The People's Call Center (Day 5)

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[Music] i guess [Music] [Music] looking for [Music] do you want to get up [Music] well let's just get out of here [Music] a strong attraction [Music] riding down the highway running red [Music] nothing can distract me [Music] where do you want to go [Music] well let's just get out of here [Music] a strong attraction [Music] home [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lay down [Music] and [Music] [Music] a foreign [Music] [Music] people [Music] you don't know me [Music] anyone about my reputation [Music] there's nobody [Music] where evil lurks at night and gets away help arrives when it's too late but my promise to you is that i will be by your side to join you in the fight [Music] [Music] but i can't let you get away [Music] we need a hero [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] nothing you can see put my shadow on the [Music] from ground [Music] um [Music] [Music] all this time [Music] [Music] and yeah you run away from me [Music] [Music] [Music] after the sun sets there's no one around after the sun sets just a shadow on the ground after the sunsets [Music] that works brother [Music] to the world welcome to the people's call center hold on let me there we go where we are trying to save some people today yep we've got this is our last day to do it so trying to make the best of it it'll be exciting we're getting everybody set up right now and we'll actually probably take the live feed cam around and yep you know hopefully we get some victims that will pick up the phone that's the problem so yeah so it's a lot of it's timing guys uh today it's friday uh we've already got people calling scammers messing with them calling victims or people that are on a list right calling them proactively and trying to help them and as cj's been doing some of that uh we're working right now and getting connected into being able to save some current victims going on on some of these scams uh and then also trying to give some people their money back but they have to pick up that's the other hard part is getting some of these uh folks to pick up so we can help them so that's what we're working on we're trying them again today yep so and we have the scammer's number that scam them out of money for sure so we got a lot going on guys it's day number five of the people's call center a lot of amazing things have happened and uh scammer playback i like it um jessica thank you for the super chat steve hopkins thank you um what happened with carol everyone's asking about carol so i reached back out to carol she didn't pick up and she suppose she was supposed to call but because she didn't call i reached out but you know you can't do but what you can do she said that she would call if she felt she was comfortable to do it so i did reach out to her but i gotta you know i gotta respect her wishes as well because some of these people just want to be done with this stuff yeah they want to move on and get past the trauma but hopefully she'll call still right yeah for sure so beta voodoo with fifty dollars you look ready to fight today here's some funds to keep you going let's go all right somebody get excited someone get excited today um simply debbie with 20 thank you um thank you so much guys uh and big shout out to everyone that's in the fight um if you don't know what that is there's a join button below uh the video and you get to join the fight and what that means is it helps us to go after these scammers every single day and keep things going and obviously there's some perks on there you'll be able to see like live stream archives and stuff like that so um thank you to everyone who's in the fight it really means so much to us and you all are part of our family um what about pleasant he's he went home for the road uh oh baby for the road um gonna do a health shot to get fired up let's go when will the good morning america interview be online it's already online yeah uh yeah it's it's up it's not on their channel though yeah we cheers guys people's call center day five boom yeah nice oh garlic that's when i take garlic man i'm like what about that i know baby hey yeah jim come over here he's like no i'm not going to come over here puerto rico your breath smells like garlic we just did a health shop it's like 100 garlic in it sean refused to take that really he was like i'm not gonna do it i tried yesterday garlic and it was it was very uh the dracula succulent experience i feel like i just ate a thing of like uh salad markov you ever had that before you ever have everybody artists in the house anyhow what's up beautiful people today is the last day it's already calling victims saving victims jim browning is doing his hoodie stuff it's and i already we just did an interview with this awesome human being and i said we need to find a way to do this not once a year a little bit more often a little bit more often so we're going to find a way i just want to give you thank you so much for unbelievable love and support supporting the whole skin baiting community and i just want to let you know because of your love and support we're able to do this every single day chat's 11 on art uh you guys see the shirt too there's been overwhelming support on the t-shirts so people's call center t-shirts and where that goes towards is um after the cost of them or whatever it's going towards the cost of all the people that had to fly in here in hotels and stuff for them so it's supporting all of the scamvaders that came here we have people from coming from around the world we have people you know jim coming in we have you know art ash and their entire team that came here so a lot of expense for them and it just goes to support them so please support these guys go watch their streams trilogy's i think you can even stream over there too by the way you could turn it off we're gonna we're gonna we're probably gonna do from the phone we'll see what happens yeah trilogy's going to do some streaming uh i know day is streaming right now mm-hmm uh cj's streaming streaming uh ray i think he's hiding in the corner somewhere streaming i just want to let you know that thank you for buying those those posters are phenomenal and uh please support support this guy with your guy with this support all this call center was able to exist so and uh last night at four in the morning i receive a call from our double agent who is working right now in uh in india he said art everybody all scammers watching your streams you made so much noise guys this week that they a couple call centers they just turn the light off so this is amazing love love love boom boom boom boom love you brother let's go let's go anyway they uh they're gonna be on soon so go check them out trilogy media gf kanban with 50 i'm 30. happy birthday happy birthday to you i hope you have the best birthday today seriously happy birthday thank you so much for the wonderful super chat mark the shark is here um o double t o with 50 euros thank you so much uh eddie brian dwyer thank you for your super chat um michelle mcdermott thank you for the 20 chat emma thank you for being in the fight chris christie lives with 24 months wow thank you carrie zurich with 20 thank you carrie ray kirby my brother man with 20 thank you dude thank you so much we have a new diamond member caffeinated 24 7. thank you um and kerry again for six months thank you uh we're happy to have you guys here and uh a lot of people a lot of people are asking um if this thing if this is just a one-time thing it's not going to be a one-time thing um we're going to you know we're going to be going after these guys i've been a lot of people been interviewing me on things and at the end of the day we said look we are pissed off we're not happy about what these scammers are doing um and it's time for us to collaborate this is not a competition the people that want to be here are here because they want to help people and they want to make a difference and that's why they're here so support the people uh watch their streams support them uh shout out again to nomorobo uh being able to partner with them i mean we had the ceo aaron foss here yesterday well he's been here for like three or four days and uh like it's been it very cool to like pick his brain and hear his heart about this space and um again like it's really cool to be able to help out like i saw about the ecosystem when you get scam calls or text messages or whatever it may be you can actually submit them into the app which is so incredible and that's an amazing part of uh being in the fight is making everything better so that it's literally helping somebody else if they have the app right if you're putting information in and the app is getting better and stronger so check it out if you guys get a chance to valerie with twenty dollars thank you sweet melissa with ten dollars thank you from birmingham sweet home alabama um it's queenie thank you so much mitch thank you my friend lily doolittle with fifty dollars thank you mo smiles with eight months thank you vicky osana shaolin berger amy dennis thank you so much with the twenty dollars um really quickly it's uh the poster sold out we only did a hundred posters uh those sold out really quickly everyone's signing them the t-shirts are still on they're not signed but those things are shipping out people already have their t-shirts so those t-shirts and also those of you who are have pre-ordered we're getting really close to being done with these okay whoever pre-ordered these we're getting really close so thank you for being patient um so lisa s with 20 thank you um i might just troll a couple scammers so we're in the process right now of getting everything set up uh jim setting some stuff up as well so that we can intercept some phone calls bonzai with the 100 super chat um thank you wow sorry i have a email that says okay urgent the risk is urgent and i'm like i'm reading it it's so carl is still here um the wonderful thing this is so cool i'll just tell you guys a little behind the scenes uh carl is he might even actually stay longer which is amazing uh but carl jim and myself are actually gonna go um to another place and hang out together which will be cool i'm just really excited about it big shout out to drive who's here as well uh he's done our music and we loved partnering with drive go check out the payback album on spotify apple music whatever to hear all the skimmer payback songs so um bonsai again thank you for the 100 sierra charlie thank you my name is hannah thank you um happy to have you all here again i'm going to do some calls what's going to happen is we're actually so i'll show you guys um we've got this so we've got some people starting to trickle in uh jim's in here doing his thing right now he's right right here there's jim there's carl cj um so people are gonna start trickling in into the call center we're gonna be saving victims all that good stuff for the time being i'm going to call uh some scammers and just mess with them they're not going to be long-form scandals i just want to let you know this is not going to be a huge long three-hour phone call we're going to try to do some file deletion when i can i might have to stop the phone calls and go in and do victim saving that's really what we're trying to focus on right now um so a health drink fund from ruby estefanian with fifty dollars been a while since i chimed in super proud team thank you for what you do seriously thank you all right is everybody happy with everything they've seen i mean this has been an extravaganza of live streams scam baiting victim saving scammer monitoring collaboration all these people together what are your are you guys happy with this week um is everyone proud of this week you know what i mean have you guys had a fun a fun week so far watching all these streams all these hours of streams all these scam baiters has it been good good um if you guys want more of this a lot of people are saying we want more we will do more of this i promise you i promise you somebody had to start this though baby you know what i mean we will do more of this i promise you um we will do it awesome thank you guys thank you seriously i appreciate the feedback like we do this stuff be based off of what you guys tell me right you know what i'm saying this is our community all of us together you guys tell me what you like we try to give you more you know what i mean okay i'm gonna start just making a couple of calls at least a couple calls um so i might get pulled into there and we'll switch to the other camera and we'll walk around the call center and we'll see what's going on like i said you can check us out on skimmer payback live cena's in there um emceeing and everything if you want to talk to cena who's one of my editors and he's on the sp team he's in there right now he might be monitoring some stuff as well um and i know deyo's doing some calls i know jim's working on a couple things right now cj as well so um if you guys want to check it out uh cena's got um our cameras on in here um and then i'm gonna do some calls and we're gonna walk around so alrighty thank you to everyone on twitch too i love all my twitch fam you guys are amazing once we get back to all the twitch streams i'll be able to call everyone out i feel i i don't i can't have all these windows open which kind of sucks i love everyone on twitch you guys have been the most incredible amazing community to me community to me and uh you mean the world to me everyone on twitch thank you and everyone on youtube i'm talking to you as well so um okay my face is red from all the fireball that arts had me have okay let's call rb151 thank you christina pedia with 25 months wow thank you christina 25 months can you believe that um i'm literally just going to call on troll right now so because we're getting stuff set up i'm calling and trolling thanks greg visting doreen thank you thank you for calling nortonville this is steve how may i help you hi steve um i have a note from you guys for lifelock and i'm just calling to try to understand what it is it says um a 349 charge so i'd like to speak with the billing team okay so can you please provide me the invoice number so that i can check yes uh norton it's all capital letters norton nine eight one five seven three six one five okay so and as it shows up here and regardless that your norton subscription plan has been totally expired yesterday and today it is getting auto renewed with a premium plan which will gonna cost you around 349.99 and it's just a verification mail sir that whether you want that service is getting renewed or do you want to cancel that it's all up to you uh cancel please okay so in order to cancel that what i'm going to do i'm just going to provide you i'm just going to help you to get connected to the norton cross server and then the server will going to provide you a cancellation form and once you fill out that cancellation for from your end then this order will get cancelled and the money which has been charged from you will gonna reinverse into your account instantly as a refund okay okay so it's it's installed can you please let me know it's instant as instant refund so can you please let me know one thing sir that are you nearby of your computer right now so that we can start the cancellation procedure um yes okay so which kind of computer do you have sir is it a desktop or is it a laptop um it is a desktop okay no problem so can you please pull a browser for yourself like a google chrome yes excuse me yes so is your google chrome is up now uh it's loading um okay yes sometimes my system takes a while to load i apologize for that okay so your name again you said it was steve right i'm sorry i'm just gonna write it down okay no