The Power of Dua - Yahya Ibrahim

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alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam o allah rasool allah salallahu alihi wa sahbihi was sending more about always we begin with the praise of Allah Azza WA JAL we send our prayers of peace upon a nephew Muhammad sallallaahu are you seldom we testify with firmness and conviction that there is not Allah in the law that there is none that is worthy of any worship or devotion except Allah Azza WA JAL and we continue with same strength and conviction to believe and testify that none is there who was sent to guide us more perfectly than Muhammad sallallaahu honor you ascend them he is our final maybe our final prophet and messenger unto humanity who has come with the sealed favour and Quran al-karim which is the essence of all truth and guidance for Humanity from the beginning until the end and we pray that allah subhana wa ta'ala puts the love of the quran in our heart and it's recitation upon our tongue and that our children our young and our old grow to nurture themselves upon this wonderful kitab the word of allah and the speech of Allah Azza WA JAL I always advise myself anew with to Allah as Odin which is the inward consciousness that we have of Allah our awareness of the Creator the Almighty in our life personally and that we seek that this is something that shows itself outwardly from what we believe in wordly that it manifests itself in what we say and what we do and how we interact with others in society and this taqwa consciousness and awareness of a loss of vanuatu Allah is the legacy of all of the prophets that was given to them and every place you look in the Quran you will see the word of Allah where he will say that the prophets were commanded today to say to their people and abou do la manna come in Allah and I worship Allah alone you have none but he or they would say and it Tukwila be mindful of Allah be conscious aware of your dealings with him we're going to talk about God and DA is is very bad the Prophet SAW seldom said adora who a Nevada you are which is translated as supplication or as invocation or as devotion love worship all those words mean that one thing do up and you are is both a praise of Allah and a request from Allah and it's done in those two ways and we're going to study some of the dua that Allah has captured for us in the Quran and we're going to look at some of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam to see its eloquence and to see how it was formulated so that we can have 'soon principles in how you and I asked for our own things one of the most often asked question of me is chef brother brother yeah yeah how do I ask Allah for what I want when I don't know how to say it in Arabic like an institute I know the Prophet said and you're going to say to us after Abu Maya Kunal Abdullah Rob be the closest the slave is to his master his Lord what was a Judoon been a a day is when they are bowed down on their face before him how do I ask Allah I don't speak out of me can I just say it in my heart what if all I know is or do pashto what if all I know is Somali what if all I know is in bahasa what that's all I know what can I can I say that can I use those words in Salah in my student or not yo r is the essence of every worship you and I do the prophet muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam his action of dois his action of God meaning how he did his draw his hand movements his hushed voice hunted or 100 fear quietly sometimes the prophets I said them was very quiet and other times it was petition his hands were up to the heaven sallallahu alayhi wa seldom they were so high his shawl fell off his back some alloys on him his jacket tell of him he was so much in petition and in need of Allah as illidan there's an art to Dora and inshallah I hope by the end of our time today that we will capture some of it the prophet sallallaahu allah wa salim said u s-- terribly adikam man imagine every single one of you me you man woman child even even an unbeliever in allah really the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and the hadith is in Bukhari and Muslim he said to you and I it tucky be afraid of Dawa talam of loom wherein Kanaka Fira be afraid of the dua of an oppressed person even if he is an unbeliever because Allah will answer that dois and raise it above the heavens above the cloud you Nadi Hawaiian Agia and Allah will say come to me come to me so that I may answer you and give this draught victory even someone who doesn't believe in Allah who says my God helped me this man Muslim a Muslim has oppressed me has taken my wage my sweat was not paid on time my effort was not recognized the car that they turned into and left without leaving a note to pay any compensation o God whoever did this curse him he doesn't believe in Allah you and I know and their door is heard because they were wronged the animals are heard in their petition the prophet sallallaahu Hari was seldom would respond to the cry and to