The Perfect Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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Harrisburg starting just mean be quiet ice cream sandwiches take one when's the last time we shot it's been a while all right are you leaving okay bye what's the name of this sandwich Brown salty Brown ice cream sandwiches okay hi everyone I'm Claire saffets welcome to my home kitchen today I have a recipe from what's for dessert that is perfect for the warmer months it is my salty brownie ice cream sandwiches it uses store-bought ice cream maybe let it soften for a minute or two look at the spoon I just bent it you just bake some brownie slabs it's really fun and easy to put together and just the most nostalgic delicious homemade ice cream sandwich [Music] do do do do the person this brownie is very different from the forever brownie because it is meant to be eaten Frozen and it's not like a big chunky brownie that you would just be eating like out of the pan there's super thin slabs of brownie and it's designed to be eaten Frozen so it doesn't freeze solid and get really hard it still maintains like a soft chewiness and so it's a really perfect base for an ice cream sandwich for the flavor of the ice cream I just go with vanilla and I actually incorporate lightly crushed up Oreos into that ice cream filling and so you get this like delicious cookies and cream kind of flavor and to me that's the perfect foil for that brownie but you could definitely use any flavor of ice cream you like you could leave the cookies out you could use a different cookie you could add any kind of like mixing that you like so it's highly adaptable but I'm just going to show you the flavor that I like to use the first ingredient I don't have out because I'm keeping it in the freezer and that is two pints of vanilla ice cream so that's just staying cold but other than that very very straightforward I have four ounces of Oreos that's going to go in the filling then for the brownie itself I have two large eggs so vanilla extract two tablespoons of neutral oil you'll need a little bit more for the pan five tablespoons unsalted butter four ounces of semi-sweet chocolate some flaky salt it's a quarter cup of granulated sugar kosher salt a half cup of flour the actual like assembly of the recipe doesn't take that long but you'll probably want to do it a day ahead just so it has time to freeze really solid I have an eight by eight baking pan and then I just have a couple of medium bowls and a large bowl for putting together the batter and then making the filling and like a whisk and a spatula and that's really it and then the last thing is I have a saucepan over on the stove with a little bit of water and that's how we're going to melt the chocolate and put together the brownie batter foreign so the first thing we want to do is put together our brownie batter I'm going to get the oven preheating now this bakes at 325 so like a little bit lower than normal but it bakes very very quickly because we're baking super thin layers of brownie make sure you have your oven rack in the center then I'm going to prepare my pan so this is a heavy duty foil and what I did was I really carefully pressed it into the bottom and especially into the corners and I just want the brownie batter to like be as flat as possible and to get into every corner and up the sides of the pan I did that really carefully so I didn't puncture the foil and now I'm going to spray it lightly with a little bit of neutral oil you can just brush it on if you're using the same oil that you're using for the batter this is an avocado oil spray this is just to prevent any sticking on the foil the best spray actually [Music] so now for the brownie batter I have two medium bowls this is actually for ice cream so this can go back here what I'm going to use to melt the chocolate and the fats and then the other will be for the eggs and the rest of the batter so I'm going to add my chocolate my butter and my oil I want butter for the flavor but I really like the kind of texture that oil brings so this is going to go now over to the stove and I have a saucepan which is like an inch of water in the bottom and I'm going to turn it on medium and that is going to slowly melt the chocolate so I'm going to set the bowl over the saucepan sure yep [Music] I don't really like canoes and kayaks on the ocean yeah because of this is not pleasant yeah whereas like on a lake it's very pleasant [Music] the chocolate mixture is completely melted so it's super smooth I can set this aside and now I'm going to whisk together my eggs and sugar now I'm using two large eggs this is a very very eggy brownie batter normally for this quantity of chocolate and other ingredients I would probably use one egg but I'm using two because having that really eggy batter is going to prevent the brownie when it's baked from freezing really really hard so it's still going to be soft when you bite into it so I'm just going to whisk this together I'm actually going to add my vanilla I think it's just about a teaspoon of extract I want to whisk this together really well and I want it to get a little bit foamy a little bit pale and I'll get a little bit thickened when you're making any kind of brownie recipe separately mixing together the eggs and the sugar is usually going to help you to develop that crackly shiny top that everybody wants with their brownies and that's because essentially you're kind of like making a meringue like mixture by beating together the eggs and the sugar so if you have a brownie recipe that you love and you wish that you had a more crackly shiny top you can try separating out the eggs and sugar and whisking them together first generally speaking the more sugar in the brownie recipe the the sort of more you'll develop that crackly shiny top so because this is low sugar doesn't really get that look but it's still super delicious okay so that's nice and foamy now I am going to stream this into my chocolate mixture I can't remember if the recipe says to put the eggs into the chocolate or the chocolate into the eggs but it doesn't matter you want to do chocolate eggs starting to get nice and thick foreign to scrape out a bowl when you can't see inside I get a little bit obsessive about scraping up bowls so you can