The owner of this vertical farm in the city of KL is a university student!

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remember to click subscribe and notification button for more our past video hi this is cooking up today i'm actually bringing you to one of a very very interested farm that i always want to visit which is what we normally call a vertical farm or sometimes people call it city farm so here uh i am actually at one place called e farm in the middle of character yeah people it's actually in the middle of the city chiras and the owner is very generously generously invited abba to come and take a look at his e-farm let's go hey guys i'm sean and welcome to e-farm okay sean can you tell us how does this e-farm actually works okay how we grow in e-farm is we grow organic and pesticide-free using aquaponics aquaponics what do you mean by aquaponics here so aquaponics we use fish bacteria and plants to grow vegetables so sean told me just now inside this pool there's actually 1 000 tilapia all right we have one exactly one thousand red tilapia here so how does this aquaponic actually works so how it works is we feed our fish right with our own vegetable that we cannot sell and fish food without any anti antibiotics and any growth hormone so it's custom made for us and then our waste of the fish will go into our filter system where our bacteria is inside special bacteria so it will go through these pipes and then go inside here [Music] so there's a special bacterial tool turn our weight or fish weight into nitrate nitrate is the nitrogen that the plants need to grow it oh so the plant actually needed nice nitrates nitrate nitrates and then it will go in through this particular thing here what is this whole thing here this is basically our bacterial house oh this is the bacterial house yes it's like an apartment for them oh it's like an apartment for all the bacteria but the good one left yeah the only the good ones only the good ones and then after that they will palm the uh liquid yes the water will pump up that height pump out this particular pipe can you see all right and then go to each of the different smaller apartment units now you can actually know why is this methodology called vertical farming there are a lot of different plants here i was told there are more than 20 types of plants sean correct there's more than 20 types where we can grow up to 60 types of different plants and herbs 60 types of different plants and herbs and this is all inside a greenhouse yes correctly it's our own build greenhouse that is exactly one thousand square feet okay one thousand square feet so what happened if the let's say during the sunny season or rainy season how does it works okay so basically you guys can visit any time because the top layer is actually a plastic layer so it's waterproof and then we have a second layer that is imported from japan that helps stop heat from getting into the farm percent of the heat yeah to be very frank upper inside this greenhouse it is actually very hot outside but i don't feel hot at all inside here i think uh giving it a very consistent temperature is very important to the plant all right if it's too hot the plants will die or if they're too hot remember this if it's too hot the plants will actually die yeah okay guess what is this oh this is a chinese cabbage so sean uh how how does this this this vertical farming really really works because i don't see any soy i don't see any dirt yeah why why is it so okay because dirt right carries a lot of bacteria virus fungus and unburned uh pests basically eggs of the pests we don't use any soy because we substitute the soil with clay balls clay ball is this thing what you are referring to here the one below so this is what we call clay ball so this clay ball what's the usage of this clay ball so basically the clay ball acts as a substitute of dirt right we basically just throw seeds on top and you start sprouting and growing up all right and then not only that uh what is this thing inside all right so this looks like that but it's actually called cocopeat it's like blended coconut it's like blended coconut so again you all are avoiding using dirt because you don't want to bring over the the bad material and stuff to come over into your farm right yes correct so how long will it take for these plants to grow so this plant is roughly i would say 10 days old only so by i would say 27 and april 27 we can start to harvest and only we only harvest for our customers when there are orders so it's very fresh all right so it's like if you want the freshest deal you will go and pick up the durian in the early in the morning yes right that's the youtubes to make sure you have the most freshest vegetable here so this when you grow out you will become like this so this one is basically around i would say 20 days old 20 days also so we need to wait for another roughly about 10 days 10 days correct so within 10 days it will suddenly grow very big so there's something that sean told me very in that attracts my attention just now yes told me that even though many people wanted to eat organic veggie but the problem with most organic veggie outside is because the lack of use of patties are pesticide the the they also always got a lot of worms eating off the the veggie so the veggie will not look good so when the veggie doesn't look good you don't feel like eating so that is the problem of uh eating organic veggie in the market right now