The Pilot Life in Alaska

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sometimes Plan B is just way cooler than plan A and if you have some flying friends sprinkle in some cameras a touch of talent and a late Summer's Eve in Alaska it's a recipe for epicness [Music] Come Fly with us on a ruined camping trip turned impromptu photo shoot with our airplanes let's go [Music] things are a little crazy and chaotic in the hangar right now we had a big day planned to fly somewhere that was perfectly organized it's all gonna happen check this out [Music] there yes we had previous plans to fly to a cabin and uh but the weather's just looking iffy tomorrow and I have some family stuff I need to get back for this weekend Nick is traveling again uh so we have a chaotic hanger with a bunch of visitors and uh we're actually just gonna go for a photo shoot tonight yeah beautiful glaciers we're gonna go take two through uniform as the photo ship and Jordan is gonna be in his 180 and he's going to be the main subject of the beautiful photos and we're gonna go have a really good time just flying around the bay together come back here and have a bonfire so should be pretty sweet we are briefing Jordan and I are briefing the photo shoot the the scenic flight that we're gonna do just directly across sketchum what's this gonna happen to be flying next to each other at the same time we're gonna check out the scenery there's a lot of really really cool stuff to show it's uh it's a fascinating time of the day the light is almost right it's uh we were supposed to be on a cabin it's 11 30 in Alaska but look at the light it's this is ridiculous we have so much daylight here and you're saying you like the distance yeah Jordan is comfortable Jordan yeah I'm fine with that distance you don't want to no we're not doing close formation I might get a little close before we start doing some of the filming yeah and then we'll break off again or something like that yeah yeah and smile check big smiles because the camera yeah it should be fun we're gonna head out uh pretty soon here we'll do that you guys ready ready ready Jordan is ready for sure I know the characters in this story need an introduction Dion Mitten a long time friend from South Africa a pilot and excellent Aviation photographer check him out on Instagram and elsewhere Jordan and Heather long Jordan is a Coast Guard helicopter pilot based in Kodiak not too far from Homer and Heather is a nurse on LifeLight both very much involved in aviation don't forget their dog Griff he stole the show during their stay here and Nick from London who I knew as a flight simmer as a teenager now he's a full-blown 747fo for a major Cargo Carrier and he gets stops in Alaska now and again [Music] November 242 304 on a flight of two Bravo North information Quebec and we'll give you a flight plan to number 242 uniformity I've got a flight of two uh all total we've got five Souls we're gonna be uh one and a half hours around the bay we're first gonna go North along the east side East End Road and then up around the bay in and out of the glacier valleys give us two hours and I've got um five hours of fuel plan and what is the call sign of the other aircraft currently no no traffic [Music] two over traffic two four two three uniform at the elephant near flight of two turning around and lining up he's following him [Music] and he has turned around okay Homer traffic two three and a form on the go Runway two two left turnout speed alive indeed engine's green there we go pitching for 80. well this thing shouted you yeah it squeaks those are coming down the other side oh it's pretty Breezy out on the on the ocean wastedly two one two three four five okay guys go to Five Fingers you got me I got you I'm off your right side uh so you might turn it off your transponder it's gonna freak out the whole time [Applause] okay it's off thanks bro and he's coming over our left side [Music] uh tell him he could come up to uh if he wants to try and form up now just like on our uh eight o'clock seven o'clock eight o'clock hey Jordan you can come up to seven eight o'clock and form up a bit at our 45 aye aye captain and a little bit low a little bit lower yeah like 20 feet down 20 lower I'm gonna open the window here okay uh tell him that's a really good position great position and a little bit down a little bit down 10 feet yep something precise for him will help oh yeah that's beautiful kind of speed you down I'm going to be doing like 105 miles per hour most of the time okay gosh that looks so freaking gorgeous [Applause] let's do while we're up here let's just tell him that we're just gonna do some lazy instruments and he should just follow us in stay in that position let's do like a 20 degree to the right and then cut 20. okay so Dion wants me to start doing some Lazy S turns and for you to stay in that position it'll be a little acceleration deceleration uh process so I'll start one to the right okay so hold seven o'clock yep hold Right Where