The Opening of the Academy Awards: 1978 Oscars

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live Oscars golden anniversary the 50th annual academy award presentation you we're in the plaza the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Music Center in Los Angeles California for Oscar golden anniversary these crowds have been gathered since early morning watch screams most glamorous figure for tonight's milestone event both today a16 wait 8 pounds 8 ounces pipe 13 and 1/2 inches named Oscar Oscar was born fifty years ago in Hollywood California the proud parent was the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences the founders never dreamed that its spec would reach beyond California but over half a century we've watched it grow into a symbol of excellence not only here but internationally and we've all grown right along with Oscar that cute you who would try to get by while we laughed at his take look how far just look how far we look how much just how much look how much we've grown since that time that sublime Valentino the Sheikh said romance with his aunts long before films could speak look how much how much we you we've been through pranksters and monsters and gangsters and look how far just how far we've come through that I treat rather stare light as air west wings on a speech look how we progress even when rain fell we'd never complain hell salmon death star you real guests here from space or the maximun pack and the pie in the face young Jonah in such a short amount of time is really very simple the reason is people people who are dedicated to excellence and it's the 50th anniversary of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences we cherish our past Oscar winners who honor us and whom you Terry Oh Oh ladies and gentlemen the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences mr. Howard W Cox from all of you welcome to Hoskins 50th anniversary party you know I've been a movie since I was a little kid but being on the stage with these Oscar winners I'm really shook up in any way I'm gonna do something I haven't done before I'm gonna introduce two wonderful people past presidents of the Academy between them had 50 nominations and three Oscars gentlemen was the winner fit to kill a mockingbirds the lady a two-time winner for dangerous and Jezebel Betty where are you Betty Davis and Gregory fifty years ago the academy awards were presented without fanfare at the dinner in los angeles a sort of family bash it was for film artists and technicians it's still essentially that but the annual event has so captured the public imagination that it is now front-page news our award ceremony is seen on television in 50 countries by 300 million people we've come a long way buddy this one big night a year provides the academy with revenue which supports its library the world's most extensive on the subject of film its scholarships and intern programs for young filmmakers its student Film Awards its lectures seminars retrospective and its national information service all designed to serve the cause of excellence in filmmaking and film scholarship the voting procedures work like this all active academy members may vote on nominations for the five pictures of the year other nominations are made by members of each academy branch for example writers nominate the five outstanding writing achievements of the year actors nominate actors directors nominate directors etc later all members vote on those nominations to select the final Awards the secret ballots are sent to the Academy's bonded accountants Pricewaterhouse and company for tabulation foreign language documentary and short films are the only exceptions only members who attend comprehensive special screenings may vote for them results are known only to Price Waterhouse and company until the sealed envelopes are opened here tonight and now mr. president back to you many years a tradition was to introduce the representatives of our company that Odets Pricewaterhouse and tonight let's go back for old time to do it again gentlemen the envelopes please Frank Johnson and John Blair only they know the secret uh now nominees you're getting a little nervous cuz I am we're gonna do something we've never done we're gonna show you the director Marty Posada our directors in the truck you're ready Marty I know Nelson Riddle are musical directors ready so as our master of ceremonies he should be this is a twenty second time at bat and he's still batting a thousand on a very own Bob Hope thank you very much you're too kind maybe not too kind but you're wonderful can you believe this group all in the same stage at the same time looks like the road company of the Hollywood Wax Museum now they're wonderful they all have their Oscars but are they happy I feel funny walking down with all those Oscars when I'm the only one that had to show my American Express card to get on stage but you know we all hear people refer to the magic of Hollywood and as far as I'm concerned that group you saw behind me is the magic of Hollywood some of these people have one two and three Oscars each their names have been taken and they'll be getting their obscene phone calls in due time for as many Oscar winners are absent Liz Taylor's back in her farm in Virginia still trying the milk of chicken anyway I just want to say good evening and welcome to the real Star Wars this is the 50th this is the 50th academy award show and the Oscars were first given out I hadn't even act started acting in films yet and throughout its 50-year history the Academy has maintained that attitude my agent told me don't worry about not winning this time remember you're still young it's a good thing about having a 90 year old agent well tonight you'll see the real Hollywood The Hollywood with a heart as the winners mount the podium you'll see their fellow actors applauding cheering and yelling in the true tradition of the theater break a lake this is exciting theaters filled with brilliant attracted gifted people all asking themselves the same question how can I get on camera so I can deduct this outfit I'm wearing what am i the furs the jewels the glamour looks like the opening the Beverly Hills Taco Bell I haven't seen so much expensive jewelry go by since I watched Sammy Davis jr. house sliding down Coldwater Canyon coming in coming into the theater tonight did you notice the ostentatious display of national chauvinism all the English stars arrived in Rolls Royces the Germans and Mercedes limousines the Italians and Ferraris and the Americans and Toyotas and how about all those black limousines in the parking lot looked like the Godfather's Tupperware party what crowds outside I have the first time when I arrived here tonight my car was surrounded by packs of screaming women clawing to get at me you don't believe me just asked my driver John Travolta pictures of sure changed since the first Oscars were handed out if wings were made today Buddy Rogers and dick island would be walking into the sunset holding hands Hollywood was a little different when Oscar was born the Sunset Strip was a girl named Wanda Latour goodbye girl was a silent movie actress who couldn't talk and fifty years ago the boy got the girl today it's anybody her mother father brother a cocker spaniel and we've gone through all kinds of fads since then the Giant musical that have two or three hundred dancers on stage and maybe five or six carpenters to work on Anne Miller's hair and there's quite a difference between Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing the Continental and Marlon Brando doing the tango tonight's awards have received a lot of publicity one article said that this year the women had the best parts I'm so old-fashioned I thought women have always had the best parts but let's and break but some great pictures were nominated the turning point reminded me I once had thoughts about going into the ballet then I saw the tights the guys wore and I knew I could never pass the physical 1977 be known as the year Star Wars which has grossed over 200 million dollars that's even more that some baseball players make I think the biggest surprise of the year is young John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever and I mean young I have wine older than he is Saturday night movie that's the movie that John put on a great white suit and then tried to wear it out from the inside and Julie I loved I like a good cry but that's pretty obvious why else would I be here Marsha Mason and Richard Dreyfuss were terrific in the goodbye girl Richard plays the role of a tender-hearted man who consents to share his apartment with Marsha and her daughter played by ten-year-old Quinn Cummings who was what I imagined William Buckley was at 10 anyway Quinn plays a little girl with the vocabulary somewhere between gore Vidal and red fox and Oh God is up for Best Screenplay it's just a shame George Burns believes his part in that picture he wants if he wants why now he orders it from Sparkletts we're in a hurry he really does believe he really does believe he has miraculous powers since that film he must be starting to date again but I do really hope that Oh God wins something Los Angeles can't stand 40 more days of rain Close Encounters of the Third Kind got eight nominations we believe they were all from this world and for years I've been telling my family comedians are never nominated for anything how do you like that Woody Allen ruining my home life for me Woody Allen was nominated for Best were actor writer and director and he was indicted for restraint of trade three nominations what therapy but if he wins it will make history it'll be the first time an Oscar carried the winner home
Channel: Oscars
Views: 870,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Academy Award (Award), Oscars, Oscar, opening, reunion, winners, 50th, Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Debbie Reynolds, musical, number, Barbara Stanwyck (TV Personality), John Travolta, Jane Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave, George Chakiris, Rita Moreno, Joan Fontaine, Sophia Loren, Edith Head
Id: aNGyALUyb1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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