The Pokémon Sword & Shield Artlocke

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today we're playing the pokemon sword and shield crown tundra dlc with a twist it's a nuzlocke which means you can only catch one pokemon per area and if pokemon dies it's dead forever and you can't use it anymore plus two bonus rules you draw what you catch and you draw how they die remember to subscribe for more episodes and let's go oh the crown tundra you have a crown pass we're bringing one pokemon in i'm gonna have to choose one i got a mute it's level 50 that's kind of a decent level maybe i'm gonna pick three that i kinda like the idea of muse in the lead with seventy percent though mobile looking all right no one cares about either let's go mew i hope all your encounters aren't watertight pokemon dude i bet they will be hello mew i'm putting psychic first you are strong damn we got a nickname mew i like slushie slushie's kind of cool slushie has joined the party what's up slushie we have to draw mew real real real fast i'm talking three minutes mew oh we got exercise all right all right four minutes 30. let's go mew slushy i kind of want to give him like a little little drink news easy i told you i could do it in three minutes all right where are we doing these eyes i think you're going to be looking this way i feel like you do that a lot does me have a does me have a mouth i mean i know he probably has a mouth but can you ever see it you know what i mean how would mew hold a drink [Music] what's a slush even look like oh yeah it's got the rounded lid whole top thing yes brain you guys are way smarter than me annoying thing is now it's like in its face it's kind of holding it wrong whatever always comes down to one minute shaving every single time i swear oh we've got 42 seconds damn it damn it let's go let's go if you do draw along put it in the discord and i'll show it off 14 seconds no no no time one bang oh no we have three time redeems i like to see that here we go all right there's your drink highlight highlight highlight highlight does he have little like dots under his feet i kind of feel like it does all right and our usual rim light i'll probably have to do oh i feel like i want i want blue on its eyes i want blue in its eyes crap crap crap crap okay yup color dodge here we go pink four seconds three two ah one all right we we didn't get to two we didn't get to do a whole lot of color dodge not bad not bad for our first drawing let's have a look at the discord slushy slushy oh my god imagine a slushy plush a plushie of slushy but all right our colors is way off but it's kind of cool it's kind of cool that it's that it's a slightly different color i like it now we're dressed for the cold it's going to be cold apparently hey you excuse me where would you like to go today i want to go to crown tundra dude oh oh man it's time train we're going left called it we're going up damn it we're going down all right fine fine we're going down let's go oh my god was this here before hey was this on the map before how did we not how did we not notice this huh this must be your first visit to the crown tundra am i right yeah you're right i've never been here before i don't think it existed like a day ago i don't know where this came from oh cutscene [Music] it's beautiful [Music] wow it's amazing come on dad let lay off and quit following me already all right that's weird what's going on whoa colorful hair i'm going to go on a dynomax adventure in the max layer and i don't need you breathing down my neck right we'll fight no no there's no rival fight all right if we die now it doesn't count there's a battle straight away in the pokemon at level 70. okay then i think that means mew's got to be level 70. mew i hope you like candies oh my god it's learning metronome oh it's learning metronome i'm doing it 69 all right we're going in 69. hey hey guys is everything okay come on nia be reasonable or get ready to be ultra mega embarrassed as i unleash the noble roar of dad yeah i'll take a hard pass on that thanks excuse me hello yes you the girl over there my dad is stubborn to steal and he won't leave me alone back me up would you uh okay brilliant have a great time with this geezer then wait am i fighting him hold on lass can't say i approve of you button in blindly i well i guess i did button blindly brownlee actually fair enough but if i just give you a transon this young lady here ought to see reason i don't see your logic dude the name's pony what's up pony brace yourself i'm pretty ferocious in battle let's go copper roger yo he just did shot put i was like god like a shot put what's up slushie i need the brave one picking a fight with a one-time gym leader one time the one time oh that was cool okay i needed half oh god okay a little bit scared a little bit scared in the very first moments of this game okay oh no this is going to be close what the hell i'm gonna heal and see what happens oh no ah let's play it one more safe we're not losing the nuzlocke in the first moments do it slushy mystical fire that looks sick all right nice he's for her first battle his it's battle whatever he's got more pokemon oh no oh no all right i didn't think this through i thought you only have one pokemon come on slushy it has crunch i think we're okay fire let's go slushy oh man oh that's bad we're done he dropped our defenses again dude we're done what's he eating oh god let's go metronome scorching sands oh yo what yo what the hell was that move slashy slash 370. what was that oh my god the metronome play the gambit you what that is a that's a good start that is a real good start one thousand move you could use and you got a four times effective special move let's go that's why we chose metronome first she mentioned wanton to have a gander