The Original Tusken Raider Mask From Star Wars: Episode IV!

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hey everybody Adam Savage and Stephen Lane and Stephen we are in your office right now the inner sanctum of Prop Store absolutely this is whatever I am interacting with another collector there's talking about the collection and then there's going into the pieces that they need to look at all the time sure and that's what this is right some of that this is your Museum yeah yeah well my museum My Personal Collection my private collection yeah and things move in and out of this they do yeah I mean I've been collecting now for 30 years I suppose yeah coming on 30 years you've got where did that time go but over that period of time I've seen some Treasures that have come into me and I've had to move them on just to help build the business as much anything else you know prop store has been a machine in itself that is there's bills to pay there's Mouse to feed and uh you can't keep hold of everything oh that's a tough one it is a tough one uh however within that hierarchy of difficult decisions I would suspect that uh this is this is a really really precious piece this is an insane lineage of Star Wars costume it is yeah and look Star Wars is incredibly important to me and it's also incredibly important to part of my journey it was really the the little action figures that sort of got me into collecting it was seeing Star Wars for the first time at the cinema with my parents when I was seven or eight years old and it's that that sort of spurned the start of collecting not knowing that I would end up perhaps it was something quite like this but it's just it's it sparked it for me you know that was that was that was the Genesis of it all and this the Tuscan Raider mask from Star Wars A New Hope so this is the original film 1977 of course do we know which mask this is we know exactly which glasses is so this is screen match so this is the mask that was worn by Peter Diamond so this is the stunt guy who was Alan Tunisia all dressed up for the attack on Luke so that might be the that's the first time we see a sand person or yes the first time we see the face up close yeah yeah yeah because you get them in the distance to start with don't you and then he's got the binoculars out of the macarena's out and then that rises up in heaven right above him and and there's some great shots of that as well you know I think that what's really astounding about this piece is the fact that it's not only so prominently featured for that one sequence in the film and that's one of the reasons I've got the action figure here is because that image of that that at that moment that sequence was everywhere it was in the poster magazines it was on all the product it was on the merch it was on a little publicity material and I think you know when I saw Star Wars for the first time I'm a Tuscan Raider Rises up you're just like what the heck is that not only is it what the heck is that but it really is a harbinger of how big the universe you've just jumped into can be yes yeah yeah absolutely and and it's just all it does is raise questions rather than present answers and it's going to send you into this you know this whole where 30 years later I'm still going what is that and where you know where did this come from and what's their backstory and I think it's uh it's astonishing that it sits here between us today frankly I I love the fact that we still have Tuscan Raiders in the Mandalorian series Legacy of facts built a bunch of new masks all using the same techniques I also love as I reached out and touched it looks like a heavy duck canvas but in fact it's a very lightweight fabric which is a classic costume move yes yes yeah yeah but it's it's actually really very heavy at the front of this I would imagine these are all machined aluminum pieces yeah machine machined aluminum pieces made in England fair enough so yeah machined uh aluminum pieces but also just all the the massive leather work here and also this huge lump of aluminum that you've got here too means that it's very very forward carrying you know it's this is actually quite a difficult piece I have this on display in my collection at home most of the time bought it in especially for you guys today and it's always you know I'm always very wary you can see that we've actually bolted a point onto the stand here just to make sure that it's not going to Pivot forward um and uh and there's a lot of acrylic in here that holds that in place so if this was to slam down you know there's a big massive acrylic that can just pop apart and it could be a bit of a nightmare this is a mask I have always wanted to replicate this is a costume I've always wanted to make um I I came in here and I saw this and then I asked you if you knew which one it was and the fact that it's that one yeah when you obtain this uh and you realize that it was fully screen matched that had to have been like so exciting it was incredibly exciting yeah I mean it was a piece that I knew matched before I acquired it so we I knew what I was talking about I knew what I was you know making an offer for instead of the person that I was buying it for sure so there was definitely that degree of understanding there was no no surprises that the wraps were certainly all over the place you know after many many years of being in storage and moving around yes they were you know you can see the sort of remnants of dried blue all over this and that's essentially where it was just dubbed in place on the day right and so there was a a small amount of uh I suppose redressing when I got it back um the other interesting element was actually that this leather work here which we see at the front which is which is sort of this tan cover leather yeah all of this had faded down and it had gone this really unusual sort of uh red color and in fact you can still see some of this so I'm just going to lean in front of this a little bit inside see around the eyes here around the eye socket here that's actually that sort of uh unusual sort of faded down there there we go so you can see where there's a leather wrap just underneath yeah look at that yeah and that's the color that all this sort of mouse section had gone probably just UV degradation over the years or maybe it was you know dyed very quickly to get the color that they wanted to and and that was very tired and it's just it just wasn't that stable but uh that that had all faded so I had a little bit of work done to it here as well when I acquired it it's really nice work it doesn't show at all no no and that's always a consideration when you when you're working with an artifact that's 40 years old it's just like you know what what do you need to do to it to ensure that it aesthetically still presents as you want it to but at the same time there we go look anywhere I just saw in the back of the camera is nothing but the iconic piece holy cow yeah I mean it's I mean it's staggering isn't it absolutely unbelievable all right I want to talk about another screen