but if they use this vertical farming and and to give it a very very uh clean environment and without the use of the dirt also you will know you will notice all their veggie looks so pretty so pretty so pretty until upper actually want to just uh take one out and put it into my mouth can i take something here okay inside no nothing very clean there's no very pesticide no nothing and apa is going to eat this like this bok choy is it yes okay upper is going to put it in my mouth oh i'm wearing a must-have to eat appa is going to put this in my mouth perfectly perfectly safe as a matter of fact uh most of the a lot of the uh different kinds of veggies here actually there's some very interesting breed i'll probably get uh sean to give a brief introduction to you on what are the different breeds of especially some salad veggies here they got some celery veggies and also some bak choy and stuff where you can actually stir fry okay so uh sean you are running this farm based on uh what do you mean farm to table yes farm to table concept so what do you mean by farm to table so farm to table is basically directly from the farm to your house to your table because we only harvest the veggie like this only if there's orders so when there's no orders we just leave the veggie in the tower alive and growing all right because all this veggie he actually told me that all these are non-gmo non uh gmo is a short form for genetic modified so all these they did not do any genetically modified seeds so therefore it will actually take slightly longer time compared to the normal farm veggie outside okay this is probably one of the reason why all these organic organic vegetables has a little bit more costly factor there okay we are getting sean to actually uh let me let apa try different kinds of herbs that they have it's actually very interesting okay let me try what is this okay so this one is our peppermint this is the most common mint on in malaysia so you can have a try this one peppermint oh very minty yes this one is our spearmint it looks like a spear right it's something like you use in your toothpaste but it's very very good for tea ah this is the one i actually tried as you try it just now it really tastes like eating uh toothpaste very strong minty flavor but it's very good for your your teeth right oh yes that's very good for you and what about this okay so this is basically an sabi and sabi is a type of mustard vegetable that is tastes like wasabi but it's very very spicy ah tastes like wasabi but very spicy actually i wanted to try but john told me that this is not fully grown yet so it doesn't give you that that strong taste uh do you have any foodie growing this one yeah not yet but i have a different type of different type let me try the other type like wasabi a lot okay so what is this so this is our watercress that we grow on our clay bar and then this is a very special because our system has a lot of micro nutrients right very high density nutrients so our watercress actually tastes like longan and it's very sweet and crunchy as well tastes like longana yeah apa tria okay i'm going to try this it really has some a bit of longan aftertaste very interesting but of course one thing about uh watercress is this you are not supposed to cook it for too long uh if you are using if you are stir frying it according to sean you better stir fry for less than 10 seconds 10 seconds if not it's going to turn black right yeah so it's the same thing actually when you want to cook this with soup if you want to make many of you who always make a watercress soup and why is it becoming so black it's because you cook it for too long right what is this oh the salad right yes this is actually about mizuna mizuna the little brother of ansari just now so just now at the beginning you also mentioned you actually have bring in all your your seats for different countries so where are what are the other countries that actually you also bring in the seats from okay do you choose other countries because they are more suited for our environment and they are also selective breeded not dmo so that it can last longer and grow into more taste and more crunchy so one of the countries is holland we import seeds from holland mostly our letter seed we put a lot of japanese seed also from japan and then we also use local seeds a mix of it all three countries together all right okay so you told me the whole farm is actually a aquarium a fish pond yes basically our whole farm is on top of our fish pond because we want to make it space efficient so you're standing on the fish pond right now yeah so the 1000 square feet is actually where you see the whole fish pond underneath and can can anyone just drop by and visit your farm let's say i want to bring my daughter to come no problem our farm is open from monday to sunday 10 to 6 p.m and then we only close on tuesday you can come anytime between the ten to six do we need to make special appointment with you uh it's best to give me a call so that i'm mostly here but if i'm not here plus um i will have a worker that can bring you through the farm and harvest your fresh ready table all right so they can actually bring you here and you can pick your own veggie that is the most interesting part bring your children to come and let them learn what is vertical farming even apa learned a lot today you can directly harvest this one straight when you come to our farm wow that's great okay now is uh upper test question