THE PATRIOT (2000) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!! American Revolution | Full Movie Review!

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citizens of the reject Nation look it's  Tera ER and John Hy we're back together   again and we're watching The Patriot oh  that was my bow and arrow he's doing some   patriarchal song drum F baby yep  good good good guys don't forget   to like type in there leave a comment for  us don't forget reation [Music]   and also of course never forget to ring the bell  ring the bell woo he always does harmony with me   and it's perfect thanks and prea for helping us  edit down these videos we super appreciate you and   if you haven't got on patreon I don't know what  you're doing because we call you super sexy over   there this is my super sexy accent you get to sink  up with your own coffee the Queen's accent a see   what I mean and the Queen is this is the only  thing you want to listen to from the from an   English person about this movie exactly it's the  re because it's like the revolution Revolutionary   War joke is going well is going he went he you  know what I give John credit for is he went for it   and then he was like well it might have bombed but  it's all right it's America's past time to take a   swing of the old baseball and to sink up with your  own copy and Greg and John offer exclusive tlights   and watchalong over there so if you're not already  on patreon you need to get on there and support   the channel hang us we love you guys so much  thank you for everything for liking commenting   subscribing doing all the things and sharing the  videos I go through those comments man I love   your guys' support and we love you so much should  we watch the patreon is there anything else you   have to say no I'm I I am not greatest expert on  the finer details you know and there's certainly   the looming Mel but let's just get into it and  let's see what the movie has to off let's do it oh it's already intense with that music that  just that one coming in that one C whatever that   is I was going to call it a chellun and I was  like I don't know if it is but I already am   like getting the feels oh Roland Emerick okay  do we we know him I don't know if I know Mr   Independence Day oh I love that movie I have long  feared that my sins would return to visit me oh   and the cost is more than I can bear oh where'  you get that hatchet love that opening line eth   Ledger e Ledger oh my goodness oh this is pretty  yeah it's gorgeous and this was definitely like   back in the film days yeah wait oh my God she I  re both of these kids I recognize them and they   look so young and they're still working now  I believe wow oh my God I want to live here   this is gorgeous I like that they're showing us  the scope of it yeah like taking it in how big   like the land is kind of surrounding them I would  love to see how many Condominiums it has become   today yeah oh God so sad you're probably right Tom  Wilkinson he's in a lot of historical stuff okay   thank you you're welcome how is this movie  going to treat slavery oh your boy there he   is wow love him he looks so young in that  hat too yeah totally oh you lost your hat   there buddy go back and get it it's sunny  outside oh and John Williams on the music ah   epic Andrew would be exploding right now  yeah he would excitement love you buddy this is just so I love how they're taking  their time this is such a cool tracking   shot I've seen the kids like run through  the field father a post Rider did you   finish planting the south field more than half  those swimming breaks really cut into the day   don't they come on man kids got K they're  doing fun stuff Thomas wait for father oh   him from Suits oh you are the Andrew of  this video now you recognize everyone what's oh is he hoping it  won't break yeah how's my handiwork a damn I felt that  oh man stifle that laugh back there oh what a great yeah no oh so cute at two  little one God and like the the Moss that hangs   from the Tre yes the light coming through they  put the like with the fog they probably had to   pump in pump pump in like for put that dust in  there but it looks beautiful like especially   these period movies they will run that smoke Mach  F somebody's next next to the camera like weaving it I feel like this is rolling in   attempting to make a Steven Spielberg movie thus  far at least it feels that way so what was in the mail oh fascinating love that  okay so you got to wait for Dad   there's so much Active Space Between everybody on screen we got Charles Town new recruits  continental army Peter cin joined the   Continentals he's 17 a year younger than I oh  no oh Heath leure really wants he wants to go   yeah boys want to fight you know well the assembly  has been convened so I've been called to Charles   Town we're going to Charles Town we leave in the  morning oh wow Charles Town off to Charles Town   we go I mean Hamilton's happening somewhere not  far from here yeah in this stretch of [Music] time wow I just realized weird in for like  one of those big production value movies   yeah because of the way this set is like the  way it looks so in that time like wow that's   a great special effect um yeah and I'm like  is there a map painting in here mixed with   yeah like force perspectives or are those  just really all big ships right well I mean   that that shot looks very [Music] real  everyone in this is a big actor who's   still working they're huge what have you  been feeding them well they're from good   stock M giving him that HGH Thomas sorry  sexual tension there in the sexiest time   oh my God the colors in this beautiful yeah  it looks like some of the old paintings G Gabriel oh wow wow nothing ever happens to you medicate the  queen of [ __ ] and hail the passing of King   George my name is Peter Howard I lost most of  my hearing and my left leg fighting for the   crown in the French and Indian War wowe and  how did King George reward me he cuts off my   other leg with his taxes yeah Miss Howard isn't  you know who I am Gabriel Martin let's not play   the last time you saw me I was 11 and you put  ink in my tea oh rude oh I believe that was   one of my younger brothers perhaps Samuel or  Nathan it was you and it turned my teeth black   for a month whoa I would be so mad glad you  didn't get poisoned yeah our first order of   business and our last if we vote a levy our  first order of business will be an address by   Colonel Harry Burwell of the continental army  costume design on point y'all yeah looks great   oh Chris I love him yeah I'm a soldier and  we are at War from Philadelphia we expect a   declaration of independence yep Massachusetts  and Virginia may be at War but South Carolina   is not oh him too God I mean literally everyone  is not a war for the independence of one or two   colonies but for the independence of one nation  and uh yes what nation is that an American Nation   there is no such nation and to speak of one  is treason oh we are citizens of an American   Nation and our rights are being threatened by  a tyrant 3,000 M away yeah whole Ocean's why   should I trade one Tyrant 3,000 M away for  3,000 tyrants one mile away bars an elected   legislature can trample a man's rights as easily  as a king can I understood you to be Patriot if   you mean by Patriot am I angry about taxation  without presentation well yes I am yeah but if   you're asking me am I willing to go to war with  England well then the answer is most definitely   no okay we'll see this from the same Captain  Benjamin Martin whose Fury was so famous during   the Wilderness Campaign o i was intemperate in my  youth Temperance can be a convenient disguise for   fear uh-oh we take our case before the king we  plead with him yes we've tried that well then   we try again and again if necessary to avoid  a war we write him a Stern letter the British   Advanced three times and we killed over 700 of  them at Point Blank Range and still they took   the ground oh that is the measure of their resolve  okay yeah they've got numbers and resources I have   seven children my wife is dead now who's to care  for them if I go to war yeah yeah good question   Wars are not fought only by childless men but  mark my words this war will be fought not on   the frontier or on some distant battle field but  amongst us among our homes yeah our children will   learn of it with their own eyes and the innocent  will die with the rest of us slow Dolly pushing   is really good and because I will not fight I will  not cast a vote that will send others to fight in   my stead huh his son stand on business there and  your principles I'm a parent I haven't got the   luxury of principles huh to certain principles  yeah good line the writing in this is so very good oh he's signing up I thought you a man of  principle when you have a family of your own   perhaps you'll understand when I have a family of  my own I won't hide behind them woof there's a lot   of good perspectives flying around sick burn  is as imprudent as his father was at his age   regrettably so I'll see to it that he serves under  me make him a clerk or Quarter Master something of   that sort you're not going to he's not he will  not be happy about that dear Thomas though many   seasons have passed it seems like only yesterday  when we last saw each other in charl toown it was   with great sadness that I learned of its recent  fall to the British under General Cornwallis oh   damn he's corn walles I received a letter from  aun Charlotte telling me she had closed her home   in Charlestown after the city fell and moved to  her Plantation on the [Applause] [Music] Santi H   the way they do colors in this is just gorgeous  and Caleb de Chanel is Zoe's father who did the   cinematography oh here in the north our campaign  has been marked by defeat yeah boes have been   Grievous oh God the amount of oh man no my good  friend Peter C valad Elizabeth down as he was   looking out for him in the paper his death has  been difficult to Bear good hand writing when   your hands are that cold yeah we are told that  Suma will March South with General gates to fight   the Red Coats under corn Wallace thank you sir  what is he having you do seems like you're out   there in the thick of it I envy you your Youth  and your distance from this cruel conflict from   which I am aart but I consider myself fortunate  to be serving the cause of Liberty and though I   fear death each day in prayer I reaffirm  my willingness if necessary give my life   in its service H but above all pray for the  cause your loving brother Gabriel man is a Believer what are you doing you think war is dress  up this is not going to be good not [ __ ] Thomas   when 17 that's 2 years it's already been two  the war could be over by then oh God willing   all right 17 all right wow Mel Gibson is really  just no words very good what happened at Fort   Wilderness put it away he got the trauma PTSD and  like there's big seems like a good amount of time   has passed too so he's yeah he's really having to  live with this tension of yeah the war what it's   doing to my [Music] family oh my my kids don't  understand what I'm afraid of how far away oh   they're a long way off they're most likely heading  the other direction yeah God I have a put those   in the house father they might come way must I  tell you again he's just trying to be prepared   Dad yeah man I'm glad he's like you know he's on  watch cuz he's like I'll be ready oh my goodness what is this he Ledger we're going to have to  fight them off won't father do that they'll   probably kill us men and do Lord knows what  to you women whoa whoa keep buddy keep that   to yourself she's probably raising you dude what  did I do what is this a robber or Heath I need to   know is this yeah is it Heath is it an