Tuesday Night Prayer

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uh is uh [Music] with your glory and my heart [Music] oh [Music] wow through the days and the seasons [Music] your grace [Music] and all right church hello welcome to tuesday night a prayer happening right now online and at the gainesville campus and also here in flower mound we are together one church ready to seek god with everything we have it is good to be together it's going to be a great night to pray with each other to worship god and so here's what i want to encourage you let me just lay some ground rules it is okay to spread out it's okay to pray all the way through it's okay to worship on the in between that is there's gonna be sometimes the words will be on the screen sometimes they won't be that's okay just keep worshipping there'll be some times that we're gonna like talk about what to pray and lead you through that sometimes we won't that's okay just keep on praying it's gonna be a great opportunity to seek god with everything that we have you see we talked about this weekend preparing for what we want to attract that is preparing for the very spirit of god to come and move among us and so i really want to encourage you let's begin to do that right now why should we wait until we're halfway through to really experience the presence of god into our own hearts and lives why not right now why not begin to say come on holy spirit holy spirit we want you here holy spirit we know you're here come on raise your voices begin to prepare the way of the lord as we seek him together holy spirit we want you to join us in this place we know you're here we know there's more of you to come maybe you could just say this god will you will you help us speak in a language of faith god we want to just live in this atmosphere of hope come on god will you just create an atmosphere of hope among us right now maybe speak out we want to walk in the way of love tonight holy spirit help us walk in the way of love we want to prepare for attracting you god your presence for the more that you have come on church what if with a big faith you believed that the holy spirit wants to break through to whatever situation we're facing he wants to break through in an atmosphere of hope he wants to speak to us in a language of faith he wants us to walk in this way of love and to experience the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven even as we gather together tonight come on this is being the church this is something we don't take for granted this is us being built up to be the people of god this is us rising to become a holy temple a dwelling place for our lord thank you spirit thank you jesus thank you god for what you're going to do among us tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] come take your place come take your place so bless [Music] shout out and bless the lord [Music] [Music] shout [Music] [Music] and this is why we're here tonight to give you praise [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're welcome [Music] you're welcome in this place glory here we go [Music] [Music] praise [Music] you're welcome in this place [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] to bless the lord [Music] wish [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh we shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say bless the lord we love you jesus we love to be in your presence you can come and have your way in this place come on bless him say i bless you lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] something always changes when i bless your name oh something always changes when i bless your name oh something always changes when i bless your name so i bless your name sing that that something always changes when i bless your name or something always changes when i bless your name hope something always changes when i bless your name so i'll bless your name hope something something always changes oh that's within me oh [Music] oh something always changes when bless you so i bless your name oh the atmosphere changes when the king comes in the room [Music] is oh everything changes [Music] everything changes so i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad so i will rejoice i will rejoice be glad come on ask for someone tonight feel like the lord is doing something different you might have not walked in here glad but the bible says over and over in the psalms telling your soul to bless the lord telling your soul to be glad in him and who he is and so i believe that the atmosphere is changing tonight that some of us actually need to worship just a little bit different than we usually do so we're going to sing that out i just feel like i will rejoice i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad cause he's good he is good so i will rejoice and i will rejoice [Music] is [Music] so bless the lord [Music] all that's within have your way [Music] we make the space [Music] [Music] we make the room for you to come and build this up however you want to and i will make room for you to do whatever you want to do whatever you want and i will make room for you to do whatever you want to do whatever you want to god and i will make room for you to do whatever you want to do to do whatever you want to god and i will make room [Music] to do whatever you want to god and i will make room [Music] and i will make room for you whatever you want to do whatever you want to go to do whatever you want to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] to do whatever you want to god and i will make room to do whatever you do do whatever you want to do [Music] break down is [Music] break down is to do to do whatever you want to do is break down [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to do whatever you want to do whatever to do whatever you want [Music] to do whatever you want [Music] jesus [Music] so jesus we just make room for you lord we love your presence every one of us that's here that's gathered we're here because we long to meet with you we want more of you jesus we say come lord jesus come we're passionate about the presence of god we want to meet with you in new and fresh and profound ways and over these last bunch of years together as a church we've cultivated this worship culture that loves to meet with the presence of god and and has this hunger this desire this thirst to know god to know him deeper to go further and farther with him and we're entering into this new season and if you are here this weekend you heard me talk about it's time to build to really become the dwelling place of god and if we're really passionate about the presence of god we have to go beyond worship to actually building the relationships that create the body of christ the temple of the lord to invite him to come and dwell among us and so i think we all know that in theory and we can all agree to that and i would bet that many of you that are here a tuesday night prayer you have those kinds of relationships but so many people in our church family don't so here's what we're going to do for the next few minutes this is tuesday night prayer right come on this is tuesday night prayer not just worship prayer so we're going to build for the next few minutes can you build with me for the next few minutes i want you to roll up your sleeves i want to get your hands a little bit dirty i want you to grab your bibles and i want you to flip to ephesians chapter 4. if you didn't bring a bible find it on your phone ephesians chapter 4 is one of the most beautiful passages in the bible talking about the body of christ the unity of the spirit the people of god united together how then we shall now live as a family and what i want to invite you to do for the next few moments this is going to be you activating so some of you need to stand some of you need to kneel some of you and you want to sit you can do whatever you want to do but i don't want you to get passive in your posture we're building you're not sleeping we're not taking a nap we're building and here's what i want to invite you to do for about the next 10 minutes or so stay in the presence of god that we're in stay in the posture that you're in and i want to invite you to take ephesians chapter 4 and i want to invite you to start praying those verses over our church family you see i think a lot of us we're learning how to pray and one of the greatest ways you learn how to pray is by reading scripture and then stopping after a verse and declaring it speaking it agreeing with