You Are oh yeah now we're getting a little bit of a wing [Music] just tell me when you want me to start turning back okay yep turn it back [Music] on it back again uh no keep the heading I keep this heading I want us to get a little bit closer to the shore and then just do a little like a 20 degree to the right again yeah oh my gosh that camera that GoPro back there is going to be in the perfect position all right is that good close enough yeah come right again these Golden Hills over here are gonna look real nice I start to work back that way a little bit okay yeah yeah you do what you want now once we get over the head of the bay we'll get some as we make the turn we'll get some nice uh okay light off I just think that reflecting off those pastures right there looks really nice yeah uh tell them to come low 10 10 feet more 10 lower I feel like we're too high for the really good shots yeah I think I think we need to drop like uh a thousand feet thousand feet down yeah hey guys we're gonna start working our way down to about 1500 feet okay there's that reflection uh it's coming up I'm gonna fly straight for a second okay Roger you want me to lift that wing oh yeah I'm gonna lift the wing but I'm still going straight okay keep going we're coming up in five four three two I'll keep going I'm going to keep it going to keep going straight just like that I got it and he flies nice I bet he does that's such a pleasure I'm gonna give way to the left here and then we'll do a big right hand turn just getting a little bit more space okay coming left to right I don't know for Runway we're not going to want to have a bonfire we're just going to want to look at pictures oh my gosh this is gorgeous look at this light [Applause] oh yeah [Music] tell him to come loaded downtown traffic down 10. for the runway from the homestead oh that's good that's good oh my gosh oh yeah that's nice are you enjoying this video and want to learn more we have an entire library of structured videos on angle we call this online ground school and it's how you'll Ace the written test required by the FAA it's go at your own pace and all accessible right now on any device go check it out yourself or recommend it to your friends now back to the video Dion is complementing your formation skills I love formation flying oh man isn't this so cool just living in the moment hanging out with friends it's like you're all on the same airplane I was just thinking to myself how it's like we've got we're just older with cooler toys you know I know right okay we're coming up for good water so this is a nice shot with the blue water so uh to tell him to get into his position get into a position a little bit down a little bit down and keep that spot tell him to keep that spot keep that spot and smile and smile okay you can turn okay we're gonna turn and we're gonna do a pretty big turn um into this Valley there's some icebergs up here in this Lake and we'll try to set up for that all right guys first but Dion I'm going through there oh yeah I'm gonna set him up on the glacier with the icebergs oh this Valley look at this Valley here we're gonna have Dion we're gonna have to do a smooth right turn and get him okay what do you think it's a little tight I just means right here just for a second oh that value or this one over there this one here but just for a second the bank okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you guys we're gonna lift a little bit Yeah well no I'll come right a little bit okay so his wing is up and you can get that yeah yeah we won't need to do it for a second but yeah I don't know it might be obscured by the time vote for it uh yeah you should start the turn now okay I'm gonna start a right hand turn because we're gonna try to get that Valley behind you and just keep the turn coming keep the turn coming traffic Skyhawk two four two three to four and fly to two we're gluing Glacier spit 1500 maneuvering okay performers what up well with the anchors I still got you on the radio oh dang wow all right coming back to the right or left yeah the other right left these little Rivers below us look nice you ever land on these beaches down here no there's well the one straight ahead of us are legal but this is a state park so you have to do saltwater beaches gravel bars and only a couple Lakes are allowed yeah I've read that on the map I'm going to need you to show me what's good one of these days I can tell you right rhinos are going to be redonkulous okay I honestly can't even imagine the amount of Talent you guys have okay now I'm gonna set up in this Glacier Valley I'm gonna give us a little bit more space here so I'm going to fly over to the uh north side and then we'll go in and come back out so I'm gonna stay a little loose for you you can tighten up anytime I'll keep it nice and um it's nice and predictable for you okay we're gonna go up the left side yes and make a right turn so we have the glacier in the back yeah icebergs yep okay and uh just be a little