at some place called the max lair max lair that's out sook cheers refined battle yeah man no worries so they are that was crazy how do we decide what to do oh swablu oh pillow pillow something first three we see we vote between those three oh that's pretty sick all right i think i'm i think i'm with you on that whoa it's one of the fossil things and yeah one it's one one catch per area i think there should be separate areas so one catch per area hello no no no don't oh god okay no no stay away from me oh freaking jinx wow okay we're doing a vote damn look at you guys going for a more aurora row nice to didn't expect it i thought you guys were gonna say swablu hello hello hi did his ears light up whoa oh my god he's screaming that's a good looking pokemon i like this design i dig it can i drain and kissed it i think i can we good nice it's light screen dude this might be nuzlocke pokemon big time i have 143 pokeballs there's no way we don't catch this thing there is no way nice look at our first pokemon littlefoot is nice i like the reference littlefoot has been added to your party was littlefoot the main character in that in that game in that show what was the show called land before time refrigerate normal moves become ice type moves what the power of those moves are boosted a little that's sick light screen hail blizzard hyper beam holy crap dude this thing has an ice type hyper beam let's go a little foot ah this must be the max layer that near was talking about which means my darling daughter is in there right now having a giggle with some red dynamax pokemon okay hello huh it's you again well kid maybe you ought to come as well whoa whoa i'm killing this you burn you burn go mew slushie's awesome oh nice this is nuts this place i'm just having a quick look around i think we have to draw more because it looks like we're going into something and i want to i want to have her have him visible anyone who wants to draw along put your pokemon uh put your drawings in the discord there's a leaf oh i remember the leaf the leaf and the trees are or something that stuff was so crunchy and nice oh so crunchy and nice i remember it sort of ham i gotta look up the tree star is this little foot is this him this thing's really easy too i'm gone three minutes again i feel like i already regret it but whatever i'm doing it anyone who's drawing along you got three minutes three two one go all right amore is a very nice looking pokemon i didn't expect it oh no not helpful this is tough it actually has really weird eyes kind of looks like it's got some eye shadow going on that's too big i like a little crystal that's nice let's just do tiny little cute legs we're rolling oh i've got its leaf thing too late not enough time let's go 40 seconds ice blue nice nice blue i love that blue gradient it has in the eyes what the heck big highlight you have to see it light yellow into pink combo what is this pokemon how's it so nice looking oh they're so nice looking two one [Music] oh no okay we are we didn't go ahead and make it extra minute okay wait another minute let's go two one we go all right nice easy not even a problem white under bit not even an issue a bit of that crystal crap this is not much time is it not much time at all highlight uh highlight whatever okay shadow hey look i think i did it i think i solved it and our room light [Music] ten oh we're good we're good extra minute saved it little foot dude i like basically just drew exactly that my neck is cuter that is a very long neck we have our first uh our first catch there you go that looks good discord discord discord cute oh the little mew on the back the combo i love it i love it oh clip did it legit the tree star nice i'm going in my precious daughter's in there dude this guy really likes his daughter i mean understandably but like you gotta you're just a little bit crazy man calm down she's not gonna let you in while you're doing that you all right nothing's all right and everything's the matter all right this guy's crazy yeah he's a cameron what do you call a dad a male karen there's definitely one right the max layer is a labyrinth thin thin thin underground cavern where rare pokemon dwell the likes of which are not normally found in the gala region oh my god the game knows we just played platinum form a team of four trainers and set off to explore the mysterious max layer see if you can find the legendary pokemon said to a weight in the deepest part something something to take part in the dynomax adventure you must borrow a single pokemon what catch the pokemon you can swap before you have that's pretty sick yeah yeah we're going in we're going in dangerous place firm grasp i've got the rules dude i got him he's got him we're good come on man oh dude all right i thought he was gonna attack her oh my god he looks like chairman rose wait did you say he looks like chairman rose oh dude is that chairman rose is that that is it that that guy it's not that guy surely not oh roris well i think i think we know we're going with we got auroras why would you pick a pin church in explode nice not really not really liking the masculine pick but whatever whoa whoa water there's a strong water type reaction coming from the den of course it's a water type oh i'm gonna get a freaking watertight pokemon okay um let's let's go see the fire type because fire's epic oh what yo charmeleon dude i get to have a charmeleon max rockfall let's go we big we're big oh my god oh my god we're big nice large boy oh we might not catch it though because raid pokemon hard to catch aren't they oh my god they might be getting a charm alien oh my god please please yes he's our mascot kind of all right i don't know if you guys know this my favorite pokemon going premier balls but i really want to catch it and i