the anguish of an animal he responded to the anguish of a burdened camel there was a camel that had too much burden put on it and as a prophet walked out of his mega decisions and Buhari he saw this camel and as soon as the camel saw him it cried Salalah Halima said it knows who who turned you and that prophets I seldom gravitated towards this camel and put it down on the ground let it sit and he began to unpack its burden sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said out loud whose camel is this who has oppressed this beast they have not been created to be used and misused in this way some Wahoo are using them there's an art to draw and there's a way to be heard by Allah and there's a way to be rejected by Allah and there's their art where the prophets are I seldom says that the person will make your are and the angels will capture it and imprison it and subdue it and in other statements the Prophet said that your art will be thrown back at the petitioner striking him in the face because it is unworthy of ascending to the Almighty Allah Sultan Allah says in the Quran Subhanahu WA Ta'ala we begin our sada with these verses what we say in honoring Allah we praise all offers bismillahi r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen a Rahman Rahim twice in three sentences you repeat his most well-known description the merciful the especially merciful Madi Chioma Dean you understand that you will be bowed to him and be questioned by him Ya Allah I will be questioned by you on the day of judgement you are its master eeeh can a boot therefore I submit it's the first dua that is recorded for us in the Quran of asking Allah through subjugation NABARD only you oh allah subhana wa ta'ala will I turn to in drop what yak and staying and only you Allah will I ask help from so the next thing Edina guide me it's the essential of our life Allah says in Surat al-baqarah wakil Arab in Surat al-baqarah abu qamha unni a steady black ooh your Lord said ask me invoke me I will answer you in the Lavina is takbir una and i bad that he said who luna Jahannam ah da theory but remember that those who are too boastful and arrogant and proud to ask of me shall enter Jahannam in humiliation now this is the first principle I want you to make note of this principle first principle the more requests you make of Allah the more deserving you are of his mercy and the less you ask Allah for things the further away you are from his mercy sometimes you and I as human beings we look at it wrong you know if I was invite you to a barbecue to my home as I said I wanted the sunshine this is Perth mashallah for those watching overseas make him jealous all right this is Perth masha'Allah barbecues every day they think all right they think all the time is just barbecue barbecue barbecue so you come to my house and this is your first time to my home and you know we're friends but not really friends friends and all of a sudden you come to my house and I say thanks for coming out do you mind just mowing the lawn while I finish up you would find that absurd you say what kind it's ridiculous that the man would invite me for a barbecue and asks me to do physical labor and we kind of use that logic with Allah we assume that because we're not friends with Allah and that's why Allah talks about earlier the Companions of Allah the nearest to Allah we assume because we are not on an informal basis with a lot you need to be in a bit really informal basis with Allah Allah needs to know your name because you remember his name that's the essence of the Prophet so I said I'm saying Oscar Unni as kuku Allah says remember me and I will remember you you're the guy who's always with Allah you're the one who prays the to rock out before tragedy because fragile is just not good enough you need Allah you're the one who takes a little bit of a break to pray to Rockefeller Rock agua so natural a web eel before though you're the person who seeks to do the Sunnah in your salah the 12 raka that builds for you a house in Jannah every day because you did those 12 raka extra you're known to Allah and the prophets of Allah who are you seldom says either a habala ab de nada gibreel the hadith in Bukhari when Allah loves a person he calls you breelyn says ya gibreel in your head before landfill you breed this man this woman this individual I love them you love them for your hippo hood you breathe you breathe loves you you bring loves you have rahim masha'Allah inshallah make do I say Arab right degree loves you here we'll go on that premise well you now did you breathe here at least summer degree calls out to everything in the heavens and says in the waha you hit befool on and say boo Allah loves this person love him as well Matilde Buddha from and on earth Allah is acceptance for you becomes known even those who are not you know your best of friends find some tolerance for you even your enemies cannot find the ways they and the means they seek to harm you because of that love of Allah so a tip so the first lesson is that the less