problem and may i have your good name please uh yes pierogi for ugly yes uh pierogi will say okay mr frog you can just call me pro okay no just you can just call me peruvian okay no problem do you need to write you know how to pronounce it correctly and what what and what is your last name um wilson i'll call you wilson okay oh no if you could please call me by my first name pierogi okay so is your google chrome is up now um i'm trying to get it up um it's it's close to being on i don't know why sometimes like i literally just bought this thing and honestly like i even had i had issues i had to call like i was surfing the web and i had to call microsoft for all this crap and they were telling me about that i had you know i had a hack on my computer i had to freaking give them money to fix it i'm not the most tech savvy but ever since i had microsoft on my computer they had me downloaded um it's it's any place or something like that any whatever they had me download that ever since then it's like slow so it's kind of annoying so that's why like whenever i turn it on it just takes like a couple of minutes so because i didn't have it on just yet okay no problem once your google chrome is up you have to let me know okay uh yes sir i promise i will uh let me see here do you know what any desk is anyway what can you explain what that even is no sir i don't okay they were saying it was like a secure server or something so i'm just trying to understand did you just say randy kaladka did you just call me randy calarca i understand what that means i'm sorry sir did you just say randy no yes you did before you went on mute you said randy no i didn't yes you did i heard what you said so do you know that meaning yes i do know that meaning why did you just say that about me to whoever your coworker is what what does that mean can you please let me know i don't know why i'm sorry you called me a [ __ ] you said that to your friend a [ __ ] yeah you said that to your friend i'm sorry my computer's taking a long time i told you ever since like i wish i could show you okay so is it possible for you to take a picture and send it to this number yeah and and what does kute kabacha mean i'm sorry what does kute kabacha mean because that's what you called me as well what i said what does kute kabacha mean because that's what you said to me why did you say that to me what do you mean by that i'm asking you why did you call me kute kabacha sun you know what that's what your friend just said here listen what is he saying you heard it wrong he said that he just called me he as well i can understand what you're saying son of a dog that's what you called me oh really you want to talk to me then in the background hey i want to have a conversation with you really quickly because i'm actually a little irritated right now the way you're talking to me what did you say do you want uh do you want me to bring the rest of my colleagues in here louder come on and grab the microphone so i can hear you louder i can't understand you but he's not giving his phone to me you know okay i can hear you now laura do i do i need to bring my other colleagues here yes you can if you want to well do you want to come to matrabarus to meet me i'm sorry well come to machaburus and meet me sorry guys my vm is like taking like an hour to load so i like that's why i was just talking to him all right i'm gonna call from another number oh that's not right again we're trying to put the fear of oh yeah and they're saying they think that we tracked him they don't like that yes thank you for calling norton how can i help you yeah um i was asking if you guys want to meet me at machu buruz and then you you hung up on me where what did you say what place i asked you if you wanted to come meet me in machiavellis where is it it's where it's near where you are that's why i was asking now you know exactly where that is no i don't know that thank are you still there yeah i'm here do i need to do you want me to introduce you to all my colleagues you guys have colleagues i have colleagues now you have colleagues now you want me to introduce you to my colleagues what's your what's your name then my name is pierogi what my name is pierogi anna esthana police china police what is that istana police i was asking what does thana mean is that police okay yeah so the thought i might be on the way to your building right now so do you want to come meet me at macha or you want the thunder to come to the building where is my building why would i tell you so that you leave right or do you want to come meet me at matcha bruce do you want to come meet me at manches i'm just asking okay thonas police station okay so by the way oh he called me gatia oh which means trash garbage worthless wow okay uh can i get carl in yeah i am tired guys i haven't had a lot of sleep this week i haven't had a lot of sleep for a long time now so i'm a little bit tired but it's okay it's okay guys okay my vms are finally opening up here sorry guys i'm learning hindi as i go along here um so if there's certain words did i actually call the police no not on this one i'm just trolling these guys right now uh we're working on some investigative stuff in the call center we're trying to get some uh victims going but yeah they are scared for sure dang it why is this vm so bad i'm sorry guys my this vm is just not wanting to cooperate now so there's i don't know why this computer is so slow right now if you have a virus jolicaro i don't know if i'm saying that right dictionary okay i don't know first was better okay the first one was better um he went in two minds thinking if you actually know or not and then was like wait well what's my building tell me yeah i do need to i need to work on my pronunciations i'm gonna uh also be working with carl rock um uh with other people but um i know kolkata wants to help i know dictionary wants to help um and uh carl is actually gonna help me so i'm gonna do some lessons with carl too which will be awesome okay we're gonna keep calling okay all right we'll see if they shut down the number um i'm gonna call back from this one so if i call this if i call from this number and it and it goes straight to uh that means they shut it down thank you for calling norton lifelock how can i help you uh yeah um i have a note from you guys i'm trying to look for the billing team okay sir can you let me know the concern of yours well i have um some kind of um i don't even know how to describe this it says norton lifelock i don't even norton live lock thank you for your payment like so do you guys have my debit card or something okay so do you see anything on that email that says invoice number yeah and it doesn't say anything about my name uh i don't know why like it doesn't even have my name on it it just says that i was auto debited like do you need to look me up by my name or okay just give me a moment okay you need my name do you need my name sir my invoice it says norton 981 oh my gosh i don't know what i'm doing there hello thank you for your call today please leave a message and we'll get back did they really shut it down yes yes hello hey i have someone who wants to talk with you um this is randy laura and any i told you i wanted you guys to talk with um my colleagues okay and i i told you okay what is your problem why are you the problem with you don't call us anymore because this number is not gonna reachable anymore okay hey i have hundreds of numbers you understand me i have hundreds of numbers you idiots why do you keep calling me because why do you keep calling me oh my gosh he's like hello prajwal uh gautam says we are watching your stream i hope hopefully i'm hoping that you're a good person podja we'll let that one die down for a little bit and we'll call some other ones [Music] i think we're getting closer to going into the main room for a little bit but we're going to do some more trolling here um then we'll get some more serious stuff saving people victims yada yada yada yada calling people um as you guys can see here main call center you see art from trilogy here uh you can see dale back there doing some streams we got daniel working with him art's calling some folks uh carl's calling some folks cj's calling folks proactively doing amazing job guys i'm probably going to go in there and do some calls too i think art's going to come in and i don't know where mata paul is um maybe he's in the back room i don't know but pleasant green already went home uh anyway okay yeah he did sound defeated for sure all right let me check my gmail mark the shark thoughts on call flooding i don't do it i don't think it's impactful i'm not going to get into a whole thing on call flooding i don't know uh [Music] yes ma'am hi um my name is pierogi i actually have a an email from you guys about some type of a full-length mirror lights led standing floor mirror i don't even know what this is 588 freaking dollars um i did not do that okay is this going to be debited from our account or what is going on here uh the account name should say it should say pierogi on it i just don't okay okay can you confirm your first and last name then i can pull up your wreckage yeah it's perogie carter i just are you seeing anything under pierogi okay just be on a hold hello sir are you there yes okay so sir tell me one thing did you click on any junkie mail any fraudulent line like sir well i mean the email that you guys sent me looks like a chuck email i just don't know it's like so i'm not talking about that event i am talking about your previous email did you click on any fraudulent links and for the line charges if you see if you use any social media app like facebook instagram so you see the some ad over there some advertisement over there so did you click on any fraudulent links oh yeah that's why i am asking you i mean so yeah i did i mean so i had issues with microsoft yesterday so i was surfing the web and then my screen had an issue on it they said it was viruses so i just don't know if this is tied to that and i had to i downloaded any desktops and they were they went and cleaned my computer on any decks i had to write them a check and i sent it to an address why why you are download the any desk sir uh because they needed to securely like see what was going on my computer okay okay no problem sir okay so sir tell me one thing sir did you connect your device with any store wi-fi any grocery shop and pay your bills like check your credentials i mean i don't think so okay no problem i am just guiding you some unique step how to fix it and how to decline the charges okay because you are not declined that charges that charges is charged by your bank account okay okay because of this so if this happens my wife priya she's gonna be upset you know so i'm just like nervous okay no problem sir no problem we are helping you how to fix it so tell me one thing so which device do you have it's your iphone or it's your android which one you have so my angel priya you know angel priya i i she's gonna be so pissed of me if i get hacked or something i'm a little bit nervous about it but i i have a i have a windows desktop okay you don't have any smartphone i mean i do but i don't i don't do like any of my banking or any of that kind of stuff i typically i'm doing like i do like a lot of work on my computer hello okay no problem sir i'm just transferring the call to my senior technique apologize for your hello hello sir can you hear me uh yes sir thank you for being on answer you call that stranger to me my name is jim how are you doing today sir i'm doing okay i was just on with priya i believe her name was um and uh i was just on with priya her name was i believe very sweet um sorry i was just ria priya p-r-i-y-a okay um she was very yes she was very sweet um so i i'm i received a message from email from you guys i'm just trying to understand um i asked her if um i asked her if my information was compromised or something i told her my name it's pierogi carter do i need to spell pierogi for you or you need me to spell that okay so okay so uh are you talking to them uh priya right yes well i was on with priya and she passed it over to you okay uh the last call video talking to your prayer right correct and did did you receive a new phone number like a new call from the period no i'm i'm on with you now i have a call with amazon in about 45 minutes because i had to send them a parcel um because they get they did an overpayment on my account uh yesterday um so i'm just they're supposed to be giving me an address to send my partial to that i owe them because there's like a big miss like a big mix up and they actually accidentally gave like extra into my account so i'm a little bit nervous right now and now this is happening you know hello yes sir did you hang up the call no i did not sir i thought that you were okay i thought it was almost like a prank or something because you were talking to me and then you just hung up on me so sir i think we got disconnected from the server okay so can you tell me that sir my technician told me that you are download the index application so which device you use dexter um i have any dex on my windows computer on your windows yes did you use index yes okay okay so and do you have any smartphone with youtube i do but uh for privacy reasons the company i work for i'm not allowed to like install things on it because they don't allow certain apps on there that's why amazon had me on any decks yesterday so on amazon what told you that just download the index in your computer right correct yeah um they had to uh they had to connect on there and it was like a secure thing because there was a portal i had to do some forums and stuff and then uh my keyboard locked up and i accidentally put a couple a couple of zeros extra zeros i and like i said i just i'm having to send them a parcel this morning um so i whatever is going on here i need to get it done because i they're supposed to be giving an address to send my parcel to so okay and can't tell me that sir do you have use any online banking like check your credential like pay your bills with your help of your window sir well yeah i mean i i um i have a i use chase that's my bank but okay and can you tell me one more thing sir uh i'm not trying to be rude you can just call me by my name pierogi is fine your name soon yeah you can just i would i would appreciate if you called me by my name it's pierogi okay it's it's been it's uh it's been it is real healthy my name is pierogi i'm saying if you could call me by my proper name that would be nice i'd appreciate it okay i'm not trying to be rude to you sir you know but if you could so uh so can you tell me that sir uh are you buying some cryptocurrency in the past few weeks or with the help of your information no i have not um no no okay so do one thing sir uh uh just try to pull up your windows and pull up your index application okay okay and it's interesting too because um there's some kind of they were telling me that like i had some new kind of thing that came on my screen and it said something like something about both parties you know need to accept and confirm to get the connection right sir sure because yeah so because you know that sir uh is the server you just connect to the servers from the paypal support okay yeah i know but it was saying that like both parties so like i guess they said like okay we're gonna get a request uh they said that like i guess there's change or something like that and they said well we're gonna get a request as well from you and then we will hit accept and you'll see that it'll say like admin we'll hit accept i know i'm just i'm telling you that's what the amazon guys were telling me so like they were saying well i know you're we're you're to get a request and you need to hit