see this looks really beautiful and smooth and now I'm just going to add the flour and kosher salt the name of the recipe is salty brownie ice cream sandwich so give a nice saltiness to the batter then a half cup all-purpose flour relatively low amount of flour because we want these brownies to stay flexible and moist so they don't freeze really hard so here's the brownie batter so now I'm going to bake the first slab of brownie I'm going to scrape just about half of the batter into my prepared pan and this I kind of just eyeball the first slab that I'm baking is going to be the top of the ice cream sandwiches so this is going to get a layer of flaky salt but first I want to spread this out into the pan and I want it to get all the way to all four sides and all four corners it is worth it to just take the time to make sure it's as smooth as possible and as even as possible and this is why I took some time to smooth the foil really well you want to eliminate as many folds as possible or just smooth them really well so because you don't want the batter to get into any crevices like in the foil just going to make it harder to unmold people say like why use foil like why don't you use parchment when do you use one or the other I'm using foil because it's easier for it to hold its shape in the pan and I would worry with parchment that there might be some curling and then it's not going to have a really square shape and also with anything Frozen it's helpful to use foil because it gets cold really fast so it's going to help set everything in the freezer so here's my first brownie slab I'm going to sprinkle it with some flaky salt you don't have to use flaky salt you could omit this or you could just give it like a little bit of kosher but I like flaky salt because you have big salt crystals and so you can see them and you get like a little crunch when you bite down on them this is going to go into the oven again it's at 325 and this bakes really quickly because it's so thin because this is such an eggy batter it's going to puff up quite a bit in places but that's fine it's going to settle back down so don't be alarmed if you see like big kind of puffs all right I'm going to set the timer for eight actually nine because last night I made the center took nine minutes the timer went off it's been nine minutes my nose tells me that it's done I am looking for the surface to be like matte as a no longer shiny and it's puffed up in places which again that will settle and it's going to be firm to the touch so it's nice and springy when I press on it so this is definitely done it looks great I want to use the same pan and the same foil to bake the remaining batter but before I do that this has to cool a little bit I'm going to lift the whole thing out Reserve through your pan because you're going to use that not only to bake the second batch of brownies but to assemble the entire thing so I'm just kind of going around the edge of the brownie slide making sure it's not sticking anywhere that little coating of oil should really help and now what I want to do is just sort of get my spatula underneath the brownie slab and try not to tear the foil if you can help it basically I'm just loosening the brownie from the foil if you have any tearing of the brownie slab at any point it's actually not a big deal because as it freezes you can really like smush it back together and it will kind of hold so now I'm going to just slide this slab onto the cutting board and I can reuse this foil so this is going to go right back into my pan same thing really take care that you're pressing it all the way into the corner so you have as flat a surface as possible I'm going to give it a little bit more oil I don't think it really needs it but it's just a good insurance policy against sticking the rest of the batter is going to go in I made actually a swap last night so I did the whole thing and froze it I really I think I did a really bad job of guessing what half the batter was so one side is going to be a little thinner than the other but it doesn't really matter here's that second layer this is going to go into the oven it's still on 325 bake for the same amount of time so this one about nine minutes and then we'll pull that out no flaky salt on this one set it for nine minutes [Music] so while that last batch of batter is baking good alliteration I'm gonna crush on my Oreos Biscoff and Oreo are kind of like my go-to like baking cookies it's just a thing to have but you could use graham crackers shortbread Ginger Snaps would be really good I'm leaving the pieces big enough that when I slice through the ice cream I'm going to be able to see that I have Oreo there there's going to be like cookie filling cookie the second batch is done I'm going to pull them out there's kind of a top to the brownies that's a little bit shinier and smoother and then there's the other side which is like more matte I'm just doing that same thing with the spatula if you want the ice cream sandwiches to have the same kind of look on the top and bottom unmold your second layer turn it upside down and put it back in the pan just like so you can see it's still pretty hot the recipe says to let it cool I'm kind of brushing things it will be less delicate once it's cooled a little bit but it's pretty flexible even as is and now I'm going to put this back into the pan make sure you get that pressed in there and now this is the base of my ice cream sandwiches and this is the top The Next Step is to mix our filling and while I'm doing that I'm going to get these into the freezer so that they can get really cold and having the brownies cold and the pan cold are just going to help set everything when you add the ice cream oh God [Music] if you have the freezer real estate it's a good idea I recommend freezing your bowl so work on a metal Bowl because it's going to get really cold I didn't have room for that you will need a large bowl like this but it's fine oh my God look at the spoon I just bent it maybe let it soften for a minute or two but you're just going to do like big Scoops into the bowl but I'm going to show you how to cut it so I'm just running this big chef's knife down this paper carton you can see that I just cut it lengthwise and then crosswise so I have the ice cream in pieces and this