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so when it comes to Johnny Depp and the claims levied against him I am amazed at what a certain nameless person has to say versus pretty much anyone that isn't one of her BFFs take officer Melissa s here under sworn testimony she says some fascinating things they contradict a certain narrative and that's what you and I are going to examine today now in this to remember that certain nameless person said that this person was bought off that the host tell staff were bought off basically everyone except her friends were bought off don't you find that fascinating I certainly do so hey there's so today we are returning to that wonderful world of Johnny Depp coverage and my what a wonderful world it is before we get started though let me say this and also stay tuned to the end of the video if you like this kind of content you want to help the channel out consider subscribing to it if you have subscribed make sure you're still subscribed because we ever seemed to be having a lot of problems with that also if you like this content want to help the channel out consider checking out the links in the description this particular item yeah the platform doesn't like it so yeah if you want to check those out definitely do if not I appreciate you being here nonetheless now as far as this document is concerned this is a transcript detailing one officers deposition wherein they talk about the May 2016 incident where they've responded to certain accusations thrown out about Johnny Depp and yeah it's very very fascinating we skip five pages into this too because basically we're talking about legalese you're having questions about impairment you know stuff that we don't need to cover because it will just eat up so much time also this is Johnny Depp's lawyer asking questions of the officer so they start out where are you employed basically is the first question I'm a police officer in LA I'm a training officer at the Central and division how long have you been employed seven years some flattery here thanks for that then you in the seven years how long have you been a training officer for eight months in your capacity as a training officer were you doing that basically on May 21st 2016 yes I was okay now before we get into all this can you tell us a little bit about your training this is actually very important to note in this because is this person qualified to talk about what they do so the officer says well we to become a police officer we go through a six month Academy where we get trained on various law enforcement subjects and after our six months we graduate we go to a probationary period for a year and after we go to we get chosen to go to whatever division that needs us within the city and in your training officer s in the Academy or you did you receive training in the detection of investigation and detection of crimes of suspected DV we're always going to use DV there yes we did okay then in your field training did you receive field training in the investigation and detection of crimes of again DV yes we did okay then in your capacity as an officer would it be fair to say that you've responded to dozens and dozens of calls related to the investigation and detection of DV yes do you have any ideas of how many calls related to that they're asking in your seven or eight years of work is an LA police officer you get an objection here but this won't stop that this is deposition so the witness I honestly wouldn't be able to put a number many so by miss Burke okay many many over a hundred yes okay over a hundred yes okay officer s I'd like you to draw your attention to May 21st 2016 and a call that I understand from dispatch you responded to an 849 South Broadway do you recall that evening yes I do okay and you were on duty that night with officer hadn't as your as your training partner yes I was do you recall the dispatch call itself yes I do okay what do you recall the dispatch call stating or relating to you prior to your arrival at that address compound again you get an objection here I believe it was a third person caller they gave an address and just stated it was a possible DV incident at Penn house no room just a penthouse okay and were you given any other specific details about what was being claimed no I did not upon arriving at the location could you tell me what you did first yes I responded with my partner up to the penthouse to try and make contact with a possible victim or suspect okay before you got to the penthouse did you have any interaction with anyone downstairs in the first level of the building I believe we asked the receptionist if we can go up to the penthouse and I believe she scanned us up but other than that we did not okay so prior to getting in the elevator you did not have any contact with any man or woman in the lobby other than whomever assisted you in getting to the elevator correct okay what did you travel in the elevator with officer Hadden yes I did okay and there was anyone else in the elevator no there was not okay can you tell us officer s what happened when you arrived at the penthouse level in the elevator and left the elevator yes we exited the elevator and we attempted to door knock the penthouse and we did not receive an answer so we tried to listen for possible signs of DV glass breaking fighting shouting we heard nothing so we responded to the outdoor courtyard and we tried to make contact tried to see if there was anyone outside there was a woman in the gym but it was obvious she was not related to the incident so we re responded back in the hallway and we were met by a gentleman a white male and the white male can you describe his physical appearance other than white male you know what I don't recall details of him just generic white male well he really stood out there he didn't look like he was under duress or distress or anything okay did he give you a name do you recall no he did not give his name okay what did you did he tell you if anything he actually approached us as we were walking back into the hall and he asked us if we were here for a call and we advised him that we were here for a possible DV incident and he just stated she's in she's in my apartment and I said okay who is she he said the one that lives there the one that it's there that's creepy so I asked him if he could explain to us what happened and he didn't give us any details he said everything is okay it's fine and she's in the apartment with my girlfriend and I said okay I just need to speak to her whoever she is he said okay just wait here and I'll go inside and grab her so me and my partner waited outside okay let me let me just stop and just okay slow you down a little bit okay so did you ask him to describe what happened