The Original Basestar | How the cylons built a revolutionary monster of a ship

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you know I made a video about the modern Bay Star a spindly missile only carrier that not only has no guns but is made of meat and despite any arguments in the comments I firmly stand by my opinion that it's a stupid dumb bad design made by stupid dumb bad human want toe robot losers machines should not try to be people they should be the best machines possible and only assume a mechanical human form if they are about to style all over the meatbags allaha Terminator so the fact that the OG base star went through one of the most heinous downgrades of all time will never not piss me off as such today we'll be talking about it a lot similar to the video I did on the Artemis class or the original Galactica though I want to temper your expectations a little bit about this being specifically on the original series there was many people that felt like they got baited which you know what fair enough I probably could have picked a better thumbnail for that one but there just isn't enough information on the original to really make a full video just discussing the ship itself since details explanations and expanded information just doesn't really exist like here you go the sum total Wiki information on the ship is one chunky paragraph and five technical details one of which is literally just faster than light yes so while the first part of this video we'll be talking about its history in the original show most of the rest is going to be covering the unified lore from the remas series and the game Battle Star Galactica deadlock because for those of you who don't know the lore was sort of unified between the two shows by making the originals pre or first sylon war designs for the ships and stuff and tying in as much lore as possible while the actual storyline and everything that happened was basically pushed off into a non-canon alternate universe there are however a few things that are unique to the original that I want to talk about before we get into things however introductions generic greetings and welcome to science and Sanity Channel dedicated to bringing my love of sci-fi and all its glory and grander to you the viewer if you end up enjoying the video then consider leaving a like subscribing ringing the bell all that because it really does help and is appreciated especially for a smaller Channel like this that makes more Niche sci-fi stuff and with the classic begging out of the way the OG Bas star and my God isn't that just a beautiful site you know someone called me a brick fetishist once on Discord and they're not wrong for entirely unrelated issues when talking about ship designs because just I love the absolute state of colonial Battle Stars and how they can charitably be described as chunky very brick-like a flying cinder block with guns and I love it but holy Jesus man like the OG Bas star looks like it was built to be an entire Shipyard battle carrier Fortress and Suburban shopping mall allinone I feel like if I traveled around in their long enough I'd probably find a Walmart and I absolutely love it coupled with the way it has no visible engines and seems to just rotate menacingly in place while moving makes it incredibly creepy a common disc that I've heard by people who think the original is just offbrand Star Wars is to call the base star a death star ripoff which is a very very strange thing to say you know I mean there's reasons for it but it's still incredibly strange I think it's because the bass star is like vaguely round and has a giant laser attack that comes at the bottom at least I think it does I'm drawing a bit of a blank on imagery or reference for that so I might just be like Mandela affecting my memory again or entirely misremembering the name of the weapon so take this with a grain assault I I think it was like the ravisha Pulsar or the Pulsar Cannon or the pulse gun or something along those lines okay added in by post recording uh editing Sai it was called the mega Pulsar gun which is a stupid name and it was a giant blue laser that shoots out the bottom and top of the base star from the center of the like saucer segments I can see why people would call it a death star ripoff but they're wrong it's blue not green they're clearly different now back to regular programming so yeah my brain it might just be doing the thing again and lying to me but the argument is dumb because the bay star has so many unique elements that I don't think show up almost anywhere in sci-fi until years later or are mostly consigned to books that came before the most notable thing is the creep way that they move without engines it unnerves the hell out of me maybe it's because I saw Star Trek the Next Generation long before I ever went back to rewatch The OG Battle Star Galactica series but the way that they move looks like a borg Cube except round which would just be a borg sphere ignore that that was stupid it's creepy and it makes the syons way more unsettling than anything I saw in the remastered series especially all the weird like humanoid meat puppet meat ship things which were probably supposed to be creepy but we're is strange again it might just be the fact that I find the Borg incredibly creepy and they give me the heebie GBS like nothing else so regardless of what it is I do really think that the way they move is just beautiful on screen as for some of the more detail oriented stuff that comes out of the original the base star