American  who is just looking for shelter is this like a   British dude runoff Mrs hog wall up uping r u n  n o f t slow turn yeah okay I knew it from his   like jaw bone you're like that's him Abigail  oh man water and bandages F oh man oh you're   in it now battle were you there have you seen  any Red Coats no not yet oh man children come upstairs fish green drons cut us to bits I  was giv these dispatches as I left I saw the   Virginia regular surrender no the drons rode  into them killed them all who over 200 men I   have to get these dispatches to Hillsboro we  have the concept of war crimes yet you're in   no position to ride I can't stay here it's not  safe for oh that sounds close yeah man that's   if you can hear somebody yelling yeah you  better all gun up oh God that scared me yeah   that o count the Mississippi between  Thunder claps what a shot with the   smoke the way it is I'm like yeah is that a  CG enhancement or was some poor grip out pa   out there w f it over there wow man wa  and the the flashing like how bright it is oh my gosh wow right in his front yard what happened did he like take people in  or I just hear voices like a tri now oh wow okay like a that that's a horror movie  shot yep agreed coming right out of the   out of the Corn yeah we're going to Commander  this are they just going to go around or what what oh god this guy is's going  to be good thank you for the care   of his Majesty's soldiers yeah  this is about to become a battle Zone oh that's a Jason Isaac's Lieutenant have  a Detachment take our wounded to our surgeons   of Windsor yes sir fire the house and B what  what be known if you Harbor the enemy you will   lose your help wow man by standing order of his  majesty King George all slaves of the American   colonies who fight for the crown will be granted  their freedom really sir we're not slaves we work   this land freed men well then your freed men who  will have the opportunity and the privilege of   fighting in the king's Army aren't you what if  we don't win who carried this I did Sir huh I   was wounded these people gave me care they have  nothing to do with the dispatchers take this one   to Camden here's a spy hang him put his body  on display oh my God he's a dispatch Rider and   that's a marked case destroy the livestock save  the hes oh my God this is a uniform dispatch Rider   and carrying a mark case he cannot be held as a  spy no we're not going to hold it we're going to   hang him the Rope is going to hold him Colonel  father oh don't say father in front of him ouch   oh I see it's your son oh perhaps you should have  taught him something of loyalty Colonel I beg you   please reconsider by the rules of War rules of War  would you like a lesson sir in the rules of War   or perhaps your children will my God  don't you do it buddy man no lesson   is necessary what of the Rebel wounded  yeah kill them oh you grow a conscience over oh my god oh man do something quiet  God this kid's going to get himself killed   what is he doing what is he doing oh no  get I mean I don't blame him but yeah   no no what yep yeah yeah he ain't com back from that oh that belt to now you got to go to war stupid boy  you're evil yep you're evil man I am but   I guess you'll always be up against that in a war  scenario at some point yeah like the rules of War   alone as a concept is such a tenuous  thing [Music] yeah oh man I love how   much this movie says so much without  words [Music] yeah Jesus Christ my goodness it's another one of the ugliest sides   of humanity where we go around just  burning stuff we don't have to burn oh my gosh oh my gosh straight up execuse [Music] oh they going with him or are they just  taking them captured [Music] yeah only let we   stay here no oh here we go he's going to go strap  up oh yeah you better get those guns before that   house burns down he got his secret John Wick  baseman I hope so Nathan Samuel I'm going to   teach you how to use these I want you to hide  in the fields with William and Susan if we're   not back by Sunset I want you to take them to your  anart is that clear wow oh man we're we're on it   now we're on it everyone's growing up quick today  oh boy wow all right here we go cuz I had no idea   what the actual like setup would be I just assumed  he would be like in in in the Army right me me too yeah God when so much of America was just like  still Uncharted yeah Uncharted land and just you   could or at least un yeah like unrefined anyway  yeah yeah it's a good spot boys listen to me I'll   fire first I want you two to start with the  officers and work your way down can you tell   the difference yes Father yes Father good wow  anything should happen to me I want you to to   drop your weapons and I want you to run as quickly  as you can now you hide in the brush make your way   home get your brother and your sisters and you  take them to your a charlott's understood what   did I tell you fellas about shooting small Miss  small Miss small a small Miss small Samuel steady   all right breathe deep I feel that I got to say  I mean Rowan Emerick is pulling out the stops   to make this feel like a film you know not just  like a roller coaster yeah know I mean this is um   minute like a few people have attempted  to shift Michael Bay with like Pearl   Harbor certainly but like so far this is  pretty gripping yeah oh dude yeah don't   don't aim and hit your brother buddy can you  imagine oh just dump some salt in that [Music] wound oh please oh man I hope they get him oh  this poor kid yeah this would be scary as hell   it sure would oh boy oh there we go wow great  great shot that he got him he got him officer   down oh nice shot all three for reload  reload reload oh out fight going to say   how long the reload take oh he's sniping you  left and right yeah all right come on kids yes   and these guns are not renowned  for their accuracy but these kids   are pretty good they're Mel's kids  man yeah he made them practice I bet damn kid yeah oh my God he's going hand to hand oh my goodness wow wao wao yeah  oh I mean painful but also damn come on reload jeez you see a whole new side of your daddy yep of course oh gosh of course my man over here whoa yes wow did that go  through his hand into his face   oh that ra right in his head yes this man's  a warrior he's not going to let him go nope   you are not getting away buddy oh wow  where did you learn that axe fighting right oh he's got to let some  frustration out we get it it's   been tough it's probably the most grief he has  actually gotten out in a minute and it y wife   and his son just died and now he just saved  his other son from almost dying I get it wowow this is for all of it this is for  the Wilderness this is for everything he's   killing like candy like candy did to the  other lady if y'all know the murder story   of candy oh yeah she just went on with it  yep I'm going to have to look that [Music] up oh oh Jesus [Music] W oh dad looks scary  you you have not seen your dad like that this   will change you yeah war is bloody and harsh  brutal and it's demanding he didn't really have   a choice yeah you know especially in a moment in  time like this I guess where it's like literally   all you have is like what's in front of you and  nearby I really hope they took that Carriage with   the horses yeah that's just me cuz a resource  and I would take all those guns too on those   dead bodies take them all home yeah we have  the private the Cherokee Scouts brought him   Cherokee Scouts what happened who did this it was  M now 20 of his Majesty's soldiers are dead and I   need to know how he said there was were you  there oh take your time and tell me how many   were there were they militia but they regulars  don't really remember how many maybe one maybe   baby that's not the answer you want at all  could barely see him he was there and then   he was gone well he just vanished sounds more  like a ghost than a man yes a ghost if we can't   capture this ghost before word of his exploits  spread who's this sir this is Captain Wilkins   oh he was with the loyalist Colonial militia I  thought he might be of some use another Colonial   ah oh good he did do what I said good good  all right I'm on board heard you yeah he was listening I killed those men you did what I  told you to do you did what you had to there   was no wrong in it I'm glad I killed them okay  I'm glad that's a little little far well I guess   I'd be glad too they they killed your brother  they burned down your house I'd probably be   glad too that I killed him I don't know it's  a lot it's both it's a lot there's a lot going   taste for this but also especially when faced  with like the can I handle this of it all I'm   sure you would yeah you've done nothing for  which you should be ashamed I've done nothing   and for that I am ashamed the flips man the  there's they're cooking some of with this   dialogue yep gates in the Continental Army  are at Hillsboro I'm joining up with them   Gabriel we we just got we just got we just got  you here you your place is here now I'm going   back I'm a soldier it's my duty your duty  is to your family don't you walk away from   me boy sorry Father I'll find you when this is  all over no you're not going I I forbid you to   go I'm not a child you're my child Thomas is  dead how many more have to die before you'll   heed my word what do you even say I mean it's  his duty like he's very he's the cause remains   yeah take a night I guess there's no time to waste  though well will you be back father I don't know   tomorrow no not tomorrow you say your prayers  I will Athan I want you to take care of your   brothers and sisters and your Aunt Charlotte I'm  depending on you man in the house now thank you so yeah I mean it's so great just that  slight move with her of like and the   kind of disappointment in this shorter goodbye  it's so much it's wistful yeah watching after him Jesus what what are what is he running from  he's obviously running yeah what did you steal   oh he robbed the house the lighting coming down  from that window on the stairs wow okay wow now we   really see the scope of it but through his point  of view which I really like [Music] [Applause]   sure wow I want to understand why the music why  the Fanfare is the the tone that it is right   it's so kind of light and sprightly yeah for  what we're doing here yeah agreed I guess it's   what they played when they were going to war I'm  like is this to boost morale right keep spirits up I mean how do they just keep Mar  like it does like all combat takes   an insane amount of resolve but just  yeah just to March forward into fire   to death like yeah and if you're at the  front you just like you know what your   odds are yeah [Music] fire oh Jesus I mean wow  so weird where'd you come from I'm not going   back no I didn't expect you would that Gates is  a damn fool spent too many years in the British   army going muzzled muzzled with red coats in  open field it's Madness yeah agreed make PR [Applause] PR I mean it's just dumb I would be fascinated someday to kind   of yeah hear an expert expound  on how this kind of combat was theorized who that that just came  clean up there that came right   my face and it took it decapitated that guy  that was a great illustrative POV amazing   right in right what he would have seen  and and just a matter of fact it's lost cause is he going to take it with him yeah he's going to put it in his coat pocket and  it's going to stop a bullet later Benjamin Martin   I'm in no mood for a lecture your general Gates  now now the last anyone saw riding hard Northeast   his staff 100 yds behind trying to catch up so  who's in command I am and I have had a long ass   what are my orders in the North Washington is  reeling from Mars town running and hiding from   12,000 red coats in the South corn