The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens

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chapter 1 the Old Curiosity Shop it was a dark rainy night in the City of London and the light from a lamp could be seen through the front window of the Old Curiosity Shop the room that was lit by the lamp was full of old and curious things for sale of all shapes and sizes in a small sitting room at the back of the building set a man with long gray hair whose face looked old and tired nearby a pretty girl with bright blue eyes was carefully preparing dinner for them both Oh Nell said the old man smiling warmly at the child you are such a good girl and you look after us both so well you know that I love you don't you Nell the child went to the old man and put her arms around him grandfather she replied of course I know that she loved me the old man's face was full of worry and sadness as he spoke you have spent most of your life living alone with me here I'm looking after me I am sometimes afraid that you have a difficult lonely and unhappy life grandfather cried the child in surprise who you are poor now the old man continued but you are a sweet and innocent girl just like your mother was and I won't let you be poor and die young like she did the time is coming when you will be rich it has been a very long time coming but it must come at last yes it must certainly come it has come to other men who do nothing but waste their lives so why wouldn't it come to me when will it come to me I am very happy as I am said the child who could see that her grandfather was becoming upset at that moment there was a knock at the front door an L said cheerfully kids must have come back at last the old man picked up a lit candle and went to open the door when he came back kit was following him kids was a shy boy with an unusually wide mouth very red cheeks a turned-up nose and untidy hair he stopped suddenly in the doorway to the sitting room resting himself now on one leg then nervously moving to the other and then back again all the while turning his old hats on his hand now laughed out loud at the sight of him and kit laughed in return it was a long way I sent you wasn't it did you deliver the letter to mr. Quilp asked the old man yes master I did replied kit oh you must be hungry said the old man and he gave kit a slice of bread and meat and a drink kids went to a corner of the room and began to eat quickly soon the old man said now get him it's nearly midnight go home but be here on time in the morning because there's work to do I say goodbye to him Nell and then get me my hat and cloak goodnight kit said the child her eyes full of happiness and kindness denied miss neele replied the boy and he left the room now helped her grandfather with his cloak and followed him to the front door when they reached the door the old man put his arms around his granddaughter and kissed her on the forehead a tear came to Nell sigh she hated being alone in that big dark place all night long not able to sleep because she was worried about her grandfather every night he would go out and leave her on her own and yet he never told her where he went or what he did then he would return early the next day tired worried and sad sleep well he said in a low voice he's safe my sweet I will be home early in the morning the child opened the door for him to leave the old man waited outside the door for a moment while it was closed and locked from the inside when he was certain that the door had been locked he walked away at the corner of the street he stopped and looked around perhaps to make sure that no one had seen him leaving the house and then he disappeared into the darkness [Music] chapter 2 unwanted visitors about a week later a young man of 21 years of age walked confidently into the Old Curiosity Shop he was tall and quite handsome but there was something unattractive about his clothes and the arrogant way he stood the old man who was alone in the shop at the time was certainly not pleased to see him why have you come Fred asked the old man you are not welcome here I know replied Fred angrily but I am here and I will stay until I decide it's time for me to go I've come to see my sister your sister cried the old man angrily ah you can't change that relationship if you could you'd have done it years ago replied Fred I want to see my sister who you keep imprisoned here with all your dark secrets you pretend to love her so that you can work her to death and add a few shillings every week to the piles of money you have hidden away I want to see her then I will and who are you to criticize me cried the old man everyone knows you are a liar you've wasted everything you've ever been given and have treated your family terribly just like your father did before he died well grandfather said the young man calmly there's a friend of mine outside and as it seems that I may have to wait some time I'll call him in he stepped to the door and called out a young man appeared and began walking slowly towards the shop he seemed at first to be dressed fairly smartly but when he came closer his clothes were dirty and untidy this is Richard swivel er said Fred and he pulled the young man into the shop mr. swiveller looked about him with a weak smile on his face then winked at his friend as if they shared a secret carefully carefully that's right he whispered loudly to Fred then sat down heavily in a nearby chair the old man turned to his grandson and shouted I suppose you want money from me why do you keep asking me for money and why do you bring silly people like him here how often do I have to tell you that I am poor and how often do I have to tell you replied Fred looking coldly at him that I know better you have chosen your own path in this world said the old man follow it leave Nell and me to work and lead our simple life now we'll be a woman soon replied Fred and brought up by you she'll forget me unless I come to see her sometimes no of course you don't want her to forget you cried the old man especially when she's older and riding in an expensive carriage and she sees you poor and hungry ah so you admit that she will be rich when you die do you replied Fred angrily but before the old man could answer the door opened and Nell herself appeared she was closely followed by a surprisingly unattractive man he was unusually short but his head and face were large enough for the body of a giant his small black eyes were constantly moving his mouth and chin were covered with a short rough beard and his skin was of the kind that never looks clean or healthy but what added most to the ugliness of his face was a horrible smile which seemed to be always on his face it showed only a few brown teeth left in his mouth his hair was thin and long and he wore a big tall hat an old dark suit and a pair of very large shoes there was more than enough time to notice these details because some moments passed before anyone spoke now move shyly towards her brother and put her hand in his the ugly little man looked carefully at the two young men and the grandfather who clearly had not expected this unwelcome visitor seemed very uncomfortable ah said the short man looking at Fred he must pay your grain son but who is that he added pointing at Richard swiveller a friend of his but both of them are unwelcome said the grandfather well Nelly said Fred aloud does grandfather teach you to hate me hey oh no of course not cried the child I love you dearly Fred and if you stopped upsetting grandfather then I could love you more and I see said Fred and he roughly kissed the child on her cheek and then pushed her away that's enough then we are friends he stopped speaking and followed her with his eyes until she had left the room then he turned to speak to the short man now mr. de maymay said the ugly little man quilt is my name it's easy to remember it's not a long one Daniel quilt mr. quilt then continued Fred you know my grandfather the little said mr. Quilp quickly and you know about some of his mysteries and secrets a fear replied quilt simply then let me tell him once and for all through you that I will come here as often as I like so long as he keeps Nell here I came here today to see her and I'll come here again fifty times for the same reason I have seen her and now my visit has ended he turned suddenly to his friend let's leave Richard said quilt with a disgusted look on his face when the young men had gone what a selfish grandson you have he said to the old man you are such a weak man ooh what would you do then the old man answered helplessly then he added with a shake of his head something violence I'm sure yeah right there replied the ugly little man who was very pleased with the comment oh yes I like causing trouble in pain if I can he rubbed his hands slowly together again and again still with the horrible smile on his face then he moved very close to the old man and putting his hand into his pocket he spoke again here's the gulps you asked to para he said I brought it myself because it's valuable and heavy I didn't once know to get into trouble carrying it on her own but of course she'll soon need to get used to carrying gold because she'll be carrying a lots when you are Dead's won't she I really do hope so said the old man quietly as he took the money how so repeated Quilp moving close to the old man's ear I wish I knew what's good investments you are putting all my money into that you are a private man and keep that secret well my secret said the old man with a worried look yes you're right I I am quite a private man when Daniel Quilp had finally left and the old man and his granddaughter were alone he put his hand on hers and spoke wound don't worry Nell he said gently things will get better yes I'm sure I really hope things will get better she smiled at him but did not answer then there was a knock at the door she stood up looked at the clock and went to the door saying excitedly it must be kids coming for his lesson Nell was soon busy giving kit a writing lesson of which he had to every week he found writing very hard and made many mistakes but Nell was a patient teacher the evening passed quickly as they laughed and chatted together and the time soon came for kit to leave it was not long after he had left that Nels grandfather prepared to go out all night again and once more the child was left alone in the darkness of the Old Curiosity Shop [Music] Chapter three Fred and Richard make a plan mr. Richard swiveller lived in a small rented room above a shop in an area of London famous for its theatres and cheap houses and it was here that Fred's had come to visit him one evening fred had spent nearly an hour listening to Richard talking about nothing important and he was now walking up and down the room impatiently Richard said Fred angrily I don't understand how you can be so cheerful with everything that has happened and wish you would stop the talking well said mr. swiveller I must say that you are very rude I've invited you into my fashionable gentlemen's apartments and this is how you treat me well I really don't know Richard shouted Fred returning to his chair will you talk seriously for two minutes if I show you a way to make a lot of money with very little effort Richard swiveller immediately fell silent and stared at his friend a moment passed before Fred spoke again do you think my sister Nell is pretty well yes of course replied Richard but I must say that you two don't look very similar at all good you think she's pretty said Fred choosing to ignore Richards comment so it's very clear that the old man and I never agree about anything and that he's not going to give me any money not even when he dies you see that don't you a bat could see that even with the sun shining said Richard nodding his head well Fred went on Nell is a friendly girl and because she is young we can easily change what she thinks you could make friends with her and then she might be persuaded to marry you Richard swiveller who could not believe