Time Does Not Shout - It Is Written with George Vandeman

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[Music] a new bridge was to be constructed across creek the road leading to the bridge was closed several miles away newspapers had carried word of the closure and the reason for it spot announcements on radio had also alerted the motorists at the four corners three tripod signs and two flasher signs detoured all foothill traffic and two miles farther on where the road passed the last house before the bridge wooden horses were placed on each side of the road and a heavy bridge timber laid across them completely barring the road at each end of the timber were flasher lights and spike to the barrier were two huge signs one said road closed and one said bridge out besides all this a large bulldozer was parked crosswise in the road but on monday morning when the bridge crew arrived forward the foreman took one look and exclaimed with anger and disgusted his voice look at that there at the end of the barrier on the lawn that sloped down from the farmhouse to the road we're not one or two but 12 or 15 pairs of wheel tracks tearing up the sod where cars had gone around trying to get through evidently as i'm sure you've noticed some people just don't believe in signs or clocks it is written this is george vanderman today it is written presents time does not shout did you know that world war iii actually began on the morning of february 20 1971 and was in progress for 40 minutes and we weren't even told here's how it happened united states air force as perhaps you know has an emergency warning center at cheyenne mountain in colorado it's connected by means of wire services the associated press united press with the television and radio stations of our nh our nation the emergency the air force has in mind is world war iii but as a safety precaution the emergency action notification and the red alert messages can be sent only by direct order of the president the decision to throw us into world war iii is not entrusted to anyone else this warning this announcement of doom is on perforated paper tape so also is a test message which was routinely sent out on saturday mornings as a test of the system well you've guessed it on the morning of february 20 an air force employee at cheyenne mountain picked up the wrong tape by mistake without knowing it he'd notified the country that world war three had already begun at channel 44 in chicago it was a dull morning there wasn't much on the wires that day but right after the 8 30 station identification break the news editor suddenly let out a yell get a load of this there was on the ap machine biggest life it was the usual time for the test of the emergency system but there was the code word that identified the message as the real thing hatefulness now if it were a test message it would have said it would not have said hatefulness it would have said impish well the men watched with startled eyes as the machine pounded out the words that they'd never expected to see message authenticator hatefulness but then what end what better time could an enemy choose to attack than at the regular test time they were supposed to broadcast message one but it wasn't in the folder they could only find message two so they just signed off without explanation it took them 30 seconds to get off the air all the rest of the chicago stations were broadcasting as usual and when the news editor called the ap bureau they hadn't even noticed the message on the wire only channel 44 seemed to know that we were at war then wgn started broadcasting an emergency message but a live announcer broke in and said it was all a mistake the ap sent a bulletin that the air force had put on the wrong message tape and immediately the military override system took control of the wires and issued a cancellation at that point channel 44 went back on the air but the confusion was unbelievable first they realized that neither the cancellation neither of the cancellations had carried the terminator word impish as they should have a few minutes later ap issued another bulletin but with no terminator code at 8 59 the national warning center took the wire with another retraction but instead of impish they used the activator word code hatefulness what was going wrong had the news wires been taken over by the enemy finally at 9 13 40 minutes after it started the warning center issued a retraction accompanied by the right code word impish and world war three was over but what have it been a real emergency doesn't it frighten you to think about it and of what values a warning that's almost universally ignored we seem to have an uncanny bent for business as usual a shopkeeper heard a commotion on the sidewalk in front of his shop he went out to see what was going on a young woman was being stabbed before his eyes he watched for a few moments went back into his shop and when the police asked him why he had not offered assistance he explained i had a customer and after all business is business in another instance vicious robbers poured lighting fluid over their bond victim and set him a fire the neighbor in the apartment next door was asked if she heard the screams sure i heard the scream she said it was so loud i had to turn up the volume in my television set friend have we reached the point where we're confused about which is real the drama on tv or the drama that isn't drama but you say isn't watching television a good place to be if emergency should strike haven't we all been given the impression that tv will flash a warning of a flood or fire tornado or any enemy attack in time to take refuge or evacuate or whatever is needed the trouble is we've already seen an example of how smoothly the warning system might be expected to operate and even if the system should work perfectly how many of us would take the sea warning seriously that's the question on may 23 1960 in hilo of hawaii sirens began to shriek in the night now that in hawaii could mean only one thing a tidal wave after all it's right in the middle of the pacific the radio confirmed their suspicions there'd been an earthquake in chile and a tidal wave was headed toward hawaii at 450 miles an hour they had three hours and 15 minutes to evacuate but residents of hilo had been through many a tidal wave alert and usually nothing had happened some moved to higher ground some didn't bother suddenly the sirens stopped all was quiet it was like a death hush then came the rumbling like the roll of a distant drum it was almost inaudible at first then it grew louder and then with a fierce rumbling and a force impossible to describe it was there a wall of water 30 feet high and moving with the speed of a jet screams of the anguish were drowned in the deafening roar and then he was quiet again that awful silence in the morning 78 bodies were recovered from the ruins 78 people who didn't need to die they knew they heard the sirens they understood the risk they just didn't bother to do anything about it time seems