The Perfect Soft Boiled Egg, Simplified

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after I shared my softboiled eggs in one of my what egg8 Wednesday videos you guys asked if I would show how I make softboiled eggs so here is the video on how I do it so I fill a large pot one that's going to leave that's going to cover all of the eggs in addition to have some space at the very top so that things don't overboil in case one of them cracks sometimes it happens I use just water some people like vinegar I don't I just I mean I I don't see a need for it really but anyhow you're going to boil this water and once you get a nice rapid boil you're going to add your eggs now I'm using a couple different kinds of eggs these eggs expire about 2 weeks apart some people say fresh eggs are better than older eggs I'm going to see if it really matters because I don't think it does I think it's just a matter of kind of how you peel them so I'm using two different types of eggs with different expiration dates and putting them in the pot a total of six eggs in this pot you don't want it to you don't want to crowd your pot too too much because then you're going to lower your water temperature too much when you add the eggs once you've gently added them to the pot and as gently as possible to prevent them from cracking and getting your water all yucky you're going to set your timer and this is immediately after you put the eggs in you set your timer to 6 minutes I think this is the perfect amount of time six minutes so once you add your eggs to your boiling water set your timer six minutes wait those six minutes will they boil away and then as soon as those again six minutes are up you're going to be ready to peel your eggs so immediately what I like to do is pour out the water so I'm pouring out the boiling water and I'm going to add cold water to the pot I think that this helps stop the cooking process in addition to making the peeling much much easier my trick is cold water some people use other methods like poking a hole in the egg or doing all these other things I think cold water so to start I'm going to peel the first egg and I'm using cold water it's filling my pan with cold water basically if you saw I tapped the outside of it you want to get kind of your finger underneath that little membrane and then you're just going to peel it right off and it comes off relatively easily I would say about 95% of the time every once in a while you do get one of the ones that stick it happens but um you know not the end of the world so what I like to do once I peeled it is put a paper towel inside of the bottom of the bowl to help dry the egg off as you can see I did fill my pan with cold water so again tapping around the egg kind of towards the middle and then just peeling it off and getting a piece of that you know the membrane and then that makes it peel off much easier sometimes you get lucky and you get like you know it peeled off in two pieces but I'm I'm never quite that lucky for the most part though they end up turning out looking pretty darn good as you can see here all six of them peeled just fine so um that's how I get them to peel well I know a lot of people have a lot of tricks share them down below if you have one that you swear by I would love to hear it once you're all done with that just add your eggs to a bowl or however you want to eat them of course too you can always eat them out of the shell that's an option and then as you can see they are cooked through in my personal opinion to Perfection the white is cooked the yolk is ready it's the perfect consistency oh add salt and pepper to it and you're just it's just Heavenly so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please like it and like I said down below if you have a special trick or tip that you would like to share leave it in the comment section I'm interested in hearing it but really I just keep it simple and enjoy oh this is one of our favorite breakfasts I will talk to you guys very very soon goodbye
Channel: CandidMommy
Views: 630,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: candidmommy, jeni, candid, mommy, single, divorce, weekly, grocery, cooking, fitness, mom, mother, parent, shopping, budget, WAHM, SAHM, work, working, home, natural, green, organic, safe, educational, education, learning, children, kids, healthier, scratch, homemade, made, baking, organization, organizational, clean, cleaning, fun, easy, crafts, how-to, tutorial, soft boiled, eggs, egg, shell, boil, timer, time, crack, cook, yolk, white, cooked, toast, breakfast, easier, fast
Id: Y273kubR23E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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