The Open 2009 R4

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just could it be his day [Applause] go home to the Claret Jug wife and child appear maybe new baby appears everyone's now what a day that look like could happen well what a start for Ross Fisher and then Austin the man most unmoved was Lee Westwood another long-range putter gain for him as the online right in the throat but he's got to do what he's done over the last three days just play the same golf he has and let it happen ken Brown oh sorry Ken I didn't mean to startle you can't join us what a start for Ross Fisher my goodness this amazing back on the tee second hole wind hell ting off the left all 28 yards well that's really heated things up a bit isn't it boys and caught disappointed start therefore Tom Watson second hole wind off the left 280 our series the bunkers that shouldn't be a problem steady and so it won't reach the thick sub now Chris would add on the ninth fairway on your short iron into this backed input position take the spin off the hill very nicely done that to get the two under one of these guys could get in and post a score it's amazing how much pressure that'll put on the rest of the field amazing run is just a doesn't it Eagle birdie Jordan Ames scoring at the moment coming in they can hard from everywhere Justin Leonard a couple over across the slope from right to left at the 14th [Applause] Justin Leonard one over to under for his round things a little easier today much more accessible look pretty tough breeze blowing Fisher the third wind whipping across the course and right to left [Applause] well he didn't get much of a kick forward off that because he's a mighty hit and that could have chased miles down had he got a favorable bounce but that's in good position for 17 years a well who knows strangely enough I don't think that starter fissures will bother westward too much it'll almost make him settle quicker he's a good chaser and he know the fight is on [Music] that's by the breeze and he's got it very friendly this is probably a good pairing for both these players don't you think Maureen well I would say Ken they're very comfortable ight here together you know it's just a fantastic arena and the galleries are so split you know they have their favorites everywhere they look and it's just a case that there's maybe one player that they cheer a little more for than others but a wonderful arena not a very good life of Mathew Goggin still 190 yards to go yes that grabbed the club and shut the face down that was an unlucky break there generally and that first cut of rough the lies aren't too bad you can see Tom's ball just a few yards ahead yeah had to really go down after that just an unlucky break for Maddy Oh Watson needs a good clean straight hit into the middle of the green it makes it a little bit more difficult coming out of this semi rough 185 that's more like it middle of the green tongue doctor said of the first misjudge second [Applause] - arrow 14th good effort good effort young Italian amateur he's got the silver medal already the diameter in the event was 82 playing our amateur champion at the British cameras Reform be he's got him into the field made 16 hats please remember just down the road from where I live at little Golf Club they precocious talent back to the third green Furyk Paul yields this is a long attempt here for birdie no this is for a par when John is the fairway to the left hacked it out across a fairway poor pitch to here looks like another drop shot coming here for Furyk it'll be a 4 5 5 if he makes that start for Furyk one of the guys that have been under the radar all week and you would expect to be there in the mix this afternoon he playing alongside Retief Goosen three US Open titles between them so both of these guys are proven performers well there's only one shot that Matthew Goggins got and that is up and over the bunkers unfortunately finish here downwind has to try and get this one to stop quickly to get it close to the hole kg1 I would say I couldn't afford to let it drift left of the pin long as it kicks down the slope just had an email in from Colin Stewart from Tasmania he's watching this and he says he used to coach Matthew going at hockey in Hobart in the mid 80s and a lot of everyone in Tasmania wishing Matthew well he said he was a good it was a handy goalscorer man he's not a bad golfer either Colin and delighted to hear from you and if you're a little down there under Chris Wood now is to get to 2-under through the 9th just as we saw - arrow not that long ago so wood out in 32 all pars an eagle at seven birdie on eight David McNeil he's on the bag this way kid Chris we're getting a little excited out there like the secondly Tom Watson it's downhill but back into the wind so it's difficult to actually know how it's gonna roll down here not better if it comes Tom what's the prospect if he could win this will tie Harry van Dekker to six open chat widget and have just been speaking on the phone with his son Peter Barton who lives down in Buckley Soltan lovely by the world on the south coast where there's now Stanley saying all the folk grounded about their badly soldiers and Golf Club and along the way I watching the golf and hoping for great things which you're going to get I'm sure good angling for Ross Fisher 6-iron into the cross breeze there's most bad bouncing frozen live learn and I keep either carried a couple of yards further it would have kicked straight Iran on the cutting surface at the 32 was satisfactory only that's too bad kid that could have done through the back of the green Lee Westwood with 5-iron looks like he's going to play a little punch shot just watch the length of the follow-through here a bunch it was Oh oh that was the bunk of it to Ross Fisher just came off squirted away to the right there's his ball on the right hand side has to it in trouble Goggin for his four just that'll be a bogey just coming up to midnight back in Australia so I know that a lot of people will be glued to the television set hello Lindy everyone the Garden clan down there in Tasmania blows like this down there Peter very similar cloth climate to Scotland what doesn't get as cold in the winter that can blow wonderful golf courses down there in Hobart somewhere I've never been I'd like to go there in New Zealand Tom little diddly to tap in for his par four okay spot extraordinary the longer tutsies Potter goes dead straight back and it looks normal bitter on the short ones it is just straight back inside to check on the leaderboard mas