The Perfect Reusable Light Studio in KeyShot?

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all right in today's tutorial I'm going to be taking you through how to create Studios studios allow you to mix and match different materials lighting scenarios camera angles pretty much everything that you need to be able to do in keyshot and it allows you to switch between them in the click of a button is such a huge timesaver you guys you're not going to want to miss this one so buckle up grab yourselves a cup of coffee and let's dive in and finally to follow along with today's tutorial you can download project files for free over at will Gibbons /downloads with that out of the way let's dive into learning all about Studios all right so the whole point of Studios is to save you time if you're not using Studios you're probably wasting time so let's fix that today before we do that I want to create a new workspace within keyshot so I'm going to start by right clicking in the top of the ribbon here and I'm going to turn off everything except for four specific tools I want to leave perspective I'm going to leave on d uh D noise I'm going to turn off GPU performance mode and I will turn off workspaces and that's good enough for me next I'm going to go ahead and close the library and on the right hand side in the project panel I want to tear off the scene tree and then drag it to the right to dock it and I'm going to hit U on the keyboard and that brings up our Studios I'm going to drag that all the way to the right and dock it to the right of the project panel and then I'll hit o for geometry View and I'm going to drag that all the way to the right once again and dock it to the right of Studios to get this more compact on the bottom I'll right click and turn off text and set it to size small and then lastly if you're doing animation work you can always hit a this is the workspace I tend to work in most frequently and if you like this you can rightclick turn on your workspaces go down to add and create a new workspace call it Studios whatever you want I'm going to hit a to hide the timeline once again and if you've not worked in this sort of layout I know it can seem confusing or take a little getting used to but I promise you uh you'll like it in the end so go ahead and take the project files you downloaded from my website find the step file and drag that into keyshot take the default import settings all right so we have basically a photo studio model here and I'm going to show you how to use it next the first thing we need to do is set up our geometry which is going to be organized in something called Model sets to expose our model sets find the three dots to the left of the scene tree click and drag to the right now you have this empty column called Model sets go ahead ahead and right click and render a thumbnail on the default model set this is just a collection of all the geometry in our scene let's make a new model set with just some specific parts of this scene so to create a new model set I'll hit this button up here I'm going to call this props and I want to go ahead and expand this list and turn off or uncheck the box next to lights cuz I just want to copy these items into the new model set leave everything else as it is and hit okay boom we've got our props which is just uh a square pedestal or a cube and a cylinder pedestal and then this big backdrop next we want to create a model set with only our light let's go and double click our default model set to go back to all of our geometry and this time we're going to do this differently hit the plus next to the model in the scene tree find your lights rightclick and then go down to create model set from selection call this one lights space one and you'll notice it's already created the selection for us and we'll hit okay now we have a new model set called lights one let's go ahead and actually turn these into lights double click on the well really any green panel and we're going to change it from diffuse to area light so we've now turned these into a bunch of area lights let's go ahead and turn on our props and if we hit the checkbox next to props we turn those on and now we have two model sets on all at once now in order to see the effect of of our lights better let's go to our environment in the project panel this environment Tab and let's take our brightness down to zero for today's demo we're not really going to be using a bunch of different environments because we're going to be relying on different physical light planes instead to dial in these materials a little bit let's double click on our backdrop and we're going to change it from diffuse to a plastic and we'll set the roughness to2 so it's not too glossy and everything looks green right now we're going to fix that in a second I want to make the uh pedestals the same material as this backdrop so shift left click on the backdrop shift right click on the cube pedestal Control Alt left click to hide the pedestal Cube shift right click to paste and Link the cylindrical pedestal cool so now let's take care of these lights double click any light and we're going to change it from green to White so it looks a little more normal right now you might notice that some of the light planes are brighter than the others or they look brighter so let me turn this down so you can see um these little small ones look brighter than the big ones and the reason is because of the unit we're using let's change it to Lux in this case when they're all Lux it doesn't matter how big or what shape they are they're all going to appear the same brightness let's go ahead and set these to something bright like 5,000 and we'll turn off apply to back a geometry and now they won't shine out from the back we have this cool Studio but we have nothing to render and I want to