The PiCar-X. A Raspberry Pi powered robot car. Supplied by SunFounder

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hello it's review today and we're dealing with a robot i occasionally do these things from time to time and i make absolutely no apologies for it because the idea of these sort of things is it's a sort of stem thing it's for kids and teenagers to get into programming into building stuff and i think that's really important not just for general learning but the i feel that the sort of approach to programming is a really good general problem-solving skill so i like it it's not going to be a chord or anything today it's going to be this it's by a company called sun founder and the difference between this and many of the other kits i've looked at before generally speaking the other kits were all arduino based this one as it might uh it might give away from the title it's called the pie car x which means it runs on a raspberry pi um now you don't get everything in the kit you need specifically you will need a raspberry pi 4 of your own and obviously an sd card to run it and you will need some batteries which is two 18650s which if you're in the hobby you probably have a few anyway let's go to close up let's unbox this see what's in there and then let's see how it all goes together and what we do with it okay so here's the box pike rx let's open that up and see what's inside uh first thing and this is literally the first time i've opened the box the instructions which look um quite a lot there well i'll show that a bit later so we can have a proper look then under here we've got the main it looks like the main body we've got several little sections here's one here's the next one i guess that's all of it let's check so it just lifts out no there's more there's three sections oh wow so okay first impression packaging looks very cool second thing to know this frame is aluminium uh i think this is somewhat reflective than the price this is a little bit more expensive than normal stuff the normal stuff like this one i built normally being built out of plastic or some sort of resin type stuff but uh yeah let's get all this stuff out see what we've actually got here so this the frame pieces some wiring bits there okay so in shelf number one i would call that mostly frame and bits of wiring box number two we've got some fixtures we've got the little camera we've got two motors four wheels and under there there's a little one key and a little spanner and then in this last one uh we've got some servo horns some plastic cover this is going to be like a hat that sits on the pie you see we've got a little speaker there we there's something in this called text to speech we can basically send it text and get it to speak things that's the idea there we've got one two three servos says this is a three channel grayscale sensor and this one i've seen this sort of thing before looks like an ultrasonic sensor there then we've got the battery holder this takes 18 650 batteries they're not included one thing to note and finally we've got this pretty nice looking little phillips screwdriver that's quite cool okay that's all our stuff we need aside from the pie important to say again that the pie doesn't come with it it's something you have to supply so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna check off our components against this list make sure it's all there and then we'll take it step by step and we'll do the construction and basically see how it goes take it from there okay so one quick thing to pick up on here if this is going to focus um just when i got these out and sort of laid them out okay it's just the labeling sometimes it's best to be a little bit more explicit so where you've got spring washer mentioned and m 1.5 type 4 self tapping screw when you actually get to it it just says m3 it doesn't say it's a spring washer and i feel this is you know this is a kit that people may not know what a spring washer looks like and ditto you know i can tell that's a self-tapping screw some beginners might not be able to and focus there we go just these little things little extra bits would i think really help but i've got it all laid out it's all ready to go so it's assembling time okay let's crack on with the main build and looks like we're mounting the battery onto the plate and for a while i thought this ribbon was just a piece of packaging i'm glad i checked through the component list to see it was there because it actually listed the ribbon as one of them and it's quite obvious when you see it because it helps you take the batteries back out again right let's put this together okay step one is complete along with my lovely ribbon work once again this time they're calling these um m3 by four counter-strike screw which of course it is but earlier they decided it was called a nylon m three by four screw just stick to one anyway number two let's put the standoffs on okay standoffs mounted that's pretty easy one next up looks like we're mounting the motors okay done a little bit fiddly just because you know you have to get up your spanner and allen key to get those in but all good next pretty good one looking we're getting our pie and we're mounting it on those standoffs okay pretty quick as you might expect great pains to say again this is my own pie this is a pie four you don't get it supplied you have to have one so the next couple of bits i think i'll do at the same time because they sort of go together what we're doing we're putting the fcc cable it's called essentially the the camera cable onto the pi and that's going to go out the front presumably to go into the camera big thing about making super the right way around but what we're essentially doing is we're popping the hat it's gonna fit directly onto the gpo pins of the pie and then we're gonna put the case on it so we'll do five and six together and come back okay that's the pie four in nicely one thing it does do is ask you to turn this around inside which creates this kind of awkward thing to do but yeah it's done