what he had just heard spoke just one word what she could be persuaded to marry you repeated Fred calmly and if you married her all that money could be yours but she's not even 14 years old cried Richard I don't mean you should marry her now replied Fred impatiently I mean you could marry her in 3 or 4 years time Richard looked very uncertain look began Fred I think I could get her to marry you even if the old man lived for several more years you would inherit or is money in the end then you and I would be able to spend it together and just think you would also have a beautiful wife Richards thought for a moment his rich aunt had been sending him money over the years but in the last few months he had received nothing she had heard about how he lived his life and wasted the money she sent him Richard had sent her many letters asking even begging for money but she refused to help him he had always expected to inherit her money but that would certainly never happen now he was poor and might always be poor and you are sure that he's rich he asked fred am i sure you heard what he said last week about Nell riding in an expensive carriage one day didn't you replied Fred the conversation continued in this way at first Richard did not think Fred's idea was a good one however the truth was he was poor and greedy and fred was clever and persuasive so it was only an hour later that Richard swiveller found himself agreeing to his friends surprising new plan [Music] Chapter four quilt uncovers a secret mr. Quilp did not have one particular job but he did all sorts of different things for money he collected the rent for whole areas of dirty streets near the River Thames he lent money to sailors and he kept his eyes open for new and sometimes illegal business opportunities he lived in Tower Hill near the London Docks but he also had a small yard full of rats called quilts Worf not far away on the south side of the River Thames it was a boat yard but croup never seemed to buy or sell any boats there he just used the old wooden building as a place to secretly keep and count all of his money Nels grandfather often asked her to come to this frightening dangerous and far away place he would ask her to deliver letters to Quilp today now who was very tired and worried had brought another of those letters when she arrived at the boat yard the first thing she saw was mr. Quilp and the young untidy looking boy who worked for him they were fighting in the yard Quilp was shouting and then suddenly laughing loudly then all the while he was hitting the boy hard with a large stick at last the boy managed to pull away from his ugly master for a moment it was the that Quilp noticed nell standing nearby Oh Nelly he cried yes said the child uncertainly kameen don't worry about that boy said Quilp walking with Nell into the Counting house I've brought an important letter from my grandfather Nell explained and handed the ugly little man the letter quilt without saying a word opened it and began to read quilt shook his head and said to himself it's all gone already in just 24 hours what some earth has he done with it that is the mystery Nell was uncomfortable and wanted to leave as soon as she could a few moments passed during which nothing was said but quilt rubbed his hands together and scratched his head you've brought her lots of these letters to me recently haven't you no crub said coldly have you asked your grandfather why you have to bring them yes I've asked him a hundred times but he won't tell me replied no it breaks my heart he just shakes his head and looks sad but he hasn't always been such a sad old man as he said Quilp unkindly oh no said the child quickly we were once so happy and he was so cheerful but that has all changed since he and she stopped unsure that she should tell him anymore yeah said mr. Quilp in a suddenly gentler voice sensei I don't know replied now come now now you can tell me anything in fact I won't let you go until you tell me so since he he repeated well since he started going out all night every night finish now I don't know where he goes he has no sleep or rest apart from in his chair during the day Quilp said nothing but simply nodded his head he wanted her to say more when he comes home early in the morning continued the child I let him in this morning I saw that his face was white and he looked ill and later when he didn't know I was in the room I heard him say that he couldn't bear his life anymore he said I can't believe how unlucky I've been with the cards I've been dealt and then he said if I didn't have young Nell I would wish to die Oh what will I do then the child hid her face in her hands and started to cry Quilp looked about him as if he was deep in thought he stared at now then reached out and put his hand heavily on her shoulder Nell immediately stopped crying and moved quickly away from him I have been away too long sir I have to go now said no drying her eyes mr. Quilp went to his desk and started to write then he turned to Nell and said take this notes to him it's only to say that I will see him tomorrow and that I couldn't do what he has asked me to do in his letter goodbye Nellie mr. Quilp waited for two days before he went to see the old man in the Old Curiosity Shop when he went inside he found Nels grandfather alone in the shop at last cried the old man have you brought me any money no never again answered Quilp said the old man standing up from his chair no and I have no hope listen to me said quick beating his hand on the table you have no secrets from me now the old man stared at Quilp with fear in his eyes I now know what has happened to all that money I have lent you Quilp said every night you've been going outs with my money and gambling with it's haven't you was that your secret plan to make your fortune by playing cards yes cried the old man and I felt that you were investing my money carefully in some clever business opportunity I have been tricked by a gambler said Quilp looking at him in anger I'm not a gambler cried the old man I've never played cards to make money for myself Oh because I love gambling I've only done it to try and save nel Sal said Quilp I suppose that you spent all your money first and then you came to me for some more while you said you were making yourself rich you were actually making yourself a beggar Hey Oh dear me and of course I hold every security you were able to give me including the letter which says that this building and everything in it now belongs to me as he said this quilt looked around him as if to make sure that none of it had been taken away I've had some bad luck said the old man but with a little more money my luck will change it must change help me please who at least help now and sorry but I've got another business appointment said Quilp calmly looking at his watch if I hadn't unexpectedly heard about your gambling secrets perhaps I would have lent you more money but not now who was it who told you past the old man Quilp simply replied hoji think he was after a moment's thought the old man said it was KITT yes it must have been him mr. Quilp said brightly yes it was KITT poor Kate and then he turned walked to the door and left Chapter five everything changes someone hiding in the shadows across the street had been carefully watching the Old Curiosity Shop he had seen Daniel Quilp arrive and leave and had noticed that the old man had not left the house that evening as usual this person used to wait for hours and hours every night watching the house and making sure that Nell was safe while her grandfather was gone this kind and thoughtful person was KITT some time later once kits noon l would not be alone that night he went home to his widowed mother and his two young brothers how Kate cried his mother when he walked into the small and simple room I wonder what Nell would say if she knew that every night when she is sitting all alone you are out there on the street keeping an eye on her she looked closely at kit and then said some people might say you fallen in love with her kids whose face was starting to turn red was saved by a loud knock at the door it was Nell herself looking worried and upset I must not stay long she said grandfather is very ill I'll run to get a doctor said kit picking up his coat I'll be there soon I know no cried now the doctor is there already and I don't know why but grandfather's very angry with you and says you are the cause of all his problems kit looked at her with his eyes open wide the doctor says you must not come near him or he will die added now who had started to cry Oh kit what have you done I trusted you you were the only friend I had tits was so shocked that he could not speak Nell gave him the money that he had earned that week and then was gone as quickly as she had come grandfather became seriously ill and could not move from his bed despite this within a few days mr. Quilp closed the shop and made the house and everything in it his own he then decided to live for a while in the back rooms of the ground floor with his lawyer the man called mr. Sampson brass mr. brass was a tall thin man with an ugly nose a large forehead there his small eyes and hair of a deep red he wore a very long black coat shorts black trousers and high shoes he was not a very pleasant man and he was clearly afraid of Daniel Quilp will will be staying here long asked mr. brass we must stay I suppose until the old man upstairs his dead answered Quilp oh if he doesn't die quickly we'll just tell him and his granddaughter to leave cried mr. brass trying to laugh now stayed away from Quilp and his lawyer friend and spent most of the next few weeks beside her sick grandfather's bed one night she was sitting alone by the open window when kit came and called to her from the street below I hope you don't really believe that I've done anything wrong now he shouted up to her I can say with a true and honest heart though I haven't when your grandfather gets better will you tell him that I want to work for him again if I did tell him what good would it do we are very poor now so we wouldn't be able to pay you said Nell sadly I don't care about the money replied kit I just thought I just thought that if he believed me then you could both come and live with my family just for a while ours is a small and simple home but he's very clean but just then mr. brass came out and chased get away many people came to the house while her grandfather was ill but Nell had never felt more lonely and she knew that her grandfather would never agree to live at Kitts house it was not long until her grandfather's illness passed however he was very weak he was different now he was confused and what he said often did not make sense as soon as he could see that the old man was feeling a little better mr. Quilp said that he was going to sell everything in the house and the shop he told now that she and her grandfather would have to leave and find somewhere else to live hearing this news Nell began to cry and turn to her weak grandfather let's go she said to him let's leave this place and never come back or think of it again we can live as beggars and be happy I am not afraid we can walk through the countryside and sleep in fields had under trees in the day you can rest and I will knock on doors and beg for money we will feel the Sun and wind on our faces the old man looked at his granddaughter for a few moments there were tears in his eyes as he replied then yes let's do that but we must keep our plans secret if anyone finds out they will think I am mad and take you from me then he added we will be alright you and I together now forever a child's heart was suddenly full of hope she did not think of hunger or cold or thirst or difficulties she saw an end to their sadness and a return to the happy life they had once enjoyed together she thought of the Sun and rivers and green grass and summer days and there were no dark corners in the picture she saw they left the house quietly the next morning before Quilp and