more eyes out yourself I'll try to do good to make sure I don't put you in a bad position okay Jordan do you see that saddle to the right we're gonna go through that after this turn so it's going to be like a right 90 then straight through that saddle and then a right turn along the beach got it all right turn starting to turn now the the light is lighting up that face that's perfect perfect was that Dion Oh this is the shock really pretty it's working out really want to do it again uh let me see oh it's gonna look good over here still Dion okay keep it rolling because that that hill and the uh how the Cove Lagoon look good in the background okay looks really good about to come into the view now [Music] is this a platinum package or the gold this is the Diamond package brother forget about gold man I can't wait to see the bill [Applause] this will make a really fun YouTube video oh yeah oh yes now we're coming up to the the beautiful part we didn't see the one that we didn't see before a nice little BTS this is where you enable the flux capacitor look at that light down there that's so good that's incredible like that line yeah for the light okay this is perfect okay I'm doing a little bit video as well a little bit of video uh we might want to head back to Homer look at that fog layer okay good you guys see that yeah yeah we gotta get back yeah I got the well uh we'll follow you at number two if you want to do the call cool yeah it's all good I'll switch over to Homer and then I'll land along two two [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] traffic Skyhawk 2423 in a foreign flight of two tip of the spit we're descending along this bit on the North side and I'll be doing a left pattern runaway 2-2 Homer traffic two two F traffic 2-2 we had to make a hard decision and not go with our plan a landing on a remote beach and overnighting in a cabin but I'd say Plan B turned out absolutely awesome to do it with friends make new memories take advantage of the short Alaska summer they are memories I won't soon forget 500. okay lady [Applause] got to right mandatory short final Runway wild I'm glad we saw it right when we did the Atlantic gravel yes okay I'll take Center one [Music] [Music] oh butter ing rocks look at that ioa gosh this fog wow we lucked out and suddenly I'm glad we didn't go out the engine bro [Music] well that was awesome we just got in in time and yeah I bet the photos and video are absolutely amazing of course you guys get to see it before I get to see it um because you're gonna watch it right in line with the video so I'm gonna go catch up with the guys and the gal and everyone should be real excited because that was awesome how'd you like that how was that that was that way that was incredible just in the nick of time look at this I know I think the Porter is inbound as well that's why I just heard him on the radio oh so everybody's coming in I know it's 10 o'clock at night and I still wearing I still need my sunglasses I know it's Alaska right hey Griff he just woke up oh is it hey there that's great that's great I know did you have some good views yeah definitely um I thought it was cool at least like it's like um wow look at that that's curse in a photo of a photo I have a photo oh that's cool that is very beautiful all right not bad for an iPhone awesome look at this fog oh hi I'm so glad I saw it when we did I was Landing like don't do it on the ground that was that was maybe two more minutes five more minutes it's like it's gone the runway's gone it's recorded yep there he is he makes it well that didn't how was it Chris it was amazing I mean it's it's always fun to hang out with friends and do this but it's just you're just flying the plane it's all instinctual kind of get lost in the moment like the hour just flew by and uh of course people would have seen the shots by now so it's they're freaking amazing I I saw a couple previews so Nick come out here how was your uh if your air-to-air shoes amazing it's like a playground up there it's harder than it looks it's not easy but I got some pretty good shots I think so we'll spend a lot of time editing tonight I suspect not much sleep make sure to like this video if you had a good time subscribe if it gave you the warm fuzzies and want more hit the notification Bell if you're cool thanks for watching fly safe and until next time throttle on [Music]
Channel: Angle of Attack
Views: 45,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, air to air photography, formation flying, alaska, angle of attack, online ground school, vlog, flying vlog, pilot life, airplanes, cessna 172, cessna 180, bush pilot, backcountry pilot, bush flying, flying in alaska, backcountry flying, aerial photography, photo tips, photography ideas, cessna 172 skyhawk, alaska aviation, flying in alaska by private plane, flying in alaska tv show, bush flying in alaska
Id: 4Y_2yX9LmBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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