is a mix of carrier and Battleship it carries 100 defensive laser cannons and 300 sylon Raiders that make up its Strike Force while the laser cannons are mostly for anti- fighter Duty they can shoot at Capital ships and incoming Torpedoes and missiles and stuff though they're not particularly effective which is why the base star generally relies on its fighters to do most of the damage in any given battle mostly by kamakazi into the exposed Bridge of the Galactica because LOL Lau it's funny to put your command in control outside the armor though this is something I think was more due to the budget and production issues as we rarely see sylon Bay Stars doing much of anything really most of the time they just launch Fighters and stand there rotate there menacingly if it really needs to though it also has the two super pulse laser gun things like I mentioned earlier that come out the top and bottom giant beams that fire from the poles of the ship and they're essentially meant to one-hot other Capital vessels or battleships or generally anything that the Bay Star just wants to be gone right now as for how they were used well well we do have a somewhat concrete idea based on context clues and what we see from the series The syon Empire pretty much employed them almost identically to how the actual Empire from Star Wars would deploy its Star Destroyers send one out on Long patrols or pulling guard Duty above a planet while using its fighters to screen the main vessel and go out on further distance patrols around the system and stuff when the syons needed to engage in larger battles they would prefer to always send more than one three was the golden number assuming their Mass swarms of Fighters weren't enough when you had that many carriers around having three base stars with their powerful laser batteries or their main guns would let them press targets from both flanks and the fronts while potentially one-shotting them if the the enemy left themselves vulnerable to a hit from the main gigal laser similar to The Star Destroyers as well it's pretty much the only ship used by the syon empire in its totality and it fills every role from Patrol to interception to Mainline battle even if it's really not ideally suited for it and once again this is most likely an issue with budget and time constraints from the era because they probably would have done more there was plenty of ideas and lots of very interesting things that just never got used and well they ended up just copy pasta in the bay star a whole bunch of times on screen to make a big enemy Fleet rather than coming up with anything new overall though the bass star that we see in the original series is really really cool but at least in my opinion a little bit disappointing because they don't tend to really do much they just rotate there and look cool and that's pretty much it for the vast majority of the series and that brings us to the unified lore or how the OG Bas star became one of the first Truly demestic sylon Designs rather than something they just stole from the Colonials before adding blue LEDs new rims and calling it their own unique ship you see early on in the sylon Rebellion the toaster had exactly dick and squat worth of ships from which to fight a war so they did what all horrible machine revolutions do and committed unspeakable atrocities against every CPU GPU and SSD they could get their grubby little USB ports into hacking disabling and generally stealing everything that wasn't nailed down like only the finest of murder hobo loot go goblins before taking their ill gotten gains and I theore is not really clear presumably off into deep space to figure out what they were going to do next and the way that they actually went about claiming these human ships is uh kind of awful if we can say it suffocating to death is a pretty terrible way to go and the syons would just go for the most efficient way possible which is hack the door controls of the entire ship and then just open them all in including all of the airlocks and in fact if you actually look at a lot of the designs the Canon ones at least that have come out of this time period from the early sylon Rebellion most of them look almost entirely like refit Colonial designs so when you look at early sylon ships things like the Talon or the Revenant class for example it looks and feels like a colonial warship giant broadsides heavy armor mediocre speed and a pigheaded brick design they're also literally described as being stolen or repurposed Colonial ships from before the first war something like the Nemesis though is a more recent design and what I would consider an early attempt to create a wholly unique sylon ship with the wing and split finin design near the center of the hull looking reminiscent of the overall Wing shape of the Raider and while it focuses almost entirely on speed and electronic warfare carrying light armor and just one gun the reason I bring this up is because the syon bayar the iconic design we know was a development far later in the timeline than most people think not only solidifying the entire design style and philosophy of The Toasters incoming ships but also one of the first vessels to implement new technologies and stuff into Warfare the Bas star has no visible engines and to the unending Rage of Turbo nerds like me no official explanation on how they move around at least nothing concrete my best guess is that the syons are simply far far more advanced in their use of gravity manipulation than the Colonials are we obviously