matched piece you've got here sure yeah let's just slide that one very carefully uh there we go I will tell you as a young Artist as a Young maker of things H.R Giger was so important his aesthetic was something I had to build a lot of pieces of sculptures and ideas just to kind of understand what his aesthetic meant to me and kind of get it out of my system this tell me about this well I think most people are going to recognize this pretty much immediately this this is obviously the space jockey the maquette for the Spice jockey from Alien uh really Scott Salient uh it's made of plaster so it's quite heavyweight wow uh again uh been quite considerate with the display stand that we've built for this or I've had created for it to ensure that it's really well wedged down in there because it does have a sort of core that drops down as well right I noticed you have the uh this comes out and it's protected to the extent you've got it yeah the display case it's over the top of it just to keep the dust off it as well um there have been a few of these a number of these have popped up over the years which is not unusual for an art department but the cat you would expect that it goes to different departments construction Department painting you know what a set deck people might have had it as well what's great about this particular iteration is the fact that I bought this directly from producer either Powell wow um so it sat in his collection for you know 30 40 years before I acquired it from him and when I acquired it from him you know I was like yeah this is absolutely the main one that we were working from in the art department so I went and dug out the the giga's making of alien book here and a key part of my library yeah it's a great book isn't it yeah you delve into a little bit of giga's Mind there and uh there we go on page 34 we can actually see the there's a photo of a a maquette uh on within the sort of miniature Set uh designer the set build as well that is situated within and I looked very closely at this and got a magnifying glass out and actually you can see there's some very specific Stripes that are airbrushed in here in sort of White Plain and so if we then turn back and actually spin this around the camera very carefully we can see that that exact stripe work here is yeah just all the way along this pipe work here and once I twig that then I started looking at the rest of it in more detail and it's unquestionably this maquette that's in giga's book now of course Giga was renowned for working with airbrush you know that was one of the mediums that he was very comfortable with during this particular era and so I think there's a strong possibility I have met Giga before he uh he sadly passed away I never got the chance to actually ask him the question and whether or not he's been remembered yeah but you know this is likely I would say bearing in mind the influence and and just the involvement that he had that he probably airbrushed this as well so not only is it the art Department We Care not only is it in his book but this is actually a piece done by Giga painted by Giga how much is that man that's insane absolutely insane I love noticing as I looked at it how it's not perfectly symmetrical is a little bit off and it's got a little bit of a lean on the left side yeah yeah but I mean we've seen that in some of this the films from this era and it actually works so well with the eye then doesn't it as well you know because you you feel that it has that more organic nature to it it's not something that's been machined out perhaps but um you know a lot of what we talk about when we talk about the special effects pieces that you have in your collection these are objects created with narratives that go far deeper than the filmmakers even know yes right and the whole idea is to communicate worlds within worlds that we can't understand yes and Geiger is one who is so other I love that quote from Ridley Scott when I saw giger's work I knew my problems were over or just beginning like that totally traps yeah yeah no you're right and and it is you know when we've spoken about this a few times it is the mystery isn't it that these things present when they're when they're put before us on screen it is to tell part of the story but not so much where it's explaining everything they they want you to go away and think about this it's a cerebral thing isn't it and uh and this uh encapsulates so much you know I'm very passionate about sci-fi uh you know as you know and one of the spacesuits from 18 as well I have a few other bits of pieces Star Wars means a great deal to me as well so these are some are just a couple of the treasures from my collection that I've managed to uh to acquire over the years I just love the idea of gigger sitting there with an airbrush doing the detailing on this yeah it is also uh you know a lot a lot of times maquettes that get re-released uh are overly cleaned up and there is a roughness to this that feels completely right yeah yeah there's an aspect of like the way the arms are sculpted and some of it you can see is like yeah that's good enough yeah this is the right gesture yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah I mean it's not pin sharp is it no it's just giving you enough there isn't it it doesn't need to be and there's lots of shots in there of uh of Giga on set with the full-size version of this working away and doing his paint work on that as well so the involvement was literally from start to finish on it I I tell you I see the chipped away white parts of plaster and I want to come with a brush not on this one man no I know I know of course it's just it's in my nature to want to repair uh what a beautiful piece I'm so honored to be able to actually see it up close thank you sir that's been a pleasure man hey guys Adam Savage from tested here if you've ever seen the six inch ruler in inches and centimeters on my forearm and wanted one of your own but you didn't want it to be permanent well today's your lucky day you can now buy temporary tattoos of my measuring stick my measuring forearm had tested comes like this goes on in about 30 seconds with a little water the instructions are on the back it comes off with rubbing alcohol and hopefully it warms you up to the idea of permanently attaching a measuring device to your body because I use mine every single day
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 217,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, star wars, tusken raider, the mandalorian, tusken raiders, book of boba fett, tusken raider mask, tusken raider face, tusken raider unmasked, costumes, props, movie props, movie costumes, adam savage, propstore, stephen lane, original star wars props, original star wars costumes, alien, aliens, giger, hr giger, behind the scenes, adam savage star wars, tuskan raider, tusken raider cosplay, tusken raider costume, adam savage prop store, close up tusken raider
Id: tHmWBxgDqmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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