The Perfect Minimalist | Steve Jobs Minimalism

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this video is brought to you by squarespace steve job being an iconic minimalist is never a new thing and steve job is so minimal to a point where his car plate is empty he's the inspiration of many minimalists like the author of goodbye things fumio sasaki and even rapper kanye west is also a fan of steve jobs so let us take a look at this legend who inspired many minimalists and have a glance at the minimalist approach he applied in his life and let me start with his appreciation of zen some of you might know that steve had a certain appreciation of zen philosophy way before he built apple he has been a spiritual seeker he traveled to india and was attracted by hindu aestheticism at that period he wanted a simpler and more laid-back lifestyle and slowly in his life he was so exposed to zen there are similarities between minimalism and zen art in terms of reduction of the non-essential activities like zen garden or ikebana flower arrangement both art form require great observation of the work and remove elements that are deemed unnecessary and that's the philosophy and aesthetic that drew steve jobs attention his previous search in the earlier days and his appreciation of zen also influenced him to apply minimalism into his life work ethics and his creation in apple and all of that is done by removing distractions and noise look at apple's products and you can tell his influence has created lines and lines of minimalist devices the introduction of ipod removed the need to have portable radios cd or tape players all you need is to sync it with itunes and ipod can carry 1000 songs in a pocket i know this technique might not impress you today but it was a success back then even though it weren't the first release mp3 player in the market but they were the first to capture people's attention and obviously we can't miss out on the iphone which was so functional to a point where it eliminated the need of having different devices because it's so multi-purpose it was so good they do mind cannibalize the ipod line more importantly the daring move of removing buttons from the phone is revolutionary what about imac the all-in-one computer there was introduced during a time when my knowledge of computer is you need to have a monitor and a cpu to call it a computer now i've been using pc since young and that was the reason why i was so impressed by the imac when i first saw it in school and i remember i was trying to find the location of the cpu later did i know it was combined with the monitor so steve's decision to remove redundant parts pave apart forever to be the leader of removing elements from their devices such as the cd drive from imac home button and i love it because it's done for both form and functionality next is a low hanging fruit uniform turtleneck and blue jeans straight up we know it's dwayne johnson when we are speaking of black turtleneck blue levi's jeans new balance 992 runner and round glasses we know that steve jobs iconic look he rocked every day but he wasn't like this all the time like many ceo he had been wearing suits previously until he was inspired by sony who presented their employees with uniform made by issei miyaki but we need to know that it wasn't minimalism that pushed them to issue uniform instead it's something else back in the days after the war employees had nothing to wear to work so companies have no other choice than to provide them with uniforms to work and during the visit to japan steve realized that uniforms helped to create bond among employees and he wanted to replicate that for apple so he hired miyagi to make few samples for apple employees sadly no one in apple actually appreciates this idea and he was even put off stage when he was presenting this in fact only until 2001 when the first apple store was open then the apple uniform was introduced so instead of wasting this opportunity with issei miyaki they worked together and created a wardrobe of uniform full of black turtlenecks he got hundreds of them which can last him forever and he had been wearing that ever since and that's the history of his uniform and this look has been replicated several times whether it's on elizabeth homes or a role model of non-core fashion this look has become a classic of course we know the purpose of him having a uniform he has something comfortable to wear every day to put all his energy and attention on apple instead of having the need to think about what to wear every single day you might not have many visual examples of steve jobs house but based on the biography of steve jobs by walter isaacson he lived in an ascetic home where it's never completely furnished and this word unfinished is the way water described job's home and it appeared quite a few times in a book apparently he really had a thing for lack of furniture and him being someone who is obsessed with details and a perfectionist that led him and his wife into a long debate on furniture selection and even questioned the purpose of having a sofa i don't think steve's rejection of furniture is an act of anti-materialism in fact he's in love with beautifully designed products from brands such as braun appliances porsche and mercedes cars bno audio and the list goes on and on not to mention he is responsible for the highest selling phone in the world so