The Outsiders Filming Locations | Tulsa, Oklahoma (1983) THEN & NOW

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80s movie it came out in 1983. this is the house from the outsiders [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is so exciting the house has actually been turned into a museum and so it's not open yet but we're gonna come back tonight when the museum is open but right now they have a sign that we can actually go on the porch and take pictures if we want so that's what we're gonna do come on it's pretty awesome to be standing on the actual porch that was featured so prominently in the movie and they've even captured some of the little details like these original benches and chairs that were here and look there's even a dx gas can because you remember a couple of the guys worked at the local dx filling station how cool so the outsiders movie has a ton of modern day stars in it before they were actually stars though yes so these guys were just teenagers when they were in the movie um so let's see if we can name them okay you got ralph macchio ralph macchio patrick swayze milo estevez tom cruise rob lowe see thomas howell matt dylan all of those guys in one action-packed movie i mean what more could you want it's got the gracers the socials they're like gangs that do not get along there's a lot of fighting a lot of drama rumbles there's a rumble there's murder i mean it's got it all yes little love um so the book the movie is actually based on the book by essie hinton which was written in the 60s and we're here in tulsa because this is where she was from this is her hometown and it's the setting for the story and so when they came to make the movie they made it entirely here in tulsa so today we're going to take you around town and we're going to show you a bunch of the filming locations where they filmed the outsiders all right you guys this is our friend michael and we met him on facebook he actually administrates a page called 80s in oklahoma and he's going to take us around and because he knows he knows where to go so he's going to help us find some of these filming locations today so thank you so much michael thanks kevin i read essie hinton's outsider's book and the novel is actually a little bit different than the movie when they filmed the movie um the original version some of the scenes were left out and then a lot of fans complained that they were missing some of the story and so they actually added them back in about 10 years ago and that movie is called the outsiders the complete novel and it actually tells the story um more completely than the original movie so in that part in the very beginning we see ponyboy um he leaves the cinema and then he comes running down this alley right here and he gets chased by the socials and they they sort of cut him right here under the neck and give him a little haircut just to give him sort of a warning to back off but anyway that's in the novel it's not in the original movie but it is in the complete novel version of the movie and this is the alley where they filmed it right here so after the socialists cut ponyboy and they run off in their car you can actually see this auto mechanic shop here in the in the background so when the movie was filmed directly behind the house there was actually this old country grocery store and you see it in a couple of the scenes of the extended novel it's not in the original movie here it is behind us so this was torn down after the movie was filmed and subsequently with when danny boyle o'connor bought the house he also added this this building here to make it look like the old country store but it's actually a gift shop and restrooms inside there [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the next stop is crutchfield park several important scenes happen here in this park yeah the first one is is when johnny and ponyboy are hanging out on the monkey bars and the socials pull up and they share some words and then ponyboy almost gets drowned yeah they share more than words they get in they get in a major fight and another spoiler alert johnny kills one of the socials all right the beginning of the scene the socials pull up on the street and that cool blue mustang they had and they drive down the street here they're eyeballing ponyboy and johnny when they're on the monkey bars they get down to this uh corner over here and they do a u-turn and then they pull up right there yard here right through the grass that's about where we are right here off to the side where those monkey bars are would have been where that cool fountain is that this fountain would have been on this round concrete structure we have here which that was just built for the movie it actually wasn't there before yeah and then they removed it yeah so too bad they didn't have it here permanently that would have been a nice little addition to the park here yeah so i was reading this plaque on the ground actually this used to be a wading pool long time ago in the 40s it said let's see there's a plaque over here 1945. so there used to be a children's wading pool here but now it's just a bunch of concrete there is a playground in some jungle gym but it's over here so it's totally different now we've come to a very sad part in the movie yes right at that corner there right here in this intersection we're at the end of the movie spoiled alert valley gets shot oh poor dallas [Music] and scene good job babe thank you nice reenactment thank you see i've been practicing if if you want to know all these filming locations this