it agreeing with what god says with what god wants with what god's heart is and then trusting that the holy spirit within you will start giving you the prompts of what he wants you to pray for our church family and so for the next 10 minutes i really want to encourage you be vocal this isn't like in your head quiet spirit breakthrough prayer down here this is like lord i'm coming to you on behalf of our church family i'm here to build tonight because i want to see this place become a dwelling place for god in the next level and so lord i see ephesians 4 2 that says be completely humble and gentle be patient bearing with one another in love so lord i declare that over our church tonight that we would be a people of humility that pride would not have a place among us that we would be gentle and kind treating each other with compassion lord help us be patient with one another and bear with each other in the difficulties and challenges of life you get it that's just one verse so for the next 10 minutes you read through whatever pops out at you you see another one be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in christ god forgave you verse 32 god i agree with that in jesus name and i pray for our church family that might not have the faith tonight to believe that but may they be kind to one another may we be compassionate with each other lord help us to forgive one another may no offense exist in this church may no offense exist in the hearts of the people of this family may we forgive the way that you have forgiven us you catch me on this this is the kind of prayer that's building this is the kind of prayer that's creating a dwelling place for god let's pray by faith and activate in the spiritual realm for those in our church that don't have the faith to believe it to pray it to receive it so come on church the greatest way to pray is to declare god's word over the people of this world ephesians chapter 4 next few minutes be as loud as you want to be spread out do what you want to do come on pray with passion to create a dwelling place for god [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on i just declare that in jesus name we just built some things in the spiritual realm we just stacked some stones [Music] come on i'm really proud of you i feel like you guys just leaned in that you rolled up your sleeves that you started to build so lord we just declare that we would be living stones stacked together connected by the spirit of the living god that every body part in this church would be connected by the ligaments of relationships that we would grow up into you all things the fullness of the measure of god that lord we would live in a way of righteousness and holiness that this would be a place where you come dwell because we want you here so we pray for our church we pray for each other that we would be the body of christ [Music] the temple of the lord the place where you dwell on this earth in jesus name we pray [Applause] and amen the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones will sing [Music] [Applause] great [Music] will cry [Music] for the earth our hearts will cry these bones will say grace will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] ours will cry these bones will is [Music] is foreign [Music] our hearts will cry these bones these bones is so we pour our praise to you only it's [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you [Music] our chief cornerstone [Music] no other foundation can we build upon [Music] non-philosophy [Music] come on this is you and me you will build your church in the gates [Applause] [Music] we proclaim your truth and in jesus name we will not fail we will never [Music] raised up from the dead [Music] it is [Music] [Applause] through the praise of his glory his glory [Music] is we proclaim your truth and in jesus name will [Music] build your church building from the ground up it's your church build your church build your church building from the ground up wear your church build your your church building from the ground up it's your church build your church come on build your church building from the ground up clean your church it's your church build your church build your [Music] build [Music] is we proclaim [Music] [Music] [Music] church build your church build your church build your church build your church [Music] builds [Music] it's your church we're your church we're your church builders from the ground up [Music] would you build us one up [Music] [Music] will [Music] we proclaim your truth [Music] we'll never fail [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is your house so come down [Music] is [Music] this is your house and this is your house so come down come dwell this is your house and this is your house for you are in the room we make room for you right here you are in the room we make room for you oh come fill this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the place we make room for you are we sing this out [Music] [Music] oh enjoy [Music] this is this is if yours are in the room enjoy your glory show us your glory show us your glory show us your glory and show us your glory [Music] so calm down [Music] this is your house [Music] come on sing that again but let's sing it as a prayer sing it is that next level prayer all those things you have prayed from ephesians chapter four let's just sing it one or two more times and just pray it declare it prophesy this song and these words over our church over our family come on this is your house [Music] this is your house this is your house this is your house this is your house so come down and come this is your house this is your highest visit and this is your house and this is your house and this is your house this is your house [Music] jesus we are your house we are your dwelling place we are your family that you have bought and redeemed and paid for at a price we are no longer in the orphanage of this world we have been rescued as children you've given us a family and you've given us a home in you [Applause] and so lord that's our prayer tonight that's the cry of our heart would you come down and come dwell would you come show us your glory would we be one as you and the father are one that the world would see the glory of god dwelling in this house dwelling in this family dwelling among us in a new and powerful way as we move into this new season so we just declare this is your house this is your house lord [Applause] thank you that you invite us to be a part of your family and because this has always been your house you're actually inviting us into your home so thank you jesus thank you lord for being here tonight thank you for hearing our prayers thank you for stretching us taking us deeper taking us to new places with you may we continue to be people that are passionate about the presence of god in every way shape and form and in the name of jesus everybody said amen come on okay here's just what i want to say that was probably the best 10-minute corporate prayer session maybe i've ever been a part of in our church [Music] because because you decided to activate your faith you weren't afraid to use your voice you used the word of god you spoke into the atmosphere you just took god's word took it at face value spoke it for what he wants it to do declared it prayed it let the holy spirit speak through you and in that i believe we just did a whole lot of building of this family in the spiritual realm to become a dwelling place for god at a whole other level this is where we're going with tuesday night prayer further farther deeper learning to worship learning to pray learning to intercede learning to prophesy and speak forth and believe god for the things he promises in his word i am so glad gainesville online flower mound so glad you are here with us tonight tuesday night prayer for some of you if you feel like you've got something specific in your heart your life that you want prayer for we'll just have some of our staff leaders up front man don't take off out of here if there's something that you want prayer for but may you go encouraged with the atmosphere of hope because that's the atmosphere that's in god's house i love you we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] um um
Channel: Valley Creek Church
Views: 446
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 85cHO8xM4rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 39sec (3819 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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