The Pioneers And Patriots of Franklin, Tennessee

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hello friends i'm in franklin tennessee left the family to do their own thing today i'm meeting a friend over here in franklin i've never been here before i hear it's a cool place i know there's a lot of like music industry stuff going on here a lot of musicians and such so i hear so here we are i don't know what i'm going to show you today i don't even know what we're going to get into all i know is i'm going to meet my friend for a beer and hang out for a little while a lot of cool buildings here first stop is the hop house this is my friend phillip he showed me around franklin today a graveyard this is a cemetery or graveyard church nearby anyway we're looking around some interesting graves what is interesting about this place i always think it's interesting when i see these things where these people on their markers have were born before our country was in existence they were born before 1776 and then they died an american citizen yeah to think about that is pretty pretty special to be somebody that was not an american citizen when they were born live on the soil and then become an american citizen because the country just was founded it's pretty cool yeah and then when the news like did they know it was in america like how far did it take before yeah this is cool so let's go try to find some of these i see two hidden mickeys already 11 months in two days 1865 1816. the rust haven cemetery right across the street has some really old graves but we're here at the city cemetery let me show you the sign there's a lot of crumbling graves here even though you can tell these graves are obviously crumbling apart over time the cemetery is very well taken care of there's been mowed weed happening all around and it looks as if everything has been well respected but just weather probably in this area and time of course has taken their toll many of these gravesites major robert carter 1770 1839 born before the united states was the united states died before the civil war third avenue that's where our offices is one of the most haunted streets in the world you don't say two of the oldest grave sites in the cemetery 1758 margaret was born 1762 for judge thomas stewart both died before the civil war and alive before we became a country always makes me wonder what the heck was it like to live at that time this is a nice cemetery these grave sites are well taken care of they were very large at the time this is a very populated area what was life like it's just a cool thought and before we were a country these were the real pioneers the people that didn't know anything about what we have today this is really really interesting we're on a location number two what's it called carton plantation carton plantation one of the only confederate cemeteries anywhere right probably yeah we came here to see the graves although you can take a tour you see this plantation house this is on a plantation this is a very peaceful piece of land here the mcdavic family burial sites are right here behind me that's the back side of the cemetery this is a really interesting story about the cemetery the family the mcgavin family was buried in that area and right here in front of it is many of the slaves that worked on their plantation for decades and decades see the mechanics were interesting what mr mcgavig did was exhumed bodies from this battlefield of the young men that fought in the civil war and re-buried them see they only had wooden markers with their names on them they were starting to deteriorate so he had all the bodies exhumed and right back here they laid a rest it's now the largest confederate cemetery in the united states [Music] each of these tall markers you see out here on the sides represent how many from each state were lost in the war lost in the battle history states that as best she could mrs mcgavock recorded all of the information from the soldiers anything that was left any information that was available she made sure that that was recorded and left here so we could remember those that have gone before us that is so cool they have it right on here have these cool placards you can scan the code there and learn some history about this battlefield right by the cemetery mr mrs john and carrie mcgavock right there a really nice walking path here by the cemetery with some information on these placards i learned that this battle franklin was the or one of the most bloodiest battles of the civil war take a look at these stats d-day what we think it was the worst disaster that ever happened in the united states this battle took nearly double the amount of men from our country the plantation house over there became the hospital for the confederate soldiers through that battle probably for a good time after philip was just mentioning how there's a lot of rock around here we've seen a lot of limestone in the area we all know moonshine takes limestone it's a lot of that for a family to dig up that many bodies like 1500 bodies dig new holes that is a lot of work that's incredible well it's it's a hot day out and we said puckett literally we're at puckett's it's a so you need to block your face out there it's a restaurant phillip thanks for hanging out today i enjoyed it it's been a great day thanks for showing me around franklin these very cool cemeteries it was really cool fun visit yeah i'll have to spend some more time here friends franklin is a cool town we didn't get to see very much of it today or limited time but it's a cool little place definitely would like to come back and hang out some more well good seeing you man good to see you too thanks for joining my friend philip and i for a visit to the final resting place of some of the earliest pioneers settlers and heroes of franklin tennessee i love this little town and i can't wait to come back and explore some more friends if you like what you're seeing hit like hit subscribe and i'll see you in the next video what you see behind us here is the mcgavik family part of the cemetery it's where well the family was all buried
Channel: Dray’s World
Views: 101
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Drays World, franklin tennessee, franklin tn, downtown franklin tn, things to do in franklin tennessee, franklin tn tour, williamson county, moving to nashville, franklin tn downtown, small town usa, downtown franklin
Id: PsezH75EFUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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