The Phenomenon Called Water Hammer

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The following Blacoh "water hammer" presentation is being conducted by Gary Cornell, Chairman/CEO of Blacoh Fluid Control, a manufacturer of pulsation dampeners, surge suppressors, inlet stabilizers, and other fluid control products, based in Riverside, California. With a BS degree from California Polytechnic University, Mr. Cornell has worked in the reciprocating pump industry for more than 35 years, and is a member of the Hydraulic Institute and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Now, pay attention to this because two things are going on: hydraulic vibration and acoustics. So what is this phenomenon? It's hydraulic shock. It's a momentary increase in pressure in a liquid system due to the sudden change in velocity of a fluid. That's the key point. It's not necessarily stopping the fluid, but a rapid change in velocity. It's called water hammer because it creates this acoustic sound or pressure wave, or transient, and it sounds almost like a hammer banging on a piece of pipe. Now, since it's an acoustic wave -- and we'll talk more about this as we get into it -- since it's an acoustic wave, it's not just liquid shifting back and forth, but an acoustic wave, this wave of pressure that's created travels at the speed of sound in water. Now, what's the speed of sound in air? About 1700 feet per second. In water, it can be as high as 4700 feet per second, this acoustic wave. And that's important for a couple of reasons, but one of them is that it's very hard for an end-user or customer sometimes to understand what's going on when a valve closes 500 feet away or 1000 feet away, and at the pump there's an action almost instantly. Now, we've got our little coil demonstration, I think most of you've seen, that we built out in the plant, and we can create some of that time lag in that situation but, people don't equate this acoustic wave with the reaction that occurs. So they're always synthesizing what happened, where did it happen, why did it happen, and then it's our job to figure out what to do to fix it. A lot of things can vary, and we'll get into it a little bit more but, we call it water hammer or hydraulic shock. There's also a thing called surge, and you know it's usually called a surge suppressor, but surge is a less intense form of water hammer and typically happens downstream of any valve closing or anything like that; not upstream. So, if we have uncontrolled hydraulic shock or water hammer, what's the potential? You've heard us say before that it can be 4 to 8 times (a momentary increase in pressure), over the normal flowing pressure. I was in the wrong, it's not 1700; it's about 1125 feet per second versus 4700. So, with the same intensity, energy pressure in water is 60 times greater than in air and that's why submarines have torpedoes that explode below the water line. You think about a tsunami and the energy that's carried for literally thousands of miles without dissipating. Water or liquid is a very efficient transferor of energy. A simple formula that's quite accurate in predicting what this pressure rise will be is using this 60 times the velocity of the liquid in the pipe, in feet per second, times any specific gravity, divided by time. Typically, in talking about water hammer with a valve closure which is probably 85 to 90 percent of the applications, we're using one second as a valve closure time. So, if we use this, and this is just a computer generated graph of what happens when a valve closes instantly, you get an immediate spike and then a tapering off of this acoustic wave. It doesn't just stop and reverses from where it is, when it hits another solid object it reverberates back the other way and keeps oscillating until something breaks or the energy is dissipated through friction. [Audience: "What is a second and when they say micro-second, what's the difference? A micro-second obviously is faster."] Just much faster; much, much faster. [Audience: "Because I hear that a lot of times too in talking about valves."] Yeah, a second is pretty fast, but in terms of water hammer it's a long time. So, we're just going through a little exercise here and we're saying the velocity is 6 feet per second, specific gravity 1.2, and time is one second. Now, 6 feet per second flowing in a process system is not all that fast. I mean there are a lot of places out there that are going 8, 10, 12, even 15 feet per second. Obviously, the faster it flows, the more velocity you have, the more damage that can be done. Mostly, at about 4 to 5 feet per second you start being concerned about this phenomenon called water hammer. So, it equals 432 psi. Now, this is really important because I've been on the phone, I've heard you guys talking to customers and the customer says, "Well, why can't I use a plastic dampener? My pressure is only 20 psi." Right? Low pressure system, so what? Because we don't want to use plastic dampeners for water hammer or as surge devices, The problem is, this 432 psi is cumulative to the system pressure. So, you may be at 20 psi in the system, but now you're going to add the system pressure to the increase in pressure and if the system pressure is 100, now we're at 532 psi. Even taking that away, let's assume we've got plastic pipe, right? Or a plastic valve, some low pressure gauges, plastic flanges rated to 150 or 200, 250 even; and, we're hitting it with 432 psi above the system operating