time what is this plant sean can you tell us what is this plant so this one is uh we call it the king king very big and very juicy and crunchy yeah i can definitely see the crunchiness from here so what is this thing next to it so this is our king choi sam oh king choi sam yes they grow bigger and bigger non-stop bigger bigger non-stop huh okay hey this is something quite different purple color alright so this is one of the more special seats that we imposed from japan we call this the purple angel kaksoy purple angel bok choy so i apolo her anything any veggie that comes with purple color actually has extra nutrient yes correct because they keep absorbing a lot of iron right and when i even onion absorb a lot of other nutrients so they are much more nutritious than other green vegetables all right sean this one looks very different what is this yeah so this is our specialty in iphone this is called curly kale curly kill yes a type of the kale family nutrient is up to 10 uh 10 10 times 10 yeah 10 times 10 times more than any vegetables here in the farm the nutrients yes the nutrient wow so this is supposed to eat like a salad also correct let me give you a piece to try so how we eat this is basically like this uh-huh you want to eat it raw right yeah because it's filled with antioxidant antioxidants so it can make upper younger yes can make your skin nicer and everything let me try and you have a slight guava taste okay not too bad a little bit bitter the aftertaste i think it's good uh chinese believer anything bitter is good for you okay this is one of apa's favorite uh most favorite vegetables kangkong and this is actually considered the water kangkong yes but they have a very special name for it it's called magic salt yes magic sword magic sword kangkong because it's extremely crispy yeah you don't eat the leaves you should actually eat the stem it's extremely crispy and of course you you cook it with apa's signature sambal so sean tell me what's the difference between your veggie compared to the normal traditional farm veggie alright so our veggie is highly nutritious because our water and our fish it's not like it's not nutritious it's almost two times more nutritious and our vegetables are usually having special taste right like guava wasabi i would say like longan right because our nutrients have a lot of major and micro nutrients that's why our plant and everything have a lot of taste in it and like outside this tastes like water i see so you have actually much stronger taste all right yes very very interesting thank you for so much for sharing sean no problem hey sean how come you also got a fake fake veggie hirana oh no this is not the fake reggie we call this okinawa spinach it looks very fake right but it's actually purple color at bottom yup yup so this is a type of spinach can be used to stir-fry you can use a soup you can eat it eat it for salad all right interesting first time seeing this yeah okay what's this call again this is our mizuna mizuna yeah so uh this is the one that you told me has got the wasabi taste all right yes salad veggies a salad veggie that actually gives you the wasabi aroma actually if you look closer it does look like a wasabi plant sean i saw flour this is not normal in your farm because you told me just now korea if i'm wrong any veggie that you start seeing flowers it is already too old so so it may not taste as crispy as good as before so how come this particular this this particular block apartment the block air this block actually got flower okay so it's a very special veggie we call it our shangri-la choy sum shangri-la choy summer i was in strangla hotel two weeks ago okay so it has flour because we actually grow it until this stage because we have basically customers who basically want to eat the flowers because the flowers are actually quite sweet sweet and it gives a special taste to the vegetable so they purposely breed this together until the flower comes out because they are some people who actually enjoy eating the vegetable flower all right especially for choice amla not for many kinds of other vegeta right only try some with flowers can be eaten only choice flowers can be eaten all the rest the rest of the flowers oh the flowers are very bitter okay okay but apart just now say bitter is good [Laughter] no we're just kidding right okay actually next to it huh i think you can definitely actually this is quite cute you know it looks like the normal bok choy right xiao xiao xiao by chai they look like shell bite size but it's a lot more blossom like that correct huh this is our green dynasty bok choy or all your name very change oh yes because our seeds are all very special oh green dynasty pak soy look at this the normal pacho is like so very small like that and then this one is like blow some so pretty because if one is smaller when it's smaller it's easier to eat so you don't have to eat so much stem the normal bacteria you've got so much stem and no one normally likes the stem yeah so we try to reduce this breed because it's smaller stem and it's much much much more crunchier all right so this place could be a good place for you to bring and start educating your kids like how you should start eating veggie like a pro i should probably should probably bring my own daughter to come to really uh learn a lot look at all this and try to feed some veggie into her mouth she doesn't eat veggie a lot hey sean again i don't recognize your veggie anymore