The Pace Report: “Ready To Die, Nigger!” The Dick Gregory Interview

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hello welcome to this very special edition of the pace report I'm Brian pace reporting from the spectrum theater welcome to another edition of the pace report I'm Brian pace reporting from the black spectrum theatre here in Queens New York blessing the band stage tonight and are very rare and intimate performance performing his stand-up as well as commentary is Civil Rights icon as well as activists mr. Dick Gregory now for well over six decades mr. Gregory has been on the front lines advocating the rights of civil rights as well as humanitarian issues both here and abroad as you might know in 1968 mr. Gregory was the first person of color to run for president and on the heels of mr. president Barack Obama's presidency is about to end in about another hundred days I had a chance to sit down with mr. Gregory to one talk about this legacy of mr. Obama what he thinks about what the future is going to bring for him as his legacy ends as well as talk about the current situations going on as well as issues going on within the black community the black rights movements including the black lives matter movement as well as issues pertaining to equality as well as Wall Street so sit back relax and enjoy highlights a mr. Dick Gregory performing live tonight here at the black spectrum theater here in Queens New York as part of the pace report of all over the world get you the money these crackers pay me why because they know I don't lie and I'll tell the truth in a king feel no hatred then they could see you and learn these wife owned by mr. Gregory we would like to ask you I think we paid you $250,000 you did it in two checks already carried and spent well to dinner tonight but it's a group of us would like to you to like sit with us and explain to us what some of the things that's on your mind you have clever that is now most you would tell you that since MA oh I've get into mine but you say y'all want me to to to to to tell y'all what mama yes that's what we like well I'm trying to figure out what happened to albinos after high school every hospital got a Elvira didn't they disappear that don't bother you I'm in nightclubs every night no see now I'm gonna praise every day now see now I've got work Jeff ain't never see now but you ain't never had one sit down final rape me it'd be easy to catch this fall I wanna know why later his work hard a practice know every time that was bad well supermarket you shop you an obscene outline on him party you had never seen him that no toilet paper did she get switches away well what's the second thing that's on your mind I say I've never seen a baby pigeon - what do you mean you ain't neither every time I see a pigeon is electric wire rocket if any billions of years where they stood before the electric watch ah have you ever seen a baby pigeon okay that's all I'm saying did you don't know what to say Oh [Music] so I'm getting ready to open me up a black airline I'm not asking you black for some money and then to white folks to join the company so I'll qualify for minority lumps and it's gonna be a great old black coffee needles get copies and name it something so white folk don't know us black my arm I'm gonna be called Tamika a motto we leave late but we digitized downtown guarantee you white folks would never lose a bag or you ain't gonna bring none on then I'll let white folks know you gotta complain about their I'm blaming a wife for you better the airport 99.9% white folks now if you got a problem with great house bring it to me we'll never tell them that you going on with you practice covering at the airport make you walk six bucks to get all jet and you don't say no no right now yeah bring that bus up to you Tommy lose your bag and that's like you didn't have one who's your bag innocent we'd three box from the terrible don't go looking for you baby I'll been ripped off in Memphis a white boys didn't next to me he had to go to a business meeting at the airport shut down because the weather he said God what do you do seek the light but you babe I'd say the airport's a lost-and-found going on without a big side you see lost you know pretend I want to ask you about this courage situation you were the first person of color to run for president and now that Obama has about a hundred days left what do you think and what do you think about the last eight years that President Obama has been president well you really can't answer that fairly with the messiyah narrative he came in the economy was bad white folks had never planned on sending their children to school nowhere but Harvard Princeton Yale and so he gets in so bad damn community colleges so they bring a hostility with them that they never thought they had in them of what the conditions they're going to now I mean McDonald's huh they sell carrots and beets and everything what this is new audience you turn on TV and see wife will say buy one suit get several free the economy they've never you got rightful they have never known a bad economy and now they never know when you started and when you ran for politics in 67 in also 68 you decided to start a new party and it seems that right now the Democratic as well as the Republican Party have lost touch with the American public what is going to start happening now available I didn't know no part out Rand at the independent right in I wasn't going to no party so do you think that the two-tier party system has run its course in these times these economic and run into colas okay all the steel and the stuff they go on we know what we used to talk about their daily machine all over the world I did