it's together so that fits okay next up we're adding the servo arm attaching the ultrasonic module and putting a couple of standoffs in i'll do these bits together and we'll have another look okay that's that one done um not really any tricky bits to speak of i never particularly like self-tapping screws in these kits but these are particularly easy to fit in i suppose the only other thing to note is making sure you get the ultrasonic sensor right so the ultrasonic sensor fits in behind the main unit it's got its bit there and then you get these little they call them rivets they're basically plastic rivets to bolt that together the next part which bizarrely goes like this um it's about putting the camera module in something that goes onto a servo so yeah let's take this let's get the camera module in there and then see how the rest of it fits turn the brightness down that's better okay not particularly happy with that step it was definitely the fiddliest and uh least fallout i mean it's not too bad getting the screws in there to mount the camera but getting screws in this servo hole there is um well just didn't work you've got a screwdriver that will drive at an angle we can get through here to get that one but these two no way i had to take my own screwdriver a bit and get it in that way but it's very fiddly and uh not too great but you know it's in there in a fashion next up we're going to be actually mounting the servos and putting it in something i can't tell what part that is we'll figure that out when we get there okay it makes slightly more sense when you follow through it's basically the pen and tilt which got like that at this point what i'm supposed to do is attach that in to there and then that whole thing will pop in there so at this point you're supposed to put it together zero the servo then put the screw in it seems a bit weird to put it together and then zero the servo because you'll have to take it apart again if the server moves now to do the zeroing of the servo there is a p11 supplied but it seems like you have to do something maybe do some easy block programming before that actually does anything so i'm going to get onto the computer and see what we have to do there okay and here's where we get with that link in the instructions it talks about before assembling download and install easy block os which brings us up to here and what we're doing here is we're essentially downloading an image file that will write onto the sd card which will basically run the pi and here it's got um download raspberry pi imager and write it that way i've got my own stuff on here but um yeah let's go ahead and get this thing downloaded and write it to a card then we can finally do the servo zeroing and as mentioned i already had an image writer for raspberry pies this one's called apple pie baker because i'm on a mac i use this one but the one they supplied in the instruction works just as well okay well i built that image i put the sd card in so if i now turn this on i've got that servo plugged in but one thing i wanted to just stress is that you would need to wait for the pie to actually boot up when you just first turn it on nothing happens it goes through its sort of boot up sequence which takes a little while there's something from the speaker and eventually it's going to happen it centers the servo and that's all good it's much easier just to sort of leave it like that and then just dynamically plug the next one in that's set so that's good now we can screw that together and there it is all attached i have to admit i jumped on slightly to uh step 19 without lyising it finding this a bit wobbly until i found it in 19 i had to put this little uh washer there to stop it wobbling about so much but yeah it's there it's all on board next we're putting on the steering servo and there's a kind of it's almost like a rack pinion type of thing but yeah let's get that in place and uh see how it fits together whilst i'm just waiting for this server to send to using this p11 it mentions here about putting a little m 1.5 screw there and you need to make sure it doesn't do it tight so this can actually steer so it's like in nicely but still nice and loose so the servo won't struggle this now goes on the bottom of here and then we can put the servo screw in like that okay next up we're going to fit this plate at the bottom then we're going to put the grayscale module underneath and that looks like this right it's almost starting to look a bit like a robot and i think it will after this next stage because what we're doing is putting the wheels on we've got some plates to put on here loads of washes and stuff uh and then yeah it's gonna look more robot like so let's get the wheels on yeah it looks more like a robot doesn't it again these wheels were pretty fiddly but it is a proper steering system so a little bit complicated uh than the norm looks quite neat next page and the last page is going to be wiring finally find out what to do all of these one quick note i to mention is as we've been building this i've noticed they always put more in than you need so we've got quite a lot of spare should anything break should you lose bits um you've got quite a good section of hardware there even including one of the camera cables anyway let's finish this thing off that is the cabling done i'm really fighting my strong urge to wrap this here to get it a bit tidier but it does say don't do that yet run some examples make sure everything's working you wouldn't need to check that out i would just a small point but this is just a little hard to read in a 3d diagram a top-down picture would have been more useful or labeling anyway that is all of the instructions it is built so let's test this out and see how it works and what we have to do to do stuff with it hello and welcome to the kitchen where we've got the little pike rx turned on i've got my uh shielded thing for the white just tied it up a bit and what we've done is gone ahead and downloaded easy block studio which is running on my iphone now i have