The backbone of the RAF for nearly 40 years | Panavia Tornado

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Behind me is a Tornado GR4. It's an  aircraft that formed the backbone   of the Royal Air Force in various variants for  nearly 40 years of continuous frontline service.   When this was originally designed during the  Cold War its main role would have been out over   the plains of Germany had the Russians attacked  potentially using nuclear weapons. By the time the   GR4 was in service, it was fielding strategic  weapons that could be dropped with precision.   Be it in the Gulf War of 1991 through to final  actions leading up to the type's retirement   in March 2019. Wherever the RAF were used  tornadoes would have been on the front line. The Tornado IDS was designed as a  specific one-task low-level strike   aeroplane with the additional capability  of elaborate advanced reconnaissance.   Therefore its philosophy was of high  wing loadings, tough structural strength,   very fast low level, and nobody worries too  much about what goes on with the altitude. So in the mid-1970s, the idea was that we  needed a new aircraft to be able to act as   a bomber. At the time we had aircraft like  the Vulcan still in service, huge great big   very obvious aeroplane. We needed something  quicker, we needed something more versatile.   The UK government by themselves weren't in a  position to just go ahead and design their own   aeroplane as we had done in the decades before.  So Britain, along with a number of other nations,   formed a consortium that would become known as  Panavia. Belgium, Holland and Canada at one point   were involved in the program. But it was only  Great Britain, Germany and Italy that actually saw   a Tornado go into production the  other partners had dropped out. The whole policy of the program  whether it was right or wrong was   appeasement rather than confrontation. I think  that probably is the only way you can do it in   international collaboration. Having said all  that, the Tornado was worked through. It had   its difficulties in development, but it turned  out to be a brilliant operational aeroplane. The overall organization and management of the  Tornado project did learn an awful lot from   TSR-2 and they were all lessons of what not to  do, not so much what to do but what not to do,   we're all fed into Tornado. That project  went surprisingly well considering that   it was three nations and three companies all  totally different in background and culture. So the GR4 is the second main variant of the  Tornado. The GR1 came first and was upgraded   as a midlife update with increased avionics  and better kit to allow it to fight into a new   age. There was an F3 version. That was a fighter  version that only the RAF flew. The GR stands for   ground attack and reconnaissance and the RAF  name pretty much all of their aircraft in a   similar way. They are operated in quite  a number of conflicts in the sort of the   modern era. They were used over Afghanistan, they  were used as our one was during Operation Ellamy   which was to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya  and they were used at various other sorts of   flashpoints often deploying forwards, in the case  during Operation Ellamy, to bases in Italy. The   gr4 as I say really did push the RAF's airpower  right through to its retirement in March 2019. The cutting edge of the RAF's front  line to the year 2000 and beyond   will be provided by the  Tornado strike attack aircraft.   Capable of carrying conventional or nuclear  weapons, Tornado can strike far and wide   throughout Europe from very low-level. The Tornado  is the first RAF aircraft to be fully designed   for the complex age of electronic warfare  enabling it to jam or deceive enemy defences. So we're now in Airspace at Duxford with our  Tornado GR1 aircraft. Our GR1 here has quite an   illustrious history which we'll have a look at  in a second, but it is now painted in a fairly   standard grey colour. Before it wore what was  called 'desert pink' when it went to war during   the Gulf War Operation Granby in 1991. It acquired  the later grey scheme here, after the Gulf War   when it was modified to GR1B standard which had  a maritime strike capability. The Tornado GR1   when it entered service had been envisaged  to carry nuclear weapons for use against   soviet block forces. Those weapons  adapted over the years from free-fall,   to more sophisticated weapons, but during the Gulf  War this particular aircraft was named Foxy Killer   and it flew the highest amount of bombing  missions by any RAF Tornado in that conflict.   The majority of the missions it carried  out involved dropping freefall weapons or   laser-guided munitions, but it started out that  conflict by operating and using the JP 233 runway   denial weapon. This huge weapon Tornado could  carry a pair of these and they were designed   to deny the use of a runway to enemy forces by  cratering the runway surface and spilling out   anti-personnel mines to restrict the clear  up and repair organization and operations. Much like the aircraft, itself the engine  were also a conglomerate mostly produced   at Rolls-Royce, but they did involve the  manufacturers from Germany and Italy.   