The Park made me work for this Ring.

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oh [Music] my what in the heck did I get me another bearing sure [Music] did turn it [Music] on here on quarter quarter [Music] quarter [Music] what oh tiller tortured baby come come on 34 a 34 Memorial holy crap man man I love this sport I got some firmware hemorrhaging some from some oh it's a little loose that's what it was I had a little firmware H hemorrhaging right there damn firmware hemorrhaging right there from a loose connection man I lost a lot more firmware than I thought wow yeah once it's downloaded it'll leak out if your connections aren't tight here we go steady 61 and2 another Memorial on this episode of the memorial tutorial dispatch goes into the wild and search for The elusive Memorial that will blow up go viral on Tik Tok Facebook YouTube stay tuned come on [Music] back let's go come on with it wait a second is that a dime it can't be a dime is that rosy red it is a dime well no Schism got Nick Nick sounds like it pull Nick I'm only call Nick real could be anything is that Nick numbers no we got straight beef wait a second is she wearing gold or is that just tarnish I think that's actually you know what that is that's Smoker's beef right there that's tar that's Smoker's tar right on the beef Jes holy crap dispatched oh oh don't give me a camera the [Music] all right so my my battery died on the way over here and I got to go replace it with another battery but I just pulled this guy out little spoon Bowl I don't know uh haven't cleaned it off to see if it's uh anything cool or not but little spon Bolt so get it cleaned up check it out all righty come on nice let's go let's get it man it's got to be in the plug it was in the plug there it is I see it sitting straight up what do we got here what is this this with a dudee on the back oh is that say 2006 is that a state quarter man it oh yeah Hawaii man it's pretty deep maybe a nickel nickel pull tab I mean it wouldn't be a ring that's for the guys that go on YouTube the guys that that post on YouTube they find rings I don't I don't play that where'd it go really oh I called it Mr nickels yeah I mean the Rings the necklaces the bracelets you know those type of things that's a the people that that do that thing what is it called social social media I think where they go on and record their finds yeah them guys they find rings and jewelry and necklaces and Relics and stuff yeah I leave that for them guys I won't I won't do anything like that look what we got boom shaka laka that's a nice looking Memorial right there don't be jelly please be a memorial I believe it is awesome my wife's going to kill me look at that right there wo it said of course the pinpointer said Woo we we got another Memorial pretty steady 80 right [Music] here fell right out look at that didn't even see it fell right out of the plug yep we have ourselves a [Music] dime I don't know it brings up like a quarter foot it's not loud there it is quarter that was kind of quiet like it was really deep it's a quiet quarter old George was whispering to me old George was whispering to me here I am help me across the Delaware here I am oh man man that sounds awesome there's George had to flip it out from the back old Mr Eagle [Music] backer I think I was getting a little side sensitivity there's old George Mr Washington Eagle backness I heard the double [Music] hit give me that pull [Music] tab give me that come on Wow freaking [Music] mud [Music] all it come on come [Music] on are you kidding me yo this guy right here I see the shadow this guy right here pulls off the ring it's bling but you know what come on now I feel like a YouTuber let's go what's that like one of mood rings and I said pull tab let's go look at that what a stone and all but I mean this this is all too much attention for me I'm got to I got to go back to the memorial it's a little junker but whatever it it's 100% [Laughter] ring we got ring time I did that YouTuber thing all right on where'd that go all right get on with it I took my eyes off the every once in a while it just goes up high what could it be right next to the old ring hole ring hole is right here the YouTuber hole there it is oh that's a pretty nice right there all right little off just just a hair people calm down there's the pull tab boom pull tab and ring within a wangs worth well not Juice's Wang but the average person's wangs worth Oops I did it [Laughter] again oh man I'm going to pay for this one I know it I know it I'm going to pay then they are going to pay oo now that's more of a juices Wang's distance apart that was here and that's here I remember I said I heard that high oh let me guess is it the can no can't that high can that high that's really close what the heck whoa there it is Boom Boom Shaka Laka Boom boom shaka boom shaka Locka what is it man why don't I just go get glasses I can't even begin to tell you what it is besides a a flat circle that's the size of a oh wait there we go I see the old Georgie bro all right got one here one here let's do this one first oh saw it there oh we got a doggy tag GE oh Gia you lost your [Music] tag give it to me there's George I see a face on the one side so that's going to be another steady hey just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for supporting me hitting that like button and leave me a comment below guys love to read what you think uh joking around anything just write it down there below this is my 3-day 700 700 7h hour hunt uh up next Joel bless it get over there show the man some love and uh God bless everyone [Music] peace
Channel: Dispatched Detecting
Views: 247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LbdkhywO8ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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