put my model in a new model set so let's go ahead and add a new model set and we don't actually have our model yet so we'll just go ahead and call this one product and we we don't want to clone any geometry into this new model set it's just going to be blank so we'll hit okay and now I'm going to go to the keyshot cloud to find a new model so we can have something to render there was a hair dryer in here I want to use I'm going to go ahead and click on this and hit download and you'll see it puts it into your models library with my product model set being the only thing active I'm going to drag the haird dryer into that scene and just go ahead and hit the green check box let's close our models tab right now um we don't see anything that's because our lights are are turned off so let's turn on our lights and our props are turned off there's nothing to illuminate in our scene and lastly our hair dryer is somewhere in the back off to the side this the orange outlines here are showing us it's somewhere way out of our view we can fix that by selecting in the model uh sorry scene tree right click and move now we'll click on uh pick to set a pivot and I will click on this pedestal hit okay now our move tool is here but we want to click on Snap to Pivot and that's going to move our model over here to the move tool so if I drag it up it's now sticking above the pedestal now if I want my move tool to go back to the hair dryer just go ahead and hit reset and then from here we can kind of rotate this hair dryer into a position that's a little bit more aesthetically pleasing from like a compositional standpoint so the next thing I want to do is talk about adding a camera let's go to our cameras tab we're pretty good on a camera view now but let's go ahead and tidy it up I like to use the standard view like front and then from here zoom in until I'm happy with it and you can use the grid to help center your camera or your composition however you want to do it this case I want to go a little bit lower than the pedestal and I want to be pretty focused on the product so I'm zooming in quite a bit so from here I'll go ahead and save or create a new camera rather and I'll call this one uh front typ and then of course I'll need one for my YouTube thumbnail so why not zoom out and um I'm going to end up hiding that light but I want to kind of get the point across that this is all about lighting Studio environments something like that and I'll create a new camera called front wide great so let's go back to that front typ and we can turn off the grid so we've made a couple cameras we've created our model sets uh I just explained earlier that we're not going to really use environments here but you can use environments in studios but to cut to the chase let's actually create our first Studio you'll do that by clicking this icon here here add Studio we have Studio One and it's a pretty generic lighting setup we can spice it up a little bit let's go ahead and use our geometry view on the right hand side to do that so I'll right click and I will go ahead and choose Center and fit models and we've got a couple of little lights down at the bottom that aren't being used let's go ahead and see if we can fix that so I'll go ahead and select that in the geometry View and then in the scene tree I'll rightclick and material unlink material double click on it and let's change it to a spotlight and we're not seeing much and that's because it's not pointing in the right direction so I'm actually going to go to the geometry View and I'm going to hit move selection and it brings up our move tool so I'm going to rotate this and hopefully in the background see in the real time view we see the light coming into view so I'm just rotating this so it's behind my product and it's way too big and it's way too bright let's go ahead and scoot this over so we can hit that green check box box and let's fix our light so first of all we never want uh our light to be too bright so let's bring this down to something like 100 let's try constant light output it's going to get bright again let's try something like 10 and what I want to do is increase the falloff which is going to kind of focus the light toward the center and I want to rotate it so it's now behind our model a little bit better so right click move selection back in the geometry View and we can rotate it so that hot spot goes behind our hair dryer and that's pretty good right there I don't want to spend too much time finessing that but uh cuz you can do that type of thing on your own time right click on that lower left go to material and copy material let's go to lower right and material paste link material so now the light on the right has the same thing we can also move this into position so we can kind of point this upward as well and if we're having trouble seeing it we can turn the other one off temporarily but in this case I not having any trouble seeing that light and they're both a little bit bright that's okay we can cut them down in half so about 5 watts and that's looking pretty good we have this nice little gradient going on behind our product so if we were to want to see the studio now that it's been improved we could click the render thumbnail button down here but now we have a nicer little thumbnail and we can continue to improve on our lighting until we're happy and these thumbnail views are actually nice cuz it gives you a good idea of how well your rendering will read when it's uh small so another thing we could do to increase the contrast here there's a little light down here in front of the pedestal we can turn that off that's called rear center we can turn that guy off there's a big light behind our camera we can turn that one off that's called um front center I believe and so my point is by having not too many lights