accept and i said okay and they said we will as well and we'll hit accept and then we'll be connected so that's what i was saying so if you have the same right if you have the same thing i guess you use any desk too so if you get the whatever admin request right then it gets you have to accept it right it's like it's a confirmation of that's what they're telling me it's a confirmation of like the connection so anyway go ahead i'm not i'm not trying to bother you okay go ahead so so can you confirm you the addresses like the numbers yes um one second right now do the same thing yeah it says okay it says paypal yeah i see that i see this one and then i'm getting i'm hitting i'm aware and then i'm hitting accept it says waiting for yeah the admin thing or whatever it says uh it says waiting for confirmation from admin paypal support because it said yeah did you confirm because i hit accept confirm online okay you see mine right now you see mine i'm not seeing anything so it says request elevation right and so do you see anything on my computer um no i don't know i just see a black okay so simply go back to your home page sir okay hold on one second um did you do something i can't necessarily see um let me see here okay you need me on my home page yes sir your home page yeah i can do that um i minimize that and then minimize this minimize this okay yeah and this is the frustrating thing because like yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry hello sir yeah can you hear me right can you hear me sir yes sir i'm just saying that it's it's frustrating that all this is kind of happening you know what i mean okay so the one thing said try to pull up just try to check the mail said did you receive the mail you told me that yeah yeah let me look at it on my phone um do you want me to read it out what it says and try to check in your computer and your computer then say email okay let me see here uh well again it's on my work email i can't i can't put my work email on this computer i'd get a lot of trouble okay said do one thing sir uh just try to check your credentials sir and if you see any closer line charges in your bank which not made by you okay in the past two weeks okay um so i needed i need to do this on my uh computer right so check your credential in the computer okay one second sir um and then let me see here so you got that right okay um so i'm on my google what do i need to do here i might check okay um now what do i need to close once you've done your dad shirt right once you're done with that sir just let me know okay okay um you can't see this though right i'm not seeing anything sir because it's it's a server issue sir we are not seeing anything okay was that priya no sir okay what do i need to be checking for okay so so um and may i know sir do you use a soleil application in your chaser like transfer some money from the help of that i don't know why i would need to do that okay so tap do you see a three option like account investment and pay and transfer tap on p and transfer sir uh just one second i'm trying to click on it i have to unplug my mouse really fast it's i apologize take your time um okay once i i do apologize um hold on i gotta go to the back of my computer really fast and click on this um all right i'm trying to even type is it not is it not coming through um okay hold on i'm typing something is it even it's not even it's frustrating i'm sorry um okay so i need to click on zelie how do you do that paint right here okay yes sir and now what and you see that and you said quick favorite silly tap on that um where's that i'm trying to see hello oh there it is okay so you see the pay and transfer one more time tap on that pay and transfer yes sir tap on that uh which one and no sir it's pay and transfer in the top right okay and in the bottom you see that it says quick pay with zel in the down tap on that quickly without do that okay so just do one thing sir just simply go back to your home page and you just try to pull up the new window of your phone okay um like a new page okay how do you how do you do that just like a new your timeout like uh like like a new tab like a new tab okay all right um right here okay i'm sorry i'm a little bit frazzled so um i apologize you know don't twerk you soon okay what do i need what else do i need to do sir i'm sorry and just type over there so clampy c-l-a-m-p-y clampy clampy yes sir clampy c-l-a-m-p-y well what does that mean what does clampy mean check the clan p wire this chosen said that some people are using a clamp you are extrusion and they are hide your system and stealing log into range user are you serious so that's why sir we are showing you so this is happening the second time oh my gosh okay clampy yes clampy oh my gosh okay clampy and then then why it is the phone number is clampy wire right side okay now how well and what you said and you see some option do you see what is the clampy what is casper sky sir tap on that okay clampy virus what is clampy virus kapersky what is kapersky so the kapowski it says like they are briefing some new paragraph in front of you okay okay um i clicked on it says open link a new tab open link a new window open link in incogito i clicked on the kopersky link it says open link a new tab open leak a new window incogito open link in new tab okay i did that inside do you see the third option in the top right what is the clampy wires in the new tab um yes and the clampy virus it says the clampy virus is a man in the browser trojan that hides in your system stealing login credentials and specifically targeting banking and financial information first seen in the mid-2000s this trojan is often hidden in trusted websites wow okay right sir so this chosen was found in two devices so this people was using a clan view rs2000 into devices and their hide your system and stealing login credentials okay so right now we are helping to you we are removed some 500 denomination okay so do one thing try to pull up your chase banking one more time um okay i'm sorry i'm a little bit just i'm a little frazzled you know what i mean um okay right and you see that it says choose uh or add a recipient right sir tap on that the arrow add a recipient okay right and do you see the recipient name tap on name yeah and type over there allies and lima in an upper case okay ella's in lima right okay a as an a as an apple in an upper case um okay one second okay so l a okay l a right you as in uh uh eat all okay then csi okay one second csi okay n c okay sar okay tap on email okay and type over there l a i okay one second one second okay excuse me all right what else uh-huh okay okay okay okay i did that hold on i just had to um i had to text my wife priya that i i love her you know so she just texted me so you know i just had to tell her i love her my angel priya so okay so i just hit confirm on the email yeah tap on confirm email and type the same email sir okay okay i did that oh wait i'll just type it who is this what is this email is this a person like yes sir this is a person this is the hacker we have to send this name to the server tab why am i why am i sending something to a hacker you know you are not sending something you are sending her name and some denomination okay so pay from okay tap on pre pay from the down arrow and choose your choose your banking cell you receive your banking choose that okay i did that do you see some amount tap on amount and make it five hundred five zero zero yeah five zero zero you see that it say the date sent on tap on the date and choose the same date okay and do you see the next over there tap on next okay and tap on send money so again why am i why am i sending money you want you are not sending the money you have to send the name and the denomination which you are removing your bank account in future these people was buying something with the help of the 500 denomination this money was automatically detected near council i know but it literally says it literally says on my screen you agree you won't use quick pay to send money out of the united states does everything look okay i'm sending five says sending 500 like are you sure sir you are not sending anything sir we are helping to you you are not sending anything okay all right it says we'll let the recipient know you're sending 500. like are you sure tablet okay do one thing sir did you just take that that's what it sounded like i it sounded like you took like a a screen cap sir uh do you see it says pay and transfers one more time tap on pay and transfer sir okay and do you see payment activity tab on payment activity sir okay yeah i guess i haven't gone through yet so and do you see in the town he says money sent tap on money sent where's that okay yeah it's pending like that's what i why am i sending money you keep saying i'm sending money it's on pending right it's on pending and it's done okay so okay it's kind of okay like i'm just trying to understand what like what this is now so you said it's a hacker but i'm sitting 500 no sir you are not sending anything do you see it say see details tap on see details see details right it's not working okay and may i know so did you receive any new text message in your phone sir um yes it says do i want to accept this it says this is 500 do you want to accept this right again why am i sending 500 that you are not sending thing we are showing that so tap on accept sir hit on accept once okay one second okay i hit accept okay so what uh what they told you sir uh it says unable to process please try again and do you see y e s in uppercase they told you that ascend y ef in uppercase yeah i did that it's i like i hit yps uppercase and then it like nothing happens right and send it try to refresh your page okay one second i'm refreshing it once you refresher what do you see can you read me out you see the same thing on your activity it's not accepting it for some reason i guess tap on money sent once it's still saying pending i don't know why okay well do i need to just call my bank then or what no sir you don't call your banks here okay don't call your bank okay so do one thing do you see accounts tap on accounts once accounts counts okay i did yet right so so uh do you see your two checking accounts right sir uh well i have a checking and i have a savings i have a credit card okay so and the last time you use your credit card sir with the zealots here on this delhi so do one thing do you see advantage saving tap on advantage saving once yeah i did and once you did with that so what do you see should you tap on advantage saving server hello hello sir can you hear me yeah i can hear you what do you need what do you need for me to click on sir click on advantage saving sir yeah what what do you need are you tapped on instant advantage saving okay i clicked on it uh pay you said no sir um just told you that do you see your two accounts and you see your advantage saving tap on your advantage saving um advantage savings okay yeah it says a zell transfer it's uh it's done or not sir it's on pending yeah it's it's pending sir i'll give you one thing sir do you see pay and transfer one more time tap on pay and transfers fan transfer i mean why do i keep having to do this that's my question you know i keep having to hit i know i'm just showing you something okay and do you see transfer money tap on transfers money one more time and try to check your activity okay i know but i checked it i i so i hit i hit um yes on my phone when it texted me and uh what did text you sir um they texted me and said do you want to allow this and i hit yes and it said can not um cannot complete transfer or waiting for okay do one thing sir do you see over there it says payment activity tap on payment activity okay payment activity right okay on the on okay um see yeah okay i did that so what do you see once you did that sir i just this is i mean it's getting kind of frustrating you know what i mean and just scroll down sir you see that monies and tap on money sent once do you see sir more option like chase quick pivot and you see that it says no but how come i'm not getting my money back like this is what's frustrating right i'm supposed to be owed money back you know i know that said that i'm showing you this tap on the money cent just check it out sir this money was not going anywhere okay 20 cents okay i've clicked on that like eight times it still says pending acceptance whoever this lorry person is who is lori they are the hackers sir so i'm sending 500 to lori the hacker all right no sir you are not sending a thing um is that priya is she okay yes all right is that i heard her coughing is she okay yes sir she is okay okay sir so i'm i'm do one thing sir uh because you see that it's on pending so i'm just transferring my call to my supervisor they will help you okay sir okay can you ask and make sure yes sir okay and your phone number it's 843 yes and they are calling you right now is she okay is she okay yes sir okay and you receive any new call from the 206 so just receive the call this is my supervisor okay okay i'll hang up and i'll wait for your supervisor thank you sir right sid so uh sir once you receive a new call just hang up my call okay thank you so um the good thing guys is we have we're obviously on the reversed on the system and i we got some interesting files that we're looking at and uh we got to see his screen a little bit um i'm gonna go look and see if there's anything else worthwhile on here or if he's just gonna disconnect um it's 11 57. i honestly need to probably just disconnect soon um i should probably disconnect very soon actually um this is essentially what we see here guys right now i'll show you so this is uh you can see my computer uh with the chase account and then you can see the scammers computer in the bottom right i think i'm probably covering it but it says 11 58 pm i guess we can gather where they're from vicki sullivan with 500 dollars what hopefully you will fill in those extra chairs with volunteers every day to take down these people wow what is that vicky vicky wow vicky thank you we're gonna do our best to take care of people and save people vicky thank you seriously that is amazing wow thank you um all right they have not called me back and i'm still on this computer as you can see i'm just trying to be as stealthy as possible right now because if i do anything too crazy um actually i need to delete some of his files from this give me a second i'll show you guys the file deletion oh actually i want to go into uh my brain is not working right now where is google chrome users sunny this guy's name oh it says sony i guess it's just sony not sunny um app data local google chrome i think it's roaming actually app data roaming now i just love it and then you just oh wait oh who's that okay he closed okay he closed all right here we go now we got a call coming in it's the it's the senior manager but the damage is done baby i actually know these 206 numbers too hello hello this is uh hi can i talk to bennett oh no this my name is pierogi rogie carter say that against it my name is pierogi oh okay uh now my name is johnny sykes i'm calling you from the anti-hacking team at paypal how are you doing today i mean i'm a little bit flustered because i i was just telling uh priya and i was telling the other gentleman uh while i was watching um you know ever watching everything and i was telling him that like i was working with amazon yesterday and i had some issues and now i have to do this today and he's telling me that there's some kind of hacker again i already sent the i'm waiting to send the parcel this morning and i have to deal with this on top of everything you know what i'm saying so now what what what parcel are we talking about i sent the parcel um um i i i'm supposed to be sitting this