The Dragons of Middle-earth (Updated)

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[Music] again after a hundred years Claro the first of the ARU Loki fire drinks of the North issued from invents gates by night he was yet young and scarce half grown for long and slow as the life of the Dragons but the elves fled before him to arid weathering and door chthonian in dismay and he defiled the fields of art Galan then Finn GaN Prince of hilum rode against him with archers on horseback attempt him round with a ring of Swift riders and cloud Ron could not endure their darts being not yet come to his full armoury and he fled back to England and came not forth again for many years greetings and well met my friends joist in here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we will be discussing the Dragons once again as I felt it was necessary to remake this old beings of middle-earth video after learning much about the Dragons over the years I feel that I have more to add to their stories this time around I'll link some related articles that helped in the creation of today's video in the description and I'll also link some related videos there and in the cards above thank you all for joining me today let's begin our tale during the first stage of ardha the null door into their allies had pressed Morgoth into a siege and he was forced to swell his numbers within his fortress of an bent to break the siege she needed more than orcs and Balrogs alone so he created the Ubu Loki the fire Drake's or dragons these massive creatures whose lives spend many more years than those of men were depicted with scales that were strong like armored claws sharp like swords and mines that were even sharper usually the Dragons took the colours of black red or gold they could speak using forked tongues and razor sharp teeth and even cloud Rome could place spells upon people through his words and eyes now no one quite knows how the dragons came to be they may be corrupted and embody my are where the machinations and parts of morgoth's being what I might call drones or they could be akin to Balrogs and other creatures possibly being corrupted great Eagles I doubt they had fair or spirits unless they myah or something else as they were just likely the perverted creations of Melkor essence a link a discussion thread in the description below that pertains to all of this anyway many walked upon four legs and some had wings while others did not long worms may have been dragons without legs or wings as indicated by descriptions of skaffa or shava the pronunciation is disputed in the works the first winged dragons appeared in the war of Wrath but before then they did not have wings another distinction is that some dragons were fire Drake's and could thus breathe fire while others were cold drinks and could not breathe fire nor likely frost or anything else I should also mention that the Lost Road and other writings mentioned spark dragons that perhaps give off lights and fish dragons or sea serpents a group that the watcher in the water may perhaps belong to the canon nature of the non fire and cold drinks may be disputed however the fire Drake's are more renowned of the Dragons while the other Drake's also served Melkor or Morgoth and would afterwards inhabits the far north regions of middle-earth and the gray mountains we will talk more about those dragons later for now let's talk about the father of dragons loud rumor he first appeared during the siege of an event in the year 260 of the first age he issued forth from a band against the elves but he was not at his full strength or stature and while he pushed the null door from art Galan and defiled such lands he was quickly pushed back to egg band by Finn Gahan and his company of mounted archers since his natural armor was not fully grown he could not endure the arrows and Morgoth was not pleased that his servant had revealed himself thusly and he would not send forth anything from Angband for nine two hundred years until four hundred fifty five of the first stage and the dagger or Bragg would lock during the Battle of sudden flame cloud rom issued forth once again but now he had grown and come into his strength so he led the assaults he led Balrogs and orcs against the null door and their allies Garang specifically went east against the sons of fan or and he would burn the land between the arms of the Galleon river after defeating riders amongst the elves upon the plain of Laughlin and coming through the pass of McClure's gap after this glove Ron would return to England thus the union of mithras marched against tang bend in 472 of the first age and clout Ron and his brood came to battle in the early hours of the third morning they would have destroyed the null door had it not been for the now cream the dwarves who stood against cloud Rama and his brood the dwarves of Bella gasps could withstand fire better than their allies for they wore great masks that were hideous to look upon but gave them protection nonetheless and they surrounded Glavine hacking at him with their axes until he struck down their dwarven Lord as a call and as he crawled over the dwarf as a call trove a knife into his belly causing the dragon along with many beasts to flee back to hang vent leaving the barracks to finish the battle even as the dwarves took as a call spotty away from the battle and sang a dirge as they went thus started the great animosity between dwarves and Dragons clattering was next seen in the Battle of tomb holla'd and 495 of the first age and he led the sacking of nargoth Ronde using the bridge over the river nuraghe he destroyed the doors of Fellig and he would also put a spell upon Horton furthering the curse levied upon the house of Horton in the following year love wrong who resided in Argo throne to punnets riches after driving his orcs away was disturbed by a company from doriath this company included Nia nor Torrens sister and after creating a reeking steam from the river nog he went to Mian or the spell upon her also wiping her memory and leaving her to wander in the wild Turin would unknowingly meet his sister and as he did not recognize her and Nia nor did not remember him due to glaucoma they fell in love and were Wed then in 498 of the first age cloud wrong scent orcs against breath Hill were Turin and Denis nor lived with other woodsmen and after Turin revealed himself their glove Rome came forth the next summer as DeLong attempted to cross the gorge of Chabad in ODIs to find turin and his folk he was stabbed by turin and his sword berthing before he died his blood rendered Porto conscious and with his final breath that dragon revealed the truth of his spell to nyan or who came to the scene of the battle glad Ron thus died and nyan or who thought Turin was dead was filled with grief and lept into Chabad in darkness after awakening turin learned what had happened from Brandi er a witness of the scene and so he casts himself upon his sword thus collateral the father of dragons was finally ended but of all dragons he perhaps dealt the most personal damage to the free peoples moving on to the other dragons I'm unsure if they are the children of cloud wrong or if they were artificially made with cloud Rome's title of father of dragons just being a title and nothing more next we will talk about the