you ask Allah the further you are away from his mercy become acquainted with allah azza wa din' Allah also says say put it on LA with the wrong man notice this is a beautiful ayah Allah says : tell them whether you ask ya allah or he say yar of man Cerf manis you know you ask for a loss mercy when you need it sometimes when you feel you're strong there's no one in look at my bank account I have a job I have a home I have a family I have children I've been educated free health care we're in Australia a fee bank loans right left and center no problem Angelina if Allah wasn't happy with me why would I have all this I have people back home who don't have what we have at home did Allah cut fold into one whom I was given more than others and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says yes there's moments where you need to invoke Allah you don't think you need his mercy then there's other moments where Allah drives you into the ground where you are put on your face by circumstance where everything that was stable is upside down where what you thought you built Allah shows you that he can take from you because it was not yours in beginning subhanahu wa'ta'ala so whether you are needing Allah or you come now to know that you need a rock man notice that all of the super pious they always call a rock man Maryam she's praying in Beit al-maqdis in Jerusalem it's her own private quarters Mary alia said I'm the man no one is near her all of a sudden she sees the image of a man cartlett in the auto bill Rahmani lincoin Kunta takuya oh Allah oh oh who ever you are I seek refuge with the merciful one she remembers a Rahman first subhanahu wa'ta'ala I am Tedrow fella who asthma who knows nah whatever you're going to call Allah with remember he has the most excellent complete names unchanging names Allah is complete in who he is unchanging his aroma does not change because I'm not deserving of it a las mercy is not just extended to me when I did good he is always merciful and therefore he has the most blessed and continuous names Azza WA JAL way dasa adhikari bhadiya any for any Caribe muhammad sallallaahu on he was in them when they ask you concerning me about me I am near that's amazing Allah doesn't say the word puddin see in the upper the verse before it says say oh let's say to them but here when you ask where where's Allah in my life Amir I'm with you in Morocco ma s mera ara I see all here all I know all subhanahu wa tada let's dive in let's look at some of the drop from the Quran some of the drop from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu on each other first hora hora bana volumn na emphysema well in Lam Delphine Lana what are Hannah an akuna minal Huzur Dean who was the first to make this drop adam alayhis-salam this is the dawn of humanity you and I need this guy as much as Adam needed that when he strayed from the mercy of Allah Azza WA JAL this is the dua that makes up the totality of your life every time you do wrong and you will do wrong and I want you to understand that you will do wrong why will you do wrong because we vu is that capacity Allah has given you the ability to choose and not all of our choices will be correct your flawed you're not destined to be flawed because you can become complete and the Prophet SAW Salem says camel Amina rajadi kathira the hadith is embody many men have attained a completion with Allah and many women have attained that completed at the of them is maryam the mother of asa Khadija the wife of muhammad sallallaahu re wa seldom the daughter of khuwaylid hacia the wife of faroan and fought him at the daughter of muhammad sallallaahu re us on notice the first word are up bana our lord have you ever wondered why you don't say rugby as often why you always hear the Prophet I said I'm saying orab Donna why do you hear it brahim saying Rob Bana why do you hear moosa saying rub banner when they're asking for themselves because the second etiquette that we learn today is that when you include others in your need allah solves your need see your premise of being here on earth is as khulafa in this earth that you keep this earth ready for those who will live therein after you that they are prepared to use it as you have used it and benefit as you have benefited in life and therefore your door must be inclusive don't be of those who says well everyone knows how to make dua brother I got to look after myself yeah I mean Allah listen to me first and then we can worry about these others right no or Abena include others think of others intend others in your heart volumn nah I'm foo sana third principle admit your mistake do you know your mistake keep it within you understand that it is something that you must deal with between you and Allah Volumnia and with Anna I did volume I knew what you expected me and I made a mistake I chose the wrong way volume 2 NF C so thinly oh Allah give me your forgiveness subhanahu wa'ta'ala well in let me tell Finland ah notice that the request of Adam and Hawwa isn't oh Allah just forgive me it's that