The PERFECT Anime Recommendation Guide (Gateway Anime for Beginners)

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hello if you clicked on this video that means you  are somewhat intrigued to try the medium of film   and TV known as anime or you wanna judge me based  on what I recommend either way after conducting   multiple experiments and mustering my expertise  in growing up and watching anime I present to   you the perfect anime recommendation guide fair  warning this is going to be a loaded list because   I'm going to be giving recommendations based on  someone's favorite genre to consume I know it's   hard but just go with it without further ado let's  start with okay sci-fi so if you like shows in the   vein of black mirror stranger things or movies  like Blade Runner or Inception I'm prescribing   either Psycho Pass, Code Geass, or Steins;Gate. Okay. Psycho Pass. Great art style, great story,   it's basically a commentary on the human condition  while being so incredibly entertaining it's this   cyberpunk world, It's a thriller  it's greatness watch it  you know how most TV shows have you  follow the villain because it's exciting   and exhilarating to see how they'll  get out of the situation they're in,  How they're caught and how it'll  always subvert your expectations?  That's code geass but the human race is  on the line and there are giant robots but  Can we not  judge the show for that please?  Steins gate on the other hand is a ride. If you like black mirror I 100%   recommend this show. Boiled down, it's about   a detached slacker teaming up with an uptight  science major breaking reality with a microwave. Not the best explanation... but it's good. Ahh.  Okay! Moving on. Adventure fantasy Ahh. Everybody loves a good show with great world  building basically if you're obsessed with   shows like Game of Thrones or The Hunger  Games then boy do I got a big storm coming.  I throw you Full Metal Alchemist/  Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood,   Made in abyss and Avatar The Last Airbender. Y'all can debate if avatar is an anime or not,   but you cannot deny that this is a great show  to get started to be in the world of anime.  Now you might be wondering, "Why are  there two shows with the same title?"  That my dudes is because it was remade not in the  way that it was a huge success a long time ago and   now it was redone in a worse terrible way-- NAY. this show was remade in the future - definitely better than the last one but that  does not mean the other one was terrible.  No, it was still great! Both are great!  I cannot stress this enough! If you can  take some light heartedness and more   comedic moments then I say start with Full  Metal Alchemist then go into Brotherhood. Next we have Made in Abyss. This is probably the anime you want to   watch if you've really only seen Ghibli movies. It's beautiful, it's scarring, it's gross,   it's loveable, with characters that  you want to protect with your life.  this world is so new and just WOOOAH! it's like going through the  nether portal for the first time. finally avatar the last airbender.  you've definitely heard of this show.  this show is great especially if you're still iffy  on wanting to consume anime-- start with this one. This show is every definition for  the word incredible and has the   best character redemption arc I have ever seen. Let's lighten the mood shall we?  Have a few laughs? If you like sitcom shows   comedies like Brooklyn nine-nine the office  Friends Parks and Rec you know the genre... Before I give you my comedy lineup, hear me  out, I recommend these shows to everyone but   the order in watching two out of the three shows  I'm recommending is something worth acknowledging. Watch grandblue if you like male-driven shows or   watch or on high school host club if  you like a good female-driven show. grandblue is about a college freshman  joining a club that is basically like a   frat and there's a lot of drinking and just  a lot of obnoxious fun, on the other hand, Ouran High School Host Club  is basically like grandblue. it follows this girl who has to join this  host club where girls pay to hang out with   obnoxious rich boys our main gal though  has to pretend to be one of these boys. Ouran is self-aware, it's hilarious,   if you like making fun of the bachelor  you'd like Ouran High School Host Club. finally, a show that you can watch  regardless is devil is a part-timer. it's as wacky as the title says.  in which Satan  the devil from hell  works a part-time job at McDonald's. need i say more? so what gives the same chemical release as comedy? i didn't look that up-- horror. do I need to give examples of this genre?  