is the place to come in aka our life where else are you going to get the actual reenactments who else is going to lay in the street for you yeah get all dirty i mean come on we'll do it for you guys it's for you guys this is where johnny cade's house would have been it looks like they've replaced it with a nicer newer house but it is on this corner where his house was it's really sad because his parents were always arguing and yelling at him stay gold johnny all right now we're in what is being called the rumble lot or the empty lot this is where the big rumble happens at the end of the movie great scene and this also the scene where ponyboy and johnny were hanging out before they ran away johnny often sleeps out here on kind of an old car seat that's just junked out here in the field because his parents are um abusive they yell at him and so he often runs away and this is sort of like his respite this is his his spot to come to when he needs to get away from home so he sleeps out here in this empty lot and it still is an empty lot and the rebels saying the greasers would have been hanging out in the general vicinity we're at now i see where the cars are over on the road that's where the socials would have driven up parked the cars and then they walked out here and met out here in the middle of this field and that's where the rumble had but first the us uh the storm clouds burst open and tons of rain and this part where's all grassy now is real muddy in that scene so um in the book it's actually not raining but i think they probably added that either because it rained in in its oklahoma and it's muddy or maybe they just did it for movie effect to make it more interesting but anyways um i love that scene it was well done it's it's choreographed very choreographed but it's fun to watch yes tom cruise does some sweet moves in that oh yeah all of them patrick swayze yes i think he did he's got like two at once i think he did a dance move didn't he he might have done some dance moves fun fact i used to be a dancer and i took dance lessons from patrick swayze's mom patsy so behind us here is the pines drive-in or what was the pines driving now it's a taqueria it's a mexican place it's probably really good but in the movie the guys would have walked in from over here and then all the cars would have been lined up uh in the front here and then that's where they just busted out into this knife fight it's like just start fighting no words were smoking they just bust out a knife i mean you know those greasers and those socials they're all always ready for a fight you know boys will be boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] next stop is the admiral twin drive-in this was a you know very important scene at you know at the beginning of the movie where they all went to watch a movie and then that's where they met what's her name cherry and they had to sneak into the movies that's right um in the book it says they you know we might have had the money for it but we just it was more fun to just sneak in so they stuck it in the fence on the other side there and of course it would have been dark this is a great scene they sit in the chairs up at the front and they watch a beach movie all right right behind us is the actual hole where dally and johnny and ponyboy snuck into the movies hey abby i'm a little low on puns tonight uh-huh i'm going in oh okay [Applause] just kidding okay going in not really so after they snuck under the fence they would have walked over to the concession stand over that way and you kind of see the railing around the concession stand i'll try to zoom in a little bit you can see the railing that's probably where they sat out front there and was watching the movie so if you guys remember this scene this is where emilio estevez character two-bit takes up he doesn't have anything to fight with so he grabs the bottle and whacks it on the fence here and breaks it off [Music] we got two more of us in the back seat pity the back seat and i'm wondering if we look around maybe we can find a piece of the movie you know archaeological piece so let's see if there's any broken glass in the area oh my gosh what whoa it might be a piece from the actual bottle the two-bit broke it's a souvenir we're standing in front of the beautiful boston avenue methodist church and this is in a little clip in the movie where um two-bit and ponyboy have just gone to visit johnny in the hospital and they're getting ready to catch the bus and the bus stop is right here the bus comes up along the road here and two bed almost gets taken out it did like that much like dang he's really close to the to the bus when it pulls up um there was also a bench like they weighed on a bench which would have been right here yeah oh i'm gonna have to put my sunglasses on it's bright out here um but there's no bench here but this is the spot and it is so look how huge this church is it is massive it's a massive church also art deco and also beautiful tulsa is a beautiful city it is we've really never explored tulsa and we're really enjoying it here this is the oklahoma state medical center this is where poor johnny meets his demise all right we're at the stop and save now and this this convenience store was used for the interior shot at the end of the movie where dally goes in and he robs the convenience store before he runs to the park and meets his ultimate demise so not enough room on the outside because there was like some gut gas pumps and things so it wasn't good for an exterior shot but it was a great convenience