Wallace has  broken our back captured over 5,000 of our troops   when he took charlest Town Jesus so now there's  nothing to stop him from heading north to finish   off Washington unless week can keep Cornwallis in  the South till the French arrive hey they promised   a fleet and 10,000 troops oh Big Ups they did help  us out I do know that much you actually trust the   French to keep their word ABS oh Benjamin Martin  major French sth light foot is here to help train   the militia the hero of Fort Wilderness your  reputation preced you do that reputation I   bet you son didn't know that till just now you  really expect to hold corn Wallace here using   just militia well not me you Harry they're not  soldiers they're Farmers they'd be better off   letting the British just March through they'd be  better off but the cause wouldn't let's get a Zach   Snider wheat Montage going 8,000 infantry around  600 Cavalry I'm giving you a field commission as   a colonel might I request sir that you transfer  my son here under my command sir no I no that's done there's a definite chain of Comm he gets I  know yeah right Horseman Marksman scavenger that's   so yes sir I could be a better service with the  regulars where' you learn all that riding shooting   Scavenging my father taught me mhm I mean yeah he  also taught you every Deer Path and swamp Trail   between here and charl town which is why he asked  for your transfer we'll put the word out start on   the south side of the San we cover him all ground  if we split up he's right very well Corporal you   take Harrisville pen Brook Wakefield I'll start on  the north side of the Santi and we'll meet at Old   Spanish mission in Black Swan yes sir Black Swamp  that still a place today Corporal be careful yes   sir I also want to know who designed the aesthetic  of every different Army's uniform yeah agreed like   I like this French guys get up me too Gibson over  here is in this like darker kind of contrasting   yeah Navy look I mean like the other soldiers are  also wearing Navy but it's yeah right it's like so   many different little nuances yeah and it all kind  of goes together with a color palette like when   you look at the light blue with the Navy with the  red with the white with like it looks like it was   they made sure that it was in opposition to Red  to predominantly red totally scats the mountain   then extends down towards the Headwater here and  right across to the far Bank of the Ohio River   it's 100,000 acres it's an imposing land ground my  Lord you will be a country unto yourself oh good   this guy what a joy Majesty is most generous  my Lord though of course your service in this   war more than warrant such a gift this is how his  majesty rewards those fight for him as gentlemen   his majesty like history judges us not only by  the outcome of the war but the manner in which   it was fought okay surrendering troops will be  given quarter these brutal tactics must stop oh   is it not enough my Lord that I have never lost  a battle you serve me and the manner in which you   serve me reflects upon me sure you got to know  something like that a gentleman from a family as   esteemed as yours would understand that exactly  my late father squandered any esteem in which   we were held along with my inheritance I advis  myself only through victory you advance yourself   only through my good graces these Colonials  are our Brethren when this conflict is over   we will reestablish Commerce with them jeez do  you understand Kel huh perfectly my Lord I don't   know if he'll actually change his ways though  even after a Stern talking yeah who knows he's   going to become a good hearted person right he's  going to become a pacifist go on a hunger strike   start are meditating oh Jesus those look like K  my God what is going on here oh my God in front   of the church oh there's still people oh God  this is just the [Music] cruelty and was and   then it makes you wonder like did that happen  as a result of something gentle gentlemanly   right you know which savagery is okay the South  Carolina militia is being called up I'm here to en   every man willing is that Donald log yes pray for  them but honor them by taking up arms with us King   George can hang those men our friends he can hang  any one of us Dan Scott barely a week ago I heard   you rail for 2 hours about independence stand on  business how many times have I heard you speak of   Freedom at my father's table half the men in this  church including you father and you Reverend oh   are as Ardent Patriots as I what are you going to  do about it will you now when you are needed most   stop only words is that the sort of men you are  I ask only that you act upon the beliefs of which   you have so strongly spoken and in which you so  strongly believe woof a they have never been more   in love mhm right she's got his back long way from  Ink Tea who's with us come on [Music] y'all yeah   then after that you know you got to let's go  corduroy got one dude in the back oh wow that   kid's young [Music] yeah H the sound track yeah Mr  Howard sir oh nice shot may I have permission to   write to an a yes you have permission to write  me a writer oh oh what did you think you said   ride oh of course of course it's right there  I'm just my mind is so p and mine is in the gutter oh the shepherd must tend  his flock and at times fight off   the Wolves got your plague doctor all right go get it let's do this there's a fine line between  other cheeking and and you know prot needing   to stand up for protection I suppose yeah you sure  this is the right place to recruit for a Min yeah   for sure all these guys all these character actors   they got they got something down there  they need to fight for God save King George ah smart man smart man love it  nice that's so great all the Pirates   are packing [Applause] what little sound effect I  think we came to the right place you know how you   got got him calm down for 5 minutes to talk  they hang my brother down to aor every damn   one of them red Coast deserves to die sign all  my I would make through the first Skirmish no   sir you can have whoa you fight my stad aam get  over here aam's razor he ain't overly smart he's   strong as bull can you right no no no sir well  let Make Your Mark what I just signed him over   to you Jesus man if you're willing I'd like  you to make your mark yeah oh this poor guy that'll do how do you feel about fighting  there's a story going around about some 20   Red Coats got killed by a ghost or some damn  thing carried a Cherokee Tomahawk aren't you   a little old to be believeing those stories  what is his name uh he's got like a middle   initials it's going to kill me he's in  like Pleasantville oh he's like the mayor   in Pleasantville I think okay oh love this  this another like painting totally of a frame the Black Swamp oh Jesus yeah which one's you  oh he's boiling down what to make bullets or   something yeah to make musket balls right smart  sad but smart how many did you get 12 these men   they're not the sword we need you need fully  trained assassins yeah they're exactly the sort   we need they fought this kind of War before  what about me I want of that sort hell no   you're the sort that gives that sort a bad name  I want accuracy and precision accuracy precision   yeah what what tactics are you going to what  are what are the special French tactics yeah   wait what's going on okay oh all right we're  seeing it like this is a really cool editing   wow yeah use that cover [Music] Ambush Maybe it's  wow wow that's a video game W wo in the cotton   field cheesus wow oh my God just the the amount of  emotional [ __ ] you got to historical like that   staging alone of that scene is like so loaded yeah  dear an our Force continues to grow for the ghost   so good I long to see you and speak to you I'm  feel that our Jud will bring me near you until   then I am and will remain most affectionately  yours Gabriel wonder if these are based on real   letters right and if the ghost thing was real and  if that's like a real wanted like right a wanted   thing looking for the they call him the [Music]  ghost Jesus for the love of God we these men were   about to surrender perhaps we will never know this  is murder oh Reverend their red coat they' earned   it we are better men than that what do you know  about War I know the difference between fighting for oh oh boy here we go both sides got to  deal with this quandry who are you to give   such an order I know what you and your men did  to my countrymen at forth Wilderness uhoh we're   militia this is not regular army every man here  is free to come and go as he pleases but while   you're here you will obey my command or I will  have you shot okay Officer uniforms the hell you   think all this is worth it's the personal  correspondence of Lord Cornwallis whoa oh   Char okay that's some juice right there if we  win this war a lot of things will change but   we'll have a chance to build a new world a world  where all men are created equal under God equal   sounds good yeah I've just been in the mind  of a genius still working on it still working   on it Lord con Wallace knows more about Warfare  than we could hope to learn in a dozen lifetimes   that's cheerful news his victories at Camden and  Charlestown were perfect and he knows it once more   wow wow this is gorgeous every freaking shot in  this is just it's so thought out and beautiful   and the lighting it's like it really does look  like a work of art when you pull out and you we   get they give us the scope can Havington why  after 6 weeks am I still here in Middleton   Place attending a ball in South Carolina when  I should be attending balls in North Carolina   First the theft of my personal baggage including  my Memoirs upon which I spent countless hours   Bridges and fies between here and Charlestown  burned Colonel if you can't protect our supply   lines against militia how do you intend doing  so against the colonial regulars or the French   when they arrive they're Farmers with pitchforks  they're rather more than that I'm afraid my Lord   made so by the commander this ghost oh ghost ghost  your brutality has swelled his ranks without which   this ghost would have disappeared and I would  be in North Carolina or Virginia by now my lord   your replacement wardrobe is a board ship but  Colonel tavington thought it best to secure our   arms and Munitions first they are being  unloaded now and they're being brought   right here huh hey I was going to say use those  uniforms your advantage diabolical oh yes oh this guy no right in front of oh my God she  fire works oh my oh wow y down the Hat   the little flourishes of of a more Hollywood  movie here here and there here and there here   and there R and emer's doing his Blockbuster  thing but so far in just the right amount I   agree Howard I've come to call on Anne  respectful young boy here I've come to   call on an well of course you call yourself a man  father stop it you heard him call hon her this guy yeah this SP and this it's like a peaceful moment  for him probably before a very big storm and a   yeah rare like spiritual reflection moment we need  worry father yeah I know I think bundling bags are   a wonderful tradition I don't mind in the least  oh is that like so that if he was sleeping over   he can't go to get her like is that so that  they don't have sex I guess I wouldn't put it   past them oh my God in the comments Enlighten  us come dear is it just like a a bundling bag   oh my God I have to [Music] know she is very  [Music] Charming she got you bro oh my [Music] God you've invented a whole aesthetic right now  you didn't even know it give it a few hundred   years people are going to be doing that so  Good by order General George Washington and   the Continental Congress allbound