don't want to screw it up we're going on the premier ball all right come on my favorite ball come on come on favorite ball favorite pokemons [Music] it was that a critical capture what just happened we got it fire pledge dragon pulse i'm switching dude give me that moxie decided to take the charm char whatever thing well we've got to charm a million so we're going grass let's freaking move ugh inferno big damage nice max strike oh god don't kill my oh no no no no no no no nice i don't want it i don't want it no catch get out of here ugly water or rock i'm screwed they screwed me i'm gonna go rock because we got like an electric there's our team has an electric guy and a grass guy oh god oh i should have gone water fainting in a raid battle leaves with one hp in the overworld oh i think we've found our way out i kind of want to inferno for the burn so it does less damage let's go oh hit again dude our luck is looking good the burn tactics hey we're killing this thing oh man uh that's fine it's not on us that is insane oh what whoa it's shiny ass ah there's extreme speed dude chameleon might just die big gang big charm alien gang big nice whoa i've never seen this oh that did nothing that did no damage calm mind it has can't mind oh my god it's so elegant oh god that guy just lost his uh losses pokemon that's sad am i still big yeah i'm still big oh wow that looks sick max mindstorm please don't kill my big pokemon please don't kill it please charmeleon's dead oh god um charmeleon died yeah do it do it wait don't i come back don't i come back we're back technicalities we're back he's alive no we lost okay look look look i think we keep the cha i think we keep the charm alien he lived he came back it was in the law he came back charmeleon welcome to the team charmeleon nicknames hammer the charmeleon what's up hammer are you here for a dynomax adventure 2 wicked guess we're on the same wavelength yeah we're on the same wavelength what's up i'm peonia dude she has the same name as his dad has her dad what about you what's your name i'm moxie the hell is watcher wow what a perfect name for you it really suits you oh thank you i perfectly i purposely chose it so it was kind of uh you know it fits me because i chose it so is my dad on his way here too i haven't seen him as he got turned around uh something something he dude he just ran in he crazy your dad's crazy you beat my old man i didn't touch him i didn't do nothing to him he used to be a gym leader you know even on holiday he's no pushover how about i meet back up with you two after i had my own fun in the max there sounds good to me don't be winking at me like that i might get the wrong idea go on then enjoy your twosome tour of legends i see what you're doing oh no he's dead what happened this fine gentleman appears to have tripped on a rock and struck his head is that it alright whatever dude get up man guess she's at that age where she doesn't want her old man tagging along all the time i just think you're a little bit you're a bit aggressive you're like really full-on it's it's kind of annoying and trying to press her into doing what i want to do probably won't win me any dad of the year awards yeah so you get it all right cheers moxie my name's peony yes you already told me that you already told me that let's get ourselves to freezington it's a town just a short ways off all right we're going to freezington oh hammer look at you we're drawing hammer three two one we go all right charmeleon i've drawn a lot of charmander i've drawn a lot of charizard i haven't drawn a lot of charmeleon i think we just give him a we give him a hammer i'm i'm really failing on this head shape man i'm gonna give him his mouth open that might help him what's a hammer look like [Music] something like this right i'm not a handyman i don't pick up hammers that often i pick up pencils are we looking what we have a minute left where'd the time go this is ridiculous all right tail we can do this we can still do it the hammer should be on fire genius we're doing that yep yep how has this happened fought oh no wrong layer gang oh no what do we get two one he has no tail fire i see extra times i see extra times everywhere without two minutes two minutes to do him justice this is one of my favorite pokemon i cannot screw this up here's the fire nice oh sick another 30. this is cool this is cool oh no wait full coverage we can still do this we can still make it work we still make it work all right that's it that's it we do have another 30 seconds but i'd rather get as much done possible right now you guys who don't know there is a contest in the discord you can win yourself a commission from me so if you want to do it do it all right we have another 30 seconds to save this let's go we can shade this in shade all this in get a little easy with it go up sick that's pretty cool oh this is very cool we did it i think we're good four three shadow this in two one pretty much done done nice hammer time that might have to be a new emote hey my color's way more orange than him but uh you know i don't care i like it sick team sick team where is discord discord discord all right that was annoying oh my god i'm alive that is sick dude i love these shapes you got that body down whoa that is awesome 4pm pst friday and 4pm pst saturday we're going all in oh i have the monday off too we can maybe even do three days in a row we've got a cool little team we got cool little team a mew and amora and a charmeleon make sure to hit the follow if you haven't hit the follow button alright everyone have a good have a good time
Channel: Moxie2D
Views: 508,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nZVIlxETbyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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