The Piano (Graded reader level 2) - Rosemary Border | English Skills

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by Rosemary border chapter one in the dressing room Sir Anthony Evans plays list the words above the door of the theatre where a meter high on the wall there was a big picture of Sir Anthony at the piano hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office it was Sir Anthony's 80th birthday concert and everybody wanted a ticket I had a special ticket because I was a newspaper reporter I wanted to talk to the famous pianist before his concert I showed my ticket to the doorman and went into the theatre then I walked upstairs to the dressing rooms on my way upstairs I thought about the famous pianist I was a little afraid my mouth was dry and my hands were shaking I arrived outside the dressing room there was a big gold star on the door I knocked and a tall man opened it he was very old but his eyes were blue and bright he was wearing black trousers and a beautiful white shirt he had a lot of straight silvery hair he looked just like his picture on the wall of the theater my name's Sally Hill I began I the old man saw my notebook and smiled at me don't tell me you're a reporter which newspaper do you work for The Sunday Times sir a very good newspaper come in and sit down ask your questions we were young once weren't me Linda but of course that was a long time ago he turned to a tall woman who was standing in the corner she smiled at me with friendly brown eyes so this is lady Evans I thought what a nice face she has she looks like a farmer's wife I was not afraid anymore i sat down and opened my notebook tell me about yourself please sir Anthony did you come from a musical family did you start to learn the piano when you were three like Mozart the famous pianist smiled no no my dear I am the first musician in my family and I was 14 years old before I touched a piano for the first time he saw the surprise on my face we have a little time before my concert I'll tell you my story it's a strange story but every word of it is true you see I left school when I was 13 everybody called me Tony in those days I worked on a farm it was an exciting story and he told it well at first I tried to write everything down in my notebook then the pen fell from my hand and I just listened I was lost in sir Anthony's wonderful story he told me about an old school behind the high wall in a dirty Street there was broken glass on top of the wall the schoolyard was very small as he spoke pictures came into my mind I saw a little boy called Tony Evans playing football with an old tin chapter 2 a poor boy the teacher's name was mr. gray he was gray like his name he was old and gray and tired everything about him was gray gray suit gray shirt gray hair and a long thin gray face when he smiled the children saw his long grey teeth but he did not often smile mr. gray did not enjoy his job he did not like children why does he work here one of the children asked one day he doesn't like us but he likes the long school holidays said Tony the other children laughed they thought that was a very clever answer but Tony was not a clever boy he was big and slow and silent he did not enjoy his lessons usually he just sat at his desk and waited quietly for 4 o'clock to come when he could go home but Tuesday mornings were different because Tuesday was music day every Tuesday morning an old lady called mrs. lark came to the school mrs. lark played the piano and the children sang she was not a very good pianist but she liked children and she enjoyed her work she knew a lot of songs too every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of the piano the children sang like birds too then twelve o'clock came mrs. lark said goodbye and locked up the piano for another week Tony did not often hear music his family was poor and poor people did not often hear music there was no TV or radio in those days there were concerts in the town of course but poor people did not go to concerts sometimes an Italian street musician came to town he had a little piano on wheels and a poor thin monkey which sat on top of it the people came out of their houses to listen to his music then the monkey went round with a little tin cup give us a penny sang the musician but when the monkey came back the tin cup was always empty the musician shook his head and pushed his little piano away there were six children in the Evans family and Tony was the oldest they lived in a very small house at the end of a long grey street the toilet was outside in the yard there was no bathroom everybody washed in the kitchen on Saturday evenings everybody in the family had a bath one after another in an old tin bar in front of the fire it took all evening every Monday mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath but the Evans were clean and they had enough to eat Tony did not feel poor because all his friends were poor too in those days poor children usually left school when they were 13 most of Tony's friends