The "Party Finder Problem" In FFXIV | Alninio Reacts to Rinon

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uh this is the video by the way got to load it up this is called the ff14 party finder problem and I'm curious if he's going to talk about chaos and light because as you all know light is very popular with PF compared to chaos with ultimates hell even now there's more raiding going on in in [ __ ] PF in light so we'll check this out that's hurt in my pocket and hurt in my soul right [Music] now empty light yeah there it is that's what I was saying literally what I was saying before I started the video chaos is dead and it's not the only dead data sent chaos is dead each region has one DC that's hustling and Lively for endgame activities with populated player hubs quick cues and party finders filled to the scenes with content ready to enjoy more diluted chaos the others look like this yeah let's talk about it initially Choice based cross World gameplay didn't even exist at all let alone cross data center if you wanted to play is defin more one of you had to bite the bullet and transfer or make an Al or alternatively you had to hope to queue up together in the Duty Finder in fact I remember during Heaven's Ward my static was looking for a new player and so we posted on the usual recruitment locations and we actually found somebody that fit the build pretty well and we wanted to have a trial session with that player but he happened to be on a different server the only way we could get into Savage content with him whatsoever was for us to both cue for a Savage turn at the same time in the raid finder with the Japanese language selected in order to reduce the players that could be matched with us we still ended up getting a random guy in our party despite all that wait is this how it was before you had to queue up at the same time you can't just like make a party together if they're on a different server interesting that's so weird I'm kind of glad that's not the case anymore but at the same time when you PVP in the game right now that's basically what people are doing right now if you're trying to play Crystal conflict right now it's kind of a joke if you're trying to play with friends because you actually can't you just press play at the same time and then yeah just pray that you're going to be playing with your friend because there's no [ __ ] way that you will unless you're lucky so we had the fun choice of deciding whether to be the bad guys or just biting the bullet and not getting to trial I still credit crosswell parties and party finder as being one of the single most impactful positive changes in Final Fantasy 14 history before that servers were is haven't and while it's fair to claim that there was a warm and homely Community feeling to them W look how many people are standing here it's kind of crazy to see which there was it could be hard to get people together to run content that you wanted to if you hadn't already managed to build strong social Roots the party finder was threadbear and pugging things like Savage with random players was somewhat of a rarity crossworld recruitment was added in patch 3.5 at the end pretty now this changed the game completely because it expanded the player pool that each person had access to tfold oh look at this so this is when they released it huh in the patch notes the party finder has been expanded to include players from all other worlds on the same data center players will now be able to recruit characters from any of these worlds and form crosswell parties players will be able to use the party chat and register duties in crossw parties as they would normally wow that's crazy I thought this was a thing added from the start of the game I didn't even know that they added it later that's kind of pretty cool to find out that's actually cool that's how it was for you guys if you guys played back then damn that is crazy and AR EU people didn't have their own server EU servers were located in Canada so they had to wait what EU servers were in Canada so they might as well be Canadian servers at that point what the [ __ ] that's kind of weird anecdotally I think this is what led to the rise Savage and eventually ultimate pugging scene the necessity of Statics began to fade because with Community mandated uniform strats and a massively increased pool of players that were interested and motivated to learn hardcore content came party finders to learn together this was amazing because it removed the potentially stressful obligations you'd have to a group shift workers or those with limited availabilities could just do their prog in party finder with random people whenever they had an hour or two free sure you'd lose the predictability of being in a group and you may need to roll the dice on the PF quality every time but it was still a really really good half measure this led to a massive increase in engagement in extreme and Savage content especially and at the end of storm blood crossworld visitation was implemented to Compound on this letting people transfer to run maps visit one another's housing access hunts and socialize oh wow so this is when they added the ability to visit Another World server but not DC they added DC a little bit later it's kind of cool though like so in in heaven War they added PF and you can play with other people in the world and and then then they added visit Another World server and then later on they added DC travel so I wonder what's next crossworld DC [Music] like cross region travel I think it'd be cool to have cross region PF I don't know I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind because then even the chaos people like chaos PF is basically like why make a chaos PF if you can make a light PF so most people that are chaos people are going to light to raid anyway you know what I mean in one short expansion Final Fantasy 14 had turned from a massive collection of small microcosms into these much larger Collective social Bubbles and in N Walker the biggest change of all would come as the Capstone to this movement cross data center travel was implemented in patch 6.18 and it for those who had lost friends in the great data center good had an amazing homecoming moment and the expectation was that now because you could play with anybody it would