i think about don't dare to tell people i'm cooking apart because many of your veggies i don't recognize so what is this veggie basically all of these veggies right the whole block is basically called yin yang toy ying [Music] a mixed hybrid breed between our choices and thailand choice and kailan so if you want to you usually if you want to eat you will just take the leaf like you don't take the stem because the stem can be a little bit bitter is it yes [Music] okay so apa is going to get some veggie from uh from shawn today shawn can you please help me to uh cut it sure so this is our king pak toy and how we harvest right let's say abba got one order for king bok choy so how you house this chop fresh from the tree yes fresh from the block okay okay sean is going to show us how he feed the fish okay so basically some of the veggies that's very small that we cannot sell in our farm right we don't waste it at all we don't waste anything we will feed it into our fish pond like this oh i think my daughter would love to do this and it's gone wow that's very fast yeah okay so this is gonna be feeding our special custom-made fishboard like this [Applause] oh hungry fish okay we have just harvested uh this veggie from the greenhouse and now sean is going to show us how he will package it so basically after you guys take an order or visit the farm we will cut the veggie fresh from the farm and then we'll package it into our special packaging so that it can last up to seven days seven days guys if you buy any veggie here from sean from e farm it can actually last up to seven days in your fridge wow very nice packaging yeah so if you close it up [Music] and then done so one and two green dynasty wow so here's what apa buy from sean just now sean apa is one question everyone say organic veggie is healthy but it's very very expensive can you tell me how much is this that apa just bought all right so this one pack right it's exactly six ringgit only huh six ringer for this portion actually buy from supermarket for this porsche also about 5 6 ringgit and that is not even organic so your price is not expensive at all yes so this is this also six ringgit yes oh six ringgit yeah actually oh this is just just nice for for city dweller like you and apa where we all it's actually uh consists of very small family one meal like this you can just buy you and cook it for one meal six ringgit uh you will know exactly what you can actually cut it yourself harvest yourself you know exactly what you are eating very fresh very healthy no pesticide and more importantly is like what apa will say in my food source video you need to know what you are eating every day okay and that that that only we can actually control our our lifestyle so and if you really look at this seriously upper definitely don't mind coming to chiaras whenever i run out uh run out of uh or veggie to come and get it and you don't want to buy a lot seriously you don't want to buy a lot because uh what what if i don't come can i can you send to me yes can oh so even if you are in within 10 km from chiras it's only five ringgit delivery just orders or you go and combine your order with your neighbors so that they can you can actually share each other if if necessary okay so basically for our packaging and delivery we use our eco-friendly paper bags and how we do it is we basically package all of this and we use grab delivery actually the grab will come and come back to our shop you pick up and send directly to your house then we also have a few organic products such as organic tomatoes cucumbers which get restocked two days every two days yes so it's very fresh and these are our homemade tofu made from organic soy beans fermented for up to three days yes so that's very it has a lot of antioxidant it has a lot of nutrients as well and very good for soup and stir-fry wow apa is a tofu lover thank you so much thank you so there we go a very educational farm tour right in the city of kuala lumpur telling us how vertical farming is actually works and it is really not the all the veggie that come out from here is really not as costly as many of us thought so do come and bring your your uh your kids and family to come and pay your visit and go and harvest your own veggie they're not going to have an extra charger i know actually uh no extra charge you're just going to power yourself and then bring it back all right and then um right uh if you like this video uh by the way i will put the the link the detail of this particular location and the link where you can purchase all this c4 online in the description so you can check this description box below to all to get all this information so if you like uh this to see more of this kind of video do comment below let me know or if you have any friends of uh uh they actually own this kind of uh all kinds of food source uh farm or or things like that let up know also abba can actually go and take a video for to show all of you okay if you like this video do share your my video out on your facebook to your friends come to cooking about facebook page to click like and follow button follow up on instagram and subscribe to cookinghappa youtube channel thank you very much stay safe everyone bye bye
Channel: Cooking Ah Pa
Views: 463,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese recipes chinese cookings home cookings, homecooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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