beast of Gondolin who was a fire Drake during the fall of Gondolin according to the book of lost tales part 2 all we know is that this dragon fought during the fall of gondola and 5:10 of the first stage and had either died or stayed with morgoth's forces afterwards it carried Balrogs upon its back into the battle and entered the city through a breach in the wall and sent forth flame in the streets apparently it almost slew tour and XLE on with its feet and tore stabbed him in the foot we know nothing else about this creature and any of the other Drake's that took part in the battle now we come to the fearsome and Peleg on the black largest and mightiest of the Dragons of middle-earth he along with some other smaller dragons were the first of the winged dragons to appear in middle-earth and if they fought in the war of Wrath after the BAL rocks were defeated and driven off the dragons pushed the Valar and their hosts back until the coming of AR and Dylan to the Eagles of man way and together they threw down and Callaghan and his dragons before the rising of the Sun and at Kellogg ons massive body broke the thin Gordo trim this would lead to the final defeat of malkor or Morgoth in the first stage I should also mention ghost ear and his older name gore sphere which are briefly mentioned in The Lost Road and other writings and we only know that he was a dragon of Morgoth at some point in the writings of Tolkien perhaps he would have been one of the many dragons of the first stage anyway let's move on to the third age as that is the next time we read about dragons most if not all of the dragons went to north into the gray mountains and beyond around the year 2000 of the Third Age fran who was a man of the AO Thade the ancestors of the Rohirrim sleuths katha a lungworm of the grey mountains who had taken a horde of the dwarves fram and his people claimed the dragon horde to the dismay of the dwarves whose hoarded had once been and fram insulted them by sending them the teeth of the dragon and claiming that they are better than the jewels that the dwarfs have in their Treasuries it's possible that the dwarves killed him for such insults but to the Horde were at least a part of it went to the AO Thade and it is from this horde that the Horn of the mark given to Mary from Aaron came the AO fate also named the town fram's burg after fram their hero who had saved them from the dragon speaking of the Dragons of the north the dwarfs would fight them in the war of the dwarves and Dragons after the dragons stole and plundered the halls and wealth of the dwarves of that land it is perhaps in and before this ward that the dwarves lost four of their seven rings of power to the dragons who consumed them after the deaths of King died in the first and his son for by a cold Drake outside of one of their halls Kings roar led his folk back to Erebor 2590 of the third age but they would only be safe from the dragons for so long in 2770 of the Third Age Smaug attacks Dale and Erebor and he took the Lonely Mountain and it's word for himself driving the dwarves into exile but the quest of Erebor would see the return of the dwarves to their Mountain some dialogue between Bilbo and Smaug after the hobbit had stolen a golden cup and enraged the dragon and we would also see the exchange of wit between the dragon and the Hobbit of all the dragons Smaug and Glavine speaks the most in Tolkien's works eventually Bilbo reveals to a thrush the weakness of Smaug is underbelly and if the dragon destroys the mountainside before heading to Lake town burning it before being shot by bard the Bowman who was told the weak point of the dragon by the thrush a Smaug who is the last named dragon in middle Earth's history met his end but smog was likely not the last dragon as there were quite possibly other cold drinks in the North even at the end of the Third Age and in the Fellowship of the Ring Gandalf says quote there is not now any dragon left on earth in which the old fire is hot enough nor was there ever any dragon not even and click on the black who could have harmed the One Ring end quote anyway it seems any remaining dragons were weaker than those that came before even in comparison to Smaug but they remained in tales told by hobbits and others and even as we saw in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring the imagery of dragons yet remained in at least one of Gandalf's fireworks of that time thus we are brought to the end of our tale about the Dragons of middle-earth it is worth noting that all of the named dragons were slain by men safe and callaghan for a often de was a half-elf who chose to be an elf but it is interesting that at heart he would have chosen to be a man even the death of an Callaghan by a arendelle and the Eagles is similar to the death of Smaug by Bart unto the thrush these may be just coincidences or it may be that Tolkien wrote the fall of the Dragons that way on purpose it means something indeed that the courage of men is greater than the strength of the Dragons some of the most powerful evils to ever live in arta from the Dragons of middle-earth we see the danger of weapons of mass destruction especially when such weapons or their masters are driven by greed or evil the only way we can defeat such darkness is to stand together against these weapons and their masters with courage thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed today's episode in truth I'm glad I updated this as I still have my old script and video and I find them severely lacking in many details about the Dragons so I'm glad I could make this episode better for all of you for more details about the stories and descriptions concerning the Dragons check out the articles in the description as well as almost any of the main stories in Tolkien's legendarium if you enjoyed today's episode please hit that like button and share this with a friend what are your thoughts about the Dragons let me know in the comments below also since I've updated my Balrogs of middle-earth video as well who do you think would win in a duel a dragon or a Balrog I might have to make a video about that sometime with my thoughts on the answer but in short I think a dragon would win in most cases as they were created to cause mass destruction that Balrogs couldn't create and the former are far more intelligent than the latter the dragons of Tolkien's works are quite fascinating to me as they're both intelligent and devastating also please check out our music channel Facebook Twitter merch and patron for podcast and discord server in the description below and don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join them in up the West and all of the free peoples today and I will see you all again next week with an epic character history on cured and the shipwright who is a very underappreciated and not well known elf in Middle Earth's history my friends as always thank you all for joining me on this adventure and tell the next one
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 410,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Middle-earth, Dragons, Tolkien, Yoystan, Men of the West, Silmarillion, Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Smaug
Id: cZnsUD8LoWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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