slaves who give  minimum onee service in the Continental Army will   be granted freedom and be paid a bounty of five  Shillings for each month of service damn first   they're going to free him and then they're going  to pay him another 6 months oh what are you saving   for what the hell you going to do with freedom  oh come on man I'm surprised he'd give given   what they're implying is attitude I'm surprised  he even read the thing accurately I made this for [Music] you I can't pay you for this  you pay me what you can when you can   I'm obliged a that's what friends are  for the good kind of friends take your [Music] time he's got the doggies [Music] oh she's got the ink you going explain sir in the [Music] world oh oh oh uh [Music] oh so cute [Music] hats off to  papy de Chanel man this movie looks gorgeous he doesn't he does so much  with just his face I love it yeah this   road is closed these wagons now belong  to the Continental Army ready arms all right hey hey V to wow oh he's watching leave the wagons  and go this is the King's Highway but   I advise you and your men to make way oh  it's a set up baby okay they're stepping   it up uhoh oh my goodness oh [ __ ]  oh my goodness oh [ __ ] yep oh my God oh [Music] god oh boy oh boy oh he going to save him  or at least get him out of the way get him safety wowe oh dang it dang it oh oh damn oh my gosh  no no no no no yes bad bad bad the [Music] river one thing the maybe the  only thing I'll give Jason Isaac's character   is he is out here he is getting sick of it oh no  no no 22 are dead 18 wounded and 20 are missing   I'm through 21 I don't blame you guy he won't be  the last to leave trust me soon my countrymen will   arrive the French army is hell with you wherever  you go men buy you drinks because of what happened   to Fort Wilderness strangers know more about you  than I do tell me what happened your mother asked   me that question round about the time you were  born I was drunk and foolish enough to answer it   w the French and the Cherokee had raided along  the Blue Ridge the English settlers had sought   Refuge at Fort Charles by the time we got there  they left about a week before but what we found   was they' killed all the settlers men with  the women and some of the children they had   we buried them all what was left of them oh wow  we caught up with them at Fort Wilderness we took   our time we cut them apart slowly oh we placed  the heads on a pallet and sent them back with   the two that lived to Fort ambercon wow wow  tongues fing ERS we put in baskets sent them   down the ashel of the Cherokee wow woof soon  after the Cherokee broke their treaty with the   French that's how we Justified it Jesus Thomas  was my brother as well as your son you may not   believe this but I want satisfaction as much  as you do not at the expense of our cause yeah   there will be a time for avenge and until then  stay the course that's what your mother used   to say to me when I'd uh get drunk or lose my  temper she said to me when I picked on [Music] Thomas but oh what's going on here who do  we got the British got 18 of our men at   four Caroline oh dang yeah they going to be hung  one at a time until I give up the rest of them wow White Flag White Flag white flag there is a rider at  the gates I'm occupied he has a pair of dogs   with him Great Dane you better wake right  up those are your puppy dogs protect us in   this our hour of need this we ask in the name  of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost that's good did not see this coming oh no now he gets to sit in a real   rocking chair oh is he going to sit  in it he's going to take notes on it I know right you are cursed Jupiter Mars come boys come Jer and  Mars come called oh my good boys my Brave   boys I thank you for that I don't know your  name I'm a colonel with a continental army   my rank should be sufficient for now a colonel  you must know that in civilized Warfare offices   in the field must not be accorded inappropriate  levels of hostile attention to your mind what are   appropriate levels of hostile attention that is  the million trillion dollar question would follow   from leaderless armies having at each other there  must be gentlemen in command to lead and and and   when necessary restrain their men restrain them  from saying targeting civilians women children and   such that's a separate is you no no no I consider  them linked and as long as your soldiers attack   civilians I will order the shooting of officers  at the outset of every engagement and my men are   excellent marksmen yep now let us move on to  prisoner exchange Jason Isaac's not going to   like that I have 18 of my men I want them back  18 criminals under sentence of death but I I   hold no prisoners of War let's go semantics  let's go 19 if you hang me with my men my offices oh they're they're waiting  they're waiting in the in the trees   I bet to be like top of the ridge to your  left just below the tree line wow smart man their names and ranks they  refuse to give me their names   but their ranks are nine lieutenants  five captains three majors and one very   fat Colonel who called me a cheeky  fellow arrange the exchange [Music] bars oh doggies another movie moment for you oh  good yes just who I wanted y oh oh he remembers   you g what is this prisoner exchange he  has 18 of our officers is he I recognize   him is the commander of the militia your G  oh no oh no this is madness if you harm him   you condemn our officers he's killed as many  offices in the last 2 months he has shown no   aggression here hence he cannot be touched has  he not oh he's going to try to get him oh come   on dude what are you going to do I hate this  guy we you're the ghost are you I remember you   that farm that stupid little boy yeah don't do  it don't do it Mel come on man did he die and   it's an ugly business doing one's duty but  just occasionally it's a real pleasure oh   I hate him oh I want to just sucker punch  him in the face before this war is over I'm   going to kill you yes yes you are why  wait exactly what you want man pretty obvious soon no way he delivered that I'm going  to haunt your dreams for a little while yep that's that is the ultimate this is epic  I love it they literally ran out on him   oh my God God that they great they Clos that gate  real slow dogs had enough time to run all the way UPS oh oh clever wow cuz he had the uniforms  this is so good one of our captured officers   my Lord oh my [Music] God jokes on you baby I  want you to find that man I want you to capture   him the man has the Loyalty of the people they  protect him I can capture him for you but to do   so requires a use of tactics that are somewhat oh  yeah back to his what was the word you la a-hole   tactics that was the word brutal I think oh man  I am prepared to do what is necessary I alone   will assume the full mantle of responsibility for  my actions free of the chain of command rendering   you blameless thanks if I do this you and I  both know that I can never return to England   with honor what I wonder is to become of me  work some diplomatic magic when this war is   over here in the colonies the new aristocracy  will be land owners you could be one of them   y here's a piece of land for your D Ohio don't  you come for Ohio Plantation 7 mil from Wakefield   on the Santi east of black swarm who lived there  Benjamin Martin what do you know about him uhoh   hell everything I can tell you the size of his  boot does he have family where would he hide   his children and how big are his boots man they're  going to go kill the H this is bad this is bad his   wife said sister has a plantation ug ug here we go  ug this is not I don't like it there always no THS up oh lovely you remember what your daddy  taught you yeah he's probably been training   for this every day hey Charlotte hey  Charlotte wake up someone's coming   Charlotte grab a gun do something yeah  she's just going to act like the kids   are dead I don't know hide him Margaret  come quickly get in the Panic Room this way okay all right where are we going  where are we going come on now I don't like this get out of that window follow me what do we  got hiding the dumb waiter okay far mar quick get   down there fast is he going to stay up there and  try to [Music] if he takes another one of his kids boy come on my god get down there oh yeah don't be   a hero he's going to hide okay  hide hide hide oh man right there with the Spurs uhoh that was just  no he's going to hear that we need the   ug oh God damn it it can't be  far search the out buildings in   the woods quickly he's going to say  burn it right God that light on his face he heard it he heard it I know it  I know it I know it what do we got man   doing where did he go where did he go he's hiding   on the top of the table underneath the  tabletop oh just got oh oh smart smart   okay I guess yeah he just must have Blended  in with the tablecloth on the other [Music] side oh my gosh this is so risky yeah  jeez it's they're right there you know   but oh no where are they hiding okay  so freed men work for now she's jeez   keep locking in the air somewhere oh  [Music] oh no no no no no where's father   gosh dang it he knew this was coming ho  you [Music] damn yeah your fights with me wow come on it's hry come here yeah man like  wow it's a different I don't know like yeah you   the the amount you can use like Shadow and brush  to your advantage but also just how thin it's like   if somebody just looks the wrong way snap the  right twig like they won't stop looking for us   you'll be safe where we're taking you father said  it was a perfect place to hide I'll see see you   as soon as he can I hate it oh Susan you don't  hate him I hate him and I hope he never comes   back wow I mean I guess from  her perspective yeah I mean   it's tough she's young and how do you  process this yeah and he's been [Music] gone oh okay this looks like an Island Escape Yeah  by comparison it's the children hey oh wow a a she   spoke Susan talked to you oh no oh no oh no full  sentences as if she'd been uh speaking all along   damn I wasn't there for it what did she say did  she say of course he's going to I mean she said   U make up a lie she loves you and she back  that she loves you and uh misses you but she   understands why you can't be there with her she  said all that she said all that she's like four   buddy come on make it more realistic that was so  unreal oh man cavton has a list of our men he's   burning our homes killing whomever resists f ah  where seven homes along the Santi so far oh Jesus   a Revenge does not end no I mean it's going to  they're going to have to face off in some capacity yeah oh no oh what is it I don't want it oh  no oh yep that's his wife and his kid oh my   God yeah that red hair oh my god oh and his  little wooden gun that his dad gave him on   monsters John John's not here anymore  H John John this is not a time for   vengeance oh this is a time for mourning  yeah this is such a good acting Moment Like is she going to shoot himself I knew it I  knew it I knew it the pain and anguish in his   face he could never Escape that yeah he could  never Escape it that was beautiful beautiful   acting by him poor guy I felt it attend to your  fames his name JT Walsh like I'm he's such a good   actor any man who does not return will not be  thought a coward or uncommitted huh we've all   seen some [ __ ] yeah father Papa father father  my God they're huge what have you been feeding   they're from good stock on their father's side a  she gave you the line back yeah it's a nice little   call back they like those flips in the dialogue  Susan I heard what you said about [Music] me a   oh [Music] no yeah pain of knowing that you're  probably going to leave again [Music] yeah this   is a really sweet sentimental