parcel for the overpayment so my computer had locked i guess they were saying it's because of the hackers when i was on with amazon yesterday and i have to i'm having to send again this kind of i guess reimbursement payment to their financial manager else this guy is going to go to freaking jail and get fired because of me so i can't do that and now this is happening and i'm trying to do all this zell whatever or well it was a it was a twenty thousand dollar overpayment it was supposed to be that they're giving me the two hundred dollars back but it's actually a tooth it's a twenty thousand dollar i know it's it sounds crazy but i promise you like they showed me everything on my account too they showed me my checking account had like thirty thousand dollars in it so i'm like i'm it's is that thirty thousand dollars still there um well i just i took it out you know i took out the twenty thousand that i owe them how did you take a job i went to um i went to my chase um you're telling me they sent you money yeah they said electronically correct correct so i had to actually go and get the 20 000 out and then i they made me take a picture how much was how much was your balance before taking out the 20. it was about 10 000. and then it was and then went to 30. and then i went to my bank and i i had to i wasn't allowed to because it is connected to the government i wasn't allowed you know to say anything to anybody because i didn't want them to get in trouble and they said i would get in trouble so i went to go do that and they said like to hurry up you know they're going to lose their time yet i have not sent the package yet now now who's this person that you're dealing with um his name uh was i mean i have it written down um his name is uh randy laura that's what he had me write down all right can you give me the spell give me spell randy louder keep me connected okay all right guys we've literally completely dominated these guys we've literally dominated them we have some files from them which is really cool we've deleted some files from them they took us off of the inidex so we don't have any access anymore but hopefully we have some access long term that would be nice so um we'll see sir sir sir hello sir is priya okay sir can you hear me sir yes sir i'm sorry i thought i lost you because i'm getting nervous hello yeah can you hear me sir sir can you hear me yeah i can i can hear you can you hear me yeah you went away for a very long time sir okay so uh please tell me what's going on i'm very nervous right now spell your first name for me uh yes it's r a in d oh you're talking about his first name the gentleman i was talking with or my name your first okay it's p as in paul i is an ice cream e as an echo r is on roger o is in orange g is in george i is an ice cream and then my last name is carter uh can i have your zip code yeah it's uh 34230 can i have your data board yes it is december 1st 1986 36 and you think that somebody who's asking you for twenty thousand dollars to be put in a box and send it to an address that you've never heard about and that that's real can you hear me sir i can hear you hello what why do you keep muting the microphone i'm not me i'm not hello you meeting the microphone sir yes you are okay well i had to tell someone something yeah is this a cell phone that we're talking far from or you've got your headphones on um i have my headphones on you've got your headphones on yes what's what's the name of your channel um i mean i don't if you if you don't know what it is by now i mean that's on you you know what i mean yeah yeah i knew the very first yeah i knew ready for a second when i heard you yes oh yes well what did you know that's what i'm asking what did you know all right keep me connected okay okay go ahead what did you know i want to know exactly what evidence you knew uh mute kanabankado please don't put me on hold thank you what's up can you send me that that dot yeah for sure bro okay i'll put it on the station hit it finish that [Music] oh yeah i've got the whole thing okay yeah because i don't know what it means though you may explain it yeah i've explained to everybody so they keep a track record they're buying these sam's clubs and walmart cards and then they use those to convert into these uh vanilla cards and then what they're doing is they're buying products like smartphones and tvs and then they're drop shipping it over into delhi and wow then from there you sell them make money whatever yeah so we well i didn't tell them what we had i think they saw a little bit of it but we have a list that was like a pretty big list yeah yeah yeah that's what i i mean we were trying to capture as much info that's why i want the document so that we can look at it but there's a ton of stuff that you know it's just how they scam people and move this stuff around is crazy you know that was cool though that was a good file uh but we'll have to look at it more and see what's up with it i mean it's hard to do this that quickly but yeah and hopefully we'll be able to watch some yeah sorry i'm in about a day he's the man he's the man so no it's we'll look at it and see it's pretty interesting stuff though anytime we run across that but if you can drop that on there now or i can look at it i'll do it now he goes like he goes hey what is the name of your youtube channel yeah i'm like well what do you think it is you just got owned by who do you think i am he's like i knew from the very beginning or whatever of course yeah absolutely yeah my the amazon guy's name was randy lauda yeah you should have known we want to we were talking about making a uh a little a little skit and impersonate how the scammers function like how they grab their headset off and it's rumbling and hand it to one another and then they say the same lines after an hour they're like i knew the whole time oh it's great hello hello can you hear me yeah i can hear you okay yeah this is you're a pierogi yeah this is pierogi you just called me how may i help you uh you're not your voice is not hirogi it doesn't sound like ask me anything that pierogi would know and i'll prove it to you oh very great work you're doing yeah what is your name i like your videos what is your name you can find my name is here pierogi that is true you can i know that you want me to get my colleagues i have a bunch of colleagues here my friends i have a bunch of friends that are at my office can you can you can you can you put down the voice changer uh can you give me access to your any desk no you can put the voice changer on your voice was i just talking to you guys i will do the voice change you are below me i recognize your voice you are pierogi that's true so how would you say my voice is not my own voice you know what i mean now i i i just right now i recognize your voice yeah so you will be putting that on the youtube channel how come my voice will be on youtube do you eat what is it you eat pani puri with potatoes in her right no no my friend is a very big fan of yoga do you want to talk to him do you eat pani puri with potato in it do you eat pony puri with potato in it no no no no my friend is a very big fan of yours than my i am also i know but my question is just talking to you guys you'll be you'll you'll be putting that on the youtube channel was i just putting that on uh if you let me get on your computer yeah i will uh on the computer you want you can record my voice and we can you can put that on the youtube okay how about this why don't you help me you want to help me i can help you to burst any of the indian call center in india okay i no honestly i'm very down with that would you really be able to help me and come join my team how do i not know you're lying how do i not know you're lying what what how do i not know that you're lying oh that how i can tell you i watch all of your videos i my friends all watch all of your videos yeah you can play your theme song if you want oh perfect this one hold on you like the song yes yes how did you know can you hear it this is not the song that is this is my theme song [Music] yes [Music] you have to sing it with me okay so you're with me yeah yeah yeah 5 p.m you can't run away we can work with you we can work with you bro you have to sing this is the payback this is the yeah i know i know that you are a payback we we can work with you okay don't worry you can i will tell you everything everywhere everything okay you're doing a very great job i must tell you okay all right hold on for one second one second bro okay uh what's your proper name if bro what if i may ask do you have a proper name oh you're not allowed to have a proper name but you know that if i'll be telling you my proper name i know i will be in trouble i want to tell you my proper name i want to be your friend as well but you know [Laughter] oh my gosh that's funny so you guys are going to work for me or what yeah we can work for you bro yes exactly right now this is just this minute you have to leave hey would you hey give me like two seconds okay like i'm going to put you on par i'm going to put you guys you're gonna call me on the same number okay okay just we'll get will you give me like five minutes and will you pick up if i call you right back yes no yes yes yes you can call me back okay i'll call you right back all right bye well come sit for just a second at least all right wow i just like killed my ear my right ear is like bleeding now um so i mean you probably there's nothing to hear but hey guys this is dayo hey yo yo um and they has a channel called is it deo club or is it just on youtube it's just deo and then on twitch okay so on youtube it's deo on twitch is dao club uh scammator does his different voices and stuff he doesn't do voice changes does his own voices uh you've been doing it for a minute right yeah um y'all go check him out um when you get some time go check him out he's been streaming all week on twitch deo club um look at all the love here there you go nice guys a lot of love very kind um he's been streaming all week puts out content on the regular has got a really big heart uh for trying he actually i was telling him earlier like he likes to explain things i think he does a good job explaining like the scams of what he's going through he deals with like a lot of different scammers you do the pch you also do like the nigerian scammers as well and uh scammers in india so he like spreads the love to everybody and he does really long scan baits with a lot of the nigerian ones because they do like the long term stuff and he puts them through a lot of hoops and everything so go check out his stream please um send him some love love on him he came all the way from canada look at all the love oh my gosh look at that all the love there's a lot of days where's the canadians at i want to see some canadian flags man yeah so if you're canadian he is too send him some love he's a big wrestling fan he's been in the community for like a long time if you don't know who he is just go check him out guys send him love um they ain't talking wrestling i know it's unfortunate who's your favorite uh wrestler in the current world um just for how good they are probably aj styles okay cool and my face is red i'm freaking beat up bro uh no i just i want to give dale a lot of love because he worked really hard this week that's what this whole thing was about is like a lot of work trying to save people wasting time as scammers he streamed he was always doing calls like i kept looking over there he's always doing freaking phone calls and uh so i wish i had like a medal for you or something dude you did a great job thank you a lot of toronto nice nice lot of canada out of toronto a lot of people are subbing so go check him out go check him out on twitch too he has patreon patreon yeah patreon slash deo um sub to a channel he's on twitch too he does live streams there scammers are calling back right now so you have anything else you want to say thank you i love this dude he's got a tremendous heart and uh this like the amount of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that a lot of you guys don't see isn't it crazy insane and it's all about helping people it's um i feel like you're misunderstood appreciate like you're really misunderstood people only got a chance to actually like get to know you they do but like like this you know for sure it's opened my eyes a lot so hope you guys have a i a you like are uh so encouraged and like when you get back shoot out of a cannon and like you know what i mean yeah like i'm still on vacation you know refreshed and like energized and all that a lot of love man thanks guys thanks for the kind words man safe travels he's got to go back home you're going home right yeah i got to catch my flight going home yeah do you need are you good transportation everything yeah i just got to catch an uber and then all right and also again like get the shirts it helps support all the people that flew from around the world here so uh get the shirts it helps out this guy right here okay thank you all peace be good man thanks all right appreciate it much love man seriously thank you so much we'll we'll do this more okay all right bro day-o check them out all right that's all i got all right hey what's up man sorry i had to say bye to day-o hello hello yes can you hear me playback yeah pierogi can you hear me yes who's this this is the person you are talking to just right now but i don't know can i have a name bro you can call me ashley ashley yes you can call me ashley ashley yes okay so are you just trolling now or what are you you you you are live on youtube i am yes i am and you're the voice of mine is on youtube right now correct yes okay now what do you gonna ask me right now i'm not gonna ask you anything because i'm not i'm not gonna ask you anything are you gonna crack me no i'm not why why are you gonna not track me because i thought you guys were gonna come work for me why would i track you i said why are you playing this video on live youtube channel if you think we're gonna work with you what are you talking about you guys said you were going to help me and you said you would come work for me and then now you're asking why i'm asking if you're going to come work for me we will be working for we will be working for you but you are playing this on a live youtube channel right now so that's fine that's fine nobody knows who you are all of the people will gonna know that we are working for you nobody knows who you are dude the people will gonna know oh you said rick astley you you said you so you're rick rolling me no no no i'm not regular rolling you okay i'm just making sure where do you live where do you live in united states florida florida from okay um carl's here and jim's here too jim browning oh jim brown is also there i also met carl's one time i also met carl yes in india only oh he's on the phone he's on the phone right now with uh so you're in new delhi yes in new delhi so would you would you travel to other places if you worked for me what would you be able to travel and work for me no if you're if you're gonna be paying me for that for traveling i will yeah you sound like a deli guy for sure man i am yeah that's cool awesome well he hung up just because i said see like that when people say they're going to come work for me it's super annoying i said scammer payback quesad but he's talking to scammer payback uh you know i said you sound like a deli guy i'll call him back they're going to go watch okay okay pierogi give me five minutes i'll be calling you but why did you hang up on me man uh i haven't i had a work to do just give me five minutes i'll be calling you back in five yeah but just just please tell me buy next time don't be rude right okay okay i'm really sorry about that okay