if anything yes okay and what did he tell you if anything he gave no details okay he just stated everything is fine okay and we said everything is fine with that was he indicating that your services were not needed and that everything was fine or he was going to arrange for you to talk to the nameless one you know what my perception was he just wanted us to go that he got had it under control that right there he just wanted us to leave it wasn't a big deal isn't that interesting I see so but I let him know that we had to speak to whoever the female was okay and did he say anything about what the incident what the nature of the incident was no he did not okay you began to describe making contact with the female correct he the gentleman responded to his apartment which is across the hall from the nameless ones apartment they go off record for a moment so that's why we're skipping this and then they come back starting again officer s the gentleman you described had he described to you this was his apartment yes as I recall he said she's in my apartment okay and you had prior to entering the apartment you had the opportunity to walk the hallway with your fellow officer is that correct correct okay while walking the hallway did you walk the full length of the hallway to see if you heard any sounds or any activity yes I did was the hallway did it have any lights was it a lighted hallway yes it was well-lit okay at any time when you first inspected that area to listen for sounds that are observed the surroundings did you see any indication of vandalism or property damage nope did not did you see any broken glass or broken bottles anywhere in the hall no we did not did you see any splashed wine on the floor or the walls no we did not now that's important because all of these people said he went on a rampage he did all of this damage well the officers there was no indication of any of it whatsoever so okay when you made entry to the apartment described as the gentleman's apartment that you had encountered earlier did he open the door and let you in no we never made entry into that apartment okay you never went inside the apartment at all correct okay what happened when you got to the apartment described as that of the gentleman he asked us to wait he opened the doors he shut it and I could hear talking and I heard voices do you know what was said no I didn't I heard a female it was sounded like female voices so I assumed it was his what he said was his girlfriend and the nameless one okay and after I heard voices I knocked again I said sir I need you to open the door and that's when the nameless went came out with his girlfriend and he responded to the hall too as well okay when you said you knocked again how long were you left waiting before he first shut the door and when you knocked again it was probably 30 to 40 seconds okay and then you knocked again correct and did he immediately answer did you have to wait again immediately one of the females open the door and he came out okay into the hallway I don't recall which female it was okay and eventually did you make contact with someone you came to know ask the nameless one yes I did okay let's talk about that okay so showing you what will be marked as Exhibit B Exhibit B do you recognize this person yes I do and this is this person you came to know at some point was the nameless one yes okay tell me officer s when the nameless one first came out of the apartment did you speak with her yes I did and just for the record the last question did I know it was the nameless one I didn't the entire call she would not give me her name and I did not recognize her I didn't know who she was and I found out probably two weeks later well she's really famous there is it she so okay so and I meant to see if yeah you didn't who you later came to learn was the nameless one yes I learned later because that was my understanding as well when you first came in contact with the nameless one can you tell me were you speaking to her directly or was your partner I was can you tell me what you said to her well she was crying and I asked her are you okay she said yes and from her body language is very clear that she did not want to speak to us she looked upset so I asked her do you want to go into your apartment so we can talk in private and usually as a female officer the female will open up to us in private she said yes can my friend come I said yes so the nameless one her friend and I went into the apartment okay now before you go into the apartment officer s do you have the opportunity to be close with the nameless one and look at her physically yes I did okay and you had the opportunity to observe her face and her body correct to the extent you could see anything do you recall what she had on I do not recall what she had on I don't recall if I seen her arms I just know I seen her her face okay and she had no injuries okay let's talk about that for a second you as part of your training in the investigation of potential DV incident I'm Ashura assuming you deal with plenty of folks who indicate that nothing happened when something happened correct correct and likewise you do with folks who indicate that something happened when possibly nothing happened correct correct okay in this incident I am assuming whatever the nameless one was telling you you were still independently investigating any indication any sign said that a crime had been committed correct correct okay and part of the reason that you look at the person and you look at their physical condition is to determine whether there had been any potential assault correct correct and when you first encounter the nameless one you testified earlier that she was crying correct correct and but that you got to look at her face correct and you could describe did you see any marks of any kind on her face at all no I did not did you see any signs of swelling or injury to her face at all no I did not okay did you see any bruises or marks under either eye no I did not did you see any bruises or marks of any kind on her cheeks no I did not okay at the point that you discussed with her speaking you begin to testify earlier that you went to another location we went just across the hall okay to where her apartment was okay and is that where she said the incident occurred she never stated that the incident occurred she didn't give us give me any details okay so she just you who suggested they go to her apartment I asked her if she would like to go next door I asked if she lived there she said yes she nodded her head I said okay would you like to talk in there she said yes okay when you got to the door did she open the door yes she did okay and when inside the pin house yes I did okay and did your partner go inside