they understand now the magnificence of Allah in their life that if you don't forgive me who do I have where will I go what success will I have in this world where who can I turn to what I am Telling Lena if I don't have you oh Allah to turn to every time I seek forgiveness I will always be from those who are outcasts and losers as Muslims our faith is the only faith that promotes Toba I want you to understand this for example you see in the movies if you don't know it personally you'll see in the movies or on TV that when someone does something wrong and they're roman-catholic they'll visit the church and they'll do what confession right they'll sit with a priest and they'll tell them what's wrong and it's their form of Penton penance but for us as Muslims we see that as being inadequate because why when they ask you about me o Muhammad say I am near it's between me and Allah volumn nah I'm Susanna well inland Alfred Lana what are Hannah Lana Coonan amin al-husseini allah also records in the quran the dua of ibraheem where he says robbie jhemini mookie masada women do realty or a banner what a hub Bandra he begins that we are asking for himself Robby Johnny McKee masala oh Allah let me be consistent in Salah let's pause here for a second who's asking Allah help so that he can pray prophet who Ibrahim what good what luck is yeah you're gonna have in the world man if Prophet Ibrahim is saying Ya Allah help me I need pray Ya Allah helped me to meet my Salah if prophet ibrahim needs a law's divine intervention in his life to keep him on the straight path of prayer most of the Imams when they analyze this eye of a sirat al-mustaqim the first thing that they say is a Salah it's prayer that's the straight path because Eva Soler had solo Halima udkhulu everything is accepted by Allah Azza WA JAL you must ask Allah to help you with Salah and therefore at the moment you end assalamu alaykum assalamu alaykum the first thing that you say is a stealth allahu la vie oh allah forgive me why because I could have prayed better there were moments where I thought of my wife of my work of my children of my school of my days of my dad of my homework of my cooking of the affiliate acidity of the fill yourself in lost L feel myself Allah and then you say Elohim my Lord and me help me help me to do what remember you a lava Creek o wash up Kurokawa hosts neighbor to pray better Ya Allah I did though it was okay yeah I'm not give me a better us Ya Allah helped me today I did my v ya allah let me do it tomorrow better rugby Johnny Mookie masala notice how he puts it upon Allah to assist him he says Asia and me you make me it's like it's almost as if you're saying Ya Allah wake me up for a fella like have a bird fly through the window or something you know let some drivers skied and I wake up oh ok special time right do something a lot to help me he's pleading it generally make me from them use whatever tools for me some subhana Allah to help me arrive at my son al well mean the deity notice every draw of the prophets is never just for themselves never do you find a righteous person that they are greedy Indra just between them and Allah they always include others and the first of those who they include is their own children their own responsibilities one-in-three Yeti and from my children and my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren you know there are people who lived in this land hundreds of years ago who were Muslim there were families who came from Afghanistan and other places who were Muslim when you go to that Perth mosque and you look at that tile and it's been more than a hundred years that Muslims have prostrated to Allah Azza WA JAL women Dhulia T you have this Amana the Riya verb it means seed your children are a seed you're planting them in this environment oh Allah irrigate them with Sola nurture them with Iman give them the guidance that straight path that I ask for myself that I ask you to put me upon and don't let them go to waste when in the realty here's the fourth lesson or up Bana what acabelles aha oh Allah answer and accept my job you need to make dua for your dog you can't just say I asked you asked and then what why I ask Allah Allah Yanni where is it I've had literally people you know they would say brother yeah yeah I wanted to get married you know and I made this to Hara and I made I prayed yesterday and nothing say yeah it's been what 13 hours he goes yes nah ah you study up Leah Hideko man imagine you're answered as long as you're not earnest worried that it won't be answered Allah says beautifully in the Quran and manageable Mutola yada who else but Allah will answer the one who invokes him in dire need except allah meaning even an unbeliever and a law uses this in the quran he says that there are people in the ship and they say that Allah Allah in NJ tena they say my lord if you save us lennihan a nominal mullah seen len-kun and amina salihin we will be from the best and the most sincere in worship to you o allah Philemon and jaha who in ledbetter but