mr. brass were awake it was the beginning of a bright day in June and as they stood in front of the Old Curiosity Shop Nell asked her grandfather which way should be come the old man looked helplessly first at her then to the right and left then at her again and shook his head from that moment Nell knew that she would always have to look after both of them she took a deep breath and then held her grandfather's hand and led him away [Music] Chapter six the long journey begins Nell and her grandfather walked all morning through the streets of London at first the city was quiet and peaceful in the early morning sunlight but slowly the streets filled with people as they passed through an area with shops and then came to streets where very poor people lived nel was a little afraid but they carried on walking after a while she noticed that small gardens started to appear and the rough looking houses began to turn into small cottages in the early afternoon they found themselves near a pleasant field and they sat down to rest and eat the bread and meat that Nell had brought then on they went again walking through country roads and hearing the birds sing and the wind gently moving the branches of the trees they walked all day and paid some money to sleep that night at a small cottage next morning they set off walking again they often rested but only for a few minutes at a time it was nearly five o'clock in the afternoon when they stopped near some work men's cottages and asked if they could buy some milk they spent some time resting by the cottages then continued walking to the nearest town which was about five miles away the son was setting when they reached the church in the small town the old man led the way into the churchyard as they walked in they heard voices and soon found two men they were surrounded by puppets lying on the ground around them are those puppets from a show us the old man excitedly travelling puppet shows were very popular at that time and the old man loved to watch them yes replied one of the men it will come here to fix them before our show tonight my name's Tommy Conlon and we're staying at the public house how good said the old man reaching out to touch one of the puppets will you travelling to ask the other man whose name was mr. Harris oh I don't think we're travelling any further tonight said the child looking towards her grandfather well if you want a place to stop Harris commented you should stay at the public house as well it's very cheap and so now and her grandfather followed the two men to the public house where they watched the puppet performance and ate some dinner later they went upstairs to their simple rooms where the tired old man asked Nell to sit by his bed until he fell asleep as she said next to him she thought of the life that was in front of them she had a little money but when that was gone they would have to beg in her purse there was also one gold coin she decided that it would be best to hide this valuable coin and save it for a time when they really needed it so she carefully sewed the piece of gold into the bottom of her dress and then feeling a little more in control of her future she lay down and fell into a deep sleep the next morning at breakfast mr. Coughlin suggested that Nell and her grandfather should travel with them to the next town Nell thought for a moment they had no other plans and it would be good to have some company it was agreed and it was not long before they were all walking together down the country lane away from the public house they walked all day stopping only for quadlin and harris to give short puppet shows for money in the villages they passed through it was raining and dark when they arrived at the next public house that they planned to stay in a big fire was burning in the kitchen soon both Nell and her grandfather warm and dry at last fell asleep near the fire and while they were sleeping cuddling and harris discussed their new travelling friends it's clear that the old main is made and the young girl isn't used to this type of life whispered harris i think he's taken her and he's running away from someone he added what cried mr. Kotlin looking worried Paris said quietly if she's gone missing there might be a reward for her coddling after thinking for a few moments replied you might be right and if you are right remember that we work together we share everything then he added yes then we need to keep an eye on Little Nell and that mad old mum we must keep them with us until we find out more information about them the men did not know it but Nell had begun to wake up and had heard quadlings reply the following morning Nell noticed that Karlin and Harris were watching her closely she no longer felt safe after what she had heard them say while the two puppeteers were busy packing up their puppets she saw a chance to escape Nell was afraid but she quickly and quietly led her grandfather out through the back door of the public house they did not stop to look behind them but walked quickly away into the fields [Music] Chapter seven a new beginning for kit while Nell and her grandfather were traveling through the countryside back in London Daniel quill was busy making friends with Richard swivel er but he did not really like Richard and only wanted to play a trick on him this is what happened Quilp had soon discovered that now and the old man had left the Old Curiosity Shop but he was not very surprised that they had gone his only worry was that the old man might have taken some hidden money with him Wilf did not wait he emptied the house and shop and sold everything in it as soon as he could on the same day that Nell and her grandfather left London Quilp received a visit from Richard Richard's went to the shop as part of Fred's plan to make friends with Nell and become rich so he was shocked and upset to find that Nell her grandfather and all the money had gone the plan to become rich was in serious trouble before it began it was clear that neither Daniel Quilp nor Richard swivel ER knew where Nell and her grandfather had gone but quilt wanted to find out why Richard had come to the Old Curiosity Shop and so he began asking him questions after many clever questions Quilp learnt all about Fred's plan for Richard to marry now and for Fred and Richard to make themselves rich with her large inheritance quilt however knew more than Richard he knew that the grandfather was really poor not rich but he thought it would be fun to watch Fred's plan go terribly wrong he would laugh at them when Fred and Richard found out that Nell was a beggar what's a clever plan cried quilt unkindly how you lucky mane yes you will be Nellie's husband with more gold and silver than you can imagine let's go and talk to freight and I'll help you both find her the only person who was truly sad about the disappearance was KITT he had no idea where Nell and her grandfather were and he could not stop worrying about it he hopes that in a few days time they would return and accept his offer of a place to stay realizing that he would never again work for Mel's grandfather at the Old Curiosity Shop KITT started to look for another job he walked the streets asking for work but no one offered him any after several days of this he was about to give up when a small carriage pulled by a stubborn looking pony went past him the driver of the carriage was a fat little old gentleman and next to him sat a fat little old lady in the seats behind them sat a young man who kicked thoughts must be their son the old gentleman could not control the pony very well that's difficulty he stopped the carriage in front of a house not far from KITT and the three of them climbed down from the carriage excuse me sir said KITT would you like me to look after your oaths if you are happy to wait for a while yes you can have the job replied the old gentleman smiling the family then went into the house some time later they came out again and walked towards the carriage the old gentleman put his hand in his pocket to find a sixpence for KITT but the only coin he had was a shilling which he thought was too much money however because he had no other coins he gave the shilling to KITT there he said with the laugh I'm coming here again next Monday at the same time make sure that you're here my boy to earn the rest of this money thank you sir said KITT our PE kit meant what he said but the three people in the carriage laughed loudly but even the pony shook its head clearly none of them expected KITT to be honest and return the following Monday the days passed and every day Kitts hoped that Nell and her grandfather would knock on his front door they never did Monday came again and Kitts returned to the same place in the street where he had held the pony the week before it was not long before the carriage came round the corner sped down the street and stopped suddenly and violently as the old gentleman tried to control the pony it was then that Kitts with a friendly smile on his face appeared by the pony's head look cried the old gentleman happily the boy is here I said I would be here sir sit get his hand on the pony's neck I hope you've had a pleasant ride sir the old gentleman and his son helped the old lady out of the carriage and they went into the house after some time they returned and the old gentleman came to speak to kit he said his name was mr. garland and he asked kit a few questions about where he lived and his family after writing kits address in a small notebook mr. garland climbed up into the carriage with his wife and son and drove away it took kits about half an hour to walk home and when he arrived he was surprised to see the pony and carriage again standing right outside his house inside mr. and mrs. garland were there talking to his mother in the kitchen my dear said kits mother looking at mr. garland who was smiling this kind gentleman has offered you a job after a few minutes of conversation it was decided kits would live in mr. and mrs. Garland's house and would be employed by them the old couple told him that his salary would be six pounds a year how well mother said kit excitedly after the Garland's had left six pounds a year we won't need to worry about money again just two days later kits wearing smart new clothes arrived to start work at mr. and mrs. Garland's beautiful cottage he knocked on the door and after what seemed like a very long time a young servant girl opened it she looks shy and was very pretty I suppose your kit sir said the girl looking down at her feet my name is Barbara then she looked up at kit and they both smiled shyly at each other chapter 8 chance meetings now and her grandfather walked for several hours before they felt that they were far enough away from the puppeteers to stop and rest the old man was confused and frightened and did not seem to really understand what had happened this worried and upset now but she knew that she had to be strong after a short rest they started walking again and did not stop until they reached a village late in the afternoon the village was very small and they walked through it to see where they could stay they saw an old man sitting in a little garden in front of a cottage now knew that he must be the schoolteacher because above the window of the cottage was a sign that said school he wore a simple black suit and he looked friendly nell felt quite shy but she went into the garden and spoke to him do you know of any where we could stay for the night us now we have walked a long way today and we would be happy to pay a small amount of money if my name is mr. Martin said the schoolteacher you're a very young traveler my child why don't you both stay here come in he added it was a simple house but Nell and her grandfather were comfortable there and had more than enough to eat and drink they slept well and in the morning while they were eating breakfast mr. Martin made a suggestion you both look very tired he said you're very welcome to stay here longer before you continue with your long