BC 304 Daedalus Class Battleship Breakdown Stargate

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[Music] [Music] what's up fellow sci-fi nerds I'm your host Dr M and welcome back to another breakdown video this breakdown is going to be of my favorite sci-fi ship of them all the BC 304 dead class battle cruiser from the Stargate Universe in this breakdown I will be covering all aspects ranging from the history of the ship the ship armaments the size of the ship and even how many were made in the show but before we get started though feel free to hit that like button don't forget to comment your thoughts about the ship and feel free to hit that subscribe button to help the channel out I'm a small Channel trying to grow so your support is greatly appreciated now of all that's out the way let's begin so the history of the BC 304 is pretty straightforward the first 304 commissioned by Earth was named the deadest this ship being the sister ship to Earth's first Interstellar Battleship the Prometheus was launched in 2005 its main role was to Aid in the Atlantis expedition in the Pegasus Galaxy this design of ship is vastly different than the design of the x33 promethus with many changes being the result of many technological advancements procured after the launch of the promethus so instead of reworking the X3 freeze design to to accommodate the new technology a new ship was designed to be built from the ground up with the new technology being built directly into the ship from scratch instead of being added later on so with the new tech in mind the bc34 is born and it became the main design moving forward for Earth so now we know the history behind the design change let's move on to so let's get into the specifications of the BC 304 let's start with the dimensions now there is a conflict on the correct size online so I'll give you the one I think is right and then give you the other size so the bc34 is 650 M long with a width of 367 m from hanger to hanger with a height of 135 M this size makes sense when you look at the f302 size compared to the ship's hanger there are other aspects on screen that make this size the most accurate depiction of the True Dimensions so going based on that this is the size I'm sticking with so to put that in comparison to say the US nimit class aircraft carer in real life which is 332 M long this makes sense compared to the other dimensions for the 304 online which are 225 M long 95 M wide with a height of 75 that's pretty small so with this comparison on screen you can decide for yourselves which you think fits so with the size out the way let's list off the other specifications the ho is comprised of NACA and trinium alloy both these metals are fictional metals found within the Stargate Universe and are extremely durable to damage making the material great for ship design next we have the power plant the power the ship receives is generated from a NACA generator this generator provides power to all the ship systems including engines and shields the power output is not documented but we can presume it is much better than any other power generators in use today the generator's main fuel source is refined NAA other forms of power generated or generators used used in the 304 have been a zpm or the Asgard power core both of these are special and are not the main form of power but are additional power generators boosting or supplementing the standard generators giving the 304 a tremendous amount of energy with these equipped it next we'll cover the engines the BC 304s propulsion systems or engines are comprised of four types firstly we have the maneuvering thrusters these are spread out along the length of the ship on all axes to help with Attitude control like pitch and roll these can also be used for precision maneuvering but lack the power output of the next engine the sublight engines or sublight drive these are the main engines that Propel the 304 through space and these engines can accelerate the 304 to around 150 m300 th000 m/s or between 25 to 50% the speed of light the third engine is the hyper drive this engine was provided to the Tower by the Asgard and is of The Intergalactic kind allowing the 30 four to travel between galaxies this drive opens up a hyperspace window that allows the 304 to travel faster than light between Stars if you want to know more about hyp space there's another video on my channel explaining it so please go check that out after this one and lastly the fourth type of engine the 304 has are landing and Atmospheric thrusters allowing the 304 to fly in atmosphere hover and land on planet surfaces now let's move on to the shields the 304 Shields are very powerful being of Asgard design and again given to the Tower by the Asgard as a thanks for helping with the replicators these shields create an elliptical bubble of energy around a three or four protecting the ship's hole from damage the shields protect the hole by absorbing and diffusing the energy from enemies weapons fire The Shield though is not a solid wall as it can still let through some energy from weapons fire causing minor damage to the ship's Al hole but this usually occurs under immense stress like under continued attack weakening the shield this is caused as the shield Matrix gradually decreases over time under stress of incoming damage however if the shield is not under attack it can regain its strength The Shield strength is determined by the power that is put into it meaning if a shield is powered with a zpm it is far stronger than without one up next next are the weapons right the 304 has many different weapons so let's list them off so the 304 has standard 32 braziliian rail guns spread out along the length of the ship to Aid in fighter screening and was used as the main ship to ship weapons but due to further upgrades of the 30 four they have been assigned mostly for close in defensive tactics these rail guns have a full 360° area of attack with an elevation of 0 to9 ° these rail guns can f a highspeed projectile at Mark 5 with with a range of 250 Mi or more in space these guns have a firing rate of 500 rounds a minute with a standard magazine size of 10,000 rounds meaning each mag has around 20 minutes of sustained fire these raal guns can also be used as groundbased defenses as single units allowing for great versatility up next we have the vs tubes the the fre four has 16 VLS or vertical launch silos these tubes are positioned on the top side at the front of the ship situated here these tubes can launch cruise missiles comprised of Mark 3 8 and nine nuclear tipped missiles with a Mark 8 being strong enough to be able to completely destroy a RAF H ship from the inside but as powerful as these missiles are they come with a great weakness they are slow and can be destroyed on route to a Target leaving the use of the missiles to be used strategically in combat up next we have the best weapon the 30 four has ever had the Asgard plasma beam weapons these beam weapons were one of the last pieces of technology created by the Asgard before they destroyed themselves and gifted along with all of their other technology to the T this weapon system was an add-on later after the initial design and construction of the first four 304 ships being firstly given to the Odyssey in 2007 then later retrofitted and fitted to all other 30 fours a year later these weapons are extremely powerful energy