when they're saved to the shore they forgot they do their own thing again and therefore the one who answers the Moo table Allah why does he answer him in the dire need it is only one reason because when you are in dire need you are in sincerity you know when you're you know when you make duaa as if you're in a drowning ship you know how sincere that drought is that's when Allah answers you and who else is going to enter it's Allah so when you make dua and it's just like a reed you know how some people after so loud they do this little thing they go like this but that are better and they just you know just a lot I've done the formality if I didn't do people say why didn't you do it when we know the essence of the drought of the Prophet so I send them after the prayer is not like that his door aunt was test be right it wasn't just a formality sake a few rub Anna's and let's move along right now need I need you oh Allah whether you are a rock man because I'm pushed to my knees or you are Allah who I've not recognised your mind in my life third ayah or a bikini muda hala pseudo what originally Maharaja suit what you are li min ladunka soon gone and Nasir our Allah subhana allah says in Surat Annisa and this was the jaw that was made by the Prophet so I sell him as he was entering Mecca you know he's entering into Mecca now after ten years they had banned him from its Allah what he was seldom a few years earlier in the in the hood idea they made him return back couldn't even make Amara and after the peace treaty they broke it with violence and the Prophet returns with strength and he says or obviously Nene mood the Knesset my lord anchor me into good and allow me an exit to be good this is a central dua that the believers make and many of them and they say that this type of draw and this particular draw is to be said at times of confrontation and struggle and difficulty in your life you're going into a job interview you're going in to write a test right you're going in to fulfill an act that you feel apprehension about and the Prophet SAW I seldom says oh Allah allow me to enter into that which will be good because there are many things that we think will be good for us when we find inside they are hollow and not full of good and then we try to get out but it's difficult so it's not just I want to enter into good but I also want to have an exit into good and prosperity and give me from you o Allah an authority that will help me along Sultana nasira the amount of tafseer they say an angel who will guard me all throughout this process or billeted only followed an anticyclone where is he oh allah leave me not single childless though you are the best of inheritors this doha is a dua that shows the anguish of someone who needs something from allah and none can provide it but he but it shows the faith that balance is their request from allah with knowledge that it is Allah who can take back anything see sometimes people think I'm going to ask Allah oh Allah give me and then you receive and it becomes one of the greatest tests in your life that you were giving something you wanted so much that Allah then recalls it from you and takes it back from you as one of the greatest tests you have in life and therefore this dua is oh Allah what you will give me is going to be from you and if you take it back from me oh Allah you are the best who will return and take things away subhanahu wa'ta'ala we're going to spend a little bit of time with the last two verses of surat al-baqara anyone know something special about these two verses from the hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah okay first they are a treasure from the treasures of the of the mighty order of Allah Azza WA JAL the prophets I seldom said booty to minkins aloud I was given a treasure from Allah and these two verses were it second when the Prophet SAW I seldom ascended to heaven in a Israel Mirage these last two verses of Surat al-baqarah and this is the last of them were communicated by Allah directly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they're the only place in the Quran where Allah spoke the Quran to the prophets of Allah who are Allah send them as is in the hadith of an imam in Asahi third that these two verses are the protection of all protection the Prophet SAW I send them said the one who recites the last two verses of Surat al-baqarah he'll field is protected guarded at night until they wake and in the morning until they laid to rest listen to the eloquence that Allah six of us robbed Anna led to a fitna in escena Allah fauna our Lord don't blame us for the things that we have forgotten or fallen into error in what's the difference between haughty and if man if both words are translated in English as if is sin and hottie if thin but Katya is a mistake I didn't mean it and in many aspects of our life there are things that we do wrong unintentionally and therefore the first level of seeking forgiveness from Allah is from the things that we assume he will forgive us anyway for robbing allowed to