moment that he gets  to have a moment like with his family in the midst   of this war oh they're sharing some juicy eyes  right now oh yeah for dry itchy eyes use juicy   eyes I wish I had the juicy eyes yeah father what  changed you are you sure I have yeah you changed   he had a family that's simple was your mother you  made me a better man a woman can have a strange   effect on a man you once said when I had had a  family of my own that I'd understand oh you were   right oh oh he's in love wait is she pregnant did  it the girl wait what dip di dip dip dip dip did   he get on out of the the the have things happen  off screen yeah like what happened he did he get   out of the blanket apparently so thank you hey a  oh that's cute little timing there will you have   this man to be your husband to live in the  Covenant of marriage wow I will will you have   this woman to be your wife will you love comfort  and honor her for so long as you both shall live   I will I Now Pronounce You man and wife wow  a I like it as I will yeah I will instead of   I do or right yeah I don't know yeah there's  just the implication of there's a different   and will like will power yeah willingness it is  my will our shared will yeah I have something   for you you're a love one of the little things  belong to Gabriel's mother oh a it's the North   Star oh oh that's the only star in the sky that  never moves unwavering a guide always find your way he was made to wear these  big flowing ruffly shirts man   right I agree with you the puffy shirt yeah wow these Sunset shots are just  I mean and if it's not special   effects you have limited time to  get that kind of a shot with that   kind of a light and it's gorgeous the ad  is freaking out yeah all throughout this totally oh I'm not my sister I I know that  do you yes I do very well then huh [Music] y yep oh everyone's getting married today  Shakespeare oh man I'll see you in Penbrook   soon Nathan you know I'm counting on you now  to make absolutely sure that what goodbye she   going to kiss her goodbye yeah you have  to kiss her now she's going for okay you   got some explaining to do goodbye Susan goodbye  give her like a little just one more DET tell I one oh oh she's going to say something no oh  she a what a great little actor I feel everything don't go say anything a tell me what you want me to say I a sweet  girl I promise I'll come back you believe   me God you better yeah you better come  back you know you make me very happy no there you go learn to talk to her [Music]  yeah brilliant acting right here on both their   parts yeah I just felt all that just the  three of us John Raskin did come by earlier   he looked around then he left wow just three  of them wait are they coming in on the water   they got to be come on now oh oh just one or  what is it oh okay oh my dude all right oh yes   all right all right just needed to charge  back up what a good moment just need to go   out for a pit stop real quick I got another  two months to go before I get to 12 months H earn a little respect trust the French  mhm yes trust the French where else do I   get the opportunity to kill a few Red Coats  perhaps a few wounded ones when you're not [Music] looking wow is that just a bunch of  sap coming down the side of that tree yeah   uh oh this doesn't look good oh  man everyone's been requested to   gather at the church Colonel tavington  wishes to address the whole village oh good ug okay just ran the horse on in the church  this town was given Aid to Benjamin Martin and   His Rebel rightfully so sir I wish to know  his whereabouts anyone who comes forward may   be forgiven their treason no do not very well you  had your chance what is he going to do lock the   doors this man gives Martin and his men supplies  he brings him to Black Swamp he's alive oh my God   by the old Spanish mission dude what is what bro  Black Swamp you say by the old Spanish mission   thank you very much and what he's probably going  to shoot him shut the doors uh I knew it I knew   it what you going to do they burn the church  you said we'd be forgiven and it did you man   by God upstairs that's between you and go yep of  course uh knew this was coming pe oh wow they're   going to kill you before this place burns down  yeah oh you got to live with that ouch ready to   fire the town on your order sir the town burn the  church oh come on buddy there's no honor in this   didn't you say all those who stand against England  deserve to die a traitor's death stand on business   buddy burn the church Captain ouch it's never too  late to grow that conscience yeah let him run out   open the back door or something and then burn it  I don't know give me the touch you're going to do   it oh of course he is I mean yeah you come to that  crossroads you either double down or you turn back yeah what's he going to wait wait what  what what throw it Oh I thought he was   for a moment going to make  wow man wow oh my goodness oh man the H is found on the end nothing  means oh good wow this forgotten whose   philosophy is that is some Nichi shites or is  that some mackelli [ __ ] or philosophy heads   comment below who's the ends justify the means  [Music] guy that's what I'm talking about break   break out of that window my god dude they're  going to you just got hitched and then to die   in a [Music] church oh H him now all that in his  face too like you did that buddy yeah that's all you ah whoa wow that was a cool transition uhhuh oh no this this got to be a smoking pile of Bones God and two like the the early  makings of a of like a neighborhood or   just a few houses fences just  like a tiny little town like totally wow man they're not here no this  is going to light a fire under his butt   yeah look at that oh man steel remains  oh our necklace wow North Star oh oh no   there is oh there's the necklace okay cuz  I thought it had the same ribbon okay oh wow and these like somber dissonant  brass tones in the [Music] music   those long cords keep us on edge  of like he his face here he comes   yeah and he like pounding yep drums  in the way back Gabriel's gone oh no Revenge Yep this what they want man  this what they want God damn it oh no no   no no no no no I got a bad feeling about  this I have a very bad feeling about this   oh of course uhhuh of course this is  a Disney movie you'd be singing your   villain song right now they're like moving  his they're like using his play on yeah back   at him them out with their loved ones two  arms two arms okay or maybe they aren't prepared oh nice kind of looks like Michael  Sheen with that hairo yeah just so used to   seeing Michael she with that whoa oh dang it come  behind Okay yeah not him not him come on good but also oh okay okay ooh curve sword what kind of Sword  is that I know what sword experts   comment below what are these  what are these curved swords called dang it dang it come on Padre come on Blow  Gaston away let's do it let's do it let's do it wa yes ooh yes yes ooh oh no oh dang it oh no a gut for a gut  he's got to reload yep grab that gun that's   right buddy oh damn dude that's cool come  on come on man cook him right in the head hey go take his gun and shoot him again for  [Music] reassurance oh no he's going to stab   him like are we going to see a call back  to how dad was stabbing the other guy is   is he going to like scalp him or something  oh I don't know or cut his head off like   his dad did oh send it back to he said he  cut him into pieces remember yeah oh my gosh oh what a cool wowe oh what  no God damn it oh my God I knew   it oh my God such a snake no  every step of the way what a snake oh I hate that he is still living oh oh  no man oh God he's going to walk in on this no oh I'm sorry be quiet I'll take care of  you you're going to be all right oh I'm   sorry about thas oh ran that wasn't  your fault oh that was mine hold on   you're going to be all right  you're yeah don't go Gabriel don't second time it's too much yeah oh wow oh wow M oh wow oh my God that's terribly sad  and beautifully acted yeah well crafted   performance need an intermission yeah I  agree pull myself back together this is   a lot boy oh man we ain't seen you in a  minute I hope you bury him I'll bury him   my wife and Alexandria is with child oh  my first I fight for that child Benjamin   nothing will replace your sons but if  you come with us you can justify their sacrifice I don't know why why did a man feel they  can justify death that's the question you matter   to your men and to others as well your victories  and and your losses are shared by more than you   know stay with us stay the course I have run my  course yeah oh you men will be leaving with us yes   wow what a beautiful golden hour shot or Sunrise  I don't know oh lagy just together yeah oh my goodness Patchwork quilt of America  that'll make him go back because of   everything his son stood for right yeah  I mean how do you honor him and now with   the flag you have to he honored yeah he  believed in the cause above everything else oh oh damn sweet move wow look at that you  asked for a morale [Music] boost ha huzzah it was   just renfair wasn't [Music] [Applause] it with  that sun yep that lighting gorgeous and like   the amount of people they've had on screen this  whole movie like I wonder what this caused yeah   gentlemen corn Wallace has us cornered not only  does he out number us but nearly half of our Force   militia unreliable at best but tactical you know  Cutthroats I believe you underestimate our militia   I agree we are the Ghost Protocol corn Wallace's  own letters bear out that he has no respect   for the militia none whatsoever what are you  suggesting Ben I'm suggesting we use that sure use   their ubis against them all I'm asking is that you  um front line of militia Fire Two Shots tomorrow   can happen in a town that takes to Fire Two Shots  indeed that's why I'm not asking to fire three oh oh okay every frame of painting oh you're  last yeah oh great Motif I like that Motif   a lot melting down soldiers into  [Music] bullets oh wow wow too and   like they they had to arrange for the  top of it to be able to fall like yeah yeah make sure it fits good if I die I will die  well dressed sir yes sir love that I will die in   my drips Dolly Parton always said if my husband if  I die in my sleep my husband has been told to put   makeup on me y yep put me in my finest I'm I going  to get a Dolly Parton biopic man [Music] right wow   some of these brighter score tones make me keep  keep like faking me out Jurassic Park for some   John Williams but like Harry will you  give this to my children you give it   to them yourself man it's October now I  know it's more than 12 months you're a   free man I'm here now on my own accord you  got character I'm honored to have you with us well done and I I like the progression of that   threat too that could have been  a lot more in your face I agree watch how old were your daughters jet was  12 and pull in 10 they had green eyes ooh   I'm sure they were lovely yes they were  oh he knows that to charge people up man   unless I'm Dreaming I believe I see  militia forming at their Center oh no I guess that alone is daunting just seeing  people like steadily marching toward you in   formation and not breaking maybe it's like  the psychological aspect I also want to know   what the cannon guys are focusing on right now  because it's very getting closer to where they're M let's get one more of those classic  muskets all going down into tandem shots   yeah quintessential revolutionary Civil War shot T there we go oh wow waa wa  all right all right jeez all right dang it dang it dang it  dang it I mean this is just so   stupid I just I'm just like what I  guess what else can you do I know I oh cannonballs man we were watching Shogun  recently and like cannonballs