in john 17 jesus says now this is eternal life don't think like heaven one day this word life it literally means real genuine fullness of life that's what it means that word life it means real genuine fullness of life jesus says now this is eternal real genuine fullness of life that they may say know you not know about you know you could the number one problem in our life and our relationship with god be that we are over-informed and under-connected that we know more about god than we actually know god and i get it it's like how do i know half of it is just positioning yourself and saying god it says that you want me that you call me by name and so may i be like the disciples and just choose to come to you i don't even know how to do it i don't even know how to do it the good news is he does and he will help you in fact last verse this is what jesus says to you are you tired warned out burned out on religion are you tired of trying to become like god without god are you trying to i tired of discipleship being about information and behavior modification and external conformity and the do's and the don'ts yeah me too so come to me get away with me and you'll recover your life i'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me and work with me watch how i do it learn the unforced rhythms of grace i won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly there it is again discipleship happens through relationship keep company with me relationship and you'll learn to live freely and lightly discipleship jesus another translation says take my yoke upon you when you yoke two animals together you lock them in and they're going to go in the same direction because they're now connected what jesus says is that his yoke is easy he carries all of the weight his burden is light he is just inviting you to come pull in close to him and he will help you become who you already are in him it is impossible to experience discipleship without relationship so the question is is who are you becoming are you becoming someone who knows about god or are you becoming someone who knows god that's the question isn't it and so if you've been paying attention for the last six months or so we've been intentionally adding subtly things into our services on the weekends the experiences to help you connect with god to activate your faith to lean into him more than just a good church experience and so here's how i would like to to end our time together is i just want to give you 90 seconds to just enjoy god i literally want to give you 90 seconds i'm gonna put a timer up here in a moment and give you 90 seconds to just enjoy god what does that mean just enjoy god it means just be with him be aware that he's here listen to his voice do you realize that if you would start every day this week with 90 seconds of enjoying god your life would be radically different and if you're like come on man i i like i don't why are you here or why are you tuning in online in the point to know god not know about god all teaching is meant to lead us into an experience with god not make us religious and informed about god so let's apply what we just learned together okay you with me on this just 90 seconds so close your eyes be still 90 seconds just enjoy god just be with him for 90 seconds i think what the lord wants to say to so many of us right now is just i miss you that's literally a prophetic word for somebody the lord wants to say to you i miss you oh i love you oh how i enjoy you and want you to enjoy me too 90 seconds in the presence of god begins to change us from the inside out we start to absorb his character you can even feel it you start to absorb his peace brings your blood pressure down life starts to slow down the worries and cares take a back seat for at least 90 seconds okay that's that's discipleship that's transformation that's the glory of god shining on you and you beginning to absorb it into your spirit so what would it look like this week to just start every day with 90 seconds of enjoying god because to be a disciple is about having a relationship with god not knowing about god or doing things for god or trying harder for god no no it's about walking with god so holy spirit would you continue to help create within us a relationship with you with jesus with the father that we might learn the unforced rhythms of grace and walk in the character and in the power of jesus lord may we learn your heart and carry that into this world in your name we pray amen [Music] so life as a disciple is so refreshing that we actually get to know god hey again i'm so glad that you are here with us today if you'd like to give you can give any time online at again if this is your campus we'd invite you to fill out the form below because again we'd love to get connected with you but before you go let me remind you that god is good jesus has forgiven you you are loved and everything is possible so may you go this week as the hope carrier that you are created to be i love you have a blessed week [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Valley Creek Church
Views: 4,217
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: epiTJKoWifo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 24sec (4524 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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