a fitna Allah don't blame us for it in escena a lot 'no forgetting is a natural process of all human beings as it's narrated and so I had Buhari one day the Prophet I seldom was praying and he prayed salata last five raka instead of four five and also have a friend behind him just quiet and after the salah one of them says you're a pseudo boss and i said 'no has our prayer changed because when the prophet does something it's the way it should be prophet said no they said because you added a fifth raka should we do this tomorrow and the prophets I seldom said Allah Akbar Tunis the amoeba shelf enema and avocado a furrow and Sekhmet and so I am only a human being I forget the way you forget some la hawla wa sallim in that is a sense of humility of this noble privileged Messenger of Allah as Odin that he accepts this humanity that as Muslims we never elevate him past his status with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala I'm a human being I forget the way you forget Robin allowed to a fitna illness inna allatheena second Robin awhile Tamil Elena is soren kamehameha who Allen Davina min Kalina our Lord do not put a burden on us like the burden that you put on the people who came before us there are those who came before us nations that came before us who were given blessings by Allah but it was a burden upon them because they were not able to sustain it and therefore I now wear a bad that our worship of Allah Azza WA JAL we never go to extremes and you see that the habit of the profits of asylum was always one of moderation and consistency and continuation of small steps that lead to ever bigger nearer challenges that one faces in building their Iman in allah azza wajal and part of your dua is not to be burdened with something that you will not be able to sustain and withstand our bana voila to homina mad at Offutt ala nabi our Lord do not place upon us a burden greater than we can carry every one of us is burdened wallah if you and I we would be honest with each other and if it was just to be a day of free talk well you could just tell everyone the things that burden you in life all of us would sit and burden each other with burdens you say you say oh you know you know you see me I'm happy yeah but I'm not I'm actually not burden difficulty and asking a loss of hano tejada not to put more than I can withstand not that we can withstand is a plea and a cry that we have between us and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala where you are asking for a divine intervention in the things that trouble you in life and sometimes we look at other people and we don't see what their burdens are and we think that they are far better off than us when the opposite is actually the reality and Allah tells us in the Quran that there are some people that sebelum a Lamia I mean a thoughtful some people they don't ask anyone for anything you think that they're wealthy because it they may this facade in front of you that they don't need anything from anyone ali radiya llahu anhum fatima they would give sadaqa and charity that the person who they gave when they looked at them they thought you know subhanAllah I think this man needs it more than me but he's giving me more than he has for himself because of their reliance on Allah and releasing your burden and asking Allah to lift off our shoulders what we cannot withstand is an essential dry path wanna a foo is pardon it means oh Allah don't just forgive me make it like it never happened da da ma tell us that you might harm someone you know I might take something from my dear brother Yunus may Allah give him strength and I might take something without right and before Allah I have a right that is to be repaid to him and maybe I lose contact and I feel regret in my heart I wish I could do something and I turn to Allah in sincere repentance Ya Allah forgive me and the amount that I had misappropriated from him I put it in charity in his name and when I go to her Marah I ask Allah for forgiveness and I do all the things that I can to absolve myself and he and I never meet in the dunya again our scholars tell us that even though Yunus may Allah protect him might have hated me in the dunya when he comes out of his grave because of my devotion to Allah he will be made to forget it by Allah giving him good that expiates my sin because I was sincere to Allah see sometimes we've harmed someone and we think all people get over it no you will stand before Allah and be held accountable and if you don't free yourself in the dunya you will be accountable in the al-quran and the only way ensure your protection is to increase your good deeds that will make a la counter my sinful deeds and erase his Huck upon me absolve me from it laughs wanna make it like it never happened a flue is not just Rama and forgiveness it's as if it never happened well if Elena and also forgive us o Allah water homina and show us your mercy and Tamil Anna for you are our master you are our protector from soma a little milk a Faline grant us victory over the