journey and so they stayed another two nights now cleaned and tidied the house during the day to show the school teacher how thankful she was to him she also spent some time watching him as he taught his class of young boys to read and write both she and her grandfather became friends with mr. Martin and they were able to relax and rest in the cottage they were a little sad when the time came for them to leave and continue with their journey soon they had left the village far behind and were following the main road they walked all day but as the Sun began to set they had not found a village or town just as they were beginning to get worried about where they would stay they saw a caravan at the side of the road it seemed to be a smart little house on wheels which was painted brightly and had White's curtains of the windows there was a woman sitting on its steps drinking a cup of tea and she looked friendly and well-dressed just near the caravan a man now guessed he was the driver was holding two fine-looking horses that were eating the grass excuse me Nell said to the lady do you know how far it is to the next town we hope to stay there tonight the woman said the next town was about 8 miles away oh right now that's such a long way there was a moment's silence during which the woman looked carefully at both Nell and her grandfather are you hungry the lady asked come and have something to eat and so they drank hot tea and ate bread and cheese at the side of the road after a little more conversation the woman invited Nell and her grandfather to ride with her in the caravan to the next town as Nell climbed into the caravan she thanked the woman several times she sat down inside the caravan and was happy to be saved from such a long walk so late in the day [Music] chapter 9 Nell gets a job when they had started to move along the road Nell looked round the caravan more closely it was clean and comfortable and had a kitchen with a stove and a separate sleeping area at the back after a few minutes the woman reached out and picked up a large piece of paper she put it on the floor in front of now the hey child she said pointing to some large black letters at the top of the huge piece of paper now read the first words on the poster charli's waxworks it lets me said the lady I am mrs. Charlie then Nell read Charlie's world-famous wax works the best collection of real wax works in the world 100 life-sized wax figures can I see the figures mom asked now of course said mrs. Charlie smiling proudly they had been taken in other vans to the town we're going to the same town so I'm sure you'll see the collection I don't know if we will stay there long said the child why not cried mrs. Charlie where are you going with I don't know replied now do you mean that you're traveling about the country without knowing where you're going said mrs. Charlie we are poor people traveling with any plans mom explained Nell who was a little surprised by these sudden questions are you Biggers then asked mrs. jolly well replied the child yes I suppose we are Oh said mrs. Charlie but you can obviously read and probably write as well can't you yes mam said Nell well that's interesting replied mrs. jolly because I don't know how to write myself they sat in silence for a few minutes while mrs. jolly spent some time thinking then a few moments later she said would you like a job with me I'd look after you well no I can't leave my grandfather answered Nell with a worried look on her face what would happen to him without me he's not well mrs. jolly had seen the way the old man said looking into space and holding Nell's hand she thought for a moment then she said I need you to talk to the crowds and tell them all about the waxworks you can help me to write letters to your grandfather could help by looking after the figures and cleaning them I will give you food and somewhere to sleep and pay you as well Nell was happy to accept her offer they arrived to the edge of the town at about midnight and the driver whose name was George stopped the caravan next to the other waxworks fans there was now more than enough room for them to sleep Nels grandfather would sleep in one of the empty vans an L would sleep in mrs. jollies comfortable Caravan Nell had just said goodnight to her grandfather and was returning to the other Caravan when she stopped and looked around her it was a calm quiet night and she thought that the caravans looked pretty in the moonlight as she stood there she saw something moving in the shadows further down the street suddenly someone stepped forward she recognized him immediately it was the ugly frightening Quilp without a moment's thought Nels stepped into the shadows luckily Quilp had not seen her and she watched him as he walked quickly down the street away from her that night Nell found it difficult to sleep why was quilt in this town had he come here looking for them the child felt frightened and was glad that mrs. jolly was sleeping near her the next morning Nell and her grandfather helped mrs. jolly and George to prepare the exhibition in a hall in the centre of the town soon everything was ready and all the wax figures were dressed and in their correct positions mrs. jolly then spent several hours teaching now the name and history of each of the wax figures so that she could tell the crowds about them later in the day the went very well and lots of people paid to see the waxworks Nell enjoyed working and felt lucky to have a job and somewhere safe to sleep but she never stopped worrying that quilt might still be in the town and that he might try to take her and her grandfather away [Music] chapter 10 Nell has a terrible shock now and her grandfather had been working for mrs. jolly for several days when they were given a day to rest in the evening they decided to go for a walk out into the countryside to enjoy the last hours of Sun it was a warm evening but while they were walking the weather changed the sky turned dark and storm clouds began to form above them soon there was very heavy rain and strong winds so they ran inside a nearby public house Oh welcome to my pub said the landlord cheerfully as they stood drying themselves by the fire Nell heard men's voices coming through an open door her grandfather moved closer to her and whispered excitedly there played cards in the next room don't you hear them her grandfather was right Nell could hear the men discussing the game and how much money they had already won or lost she looked at her grandfather and was worried to see he had changed his eyes were now wide open his face was quite red and he was breathing quickly oh no he said happily this is I've always known that my chance would come to win a lot of money I've always dreamt of this moment how much money have we got Snell I saw you with some money yesterday give it to me now no let me keep it grandfather said the frightened child let's go from here I don't want to stay give me the money ordered the old man angrily please don't take it said the child beginning to cry no don't cry no said her grandfather I didn't mean to upset you I only want to do this for you to look after you now give me the money I must have it Nell took a little purse out of her pocket he grabbed it turned and walked quickly into the other room now followed slowly there were two rough looking men sitting with cards and silver coins on the table between them one of the men who was much bigger than the other looked up when they came into the room it took a few minutes for Nell's grandfather to persuade the men to let him play but at last he sat down at the table with them the landlord also sat down and the four men began to play a new game of cards the child sat near them and watched how at one moment her grandfather shouted with excitement and at the next moment looked terribly sad and upset then happy again it was the first time she had seen him like this and it frightened her understood that he could not stop himself and that he had a serious problem with gambling after what seemed like hours the card game came to an end the large man had won and Nell's purse lay completely empty in front of her grandfather for a few moments the old man stayed at the table looking again and again that the cards that lay there Nell walked to him and put her hand on his shoulder if the game had gone on just a little longer I think I would have won he said Nell said nothing it was now very late and the storm was still blowing outside her purse was empty but now remembered that she still had that one gold coin which she had sewn into the bottom of her dress she told her grandfather abouts the coin and suggested that they stay the night at the pub Nell used the gold coin to pay the landlord he was surprised to see such a valuable coin and he gave her back some smaller coins before showing them to their rooms upstairs later Nell did not feel comfortable when she was alone in her room it was a large dark house and it took her a long time to fall asleep when she did finally sleep her head was full of terrible dreams then suddenly she woke up it was dark but she could see a shadowy figure standing in her room she wanted to cry out but she was too frightened to move or make a sound the terrible figure slowly moved around her bed and it began searching for something after a few moments she watched it leave the room she was shocked to see the figure then goes silently to her grandfather's door and inside his room she could not bear it any longer as quietly as she could she climbed out of bed and went to the open door of his room what she saw in front of her was terrible the bed had not been slept in and sitting at a small candle lit table was her grandfather his head was down and he was counting the money which she had just stolen from his own granddaughter Nell had been frightened but now she felt sick she could not believe what she saw she felt that she did not know the man who was her grandfather silently she returned to her room and lay awake worrying until morning the next day as they were walking back to the caravans Nell told her grandfather that someone had stolen her money during the night her last hope disappeared when she heard her grandfather's reply oh but don't we have any more money he asked then we must get some more that night when he thought Nell was fast asleep the old man left his van but Nell was not asleep and when he came back hours later she saw that he was sad because he had lost all the money gambling again get me more money he ordered our make you rich just get me some more money what could Nell do her grandfather was not well in the next few days she gave him all the money she earned it upset her to do this but she was worried that he would steal money from mrs. jolly if she did not [Music] chapter 11 Richard gets a job the simple and cheap office of mr. Samson brass who you might remember was quilts lawyer was in a narrow street somewhere in London there was a sign on the door that said mr. Samson brass lawyer and another sign in the window which read first floor room available to rent to a single gentleman Miss Sally brass the lawyers sister also spent her life working in this office she was a lady of about 35 he was very tall and thin and looked almost exactly the same as her brother she had the same red hair and the same ugly nose her voice was deep and serious and once you heard it you never forgot it she was serious and hardworking and took pleasure in annoying her brother it was a surprise with all these attractive qualities that no man had ever asked to marry her instead she had spent her life studying law why do we need a clerk miss sally brass asked her brother that morning i've always helped you in the office so why do we need one now because mr. cloop tells me i need one he replied mr. Quilp is our biggest client nearly all of our work comes from him he has told me that this mr. swiveller our friend of his is perfect for the job of clark so what can I do if we say no we'll lose all our work me Sally did