in our scene we'll create some contrast which will help our product read a little bit better so maybe we want to turn off the overhead Center light we could do that and you can see it kind of darkens it a little bit so you can continue to play until you're happy with your lighting but the point is we've now basically customized our lighting setup the way it is like um this is one scenario that um we've got so now let's say I want to make a different version of this I would go ahead and repeat this process but let's look at exactly how we would do that so I actually want to not change these lights that we have here so I'm going to create a new model set so I'm going to find my lights one right click on it and duplicate it and notice it's now called lights 2 and again let's turn on our props and let's turn on our product we can render another thumbnail there again for some reason there's a bug my thumbnails aren't rendering you shouldn't have issues with that that's okay all right so we have our lights to and basically it duplicated what we had but now we get to go ahead and make some changes to it let's go ahead and introduce some color maybe and let's turn some lights off so let's say I want more of the light coming from the right side of the product not the left side I could go ahead and turn off lights called lower left and I could turn off overhead left overhead semile left and basically what we've done is we oh and left here now we've turned off all the lights coming from the left hand side and everything's coming from the right and if we want to go ahead and now compensate for that we may need to make some of the ones on the right brighter so for example I might take the one called right and right click on it and say um unlink material so this way if I make a change to this it won't change everything that's linked to it so I can make this something like 8,000 um or let's just go even brighter let's just go 10,000 locks and again you can play with these and the other thing is we could go ahead and have some fun with it like introducing some color so if we want to go ahead and do let's go with kind of this like warm orange and then we could take some overhead light or maybe just the backdrop let's do that so let's go to the lower right let's go ahead and unlink that right click material unlink go ahead and change it and now we can set this to a nice blue hue and I mean what the heck let's go ahead and exaggerate it I mean that'll why not now if I wanted I can go back to that right and I could make this even more orange just to really exaggerate it but now we have an entirely different look to our lighting scenario let's go ahead and change this little material strip to plastic and let's set it to black cuz stealth mode it looks cool okay so so now that we've got this totally different appearance to our lighting we can create a new studio and we go ahead and create the new studio and again it just goes it takes the settings that we have in our scene already and it drops them into the studio attributes we can go and start to make changes to them though so we can say you know we want to make sure we include these three model sets so you just go ahead and get that a checkbox I'm also noticing that maybe I need a little bit more light in here just because this is a dark product on a light background so I I can go back into my lights find something that's more of an overhead and let's blast this up like 10,000 and we can go ahead and render a new thumbnail all right let's make one more scenario I'm going to go ahead and create a new lighting environment so I'll rightclick and duplicate Lights Number Two so now we have lights number three I'll turn on our props and our product and this time let's go for something let's go ahead and go for something totally different uh let's say we want a silhouette so we can go ahead and turn off everything to the right we want lower Let's see we want lower right lower left and I'll turn off right and overhead and um so now we just have the lights behind the object we can take our lower right material copy that paste it linked onto the other one so now we have this cool blue backdrop we can drop it if it's a little bit too blue let's go something totally different now let's go ahead and give like a little accent light maybe one over headlight let's see what happens if we try that so that's kind of cool and that gives us this nice highlight right here and what we can do of course is we can go and play with the position of this light so now from here in our uh geometry view we could go ahead and move this so if we thought this would suit the model better by being rotated 90° we could get that long highlight right on top of the product and help it read a little better we could also play with its position by lowering it something like that that's prettyy cool and then we could also bring in another smaller light down here to kind of catch this edge of the product so we have the left this one on the left hand side let's bring this around so inside our geometry view we can go ahead and move this and if we want to rotate it around our product just go ahead and pick and choose the cylinder and then we can kind of start to bring this around the front of the model so we have that core that highlight that runs down the the front surface yeah and we can then go in and kind of reset and play with all these little settings to get the exact lighting appearance that we want without ruining our other lighting setups let's go ahead and make this brighter something like uh oops double click on our skinny Light Panel go ahead and make this brighter and maybe we need to move it a little bit more just to get that reflection the way we want it all right so after playing around with it a little bit I found that I was happy with it on this