disbelieving people that last part of the ayah many people misunderstand it victory over the disbelieving people means that the one who has taken my right that you will give it back to me oh allah and the one who did not understand the truth and held it against me you will give it back to me oh allah and the one that i had a claim over you will give me victory over it oh allah rob the Phillie when you are today well Amanda holiday et amok mean and wedding me Nina will move me not well that is a Diwali Mina alerted Allah this is the dua of Noah a similar draught was made by our prophet ibrahim alayhis salam father shut hold on please come to the front insha allah just like a latte please my lord forgive me and my parents and whoever enters my house is a colossal delicious notice this god of nor it includes even us like nor doesn't leave anyone out he says o Allah forgive me Allah forgive my parents all love forgive any believer who walked in my home okay even if they didn't come in my home anyone who believes whether man or woman oh Allah forgive them all right this is the dua of nooh alehissalaam and it shows us as a principle that we include others in our to are hoping that Allah will accept it and increase it your number in Surat al-baqarah one of the final dots we study today it is the most made dua of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in auspicious occasions like Tawaf when you make Tawaf this is really all you need Rob bana a Tina Fey duniya husana what will a fellow chiisana well cleaner are there but now by the way this is something funny I just read I was reading the tough seed of this area and abdullah IBN abbas allah and who the companion of the Prophet - Allah he recited this alia and he said to some of the tablet in do you know what the husana that you asked for in the dunya is what is the good thing you asked for in the dunya who knows what is the Hassan and what are you asking the good a good wife subhanAllah did you hear that brothers you're making toe-off you're asking yah yah Allah make my wife a good person if I don't have a white make it make sure she's a really good person so I don't have anything to work with all right she's just good on her own Allah ravenna a team ethic dunya husana waffle our karate asada and good in the a fella Joaquina a dhaba now and protect us from the fire there are three important benefits in this job first benefit is don't ever forget your share in the dunya don't ever just think Oh a little a little outfit or no uni you can be rich you can be rich be rich you can make money if you can fill this whole room with halal money where you're going to earn it from halal and spendin halal or a banner at enough in dunya husana give us yeah a lot good in this life some of the Sahaba were the wealthiest of the wealthiest dressed in the finest clothing enjoyed the best of things and it when it was time for them to share with others they were there to give and they were there to stand by Nabil mohammed salah salem the likes of Earth man a fan and of the rock man golf the best of the best second benefit we take from this we ask for good in the dunya one time but we ask for good in the Avira double fill our OD husana and cleaner aadhavan now which is a benefit for us in the a fella so as much as you seek from Allah in this life as rich as you want to be as healthy as you want to be as content as you want to be make sure double of your energy is put put towards that are fed up towards that way where you will save yourself in the after all between you and Allah and third and finally that we take as a benefit from this wonderful area is that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Adi who seldom taught a simplicity in Duras and a Bedouin man came and he was listening to the Prophet so I seldom in Abu Bakr you know they're talking and they you know they using these big words in dua and and the better one says to the Prophet SAW I seldom laughs God and then attack Awad and then at the other buck I don't understand the big words that you and ever buckaroo use you know how some Muslims they like they seem so pious and like wow look at these guys like Muftis and mallanna's and say you're like intimidated and this man he says yeah no tsuita why i don't know how to say what you say I'm a humble person so the Prophet said what do you ask for he said I say a llama es el que tiene a llama in Yahoo the we come in and now oh Allah give me Jenna oh Allah keep me out of jam them Prophet smiled and said to him how that include Endon all of our big words are circling around the one word you just said everything we're saying we're trying to say what you just said I what we said is what you're trying to say so let me rise my discussion with you in sha allah with these five essentials enjoy five essential points first ask allah for good in the dunya but do so conservatively ask allah for the aftera extravagantly double what you asked for they don't you say jenna say i want and fear those and a de o allah i want to be next to muhammad