pressure. It's a formula for disaster and it happens all the time. What causes this? We talked about a change in velocity, rapidly. Right? Valve opening and closing, pump start and stop, pump power failure -- potentially one of the most dangerous areas there is -- piping profile and direction change, and column separation. There are other factors that can create or increase the potential problem here. Entrained air because one of the things we know about and we'll see later on is that for all intents and purposes, liquid is not compressible. Right? But if there's a lot of air in it, or if it's hot water there's a lot more air in it, you get that compressibility factor in there and now we've got a spring that can actually increase that spike as this water comes crashing to a stop it's still moving because there's air compressing in it and then all of a sudden you get a secondary slam. [Audience: "Gary, are engineers not taught this in college?"] No -- the sad thing is no. We had a young engineer that had just graduated and worked for a summer in a work program at Blacoh years ago; Eric. I asked him about that and he said, "You know, in four years of college we touched on this for about 30 minutes." You can't believe the number -- well, you can -- the number of systems that are designed without any concern or thought whatsoever for the consequences of valve closure. I took a course from an instructor several years ago who was a ASME instructor. We did a bunch of problems and one of them, I'll always remember it, was a 36 inch diameter pipe, ten miles long and on a slight incline of 3 or 4 degrees. You calculate -- and you can do this -- you calculate the time to close the valve which will prevent closing it, or slowing down the velocity, too quickly. It took 24 minutes to close that valve so you wouldn't have a rise in pressure. Remember, the whole key is rapid change in velocity. If you can avoid the rapid change in velocity, you don't have a problem. And of course, that's where the Blacoh dampener or surge suppressor comes in. Typically closing within 1 ½ seconds but, depends on fluid velocity, a quick valve closure is similar to a train wreck in a pipeline. The engine stops, but these cars keep moving. Especially if there's more air in the liquid or more air between them. That first car stops and the rest of them still move until you get the big crash. I like to use the example of the crash dummy test. You've got this block wall. You've got a car travelling at 60 miles an hour -- we'll get into this a little bit more -- and the car hits the block wall. It stops rapidly. Velocity changes rapidly. What happens? The energy gets absorbed in the car, right? Into the test driver and everything. If you put a spring at the wall so that the car came to hit the spring first, that spring would absorb the energy and slowly decelerate the car so that by the time the car hits the wall, there's no damage because the velocity is gone, slowly dissipated. That's exactly what a Blacoh surge suppressor does, and we'll talk about that more. But, think about it. The valve closes. The liquid is coming full force into the closed valve. If we have a surge suppressor properly charged and sized right there upstream of the valve, the liquid is directed up into the surge suppressor, which is just a big spring. So that liquid has a place to slow down and we change the velocity speed slowly, and no pressure spike is created. And you can see that in that coil that we have. Energy concentrates, it reverses direction, the pressure wave moves at the speed of sound in water, hits the check valve or pump and it reverses direction again back and forth. Energy is absorbed by friction after several waves. This is a check valve in a system and we'll do this, I think. Pressure on the downstream side is usually a drop in pressure depending on what we talked about. The surge which is on the downstream of the valve. That's the valve closure and hitting a check valve. Most all pump systems -- see, there's the valve closing -- most pumping systems will have a check valve at the discharge of the pump to protect the pump when the pump is turned off. That's the check valve there that's slamming. This is that whole system. So, to control the valve closure hammer, slow the liquid velocity. Use a slow closing valve, use stronger pipes and braces; use relief valves, surge tanks or bladder surge suppressors. You can use any of these. The whole idea is either you're going to have to contain that energy or prevent it from occurring, or transforming its makeup. I'm not going to go through all of these carefully. One the things that you can do is control the valve closure time but, typically they say if I want the flow to stop, I want it to stop as quickly as I can get it to stop so they use quick closing valves. You can use a surge tank, which is basically just a stand pipe. The problem there is that you can't keep the air separated from the liquid so it water logs and loses its effectiveness. The bladder surge tank is the best permanent, lowest maintenance product you can use to control this surge or water hammer phenomena because it keeps the gas separate from the liquid -- we all know that. This is just some examples of what can happen now when you're running a pump, and typically a centrifugal pump but, it doesn't have to be. One of the problems that can occur is when you have a pump start and the system line is full of liquid but stationary. This is the problem