side and I think that this reads pretty well we have some nice dark and light contrast all over let's go ahead and increase the brightness just to make sure we have enough light in the scene and then maybe my pedestal needs to be darkened a little bit let's go ahead and bring that down to a bit of a darker color same with the backdrop a little bit nicer and then we'll create that uh new studio and if I want one that's further away we can always go and uh create another one and change that camera to the front front wide so we have the wide version of that we could also create a separate camera if we wanted to something a little bit more off center here maybe we want to kind of do this tilted detail view of the product and maybe I want to change the focal length of the camera to like 75 to flatten that out a little bit and then we could save that and of course we could change any of our Studios cameras to be whichever ones we want so what's really nice is now if I go back and change any of the model sets or the materials or the cameras each studio is going to automatically be updated and populated as needed looks like this one I didn't save uh or choose the model sets so all you need to go down do is go down your model sets and make sure that the right ones are selected indeed looks like that's off so I want to go ahead and turn on lights number three there we go and same with this one so if you want you can do as much customizing to this as you'd like for example if you want to get some of that that cool uh glow you can go into the uh image Styles you can turn on Bloom let's go ahead and set that to one let's set that radius to 20 or 30 and take that bloom threshold up so it's only getting that glow part on the really bright areas let's go up to like 50 and then we can take that bloom intensity down to like 05 so it's not quite so intense and now if we want that to be tied to one of our Studios we can go ahead and make sure that say Studio 3 we check the box next to image style and then we can choose whichever image style we have or want and of course the same goes for multim materials let's say instead of just a matte finish this comes in a glossy finish we'll go ahead and turn it into a multimaterial and we'll go ahead and duplicate the material we'll call this one glossy and we'll call the first one matte and make sure when gloss is selected you just take that roughness down 02 or something really small and maybe the glossy version actually has a strip here that is Chrome we can do this as well make it a multimaterial and let's just do one let's just do a new material call it Chrome and we'll set the uh material type to metal and we'll just leave it like it is and there you go so you have a different you know an entirely different material if we go and double click back on the body of the haird dryer we could make another one just make it a white plastic or a light gray or let's just go with something like a blue yellow orange whatever we want so the idea with all these multim materials is now let's say in studio number three I quickly want to render a different material easy enough all I do is check multim materials and now I can customize which one I want it to be so I like this matte black with the Chrome strip for Studio number three however let's say for Studio number one I want to go for something a little more colorful I'll go ahead and turn on multim materials and I'll choose my paint I'll set that to the matte black and then I'll choose the uh body of the hair dryer to be R and now we've successfully Incorporated multim materials into this studio as well so this is basically the um Way Studios are typically used you can create a whole bunch of different appearances based on what you need and what you want you can mix and match and this really should save you a lot of time going back and forth between different configurations the ideas that you shouldn't be going and manually turning a bunch of things on and off and saving different keyshot f files and stuff you can use all these tools built into keyshot to create a basic Studio like I did here and use that as a starting point for all of your renderings in the future or let's say you have to do renderings for social media for like Instagram and you have to do product renderings or you have to do an animation or you have to do um Studio shots for e-commerce you can create one keyshot file with all the different Studios that you need let's say you your company makes a small a medium a large version of the same product or different cmf options you can do that using Studios all right guys that's going to do it for today I'm sorry today's tutorial went long it takes a while to explain how to use Studios but once you know how to use them they're dead simple and they will save you time comment down below and let me know if this is something that could have saved you time in the past if you have a chance I want to remind you to check out my patreon the link is down below and uh sorry I haven't been uploading as regularly as usual I am slammed with work at the moment I will try to get back to a regular upload schedule thank you so much for your patience guys and until next time happy [Music] rendering
Channel: Will Gibbons | 3D Rendering
Views: 84,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will gibbons, wil gibbons, will gibbins, will gibons, will gibins, keyshot, rendering, tutorial, animation, studio, freelance, lights, lighting, studios, light studio, photo studio, area lights, spot lights, cgi, lighting tutorial, studio tutorial, keyshot studios tutorial, keyshot lighting, product renderings, studio rendering tutorial, keyshot tutorial, product design, 3d rendering
Id: 1YaCWbDougk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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