see Battle Stars with internal gravity and since they're not laid out like Towers to use thrust gravity we can safely assume that they have some kind of like gravity floor plating to keep the people stuck to the ground and it's not out of the question to assume that syons would be able to dramatically scale this Tech up and make it workable as the propulsion for Capital ship especially since we see small toaster ships using regular engines all the way up to the modern Raiders but this does beg the question if syon ships you use gravity to move and we normally assign the direction of apparent gravity as downwards does that mean every sylon Bas star is permanently in freef fall this is such a stupid derailment but like I can't help but imagine the toasters testing the drive for the first time only for the entire ship ship and all the things inside to be affected as well so the moment they turn on the quote unquote engines everything is just in freef Fall some poor sylon Centurion desperately air swimming to try to get to a wall or something and hang on as they're moving around is just it's dumb but I I had to get that idea out there because it was just living rentree while I was writing the script and while I know the reason syon Bas Stars rotate while moving is to constantly keep new faces towards the enemy and prevent one face from being disabled or destroyed by concentrated fire I choose to believe that they just couldn't figure out how to make the ship not spin they turned on the gravity engines they fixed most of the problems and the ship just started helicoptering and after months of trying they just gave up called it a feature and moved on from that point but the propulsion alone wasn't the only advancement that the Bas star brought about for the syons the Bas star represented a fundamental shift in Doctrine from these smaller more direct combat oriented roles that most if not all syon capital ships followed to something significantly different this was again because they copied the gun brick style of the Colonials but the Bas star went hard into the advantages that the machine Menace possessed and did something unique first and foremost machines never get tired never have to eat and don't really care about workers rights abuses so long as they're the ones committing them so leveraging their industrial potential the syons can build bigger better faster ships at a much more rapid Pace than the Colonials could ever hope to hence why the base star is absolutely enormous this girth means that the syon base stars are incredibly durable carrying reasonable amounts of Armor All Around and having a vastly more resilient structure due to their raw Mass all of that put together makes the sylon Bay Star a veritable floating Fortress impossible to outman maneuver or outflank since well it's round there's no dead angles and no blind spots to exploit the same way that you can by getting behind or under a colonial Battle Star and when we come to the weapons loadouts and stuff like that though is where we really see the changes in the sylon idea of war from the early midpoint of the first sylon war later on into the modern story of the remastered series instead of focusing on a mix of Weapons Systems and utility like Main battery guns Fighters missiles and Munitions launchers and stuff all working together as we see from their earlier designs the Bas star plays to the sylon strengths those strengths being malware missiles and Raiders while the stupid smelly Apes of the colonies were busy slapping more armor and bigger guns onto their brick based ships The Toasters were elegantly applying their own advantages to apparent new emerging ship technology the bass star is isn't actually meant to engage in a right proper fight like it's huge and it's very durable don't get me wrong but it it's really not meant to be trading shots it's meant to be that guy in every single vehicle combat game ever you you you know the type hiding behind bushes 20 M away lobbing guided missiles or aim assisted shells at you and then zipping behind cover or sniping you in your spawn when he flanked 50,000 miles around the outside of the battlefield you you know the type you know the exact guys I'm talking about the syon bay star doctrinally was exactly that it was meant to hold a distance outside the effective range of colonial weapons fire lobbing swarms of highly destructive and often nuclear tipped missiles at incoming fleets and it was so proficient at this job that single Bas stars were reportedly capable of annihilating entire task forces of smaller or older human ships before they ever got the chance to shoot back this was thanks to the high high capacity and Rapid reload missile tubes mounted along the underside or top side I guess depending on your perspective of the giant dinner plates they're they're they're on the inside of the trench thing they're on the part that's facing it's whatever you you get what I mean the raw size of the base star though and the rotation inclined method of movement allowed it to dump dozens of missiles into the void in seconds and while its first Salvo launchers were reloading spin the ship around and they fire even more missile tubes from second or third or fourth or fifth or on and on it goes batteries of missile launchers in turn as the ship moves and the entire time it's doing this it's just kiing away and keeping a comfortable distance what a miserable experience it would be to try to fight this thing in reality rather than in the relatively poorly based gameplay