push pugging to all new height and to an extent it did it def without it as a chaos player I could have never played on like the ultimate PFS well I mean you could in chaos at the time right it's what I did for ukab right played in chaos that's what I did for ubu because you know DC travel wasn't a thing but it it's kind of cool though to join a DC that is like focused on that content Prim nily and there's like you know we have LPD of course you know so there's that I would have never cleared tdsr top if not for that yeah yeah yeah yeah like I wouldn't have pfed it I wouldn't have it would just been different experience so I'm kind of grateful that they added that honestly the ability to travel through DCS would be nice to join American friends on my main true like region travel yeah yeah definitely should be a thing definitely added DRS and ba on light thanks to light foray group oh that's sick I still haven't even done that yet I want to do deliver from Savage one time at least I know it's big I know it's huge on chaos at least that's what I'm told because of this one Discord server called chaos travels something night something I forgot what it was called honestly chaos night travel something like that late night that's it yeah it's like a huge Discord that organizes runs for that so that's pretty cool yeah late night chaos problem Bing in the shadows ever since so chaos really pops off the dust has settled and the community has collectively found its new normal this problem has come to light because you can play wherever you like good one Reon problem festering in the shadows ever since and now that the dust has settled and the community has collectively found its new normal this problem has come to light this problem has come to light because you can play wherever you like but you can only access the party finder of the data center you are on at any given time it only makes sense to go to the most populated one right but this an itself is a self-perpetuating oroborus because players began to travel to the more populated party finder DC to PF which led to the other DCS being dead which led to more players migrating to spend their time or even that's what I did I transferred the light because of this transfer permanently the problem has I transfer permanently y That's what I did grown and grown as more and more people heard oh if you want a PF you should go to x until now it's at the point where if you're on the wrong Data Center you may struggle to fill your party finders at all now the difference between data centers looks like [Music] this so now we live in this current situation endgame content is going through a bit of a boom more players than ever are participating in extreme Savage and ultimate and those pieces of content are more accessible than ever thanks to the accessibility and ease of use of the party find as long as you're on the right data center for your region that is if not good luck buddy because if you even manage to fill your p9s party finder within 2 hours on the wrong DC you would consider that a hugely lucky occurrence now I can hear you already just data Senter travel to pug and to that I have only one reply I do but it's annoying players that data center travel have a bunch of annoying limitations as a traveler you can't you can use retainers receive M mail you can't access your retainers access free company chat the it's so [ __ ] stupid I agree use your home data center link shells you're locked out of even accessing certain Ed nodes as minor and botanist these may all seem like minor things but considering that it's an expectation in ra to use food and you can't access your food buff forcing you to use Squadron rationing manuals and hope that yeah that's exactly what I do actually I'm just going to show it here too it's literally why I have right I only have 10 now I used up quite a lot but I used this um and then I stopped using them when I went to chaos because I'm in an FC Now with uh cutie Baka so yeah he's right about that true um also I'm going to move my face cam at the bottom right just in in case I'm like I don't know if it's covering it's covering Ron's cat I'm sorry you remember to use one before you pop your food every time even though you never do I can't look at my Ling shells that nobody talks in anyway and pretend that I have friends I can't update my prices from my retainers or even access my relics and weapons that I keep in one of them which I would I literally was at a point where I stayed in light as a chaos main I stayed in light for months I never went back to chaos so I couldn't adjust my retainers I couldn't sell [ __ ] and it's just like annoying that I have to transfer back to sell it because the moment I do that I'm just going to go back to light I'm just going to go back and like I'm wasting like all this weird annoying time and you have to do it regularly just to like sell stuff in your retainers it's just [ __ ] annoying you know so I was like [ __ ] it I'm just going to move the light permanently and that's what I did yeah so he's totally right about this um and I kind of I kind of wish the maybe squ could find a way to tackle this properly I don't know which is an especially annoying considering the limited Armory chest space combined with the fact that certain old relics are best in slot for ultimate content and that's where I keep them and because I play a variety of jobs I just don't have the space to hold on to all of them at once so the potential Solutions are to travel back to chaos grab the Relic travel back to light and then hope that the PF I wanted to join hasn't filled that spot within that time window or I use a worse weapon that does less damage not ideal but it's not yeah the process is so [ __ ] actually you know because your the PF might fill up and by the time you come back it's like well what the [ __ ] I could nothing you could do about it cuz you had to get out it's not like if you join it and your spot will be like reserved or something not just me that's struggling let's look at what others think about this huh oh my God he put my name dude it's me it's me POG you guys see that wait let me let me move my chat it's me dude is what I said I can speak for PF chaos PF a rating is dead no one puts up parties for ultimates trial Savage rarely you'll