okay all right call me back oh my gosh i'm such a fat kid right now what's up we gotta sign it where'd you sign he's gotta be out of here yeah where'd you sign i didn't sign sign you sign first i'm gonna sign second if there's any desk space did i ever get barbecue for carl we're doing that this weekend uh are you coming with us yeah i think so so me me brandon carl jim we're all gonna go and do barbecue together i think jim stay in the weekend and carl might actually stay longer perogies say hi to me says clad glad drag hey guys if you got one of these posters you're one of the lucky 100 people that got one of these sick freaking posters so um he's got to go so thank you to everyone who got who got these posters seriously and we're going to send them out soon we're going to sign them and send them out so thank you guys [Music] good job bro um yeah um so uh jim is still in his office doing his thing carl's out there daniel's out there carl was doing his thing uh who gets the poster uh we had we had 100 posters on the website um they were limited edition posters for the people's call center and uh we were signing all of them so those things went really fast we just wanted to be special i'll do i have to do right now one second guys i have to send some evidence over to send some evidence to uh some evidence some scammer evidence i had to send that over no signed hoodies for the call center um we don't have signed hoodies it's a lot to sign 100 sign 100 posters so can we get 100 more at double the price well the thing is is people are starting to leave so um the posters yeah here's my hair that's there um huda riyad from morocco thank you so much again vicky sullivan hopefully you fill these extra chairs with volunteers this needs to be a public service announcement every day online and on tv until they got a business permanently we will keep going after them emma hayes with ten dollars thank you uh rhonda m was 75 dollars thank you so much where's cena he's on skater payback live right now um chad wing art with a hundred dollars thank you chad kryptofer my friend thank you christopher for the super chat um are you shipping the hat uh we're shipping this hat we also have a pre-order for the brand new skimmer payback merch so if you go to uh it's pre-order guys this is the actual hoodie it's got this really sick thing it's got a little tab on the bottom it says camera payback right here um and it's it's honestly a phenomenal uh phenomenal hoodie we have a t-shirt too and we have a hat it's pre-order so if you order it it's not going to be shipped until we have it ordered right so it's a pre-order it's not like um if you go to the other stuff on our store and buy it then it goes into fulfillment and then it ships this is a pre-order so that we can build the list get everything purchased and then ship it out so please know that and don't get pissed at me if you order something it takes a couple of months it's a pre-order we'll let everybody know number three on youtube live guys number three in the world i thank you so much for that um let's see martin ashton from trilogy or streaming it looks like they're uh they're doing like a selfie stick carl's out there cj is doing her thing cena's in his room uh jim's in his room so it's as we're winding down this week and some people are having to leave it's just been such a phenomenal week this week guys um i i can't thank y'all enough so we'll do some more calls and hopefully my my guy gets back to me you know hi the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service okay i'm gonna try to get some of those guys from yesterday that we were pissing off so how do i order the merch it's on lady freyja um thank you for 12 months of being amazing lady freya um i appreciate it we've worked really really hard thank you lady freya you're very sweet um uh prakash from india i can get you info and addresses for from an indian number you can check my authenticity it tesh prakash uh if you want if you want to send me a message you can email me directly right so you can you can email me directly and you can talk with me if you want to help me out if anyone in india wants to help out with my team you can always reach out to me okay you don't have to reach out here you can reach out to me on the email and say i want to help i live in india i want to help so you can reach out to me what about carol we're waiting for carol to get back to us i'm bringing back carl um carl's on the phone right now so carl's doing his thing see carl is talking with art they're doing some stuff so right i'm trying not to interrupt when they're doing doing things carl's running around doing stuff trying to get victims on the line and help some people out uh shout out to kolkata man thank you bro um you can come in ashton um all right uh i'm just gonna introduce and we're gonna get into some more calls um i mean you can sit here i'll do some calls if you want yeah um let's see here i'm just kind of trolling a little bit right now we got a reverse connection nice um and did you see the info that we got too no it was ridiculous yeah it has like they get the gift cards and then they literally are like i'll show you actually um they're buying like phones and all these kinds of things and he has like they had like a huge spreadsheet of all of how they were like money laundering stuff through the gift cards and buying different things with it it was really crazy that's something i've never really fully understood is what do you do with gift cards like how do they profit off of a gift card i guess they just resell it to them like i was saying with like packs full is this in the way i can no that's fine but like look at this really creamy thank you so much don't show it on the screen already kind of no that's why we're pointing but look at this like they have like names of people wow um and then they have the all the um easy buy a card program all these different kinds of things and then you can go down 69 pages yeah um like asset category like what what they were buying um wow damn where it was where it was being mailed to so they like you can buy it either by like that's hovala a lot of times is like um sometimes they're buying just things that have value to it and it's not always a money transfer sometimes it's um so it's really interesting all this info on here so we're trying to like make sense of all of it but it's it's a lot man so today when we did our interviews and i said like when we did our show together scam yeah and that's why like you know what there is one missing element i have the addresses i have these i know money mules but i need somebody who's gonna knock on the door and that's how the church media this this element was born together we did everything together yeah 100 man i'm sorry i'm trying i have like i'm actually gonna go wait you're leaving me again do you guys have like are you guys doing victim stuff or something it's been super quiet which is good which is really good i think i was telling you guys i think a very significant decline in scammer activity as the news has spread and our insider uh insiders have informed us that from what they know um it's very it's very aware over there what's going on that's some typing that is some typing yeah i'm a fast time we need to have a type off everyone wants to do a type off against me yeah but i'll actually win you can come into the like shot if you want i won't infiltrate your stream no no so i'm going to do some calls and you can listen if you want that's connected to this and you can talk there's the cindy right there so we're going to call i'm just here so you might not know what's going on yeah well i mean it's kind of dude you can put the heads on if you want hi everyone on trilogy this is broken all right everyone knows that subscribe to peruvian payback scammers paybacks yeah let's do some trolls oh and hello to rogers chad it's all the way over here give us uh give ashton sometimes it's like a sideways tv that's awesome it's a big chat that's so cool shots they're saying as soon as as soon as i walk in shots in a fireball yeah my face is showing it dude so this guy um is one of my guys and he you need him to talk with people that i was talking about this morning to like verify him i think he's got a good heart it's just i want someone to speak with him i call him kolkata so he's like i'm getting a lot of yeah my name is like my name once yeah i heard you using pierogi yeah i heard that are they actually and then i got got one and he's like why are you calling me stop thank you for contacting the mega millions i got millions really it's not plugged down let's see if it's ashton bingham everyone this is your setup i'm not going to touch that's okay bro one of these holes me casa no one of these it might be slow i don't know we'll see you guys hi everyone well it's kind of overwhelming hi everyone it's a lot awesome sad benefit i'm hoping i get mcafee or somebody you know one of the best names is uh terry machu schroed monkey yeah that's someone that's like that watches i have a i have a harder time with were you looking for there it should be in here how many drinks have been spilled on this week from youtube thank you so much man yeah i can't like i get anyone on the phone i had some sent to me today dude like they're going straight they're going straight i hate these when they do this crap with the spaces and the characters in between yeah like the white uh to make the text invisible why do they do that does it get through the spam filters i don't know crazy oh yeah 808 guys oh yes that's exactly they don't like me so all the eight away guys yeah how may i help you today yes ma'am my name is and um i've just received an invoice uh it says norton 360 protection um you please look up like what's kind of going on here it says um 487 name on the account i have a norton account but i already just did my subscription so if you could look it up please uh the name is uh just give me a moment so as i can see that you have been charged up a renewable amount for your norton 360 protection service and i believe that you want to cancel this am i correct i mean i would i've already i've already i've already like i've already paid yeah so like that's why why are you guys double charging why are you guys double no so you're not double you're not being double charged you have just been charged up once for this okay but can you does it say have you looked up my name on the account and see it has it gone through to my chase account the name is pierogi carter yes so that's correct that is our mistake we have charged you twice i'm really sorry about the inconvenience course to you so what we will be doing is we'll be refunding the one amount and we'll be cancelling this month's subscription for you because you're already in a subscription with us so i really apologize for the inconvenience and we'll be refunding the money back to you all right okay perfect so what i need to do to get that um because my wife my wife's name is priya and i'm telling you she'll freaking anyway i'm sorry you need to be in front of the computer because we'll be assisting you to the robotic server which will provide you with the refund money so is it possible for you right now to be in front of the computer yes ma'am um am i gonna have something to do something similar to what i did um with amazon yesterday because i actually had some computer problems with them they had me uh go on something called i don't know if you've ever heard of this it's called any desk let me download that to be able to they clean my system is do i need to go back onto that no no no it's not at all we won't be asking you to download anything like that just be rest assured about it what am i going to need to do then ma'am so first of all just took one more quick question do you have a windows computer do you have a mac i have a desktop you have a desktop so that is a windows server there will be all the writing i'm really sorry about that i know but you were laughing when i was opening next [Music] need a charger you know we already have our chargers with that okay perfect um okay so i do have the uh i do have this actually all right um okay you need it it's a one zero seven so you will not be charged up anything because i'm putting a hole on that amount you don't want to but i would like to i would like to receive my money back and that that's my point so so you will not be charged anything and you haven't been charged yet so that is the reason why i told you that you do not have to log into anything and you do not even have to fill up anything so i don't have to do it i don't have to do any decks or anything no no no no nothing okay your name um your name isn't tina though right take your time no that's not my personal name okay i thought your name was tina um you went to [Music] you went to a really good school didn't you did you go to a really good scale you didn't go to a good school i just was curious if you went if possibly dang it i was gonna i was gonna i'm gonna get her back thanks for getting connected to northern security how can i help you hi um i was just on with tina and we were disconnected may have please speak with her my name is pierogi yes good so are you interested right now yes she had me download any desk i have the any desk with the address she had me downloading that so i have the address and i was trying to give it to her you got disconnected so i'm calling it just help me with the 98 number okay remember hello can you hear me yes sir yeah all right so re-type the same password and confirm password and then click on apply i know but you didn't give me a password sir yes and i hit apply okay yeah just give a click on apply okay now what now just hold on we are just trying to sending a notification okay yeah mine says it's waiting for confirmation what does that mean yes just hold on just hold on you are connected to the north and secure it says waiting what it says norton just give me a second all right so wait just just do one thing just leave the control of your computer sir because we are going to sending you there you won't be you will be getting an option with like yes so just give a click on here oh my my option it says admin it says waiting for admin to connect it says please hit accept to allow this app to make changes so there's something about admin waiting for you just give a click on yes i know it's just freaking it's grayed out it says it's waiting for partner to accept uh admin or something do you want to allow admin to make changes no i'm sorry just give a click on the positive answer which you can see on youtube i'm trying to hit yes it says can i read out what it says it says any desk uh please it says tell partner to uh confirm access to make changes to my device admin it says tell partner to confirm or accept changes to my device admin whatever that means so you i guess you're gonna you have to do something on your side i think you have to hit exactly all right just hold on just hold on just give me a second okay just give me a second sir just hold on just give me a second just give me a second please waiting for partner to confirm accept admin do you want to allow it says tell partner all right confirm i accept admin i don't all right all right i'm just transferring this call to my senior manager is going to tell you each and everything all right all right just hold up thank you for holding the line my name is david and i will be assisting you further with the refund and the cancellation okay so how are you doing today i'm well david i just the issue is is my screen there's a thing that says user account control it says uh would you like to allow admin to make changes to your device it says please tell partner to confirm or accept and then it says admin and it