actually gone through and connected this up before and when you first connect to it it will ask you to give it your wi-fi details so the car itself can log in your local network what i'm going to do is connect to it because it's already connected and knows about it and we test out some of the example things so what we've got in here is we've got a bunch of basic examples and like there's a move one and we can go and say edit and we can see sort of the block logic there and if you want to we can see the code in python as well and we can say that this is going to go forwards and then backwards and then sort of steer around a bit uh yeah it looks pretty basic so if we download that onto the device it's off it's crashed into us [Music] so there's no particular uh rhyme or reason this one it's just kind of goes forward backwards changes the uh the steering a little bit and it carries on so let's pause that one you see we can switch to python there and if i go edit the same thing we can actually see it all in python code i have to say i wouldn't like to do any editing for python code on my phone that would be a bit of a pain but it's there if you want it so what we've got here is a remote control it's all about controlling the pi core x and i'm still in python so let's move back to block and we can see that's pretty pretty basic it's all about getting a joystick and doing stuff with it the cars over there at the moment so why don't we go ahead and run this so i get this little joystick here and i can drive it about quite happily steer it it goes quite quite quick i really wanted to joystick's a little bit hard to uh completely control but it's it's pretty easy going you know it's just my thumb on the control and you can oops what's happened there i've accidentally paused it should i do that i can actually oops let's see pause that i can actually move that there and then we go ahead and play it again that way my thumb is in a much better position for steering and stuff a one thing i should mention is about the calibration which is the other thing you can do when you first collect this if we look at this here we noticed our wheels are fairly straight and they weren't like that originally so if i go into the calibrate section here and we can change uh specifically the motor direction from this one and the steering from here oh this is the this is the pan this is the pan tilt angle so if that camera wasn't straight um you can go ahead and make little little changes just to do more with it what i wanted was the oh is this one this is the steering one so if your wheels were sort of like that then you could go ahead and change them all the way over mine's actually on -10 so mechanically i got that um the steering servo in just a little bit off-center anyway more examples so more interesting is stuff like human face detection because it gives you a video and the joystick here is as you can see is about moving the pan tilt so if i move this over here like so let's see if it can pick up my face from over there i'm at where am i over here you can see yeah there you go there's a face one useful thing about this as well it's got this little debug window so if i i hit this bug it will tell me there are currently zero people but then if we move the camera up and i just get into position yeah it puts the box around me saying look there's one person there so that's the face detection we've got a sound effect thing here so there's a couple of things you can you can actually get it to say things and then you've got some sound effect things as well so if i play this one ready three two one and that's why that little speaker's underneath which is quite fun there's also one that does uh background music and it places that on a slider so let's download that one so we've got this slider [Music] these aren't so much apps in their own right they're just demonstrating some of the little things it can do let's go into color detection which is quite nifty this uh this particular one is set to look at things that are red so we'll draw boxes around stuff that's red um so i've got a particular piece of red there on the dog's bed no that's not that's not red that's apparently too pinky for it it's like that's not red some of these walls apparently red they got reddish tints to them but they're not very red anyway the color detection um can be said to all sorts and again that's a very simple piece of programming because it's kind of like you've just got one line that says color detection to red so it's kind of all been the hard work's already been written there so you can see this one's been expanded a little bit so it's looking for um the number of faces to appear is greater than equal to one uh and if so it will say nice to meet you which is quite a fun one to do and how does it do its movement here okay it's just it's a joystick one so that's good so let's uh go ahead and run that one i'm just going to pause this because once again let's put the one of the joysticks in a really bad position for me let me put that one up there there we go now we've got joystick and joystick b okay running the program and that's that's the the steering one and that's the looking one so if i come around here and let's try looking see if it sees my face yay it did that's a fun little one uh this one apparently uses the ultrasonic to uh go around detect obstacles and play music let's give it a try [Music] which is not a little one so this is a very good example this grey style test of how it uses the debug thing is literally just getting the values from the the digital input and if we go ahead and do that this is our grayscale so if we find something a different color like this piece of kitchen roll i've got a bit of wetness down there something's dropped and we go and put that underneath the grayscale sensor it's gone slightly mental about it and we've got skin color and i'm sure if we picked it up we'd get even different colors uh so you see how you could use that to potentially uh get it to recognize colors and stuff in fact in one of these