sallallaahu send them now your deeds are never going to be equal to that of the Prophet I seldom you're not going to expect to rise to that level but you make that your art hoping that your love will put you near him some Allah honey or seldom and mortal man on your head you will be with the one you love the most on that day of judgement second when you make go out to Allah begin with praise words like our banner my lord your mind it's personal you belong to me only me hear me answer me seek me I want from you I covet from you and the Prophet SAW I said him would be very strict with a Sahaba he would say don't say when you make dua insha Allah you know some people they say may Allah give you Jenna in sha allah will say table man say may Allah give you Jenna he'll us Allah will answer you don't be unequivocal you must be decisive Ya Allah it's like you're drowning in the sea save me third Allah is near all of us and he is near to the one who has purity of heart more than what more than the one who has lots of actions without purity of heart it's that little humble word that you say between you and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that fills your world with Rama and Baraka that little thing is just in your heart between you and Allah you might be a person who outwardly other people look down on look missing a part of his job or this one he's you know I haven't seen him in the Jamaat now I'm not saying those are things you discount but they are not things that you discount that keep you away from a lot you have no one but Allah to ask don't ever feel too sinful to ask him as origin he hears you and therefore he says that the one who turns to him in repentance is one who initially has belief yeah you alladhina amanu to wa allama it is the believer who asks Allah for forgiveness it is the believer who says I forgot it is the believer who says I made a mistake it is the believer who is burdened with sin it is the believer who has walked far away from Allah but recognizes alienated aboon where am I going it's only back to allah azza wajal it is a sign of faith that you return to him number four your du'a is answered based on what qualifies its answer and the hadith and SIA Muslim is a warning to you and I that a man is lost in the desert his camel has run away with all of his supplies he's sitting there with nothing a shock Hallows he's covered in dirt the Sun is rising upon him he will not live another day in that desert and he puts his hands up finally to Allah and that's the meaning of the hadith he didn't ask a lot initially finally he remembers okay I might as well I might as well now my life might as well just try my luck so he puts his hands up and he says Yara my lord answer me and then the Prophet pauses and says but that man his clothing is from Haram procured from Haram his food is from Haram would the herbal Haram his whole system of life was based on that which was sinful and now you said yeah blah how does he conceive that Allah will hear and answer him subhanahu wa'ta'ala how can one in good conscience know that they have left the law and feel that they can ask of allah the things that are extra to what they need in the luxuries of their life be conscious of your place with Allah so it'll seek him but know that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala judges us in terms of our deeds and our conduct and the sincerity in our heart fifth and finally no job is complete without the Blessed sada upon the Prophet in Hamid's allahu allah was in them nothing rai raises you in standard and in place between you and Allah greater than you honoring 100 sallallahu wasallam you remembering him off in his dua and one of the Sahaba and the hadith is authentic and the Aveda would he said to the Prophet Yama so Elijah Hajj I have a need should I ask Allah or should I say my prayers for you the prophets I seldom said some of this in some of this he said how much should I say in Salah upon you O Messenger of Allah how many Salah watch should I say should I do a third of my dry instead of making in every three dua once Allah for you and to door and the Prophet said you can or more he said half the aerosol allah salallahu alayhi wa salem the Prophet said you can or more he said ya Rasul Allah I will make all of my job I'm not going to ask Allah for anything but Allah knows what's in my heart I'm gonna make my dua my soda and Salam upon you all of it so la la hora was hidden and the Prophet smiled and said then you will be given what you wanted and more some lahardee who are early he was softly he was something
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 131,634
Rating: 4.8941693 out of 5
Keywords: The Power of Dua - Yahya Ibrahim, Yahya Ibrahim, The Power of Dua, Dua, Power of Dua, supplication, suplicate, Koran, Prophet, Quran (Book), Muhammad, Ahmed, Nasheed, need, help, God, asking God, Allah, Muslim, Muslims, ISLAM
Id: er-6QIqernE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 24 2014
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