are no joke so   we haven't been given that order oh  he's going to try to go he sees Mel   and he's going to try to go get him  dude come on man say something take itoo what are all the different flags too  bit charge we'll see who takes the glory   from this field oh boy oh boy oh boy okay  oh God that's so scary okay all right now   it's a shank battle infantry Reserve into  the center put my Lord you've taken the   field now we should take their spirits send the  entire Battalion over that hill and crush them okay what if they've got more people  hiding behind there they probably   don't everyone's got an extra dude  tucked into their blouse yeah jump out oh yeah they did they do have  people hiding back there oh hell   yeah I knew it oh hell yeah yes yeah go  get him baby oo that's right ooh ooh oh   God these poor horses man rip the  horses they did not ask for [Music] this wow oh come on just with the  blood of the gun thump oh swing [Music] away very matter of fact with that guy o dang it dang it dang it dang it  dang it and what somebody it's got to   be someone's job each time to go pick  up the flags right oh some of these   inserts too are crazy that bayonet  going in like oh he's looking for him watching this is definitely giving me  an impression I should watch Braveheart at   some point right me too Mel on a battlefield  movies I don't think I've seen that either n come on the line is wering no  retreat no whoop his ass no retreat oh wa the wow dude he's going to like  run him straight through with the flag   he's going to like javel in him with  the flag I I think so too yeah push   forward man rally rally gang come on  oh what Spirit to make that choice yes come on [Music] damn wow dude artillery  concentrate on the Center Drive them back   yeah give them a reason not to underestimate  the militia anymore yeah wa oh sheesh see it's   like there's so many limitations we reform and  wheel right we may be able to turn their flat   you dream General [Music] ah it's like the  combat's so limited in so many ways and yet   it's also like so much more Carnage intensive  like yeah oh oh here we go oh he's going to Jou   him yeah you Jou off that horse buddy this  is literally yeah this is Medieval medieval   times it's a nice tail right [Music] now not  the horse oh not the horse I hate that but I   get it but I hate it but also same oh  oh I really hated that that was tough to   watch let's go oh with the sun's bullet yep yeah  it's almost got a little face of its own oh his face oh come on you're going to have to go  beat him with your bare hands yeah [Music]   oh that's right get those ghost skills going  I want to know where his like axe combat comes   from right like is there did he learn that  [Music] whoa whoa no no no come on a wound   for a wound oh there you go two-handed again  oh get him get him a yes come on on come on God come on Who wants it more who wants it more no o the back oh God please don't tell me is he going  to die please not tell me history is like that   sometimes please know whoa if that's the last  Vision he sees before he dies I guess it's a good   one your spirit LED this charge for sure kill me  before the war is over will you what oh oh oh he   he's giving his line back to him yeah yeah sorry  no no someone kill him someone kill him no no no yes [Music] W my sons were better men yeah yes you and I  are not so different oh reaping what you sow   man Jesus Christ sound The Retreat oo okay sound  Retreat this guy too holding it [Music] down I   wonder what it's like to be a British actor in  one of these movies too yeah these two yeah oh   and these two dear Charlotte the war has turned  General Cornwallis took flight with his army and   moved North we continued to engage the British and  in the months that followed cornales entrenched   himself at Yorktown Virginia it was blocked off  by our long lost friends hey the finally all   right that's one thing I do recall from history  as much crap as as fr gets in war conversations   France VI France France Liber VI Liber we do owe  them a great debt in establishing this nation for   sure yeah though he eventually surrendered  Cornwallis himself hid in shame appointing   his subordinate to relinquish his sword damn wow  wouldn't even show his face tell the children and   especially Susan that I will keep my promise as I  will be returning to you all soon h a your wife's   expecting a child soon isn't she she gave birth to  a son 3 weeks ago we are expecting what you name   him we named him Gabriel a that's beautiful John  Ben hug it out come on yeah funny it just hit me   both Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger are Australians  oh really yeah but it's cool it's in the spirit   of the Melting Pot of America yeah he's kep  the those the doggies that's why he wouldn't   show his face he didn't even have his dogs by  his side you know that's true [Music] disgrace   oh are they building the town again yeah  got to raise us a house Gabriel said if we   won the war we could build a whole new world just  figured we get started right here with your home damn and we build a new perfect  visual metaphor yep oh Whole New World wow America will [Music] return Bravo boy  howdy Benjamin Martin oh wow yeah was I I this   has to be torn I I'm curious to know how much  of this is historical fiction versus what is   you know directly from history I got to M like I  would be inclined to believe this is mostly just   historical but wow right either way like wow if  you're listening to us on Apple Spotify give us   a high rating comment do all the do all the good  things wow and thank you in the truest Spirit of   America thanks to the folks who made this video  possible citizens of the reject Nation or should   I say Royal rejects because that is who we call  those who check out our RR apparel at reject   naations we come out with new designs  every month or every two months it is personally   my favorite way you can support the channel  reason being is because we are involved with   every one of the exclusive RR designs that are up  at the shop every month that's been growing every   month we are getting more and more Royal Rejects  and I really love to hear how people are finding   the shirts to not just be cool looking but also  fit nicely and feel comfortable I cared about   that more than anything else I'm a hairy guy  so I'm really in like sensitive the fabric we   got a bunch of designs already such as our super  Marvel bro shirt my sister actually designed this   one Deadpool Wolverine inspired my personal  favorite one the newest edition the to me my   Walkman shirt inspired by the X-Men then we also  got like our number one bestseller the last daddy   t-shirt which has Pedro Pascal from The Last of  Us inspired carrying baby grou we have Loki's   glorious balloon we also have our Doctor Who shirt  which is full of a bunch of classic Doctor Who   quotes on the Taris we have space babies of the  Galaxy we got ourselves some Star Wars inspired   shirt shirts we got a boys inspired shirt and we  have a house of the Dragon one as well pointing   those out because obviously we have new seasons  of those shows coming up and then of course you   we got a bunch of other designs as well like  our bat verse one who influences the influencers   another Last of Us inspired t-shirt and of course  you know the classic reject symbolism t-shirts as   well either one is an amazing way to support the  channel and like I said you get to look good while   doing it so thank you guys so much do consider  going to reject naations and also tag   us on social media if you end up buying a shirt  please tag us we'd love to see it when people do   end up buying the shirts thank you Royal rejects  see you guys soon not one product placement in   this movie no we got to catch we got to catch up  for that yeah there's a movie there's a there's   a what is it state in Maine I think it's called  it's it's a it's like a David Mammoth like movie   you know it's one of those movies where you're  like oh yeah play right definitely wrote this   yeah um but yeah they're doing some kind of period  piece and it's like one of those you know kind of   there's a bit of like you know Showbiz inside  baseball you know quality of the movie and they're   making some period piece and they H they're  forced into a position to take money from a   computer company and and somehow like work it into  a scene as a billboard in like a oh God in like a   time where computers don't exist so like yeah what  yeah I love David M and I've not seen that oh yeah   yeah I do check that out it's got early julus  Styles it's got oh wow Alec Baldin I think is   in it need to get on that game yeah but anyway the  Patriot anyway the Patriot I mean I wow give Mel   Gibson an Oscar I hope that this was nominated he  did some brilliant acting I really I know nothing   I was a sleep as an actor I mean that man is a  brilliant actor he's a brilliant actor I mean as   we know the there's some bad juju on him now but  I'm saying just for this and for this film as an   actor yeah great job um and great Direction every  shot was just beautiful they did so many golden   hour sunset time shots and I don't know if that  if they were able to time it up and and it's mixed   with special effects but that takes a lot of work  to be able to just get that shot you have very   limited a time and you better be like on it and  I always am like hats off to shots that and and   movies that do that and can pull it off and make  it look gorgeous and they do that in all of these   shots and in the even in the all of it overall  even in the the battle I mean I was like it tense   it was tense and in the emotional moments the  the time where they let us like have a breather   but it was I felt all of the things it was just  so terribly sad when his son dies and both times   both times I mean all of it I I love this film I  get I think it's sad I've gone this long without   seeing it sure yeah like and I mean you know I  there's a I think war movie of any variety is like   a Pantheon of you know stories and and especially  as it pertains you know any war movie about your   own country's history kind of occupies like a  special sort of Lane I feel like kind of unique   within the greater Realms of Cinema and all that  but especially a a war movie that's like about the   formation of your country and all that and I feel  like revolutionary War especially isn't one of the   better trotted like you know there are a lot of  World War II movies there Vietnam movies I feel   like there are a few definitely a few very notable  Civil War movies yeah but you know like world like   World War I in recent years I feel like has been  getting more attention with films like 1917 and   other stuff you know kind of going back to that  time but especially the revolution at least to my   knowledge feels like one of the less exp covered  yeah like you know there's Barry Linden there's   the the the cubric movie but even that I feel like  is a a different beast from something like this   that yeah like I'm so fascinated because yeah like  it it does feel kind of like a quintessential I   don't think heavily in terms of of uh uh National  I don't have a very nationalistic lens on things   but as you know an American this does kind of  seem like a movie that you know if you're thinking   about art that pertains to just what that means  like this does quintessential to that and like an   essential viewing experience and it's funny that  that you know Roland Emer is a I believe like a   German guy oh you know and I'm fascinated that  he was the one to direct this uh not I mean in   in some parts that's kind of a beautiful thing  that encapsulates the American Spirit is you   it could be anybody from anywhere who made this  but I'm curious