people vote not we're gonna act like oh it don't exist we know it exists we know it exists Oh white folks this is gonna get with you in here this y'all be saying when they get around he'll know you're smarter than my fault but you don't like like when you around them you know that I'm look at Trump all you do is take a page I feel Christian Bible you don't see that you don't see that King James you need to thank you so close to God you don't even know God King James my mom and him had me believing and he wrote the Bible I didn't know King James was King of England till I was grown and he was such a weird strange homosexual he hated women so bad he killed his mother and his love was law Buckingham who ham cows named after but y'all run around talking about homosexuals and talk about it all you old know every preacher that was King don't only but what exactly why okrill Don't Ask Don't Tell you come in the military we'll all right if you go you're too talented what do you think about Jordan would you tight satin pants on what do women's ways on just watch them and then blouses he was like but they tell you he's a hero so young children look at that slave does ungodly pink when will the Jews one day raised a children looking at them respecting Hitler the Washington Monument no master there were none look Tom tails but you don't want to talk about that the one thing I will say to you white folks I know a couple of you here and I just wanted to restrict won't be talking about you [Music] see I'm one of the few to their king that white in a cover is a attitude and if you ain't got trillions of dollars in the bank you can't be white I don't know why you don't you don't study you might folks in that don't know what I'm talking about Mundy call the stock market and why are you talkin if you can't determine will go up or come down a light one and we help you believe you white cream on this bed the richest white woman on the planet she make three hundred and sixty million dollars every 24 hours just interest on money and who hater is the people at northern our uncle hater tell you if dem crackas is northern homage to cleaning this you in number the whole you ain't got no money that's the same thing you doing slave in white bar call you or and you react to a death like her trying to react one of the richest women in the world to some that hater you can never be a and you can never be a beaten egg I like to call unity you get mail call you big air you smile from somebody that they never like you can call with you some make you put inside and you don't feel it inside you don't field it in one thing I can say I am dead cut by functional flack one thing I can say I'd like to take my hat off to you folks baby is ugly paint women a lot of gays hate women that's what you look and you act like this is something new got them crackers laughing they read that punk huh George why was dear that before him but he didn't do with their permissions when they put a bullet through him so what are y'all home wake up you start acting like what you think you all hmm I want to shift topics just a second the entertainment industry it seems that right now we still have a lack of diversity when it comes to acknowledging products as well as topics of color when we're dealing in Hollywood and you kicked in the door many many years ago what are some of the things now that we have to focus on as far as people of color to produce our own content let me say this we got to be fools nobody in the history this planet ever got memories to entertain us Apple eat huh ask yourself that nobody when you go to war you don't go to entertain you go to kill a beetle we're the only people that sit around and thinking a police is a bunch of man you know any country near to play got liberated because the entertainer's I have only us we tolerate that one American once you ask to go to war you ain't going blowing the one this is about because it seems it's apparent that Hollywood right now only wants to see us as slaves or shuckle John you into Hollywood Hollywood ain't never rated us we got the right because the Hollywood did you see the movie Selma you see him as a church that blowed up that was in Birmingham it didn't happen in self so why do you expect anything out of a Hollywood man huh because it seems we've been brainwashed and conditioned through one fear and also like you said misrepresentation of our character and our voice straighten it up if I want to know how old you are gonna Hollywood okay and only the black folks link on do nothing think you won't get something out of God an entertainer your fault you look at a world huh brilliant brain surgeons and they didn't get it from Hollywood why do you keep running back to that you with this right you can do more to change things then Hollywood so what is just about you talking to the master man and you keep asking me the same thing I ain't some punk on the street I said it ain't about entertainment and I'd be insulted if I brought your get together and try to liberate mama to jokes and comedy it's never happened so why we think it's gonna happen mr. Gregory one of my heroes is Amiri Baraka who I really loved and respected and he's the guy that encouraged me to champion the voice of being independent but also have the fire being a black person to tell stories I want to know in your perspective at 84 years old what stuff again I'm relieved entertainment ain't never liberated nobody night you might have and you might believe it huh a thousand years from now when they talk about the greatest movement in the history of the planet it won't be about a police and entertainment you look at football and what do I see Slade all over again are in the