Avro Vulcan: What made the Vulcan the best V bomber?

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If you talk to someone about the Vulcan  today they'll often associate its history   with that of its use in the  Falklands conflict of 1982,   when it undertook the longest bombing raid of  any RAF aircraft flying from Ascension Island. The Vulcan however wasn't  designed for that particular role.   It was designed in the early stages of the  Cold War as a nuclear high level bomber. In Britain following the end of the Second  World War thoughts turned to future conflict   and the decision was made to tender the aircraft  companies of the day to produce a bomber that   would be able to fly fairly long range and to drop  a nuclear weapon. What's particularly interesting   is that that decision was made before the  decision was made to proceed with Britain's   independent nuclear weapon. The Vulcan was one  of a number of designs. Initially six aircraft   companies tended for the idea; four of  which went forward to prototype stage. The first one is one that's not particularly well  known the Short Sperrin. A fairly conventional   looking aeroplane, albeit with four engines, with  a pair mounted above each other in each wing.   Two were made but it didn't go into production. The first production bomber that came  from that was the Vickers Valiant.   Again a fairly conventional  aircraft and unfortunately   it didn't progress very far due to a  change in tactics and fatigue life. The next aircraft to fly was the Vulcan; the  second to carry the V name. By this point the   air ministry had decided that their previous  idea of naming bombers after famous towns   and cities in the UK needed a little bit of a  change as the aircraft became more dynamic so the   Vulcan became the second of the V bombers. It was  followed into service by the Hadley Page Victor:   able to actually carry slightly more bombs than  the Vulcan it never went on to gain the same fame. So we're now in the pilot seat of Avro  Vulcan. It's a very cramped area to be in   but probably for the pilot and the co-pilot on  my right they have at least got a fairly decent   view outside - at least they can see outside  unlike the three crew members sitting behind. In this position we'll notice quite a few  interesting features of the of the Vulcan, one of   which is the control column in front unlike most  bombers, it's not of the spectacle handle type but   this is very much a fighter pilot style joystick,  partly because of the handling of the aircraft and   the modern technology that had gone into it,  but it certainly gave the pilot and co-pilot   when they were sitting in here a very different  feel to most of the other bombers of the era. In the centre we have four throttles, one  each for each engine and that's represented   by quadruple instruments in front of us for  engine pressures, oil pressures and otherwise. The Vulcan itself was able to be started  in a conventional way with individual   engines running but in the event  of a scramble they could actually   fast start which would involve firing  all four engines simultaneously   and that would allow a squadron to get  into the air in less than four minutes. A proportion of the crews that fly  the V bombers is always on hand. The Vulcan itself from the Avro aircraft  company is an aircraft not too dissimilar   in some respects to the aircraft that  preceded it the Rolls-Royce merlin engine   Avro Lancaster. I imagine a Lancaster  pilot sitting in the cockpit of the   Vulcan other than having to deal with a number  of extra features caused by having jet engines   probably would have noticed something  very similar in the instrument panel here.   When this aircraft first flew in the 1950s  it really wasn't that far ahead in terms of   what we're looking at from the Lancaster. Indeed  through to the end of its service by the mid-80s   things hadn't changed at all either, the system  still worked, the dials still did what they needed   to and they didn't really modernize it, so someone  who flew a Vulcan at the early part of its service   would have noticed very few changes by the end of  its service life. One thing with the Vulcan was   that it was a very electrical aircraft; it didn't  have a lot of systems in it that were unnecessary   and the electric function meant that if the  electrical power to the aircraft was lost   things like control on the control column would  become very difficult if not impossible. As a   result just up in front of us on the instrument  panel is a release for the ram air turbine   underneath the wing is a small airflow generator  that will drop and that will provide enough power   for the pilot to gain control of the aircraft  in the event of electrical system failure.   The Vulcan control column will allow the  aircraft to move to control the elevons   on the rear surface of the wing but because of  the forces required to move it they are inputted   electronically and a real feel had to be put  in to stop pilots over stressing the aircraft. What were your initial impressions  of the Vulcan? Very impressed yes,   with the power and the performance of  it, the way it handled. It wasn't heavy,   I mean it was very light on the controls because  the feel was artificial. In fact there was no real   feel of the aircraft - that had to be fed  in to give the pilot the feeling that he was   flying the airplane when it was electrics. It  wasn't supersonic but it was very close to that   and I suppose the swept wing of the delta  made it possible to achieve these speeds. The Vulcan has a crew of five. Up front both  the pilot and co-pilot are sitting on ejector   seats underneath a jettisonable canopy.  In the event of an emergency it's often   the case that the co-pilot would have ejected  that would have allowed the canopy to depart   the co-pilot would have followed but it would have  allowed the aircraft itself to depressurize - very   important because the three guys in the back all  facing backwards - the air electronics officer,   the navigator plotter and the navigator radar -  weren't equipped with ejection seats. They would   have had to open the crew access door, rotate  their seats and physically move out of those seats   aided by an inflating bag in the chair to push  them towards the door and hopefully to safety. Conditions in the cockpit of the Vulcan are  very cramped. In terms of crew comforts they   didn't have a huge amount. They were  equipped with a pair of food heaters   one of which is behind the pilot seat the other  behind the co-pilot seat neither of which were   to be relied upon for actually warming up the  can of soup that you may have put in there. The original Vulcan design catered for just  one pilot but Avro was asked to standardize   by fitting two ejection seats side by side  in the extremely small cockpit compared   with the Valiant or the Victor which had a very  tightly curved roof, and that is why many of us   who flew the Vulcan for for many many years  have a virtual permanent crick in the neck.   