found jobs in shops or factories in the town Tony did not want to work in a shop or a factory but he needed a job because his family needed the money a few days after his 13th birthday Tony left school - he began to look for a job but he was unlucky the factory did not want him the shops did not want him then his mother thought what about farming one hot summer afternoon she decided to take her son to a farm outside the town I worked on mr. woods farm when I was young she told Tony then I met your father and we moved to the town but I enjoyed farm work and I think you'll like it too I wrote to mr. wood last week and asked him to give you a job on the farm that will be better than the factory Chapter three a farmer's boy Tony and his mother got on a bus in the middle of the town at first they drove through streets of small grey houses then the bus left the town and drove along a country road the bus stopped in every village Tony saw green fields and small quiet villages every house had a garden the smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus at last the bus stopped Tony could see a river and an old bridge a small road ran across the bridge through the fields and over a hill come on Tony said his mother they got out of the bus and walked two kilometers in the hot Sun there were white and yellow flowers at the side of the road Tony did not know their names he wanted to know more about them he wanted to know more about the trees too there were no flowers or trees in his street he looked at the cows in the fields I've never seen a real cow he said to himself he watched them moving very slowly through the long green grass they looked big and quiet Tony and his mother arrived at the farm house and walked through the farmyard chickens were looking for food a fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes mr. wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother hello Betty it's nice to see you again thank you for your letter how are you they talked together like old friends Tony stood at the door he felt lost and uncomfortable but the farmer smiled at him is this your son Betty he asked yes this is Anthony but we call him Tony at home he left school two weeks ago he's a good boy and he's very strong please give him a job mr. wood we need the money we've got six children you know the farmer looked at Tony how old are you boy he asked thirteen sir do you like the country yes sir said Tony would you like to work for me Tony asked mr. wood would you like to be a farm boy Tony thought about the factory and the shops the shops were bad but the factory was worse when people came out of the factory in the evening their faces looked white nil nothing can be worse than that he thought he looked into the farmers smiling red face yes sir he said yes please his mother was right Tony was a good strong boy and he worked very hard for mr. wood the old farmer did not pay him much money Tony at his meals in the kitchen and he slept in a little room at the top of the farmhouse but the farmer was kind to him and taught him a lot mr. wood had no sons he had one daughter her name was Linda and she was a year younger than Tony mr. wood loved Linda dearly but he wanted a son very much he was like a father to Tony Tony was happy at the end of every day his back was tired and his legs hurt but he slept like a baby yet mrs. woods good country food he drank a lot of milk soon he needed new clothes he sent his old clothes home for his brothers he sent his family money too sometimes Tony visited his family he enjoyed those visits but he was always happy to leave again I'm a country boy now he thought in the school holidays Pip and his brother John came to the farm Pip was 17 and John was 16 but they were both still at school their father had a large shoe shop in the town he wanted them to go to college and learn to be businessman but the boys spent all their holidays on mr. Woods farm I want to be a farmer said pip that's right said John farming is the best job in the world but you just come here in the summer said Tony it isn't always summer you know the Sun doesn't always shine farmers work hard in the winter - it's a hard dirty job but you like it said John and he was right Tony liked his job very much chapter for an old piano one hot summer afternoon Tony John and pip were cutting the long grass the Sun was hot and they were tired mr. wood came into the field now boys he said I have a job for you he always has a job for us said pip very quietly the other boys smiled the farmer liked to keep them busy they walked with him to an old wooden building near the farmhouse now said mr. wood my new car will arrive here next week I want this building for a garage get the rubbish out of the building then clean it really well I want to keep the car in it what shall we do with the rubbish mr. wood asked pip get rid of it of course answered the farmer now stop asking questions young pip I'm a busy man he walked away the three boys opened the doors of the building they looked