to know what brought him to the   project and if he was like passionate about this  or what because yeah I thought this was so knowing   his name because of big Blockbuster Action Fair  uh I haven't seen all of Pearl Harbor but Michael   Bay gets dogged a lot for Pearl Harbor cuz that  was his big attempt at making something like this   something Grand and epic and dramatic uh but that  also plays to his strengths as an action director   and whatnot and and this definitely felt like I  feel like you brought up Spielberg or somebody   earlier on and this this felt like uh more akin  to like a Spielberg type of dramatic epic where   yeah it's got the swell and there's certain  moments that do have that element of heart or   that element of uh spectacle even but but it's not  do like the one scene in the woods where uh you   know the three of them that establishes the ghost  uh sort of the ghost story of him you know as this   uh you know Unstoppable he's everywhere sort of  figure that's the only like sequence in the movie   that felt like it was from kind of a block cut  of Blockbuster cloth cuz he's out here with the   axe and the knife and he's just and like you know  that one like John wiish moment aside like so much   of this yeah felt really well observed and there  was so many great details in the performances and   the production values and again what what feels  certainly like a lot of attention to historical   detail I'm sure details are moved around and  whatnot but uh but yeah like this really felt like   a film and an epic and and I think especially when  you're in subject matter in this kind of territory   yeah I don't know I I I think it does beg there's  like an interesting quality that that will happen   in a movie like this when it's working where man  you really do feel like all of the craftsmanship   and the time it's like you were mentioning all  these uh Magic hour shots and stuff like that   which yeah you have to really be on your game  in terms of all that got to be exposed right   you got to have everyone ready at a very specific  moment in the day and that but also it is one of   the few films where I've ever had this thought of  like yeah I get why days on set are like 18 hours   long sometimes because you look at some of these  moments and you're like the camera blocking and   movement seems very intentional this is one of  those movies you like in film School especially   it's probably a requirement I would bet but but  also like you know especially in cinematography   class we would be sitting around there would be  projects where you would have to take scenes and   break them down and and you know identify every  shot and what the intent is and you know kind   of the meme of that in school is sort of like I'm  sure some of these were just like I put the camera   somewhere we need coverage but you watch a movie  like this and you're like I really believe that   they composed every shot I agree every lens was  chosen distinctly every lighting Choice all these   smoke plumes must have been like I'm sure there  were happy accidents too sure but uh but yeah this   it's like we have such great production values and  and such great uh potential for all the things we   can realize with all the tools we have now yeah  but watching something like this really does feel   like you amassed a ton of people's time and care  and resources to craft this thing that yeah like   I don't know it it definitely feels like a like a  big old piece yeah you like a huge big piece and I   I really like the fact that you know Mel Gibson's  character he's a true patriot before he's broken   in the beginning because of his wife he loses his  wife and he's not really being the greatest dad   to his kids he's like broken and the thing that  pieces him back together is returning to that   patriotic nature of who he is which is why we see  it in his son's blood it's like and then it pays   off in the end that he is the true patriot and  that is why his son and his sons are like they're   it's just in their blood that's just what runs in  the family and even though he tried to hold back   to say I have a family now so I can't do it it's  like it it comes back to to Biden but in all the   the best ways because he ended up being the leader  that I think he's probably was always meant to be   right the the Patriot that they all needed to Sure  win but also a little bit to win himself back to   to be able to taste a bit of that Glory that is  heaped upon Him due to that whole uh what was   it uh the battle at Wilderness or whatever that  that memory of his where he's seen as a hero even   though they did these atrocious things you know in  order to to secure that Victory and the constant   questioning of like how far is too far what death  is justifiable what cruelty is permissible and   when and uh and yeah like even that you know him  having obvious shame and Trauma about his actions   of the past regardless of you know the greater  uh you know good they might have achieved in   whatever context for the country like you know  I could absolutely see his apprehension you know   especially with his sons eager to run off to war  eager to fight for something they believe in and   I think it's a nice thing that doesn't need to be  fully articulated in dialogue but yeah it's like   oh these things about yourself that you're afraid  of you managed to pass along to your kin in a way   that elevated them and and it's that thing he says  of yeah like you know our sons my sons were the   are the better men were the better men they were  able to take our learn from our failings and learn   from our you know atrocities and whatever else  and our triumphs all that stuff yeah especially   when his son is like it's my duty he had a duty  to follow and you don't really get that sense of   moral code and it it has to come from what you've  been taught and I I loved also that you know when   the Suns get involved and they're a good shot  in that beginning fight that was wild that was   some John Wick juice that I I mean that was so  awesome and that the kids are like he's taking   him out he didn't miss a shot and it's terrible  to Sure throw him in there and the younger kid   was just looks terrified and crying but like you  know that it does even though he didn't come off   in the beginning as like the best dad he's kind of  broken probably a little absent he misses his wife   that he still spent time with his kids that time  he had to have trained them right of like here's   how we're going to defend ourselves um and that's  the way that he could show being a father but then   at the end especially when they like see him kiss  the the lady and they kind of look up and they   like oh and then when especially at the but at the  end end when they all arrive together you see him   in a different light uh different fatherhood light  because what he was fighting for the whole time   was you you're meant to stay here with me we are a  family you I don't want you to go back out there I   don't want you to live my past life but you do  have to learn to to let people make their own   independent decisions you know and his children  they made theirs and they they're you know and   he's living with those consequences and so are  they but I I think at the end we're seeing a true   vision of like his his life and his home that he  wanted and now because we learned in the beginning   his slaves were not slaves they were free men and  they were working they were working the field that   now at the end it is all these people working  kind of for a very great leader that inspired   them like he was the one that got them through it  in that moment and that is such a huge deal and I   would I would go to to build that up because you  would want to follow someone like that and I and I   think it's such a beautiful ending because I think  just because he's a good fighter and a really good   Patriot and he did all this stuff in the past  we we see now that like what he would really   do is build a really beautiful town with people  and bring more peace he doesn't want to go back   to that but if he needs to he can rally yeah and  I and I liked the the fact I mean obviously this   doesn't dissect so it's not a dialogue about  every single you know contextual overlapping   thing about the themes of the war I mean there's  I I liked that they at least touched on all that   stuff throughout they they they didn't go deep  into especially like slavery and things like that   and there is that moment where you're teetering  on like oh yeah we're gonna build a much better   future and people are being promised freedom and  we know that past this point in time certainly   those promises were not always delivered upon  yeah um in most cases in a lot of cases were're   not delivered but uh I at least appreciated the  way the movie handled yeah the different elements   of who is fighting why they are fighting who is  welcome and what what squabbles are happening here   at home look up trivia while you're talking  going please and and and it's in that kind   of early thing that um uh uh Ben says in that  first Gathering they're all having of like you   know I want a free country for us I believe that  you know we have the right you know being so far   removed from England and having such ideological  differences we have the right to have our own   space to to you know uh uh set up a a place based  on our own ideals and beliefs and uh and you know   I'm not willing to stoop to a certain level of  Cruelty to get that and I'm also not eager to   yeah instill install some kind of uh rule here  that's going to be just as tyrannical or just as   stifling as what we're trying to get away from  like I I like that they at least were always   kind of keeping an eye on and an awareness of the  the true kind of intellectual struggle of all of   this because there are so many ways in which  it's like we justify deaths in the moment or   we justify cruelty in the moment or we try to  promise things that we're not going to deliver   onto certain people just to make sure that we get  the victory right here and now um so yeah even if   this isn't Like A Treatise on all these themes  I thought it at least encompassed them well and   I think the only thing that doesn't really get  brought up is the idea that like because this is   a story about the American Revolution and because  this is about us you know kind of obtaining key   strides toward the defeat of the the you know  British forces you know really spend much time   about like us encroaching on the Native Americans  or anything like that you know which not saying   the movie has to do but uh but yeah like this I  thought managed to be again rousing and epic and   Triumph of the human spirit and all that stuff it  managed to be compellingly historical it managed   to at least kind of touch upon a lot of the major  themes of the struggle and the and the you know   multiple ideas you have to be willing to hold at  once and kind of understand all simultaneously   the complications of the fight for a nation what  a nation is our specific history all that stuff   yeah and then you have yeah certain little moments  that do give you like a little audience reward of   like ah here's a little moment of humor here's  a moment that's kind of cool um and big respect   also to the folks who had to play you know the  various especially Jason Isaac's like a lot of   thankless roles and a lot of roles that you know  the audience is going to be you know charged up   against and and I thought everybody on screen  brought their aame brought a lot of presents   like so many memorable characters and uh and  it's like you know I I love that little thing   with his daughter which is you know at first you  know when he's saying goodbye it is sort of like   