field with the football in place the cotton and the white boys sitting on the bench trying to look intelligent huh the scandals that come out that both you what scandals came out of that movement over young folks black folks white folks ready to die ain't ready to die for nothing but then you come along and think you getting something I have no problem with that but I don't want to be in deliberate about you know Tina or after Lee all the history you have a red it wasn't know where all these at least you talk my name one I'm that amazed you company huh name one okay none and are you on city of waste your turban mater this one folks would likely I don't I was out there that's when millions are doubt I cooked my children's money for school and gave it to the movement so you like talking guests of some you talking to somebody was ready to die okay that's what you're talking to so you then you waste my time and insult me to tell me about the entertain that's nice there's a whole lot of people out here that had people give them money or send them to school that ain't liberation nickel for one person the masses huh the millions of school buses they had to buy because a new thing come through that's what I'm talking about now you do whatever the you want to do I don't care but don't sit here and tell me master entertaining our and I'm telling you it don't count but if you want to believe that you thank you that's you and all I say to an intelligent guy go through the history book and see it never raised have everybody went back and got entertainers hats on these that's all I'm saying I'm Erica that the Raiders army in the world huh and it did come for me entertained as the athletes that's what I'm saying no no when you got Muhammad Ali you won no athlete he sit there and said to wipe oh he loves you Muhammad it's on me never happened before he got another religious group that would never be a Muslim to change they died and we can see the voice tonight I'm told my some show business that ain't done nothing look at heel are you Muhammad what do you look at Martha's Ghazi huh Muslim garb is raised more money than anybody off the stock mark we're gonna talk about him over Rio Bravo that's good for you I've had people that came up and told me and nothing to do with liberation nothing to do with liberation entertainers just a game okay that's all it is and thirty years from now you won't remember whom there was a thousand years from now the movement will be talked about not the entertainer who was the greatest thing a hundred years ago huh who was the greatest tap dancer fifty years ago who cares hmm but if you're doing the entertainment show that's your arrow okay you brilliant at it I wouldn't I wouldn't give two feet and I'm knowing oh okay I don't know I'm on the greatest song that's ever been written the Beatles imagine I wrote that okay white boy called me and said we was interviewing listening to the tapes and we asked me say you wrote it that ain't important self 2.5 million records every day that ain't something I want to be remembered by that's what I'm singing the boss I'm a soldier you ain't just talking to some goddamn Punk in the street I went something new I could dine I woke up on this goddamn stage I'll be shocked if somebody shot at me ain't put nothing on the damn life dad ain't no problem cuz I don't expect I'm gonna say just again you what that Mike can do more for the humanities 10th 99% of all black and white athletes put together but you don't see that huh you don't feel that that's what you have if you fall into the basketball playoff three months ago that black man's wife said the games was fixed and nobody cared but at a white boy said it did Ben to talk of the town jazz Digga brothers but there's always one thing when I think about Janice Nina Simone told the whole stick to go to hell god damn you Mississippi not one black jazz man publicly said anything but the redneck murder and crackers just a woman and y'all don't understand that Billie Holiday talked about painted from tree you know you need a black jazz mingle that other the world about what we was going to but you don't understand that does that white boy just transferred everything to you and you think you guys even got no time go the war peon combat bring their career and shot your foot off can open up a shop next door the way you live and even you can't get on it you can't stop him okay so I just say thanks to those within here who know who you are and know what you've done you know you are time watch before they won't write every Universal God let's see what you're doing hmm at 84 years old you have written and you've also read a lot what do you suggest and what are some of the things that you recommend people to read to start that liberation move I don't there's so much new stuff out here it's my first time I ever talk with you there's a hundred of you out here and I'm not stupid enough to believe I can recommend him I just have so much stuff that happened hmm my son became the financial analyst of the city in New York he couldn't tell them white folks either spent thirty four billion uh but they couldn't until he signed it there's a whole lot of black folks on it is doing that we don't know who they are but it's happening every day how want to bring in my office of legislation on the planet huh he wrote then they picked it up from him that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying okay so you look at it and you see it there but with the question you asked me I couldn't tell you the number one school charter school in the world is at Howard University my son put that together okay he put that together in a little category three levels of school