beams that are comprised of a narrow high intensity beam of superheated plasma that can overwhelm most enemy shields in a few shots these beams can also be power scale to have a reduced damage effect allowing for destroying key critical systems on enemy vessels like like engines or hyperdrives so that covers all of so that covers all of the onboard ship armaments up next are the f302 bays and the fighters within the f302 has two large hanger Bays on each side of the ship which holds a complement of between 8 to 16 f302 fighter interceptors which allow the 304 to act like a carrier each Bay acts as a flight deck to launch and land 30 or tws as well as to hold and store them when not in use the bay also acts as a repair Bay to service and repair the through twos when needed each Bay has its own force field to keep the atmosphere in when the bay doors open and the force field will allow two-way Transit through allowing f-302s and other craft to enter and exit the bay while still keeping the bay pressurized the F32 provide the BC 304 with an additional defense and attack tactics while in combat allowing the 302s to engage Fighters while the 304 engages the main enemy ship also to note though F 302s can carry nukes and can be used against main ships in addition to the 30 Four's attack making the 304 a very versatile ship so that explains the main ship's key features so let's Now list the other systems the ship has so with the bc3 for's other systems we have a hybrid Earth good and Asgard computer navigational system for flight and travel through space it uses an earth style weapons targeting system for weapons Target acquisition in combat it also uses an Asgard sensor array to scan space other vessels planets and is used for the Asgard beaming technology which brings us to Transportation the 304 has an Asgard transport beam array that allows for instant teleportation from ship to ship or ship to Planet it can also be used to beam nukes inside enemy ships if Shields or counter measures are down the 304 also comes with a ring transporter platform these rings work similar to the Asgard beams but require another ring platform at the desired location to allow for long distance teleportation however if the three four is landed it can use the Rings to teleport directly below the ship without another platform as the Rings can leave the ship for this purpose for communications it utiliz IES a long range transmitter with two functions one is for radio frequencies for short to mid-range as radio frequencies travel at light speed and second is a Subspace transmitter for those longdistance calls that are many light years away allowing for instant communication at Great distances between Stars the ship's crew complement can be upwards of 200 crew or as low as three or four for main ship use the three or four can take on extra passengers above 200 however the more passengers the ship has the extra strain on the ship's life support systems are meaning the ship has a maximum limit in which it can provide oxygenated air and scrub CO2 to sustain the crew so next up let's list the crew compartments starting off with the bridge which is here and not here because the second position is the ATC or air traffic control for the F32 and provid Ides other operational tasks but it's not the main Bridge which is here located at the rear of the neck the bridge is where the ship is controlled with all main systems running through there next we have engineering this location can control engines and power distribution separate from the main Bridge up next are the hangar Bays which we have covered next is the infirmary or Med bay where the sick and injured go to get treated after that we have the mes tool for food crew quarters for the crew to rest and stay in multiple armories for weapon storage a gym for crew exercise cargo holds for other storage Briggs for prisoners multiple airlocks briefing room for Mission briefings a ring room and observation rooms and science rooms and of course a computer core these are the main rooms on the three or four other features that can be found on the three or fours are an Asgard Cor room The Horizon missile Bay The Horizon missile platform Bay a cloaking generator and an Asgard knowledge room these last five though are specific to different ships and are not found as standard on all 304s so now we have covered the entire ship specifications and interior let's list off the actual ships constructed in order starting with the dead lless the dead is the first 304 built and commanded by Colonel Steven calwell its main role is to support The Atlantics expedition in the Pegasus Galaxy the second three four to be constructed is the Odyssey first commanded by Colonel Paul Emerson and later Colonel Ian davidston its role is to support Earth and the SGC in the Milky Way galaxy for home World defense the third 304 is the corov this 304 was built for the Russians and was commanded by Colonel shov this three Four's role was not defined as it was destroyed at the Battle of the supergate by the orai but one can assume it would serve the same role as the Odyssey but for Russian interests the fourth three four built was the Apollo this ship was commanded by Colonel Abraham Ellis its role was to support the Atlantis Expedition alongside the dadless but it also supported ARF in the Milky Way when needed the fifth 304 built was the sunzoo this 304 was under under Chinese command and commanded by Colonel Yin this ship was never seen in the show but was mentioned participating in the battle with the zpm powered High ship the ship was last vent in atmosphere into space but it was but it was not destroyed my guess is my guess it was salvaged and repaired after the whole zpm powered Hive Ship Attack and lastly the last onscreen through four to be built was the George Hammond formerly named The Phoenix but was renamed the George Hammond after Don's Davis and like General George Hammond suffered a heart attack within the show and in real life so it was named George Hammond in honor of Don's Davis this ship was commanded by Colonel saman car and was seen in the Stargate Universe transform Personnel to Icarus base its main role was not its main role was never defined but was probably the same as the Odyssey serving the SGC and the Milky Way well so that ends the list of the BC 304s constructed by Earth in the current timeline this ship is my favorite sci-fi ship of them all and its design is just perfect for the feel of the show and it's perfect for the level of technology that the towry or Earth have obtained throughout the years and I hope to see it again on screen in the future I hope you all enjoyed this breakdown of the BC 304 dead class Battleship from Stargate it has been a task to produce this video so if you did enjoy it feel free to help support the channel by hitting that like button and don't forget to subscribe for more also leave any comments about this video and I'll do my absolute best to answer all any and all comments you post I've been your host Dr McKay thank you all for watching and until the next video cheers and goodbye [Music] all I want
Channel: SCI-FI NERD
Views: 2,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stargate, stargate sg1, atlantis, universe, Daedalus class, BC-304, breakdown
Id: MfHJeOx4c_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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