not reply but looked coldly at him and went on with her work a while later there was a knock at the front door but before mr. brass could stand up the door opened and in walked mr. quilt himself with Richard swivel a behind him looking uncomfortable Erie's said Quilp my dear friend mr. Richard swivel ah he is from a good family and I'm sure in the end he'll inherit a lots of money but he's young and he hasn't made very good decisions so he is happy to accept your very kind offer of a job here as your clerk they can start today mr. brass did not remember making the kind offer that Quilp had just mentioned however he stood up but a smile on his face shook hands with the new gentleman and then said goodbye to Quilp mr. Richard swiveller was given a seat then was asked to copy out a document about an hour later mr. brass and Sally told him that they were going out if anybody came to the office they explained he should tell them to come back later rich stopped working the minute the pair had gone he sat back and relaxed in his chair not long after there was a knock at the front door at first he did not answer it but the person knocked again and again then he heard feet on the stairs when it was clear that the knocking was not going to stop Richard stood up and went into the hallway where a very small thin girl was standing at the top of the cellar steps who are you asked Richard in surprise the girl who looked dirty and frightened did not answer the question but said how place sure will you out the jar and share him the room for rent well I don't know anything about the room said Richard why don't you show him yourself miss Sally said I wasn't allowed to it's eighteen shillings a week and I cook and wash the clothes she said quietly and quickly what cried Richard you mean that you are the cook the girl disappeared down the stairs so Richard open the front door a bald well-dressed gentleman stood there I see that you have a room for a single gentleman to rent he said pointing to the sign in the window he walked past Richard and up the stairs asking as he went how much does it cost Richard thinking quickly decided to try his luck and asked for a higher rent it's one pound a week sir and you will need to pay two weeks rent in advance I'll take it replied the gentleman when he had seen the room but I'll stay for more than two weeks that will be here for two years here now I'll pay you ten pounds right now I'm quite a private person and I don't want to be disturbed I want to come and go when I want to sleep when I want to he was certainly an unusual man when mr. brass returned home he was delighted to hear about the new lodger and how much he had agreed to pay [Music] chapter 12 the single gentlemen the single gentleman renting the room refused to tell anyone his name he never spoke to mr. brass or Sally came and went at unusual times and sometimes slept all day the only thing he seemed to be interested in was traveling puppet shows for several weeks he went to all of the shows that passed through that area of London and he became friends with many of the puppeteers he would often invite them back to his room for a drink after the show one day he met the puppeteers Tommy Conlon and mr. Harris while they were talking he asked them whether they had ever met a young girl called Nell and her grandfather he had asked the same question to all the other puppeteers he had met oh yes we saw them both cried mr. Harris who then turned to his friend he see Tommy I told you someone would be looking for those two do you know where they are now asked the single gentleman quickly one of our friends said he saw them they were traveling with a waxworks said Tommy if you can find out exactly where they are the single gentleman told them I'll give you both some money find out and then come back to me meanwhile kit had been getting mr. and mrs. Garland their son Abel Barbara and whisker the pony whisker was difficult at first but the people were pleasant and Kitts was happy in his new job and soon whisker grew to love him one morning a smartly dressed stranger arrived and asked if he could speak to kit the stranger was the single gentleman I've been abroad for many years he told kit I have come back to London looking for something dear to my heart and I hope to find it at the Old Curiosity Shop but the shop is now closed and everyone has gone I was told you might know where the old man who owned it is do you know over the next few minutes kit told the single gentleman everything that had happened ending his story with Nell and her grandfather's disappearance kits told him he had no idea where they were now but there's a sign on the shop door kit added it says that all inquiries should be made to mr. Samson brass mr. Quilp snore yes I know said the single gentleman I saw the sign too and I've even rented a room in mr. brasses house to try and find out more information but I've learned nothing there was a moment's silence and then he said I'll leave you now and he put a coin into Kitts hand please don't tell anyone about this meeting the single gentleman out into the street to say goodbye and at that same moment mr. Richard swivel Oh was walking down the same street and he saw Kitts saying goodbye to his visitor Richard was very surprised to see the single gentleman mr. brasses lodger talking to kit the boy who used to work at the Old Curiosity Shop why on earth would these two be together after the single gentleman had gone Richard went over to kit and asked him but kit seemed to know nothing about the man not even his name the very next day the notes came for kit from the single gentleman in the note he asked kit to go and work for him for a while and help him to find Nell and her grandfather he would pay kit extra to do this mr. garland said that this would be all right so kit agreed to help the single gentleman a carriage was sent to collect him straightaway he arrived at the single gentleman's lodgings and was welcomed inside the man did not wait to tell kit the latest news I think I have found your old master and his granddaughter he began I've just heard that they are in a town six hours carriage ride from here the old man might not remember me but he and Nell know you they wouldn't be frightened if you were there will you come with me I'm afraid that won't work replied kit sadly Nell told me that her grandfather never wanted to see me again Oh replied the single gentleman isn't there anyone else they know and would trust kit thought for a moment and then he answered well the only person I can think of is my mother she cares about Nell as much as I do after a few minutes of planning kit went to talk to his mother he explains that the single gentleman wanted her to travel with him to look for Nell and her grandfather kit helped his mother pack a few things for the journey and then he asked a neighbor to look after his little brothers while their mother was away soon Kitt's mother and the single gentleman were in a carriage and on their way kit stood at the side of the road and watched them go with tears in his eyes they were not tears of sadness but tears of joy at the thought of seeing Nell again beautiful sweet now [Music] chapter 13 Nell is given hope poor Nell did not know what to do her grandfather was taking all her money and gambling it away with other travelers every night she knew this because she had secretly followed him to find out where he was going one night while standing in the shadows she had heard the men he gambled with asking him for more money when he said that he had no more money one of the men made a terrible suggestion what a bear that waxworks woman you work for the man began she makes a lot of money and I've heard she keeps it in a metal box under her bed at night she doesn't lock a door because she's afraid of fire go in there when she's asleep and take the money anyone could go in there and do it so she won't know it's you it will be easy they talked about it for some time until the grandfather finally agreed that he would steal all of mrs. Charlie's money and return the next night what could Nell do she could not let him steal money from mrs. Charlie so later that night she woke up her grandfather and told him that they had to leave she packed up their things and took him away from the caravans while mrs. jolly and George were still sleeping she led him by the hand to the top of a nearby hill and there they rested Nels started to cry then later that night they lay down and slept on the grass it was a long way to the next town and they traveled slowly through the countryside for the next day and night at last they walked into the town which was very noisy and full of factories it was raining hard now and Nell was tired cold and wet she had started to feel ill and they had very little money she did not like the town they spent several hours walking through the busy streets without knowing what to do or where they would stay that night evening came and now found a dry doorway where they could lie down to sleep in the morning Nell and her grandfather started to walk towards the countryside again they walked all day through ugly dirty streets where poor thin people worked as day turned to night the factories seemed to be dangerous frightening places they saw sick hungry people who were crying in the street and children who were homeless by now Nell was very ill and she became weaker and weaker all they had eaten that day was some bread she could not walk anymore so she lay down at the side of the road to sleep the next morning they carried on with slow tired steps they had nothing to eat and as evening came Nell felt again that she could not walk another step she saw another traveller ahead of them on the road and called out to him hoping that he might give them some food the man and as he walked towards her Nell suddenly screamed and fell to the ground in shock it was mr. Martin the schoolteacher he picked her up in his arms and carried her as fast as he could to a nearby public house she's very ill and weak he told her grandfather who was very worried about her the landlady of the pub ran to Nell and gave her some medicine and a drink then Nell was taken to a bed upstairs where she slept for several hours the next morning she woke up feeling a little better and was able to eat something mr. Martin kindly paid for all three of them to stay another night at the public house so that Nell could rest thank you so much Nell said to the school teacher if we hadn't met you I think I might have died I don't know how I can thank you for your help then for paying for us to stay here that's enough talk about dying answered mr. Martin and the money is no problem since the last time I saw you I've been given another job I'm going to be Clark and school teacher in a village several days journey from here that is where I am travelling to now they are going to pay me thirty-five pounds a year I'm very happy for you replied Nell mr. Martin said that he thought of nellis a good friend and suggested that she and her grandfather should come with him to his new village yeah I'm sure you would find a job there he told her and so they agreed that the next day he Nell and her grandfather would travel together by public coach too village chapter 14 quilt makes a plan now we must return to kits mother and her journey with the single gentleman it was not a relaxed journey kits mothers spent the whole time worrying about her two young children whom she had left behind the single gentleman spent his time worrying about finding Nell and her grandfather they traveled all night at speed stopping only to eat dinner then Kitt's mother fell asleep in the carriage and was woken in the morning as the carriage came to a stop now this is the place cried the single gentleman he climbed out of the carriage and after asking a few people in the street he found the hall with the waxworks but it did not take long for him to find out from mrs. jolly that Nell and her grandfather were no longer there mrs. jolly