a funny little like oh you you just said one word  to her you gave like a monologue to each of your   other kids and like you know that is like a real  thing of that you can head Cannon and think about   that and be like oh yeah like no wonder their  relationship is such that it is and when they   finally have like a true real exchange when she  runs after that's a beautiful thing or like the   the the Donald log character and the guy who's  saving up for his freedom you know who's like   I'm going to get my year I'm going to get paid  I'm going to get my fre I've got something to   work toward and that's a thing that I think  especially in a movie like this uh could be   because they go out of their way to say okay Mel  Gibson's character these are freed men working   for him so as an audience we can get on board  yeah his the the you know the Auntie who he's   getting with like she's got slaves and we don't  really spend much time dealing with that so like   there there are elements of that conversation  that obviously are not as as fleshed out as they   could be here uh and that thing with Donald Logan  and the and the guy who's who the names not great   with names in a movie like this but those two  could have been so cloying and hack need like   that could have been very uh that that could have  gone wrong I it could have been harsher it could   have been harsher and it also could have been  like okay I I it could have been more sacarin   than it struck me uh or like overly melodramatic  or something exactly I thought it was just the   right amount to like when he finally like it's  clear he finally earned his respect and he turn [Music] is but it will just there but the  but just and that's an important thing in   the moment and and because of you know  people like that willing to learn and to   again you're fighting next to somebody for  so long and you see the strength of their   character like I thought yeah for the movie  and for the spirit of what America's supposed   to be that wound up complimentary  and it was one of those things that kind andiz it's tying itself up you're like oh  cool well done it was welded in there really   nicely yeah like whoever wrote this thing like  I you've got the IMDb right I'm going to pull it   up I was also just going to say the line of like  him saying how do men justify why do men feel like   they can justify death I felt like the the adding  in that line in the movie questioning itself um   was just speaks to like everything right it just  it's a good like moral code that shows like what   how what he has in his heart but also all war  yeah yeah exactly um okay I got some cool um   trivia here so real quick when teaching Mel Gibson  Heath Ledger how to shoot the muzzle loading rifle   the technical adviser gave them advice to aim  small Miss small meaning if you aim at a man and   you miss you miss the man so um Gibson like this  advice so much he Incorporated it into the movie   Just prior to the Ambush scene I was literally  thinking about that Lally just prior to it wow   that's crazy right so also Heath Ledger didn't  work for a year because he only got offers for   teen heartthrob rolls don't we know it he was  about to quit acting and returned to Australia   when he was cast in this film wow wow that insane  yeah I can imagine that now I remember this yeah   I oh this is feeling in just like cultural context  from way back when um also sidebar this guy wrote   Saving Private Ryan so okay this there we have  it and did the story by for Thor the Dark World   everyone's favorite Thor Andrew would love that  all right he's I mean I love that okay now here's   one for you oh this is me the historical accuracy  of the costumes and settings was overseen by the   Smithsonian Institution wow it was the first  time the institution ever worked directly on   the production of a movie I believe that [ __ ]  that's why we were remember I mean right off the   bat I was like costume design what the the first  time that they ever did that was on this movie   that's insane when he looked at the at I think  it's was it the French Guy Somebody there's an   exchange where they're like oh this coat smells  and he's like yeah somebody died in it I'm like   maybe they really did maybe it's like an authentic  coat you're wearing on screen right now um actual   amputees were cast to play soldiers who lost their  limbs okay okay given work to the veterans sure uh   it would be nice for them to get some rolls that  aren't only that but also I appreciate that they   got the roles in an authentic way yeah yeah um  okay one of the Red Coats which were actually   dummies that is floating face down in the river  after the Trap is a dummy of John Travolta yes   yeah oh they must have been just in the effect  house just like what what bodies do we got on hand   right we got something from Face Off throw it in  here it's so good um okay let me see if I can find   one more spoiler for you guys um let's see uh that  one's kind of boring um give me a second if you   find one that that says like what what Roland Emer  had to say let me know I'm I'm going to see if   there see if you can find it um yeah I'm not I'm  not finding much more in here except that Heath   Ledger said researching the American Revolutionary  War for the film answered the question of why   Americans wave their flag so high it's because  they went to hell and back to build their country   it was the last one I could kind of find the rest  of them are like long ended winded things I've   got a I've got a quote here okay let's do it uh  I'm I'm gonna I want to make sure that it's from   uh Roland Emer uh before okay okay no see that's  why I didn't want to that cuz yeah I Googled why   did Emer why did Roland Emer decide to be the  one to make this and that gave me a quote that   was a really good quote but I'm like I also don't  think that he grew up in Williamsburg oh I don't   think he grew up in Virginia um either way though  like I I think yeah this this definitely lived up   to its Legacy most certainly and to you know the  idea of like what it means to be a patriot what   is patriotism what does that mean to you now is  is a charged up concept and certainly again you   uh uh when you do intermingle uh you know art and  reality and you think like oh you know knowing   what we know about Mel Gibson's politics and  some of his attitudes it it's interesting to   see a character at least that is again you have  to I think with a movie called The Patriot have   some kind of line that it's yeah it's about the  spirit it's about the true ideal of what this   is and and it's about a person who may be flawed  but can overcome those flaws and has the necessary   virtues and so yeah thought as to go with that  distinct striking title it makes sense why it   would be that guy and it makes sense why I think  it it gets to hopefully or or at least verges on   the better aspects of patriotism and the darker  sides of patriotism without you know candy coating   too again I don't know much about the actual guy  so I I wonder what the rest of his story is but   they you know he's clearly got demons in the past  and actions that he's ashamed of and so like yeah   and there's that Redemptive quality of America  as well and and the sort of weird Collective but   also loners kind of thing where he he does you  know kind of have his own path and his own way   and he's kind of getting everybody on his program  but uh but yeah this was a Tor of forest man and   it speaks to like the ordinary man the family man  that's a very America thing where like he's the   Patriot but it's like he was you know before he  wanted to stay in just in this home with his kids   and live his life and that too and that's a great  uh I guess we could talk about this all day but I   guess the one last thing that comes to mind is  the fact that we do we're living in a moment   now we like as we're shooting this there's a war  happening yeah like there are atrocities happening   in the world right this minute and we are very  far away from them and so there's only so much   especially just us down here on the ground can  do and and what they directly touch upon here is   that yeah this isn't that whole monologue about  this isn't going to be a war in some distant   place that you can only theorize about this is  going to be a war that's marching through your   town square burning your house down it's being  fought everywhere that you might live or rest or   or do your work or whatever it is and and that's a  thing that is super striking that many of us don't   have to Grapple with at all um that really does  especially yeah this kind of thing where it's like   you really feel that Spirit of of of the necessity  to act and and like yeah there's a lot at stake   and the argument of you know it's like in certain  places of the world in this time I think it's way   easier to remove yourself and to over theorize  various things whereas here it is the sort of   like the future of how we live is at stake and we  believe in this ideal and that constant thing of   like you know those multiple scenes in churches  or whatever where people are like you know and   it's always the woman standing up being like you  guys talk about this all the time are you going   to stand on this business or you just going  to talk about it and then let them roll roll   you over and yeah like plant their flag in you  uh you know yeah I think that that is the kind   of thing you should be leaving with reflection on  and it's like you know if so many of these things   didn't go the way they did we wouldn't be here  in this form right now I me it wasn't for that   girl standing up in the church and I love that  it was a you know that her to to unite them they   they probably would have been a little bit like  oh this will never work but then like all those   guys stood up you know and here here we go what  have we been talking about all this time we're   all just afraid and and two it's about what you  do in the face of that fear rather than just the   fact that you know to quote another war movie oh  wow here he goes major chip Hazard says in Small   Soldiers you know we're all scared you'd have to  be crazy not to be scared and uh you know that's   that's a thing right there you know you got to  stand in the face of that fear and that's a a   calling that we all have to Grapple with in some  way shape or form hopefully you're not in a war   ever but sometimes that's the case or sometimes  horrific circumstances the case and yeah are you   the the ideals versus the action are two different  things that are always there are two polls you got   to always be managing and bringing close together  yeah yeah I agree man the Patriot Cinema we see   you make sure guys just share this video leave  your comments leave like the historical stuff   that we didn't know just tell us how you feel  about it and how you feel about us cuz we love   you we love you recommend us a book yeah totally  like this video share it you know all the juice   we love you guys so so much thanks for supporting  us and we will see you guys on the next one bye
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 84,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the patriot, the patriot reaction, the patriot movie reaction, first time watching the patriot, american revolutionary war, american revolution, revolutionary war, july 4th, independence day, the patriot (2000) movie reaction, the patriot (2000) reaction, the patriot first time reaction, the patriot first time watching, heath ledger, heath ledger the patriot reaction, war movie reaction
Id: Wc4mnd1PqhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 15sec (7155 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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