find way more in light I got to a point where I traveled to light and stayed there for a year then eventually decided to transfer bu he put my he put my tweet let's go hey based and true that guy who tweeted that is based and true man he's so right he's so [ __ ] right people felt similarly to me it's 100% of benefit to Ether mana and light and a detriment to everyone else Materia does not care some people don't care what you think it's not going to change back get used to it and just go to Ether and at least some people are making the most of it wait square in ads cross DC travel to F14 me buys out every Memorial in North America except for Malboro and the ones that are over like 1 million I actually don't know what any of this mamora stuff is like some Gathering so what's the solution in one sentence region wide party finder region wide part so maybe it's not quite as simple as that but the core is that when you're on your Home Server you should have access to three different party finder tabs you have access to world party finder you have access to data center party finder and you have access to the new region wide party finder it's that simple and when you're adding a listing for yourself you can simply provide an optional checkbox to enable the PF or region listing in the exact same way that you currently enable a listing for crossworld party finder this makes it optin but so easy and accessible to opt in that even the most casual player would instantly understand that yes this is a good idea aside from in the most specific circumstance absolutely perf perfect 100 million per agree I think it's good that he's that he this is actually way better than idea than I thought in my head like having a tick option for that is really good because you know if someone doesn't want you know chaos to join their parties he can do that or if you want the party fill fast enable all yeah this is like a this is a great solution actually yeah and actually if they add this it would be perfect I know that world is pretty dead right now aside from the occasional RP venue listing map party or lonely mot boy looking for GF looking and and also we have to consider PVP who the [ __ ] like why is PVP locked per DC actually why you know what I'm saying PVP is kind of already small I feel like chaos and light should be able to play against each other um just by q and I feel like it should be that by default maybe if they don't want to make it default make it like Reon said there's a tick option that puts you in so you can play with chaos if you're light all that I feel like it's it's good yeah big time lonely mo boy looking for [Laughter] GF not like we're not like we're not okay look for GF uh 10 million Gil to spend one hour worth it this is rag I always let rag know when his head is pointing forward your is looking P forward and pulling on your shoulder muscles how does your neck feel do you want to take a stretch to help your neck um how does my neck feel sorry I don't understand H yeah sorry I I didn't understand the message very well for GF but there is a reason why these things should be opt in rather than than automatic on certain data centers language barriers aren't the only thing to consider but you also need to worry specifically about cultural barriers I'm talking mainly about JP here but a decent subset of Japanese players are still unfortunately pretty xenophobic and do not want to play with non-jp speaking players to the extent of putting JP only party finders up and being very selective of players that don't meet those requirements those players would likely not be exactly happy to see more englishspeaking players invade their PF lists when the elemental players are Incorporated should the region yde party finder be implemented so it makes sense to me to have the experience be opt in completely if you want to you can leave the tick box unticked and keep that smaller player pool in exchange for more exclusivity you can do that should you want to we could even go one step further at this point and make all of the duty finders region wide honestly now when it comes to the actual Logistics I think having the option to tick in optt in like he's mentioning I think that's an overall W um people aren't going to complain about anything because it's an opt-in feature you're not forced to do something that the game wants you to do you just [ __ ] opt in or opt out yep that pretty much solves the whole problem and infrastructure of this I'm clueless and I acknowledge that maybe this is totally impossible but in my heart of hearts I don't really believe not japanes Yosh wow because he stated the following a little earlier in the year in a famitsu interview some sort of worldwide Duty Finder system or content matching and registration system is currently under consideration they're worried about cultural things though and it's a big technical challeng I didn't even know he said that if this is something that's actually under consideration or the early stages of implementation that means that playing with players on a different data center within the same region a much less extreme step should be within the realm of possibility as well and while still worldwide Duty Finder and even party finder sounds great that too opens up an entire can of worms that I'm not really sure I'm ready to talk about in this video aside from to mention the obvious ping issues and it isn't something that is needed cross data center I feel is and it's something that I'm really hoping to see implemented as soon as next expansion if not well I guess i' Co y actually said that retainers thank you so much for watching today do you think there's any other solution to this issue do you think it's even a problem I'd love to get more opinions from other ff14 players so let me know in the comments maybe for those of us that are struggling out here with needing to constantly reg and travel this might get a couple of extra eyes and ears on the problem who knows have a fantastic day all and I will see you next week with another video have a good one oh man that was such a good video that was that was that was an excellent excellent excellent video oh posture check oh okay that's what she's trying to say okay okay yeah sometimes I forget how I'm sitting I guess I'm not really like thinking