to have this tricky way of running out tell me is god out to play tricks on us is he trying to take us by surprise would he like to see some disaster perhaps the final disaster slip up on us and sweep us away without any warning no friend a thousand times know listen to this tucked away in one of the minor prophets amos the third chapter and the seventh verse surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets evidently god will permit no great crisis to overtake us without warning we can be sure of that the bible says so but you say doesn't the scripture say that jesus will return to this earth like a thief certainly that must mean that we'll be taken by surprise yes it does but let me read it word for word and we'll see something more first thessalonians the fifth chapter and verses two and three you know perfectly well that the day of the lord comes like a thief in the night while they're talking of peace and security all at once calamity is upon them sudden as the pangs that come upon a woman with child and there will be no escape yes there it is there it is men will be surprised but listen to the next verse verse 4 but you my friends are not in the dark that that they should overtake you as a thief so some will be surprised and some won't now is god partial does he give information to some and not to others does he warn some and not others or is the difference in what men do about the warning let's listen to the words of jesus back here in luke 21 verses 34 through to 36 luke 21 luke 21 here it is watch keep a watch on yourselves do not let your minds be dull by dissipation and drunkenness and worldly cares so that the great day closes upon you suddenly like a trap for that day will come on all men wherever they are the whole world over beyond the alert praying at all times for strength to pass safely through all these imminent troubles and to stand in the presence of the son of man how could words be clearer like a trap but it doesn't have to be like a trap if we're alert if we're prepared pretty good advice isn't it whether or not we're surprised and whether or not we're prepared depends entirely on our reaction to the warning and did you know that the apostle peter described with uncanny accuracy what the reaction of men would be to that listen over here in second peter three second peter three verses three and four listen to these words you should never forget that in the last days markers will undoubtedly come men's whose men whose only guiding life is what they want for themselves and they will say what has happened to his promise coming since the first christians fell asleep everything remains exactly as it was since the beginning of creation have you ever heard anyone talk like that have you everything is going along as it always has nothing has happened yet so it won't happen that's the line but friend god isn't playing tricks we're playing tricks on ourselves with the deceptiveness of nothing has happened yet with the innocent sounding i've never seen it happen so it won't happen we're hoodwinking ourselves with it can't happen here just like pearl harbor we're putting ourselves to sleep with business as usual like noah's day we're even telling ourselves i don't smell any brimstone like sodom we're put off guard we're diverted from reality our fears are pushed aside by the seeming seemingly perpetual nature of time time has never stopped yet so how could it stop the coming of christ has always been an event in the future our minds simply can't conceive what it would be to look back on the coming of christ to look back on the end of time and then there's the convincing voice of uniformitarianism that's the intellectual skepticism that refuses to believe that god has ever interrupted ever interrupted nature's uniform peace in the past or they'll ever do this in the future uniformitarianism has no room for catastrophe in the past or in the future and peter predicted that reasoning too speaking of the last day's scoffers he says over here well right here in second peter 3 right here in the same area verses five to seven listen in taking this view they lose sight of the fact that by the by water the first world was destroyed the water of the deluge and the present heavens and earth again by god's word have been kept in store for burning they are being reserved pardon me until the day of judgment when the godless will be destroyed now it's focusing did you notice that these scoffers these skeptics either ignore or deny two things they reject the account of the flood of noah's day and then they that and then that makes it easier you see to reject the prediction of a judgment to come if we didn't or don't take the book of genesis seriously we aren't likely to take the book of revelation seriously either if we try to explain away the record of judgment in the past we'll likely try to explain away the warning of judgment in the future in fact that's probably the very reason skeptics today try to dismiss genesis as myth or legend then they hope that the book of revelation will turn out to be symbolic too for if they believe what god says about judgment in the days of noah they'd have to believe what god says about judgment soon to come and they don't want to believe that there's another thing a person who is not religiously inclined here's church people talking about heaven and hell and the day of judgment and the coming of christ and then he says to himself these are all things that religious people talk about things that happen to them it's their belief but they happen only to them only to religious people not to anyone else i don't need to be concerned in other words they try to make a distinction between religion and fact and friend that's a delusion when the world ends it'll end for everybody religious or not when jesus returns in person to this earth that event will involve every resident of this planet past and present religious or not just listen to this listen to this revelation 1 7 he christ is coming with clouds and every eye will see him see every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn eyes of love eyes of hatred eyes of envy eyes of joy every eye will see him even those who crucified him will not escape that day they'll be resurrected to see him return to return to this earth in glory the one that they condemned to die now the difference will not be whether we're religious or not but whether we're prepared or not those who are prepared will tr those who are unprepared will try to find some place to hide revelation 6 verses 15 and 16 describes the very words that these people will say to the rocks and the mountains in that day listen and the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich men and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains into the rocks fall on us and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb that's what they're going to say god's predicted it and then those who prepared will say this described over here in isaiah 25 verse 9. the exact words this is