you have with big sprinkler systems, that's why there always has to be some sort of surge suppressor in these systems because you're starting the flow of liquid against a block wall, and when that flowing liquid hits the solid liquid that's not compressible and you get a big bang. The other situation that can cause a lot of problems is when the line is empty, because now you're pushing liquid rapidly down an empty line that has only air in it. The air is going to move much more quickly without resistance until you reach some point at the end which can be a reduction, an elbow, or any other thing that creates, again, a rapid change in that velocity. Then there are other problems that start making these things complicated and that's pump profile. You could have liquid here and then a rise. When you turn the pump off this area can be filled with air and then down below can be liquid again. You start moving that liquid against air and then it hits a solid, non-moving piece of liquid again, and then you get all kinds of problems. Some of these get pretty complicated in the profile. Sometimes we have to get help in doing these things but, most of the ones we deal with are pretty straight forward. Now, this is what's called rapid pump shutdown and you're going to see column separation. This also is a significant problem because, when you have liquid flowing at the discharge of the pump down the line and you turn the pump off, the flow stops coming out of the pump but, that fluid will tend to return or reverse and come back because, one of the main reasons is you've got a section of pipe that now with nothing in it, no air release, so you lower the atmospheric pressure in this piece of pipe and the liquid gets sucked back in. It can be actually sub-atmospheric -- you can go below atmospheric pressure that section of pipe from the pump as the fluid moves away from the pump. So, this is what happens. Now watch this. See it come crashing back? That's the reciprocating effect. And what is happened here is -- that's that acoustic vibration reciprocating -- but here we're flowing along, the flow stops, the pressure reverses and all of a sudden we get a big gigantic pressure spike as the flow reverses back to the pump. Now we don't know how long that pipe is but that's happening pretty quickly and that could be a 500 foot long piece of pipe. This is a failed pipe underground. Cars going passed, there's water on the ground now. That's significant water hammer. This is big. That's a truck. There's the manhole cover; it's huge. [Audience: "Where is this?"] [Audience: "This is a domestic one; this is in the United States."] Alright, I'm going to go on. So, the ways you control start/stop are to use air relief valves, vacuum breakers, slowly opening and then slowly closing the valve at pump discharge, check valve at the pump discharge, surge tanks and bladder suppressors. Some of the same things you could use before. Again, the goal is to have the velocity of the fluid change slowly. When you have slow change you don't get a buildup of energy all at once. The suppressor acts -- we talked a little about the spring and the block wall -- but, the same thing on stop/start. If you throw the liquid into the line you're going to have velocity hitting a non-moving column of liquid and a spike. But, putting a dampener in is like putting in a spring interrupting the system between the pump, which is the hammer, and the rod which is the liquid stationary in the line. The spring absorbs that rapid start of energy by allowing the liquid to go up into the suppressor and hold it there until the speed of the solid or non-moving column of liquid starts moving. It would be like let's say you're going to push a car that is stalled. You come up to a too fast and you hit the back to the bumper you get an energy event and you break bumpers. But, if you put a spring on the bumper of the car you're pushing and then come up on it and hit that spring first, it will first absorb some energy and then start accelerating the car in front of you and there's no damage will be done. Potentially the most dangerous situation of all is power failure in which the pump is running, producing flow and they lose power which is, unfortunately, more common than people realize especially in some rural areas and things like that. What happens is the pump stops flowing liquid. Now, remember our example of the liquid keeps moving and then reverses direction and it reverses, and I can't give the formula or the exact wording of it right now but, it reverses at the same velocity that it went out. So now it's reversed and it's coming back. Just as it gets to the point of the pump, the pump starts again. It's a momentary power failure. Now, we have a head-on collision. So, we've got the energy of this liquid coming and the energy of the liquid coming from the pump and they collide somewhere in this area and it is just catastrophic at that point. And again, putting a surge suppressor there is going to protect the system because it gives a spring where these two liquids coming together can go up and decelerate against. Now, in all of these situations we're talking about, with the exception of downstream valve surge, this device needs to be placed in the direction the flow is coming. If it's coming back this way, you would have a check valve here and it would hit the check valve and go up in in here. If it's coming from the pump, then you want this to flow up into the pump and the