my guess of him not having much furniture is similar to having a uniform the choice of not caring about his house furniture and leave it unfinished is the best way for a perfectionist even though i'm not a perfectionist i kind of know how it goes taking too much time planning and researching about certain products whether is it the right size is it long lasting does the material or color fit in all of those considerations seem to occupy our mind when we want to buy something that is perfect not saying that it's not needed but for someone like steve they might think that this energy should be chanted into creating something that can serve people in state for me i love furniture way too much to ignore my comfortability there's no way i'll go extreme with my interior a quick message from our sponsor for today squarespace like the imac squarespace is an all-in-one platform for you to build a website of your choice they provide award-winning templates do means email marketing managing inventory they have tools to help you with things that you shouldn't be worried about so you can stay focused on your craft ideas or products all you need to do is refine it and get it live on the internet if that's something you're looking for go to ck space to get your free trial running and when it's ready to launch use the code ck space to get your 10 off your first purchase and now let us carry on job's key to productivity is all about saying no when you think about focusing right you think well focusing is is saying yes no focusing is about saying no truth be told there was a time when steve was removed from apple that's ironic being a minimalist but that didn't help the company so he was rehired again once he was back he made the decision of removing 70 of the product selection that's the period where they have numerous line of products like apple macintosh and newton pda we're going to build a new line of computers for the home and for the office and resulted in apple only have four products in their line and that decision saved the company because the simpler the product range the easier it is to make a choice the more sales you can get and this align with battery swatch paradox of choice more choices lead to less transaction slower and with more post purchase regret but steve didn't just end it with apple over the years he gave advice to many other ceos like nike and google he mentioned that both companies are doing way too much instead of focusing and excel in those few products they have i'm not sure if minimalism approach works well with every company but i'm sure no one can execute minimalism in business as well as steve jobs and i doubt anyone can top it because it's indeed a risky and daring move not even apple today they are not as minimal with their product range as compared to steve jobs era i mean there are 4 types of iphone 12 to choose from having choices is not a bad thing you can fit that to different people with different needs but i have to say i'm not sure if this minimalism approach will work in today's context steve jobs work life balance if you take a look at a day in the life of steve jobs you can see he lives a pretty well balanced book life having all the redundant decision making mentioned above removed he would wake up at 6 00 am start preparing for work from 6 30 to 7 30 then have breakfast with family until night before leaving home to his office where he will attend meeting till noon then he will have lunch before he visit the design lab at 1 30 work on emails phone calls and meeting at free 5 30 is family dinner time an hour later he will have a show with his wife the next activity is 10 p.m which is self-care time for him to listen to music meditate and reconnect to his inner self but i think there's a missing time frame i doubt he'll walk 3.5 hours regardless i still think it's a well-balanced lifestyle despite him being the head of a billion dollar company and i truly believe that minimalism and the removal of unnecessary aspect of his life make it possible to have a well-balanced lifestyle for someone with such a huge responsibility and that's how steve jobs apply minimalism in his life work and his creation and all of those information can be found in his biography by walter isaacson i read that book six years ago and that got me interested in his life and the history of apple and their products i'll say i'm a fan of apple without having everything from apple so you might want to give this book a read i might miss out some points so feel free to comment it down at the comment section and let me be pretentious with the ending and end it with this side look thanks for watching this and i shall see you guys again on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: CKSPACE
Views: 80,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimalist living, minimalist lifestyle, myths about minimalism, how to be a minimalist, becoming minimalist, minimalism decluttering, minimalism lifestyle, minimalist, decluttering, simplify your life, benefits of minimalism, minimalism tips, minimalist eco friendly, luxury minimalist, kanye west minimalism, minimalist rapper, steve jobs, steve jobs minimalist, steve jobs minimalism, steve jobs zen, apple minimalism, apple minimalist, minimalist example, minimalist icon
Id: xpMFElbpBZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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