our god for whom we've waited that he might save us this is the lord for whom we waited let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation i say again fred god is not trying to trick us he isn't trying to slip on up on us by surprise he gives us warning after warning he gives us signs but what can he do if we disregard them all and drive around on the lawn remember the bridge that was constructed being constructed over creek but people disregarded the signs and the detours and the flashers and the sign that said bridge out and even the bulldozer parked across the road and listen there wasn't a thing between the bulldozer and that river not a thing you see there's something very final about a bridge that isn't there and when a man ignores god's last warning there's nothing to keep him from eternal ruin no friend god isn't playing games his signs mean just what they say and if anybody drives into the bridgeless chasm it'll be because he's rejected every warning that a god of love could give him pearl harbor was warned again and again of the dangers of war for three hours and 15 minutes the sirens warned the residents of hilo hawaii the people of noah's day were worn for 120 years the ark complete and ready for its strange voyage from the old world to the new stood in full view of that careless and they had been invited to enter they didn't need to be surprised but they were our generation too will be surprised but not because god has played a trick men and women will be needlessly surprised because they thought those who sounded the warning were extremists and alarmist and unstable surprised because they thought it wouldn't happen so soon surprised because they didn't know though they could have known that far out in space beyond the corners of orion the king of glory was about to begin his long journey down the star-studded procession way of the skies back to a tiny world on the edge of his universe a world that once crucified him but a world that he could not forget listen he who cares enough to die for us he who cared enough to die for us he who couldn't let us go will he let a single man or woman go down to ruin without doing everything he can to keep him from it never a thousand times never a number of years ago a man named luther warren a minister of tremendous power was invited to fill a series of speaking appointments in jamaica the large city hall was rented in kingston and young ministers from miles around were invited to watch this man in action on the first night that city hall was packed the young ministers were there in the front seats to watch and luther warren stepped to the speaker's desk but something very strange happened in only a few minutes he covered his announced subject and then for just a moment he seemed to hesitate to grope as if something uncertain was to take place those who watched him uneasily from the back of the auditorium they knew something was wrong those who had planned the meeting but they need not have been concerned in a moment they heard him with deep earnestness began to talk to those people as if to everyone individually he talked about judgment he talked about preparing to meet their god he spoke with an eloquence and power that they'd never witnessed before he pleaded with them to commit their lives to the lord jesus christ without delay that very night the people surged forward under the power of deep conviction why had he changed his subject and preached as he did no one knew luther himself luther warren himself did not know he only knew that he'd been impelled by the spirit of god to do what he did but the next morning they knew for a large part of kingston lay in ruins at the hand of the great earthquake for many a resident of that city there had been only one night friend when there's only one night nothing matters but getting right with your lord when there's only one night you need to be warned you need to be reminded of judgment you need to be informed you need to have the facts and yet information no matter how urgent or how vital or how correct information cannot save only jesus can save when there's only one night nothing matters but the cross of calvary nothing matters but what your lord did for you there and what you decide to do about it friend when there's only one night only one question matters what will you do with jesus but you and i can't mark the last night on the calendar time will give us no signal when it enters its last 12 hours time doesn't shout it only runs out but can't we sense that the storm is about to break can't we feel the breath of the impending crisis are we aware of the steady trait of fulfilling prophecy are we convinced that this planet is rushing toward its doom and don't we hear the spirit of god saying inside now just accepted time now is the day of salvation this is the moment to decide friend just now why should any man or woman wait until there's only one night left shall we pray wonderful lord thank you for the urgency it's what all of us need give us the courage to delay no longer give us the wisdom to decide this moment for nothing could be more important help us not only to see and hear and read the signs but to see and hear and receive the savior personally just now without any further delay in your name we ask it amen well if you've wondered how to sort out everything you hear about the future how to relate to all the predictions that you hear then i'm sure you'll want the book that we're offering as our gift today it's my book look no doomsday this entire book is devoted to the future not my ideas about the future you understand but what the scriptures say about it and personally i'm convinced that the word of god is the only place to look for dependable information everything else is only speculation look no doomsday it's our gift no cost to you we'll tell you in a moment where to phone or write i urge you to ask for this knowing what god says about the future could save you from serious deception you need to be for you need to be informed you need to be prepared ask for the book by name look no doomsday so that we'll send the right one now here is the information you need address your card or letter to it is written box o thousand oaks california 91360 could there be an easier address to remember just it is written box o that's simply box is zero thousand oaks california 91360. now be sure to ask for the offer by name it takes only a few moments to write but it could mean a lifetime of satisfaction and while you're writing down the address let me remind you to invite a friend to watch it is written with you next week the address again it is written box o thousand oaks california 91360 and now the time has come to say goodbye everyone but remember it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god [Music] [Music] you
Channel: fingerstoes316
Views: 632
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Id: lOKyN1WlgBQ
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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