of Battlestar Galactica deadlock it's literally surprise a billion missiles to the forehead then you tank those and you know you're finally like catching up to it and you're like oh God okay I'm I'm pretty drained but you know we're almost there we're almost in range to punch this guy in the teeth then it goes surprise a billion syon Raiders to the face and assuming you managed to survive those having been completely crippled as they've shot everything and anything on your ship worth a damn from sensors to point defense guns to main cannons and more even your engines I imagine you thinking okay finally this stupid thing has to have nothing left the base star is empty I can just run it down and kill it cuz it basically doesn't have guns and then it goes surprise third verse same as the first a billion missiles to the face it sounds incredibly annoying to fight and speaking of Raiders that's the other thing or things plural that the Bas star is focused on it carries hundreds of Raiders in multiple hang hanger Bays spread across the ship's upper and lower Hull the scary thing about the Raiders wasn't simply the fact that They Carried anti- ship missiles and were capable of doing light damage even to Battle Stars oh no the biggest threat the Raiders posed was due to their Synergy with the oncoming wall of missiles thick enough to walk along the perfect example of what I'm talking about was a battle over an ice Planet during operation Raptor Talon three Colonial battle stars were deployed to find and destroy a sylon research base that was believed to be developing some kind of super weapon during the engagement over the planet sylon Bas Stars engaged the colonial task force and the Battle Star Columbia had her Flack screen crippled when syon Raiders broke through the defensive line of vipers and gunfire and destroyed most of the main battery guns along the ventral side of the ship the damage those Raiders did while ultimately minimal and insignificant to the structure of the Battle Star itself resulted in multiple gaps in the defensive screen and multiple nuclear missiles getting through and all but destroying the Colombia breaking her back and sending the corpse of the Battle Star drifting off into the void the reason that the bay stars were so deadly the reason they were so effective and for much of the first sylon war extremely difficult to destroy is because they denied the Colonials their biggest Advantage a proper straight fist fight by keeping distance and using using a mix of missiles and fighters to whittle down Colonial battle groups they could inflict disproportionate losses and if the battle was turning against them simply flee using their Superior FTL Tech if engaged with other smaller sylon ships though the Bas star was also a potent command and control craft able to coordinate and control hundreds of Raiders they themselves carried as well as boosting the performance of any other nearby ships increasing their maneuverability Firepower or electronic warfare systems by offloading computational power from them essentially networking with other sylon vessels and using its own much more powerful computers to take over tracking and Target prediction or to calculate optimal flight paths and Maneuvers this support element served as a massive individual power boost for any accompanying vessels as suddenly the guns on Cruisers or destroyers were accurate enough to track and hit Colonial ships outside their own effective range to return fire outo missile salvos were larger and more dynamic as the Bas star would calculate gaps or weaknesses in colonial fla screens and rapidly and consistently change the flight path of the missiles as they were on Route the Battle Star may have been the Colonials line holder and saving grace against the mechanical tide but the syon Bas star was the Pinnacle of the machine strategy and when you really boil down how it worked it's a deceptively simple forehead to problem style of warfare that really encapsulates their Creator's mentality of if it's dumb but it works it's not dumb and that strategy was quite simply to inflict a disproportionate amount of attrition on the colonial war machine in every engagement that it took part in the base star essentially shifted the syon strategy from fighting and winning battles with roughly peer ships and Superior Tactics towards inflicting as much disparity of losses as possible so that every engagement they got into whatever the syons lost the Colonials would lose more in raw tonnage or numbers than they would be able to replenish before the next engagement and since it's introduction during the midpoint of the war this strategy was working individual engagements began to heavily favor sylon forces in tonnage destroyed to the point that the Bas Stars began to form the totality of sylon forces they were so effective that they just stopped building the other smaller ships and almost entirely committed to just building the giant flying dinner plates this strategy was probably going to win in the long run were it not for the unprecedented success of the Colonials ghost Fleet offensive followed soon after by the syons making breakthroughs with their hybrid program these different events happening roughly similarly convinced the syons that the first war would most likely have been a slow agonizing grind over decades to fully erase the colonial Fleet and start pounding their planets into nuclear Ash as it so happened they decided that an Armistice would be better to rebuild their forces create new plans