things it has a a use of the grayscale sensor to do a sort of drop effect like it works out the cliff detection now in it we've got the standard line follow the line sensor stuff uh there's a couple of examples of this but one of the ones that's interesting one called bullfight where the idea is we we're using a red cloth and say you know chase me so first i've got this scouring thing let's see i'm over here come back which is all good stuff up the road the only problem being is uh if it decides something else is red then it runs towards that so there is much twiddling to do to get this thing working correctly um but why do you do this i mean i've run through some of the examples there are a lot more there but you know i'm interested to see how i can do my own stuff um you know make my own controls make my own code use some of these examples to work out how but to do that it's you know it's not useful using your phone even if you're putting over bits of block so i'm going to connect this via a browser and i'll show you how to do that next so running the easyblock studio in a browser is a case of looking through some of their docs about what happened and just running it essentially if the interface looks almost identical let me just turn the car on and we'll connect to it i've connected to this before so it's not particularly hard when you do a connection this time it's asking for the ip address you can get this from your app as long as you've connected before and connected to your home network you'll be able to find this out and it will generally stay on that address and in here it's all much the same stuff you can see what's going on you can see what your car is you've got all the example projects as before obviously though if you were going to edit something in python you'd have a lot easier time doing stuff on the keyboard because at the end of the day it's a keyboard now one word of warning here is about the lack of any local storage i went ahead and i created a project um and you can see it here the one problem with this one is in order to save it you have to log in and it saves on their cloud storage and their whole cloud system was in maintenance for like two days and i couldn't do anything i couldn't get back to my code hopefully they'll change that and uh be able to do something a bit better but i just wanted to go through uh what you had here because you had actually quite a lot of uh the sort of block stuff a lot of it's very obvious like the the logic stuff the loops uh the math functions there's text there's lists which is a little bit different let's uh think of them as arrays if you're familiar with programming um there's music which is a little bit different in this one color doesn't work on this one this is about robots that have leds that can be programmed different colors we can create variables we've got whole functions which is which is different uh and above that or i said below that but above that in sort of functionality is threading threading uh if you're unfamiliar with the concept is kind of like a sub process that runs on its own it's kind of a more advanced uh concept we've got very specifics for the pi car x so we've got stuff about changing the pan angle face detection uh text-to-speech that sort of thing uh modules about like the grace game module or the ultrasonic modules uh there is time and remote is what happens when you start adding other things in so if we go to this thing here this is where you can go ahead and add bits and pieces to it and you've got various things and as soon as you add these uh these became things you can look at like joystick a is something button or something slider a that will all appear i've i've had some issues with this in terms of like oh i want to have that large for example or medium and then i notice i will go away and i come back to it and it goes back to small which is not ideal but this is kind of more of a test bed for doing the program and then i sort of take it to the phone for actually using it because of course it's it's no fun like you know having to use the joystick uh and stuff with a mouse the other thing i quite liked about this is the help is very easy to get to so if it's a case of like oh what's this loop thing does it's like oh you do that and that tells you what's happening and it gives you a couple of examples i mean it could always be a little bit better in terms of the amount or the detail of the documentation but it's nice that it's just there so what i've done with this program i picked up on some of the things that i didn't like with the example code first off the start is just like let's turn the camera on um and hence we've got a camera window here um i've then what i've done i've popped in two joysticks one for the movement and this one here is going to be for using the the pen till i've got a button here to basically do a sound effect and i've got a slider here because there's a couple of things i picked up on one of which was about the speed of the movement and could the camera keep up with it uh and the other was about when it steers all the way over i noticed the wheels were sometimes getting caught so what i've done here first i there was there was no dead zone so the car would always be sort of moving forward or backwards so i've actually there's sometimes i want to sort of steer first and move later so i've put in the thing so i get my y stick value and i say if it's greater than 20 and it goes from like minus 100 at the bottom to zero in the middle to plus 100 then do the movement otherwise don't and that gives me this dead zone where i can just move my wheels back and forth and then what i notice is because the camera isn't you know particularly good or doesn't update very well if i'm trying to like fpv this i will need something like uh the ability to give it a dual rate for example so i've got that slider there and what happens is i'm saying go forward at the the y stick which is like a 1 to 100 value as a or a 0 to 100 forwards as a percentage and then i'm multiplying that