at the rubbish then they looked at each other this is going to take a long time said Tony he went to the back of the building he saw something behind a lot of old boxes it was very big what's this asked Tony is it a cupboard asked Pip John came and moved some of the boxes it isn't a cupboard he said in surprise it's an old piano the piano was made of beautiful mark Brownwood Tony took off his shirt and cleaned the wood with it he saw brightly coloured birds flowers and leaves they shone like stars in the dark dirty building Tony opened the piano he looked at the keys we can't get rid of this he said we really can't he found an old broken chair and sat down at the piano his fingers touched the keys he closed his eyes half forgotten music danced through his mind his fingers began to move they moved up and down the keys he began to play an old song he was suddenly very happy I can play the piano he thought nobody taught me but my mind tells my fingers what to do and I can make music his friends listened that's beautiful said John what is it I don't know said Tony they heard a noise behind them Linda wood was standing at the door she was a tall thin girl with long soft brown hair she was not beautiful but she had big kind brown eyes and a sweet smile she was smiling now and she was singing very quietly Tony heard her and stopped playing he stood up his face red and he felt hot and uncomfortable don't stop Tony said Linda I finished said Tony shortly he closed the piano Linda came into the building look she said mother has sent you some cakes and milk she asked me to bring them mrs. wood was a very good cook the cakes were still warm they all ate and drank Linda looked at the piano who taught you to play the piano Tony she asked Tony looked down at his dirty old shoes I can't play the piano he said yes you can said Linda I heard you I have piano lessons at school but I can't play liked you I like that song it's called green fields I've got the music at school but I can't play it it's too difficult for me do you want to borrow it I can't read music said Tony we didn't have music lessons at my school he looked unhappy and thoughtful music thought Tony he remembered the street musician with his little monkey then he thought about mrs. lark he remembered those wonderful Tuesday mornings and he smiled we sang a little on Tuesday mornings that's all he said he stood and looked at the piano I must have it he said to himself I'll ask mr. wood at seven o'clock Tony in cold water and put on his clean shirt then he went to the kitchen with Pip and John they sat down at the big kitchen table and mrs. would put the food on three hot plates then she went to have supper with mr. wood and Linda Tony at his meat and potatoes and drank two cups of strong sweet tea then he had three small cakes and an apple he was always hungry he washed his plate and his cup and put them away now he thought he got up and went to the door where are you going asked John I want to ask mr. wood about that piano said Tony pianos cost a lot of money we must tell him about this one then he can decide what to do with it he knocked at the door of the sitting-room come in said the farmer he was reading his Farmers Weekly mrs. Wood was mending a hole in Linda's School dress Linda herself was doing her homework at the table in the corner please mr. wood began Tony there's an old piano in that building I don't want to know boy said mr. wood you don't want to know said Tony but a piano isn't rubbish sir it is rubbish boy take it away get rid of it I want that building for my new car now go away no I'm tired I've had a busy day and I want to read my newspaper but began Tony again I don't want to know said mr. wood go away he shook his newspaper angrily yes mr. wood said Tony he went out and closed the door behind him he came back into the kitchen listen can you help me he said to pip and John mr. wood doesn't want that old piano he says I can have it he wants the building for his new car I can have the piano if I want it and oh yes I want it very much but where can I put it that's easy said pip we can put it on mr. woods lorry we can take the piano to your house your family will love it you've never seen our house said Tony it's very small and there are seven people living in it we can't take the piano there sell it then said John buy something nice with the money I don't want money said Tony I want the piano how can I tell them he thought how can I tell them how I feel about it he looked at his hands he wanted to feel the black and white keys under his fingers again he wanted to hear the music in his mind what's happening to me he thought pip looked at the clock it's late he said and I'm tired I'm going to go to bed we can think about your piano tomorrow chapter 5 the village school the next morning the boys got up at 6 o'clock they took some sandwiches and a bottle of cold tea and they began to cut the long grass in mr. woods biggest field the field was near a quiet road at the side of the road was a small