explained how she had met Nell and her grandfather and how she had given them each a job and a place to live then she told him that they had suddenly disappeared she said that she was very worried about them because the old man had seemed unwell and confused she had tried to find them but had had no luck the single gentleman was very upset at this news and said he did not know where to look next he took kits mother to a nearby public house where they could stay the night as they went up to their rooms Kitt's mother was amazed to see mr. Quilp coming down the stairs she stepped backwards in surprise and cried goodness me Kate's mother said Quilp and he smiled his horrible smile at her mr. Quilp said the single gentlemen we have met before you may remember that the day I arrived in London I found the Old Curiosity Shop empty and closed up the neighbor told me to come and see you I discovered that you had taken that shop and everything in it and you had forced the old man who used to live there to leave and become a beggar that's sharp legally belongs to nay replied Quilp that didn't force him he went by his own choice he disappeared in the night you didn't help me when I came to you and now you are following me why ask the single gentleman with anger in his voice following you cried Quilp I'm not following you the single gentleman simply looked at Quilp there was nothing more to say croaked returned to his room upstairs and thought for a long time about what had happened in the last few days he had been to the office of his lawyer friend mr. brass and had spoken to Richard Swivl are there Richard had talked about the single gentleman who was staying in mr. brasses house the same gentleman who had come to see Quilp some weeks before Richard had also said that on another day he had seen the single gentleman and Kitt's talking together wasn't that a strange thing had guests from all this that the single gentleman was trying to find Nell and her grandfather quilt wanted to know why so he decided to go and seek its mother he thought it would be easy to frighten her and she would tell him everything she knew but when he got there he saw her getting into the carriage with the single gentleman about to start their journey he talked to the driver found out exactly where the carriage was going and followed it's in a public coach and now they had all met in this public house cell Quilp said quietly to himself that's horrible boy kit keeps getting in my way it's kits and his mother who are helping to find Nellie now and will end up being rewarded so I think I will have to kill him yes that single gentleman would have paid me a lot of money to find Nell and her grandfather if kits hadn't got in the way the next morning quilt caught the public coach back to London as soon as he got there he went to see mr. brass and Sally he told them about kit how he kept getting in the way and how he hated him mr. brass who did not really know kit at all said that he completely agreed with Quilp you are my good friends aren't you said quilt yes yes of course replied mr. brass nodding his head several times then find a way to get rid of kit I hate him do you understand me said quilt coldly earns on it mr. brass and Sally looked at each other and then both shook hands with Quilp [Music] chapter 15 a village life when mr. Martin Nell and her grandfather arrived at the village mr. Martin went to get the keys to his new house Nell and the old man waited near the church when mr. Martin returned he had a surprise for his travelling friends do you see that house there he asked pointing to a very old but pretty house nearby Nell nodded well he continued it is yours for as many years as you wanted Alice cried the child but yes replied mr. Martin happily if there are two houses and I will be living in the house next door to that one he then explained to Nell a little more about the house the woman who had lived there used to look after the church keys her job had been to open and close the church and show it to visitors she had died a few weeks before and a new person was now needed to do this job and live in the house Nell could be that person it was like her job with the waxworks yeah I've spoken to the clergyman the job who would give you some money said mr. Martin it wouldn't be very much but enough money to live on in this simple place thank you so much cried the child for the next two days they cleaned and prepared the houses Nell still did not feel well but she did her best to work hard some of the local people came to welcome them to offer their help or to bring some food Nell was given the keys to the church she spent some time on her own walking slowly around it at first she felt happy and calm to be in the beautiful church but seeing all the graves in the graveyard made her feel sad because many of them were where children had been buried she sat down near one of these graves and started to cry mr. Martin walking past saw her Nell who what's wrong he asked her it makes me so sad that these children who have died have forgotten so quickly she answered no no disagreed her friend no one who dies is forgotten perhaps there are no flowers on these graves now but these people are not forgotten all of the good things they did will live on in the hearts of the people who knew them Nell smiled a little but she looked tired and her skin seemed white in the sunlight the next day Nell started to tidy up the graveyard and plant flowers on some of the graves she worked all day there and her grandfather helped her later in the afternoon mr. Martin came and watched her working at first he smiled because she had started to make the graves look cared for and bright but then his heart became heavy and he sat in silence when he realized that Nell had only worked on the graves of children her grandfather had noticed the same thing he stood for a moment with a worried look on his face and then moved towards Nell and put his hand gently on her shoulder he told how she was growing stronger and stronger each day and would soon become a woman the weeks passed and the new village began to feel like home but nel still seemed tired and ill and spent a lot of time sitting quietly looking into the fire both her grandfather and mr. Martin were very worried about her [Music] chapter 16 there are problems for kit back in London Richard swiveller was alone in mr. brasses office relaxing in a chair there was a knock at the door then when he opened it he saw kit standing there is your lodger at home asked kit I have a letter for him from mr. garland not long after this mr. brass and Sally returned when they heard that Kitts was upstairs visiting the single gentleman mr. brass immediately sent Richard out to deliver a letter mr. brass and his sister whispered for a few moments and then Sally went to the kitchen mr. brass sat alone in the office with the door open and waited for kit to come downstairs kit after quite some time came downstairs had mr. brass called out to him good he called her could you come in here before you go kit shyly stepped into the room oh dear said mr. brass and the last time we saw each other was when the mr. Quilp made the Old Curiosity Shop and everything in it his own the what must you think of me but kit that was a painful job for me Kitt's did not know what to say so he stayed silent the only good thing in my job kit at it mr. brass the lawyer is that at least I can help the people who are hurt when something like that happens I want you to know that I tried to stop quilt he continued I begged him to let the child and her grandfather stay for a few days in the house and I saw enough while I was there said mr. brass to know that you are a good person with a good heart mr. brass doesn't seem a bad person after all thought honest kit anyway said mr. Sampson brass pointing to two half-crowns on the desk I want you to take these tits looked at the coins and then at mr. brass they are from the lodger upstairs said brass but he's a very private man so it's best if you don't tell anyone or say they are for me if you want to take them and I don't think these will be the last coins he will give you a good buying kit all right kit took the money thanked mr. many times and left the office a moment later Sally appeared Sal said Sally did it go alright oh yes replied mr. brass with a smile and went very well the kids comes here at least once a week so I will call him into the office the next time he comes to when richard swiveller was in the office and not out delivering important messages he was often alone he was a lazy man and would play cards on his own rather than do any work one day pass he was playing cards he heard someone moving just outside the office door he saw it was the thin servant girl who had been watching him through the keyhole in the door why don't you come in here and I'll teach you to play cards said Richard and Miss Sally would kill me if she knew I come upstairs cried the girl then I'll come downstairs he replied brightly she won't kill me he followed the girl down to the cellar then got her some bread and meat from the kitchen when he gave her the food she ate it faster than he had ever seen anyone eat before how old are you he asked the girl a tenth now came the reply well what's your name Richard asked I don't know she repeated Oh said Richard a little shocked now then I will call you the Marchioness Richard to play cards and they played until it was time for Richard to go home after that they secretly played cards together many times and they became good friends a couple of weeks later Sally brass told Richard that she was worried about something she asked him if he had seen a silver pencil case he replied that he had not they just disappeared Sally said and I think someone has stolen it other things have gone missing who for half-crowns have disappeared as well Oh thought Richard I hope it isn't anything to do with the Marchioness mr. brass then entered the office carrying a five-pound note which he was holding up and looking at carefully I was just telling mr. swiveller that we think things have been stolen from the office Sally said to her brother no yes agreed mr. brass sadly as he put the banknote down on his desk and walked to the chair oh don't leave that note there cried Richard no sir replied mr. brass calmly I am going to leave it there I trust you then I want you to know that some moments past while they all quietly thought about the missing things then Sally cried I've got it it must be that boy kid he has come here a lot recently and is often here when we are out no cried mr. brass a look of surprise on his face but I can't believe it kid is such an honest boy then strangely there came a knock at the door and kit himself walked into the house and went out stairs to see the single gentleman immediately mr. Braus sent Richard away to take a letter across town and Sally went to the kitchen when Kip's came back downstairs brass called him into his office come on in kids put your head down there said mr. brass KITT put his hat down on the desk and they talked for a few minutes about mr. Garland and his family as they talked Mr brass picked up the hat and moved it several times around the desk the desk was covered in papers and it seemed that mr. brass was looking for something then quite suddenly mr. brass said oh I need to go upstairs for a minute to check something would you mind keeping an eye on the office for me while I'm gone and he disappeared upstairs for ten or more minutes when he came back down both Richard and Sally had returned to the office the kid had gone did you hits look after the office on his own Sally asked her brother yes I did despite what you say I trust kit mr. brass replied then he started to move the papers around on his desk as if he was looking for something oh dear where's the he started at what have you lost past Richard the five-pound note sir yeah I put it on my desk but it's gone mr. brass said there I told you it was him said Sally but you don't