by the slider value divided by 100 so basically if slider value is full then that's one so that's the full rate but if the slider value is at 50 then that's 0.5 so that's like a 50 dual rate as such and i'm also saying if if the uh the stick is is not greater than 20 then then don't move forward at all and what i've got here this corrects the problem that i noticed where the wheels were sometimes turning too far this is a mapping function which i haven't seen before so what we do we get the the value from uh x on the joystick which is the steering and that goes from -100 to 100 and then we map that to -40 to 40 so that proportionally maps our steering and sets it to the right amount and that means it's not going to collide with anything and then i've just got you know if the button if someone presses the button then play an emergency truck honk uh and finally we got the the pan tilt stuff which is pretty easy it's just turn camera pan angle to this turn camera pang and go to that so the one nice thing about the cloud storage is this is saved if i click on that it says save project yes and i can go ahead and now run this on my phone because i've kind of i used this environment to kind of develop it and be able to move stuff around easy and then you can go to your phone and you can actually use it there so let's do that bit next okay here we are in the kitchen the rain is coming down i have got this code that i showed you before on the pc on the phone because all we have to do is of course um just log into our cloud thing and i've got it set up so it's kind of a bit uh awkward on the screen because you can't change the shape of the buttons but if we go ahead and play this we've got video there we should be able to as for one of the problems with being able to easily turn the wheels without making it go forward now it won't go forward until i go over 20 percent like that so but i can steer and then go ahead and move or want to we've got um button a for the the noise we've got this joystick b which is for the pan tilt and we've got this slider value here so right now this is pretty much hundred 100 if i turn that slider down to that's about 40 slower we go further down so at that 5 it's a lot easier to see what's going on the screen it's still not easy but i thought what would try and do is have a little uh go behind myself which is going to be quite pointless in terms of filming but i'll be using this to drive with and i'll put i'll change the camera position at some point so we know what's going on so let's uh i find it much easier to drive with um a very low percentage because the screen updates a little bit better so it is now behind me and i'm just going to pick the camera up now i'm around the corner so i'm not cheating [Music] myself hey so you see in that case we took a little basic program which took about ten minutes to write uh we got all these little bits and pieces on the screen that we could use to move the car around a bit like a sort of fpv car with pantel and you know fun little sound effects we weren't using we got the ultrasonic sensor the grayscale sensor the color sensor we got a lot there that we weren't using obviously you can do stuff with that and do more adventurous stuff and i haven't really talked about python programming yet and that's because it's a level on in terms of what i want to do with it so let's go back to the computer and explain what i'm talking about okay so as mentioned before this is what python looks like and this is one of the example projects and uh yeah there's nothing wrong with with using this but the the point is it it was just the same as using the block stuff so you could take any one of these little bits of code and you could run it in exactly the same way but you'd be using exactly the same things you'd be using the app or this block code web interface here and it would be just the same as as using the block interface but just writing it differently but the thing is with the raspberry pi as it is now is it is something you could actually just literally connect to so i can ssh over to the pi and i wanted to do stuff here i mean you can see all the running processes here i want to know if i could interact directly with it and do different things and the answer is yes although you have to do some quite convoluted things to it fortunately this is documented uh recently well on the website called play with python and the first thing you have to do is install a completely uh different version of the operating system uh basically you're installing a a general debian version instead of the the the block stuff and you're installing some uh python libraries in order to get it running and at that point you can talk about sshing or remote desktop over to the system and running stuff that way so i'm gonna do that i'm not going to go through in great detail about what i do because it is there's quite a lot to it but fortunately it's all documented reasonably well so if i have any hassles or problems that i run into i'll be talking about it here but let's get on with that let's give it a new is and then we'll be going away from the block programming uh away from the the easy block stuff and uh i think that's gonna this is what i call the sort of more advanced configuration because you're interacting with the os directly but it also gives you a lot more flexibility about what you can potentially do with it so at this point the window you're seeing is on my normal mac desktop and what i've done i've used something called vnc viewer to go in and look at the desktop that's on the pie and from the pie what i can do is directly don't forget the pie is still in the car is alter the code on the fly without having to go through any interface or phone or anything like that change some stuff and uh i've got the video here on the screen and the reason i think this is important for going ahead and being able to do more with it is now you're running directly on the car itself or be at the con the pi on the car you can you can do things with this so for example