Bates Motel American Horror Story  scream anything in that vein I cannot stress these shows enough watch Devilman cry-baby promised  never land or Elfen Lied let me tell you devil man crybaby [ __ ] me up this show got me to swear on my channel just watch it with no context. it's existential  it's gory it's messy and definitely in my top 5 shows ever next up promised Neverland this show gets you from episode 1  this show follows the group of kids orphans  raised by a woman whom they call mother and   you know any horror movie that has a main  character called mother it's a good one or at   least one worth talking about it's shocking  it's spooky and that's all I'm gonna say.  just watch it it's great. Elfen lied is Elfen Lied there isn't really any other show like it? take a Tarantino film and put it with a girl   with a multiple personality disorder and  you're in for a Midsummer type of watch. ooh drama everybody loves a little drama. if you enjoy shows like Sherlock  The Handmaid's Tale mr. robot the   leftovers then do I have a lineup for you. erased Death Note Durarara and Anohana. Wow four recs in this category. let's do it. erased is one of those shows that you don't  know why they stick with you but they do. I kid you not when I say this  show literally rips your heart   out and then it's the equivalent  of it using it like a stress ball. sometimes it feels like it's going to just  pop it and mangle it and then other times it   feels like you're being held and it's warm and  you're safe and then you're back to the splat!! okay death note  the anime world's brooding baby the Sherlock equivalent of anime Moriarty is to Sherlock as light is to L. this show I guarantee people  will annoy you about it and   recommend it over and over until you watch it. the cliffhangers, how often you'll be at the edge  of the seat and ready to hit the next episode  trust me you're gonna put  it on your list eventually Durarara is interesting not just the  name but trying to explain the story. this is a show that doesn't really follow the  typical story structure of having a beginning   middle and end this is a show with a bunch  of small storylines that coexist together   and takes the idea that everybody is the main  character - their own story in a whole new level. if you like artsy fartsy things,   I recommend Durarara well well do  rubber rough next we have on Ohana this drama must be watched if you're  into coming-of-age to watch a show   that understands emotions that you can't explain. it's a show that says I don't know what  you're going through but God do I understand if you want feels I'm giving you feels  on Ohana  is feels ok  of course I have to include the  guilty pleasure of a good romance  to me romance anime are either a  hit or a miss but when they hit  they hit good get your kdrama trash in here your to all the boys   I have ever loved John Green  notebook bottom selves in here I'm recommending say I love  you nisekoi and fruits basket our first show say I love you is  about the first stages of romance   we follow two characters in their journey  to the point where a light turns into love next we have Nisekoi this is a show for a  male demographic but it's still 10 out of   10 it takes cliches and puts it in  a new light and it's just fun it's   pretty funny pretty mushy does she good all around finally we have my darling child: fruits basket this is the show that I personally always go  back to if I want to feel something you know why I feel edgy this is a show with romance at its  core but it offers you so much more. last but not least and thank you if  you've seen this far into my video we have  action  aka Shonen this is the most popular genre of anime  so for you MCU lovers out there a show   that has a lot of flash and high intensity  and just adrenaline rushing I give to you  my hero academia  one punch man and demon slayer my hero academia has been described as if  sky high had a TV show and just kept going this is also known as the  recommendation gateway show into anime it's easily digestible and  just really fun to watch  it gives us a lot of characters  to root for and love and also  the fight scenes are amazing and because  my hair is so character driven it just   amps up the intensity of each fight more and more so now take my hero academia  and throw out the characters this show focuses on the fun of the fight this is one punch man in from the title this is about a superhero who can   literally kill anything with one punch he wins and wins and grows bored of this   life because there is no challenge for him also nobody takes his power seriously  really it's hilarious the art  style it's such an anime staple  now finally the last anime  recommendation of the night is demon slayer like my hero academia this show is very  character-driven now unlike my hero there isn't   a huge cast of characters it's also not as fun there is still fun in this show but it's   more gory it's more intense and the fight scenes are so   satisfying, dope art style and great soundtrack. ok hopefully something in there tickles your fancy  if not I will be big sad because I worked  very hard on this video and on this list and definitely not the only anime in the world I will have more in the descriptions but  if I missed a few or if there are more   worth mentioning commented name your  recommendations in the comments below do you agree on these shows do you disagree on them what show are you planning on watching let me know it's it's not like I care or anything
Channel: inakyu
Views: 144,515
Rating: 4.9476624 out of 5
Keywords: anime recommendations, anime reccomendations, gateway anime, gateway anime shows, anime for beginners, anime suggestions, beginner anime, anime for beginners to watch, best anime for beginners, anime where to start, recommended anime, anime recommendations 2020, must watch romance anime, what anime to watch, demon slayer, anime to binge, bingeworthy anime, comedy anime for beginners to watch, all my quarantine recommendations, Best anime, anime to watch for beginners, inakyu
Id: G0LWzxVBve0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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