allows me to work quickly enough that it's not really starting to melt yet so what I'm doing is just sort of working the ice cream against the side of the bowl and as it warms up a little bit it's going to become spreadable it's going to sort of look like a thick cake batter it's going to totally hold its shape but have a sort of smooth stirable texture especially against the side of the bowl it's starting to soften so I'm just going to kind of keep smashing and folding it and then at that point I am going to actually switch to a flexible spatula because it will be soft enough that I can stir it you know what you could also do now in what's for dessert I don't call for a stand mixer anywhere but if you wanted to use one you could paddle this so you could put I would do the same thing where you cut it up into pieces or scoop it out but you can get this into the stand mixer and paddle it and that's going to do a lot of the work for you but just make sure you don't over beat it so this is getting pretty smooth and foldable I am now going to add my Oreo bits these are going to go in oh there's a whole one at this point the ice cream has softened a little bit so I want to work someone quickly you don't want to just like walk away and leave this here because it will melt on you of course so I'm just folding this to incorporate the Oreos and to distribute them evenly into the ice cream so this is my filling this is ready to go into my pan so I'm going to grab that from the freezer so all of this is going to go in spread this into an even layer if I was really confident this was pretty Frozen still and my top layer of brownie was pretty Frozen I could put that on directly but I'm going to freeze this for a little bit before I put that top layer on I think the recipe says 45 minutes probably gonna cheat it a little bit and go a little bit less but I'm just gonna freeze it so that I can set that top layer of ice cream before I put the final layer of brownie on and then it has to really free solid before you cut but fortunately I have a swap this is going to go back into the freezer and I would say maybe 15 minutes I'll put that top layer of brownie on even just 15 minutes in the freezer when I do this like there's no melting at all it's actually pretty firm so here is that second slab of brownie this is the slab that first one we bake that has that flaky salt on top so this is going to be the top of the ice cream sandwiches so I'm just going to press it on here so that it's totally in contact with the ice cream and one important thing to note is that because of the sort of slight shrinking that happened during baking the ice cream is a little bit bigger all the way around than the brownie so that's why we're going to trim these and I'm going to stick this back in the freezer you want to let it freeze completely solid so I would say at least an hour in the freezer and if your freezer like gets a lot of traffic and it's like open and shut a lot I would let it go even longer so I have actually a whole slab that I set up last night so I'm going to pull that one out and show you how to cut them into the cutest little ice cream sandwiches so here's my one from last night I actually just had already popped it out of the mold because I needed the same pan for today so all I did was lift up with that foil it came out no problem and I'm just going to peel that down and away from the ice cream and then fill the whole thing off the back as you can see it's really solid so you want to use a sharp chef's knife and I am going to shave off a thin strip of ice cream and brownie from all four sides I just want to cut off enough that I'm cutting through both layers of brownie and the ice cream these are your Chef snacks but also just pop them in the freezer and then that's like your dessert for whenever you're not having ice cream sandwiches so now to get that rectangular Dimension I'm going to cut it in half in One Direction and then I'm going to cut it into fourths in the other direction so in half again the other way and then in half again okay I want to taste these before they totally melt they're starting to melt a little bit this is just a great summertime treat that you can make totally ahead so once you have them cut up like this just store them in like an airtight container in the freezer they'll be good for weeks and weeks and I just love those little like cross sections of Oreo sticking in there as I was cutting I wasn't like squishing out the ice cream that brownie stays really soft and just gets like super chewy but it has you know it's not so hard that it's gonna like be difficult to eat and that was really important so I'm gonna taste feeling a little soft the brownie is so chewy such good texture I love the kind of light crunch from the cookies you know when things are cold it tends to dull the flavor a little bit so as you eat it at first you're just kind of experiencing the sweetness and cold from the ice cream and then you really get that brownie flavor and it's pretty chocolatey the chocolateiness comes through I'm not a huge chocolate person but this is the kind of chocolate recipe I really love because it's balanced out by the creaminess of the ice cream great texture I love the salt on top there's like no chocolate dessert where I don't want a little bit of salt on top so easy to put together really fun that like stirring the ice cream I think would be a great project for kids so we're going to bring you more plus other dessert person content and if there's anything you want to see me make in the future leave a comment below and don't forget to like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 297,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ice cream sandwiches, Homemade desserts, Easy recipes, Oreo desserts, Ice cream treats, DIY desserts, Ice cream sandwich recipe, Oreo cookies, Dessert ideas, Summer treats, Quick and delicious, Frozen desserts, Family-friendly recipes, Kid-approved desserts, Creative desserts, Summer desserts, Dessert inspiration, Dessert heaven, Dessert perfection, Claire Saffitz, Dessert Person, Bon Appetit, Gourmet Makes, Claire Makes, Salty Brownie, Ultimate Ice Cream, Brownies
Id: UYhu9kXN7NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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