the pin house he did after a couple of minutes okay okay and who else went inside if anyone besides you and the nameless one her own known female friend that was next door with her okay when you got inside the apartment did you have the opportunity to see the the inside of the pin house yes I did okay can you describe to me where the sofa was located in the penthouse yes there was okay and is that where you spoke with the nameless one or somewhere else yes she was standing in front of the sofa in the entryway okay and you were inside the penthouse did you see any broken glass of any kind no I did not did you see broken picture frames of any kind no I did not did you see any wine bottles on the floor are broken any matter no I did not did you see any spilled wine or any kind of spilled liquids of any kind no I did not so here we have the police officer refute number one the destruction of other property outside of the penthouse number two the print house itself and number three anything that is supposedly happened to the nameless one so continuing okay and you had an opportunity to observe the various parts of that penthouse I advised her when she refused to speak to me I advised her if that I would need to check the location to make sure that there was nobody hurt and there were no suspects and she agreed and her her male friend pointed us to where we could check and check inside the house okay now while you were still in the living room of the penthouse I am I correct that there is also a kitchen in the area yes it's one large space okay did you have the opportunity to equally inspect that area yes I did was there any shattered glass anywhere no there was not any broken bottles no there was not any broken picture frames no there was not spilled wine of any kind no there was not other liquid on the floor that you could detect not that I see okay did you set with the nameless one at any point on the sofa to speak with her no I did not okay did she sit on the sofa at any time on the sofa with which she was speaking to you I believe after we checked the location she sat down on the sofa with her friend okay we'll get back to that before you did a sweep or a check of the rest of the pin house did you have an opportunity to speak with the nameless one when you were in the apartment yes I did okay could you tell us about that conversation sure I asked her what happened opening question she said nothing then she continued to cry I said who do you live with here she shook her head as if she did not want to answer I asked are you hurt do you need an ambulance she shook her head no at that point I asked her if she'd mind if she would mind if I check her apartment and that's when she said no and any time then today a conversation did she say that she had been struck with any object or had been hit by any person now again there's an objection there nope she did not okay and did she say that she had been assaulted in any way by any other human being no she did not was there reference to any verbal dispute at any time that she had had I believe I asked her if she had a verbal dispute often when victims deny any sort of physical altercation I asked if it was a verbal again I got the same response she just shook her head she did not want to talk to me okay did you ever ask her her husband works I believe so I got no answers she refused to give me any answer okay when she otherwise cooperative or would you describe her demeanor as uncooperative again an objection here during her encounter with her same objection I don't want to call her and cooperative but she was not forthcoming she refused to speak with me she did not answer any of my questions I guess yeah I guess you could call her and cooperative okay fair enough fair enough was there anything else she told you prior to under you undertaking a sweep of the apartment no okay and did you ask her prior to undertaking a sweep of the apartment specifically if anyone had assaulted her can you repeat the question they repeated their yes I did ask her what did she say again I got no answer just okay and then at some point you undertook a sweep yes okay and you inspected the upstairs and downstairs of the penthouse yes I did okay then you went into all of the rooms yes I did did you see at any time any signs of a struggle or vandalism in the in the penthouse apartment again an objection no I did not okay did you see any inspection premises broken glass no I did not did you see any spilled wine of any type no I did not any broken bottles no I did not you get the picture frames are glass picture frames wooden picture frames and no I did not did you also undertake an inspection of the other penthouse is connected to the residence yes I did okay tell me about that how did that occur after we completed the sweep of the first pin house that we were all standing in the mail advised me that the next penthouse also belonged to the nameless one and he walked us over unlocked the door and my partner and I did a sweep of that okay penthouse as well can you describe what you saw in the penthouse yes that had many racks with a lot of white clothing I remember asking the mail Oh do they sell clothing are they and he's like oh yeah they designed clothing and jewelry and I said oh okay just making conversation I said okay and I remember continuing upstairs and we checked the whole loft and everything seemed ordinary okay in your entry to the place where they had described making jewelry and clothing did you see any other people as you and the officer hadn't went in no we did not was a gentleman with you at that time yes he was okay when you walked into that area did you see at any time any signs of a struggle having occurred nope did not did you see any signs of vandalism to the property no you're not any broken glass nope wine bottles on the floor broken or unbroken not that I know I did not any spilling of any kind no it did not and you and officer hadn't cleared that location as well yes we did okay after you cleared that location officer s what did you do next we my partner and I responded to the original penthouse where the nameless one was standing okay when you arrived back at the original penthouse did you encounter the nameless one again yes I did okay is it true that you had an opportunity to observe her face a second time when you encountered her yes I did okay at any point were there any signs on her face that you could see that she had an injury to her face there were no signs of injury did you see any red marks of any kind under either eye of her face no I did not did you see any bruising to her face I did not did you see any swelling of any kind I did not and did you talk to her a second time yes I did okay can you describe that conversation yes