school it stood in a garden there were flowers and vegetables and a few fruit trees but no children were there the school was empty it was summer and the children were on holiday the Sun shone down angrily the boys were hot and thirsty at 11 o'clock Tony went for a drink but the bottle was empty I want a drink of water he said to pip and John he took the empty bottle and went into the school garden there was a tap there and he turned it no water came out he went to the door of the school he pushed and it opened there was a little kitchen Tony turned on the tap he took a long drink and filled his bottle then he decided to look around the little school it did not take him long there was one class room the desks and chairs were very small because it was a school for young children Tony went back into the kitchen it's July he thought everyone is on holiday school doesn't start again until September I can put the piano here no one will come here I've got six weeks and in six weeks perhaps I can find a home for my piano he went back to the field you were away a long time said pip did you have a drink or a holiday they all laughed listen said Tony the school door is open the school's empty I'm going to put my piano in the classroom don't be stupid said John what will the teacher say he won't say anything he's on holiday said Tony you're on holiday too aren't you when do you go back to school September the 9th said John that's right said Tony listen the doors open the keys in the door I'm not going to steal anything I'm just going to keep the piano in the classroom for a week or two can you help me we'll put the piano on the lorry and we'll take it to the school when asked pip tonight said Tony the three boys worked very hard they cleaned out the building they cleaned the windows too then they put the piano on mr. woods lorry what time are we going asked pip eight o'clock answered Tony Linda gave the boys their supper that night mrs. wood was at a meeting in the village boys said Linda father says you were borrowing the lorry tonight yes that's right said pip I'm driving please can you take me to the village Catherine is ill Catherine was Linda's best friend I want to visit her but began Tony he looked into her kind brown eyes and he told her his story he told her about his old school he told her about mrs. lark he talked about the village school and the open door and the quiet empty classroom Linda listened John and pip listened to then Linda smiled thank you Tony now I understand and I want to help you the boys drove Linda to Catherine's house please come back half-past nine she said to pip she spoke loudly because Catherine's mother was listening then she said very quietly good luck Tony and be careful the boys drove the lorry to the little school then they moved the piano it was very heavy but they were young and strong they pushed it into the classroom and stood it against a wall it looks beautiful here said pip he touched the keys they made a loud unmusical noise listen to that said his brother you had piano lessons for three years but you didn't learn anything play something for us Tony Tony sat down and began to play one of mrs. lark songs the music sang in his mind it traveled along his arms his fingers danced over the keys he did not look at his hands he did not look at the keys his eyes were closed he was in another world his friends listened Tony was not clever he was big and quiet and slow but there was music in his big strong hands that summer was a happy time for Tony every evening after supper he borrowed Linda's bicycle he cycled to the school and he played the piano when it was dark he cycled back to the farm again he was afraid to turn on a light in the school he did not want anybody to see him I think Tony has a girlfriend said mrs. wood to Linda Linda just smiled Tony learnt to read music Linda brought him a book of easy songs she showed him the music he looked at the little black notes and the five thin black lines on the pages of the book this is easy he said to Linda it's like writing the notes tell your fingers what to do that's right said Linda she showed him the long notes and the short notes she taught him to read the words at the top of the page look she said that's Italian lentil slow but Tony was not slow he learned very fast Linda was a good teacher both of them enjoyed her lessons Chapter six mr. Gordon finds a musician mr. Gordon was the teacher at the little village school he was a kind old man and the children liked him they enjoyed his lessons and he enjoyed teaching them there was no piano at the school this sometimes made him a little unhappy because he loved music very much but he sang with the children he filled their young minds with songs and stories it was a happy school one night during the summer holidays mr. Gordon wanted a book he looked everywhere I know he said suddenly I left it at school I'll go there at once it isn't far away he walked through the school garden the door of the school was open he felt in his pocket