says any desk so i'm trying to hit yes or no okay it says yeah it says it's a waiting awaiting confirmation admin any desk all right all right just give it a moment now you see what do you see do you see any option is yes coming up on your screen um click on yes make changes to your device at any desk it says admin it says tell um it says tell uh partner desk to confirm or accept and it says admin and it says any desk and it says yes or no and the yes is grayed out until i i don't know i guess it has to wait for you to do you see below the admin does it ask you for the password or something there's no password it says it says uh direct partner so i guess your partner right you're the partner direct partner to accept or confirm and then it says admin it says access to my computer admin says any desk yes or no it says tell partner to confirm or accept so i don't know if you have to click accept or confirm or whatever but like i'm just kind of frustrated you you see any option over there yes or accept yes there's a yes and a no i'm trying to hit yes but it's grayed out it says it's waiting it says partner has to accept or confirm like that i don't know what you have to click on your side maybe there's something that says admin you have to hit why did you say that about me sir david i think you're pretty smart sir hey why did you say that about david why did you say that you're too far what do you mean i'm too far yeah david what do you mean well i why did oh i mean obviously i'm smart sorry guys i tried i tried they're pretty much saying that i'm trying to get access to the any desk so um i'll call as uh i'm gonna call these other scammers back real fast guys we're just trying to delete files today and we already got on this camera's computer today that was a good effort sometimes you're not going to win everything like it depends also on the call center like if they're if they're really good or not he had a password too i couldn't get in which is super annoying the text now subscriber you are trying to reach is not available please leave your message after the tone okay you're not going to call me back come on man all right we'll call this vivian yeah baby yeah yeah yeah thanks for getting connected to northern security how can i help you yes ma'am um understand what this charges on my account it says norton lifelock 360. all right so can you help me out with the invoice id ma'am so i can just check in my system um o as in orange q isn't queen w is in whiskey all right just give me a second let me just check it just give me a second please a second for one let me just check it in our server oh okay all right ma'am so as i can see like the reason why you are getting charged is because the northern entire virus is running on your computer for a free trial base and as the free trial is expired that's why you have received the email so do you want to go through with the services man or you want to cancel that and clam back your refund money um no ma'am i would like to um i would like to refund that please all right no problem we have 100 money back guarantee don't worry about that so in order to cancel that you need to fill a cancellation form which i will be generating on your computer screen right now so i believe are you sitting next to your computer and your computer is on so i'm gonna invite you i'm sorry what is your name ma'am my name is daniel white oh daniel yes good oh hello what ma'am are you in front of the computer right now so i'm gonna guide you how you can get the firm hello yes ma'am are you in front of your computer right now yes all right so just do one thing just open up the google chrome money computer okay google chrome web browser okay yes i'm gonna guide you okay are you um are you eating the microphone or something it's very loud all right no problem just open up the google chrome okay i did all right so in the google page do you see the long address bar at the very top of your screen where you can type something to search yes ma'am all right so you have to put in there p isn't peter p is in peter okay yes h is in helicopter okay he is an echo okay alice in london okay p is important here's and what porter p is in portal oh okay then give a period okay then p is important once again oh how many p's are in there are here there are three p's all right and then r is in roger okay then o is an oscar one second darling i have someone ringing me oh my goodness hello this is vivian [Music] hello yes hello what is happening i hear you man okay help what hold on then give a period okay and then what then again then again p is in portal okay r is in radio okay or is an oscar okay can you speak a little louder all right i'm going to speak the little order so it will look alike p help dot pro i'm a coward yes all right just give a click on enter from keyboard okay click the enter button i did that and once you click on enter then what can you see on your screen do let me know why did you say what give the old details what old details someone said give the old details no just give a click on enter yeah it's a secure connection all right you are in the right page so now i'm going to provide you your cancellation code you have to put in there all right okay the code is 462. okay let me see here it's four six six two and then two okay uh-huh okay said this could be a vibra yeah it says something about this could possibly be a virus do i want to download it anyway uh yes i do it says this type of file can harm your computer do you want to keep connect wise control anyway yes um that the rat the rad is getting downloaded is this a is this a rat okay okay let me know okay well i downloaded the wrap and then do i click on i open the wrap yes correct okay i did that now it looks like the one here you want to allow this app to make changes to your device clientservice.exe just give a click on the positive answer ma'am i did yeah all right so now you are totally connected to the north and secure server so very soon you would be seeing a refund form on your screen so once you see the form do let me know and just do one thing just leave the control of your computer because our robotic server is going to open up the refund pump on your computer all right so just leave the control of your computer all right okay well who has control over my computer you do now our robotic server is going to control your computer our robotic cell is going to open up your refund open up the refund form on your computer so once you see the event from them just do let me know who's typing on my computer is that you it's our robotic server okay all right so once you see the refund formula it actually is a robot that's funny it's a robotics it's a very secure robotic server it's a very secure robotic server so just give a click on next to get the form okay just give a click on next to they get to get the phone just give a click on next to get the form i know but it's somebody just said tk sub which but what does that mean just no no no no no you have to do anything just give up you just give a click on next okay all right okay did [Music] once you click on next then as you can see we are affiliated with better business bureau and we have hundred percent money back guarantee so go so scroll our form a little bit and start without the form all right scroll a form a relevant and start fill out the phone start fill out the phone all right if you face any problem talk to me and just do one thing ma'am just just put the last four digit of your cell phone number or your telephone number so that you can avoid the telemarketing calls just put the last four digits of your cell phone number or telephone number all right hello hello can you hear me ma'am yes all right just look just put a plastic up cell phone number a telephone number man so then you can always get a mic if i put my cell phone number out someone's going to steal my identity all right so you just put the 000 on your cell phone number okay just put the zero zero zero okay because i don't want my identity stolen all right all right no problem no problem and also put the 000 telephone number is yes ma'am just hold on and i'm just answering this call okay just hold on did you say that food is arriving now are you guys going on to break no ma'am i'm transferring this call to my senior manager and he's going to help you out with your refund procedure all right so just give me a second i know but you were someone was saying that the food was arriving what are you guys having no no no no no don't worry about it you don't have to worry about it you know what i just had to eat a very good day to you this is alan white the senior manager on the floor how are you doing today i'm okay all right mom so as you can see on your screen can you see it's a refund editing process all right please log into your bank account to authorize the refund all right so what you gotta do mom we'll be sending you the refund request right now uh new tab would be opening up if you could just call me by my proper name that would be nice i that would be uh all right i'm sorry for that all right it's just the mobile connection is kind of i'm i'm not able to hear your voice i'm sorry for that i heard some gentleman speaking in the background or you guys have food arriving at the office are you guys doing like a party or no we don't have uh we don't have any food arriving at the office it's an office everyone's working out here so just can you go ahead and sign to your online banking to accept the refund expense well this is not something you will see right no we are not able to see a single thing over there because it is only controlled okay well i just had a nice afternoon snack by the way late afternoon snacks yes all right what did you have for what did i have haleem it's one of my favorite treats it's an asian dish it's an asian base oh my husband um he's from india he's from india yes what's his name what is his name his name is armand yes all right so i'll be just going ahead and initiating you with the refund all right can you bring it on please yes i want the non as well thank you honey okay i'm sorry i needed to have a little bit of um there's a thing called naan and it's like a bread and i eat that with my haleem i just kind of pick up the haleem with the naan and we do like a garlicky one so i understand i understand that correct i certainly understand that now you'll be able to see a blue screen in front of you that means the transfer has initiated all right i can't see okay yeah i see that um you see a blue screen in front of you yeah the good thing though um well when my husband and i got married 30 years ago i actually met him uh in india i was i was overseas and he was working um for a technology company in india so he worked for microsoft and um he would help customers like they would be surfing the web and then customers um would have a virus pop up on their computer screen and he would fix it and that was his company so now he comes here he lives in the u.s and he's a financial um kind of a he works back with his friends in india so when the customers make payments they go to him and then he works with some of the microsoft guys all right he works with the microsoft guys yeah they keep a close relationship still so he doesn't do the technology stuff anymore he's more like a financial you know like they do transfers and stuff and he does all these you know nice things all right the transfer is ongoing please be in line please okay my beautiful armand but i didn't want to take his last name though because you know i didn't want to have i like rogers his last name is patel um i didn't want that last name i i was thinking about doing hyphen um but uh can you tell me one thing yes yes do you have a youtube channel yes uh what what's the page name uh it's called cooking with grace what do you want me to do i'm actually going to be uploading here soon um i'll show you and what i do is i make different i make different indian dishes where is it why isn't it showing up i think i did a biryani are you doing biryani where is my cooking i want your real youtube name this is my real name and it's not your real name like you can talk to me clearly all right what do you what do you mean i can talk to you clearly there we go this one is my favorite right here you can certainly understand what i'm trying to tell you all right okay go ahead so like uh well like i i just want to see your youtube videos okay which one do you want to see i have um egg biryani have you ever had that before no i i just want like i just wrote an episode on grilled chicken sandwich how about that wait you you did an episode on what grilled chicken and sandwich okay is there is there any chance that um i could speak with our mom uh there's no way you could speak with roman you need to talk it by yourself bye [ __ ] hey are you armand oh my gosh i'm gonna call him back he's not happy about that by the way go subscribe to cooking with grace she's awesome she she's really awesome go go subscribe to her that'd be so cool if she got like 100 000 subs she's like what the heck i have this big like boost of subs i think this is the call center we're gonna go after this is the call center i think this is these are the guys i think i'm gonna go in there we are sorry there is no one available to take your call please record your message after the tone press star to discard the recording or press any digit to end we are sorry there is no one available to take your call wow all right i'm gonna call the other guy back i'm gonna call this other gentleman back real quick who wants to see jim browning you have to give me a thousand dollars i'm just kidding um who wants to see jim browning anybody jim browning right there jim browning carl rock right here barack jim browning call rock joe browning rock jim browning ctr scams jim browning isn't that cool jim's here my hello is jim browning my name is jim browning my name is jim best test test test best test [Music] my name is jim browning my name is jim browning and i'm at parolga's i've got this like crazy echo on here i'm just walking into the mic what's up quartering how are you man we're gonna be switching over uh i have this one call sir they call me a mother effer so if you want to call you guys want to call him give me the number right here what if i just said it out loud maybe 803. all right we're going to get it you come out here with us yeah i want to call them in there too there's someone i'll have my google voice i can just call my phone yeah but what we're doing too right now is that so when they have the incoming calls to the call center so those those potential victims you're going to be answering oh baby okay so here's what's up um so we have um so they're doing or they're getting inbound calls or are they they're doing outbound calls yeah it's the inbounds so instead of them reaching amazon technical support it's us okay okay so it'll be like victims that are just the victims not the scammers all right guys so um we're gonna go over there just for a little bit um and so essentially what's happening when um a scammer does an outbound call to a victim um outbound call to a victim and then the victim like presses one it actually goes to us we're rerouting calls so we're going to go in there and see i'm going to turn the audio on and we're going to see if we can't save some people okay all right i'm going to mute this side main call center camera that should be turned on so you guys should be able to hear in there and then uh we'll do some play-by-play as well all right i'm gonna go out that way can you real quick one more time over here yeah so essentially what we're doing so what we're doing right now is we've set it up with the team where um there's outbound calls that are going out to victims and uh