think it's took it to you said Richard yes cried Sally go after him Richard and mr. brass ran out into the street and some minutes later they returned with kits between them each of the men holding one of kits arms kits looked shocked when they told him what they thought he had done he agreed that they could check his pockets but you won't find anything kit said mr. brass carefully looked through all of Kitts clothing but found nothing then he told Richard to check kits hat at first Richard found only a handkerchief but then suddenly he was holding a five-pound notes in his hand what it was in his hat cried mr. brass acting surprised oh dear I don't believe it and I trusted him so much I am a lawyer so I must follow the law Richard please can you go and find a policeman mr. brass and Sally held kit tightly while they waited for Richard and the policeman to return when the policeman arrived a statement was taken and then a carriage was called to take kit to be seen by a magistrate I'm not guilty cried KITT when the carriage arrived to take him away mr. brass you know I am honest anyone who knows me can see I am honest do one thing for me all of you please take me to mr. Garland before you take me to the magistrate and so Kitt's was taken to see mr. Garland both mr. Garland and his son Abel was shocked when they heard about the five-pound note I don't believe one word of this said mr. Garland have you noticed that skits who said more money than usual asked the policeman well yes replied mr. Garland but kid told me that mr. brass himself had given him some money recently that's right isn't it mr. brass said kid you gave me the our crowns from the single gentleman they replied mr. brass with a confused look on his face oh dear this is bad this is too much he added shaking his head what cried KITT are you saying that you didn't give me any money give you money said mr. brass well of course I never did a gentleman cried KITT he did it I don't know what I have done to upset him but he must have hidden the note in my hat himself look at him he's changing color and going red who looks the most guilty he or I well we will let the magistrate decide who is telling the truth here said the policeman and then Kitts was taken from mr. Garland's house to the Justice room it seemed that there was no hope a an officer told KITT that he would be found guilty and would probably be sentenced to prison and transported to a faraway country KITT spent a terrible night locked up waiting for his future to be decided chapter 17 there is hope for KITT several evenings later Daniel Quilp asked Samson brass to come and see him at his boat yard mr. brass hated going to that place it was far away dark and dangerous when he reached the boatyard mr. brass knocked on the counting-house door and walked inside after some moments of conversation quill told mr. brass why he had asked to see him I told you to get a clock and you did he began now I'm telling you to get rid of him what said mr. brass in surprise I brought Richard swivel er to you so that I could know where he was and what he was doing replied Quilp he wanted to marry now because he thought her grandfather was rich but I thought he was as poor as a ret that marriage would have been something to see but if the lodger is looking for the old man then he can't really be pork any so there'll be no fun in helping Richard to marry no none at all Oh replied mr. brass and ease and Fred Trent has disappeared said Quilp I've heard that he had to run away because he got into trouble I think he's gone abroad I hate him so that's the best place for him far away yes of course agreed bras swivel er is stupid and weak and hard dad wants him any longer quilt old brass do what you like with him kill him don't let him die of anger I don't care but as soon as kits trial is finished get rid of Richard a few days later kits trial was held the trial did not go well for kit and he was found guilty kits was shocked and his mother was very upset and could not stop crying Richard swiveller kindly took her home then he returned to mr. brasses office he was beginning to think that perhaps kit was innocent but Richard had some bad news of his own when he arrived the lawyer's office his boss told him that he was no longer needed there and that he should look for work somewhere else Richard was shocked and angry he picked up his things and left without saying goodbye the last few days had been difficult for Richard swiveller that night he became very ill with a high temperature he went home and went to bed and fell into a terrible half sleep during which he did not know what time or day it was when at last he started to feel a little better he realized that there was someone in the room with him as he slowly opened his eyes he saw the Marchioness yes it is her he thought sitting at my table playing cards by herself when she saw him looking at her she started to cry with joy Richard had been very ill for nearly three weeks when the Marchioness had heard that he was ill the only person who had ever been nice to her she had run away from mr. brass and Sally she had stayed at Richard's apartment and looked after him she told him that kits had been sentenced to transportation and that she felt terrible about it because she knew he was not guilty she said she had heard mr. brass and Sally talking about kit and about how Daniel Quilp had asked them to get rid of the boy she had also heard them planning to hide the five-pound note in Kitts hat when the Marchioness had finished talking Richard was very upset and angry about what he had just heard kits really was innocent Richard was too weak to get out of bed so he sent the Marchioness to go and bring mr. Garland at once [Music] chapter 18 quilts luck changes when Richard woke up the following morning he could hear quiet voices in his room mr. Garland his son Abel the single gentleman and the Marchioness were all there before he ate his breakfast he asked mr. Garland an important question is it too late to save kit he asked no I don't think so replied mr. Garland with the information we have we think we might be able to save him but we are not sure that there is enough information to put Quilp who is the real criminal in prison Oh said Richard but there must be a way of catching him oh well we hope that we can get Sally brass to admit to what she has done that might give us the information and proof that we need explained the single gentleman when she finds out how much we know and how we know it he continued she will realize that she's in serious trouble then she might want to tell us about her brother and Quilp they decided to send a message asking Sally to come and meet an unknown friend as soon as possible at a nearby coffee house it was only an hour or two later that Sally appeared at the coffee house she was shocked to see mr. Garland and her lodger waiting there for her miss brass started mr. Garland and we have found your missing servant girl have you she said coldly CAIR is trouble mr. garland explained in detail what the Marchioness had told them what she had heard mr. brass and Sally saying about KITT when they had finished talking Sally said nothing so mr. Garland then said now I think you know the trouble you and your brother are in but cope is a much more serious criminal than either of you if you help us to catch him it will make your crime look smaller hearing this Sally brass said nothing but thought carefully at that moment her brother Sampson brass appeared he explained that he had followed his sister and had been listening to the whole conversation he looked terrible and had cuts on his face look at me he said who do you think did this to me yes Daniel Quilp he is my clients and I try to please him but he has treated me like a dog some of the truth is out now and I'm going to tell you everything I want to get him before he gets me then very quickly mr. brass told the whole story from start to finish when he had ended his story the men told him to write it down on paper they said he would have to be sent to trial to sally brass was very angry that her brother had told them everything so quickly and easily but there was nothing she could do later that evening the writtens statement was taken to the Justice house they were told that a warrant for quilts arrest would be prepared the next day and that kit would be freed very soon mr. Garland and the single gentleman returned to Richard's apartment to tell him the good news he and the Marchioness were very happy to hear that Quilp would be arrested and kit would be freed the next morning Richard received a letter from a lawyer he did not know what this letter would say but he opened it he was shocked when he read it in the letter it read that his rich aunt had died and that she had left him one hundred and fifty pounds a year it was not the large inheritance that he had hoped for but it would be enough for him to live a comfortable if simple life what a letter said Richard to himself laughing and crying at the same time I will use this money to look after the Marchioness and make a lady of her he promised Quilp who had not left his counting-house for several days also received a letter when he opened it he saw that the letter was from Sally brass this is what the letter said Sanson has told several people exactly what has happened they know everything some strangers are coming to catch you you must run away quickly I have disappeared and you should to Quilp shocked and angry he decided that he would leave the boatyard that night while it was dark he closed up the counting-house and pushed a few things that he might need into his pockets as he did this he talked to himself all the time Oh Samson Ross if I ever see you again I will kill him he cried but Sally why did you let him tell them she should have stopped him hello I at that moment there was a knock at the door he blew out the candle and suddenly it was quite dark he walked through the counting-house and out through the back door to the side of the river I'll climb over the wall at the end of the yacht and escape he told himself and as he moved in the darkness he fell the next moment he was fighting with the cold dark water of the river he could still hear the knocking and now he heard shouting he knew the voice yes it was the young boy who worked for him Quilp moved his arms and legs wildly and tried to call out to him but it was too late his clothes were wet and heavy and the water pulled him down towards the bottom of the river until he stopped moving Quilp would never move again he was dead [Music] chapter 19 the single gentleman shares his story KITT was now happier than he had ever been he had heard the news about mr. brass and Sally and had been told that he was now a free man mr. Garland came as quickly as he could to get kids from the prison and take him home when they arrived back at the Garland's house Kitts mother was there with his two brothers and she was crying with joy mrs. Garland Abel Barbara and the single gentleman were there too they were all very excited and pleased to see kit especially Barbara they laughed and talked and gave kids special presents to welcome him home after a while kitt realized that he had forgotten to say hello to another friend he quietly walked out to the back of the house to the stables where wisker the pony was kept he put his hand on whiskers neck and spoke to him gently as he was talking he heard someone move behind him it was Barbara what was Barbara doing here Oh kit she said is it really you are you ready back here safe with us so we've missed you so much she was standing quite near him now and kit could see that she had begun to cry without thinking about it he put his arm around her and dried her cheek she looked up at him and again without thinking kit kissed her the pony suddenly moved and Barbara who was surprised ran away later that evening when everything was karma mr. garland asked to speak to kit would you come with me on a journey tomorrow he asked a