They created a company, Turbo Union, and  created the RB-199. The engines were able to   carry the Tornado at very fast speeds. In the  case of the GR, at low-level it'd be unlikely   to exceed supersonic speeds, but the fighter  variant adopted by the RAF as the F3 eventually   was capable of up to Mach 2.2. Because  of the power of the engines as I say   tornado needed a very big fin to control the  aircraft and the size of the fin above us   led to one of its nicknames 'The Mighty Finn' or  depending on who you spoke to. because of its base   being RAF Mahram in Norfolk, it gained  the name 'The Norfolk Land Shark' The biggest new thing was fly-by-wire. It was  a big step in the dark controlling aircraft   purely by electronics. The first European  aircraft which had a fly-by-wire system. When you want to go to high speed you sweep  the wings back. That reduces the frontal   area and you can go much faster, it also  improves the gust response at low level.   It is an extremely good low-level attack without  any doubt at all. With the wings fully swept you   can charge along at quite high speeds and  not feel a thing. For takeoff and landing,   you need to have the wings out and  so you can bring it in pretty slowly. The big difference with Tornado over  other variable-geometry aircraft such as   the American F-14 tomcat or F-111  is that on the wings of Tornado   there are hardpoints and those hardpoints are  attached mechanically so as the wing sweeps back   the pylons rotate as well which means that  the weapons we're looking straight down the   nose of here remain faced into the direction of  flight whatever degree of sweep back is put on. The GR4 continued to carry a huge range of  weapons but the big difference was the weapons   that was being carried on the GR4 were a lot more  sophisticated. On our Tornado just here we have   a Brimstone launcher. This is one of the last  weapons that Tornado would have been equipped to   carry as it came out of service. This particular  example is a replica as the RAF are still very   much using these in service. They're developed  from the hellfire missile most associated probably   with use on the Apache attack helicopter, but it  gave the tornado a capability to hit individual   targets such as individual armour or soft-skinned  vehicles with each of the missiles. Most of the   Tornado's offensive armament would have been  carried on pylons underneath the centre line.   As we go up underneath the wing Tornado carries  on the hardpoints on the wing a fuel tank.   The fuel tank increases Tornado's range  without the reliance or the need for too   much air-to-air refuelling and on the fuel tank  pod is the place where they mount the defensive   weapon. Early versions had a Sidewinder,  on Tornado GR4 we had ASRAAM, the Advanced   Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile. They were only  for defence, they weren't a fighter aircraft, but   it did give the Tornado some form of self-defence  capability. Likewise, on the outer pod we find the   BOZ pod which deployed chaff or flare to put off  a potential missile shot coming at the aircraft. So the Tornado throughout its life always had a  crew of two. Throughout its life in the RAF they   would have had a pilot who sits in the front, he  flies the aircraft he gets it to where it needs to   go, and he's supported in the back by a navigator.  Now the RAF maintained the term navigator whereas   really the navigation was done beforehand lots of  map reading and otherwise was actually in early   versions on a cassette plugged straight into the  cockpit. But the navigator adapts to really become   a Weapon System Operator so along with the pilot  that's the role that they predominantly take on. He said "Right well we've got to get rid of some  of this fuel we can either dump it or we can have   some fun". So we whipped up into  the Yorkshire Dales and he said "Now   I'll show you the terrain-following [radar].  We picked the Dales going across them and   he stuck it into hard ride at something  like 400 knots with a 100 feet clearance.   All it was was rocks, heather, rocks,  heather, rocks, heather, sky. Rocks,   heather, rocks... That's all I could see  in front and he was sat there in the front   cockpit with his hands on his head! So I mean  this was Tornado at its best it really was. In March 2019 the Royal Air Force said  goodbye to the Tornado. After nearly 40 years   frontline action the Tornado's life had come  to an end. They've been replaced in front line   service with the Royal Air Force by aircraft  like variants of the Eurofighter Typhoon,   but such was the affinity that the RAF had  and the public perception of the aircraft   that a number of special performances were  put on to save farewell to this aircraft.   Here at Duxford, we were very fortunate for  the RAF's 100th anniversary in 2018 during   our air show an example of a Tornado  flew alongside the RAF's Lancaster   and the brand new variant of the F-35 basically  representing 617 squadron through the ages. With the winding down of the Tornado fleet in the  Royal Air Force aircraft and airframes began to be   retired, one of which was our aircraft here.  Following its final flight it was delivered   to Duxford by road bringing our collection  right up to date with an example of something   that served the RAF on the front line for over 40  years and also it displays a weapon fit which is  
Channel: Imperial War Museums
Views: 602,364
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Keywords: tornado, Panavia tornado, gr1, gr4, f3, duxford, Duxford air show
Id: tr-RscH6IpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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