jim was helping uh get it where essentially when the victim presses one to talk to amazon that we become amazon and they talk with us and then we save them so um that's pretty cool so that's the first line of defense right if someone actually kind of believes it impresses one yes sir carl already saved one oh really yeah carl already saved one so are we going to walk around are we going to main test test test test test test okay you should be able to hear me on that one test yeah okay all right we should be good we're rolling yes sir let's do it let's go all right they're really pissed at me right now okay so also what i want to do is all of us get on the google voice and hit the same freaking call center at the same time you know what we're doing here carl is currently doing yeah go ahead is intercepting inbound calls so we're effectively joining the scout call center we are receiving calls directly from victims yeah those victims will heard aruba call and press one yeah and instead of getting to a scam called center in india they're going to get this call center thank you for calling like what no the victim will press one um instead of being uh call center like they thought that it was the weekend coming up and they got a rude awakening you know now so it's like freaking get destroyed baby let's go that's exactly then i have that uh [Music] yeah he's like what is your youtube channel and i said cooking with grace there's one like one time i just randomly chose cooking with grace and i went and looked it up and it's a lady she's very sweet and she makes indian meals it was all by random so i showed him he's like what is your real youtube channel i'm like no it's good game was great subscribe so he's got a joke cooking with dreams that kind of pissed me off so i'm hoping that we can you know get them a little riled up like oh yeah because give them them they wanna medicine so we're going to uh sounds pretty good let's go let's go perfect let's do it come here real quick so we're talking so this is on the stream right here so you want to talk about how exciting this is about to be like call center versus call center you know like you um you see these videos right scammer versus camera like you know you put them against each other but this guy he was like screw you okay screw all of this this bin then done that i'm gonna step up i'm gonna bring a freaking letter and i'm gonna bring my and i'm gonna build my own uh call center and that conversation we had in the car yeah bringing susan thirty thousand dollar check yeah from scambaiting community from people of the world two years ago he said art i wanna build call center and what are we doing right now people's call center yeah maybe it's gonna that's good baby man i'm like just again he is a man of his word whatever he say maybe it takes time same thing same for us but we deliver it takes time effort a lot of stuff yeah this is one this is gonna be exciting once sweetie oh yeah yeah and my astro himself look look at this using his fingers they're using his brain his skills all right there we go this is this is see online are we on live too you're about to be waiting for your camera [Music] this is good guys hey thank you all again for everyone that's watching um we just want to give you guys some different production views of what's going on so we're walking around the call center we got carl doing stuff we got ashton art you all will be doing stuff too cj i'm hoping to jump on uh this is like that last push where you're gonna like push left yeah last bunch before everybody's gonna go home so thanks guys again um for watching everything supporting thank you for supporting shirts from skimmer payback store help support all the scam banners traveling around the world um thank you for hosting i'm excited right now i just got like a jolt of energy man you're like maybe because you have energy drink and plus it might this is for my twitch people with the happy dance here so for all those times that people redeem all those times people redeem the happy dance on twitch and i never dance there's the happy dance yeah so yeah clip it clip it post it oh my gosh okay what do you think daniel what i'm excited man it's been great we've been saving victims all day but this is going to take the next level last tour i saw you on the camera on the computer too yeah man i was intercepting some stuff yeah i've got a few people yeah no any desks going on there's some clips off to show you we got on some computers today we got on some scammer computers they got pissed at us we have another person that is like oh i love scottish paybacks and then you know they're like oh we're getting you know they wanted to make sure they were on the stream yeah which if you're watching call me back actually yeah jeez man and uh yeah we're getting them riled up get them pushed off to the weekend you know nice and angry the last actually the last thing you already said that in the interview 90.9 of awesome people watching this but there is that one percent who's spying on us and i'm talking directly to you scammers just leave just leave while you can you have families you have relatives well like it's not worth it this money a little a little bit money that you're making it's not worth it leave because cambridge community getting bigger deeper and stronger and we're right now together because of this the one and only no man we're so we're gonna forget scammers go home leave that job let's go yeah leave i mean i would leave i would leave the job just saying okay all right armand that i was talking to you are mine you know i was talking to you because i know your name is freaking armand and you didn't like that i heard everything you guys were running around trying to find chargers for your laptops and i heard that as well you didn't like that and they had food they're having food delivered to the office i'm like what food are you getting he's like no [Music] okay armond he's like who's our mom you know i'm like so anyway armand if you're watching man eat your fruit and go home so uh shout out to everyone also sp team everything uh dictionary thanks for all your help uh kolkata thanks for your help man uh everyone in india as we're building those indian connections thank you guys uh those who are willing to help it really goes a long way for us so thank you guys and daniel thanks for what's up yeah all the locals like enough is enough yeah we want to help locals of india thank you so much for doing this we got amazing mods and uh anushka big shout out my friend thank you so we love all of our mods yeah anushka blue love you it's um be good i don't know what else i have any other questions i guess kind of talk with me enjoy the ride kept talking i don't have a chat i can't i'm behind the camera i guess i can look down i'll look down i'll look down on my phone then and see you're the one in the family who like to talk so you can talk without anybody i know but they need shot to talk well if they ask me questions or something it's a little bit easier or i can call it super chats or something like that too day five hey y'all this is cj scams the and um i just want to say thank you to perugi for the awesome week um he's like taking us out for dinner and set us up with all this nice setup and i think we did a lot of good here this week so thank you so much for having us of course no it's a pleasure you know i go on she's got so cj has a channel go check her out cj scams and they actually do a fun little morning show which is cool like i'll drive my son to school or whatever and then i'll be driving back home and then i'll be like messaging them like hey i'm kind of like i've got like some time to burn i've got like 15 minutes can i jump on and then like an hour and a half later they're like okay well thank you for being on pierogi so yeah no they do a really cool uh show and talking about scandaling have guests and and things like that so check it out and it's really early in the morning so it's like a cool yeah really early it's a community yeah it's really fun so she's done a really good job like cj has been like working so hard this week and that's what this is all about she's been on so many phone calls like um she's like bam bam i'm like what is going on over here she's like if you got a call you look like you're on a list don't pick it up it's not amazon she's like sometimes i talk to him so she's no you've just been getting after it so great job congratulations i just mostly wanted to say thank you to y'all for ever everything well i was just going to add she's gotten a great amount of information too zell accounts a bank account wire transfer right that got shut down today yeah so she was able to help a couple of weeks ago she was able to help uh scam victim of twenty thousand dollars um so that's twenty dollars thanks yeah they had sent a package with cash in it twenty thousand dollars saved and that's what that we talk about if you guys out there scan baiting or whatever and you get information you can give it to scammer payback and it will like do good so do good it'll do good is that right do yeah do good good do well do good i don't know i'm not a great uh linguist i guess that's the word maybe that's not even the word i've used a lot of big words daniel will let me know i'm more of a math person that's right okay that's right okay anyway i'm excited because the zoa is hitting my bloodstream not sponsored but like you know it's hitting my bloodstream right now so i'm really pumped and this part is really going to be cool so thank you guys everyone who sends information over to me i appreciate that because it does go into the right hands and we do help a lot of freaking people so there's a lot of people that work in the shadows too shout out to everyone who just wants to stan the scams to stop and you work in the shadows you don't have a channel you just want to help people uh for all that information thank you um what do you got there brandon we can also we can while we're waiting we can call some people and see if they'll pick up we've been trying but we can always continue trying and see if some of these people will pick up the phone okay so you tried this yesterday yeah no luck no bueno armand is here with the ashley username right okay i know you're here armand armand if you're here call me back um let's just see okay so we're gonna call a victim i really want one of them to i want one of them to explain the scam that was run on them we know what it is but i want them i want somebody to hear from their mouths and take your money so any calls like that you're getting from amazon just ignore them amazon will never ever call you directly like that do you understand ma'am i i wish there was i wish there was um my grandmother had the same problem and she ended up getting rid of her landline just to avoid these calls and she just started using her cell phone only so yeah there's there's really no way to get off these lists i don't blame you we've no worries thank you for calling bye you are in the call center baby the people's call center it's so weird it's such a weird thing that's amazing dude but anyway i can do something to get a number off i can click do not call again so they will stop calling her right now okay you're literally part of their scan call center right and they have no idea that that's happening so you're stealing their potential victim right and you're giving them a bit of a message about scam so that's a good thing and i think on top of that to what you're saying but like on top of it too like to put them in the do not call back so that it's kind of taking them out of the system which is nice too so it's like a double whammy van that's good good stuff man yeah she won't get enough of a call from these guys that's cute was it grandma she's like she was she was really worried like you could hear it in her voice she was scared i don't know if she was a grandma but she was she was older yeah okay man this is good and she was sick of these calls yeah how do i get to stop these calls yeah is the middle one set up for anyone yes the middle one middle one hey jim just come here and have a look and see what's happened i think sorry i think it's all over anything if that sometimes happens oh they're topping hello how can i help you okay oh it does on mac okay okay yes hi ma'am are you returning a phone call from amazon no ma'am i'm here your call has been rerouted we are calling from the people's call center i'm here to let you know that this is a scam those people are not really amazon so if you're no they are yes exactly because it's a scam so yeah man when you get these calls don't don't don't push one don't answer it just all right thank you so much yeah sure we still don't want her to get scammed no i'm first time you're not so it was good how do i hang it up though it'll hang up automatically you hang up customers here and then how do you do the do not call yeah so right there do you not call list and then submit that's that's about it there now they're on the do not call this okay ashley he was like hey man the people's the people's call center baby [Laughter] that's great that's good well you're that okay no you're next yes if it's a nice guy give it to me oh it's so good uh a lot of people in the chat here are pumped this dude is my spirit animal i'm going to say that would be you or someone spirit animal you're an animal you're an animal i'm a spirit animal yeah oh my goodness big obstacle oh that's sponsored not sponsored we love you yeah the ray johnson the rock the rock hit me up from one rock the carl hey armand after you're here we're watching you armand you understand me um maria says this is so wholesome i love you all thank you for your hard work for saving people uh a lot of applauses ashley uh also jim big shout out to jim guys again everyone want to know my astro my astronomy browning a lot of love you want to call a um have a bank account that they're laundering the money through okay i've got that guy's number okay or whoever it is now i don't know if it's already happened or not right well i don't know if they could be a victim or not you'll have to gauge it i don't think so but you got to engage but this is a this is an account they're running it through and ava's direct number all right all right i put my phone on the charger so if you if they're not dialing anymore you're going to dial here right yeah so it's recorded on there oh yeah right there or we can download on the phone that's fine yeah whatever you just like give me that guy freaking money laundry i don't know if that's record i think obs is recording there though right so you'll yeah it's a recording there we have obs recording on all these three clues all right i'll call it from there then and then if so all right what are you doing but that's the name unfortunately bank and that's where they're getting you to wire traffic that's the one i got there's the uh teamwork where's the um so give me the info we'll go ahead no that's that's where they're trying to get you to wire the money to so that's the that's the personal account now that count though just so you know you can tell them that account is gone it's shut down but i'm not you calling to let them know all right here we go but if it's an 80 year old it picks up yeah don't don't go full stop pull out wait a minute oh no he's got it coming right now oh wait yeah hello can you hear me that's not that one though that's not that one yeah i just want to let you know uh this is people's call center and just want to let you know the you got approached by fake amazon uh yeah this is people call centers i just want to let you know you got targeted by scammers and we're just calling you to letting you know that you might be get scammed by these numbers so