journey asked kit yes replied his master Nell and her grandfather have been found and we should go and see them Nell has been ill and is weak but I hope she will be better soon mr. Garland then told kits the whole story he explained that he had a very good friend who was a school teacher who lived in a village in the country his name was mr. Martin he did not see this friend very often but they wrote letters to each other in one of his letters mr. Martin had described helping two new people in the village a young girl and her old grandfather he wrote about how they had been travelling and were poor when mr. Garland had read this he thought they might be kids friends so he wrote a letter asking mr. Martin for more information that very day her reply had come which said that yes they were Nell and her grandfather kit was very happy and said that of course he would be ready for the journey the next morning he found it difficult to sleep that night because he was thinking about Nell and about Barbara early the next morning mr. Garland and the single gentleman climbed into the carriage kits climbed up onto the back of it and they began their long journey they traveled all day and into the evening after a long silence in the carriage the single gentleman turned to mr. garland and asked him if he was a good listener oh yes of course he replied well if the story is interesting and then there is a short story I want to tell you the single gentleman began there were two brothers who loved each other a lot there was an age difference of twelve years between them happily they both fell in love but sadly it was with the same woman the younger brother was the first to realize this and he was very upset about it when he was a child he had been very ill and weak that his older brother had looked after him very carefully for years the younger brother decided not to say anything about the woman because he wanted his brother to be happy he left the country the older brother married the woman and was very happy for a while but then his wife died and left him with a daughter this daughter was beautiful then was exactly like her mother she grew up to be a sweet woman but she married a terrible man who spent all of her money and was cruel to her if they were so poor that first her husband died and then she died too leaving two children behind there was a son of about 10 years old and a baby girl so then the grandfather the older brother looked after them he was very sad he had lost his wife and then he had lost his daughter and he was by that time an old man the two children grew up to be very different the boy became just like his father had been he was dishonest and lazy and he had wasted a lot of the grandfather's money before he left to live on his own the girl who's sweet and innocent just like her beautiful mother had been she stayed with her grandfather and helped him to run a business which was a shop selling old curios the old man loved his young granddaughter very much her beautiful face reminded him of his wife and his daughter but he was very frightened that the girl would have a sad and short life like her mother and grandmother before her during all these years the younger brother was travelling in many different countries all alone no one knew why he had left England and they thought it must have been for bad reasons as he got older he thought more and more about his older brother and the happy times they had shared as children the time came when he could bear it no more he sold everything he owned now being rich enough to look after both himself and his brother he returned to London and knocked on his brother's door said the single gentleman whose voice had grown quiet and sad yes said mr. garland putting his hand on top of his friends yeah and I think I know the rest of the story yes agreed the single gentleman you know all about how I have been looking for my brother and his granddaughter and until now have had no luck I really hope that this time we will find them chapter 20 nel and her grandfather are found the carriage traveled on all through the next day stopping only to change horses or for the passengers to eat it was a very long and tiring journey and kits became very cold sitting at the back of the carriage soon it was dark again and snowing and there were many miles still to travel at last at around midnight they arrived in the small village kits went ahead to look for Nels cottage and when he found it he saw a light through the window he knocked on the door there was no answer but he could hear a strange noise coming from inside it sounded like a person singing or crying or perhaps both he felt cold and worried he pushed open the door and went inside there was a weak fire burning in the room and in front of it there was a person sitting in a chair it was an old man who was crying and talking to himself he looked up and then kids knew who it was it was his old master from the Old Curiosity Shop a master cried kit and he ran to him another ghost said the old man I'm not a ghost I'm Kate your old servant don't you remember asked kit where is now oh please tell me where Nelly's have been lots of ghosts this evening and they've all wanted to know where she is the old man replied she's in the next room sleeping oh thank goodness cried kit but she has been asleep for such long time said the old man weakly ooh why do you lie there Nell your friends come to the door asking where is the sweet girl and they start crying she is so tired that she doesn't move at all when she is sleeping she needs to rest then she will get better yes she will get better kits could not speak he had begun to cry a few moments passed and then the door opened and in walked mr. garland the single gentleman and mr. Martin they saw how upset the old man was and heard from kit what he had said about his granddaughter the single gentleman the old man's younger brother walked slowly to him and began to speak I know that you are tired and very upset about Little Nell and I know that you must still be sad about the death of her mother and grandmother you loved them all but do you remember another person who you once loved your brother you used to look after him and you shared a happy childhood together but then he left home to travel the world imagine if that brother returned now to look after you just as you had looked after him before he stopped for a moment before saying gently do you recognise me good brother the old grandfather looked at all the people in the room and began to slowly towards the room where Nell lay as he moved he spoke you are trying to make me forget her you will never do that she is the only friend or relative I have she is everything to me he said as he walked into her room gently calling her name the others who were worried about him followed him quietly into Nels room they all felt very sad and more than one of them was crying Nell was dead she lay on the little bed white and not moving the old man did not want to believe it he held her hand the same hand that had led him on their long journey and said that he needed to keep it warm but it was too late sweet kind Elle was dead she had been for two days when she died there had been friends around her and she had died quietly and without any pain she had never complained and had been thankful to everyone who looked after her they said that she had often spoken of the people who had been kind to her she had said more than once that she would like to seek it again she wished that someone would tell kit that she loved and missed him the day of the funeral came and many people from the village all of them dressed in black came to say goodbye to Nell she was buried in the same churchyard that she had looked after herself just as she had planted flowers on the graves of children there her friends did the same for her grave after the funeral Nels grandfather was taken back to the cottage he went into Nels room to look for her but of course she was gone and he was very upset he then went to mr. Martin the school teacher's house to look for her there he could not would not believe that she had died the days passed and he spent every day sitting by her grave waiting for her return his friends and his brother tried everything they could to make him understand that she had gone sadly several weeks later on a sunny spring day they found him lying dead on her grave he was buried next to her and so at last Nell and her grandfather were together again just as he had wanted chapter 21 the end the story of Nell and her poor grandfather has now come to its end all that is left to do is to tell you what happened to the other people who have been part of this sad story mr. bracy's trial was held but because he was a lawyer and knew all the rights people he was not transported to a country far away he was sent to quite a nice prison for a few years and he never worked as a lawyer again no one was sure what happened to Sally brass some people said she had dressed as a man and gone to sea as a sailor others said that she had become a soldier but the truth was that she had just disappeared and nobody knew where she was Daniel quilts body was found several days after he had fallen into the river there was an inquest but there was no funeral and no one cared that he was dead mr. and mrs. Garland carried on their lives as before but with fewer people in their house as you will see their son Abel went to a dance where he met a very quiet lady and fell in love in a few months he was happily married and in a few years he had a quiet family too swiveller slowly recovered from his illness and received the money that his rich aunt had left to him he was a changed man as he had promised he used the money to look after the Marchioness he bought her some wonderful new clothes and paid for her to go to school she was very clever then became an excellent student the younger brother or single gentleman as Swee knew him was full of sadness at what had happened he set out on a long journey the same journey that Snell and his older brother had followed after they had left London he took the time to find and thank every person who had helped them on their way and what about kit kits story had been heard by a lot of people at first he had no plan to leave mr. and mrs. garland but a stranger offered him an excellent job and everyone agreed that he should take it did kits live as a single man for all his days or did he get married of course he got married and of course it was Barbara that became his wife they were happy together and had two children as kits children grew up he would often tell them the story of Little Nell he told them how good and sweet and kind she had been he sometimes took them to the streets where she had lived but it had changed a lot and looked very different a new wide road was in its place the Old Curiosity Shop was no longer there it had been pulled down a long time ago at first he would show them the exact spot where the shop had stood but soon he became unsure and could not find the place where it had been so much had changed and his memory was not what it had been these are the changes that can happen over a few years things pass away and are forgotten just like a story that has been told you
Channel: EnOn - English Online
Views: 718,405
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Keywords: Learn English through story with subtitle, Học tiếng Anh qua truyện có phụ đề, 通過字幕學習英語, 자막이있는 이야기, 를 통해 영어 배우기, 字幕付きの物語を通して英語を学ぶ, Aprende inglés a través de la historia con subtítulos, learn english, learn english through story, english listening, english stories, listening practice, Luyện nghe tiếng anh, conversation, English Conversation, Learn English through stories, English story, Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, story level 4, audiobook
Id: 675T4BJNFn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 43sec (9883 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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