and try for a new cigra that might win a fight before it could ever really start during this time in between the first and second sylon war however the base star we know and love the big chunky boy would be relegated to backline duties and logistical work as the modern Bay stars were beginning to come online the older design began to find its Niche replaced or subverted overall the sylon bayar represents the beginning of a new era for the syons however in the years before they had only developed token ships and small Craft Fighters and designs and stuff to prosecute their war against the useless meatbags but the bay star was wholly unique entirely domestic and designed by the machines to best suit their strengths it's also incredibly cool looking and the fact that it spins slowly is just H chef's kiss fantastic I love this thing I love it so much that it gets a pass into the Hall of brick atude may it may be round but it possesses the pure brick energy of the battle stars and as such gets a spot alongside them you are granted a seat on this Council but we do not Grant you the title of Battle Star as for the actual statistics of this thing well uh we're kind of out of luck once again you see this ship has virtually no concrete statistics that I could find we could go with the original series Dimensions but that's something like 1,800 ft or like 550 M diameter which uh no that would make it hilariously smaller than the average Battle Star and based on what we see it's hilariously larger than even the biggest Colonial warship so that one's being tossed out the window this is one of those Stargate moments where the officially given Dimensions or at least the ones I could find just don't make sense by comparison with everything else in the universe that was officially talked about and we could go into some of the fan-made size comparisons but when I looked at those ones they put the ship at just over 3 and 1 12 kilom in length which uh I don't think they're quite that big because holy dude so for this part I am unfortunately going to start doing some analysis of my own and I tend to be Prett microwave most of the time so I wouldn't blame you for disagreeing but if you do have any concrete sources that don't give an obviously stupid number let me know in the comments now the deadlock video game is as close to Cannon as we can get without starting to speculate or M make assumptions based on the original series it's also super handy since I can just plunk the ships down next to each other and look at them which is what I'm going to do and doing it this way gets us around 2100 M for the diameter as it's barely longer than the modern bass star however unlike the spindly spider that was the excuse of a base ship in the remaster the OG B Star is absolutely thick I wrote 12 c's for thick in my script by the way just so that you know I really really meant it when viewed from the front though the comparison is far far more obvious with how ridiculously bigger the original base star is compared to the modern remaster when you stack them up the modern ship is little bit less than half as tall and that would put the original base star somewhere in the ballpark of 600 to 650 m in height and seems far far more reasonable than the spindly Dimensions given from the original series which when put next to each other the diameter is literally less than my version's height so overall I think that's about as close to a Canon Dimension or scale size whatever that we can get for the original bass star and I think it's very comfortable when you compare it up against other ships like the emis or something this this visual right here this seems very very close to what it looked like in the original so I'm just going to go with this I think we're good when it comes to offensive details the OG is relatively light on Raw Firepower only coming equipped with a few Capital grade turrets on the dorsal and ventral saucer segments these guns perform at a relatively high level though due to the sylon powerful Computing and targeting systems while also covering the full 360° Arc of the ship but their low number and lacking rate of fire means that they're disappointing even against escorts or picket ships and utterly woeful at shooting down fightercraft the real meat of the bay Stars potential for murder though is the Swarms of angry Hornets it carries around inside those radar dishes it calls a hull the large cutouts spaced evenly on the top and bottom of both saucer segments are the launch corridors for the ship's hangers so even if the Bas star gets hit with a surprise sun to the face by a cheeky Colonial stealth ship the hangers on the other side of the ship are still fully functional and ready to deploy Revenge Raiders the huge number of hangers allows the Bas star to essentially dump its entire complement of over 300 S small craft in minutes made up primarily of 300 syon Raiders and supported by several dozen more heavy ra or various other Mission dependent support craft the OG basar is capable of launching enough small craft to utterly swamp most Colonial fighter groups being closer to a super carrier by Colonial standards than pretty much any of the other sylon vessels they've seen so far the entire structure of the Bas star's launch and Recovery systems is an early echo of the modern Bas star focusing on the rapid Mass deployment of Raiders in a colossal carrying capacity when it comes to the missiles like I talked about earlier the OG basar has multiple redundant launching systems buried on the