please do not trust this fake amazon okay so please um block the number if they're gonna call you and they're gonna ask you to buy gift cards and stuff uh it's scam it's scammers uh basically trying to get you uh those gift cards redeemed through you so just wanna let you know no legitimate business yeah it's not legitimate business yes there was no and also there was no fraudulent activity right yes absolutely like there is no like activities basically what are happening like we uh skin batteries and um we have like fake uh fake social security uh people with scammers are gonna call you hello no pressure [Laughter] no no nothing right now we basically yeah yeah that's it thank you this is the people concerned we scam baiters so and then you submit right then you you have to call yeah then submit and submit yeah another one well no pressure thank you uh he was like who the heck are you why did you call yeah and now what yeah and now what i was like that's it you're free do you know the best bit about this is every single phone call that's being made is being paid for with the staff so they're paying for us to answer their calls yeah so they're paying for the infrastructure to do the calls the lists right so this is all wasted money by them which is cool well they're spending yeah they're losing money that's for sure okay so now we don't know if if this guy money laundry or not huh great money laundering you gave art the headset that's all i'm saying you guys are like great i thought this would be a great one for him honestly all right so good you have to use the google voice yeah i might have to use voice so go on chrome he's not logged in anymore please ben is logged out well that's why just you can go yeah give me the phone it's going to be easy oh i have a google voice here here use mine just use my google plus i love how the top suggestions jim browning no don't show that it's a good and that's the name that's the name yep yep it's adam yep so not only do we that's the last name yeah just don't say the last name yeah so he might be even the bad guy you might be great it's easy to knock on the door that's what i just realized yeah yeah tell him also that we know he's in pasadena just please leave your message for two wow yeah that's like 30 minutes from us that's it okay well i can get what you guys would give up yeah give us something to work with i could leave him a voicemail he might try to call back if i leave him in the voicemail right sure do it you want to call it from the old side oh sure but then you can talk to him now when if he calls back okay sound good yeah but then i need to give them my headphones i need to give the number to call because if you can call that number it's going to go to his phone not my phone yeah do you want to do it or should we put this in the package together so we can go knock on the door and talk face to face one package here's the thing we already know yeah you i already have that info so you can do that anyways you call them and warn them and let them know i'm coming and then i'm going to show up vanessa pop off with the thumbs up pop off um let's go team let's see here trina we need more jim browning says trina so you can come and say hi i'm jared you're like i'm not going anywhere uh greg bissing says woohoo are you uh you're not receiving anything you all are awesome so uh slasher with grace hashtag from boxer juan garcia we watch from peru brother uh let's see here guys eva verica with all the hard thank you for erica very sweet of you i have call center experience hire me says mark fletcher um carrie says you have to move closer together and we have one big sinner always i don't maybe i'm reading that wrong did we confirm priya is okay yes priya's okay i think is free okay as far as i know prey is okay okay um you guys are awesome says walter anna says heroes all of you are mon stop scamming people armon from slasher again brian supper thank you for your membership i appreciate that um let's see here art is an ex-pro russian basketball player so that's true bail emotional um the chat just went crazy let's see here why is the indian government doing nothing that's a question that's a very good question they doing and we help you joey says is cj scams buzz she's feeling good she's excited though i'm just sure she's in a life energy i'm buzzed sarah j thank you so much for all you do thank you uh mayak jane from love from kolkata thank you let's see here carson reed just says jim sorry that's it boom got it um you guys are still connected though yes i'm not getting anything uh i saw you on gma today thank you i have no idea shout out to good morning america thank you all for coming by here and filming morning america uh where i'm not gonna answer that one is missing you so our mom just call me up bro i know that you're watching okay we can have some haleem together okay uh nell says hi to mater paul i muttered yeah love the stream from jim rose chappy gray says let's go um let's see here kelly says big love to modern paul can i get a rodriguez from joshua rodriguez i thought that was good you can roll your arms really i just want to say do you know your wife your wife is russian yeah you should rolling better rodrigo there is the silver fox behind you that would be a modern paul the silver fox ladies in the chat here for you [ __ ] fox on that busy dial back there i've never seen a man navigate a vessel [Music] that's the evading jokes big shout out brandon who's been running around doing amazing things helping build the call center and saving people he's so excited about saving people and putting such uh amazing events on i just stepped on your shoes too so sticky green field says chaiwala chaiwala amy g what's up amy um love you guys from california sd low key if oh loki yeah if any call or if any calls come through let me know what is sue thank you for joining the fight thank you so much all right brandon's gonna call so this is a this is a victim's son and his uh father of 89 years old was scammed out of seventeen thousand dollars i'll explain the story hopefully they pick up pick up if the voice mailbox comes on i got to walk away so y'all can't hear please leave your message [Music] with you i can't leave my number over there yeah yeah all right here we go our round two or here we go you hear anything it's just no nothing yet the gold did not go through yet freaking scammer payback he built his own call center let's go how awesome is that maestro i mean that's a long message are they like replaying it or something mm-hmm yeah nobody neon family says art has many talents who's wearing the mask maybe jim james he looks like a ufc fighter thank you man whoever that was oh you oh me i was like no ashton hey clearly they meant me armand wants haleem says malik usama do you work with armand he might there's something okay i was like are you on the phone with him yeah i was like are you doing your own thing he's like yeah i've got a victim it's sounding like that man cost more time five minutes and 20 seconds this call and still it's still an income and still income says incoming tim tree frog says mater paul scott from australia thank you uh where do we get to buy the delete the files cap it's on uh you can buy all the misspellings you want yeah so and it looks like you're connected though no everything is connected yeah downloading them on roblox too to help block these collars yeah i love these two thing at the top last time it was like directly without even touching anything it was yeah one thing that one lady was saying to carl was like i get all these freaking calls all the time you know and having that layer of protection on there would probably stop a lot of these so um can you turn on subtitles i mean i don't know maybe man that is that is jeremy deal says namaste carl you rock thank you for all that you do thank you jeremy oh we're running cameras yeah we're running right now so this is the junior right now incredible um carl you're gonna have to start responding in hindi that's it everything is in here yeah namaste zoe j have a drink on me thank you for all the hard work and dedication thank you um tetra says i joined the fight thank you uh shutter speed ireland says tell jim i am from lauren blue spot close by nice um aaron young thank you for the super chat golokan gup okay sophie robinson said fart that was the nickname for you i think um people were talking about your fart video earlier like you did some fart video oh no fighting into my business partner he does that pardon me no your character you're a mortimer um he can do great what is it called impersonation whatever the difference all right yeah we got kicked off of that one yeah yeah i got kicked out you got kicked off so they might be going around like yeah they might be let's see doing it for today yeah let's just do that so here i got a number let's see if we can get them everybody see if they can call us okay okay i'll give you the first couple digits and then we'll have to pass it down yeah all right it's eight zero three um got it got it okay do you have a way to call it oh you're going to call it yourself good yeah you're calling this one too oh my god so like kind of staggered though like we'll have the first one you know and we'll see how many of them are going to pick up this is the armon one so you can all ask for armon if you want okay shall we go yeah start it off well let's see it's staggering to see like if they have four or five people in there or ten or whatever hello hello hello hello yes hello i'm looking for the cancellation department please yes oh david hi um we spoke a little earlier i'm actually looking for armand though can i speak with armand this is the people's call this is the people's call center charlie where are you man yeah come on we already know armand's there are you armand he's hung up no well no he hung up yep we've got more numbers all right next up i don't know to diverse hello i might have died did it die is he still on there oh yes there's a cancellation thing over here okay can you help me out with the payment id or the invoice number oh where do i find that over here or isn't it yes is it on my screen here all right keep going guys everyone keep it started oh [Music] what he's speaking a language i don't understand where armani is this is the people's call center i work at the people's call center here what are you doing here yes he said to call him at this number oh [Laughter] um are you able to cancel my subscription well how come i can't speak your arm he told me i could call him well the line's blocking me now yeah okay are you able to cancel it here it is this one right here okay his name is pierogi my name my name is mrs pierogi oh my gosh this is so good batman and armada are best friends i don't know why you hung up [Laughter] there yeah do we want to try another uh are there other numbers yeah there's some other ones not well i haven't that's that one um let's see here mine is not even connecting but that didn't take long oh that's good oh my gosh armand the ending of the video is just a sea of poop let's see here it's it's you should join the people's call center this is where your people need to be they need to be right here helping victims not making them let's go hey yeah this has oh my gosh okay i've got and this is uh i'm gonna confirm if these guys are pretty gnarly um if i can get them to pick up then i'll give everyone the number these guys fight back like when i talk with them so if i can get them keep an eye one time i hope these guys pick up because they're for him every time anytime you get to 808 anytime you get 808 that's what's up they're freaking feisty man all you scammers with that 808 as your main number yeah okay all right they're not that one's not picking up they're probably like they'll just about to say i never receive voicemails like that oh i'm on a good side i forgot about it jim only calls when you're in trouble when you're troublemaker make sure you do not get scammed and leave a message for cj oh my god can i legit do that for me would you do that for me oh my god i've had the default uh voicemail for like 10 years okay how do you do this i need the greeting custom on custom all right so just hit record and whatever and literally i don't care what you say all right here we go that's a good one yeah no hit record right here yeah right hi this is ashton of trilogy media please don't get scammed this is signing off from jim browning yeah [Applause] no it's perfect oh my gosh a little celebratory toast is anybody going to partake yeah i know the guy okay artist you're going to have something oh not everyday cucumbers and kale well yeah actually it is every day i ask are you have another one i don't know but somebody better get entertaining really quickly but everyone who wants to partake here's a scammer tears mug to drink our uh look at this scammer tears baby that's what it's all about yeah thank you are these in your store no we just got them for them i was like yeah [Laughter] what an incredible week by the way uh that was a good ending to like all of us come together and do this like i should stand up troll armand sorry sorry bro thanks everyone that supports scam baiting in general the whole community this is what it's all about these kinds of moments shout out to the whole sb team that put like literally you guys everyone brandon cena daniel brandon's family too that was help helping put stuff together um and everyone that flew from around the world like this is like the heart of scambaiting is helping people and making a difference and we for sure did that and thank you so much man no i just you covered it all the last thing i'm going to say everybody is don't get scammed [Music] nailed it we'll pass it around pass it around i want to do we got more than one right just a little more sorry here it might help us one person's pores thanks everyone also in the community that's watched all the streams across the board here um really amazing uh the support is incredible so i hope you all have fun too across all the streams and there's gonna be like so much content about like and it there'll all be unique takes on everything too because everyone has their own story and it's going to be phenomenal so go check out everything when it drops oh my god i thought our mom was here [Laughter] when we do release all the content it'll be all at the same time so you can binge watch all of it so um support everybody thank you guys yeah cheers yeah what are you doing we're not ready yet bro i got your glasses oh that's what we were holding yeah here we go this is for you and i have one more thing it's a good nice touch right there yep one second guys doesn't sparkle no what's up you're like i know what are you doing sorry you're gonna read a poem [Laughter] [Laughter] i'll fix it you just selected the wrong thing but that's all right wow because you played tv ready to cut all this out in the edit cena yeah all right guys right here all right guys the one behind you is off by the way yeah i got it this is your favorite song too i'm not afraid anymore all right cheers [Applause] [Music] let's [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] i'm not afraid of you i'm not afraid of you i'm not afraid of you anymore [Music] well um nobody's gonna be streaming for like another month after this hi literally guys i know that don't get scammed don't get freaking scammed yeah [Music] dancing with the car what
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 535,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scams, comedy, scambaiter, scambaiting
Id: KvGEIKlDvks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 2sec (12782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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