about how I'm sitting but true I should sit more up forward I don't know I'm kind of like leaning like this because I guess I'm just like listening it's almost like I'm going closer to listen even though I have a [ __ ] headset but I just kind of subconsciously do that you know it's like you know I'm like going in because I want to listen and like get more knowledge I don't know it's kind of weird un like that sometimes but anyway uh yeah that was a really good video that was a really good a really really good video it's kind of cool he put He put me in the video uh he put my tweet in the video that's [ __ ] awesome really really cool that he did that um I forgot what it was where it was in the time stamp but yeah it it was there it was really cool that was awesome uh yeah I think the solutions that renon put I think are really good having an option to opt in or opt out of something I think is an overall W you should be able to do that if I would like to make a PF and opt in to let chaos players be able to join this party or not join the party think it's a good solution and also like because chaos PF is dead right doesn't mean that like we shouldn't uh let let me rephrase this we shouldn't like just not care about chaos you know what I mean because the people that are on chaos they don't always want to DC travel to light just to raid and then go back to chaos to do the retainer [ __ ] and then go back to light to raid you know it's a it's a it's a long process it's annoying the process is annoying you can't use FC Buffs in the other DC that is true uh yeah he's pretty much right on all this I completely agree uh I'm just yeah DC discourse uh in general oh jaded sorry I don't actually know what that means let me check jaded def what does that mean ah bored or lacking enthusiasm typically after having too much of something physically tired exhausted ah okay so you are jaded at the DC discourse what's this I'm so stupid I'm sorry dude I don't actually know discourse means like discussion right written or spoken communication or debate ah it's like debate spoken Comm gotcha gotcha okay okay I understand now what you Jed at the data center talk or debate in general yeah yeah I mean I I I get it I get it dude it's just uh I I like talking about it mainly cuz I like Ping and in in light and stuff I guess I don't know but I still think uh it'd be cool to play with chaos people I mean we kind of do it's just like done in An Inconvenient way I guess you know the whole hard D chaos is bad yeah that's that's stupid you know like chaos isn't bad it's just that PF after DC travel May made it like way way less popular it's like I I have a question for you chat let me put the music lower let me do my jump puzzle I have a question for you chat if you guys want to go party right at the club or whatever would you go to a party that has a 100 people or would you go to a party that has three people I like if you want a really party three people okay maybe that was a bad example cuz I would get some people want to go with less people but let's say it to make a party to make a nightclub party you're required to have um like a certain group of people and that group of people can never be met or something you would just go to the one that has the more people so that you can actually start a party like a nightclub party I don't know I'm not really giving the best example right now but I'm just thinking like like usually people like to go where there's a lot of people so that things can happen and stuff I I guess is what I'm trying to say forget the nightclub analogy but yeah I would stay home I I would too actually [ __ ] that you know I just want to play League of Legends and lose my [ __ ] mind or have a good time and watch Arcane which by the way I am right now I'm watching Arcane I think it's really good episode five in Arcane by the way right now I'm going to watch it after the stream it's really good um no com Tower makes you want a data center travel and race you go for it I like to do this usually when I just Yap about random [ __ ] that video was awesome by the way very very nice video by by renan yeah like at the end of day like the people that say you know that that [ __ ] on chaos I know there's a lot of people in light that [ __ ] on chaos but they don't recognize that literally most of the people that raid in light right now they're from chaos they're they're from chaos they DC travel to raid here so they are part of it you know what I mean they are quite literally part of the [ __ ] the PF and so when people say chaos bad they don't recognize that they're they're actually part of light too when it comes to the raids yeah that's the way it goes yeah it's like um I don't really like take those uh you know the arguments seriously from people that like [ __ ] on chaos or something cuz I mean I was a chaos player right I was a chaos player uh on Louis SW and then you know uh eventually like the only reason I transferred was basically because of the reasons renon mentioned like the retainer stuff [ __ ] annoying grabbing stuff from your retainer you would have to DC travel um there's like a lot of restrictions you can't use your grand company that is true you can't uh you can't do a lot of things like that and it's just annoying so I'm basically like thinking about that really it's it's mainly that and like at the same time I met a lot of cool people in light already that like I might as well transfer because I know so many people here already like I said I literally got to a point where I just never go back to chaos for like months and I just sit there and light on my non-home server not being able to do all the stuff that I should be doing on chaos but yeah that's that's the way it goes than's wife how's it going than's wife than's wife I have all the respect for you you are than's wife after all and thaner is my favorite character wow that's kind of based to be honest yeah you giri thankd and uh estan I love these characters a lot both DCS have their pros and cons true yeah chaos is still [ __ ] massive though for real T I've made it to the top baby damn
Channel: Alninio
Views: 2,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: MfHc8Ney7rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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