store for the interior side all right well let's go in all right so in this scene dallas is standing here fiddling through the magazines and the guy that works there over there is asking him are you going to buy something son or just you're going to have to buy that this is where the magazine rack was right here we are right in the same place and it looks the same almost exactly behind us is the beautiful will rogers high school it's a historic school it's very beautiful art deco in style and this is the school where essie hinton went to high school but did you guys know when she wrote the outsider she was in high school she was a young teenager when she wrote the story so in the book ponyboy went to school here at will rogers high school and in the extended version of the movie they actually did some of the filming here awesome all right so we traveled 10 miles north of tulsa to owasso to they was then tasty freeze now is a come and go gas station where randy and ponyboy had a conversation prior to the rumble and you can tell by the landmark behind us where the football stadium is that this is the location where him and randy would have had that conversation yeah and randy's a cool guy randy doesn't want to cause any trouble he's like look nothing good comes from fighting i'm not going to be at the rumble we are in downtown owasso it's a really cute town we're on main street and this is where two bit and ponyboy are hitchhiking right before they go to the tasty freeze and this part was hard to figure out because it's changed a lot but there are a couple of distinguishing buildings down here there's a church and sort of an a-frame building that you can see in the background if you look really closely this is the spot [Music] all right we've made it up to sperry oklahoma this isn't a far drive from tulsa and they only filmed two scenes in this location we're about to show you both of them before we show you that we did want to point out the rexall store here i actually had a rexall drugstore in my town growing up um it was featured in the trailer but they didn't use that footage in the movie but in the trailer they show the kids going in and apparently they got some ice cream here as well let's take a look at the rexel store though because it's not fairing too well these days [Music] oh my goodness look at that the roof has collapsed and it's really sad because you can tell this was an authentic soda fountain you can still see the coke dispensers the stools everything's still in there but it is it is a mess all right so we're walking down this alleyway this is beside the rex rexall store we're going behind the rexall store watch where you walk because there is some broken glass this is like a little really old alley yeah and the scene that was in the movie is actually filmed on the back side of the rexall store this is one of my favorite scenes it's really short but it's pretty funny yeah hey kid give me those cards you ever played 52 car pickup yeah hey don't get wise [Music] so by chance today we met a gentleman named gary that is working on a project called upward sperry and it's to revitalize some of these different buildings in this beautiful quaint town so he is actually redoing the dx station and bringing it back to how you saw it in the movie we're about to show it to you you're gonna recognize it right away it's across the street from where we're at right now let's take a look at that behind us is the dx gas station and this is where sodapop and steve worked give the money [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can see where the gas tanks used to be they're going to replace these there are plans to put the old gas tanks back but right now this is how it looks looks like there's a lot of work to do here so hopefully next time we make it back to sperry we'll get to see this gas station and back in its true form that's going to be awesome yes can't wait to see the gas pumps in the cars everything fixed up real nice it's going to look cool when it's done and they have a facebook group friends of the dx we are going to link that along with the friends of the house museum so that you guys can follow their progress and be sure and join their groups on facebook how awesome was this going in the actual house and seeing all of the locations from the outsiders movie so much fun one of my favorite filming uh locations videos we've done so far definitely definitely the most comprehensive yeah with the most locations hey thanks so much for watching our video don't forget to subscribe and check out our other video where we attended the outsiders movie event and watch the movie right right over there and we'll take you inside the museum as well so you want to be sure and watch that video we will have it linked below and we will see you next time in case we don't see ya good afternoon good evening and stay gold wow [Music]
Channel: Our 80s Life
Views: 23,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Outsiders Filming Location, the outsiders movie filming locations, the outsiders, the outsiders tulsa oklahoma, the outsiders tulsa, the outsiders house, the outsiders complete novel, filming locations the outsiders, filming locations tulsa, filming locations then and now, tulsa oklahoma, owasso oklahoma, the outsiders dx gas station, the outsiders sperry oklahoma, admiral twin drive in, outsiders, filming locations, 80s movies, 1983 film, the outsiders filming locations
Id: V9t4LtQZRuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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