inside of the ship saucer in between the launch Bays there are a number of missile batteries I there's no information on where exactly they are what exactly they look like but based on the in-game models that I really like I think they look great uh I choose to believe that these clusters of circular looking things that those are the missile tubes together the base star would have between 100 to 200 individual launch tubes that fire in volleys of a dozen or so Warheads at any given time I feel like this is similarly reasonable and a precursor to the modern bass star which lines up each of its prongs with a giga tillan missile launchers and fills the entirety of said prongs with danger pylons ready to launch the Armament of the Bas star is heavily focused on long range combat The Experience on the receiving end of which can probably charitably be described as the moment of potent ass clenching regret that floods you when you walk outside and see a hornet's nest directly above the door frame but overall the original saucer segmented design of the bass star is amazing whether the old or new lore it is a beautiful ship but I can't help but feel like the reimagined version is just cooler because you know what feel free to disagree but lasers and energy beams are just not as cool as machine gun fire rapid missiles they just aren't and that brings us pretty much to the end of the video the syon Bay Star a beautiful craft a wonderful brick of a warship incredibly cool to look at and something that in both settings pretty much defined the story in its role as the aggressor the bad guy the big enemy waiting at the end that's just going to slap down all contenders until the main characters get there to put them straight to hell where they belong but before we fully end off a few announcements since this is the first video back in a little while and Steve is still nowhere to be found but this is going to be the last video before I start updating the visuals and kind of reworking the feel of the channel a little bit it's been a while since s underwent the last visual update from the black and white style we had when we first started out to the Motion Graphics and white and blue that we have now and I think it's about time to rework things again it's not going to be massive just reorganizing the Motion Graphics and the layout on screen and stuff so that more of the screen can actually be used to show images and videos and stuff but there are other changes happening as well but I will leave the big one for a surprise in another video maybe I don't know I'll tease you a little bit with it here here you go you probably won't be able to figure out exactly what this is or you're going to or you're going to you're going to you're going to do what my Discord does and you're going to say the wrong thing countless times because you know it'll annoy me anyways before I completely end off I want to give a huge thanks to all the members on patreon supporting the channel you guys have helped me move out of the hell hole of a basement I lived in before into my own place and it is just so good for my peace of mind and ability to live with a special thanks to all the members of the $5 tier going above and beyond David G the original Augie 11 Bravo crunchy Terry Higgins Pedro munas David G the other one silencer Vox apolon Phoenix BT Legend Electro boy 11 Logan maynord Mickey David Arman Creed Robin stop at Fen striker tan he's dead pixie Veris fabric 445 mini crustation Charles the snpp Paulie Eric Jones Joseph holiday zombie the zerker David B sweet be rro le butcher dabby Taco nwam Brian Hall John Gabrielle Joshua Jay Lee the Hayfork unit zero tarly Bob kiwi Warrior Douglas jerma Jason vgo screaming Stuka Darius D exothermic reaction Rosco 292 Kristoff grimberg Baron AJ CT 727 4 Freedom Trooper Steven Ventura Zephyr WinStar Harbinger 029 Oscar Reed skogan Wolfie and in the multiple weeks I've been away I'm pretty sure there's a few new people JT frog blast which is a great name German speaker which is incredibly generic druski heler 8284 that that's the the second large numbered name angry TV robot which is a hilarious name and topical for the video of the day and tenebrarius Rod holy hell i i i butchered that but you know what confidently terrible and with that the video is functionally over but something for the patrons cuz I know you guys usually watch this far the patreon is going to be going through an update as well I'm going to be reworking some of the patron rewards and changing things around because the patron thanks is getting a little bit ridiculous it's taken a little bit too long at the end of every video so some things are going to change a little bit but with that the video is functionally over I hope you enjoyed it I hope your support will continue in the future future and with that the video's over I outros are hard goodbye
Views: 50,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battlestar galactica, battlestar, bsg, colonial viper, galactica, viper mark 7, adama, battlestar galactica reimagined, Science, insanity, science insanity, battlestar galactica lore, sharon valerii, mercury battlestar, jupiter battlestar, william adama, colonial battlestar, SCI, lee adama, bsg pegasus, pegasus, battlestar galactica deadlock, artemis, bsg 1978, battlestar galactica 1978, cylon basestar, gaius baltar, tos cylon basestar, bsg cylon basestar, cylon attack, scifi
Id: hsnlF6VAT_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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