for the key it was not there oh dear thought mr. Gordon I forgot to lock the door now somebody is in the school perhaps it's a thief what can I do then he heard the music Tony played the same line of music again and again it was not easy prestissimo said the words at the top of the page very fast his fingers flew over the keys mr. Gordon stood and listened there was a happy smile on his face then Tony stopped playing that wasn't right he said to himself he looked carefully at the little black notes on their Finn black lines the left hand goes like this mr. Gordon spoke and the right hand goes like this Tony turned round his face was white don't tell the police he said please I haven't stolen anything I haven't done anything wrong no no of course not said the teacher but who are you what are you doing in my classroom and how did this piano get here mr. Gordon visited the farm and talked to mr. and mrs. wood tony is very special said mr. Gordon I have been a teacher for 40 years but I have never met a boy like Tony he must have music lessons at once then he must go to the College of Music in London he needs to work with other musical boys and girls but his mother and father a poor said mrs. wood they can't pay for music lessons they can't send him to college they have five small children at home Tony sends the money every month I can give Tony his first lessons said mr. Gordon I don't want any money I'll be very happy to teach this wonderful boy I feel oh how can I explain it to you this is a very exciting time for me last night I came to school to look for a book and I found a musician but Tony learns very quickly soon he will need a really good teacher then we'll have to think about money perhaps Tony can go to the College of Music in the day time and work in a restaurant in the evenings no he can't said mister would suddenly his face was red and angry tony is a good boy he's like a son to us his father is poor but we are not that's right said his wife she was usually a quiet woman but her eyes were bright and excited we will send Tony to the College of Music she said Tony knew nothing about their conversation he was cleaning mr. woods new car when mr. Gordon visited the farm but that visit changed his life mr. wood had acquired talk with him later mr. Gordon wants to give you piano lessons he told Tony Tony's eyes shone like stars then he shook his head I haven't any money sir he said mr. Gordon doesn't want any money I've had a talk with him you are going to go to the school at 4 o'clock every afternoon you will have your lesson and you will practice on the piano for two hours and you'll come back to the farm and have your supper but my work began Tony I can find another farm boy said Mr wood but good musicians are special people give me three tickets for your first concert and I'll be happy Chapter seven the music competition Toni worked and worked he got up at 6:00 every morning he worked on the farm until four o'clock in the afternoon but every minute of the day music filled his mind at four o'clock he cycled to his piano lesson with mr. Gordon he practiced until seven o'clock then he cycled back to the farm for supper after supper he read mr. Gordon's music books often he fell asleep at the kitchen table at night while he slept his mind was still full of music small black notes danced in front of his eyes when he woke up the music was still there Tony lived in a world of music the leaves fell from the trees winter came it was dark when Tony got up in the mornings it was dark when he cycled to his piano lesson and it was dark when he cycled back to the farm again sometimes it snowed then he had to walk to and from the school but he never missed a lesson how's the boy getting on the farmer asked mr. Gordon one day very well said the teacher but he's too quick for me soon you need a real teacher spring came and the trees were green again there's a music competition in the town on June the 12th said mr. Gordon one evening can I go and listen asked Tony no said his I will go and listen you are going to play in the competition but I can't do that I need to practice more I'm not ready said Tony you will be ready said his teacher quietly mr. Gordon was a kind old man but he made Tony practice for four hours every day another boy helped mr. wood on the farm while Tony practiced for the competition two weeks to go before the competition said mr. Gordon one evening look this is the programme the programme was big and beautiful and expensive Tony looked for his name he found it Anthony Evans aged 15 piano nobody calls me Antony he said why can't they call me Tony Tony is a boy's name said mr. Gordon Antony is a man's name Tony Evans was a farm boy Anthony Evans is a musician one day Anthony Evans will be famous all over the world and from today I'm going to call you Anthony on the morning of the competition mr. and mrs. wood and Anthony went into town in the car while mr. wood had a drink with some friends mrs. wood took Anthony shopping she bought him a new brown