check valve would be downstream. So, the energy side basically is where the device, or surge suppressor, goes. Pipeline profile, again, can get very complicated mainly because most customers don't know it -- don't even know their profile. But, as you drive around the city, did you ever notice on some corners these green little standpipes with a neck on it and a tank? Did you ever see those? Inside is a float on a hinge they're designed to let air out of the underground water system so you prevent something like that. Those are nothing more than air release valves that are connected underground to the water system. You see them all over the place if you take the time to look. Water hammer in my review is an acoustic pressure transient or wave. It can occur whenever fluid velocity changes rapidly and remember, we talked about rapidly can start at 4 feet per second which is not really high velocity. I remember doing calculations with Wilden and we'd be up to 8, 9, 10 feet per second and you've really got a potential situation for disaster when you get to those levels. One of the problems is companies, especially contractors, like to try and get a low bid -- they'll undersize the pipe. Well, to get the same flow out of an inch and a half pipe that you get out of a 2 inch pipe, what do you have to do? You have to increase the velocity, which increases the pressure, which gives you that base pressure that you're going to raise up or increase when you have this event occur. So, anyway, I say 5 feet per second there, start looking at it at 4 feet. This is what we need to know: what can happen, why will it happen, where will it happen, and then what can we do to prevent it. The toughest thing, when the customer calls us, we ask "What size pipe is it?" Well, it could be 2, 3 inches. "How long is it?" It's 4, 5, 100 feet long, or 200. You know, we can't solve the problem unless we get some relatively decent technical information. So, we have to keep digging and digging and digging. Now, this is a computer generated profile of a valve closure. What you're going to see is this pump profile and the arrows going back and forth with the oscillation, they'll change from blue to red and then a graph profile of this pressure spike. This is the whipping action. See the arrows changing as the oscillation occurs, and the pressure spikes going all over the place, and in the profile up there of the pressure spikes dissipating as it oscillates. This is extreme stuff but it happens every single day. We had one situation with Graham. It was a diesel filling station for diesel automotives and they had Blackmer sliding vane pump, we talked about those the other day, that they would use to pump the diesel to fill the locomotives and these are like four inch lines, done manually. Well, when tank got filled the operator closed it, sent the shockwave back, blew all the sliding veins out of the pump. So, we ended up putting, I think in that case it was a 40 gallon unit, out there. But my point is, this was all designed by an engineering firm -- somebody who should have known the potential; it wasn't even considered. Ninety percent or more of the applications we get into involving surge, and we get them almost every day, ninety percent of them are after the system has been built and operating and then they find they have a problem. But, after the plant opens and after the first event occurs, then they're scrambling and sometimes it's really difficult to find a place or a spot to put the units in. And if you don't put it in the right place, it's not going to work. Remember we said this is traveling at the speed of sound in liquid, which can be as high as how much? Forty seven hundred feet per second. So once that acoustic wave starts moving, you can't capture it. It's going to go right pass the stabilizer inlet. But, if you put it right upstream of the valve, within 10 pipe diameters, it hits the valve, as its decelerating it's right there, it's going right up into the surge suppressor which is the big spring. The spike never happens. When the liquid then stops, the pressure stabilizes. That liquid that's been accumulated against the gas charge just pushes back into the line. No harm, no foul, no problem. Another article I wrote was based on a true story at Behr Paint. I could have told them, just slow the flow. You know, changing from a ball valve or a butterfly valve to a gate valve - like we've got on our hose pump out back. It takes about 15 turns to close it but, by that time, you're slowly closing it, the velocity of the liquid is slowing down -- no pressure increase. But, if you take a quarter-turn ball valve, you're stopping it quickly. It was in Ohio in Sherwin Williams' plant. They had a Wilden 2 inch pump bolted to a concrete pad with welded stainless steel tubing that went up about thirty feet in the air in the ceiling, across the plant, came down, and a man was filling totes and closed that valve. It ripped that two-inch pump off the concrete pad, turned it 45 degrees and bent that 2 inch stainless steel piping. The energy is incredible. Just go stand in the waves and let a wave hit you with the velocity and the mass of the liquid will knock you over.
Channel: Blacoh
Views: 30,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blacoh, Blacoh University, Water Hammer, Hydraulic Surge, Pulsation Dampener, Surge Vessel
Id: Yj88lQruKE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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