everybody that went to that school no Todd 98% um finished college just people I see just doing stuff every day but Michael Jackson come to town and they land around to plant it that's the entertainment piece take my piece there's a brother sitting down there not huh has one of the most powerful shows in America okay on axiom and anytime anything happen they've run and Turner don't see what he got to say hmm don't go look at the goddamn basketball game okay and I will say just again you need to sit home one day and think about the people you have touched huh nothing playing basketball that's safe hmm stuff you sit there and say ain't no game man touch the children here ain't no game hmm but the rest of them it you got a piece of paper and what to say then they got to get permission you take this move ignorant Punk Cedric the Entertainer in the first movie that he was in when he said got the King what none but a punk and Rosa Parks didn't do anything she's just too tired to move her big fat black ass barbershop barbershop but had he said that Queen Elizabeth the man dead okay then went to the movie to see it this Punk hmm he wouldn't be where he was a king and people not died hmm I expect another entertainer I'll expect nobody to kill me they liberated somebody was playing basketball hmm basketball when the found out that Bill Cosby was serious about buying NBC they killed his son nobody want to talk about that just Nadi after then about the property he owns in Pennsylvania has more all underneath then Kuwait okay but we won't hear some gossip they don't even know what the real facts are that's all I'm saying you sit there and you see a black moment on a $20 bill entertainers didn't get that hmm entertainers didn't get that it was a movement getting different labs hmm Oscar the number one TV show in the world Oscar what colors it looked like you where'd it come from two black men who invented movies that's where it come from him and his brother and that's why they will never tell you nothing but Oscar oh wait a minute Oscar Micheaux okay just what I'm singing so that's what the total PC is man the whole piece is so again you have the power not at the beat not absolute you have the power and once you know that you can call people up they call in what do you think about the games will fix you saw the Super Bowl monitor brilliant football minds in the world playing against a white boy about to get indicted and the people I know made big money cause they know that black man wasn't gonna win and I don't know if you looked at it they stopped the game eight times to tighten up their cleats because they had something in the grass and something to please that's why they kept snipping and so again I'm saying you know you need to just go look at you in the mirror man and understand who you are they say the pen is mightier than the full was forward no the mic could with the piano only get to read it you get the reader and a non-reader so that's it's absolutely the pen used to be mightier than the sword the mic is mitered anymore that's what you got that's what you have and when you know what you're doing out there like you do you don't know what I hear he don't know how many rifles look at these over things I'm calling it today TARDIS hmm and that's what you have to understand that huh you have to be ready on every issue cuz you don't know who's listening you don't know - white folks man this stuff messing with us Ross nimble come on cuz they had somebody to tell them what to do hmm before that man they say it angry and I'd you got all these right-wing shows and you don't see all that hatred on them what they got somebody can listen to you got to understand how many people listen to you but they will tell you they won't call here how did you usually say wow that's what you have to leave here knowing you this hip thing is so powerful that my more powerful then Oh God hmm that's what you have not no damn Apple leads but what if they ever done you're him what did they ever done every Nadia oh my Joe Lewis come soon hmm Patel was the cause the oppression we was in maximum and when he beat maximum neither one of them with champions muscle don't know that huh and when Tiger Woods got into a little scandal stepped down from the Gulf hmm - ticket sales decreased fifty percent fifty percent the wife will come to see him lose now he's not playing along to buy ticket that's your job just what you got to get vested yo money comes from here you got to be rested you have to take care of your body you got to stay fit that party in something and you get generation after generation after generation that's your job and understand it and you walk down the street some time by yourself I just think the universal God you got this people then they never give you credit you don't need credit listen to heating you thank you Ben better do it again for this very special edition of the page report on Brian face reporting from the black spectrum theater here in Queens New York I like to personally thank the incomparable Dick Gregory for his time also I like to personally thank the staff for management here at the black spectrum theater please check out for more show information as well as directions here at the black spectrum theater at WWDC mmm as always please visit my website for my weekly column as well as my past segments until next time remember if it's in the groove it'll make you move into next time peace
Channel: Brian Pace
Views: 119,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dick Gregory, Black Spectrum Theater, The Pace Report, Brian Pace
Id: _N3nfd_xepQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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