suit and a new white shirt then she took him into shoe shop and pips father sold her some new shoes for Anthony they were beautiful shoes they shone like glass and mrs. wood liked them very much the shoes were too small and they hurt Anthony's feet but he did not say anything what could he say mrs. wood paid for the shoes and pips father put them in a box I hear you're playing in the music competition tonight he said to Anthony I saw your name in the program and Tony Evans it sounds wonderful good luck in the evening the wood family and Anthony drove to mr. Gordon's house mr. Gordon came out he was wearing his best suit you look wonderful mr. Gordon laughed mrs. wood are you getting married the old man got into the car and they all drove to the competition the woods went to their seats but mr. Gordon took Anthony through the stage door he took him to a room behind the stage a lot of musicians were waiting there the women were wearing long dresses the men were wearing evening suits nobody spoke to Anthony goodbye my boy said mr. Gordon and good luck Anthony sat in the waiting room for a long time his feet hurt they burned like fire his hands felt cold they were shaking from a long way away he heard the sound of a piano every few minutes a man came in and called someone's name after a long time the man came in and said mr. Evans please Antony did not move nobody usually called him mr. Evans mr. Antony Evans please said the man again come along we haven't got all night Antony got up oh my feet hurt he thought he followed the man up some stairs I'm walking like Charlie Chaplin he thought everybody will laugh at me he walked onto the stage and sat down the big piano the dark wood Shon like glass he could see his face in it he turned round and looked at the sea of faces he could not see the wood family he could not see mr. Gordon but suddenly Antony felt their love and their kindness his feet stopped hurting his hands stopped shaking he touched the piano it was much bigger than the old piano in the classroom the keys looked very clean and new he wanted to touch them well he said to himself of course I want to touch them that's why I'm here and he began to play he forgot about himself he forgot about all the strange people in the theatre and he just played for his friends he played for mr. and mrs. wood he played for Lynda he played for mr. Gordon and he played for old mrs. lark where are you now mrs. gnarrk he thought do you remember Tony Evans you gave us a lot of happiness mrs. Locke thank you thank you his hands flew over the piano keys beautiful sounds filled the theater he's going to win the competition mr. Gordon said to himself and this is the happiest day of my life and Anthony won the competition he knew that he was the winner because he saw his photograph in the newspaper the next day but he could not remember anything about it all he remembered was his feet when he got out of the car he could not walk his new shoes hurt him too much mr. wood helped him into the kitchen while mrs. wood filled an old tin bath with warm water Linda took Anthony's shoes off his feet were very hot and red he put them in the warm water this is wonderful he said you've won shouted mrs. wood forget about your feet boy you've won the competition this is the most important night in your life but Anthony was too tired to answer they helped him up to bed and he slept until nine o'clock the next morning Linda brought him breakfast in bed he felt very strange and uncomfortable I've never had breakfast in bed before he told her chapter 8 the end of the story Sir Anthony Evans turned to me that competition was the start of wonderful things for me he said I went to the College of Music for three years of course I worked hard but I enjoyed every minute I always went back to the farm for my holidays and one summer when I was twenty I asked miss Linda wood a very important question I can't give you much Linda I told her but one day I shall be rich and famous then I'll come back again and I'll ask you to marry me she gave me a long loving look then she laughed oh Anthony she said don't wait until you're rich and famous ask me now so I did and here we are we've been married for 60 years five years ago the Queen invited us to Buckingham Palace I was mr. Anthony Evans when I went into the palace I was Sir Anthony Evans when I came out and he took his wife's hand My dear Linda was lady Evans there was a knock at the door of the dressing-room two minutes Sir Anthony said a voice the famous musician stood up I'm ready he said he turned to me how many concerts have I given two thousand three thousand from every concert is new and exciting now go my dear and write your story tell the readers of your newspaper that I am a very lucky man
Channel: Luella Bibby
Views: 395,997
Rating: 4.6955523 out of 5
Keywords: the, piano, (graded, reader, level, 2), rosemary, border, english, skills
Id: TpgRDfJt1UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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