the video i'm getting on the screen here i could then pipe into a web server that also runs on the pi and remotely see it that way or have someone else drive the pi from somewhere away using different interfaces that i can use and network stuff that i'd have to write myself to get there but the point is it's it's a lot more expandable in this way than simply having an app on your phone or on the desktop you can use of course it's more complicated to use and you do lose the ability to do block programming and you know basically use a nice little gadgets on the app so it depends which way you want to go but for me i feel this is more interesting but i won't go into any more detail on this side as i feel i've kind of gone beyond the scope of what most people will be doing initially at least with this but the the opportunity is there to expand further that's the main thing yeah i decided to stop it there as far as using ssh or remote desktop to go in and do stuff because the scope there is kind of unlimited and this video is already really really long so here it is the pi car x from sun founder and there's certain pros and cons to it um very good construction definitely a pro it's got very solid aluminium shell that's good but it was slightly fiddly in certain areas to construct a couple of badly thought out ideas about trying to get a screwdriver in to do things up with you just there just wasn't room there's some very small self-tapping screws it's not something kids are going to do on their own it will need an adult or an older teenager to sort of go through this also of course um it's not a complete set you need a raspberry pi i think 3b for i'm using a 4 on this one you need to supply your own 18 650s and the pie is quite power hungry so you will need decent ones not these ones which are absolutely hopeless and wouldn't last very long at all i was driving it around um yeah it it can take quite a bit of ampage the pie when it gets running and it does run quite hot i would have preferred it if there was some cooling solution for this as well but there wasn't as far as the app goes um pretty good it was very easy to do your block programming on it and the block programming interface is pretty good and they've got quite a lot of options available for you some i've never seen before in this sort of thing which was nice i did have issues with some of the layout in terms of getting buttons on the screen the video kept resizing to the smallest version the buttons are huge i would have liked to shrunk them down like obviously you need for thumb joysticks a certain size but when you're just doing like a little button to pressing out that doesn't have to be this big and fill up most of your phone screen but it was nice that there was a a web interface that you could use to do the programming and you had the option of python if you wanted to and then that would go onto your phone as well through the cloud interface but i did have that issue with the cloud system going down for a couple of days so i really do hope they'll introduce the idea of a local storage in in future updates so the question is should you buy it kind of depends what you're doing i really thought the saving grace of this one and what really differentiate it from other things is the expandability you've got as soon as you untether yourself from using the app and the block programming and you just uh basically remote desktop directly to the pi and you can run stuff the the amount of stuff you can do becomes almost unlimited as i said one of the things i might have done is um created a web interface so i've got i'd get a friend remotely in a different part of the country to be able to join to it and drive it around um yeah having having that the ability to run a web server on here as well is amazing and the fact you just be able to connect to it and change the program and do different things just on the fly is is really attractive to me and if you did that you'd obviously have the advantage of learning an awful lot about linux and how to run things on the pi the instructions about moving over to that uh installation of uh debian weren't perfect in terms of what you had to do there are a couple of things to get like the remote desktop running that needed to be done that weren't in the documentation that's kind of how it is with uh linux it's like you won't get all the answers but the idea is you go off and find stuff you learn how to do it you learn a lot about it and ditto you would because as soon as you started doing stuff on this it'd be the case of how would i do that how would i make a web server how would i uh interact with the other python with some of my other processes and you can tie all those things together that's what's quite exciting but of course if you just wanted to drive around as a little robot car there's there's cheaper kits based on arduino that will do it but yeah the thing i like about this more expandability um you can just keep going you're not going to grow out of it but there you go this has been the pie car x kindly supplied by sun founder for review so many thanks to them and of course you'll find links down below for where you can check it out in more detail i hope that review has been helpful if you've lost it all the way to the end well done to you i will catch you next one bye for now well you've made it to the end of the video so thanks once again for watching if you like what you saw then please consider subscribing and if you really liked what you saw then be sure to check out the link to my blog for a variety 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Channel: CurryKitten
Views: 8,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fpv, drone, race, quad, quadcopter, plane, model, rc, lipo, fatshark, review, tips, howto, whoop, tiny, battery, test, fix, crash, taranis, frsky, acro, betaflight, freestyle, camera, vtx, hd, gopro, fixed, wing, rtf, pnf, receiver
Id: pVayQiLgPK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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