so I advised her that we had checked both of the lofts of the penthouse again and I asked her are you sure you don't want to speak to me I'll have everyone exit the room she was still she was still crying and she said no I don't I don't want anything and I said okay ma'am I'm going to write you a business card in case you change your mind if you change your mind at any time you can call us back and we'll respond and I had my partner write out a business card I issued her one is ughter neighbors one as well and that was it and I asked them if they had any questions no one had any questions the gentleman walked me and my partner to the elevator and we left okay before we get to you leaving the apartment is it true that in your response to a dispatch of suspected domestic dispute that you are looking for any probable cause to believe a crime had been committed correct okay and in doing so you were looking for evidence that a crime had been come physical evidence yes and that includes injury to the person you are encountering correct correct who was involved in whatever the alleged dispute was any signs or damage of vandalism correct correct okay at any point when you gave your car to the nameless one did you have any probable cause to believe any crime whatsoever had been committed no I did not that's a big one there no I did not okay at any time did you tell the nameless one that you believe that crime had been committed and you were willing to go out and arrest her husband no I did not did you at any time say any words to that effect to her excuse me no I did not okay did you say any words to that effect to anyone else you encountered at the pin house no I did not and I'm assuming whether the nameless won't cooperate it or not if you had seen physical injuries to the nameless one you would be in and of itself enough to proceed with future investigation of crime correct correct and you did not proceed with future investigation of a crime at that point correct correct okay when you exited the apartment did you did someone show you down from the apartment the gentleman involved walked us to the elevator when we parted ways from there okay and did you talk to anyone else before you left the building no I did not all right so I have a few questions you have mr. Spector wanting to talk then you have the discussion go off record here now miss Burke again I think we have covered this officer s but just to be clear at no point from the moment you receive the dispatch to when you described you conducted your investigation cleared the building and left the nameless one in her apartment and exited the building and I correct it no time during that period were you aware that either the nameless one or the matter involved Johnny Depp is that correct correct okay did I hear you say earlier that you did not know this matter involved Johnny Depp until a couple of weeks later correct okay no further questions at this time so you have the other person can I ask you a few questions sure you've been discussing this white male Y gentleman that you were dealing with that you were in the building with on that night the 21st you recall approximately how Tolly was I don't I don't recall was he wearing glasses I do not did he have facial hair don't go to you don't earlier testified you spoke to the nameless one is that correct correct do you recall anything in particular about her hair I do not thank you no further questions now that of course is to bring in some kind of speculation that the officer doesn't truly recount but again remember what she was looking for in this stuff she wasn't looking at the hair she wasn't looking at this guy who was in the hallway she was looking for specific things like broken items she was looking for any type of struggle she was looking for any sign of altercation on the person of the nameless one didn't find that so you have this go down a little bit more and then further examination okay I did neglect to ask you one question you indicated before that you are you an officer hadn't had given the nameless when a card a business card and that card had telephone number on it yes I did did you become aware at any time did you become aware at any time that any other patrol responded to the same location about two weeks later I became aware that who was involved okay and how did you what did you come to learn about the second patrol responding I had a supervisor advise me that a second patrol unit got dispatched there as well and their findings were the same as ours so you have yet another group that says the same thing okay and that is it okay and you have any indication if those officers were that respondent I do not I just said another unit and I had no idea who responded okay and you're are you aware of any call made by the nameless one to the police following your contact with her not aware okay that's it and that is the end of the questioning basically everything else talks about sending transcripts but what's fascinating about this is that you have not one police officer but to show up you have an additional unit show up none of them find anything wrong despite that this person still goes and they managed to get a restraining order they managed to get 7 million dollars out of that they levy this basically for a spokesperson ship to get so much out of it yeah it's gonna be interesting to see all of this come up but I'm curious what you think about this why don't you let me know in the comments so to close I want to say thank you for showing up thank you for participating you make these endeavors possible without you know this stuff works and I can't say that enough now I don't want to monopolize your time in this but I do want to thank you for it and I also want to say in this time of uncertainty I know a lot of people are having needs if you find yourself without basic goods we're talking about baby formula toilet paper and on make sure you ask for help and then includes myself you can ask me for it as well if you need something now again I'm not talking about monetary aid I'm talking about items maybe we can work out something in that because again from my family to your family we're all in this together and I definitely do appreciate you and yeah until next time again thank you for being here yeah have a great week
Channel: ThatUmbrellaGuy
Views: 349,864
Rating: 4.920331 out of 5
Keywords: thatumbrellaguy, that umbrella guy, breaking news, johnny depp, heard, depp, pirates of the caribbean, hollywood news today, hollywood news 2020, heard johnny depp, heard depp case, johnny depp update, that umbrella guy johnny depp, thatumbrellaguy johnny depp
Id: 881vdYPZjmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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