The head was either that way to the left or that  way to the right to to cater for the combing. Flight time in the Vulcan: the crew in here  could have been inside for eight or more   hours in the case of the Falkland's mission that  was possibly doubled to around 16 hours or so.   The Vulcan was designed to carry conventional  bombs but also nuclear weapons in the event   of the cold war becoming hot. The Vulcan has  four engines buried deep within the wing root   of that massive delta wing. When the Vulcan  was designed, the delta was a new concept,   so new in fact that Avro actually built a number  of one-third scale prototypes we could call them   to test out the theory of the delta wing. It  was certainly the first production aircraft in   the RAF to adopt this shape and really the first  combat aircraft anywhere in the world to do so.   During the later stages of the  Second World War the Germans had   experimented with the delta shape  but it was still a very new concept.   It was the Vulcan's delta wing as well that  enabled it to have longevity of service life.   Preceding it into service was the Valiant but  when the V Force was requested to fly at low level   the wings on the Valiant began to show signs  of stress and they were withdrawn from service,   but the Vulcan's big thick wing protected  it when it reverted to that low level role. But originally it was designed to go in at high  level to drop nuclear weapons on Russian towns and   cities in the event of that becoming a necessity.  They would have been painted overall bright white,   anti-flash white but when they reverted to the  low-level role by which point they would probably   have been carrying more tactical nuclear weapons  in the case of something like the blue steel   standoff weapon, they gained this camouflage  surface to protect them in that environment. With the switch to low level a dark  green camouflage paint was introduced.   But of course the boffins had quite failed to  appreciate that to a fighter loitering above   we now stood out like the proverbial sore thumb.  Nor at low level could we use the the blackout   curtains to protect against flash. Against nuclear  flash? That's absolutely right. So we couldn't use   these at low level we needed to look out to make  sure we weren't going to fly into anything. And   so we were issued with and were required to wear  on operations a standard black medical eye patch   and in the event of being blinded we were to lift  it up switch it over and put it on the other eye.   Not very scientific was it,  certainly not very comforting,   but that was the primary aid to protect  against nuclear flash at that time. And so they slide past, the giants  of the US strategic air command,   following them the huge white shapes  of Britain's long range heavies,   their vast bulks making their  speed appear deceptively slow. That wing alone about two wing that itself  put 2000 feet on the cruise climb ceiling   even without the bigger more powerful Olympus  engines were fitted to the mark II so that you   know with four times 20,000 pounds of thrust  and for demonstration purposes you could get   the weight down to about a hundred, hundred and  ten thousand pounds. The thrust weight ratio was   absolutely astronomical. The highest I ever had  a Vulcan was sixty two and a half thousand feet.   Not much fuel left I must  admit. Critical mach number,   well of course in those days one was never  absolutely certain of position errors,   but I dare say the fastest we ever went was  a in the region of nine six or nine seven. Our Vulcan x-ray Juliet 824 is a Vulcan B2. It's  the second variant of the Vulcan, the second main   production variant, and this particular  one was used all of its life as a bomber.   It flew with numerous squadrons all over  the country and indeed around the world   and was delivered to Duxford in March 1982. Very  significantly it was delivered by a pilot by the   name of Martin Withers who just a few weeks or  months later when the Falkland's conflict began   he undertakes the first of the Black Buck  raids flying a Vulcan from Ascension island   to the Falkland's where he drops bombs that  crater the main runway. This particular mission   was the longest bombing raid undertaken by the  RAF and indeed by any country up to that point. And so very expensively and with a great deal  of effort we were able to mount some six attacks   on the Falkland islands by Vulcans operating out  of Ascensions. I say very expensively because in   order to get one Vulcan over the Falkland islands  we needed team tankers they had to actually   refurbish the flight in-flight refuelling system  to the Vulcan. There was a shortage of probes and   the director of the Imperial War Museum was  telling me that the RAF even borrowed a probe off   a Vulcan bomber which they had in the museum.  I'm told that they did return it after the war.   They were extremely long and extremely  difficult sorties for the crews involved.   Flight refuelling is not perhaps  it's quite as easy as it looks,   the Vulcan speed and the tanker speed have to be  coordinated they have a very small basket to aim   for with their probe and of course only a small  window in which they could do this refueling. The Avro Vulcan is a truly amazing aircraft.  It has a real affinity with the British public   and being able to see one  here at Duxford allows you to   look at its immense size, it's immense  presence that it must have had in the sky   and to compare it to an aircraft that flew just 11  years before it in the shape of the piston-engined   Avro Lancaster. The Vulcan of the three V bombers  has gone down probably as the most famous partly   because of its role in the Falkland's campaign,  partly also because after that conflict   it was retired as a bomber within the same year  by December 1982. But the legacy of the Vulcan was   such that the RAF themselves kept one airframe  on as a display aircraft for a number of years   allowing the public to continue seeing this  aircraft long after it had gone out of service. Thank you for taking the time to watch our video  on the Avro Vulcan, we hope you've enjoyed it   please take a moment to take a look at our YouTube  channel and don't forget to like and subscribe.
Channel: Imperial War Museums
Views: 218,586
Rating: 4.9370804 out of 5
Keywords: Imperial, War, Museums, avro vulcan, vulcan bomber, vulcan howl, vulcan take off, vulcan landing, vulcan howl during take off, vulcan flying footage, vulcan cockpit, cockpit footage, avro vulcan bomber, falklands war, cold war, cold war jet
Id: sREH4CKyuE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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