Fisher it is look at that two shots ahead in good shape for being chest but a chased by a lot of very healthy level watch stare down the bottom of the ball there early elves and a couple more if if if they could come home in 32 or so and that's asking a lot and set a scores wanted to under par and that could really set up mighty stiff target scoring is better today the wind I think maybe getting up a little bit but the skies are pretty clear big clouds floating about and sir a brisk basically the locals will say this a good golfing day providing you play reasonably well no fun if you're hopeless quite good if you have some idea what you're doing well these bunkers have to be treated with respect because the sides are very sheer but a couple of things in westwoods favor the contours of the green will help feed the ball down towards the flag and he's slightly downwind so he'd be aiming to land this about two three four paces maybe onto the cutting surface his first green side bunker of the week you'll be well-done it had much retractors out of it it's a little good shot at that for his par lee westwood stunning shot something it's amazing how the cushion of sand and you hit sort of an inch or two behind earnestly as the club their Stern explodes the sand that's what throws the ball out and it's very frustrating for amateurs we told how easy it is to get out of bunkers but if the ball is lying quite quite well it is easy to get out if you just stand in the right position of the right Club Tom Watson on the third difficult hole this third Tom Watson used to wind off the right-hand side mostly striped it down the middle Oh fancy got a soft bounce a bit of a run oh it's charging on a bit now moving to the side of the fairway that's okay most of the ball seemed to be the thrown right to left down this fairway on the green our leader Ross Fisher this looks as a sort of undulating sort of putt Maureen well it's a large green and so many of these greens are just like rumpled duvets they've got soft folds and burrows he's only used the putter once so far [Applause] big day for the caddies are well today their partnership with their men it'll be thinking who's gonna be the champion this week which caddy has been with the most champions Dave muscular of grado Kelly he's had a few winners in his time and I wonder what the bonus will be Pete Matthew the few caddy master here was telling me good there are no Leonard on the 15th the last of the short holes playing 215 yards today the 5th Danton Justin's done it perfectly got a landed rule right at the front edge we're down like way back 31 on little testy one from Lee Westwood hit still Lee for his par yes yes just enough place to hold his line sweep her up and down well I think there was a feeling around the screen that that putt could indeed set the tone of westwoods day we've seen that as being as achilles he is so often in the past but that was very well hauled and a good escape that he foster his carry who did that the charity walk you know she goes look at that four and a quarter inches wide 1.6 inches 8 inches of the ball and it's disappeared I've always wondered why the holes four and a quarter inches wide it seems such a bizarre the diameter yeah it's written down somewhere Fisher you've missed a couple of these but not that one I love the way to the junk city goes to pick the ball over there and Cygnus to the cloud is it a gentle touch about it almost I'm a tourist I'm really not used to this I don't know what to do he was your pick at the start of the week wasn't he was he was he was only put a grand on him they see that little movements now watch he'll stand up and he'll turn very graciously to the crowd he lifts his arm in a minute he looks up thank you very much there and perhaps there's another one on the left-hand side that he's a little early as well only playing with Justin Leonard seen just way too landed wind hard off the right and landed of just a few yards further than Justin but just as good result even better you won't see too many better than that today tomislav a had a hole-in-one earlier in the day at 15 didn't Watson a second down the hill steady E and that's twice he's gone through the green the first he'll and the third just flying a bit too far jump the old adrenaline whatever that is Dogen just thrashing out of the long stuff and host some vengeful old rough on this course if you little done lucky when the visitors return in a few days time Ken and get round the course there'll be good pickings golf balls rounded about the course particular got a good dog here's Chris wood at the 10th second shot playing quite beautifully Leonard now for birdie on 15 down the hill break a little right to left left to right sorry warmer Open champion won a turn in 1997 [Applause] won the Players Championship as well very good steely competitive force play 154 yards quite an accessible team we've seen a number of two's here today oh that's not good they didn't even see that one was behind them that was very wild very very wild unless we could get leveled with him anything to get a tooth [Music] just set it off down the right I think today may be in the wrong direction just trying to be a bit too fancy bit edgy bit nervy just open face push out the right and that's that well two and a half hours or so ago when I was out here with David Harlan Oliver Wilson the wind was directly dinah the players here right behind them now it's quarter grind is hard off the left west were trying to play a little low punch 7-iron again played a lot of truncated follow-through so far today you need little bits of luck like that unless it goes down and it won't be too bad that's okay [Applause] 18 top tens fives out of it so he's had a good run although he hasn't had a victory for a couple of years you may have noticed the players caddies have different colored bibs which help the spectators identify who is where and who's playing what was official caddy master Pete map he comes from I post golf club near Salisbury big things going on there today he's got a third shot from around about 70 yards make good contact with that one just drifting a fraction in the breeze Ernie for his two at 15 nope rather weak effort they said I need that even car needs a couple to finish with something to post three under for his round one thing I like about Tom Watson he gets over these as the chip shots and it's not an automatic that he's going to just go and get this Sunday and all the extra lofted Club and really takes his time he took the sand I'm back he's gonna land it just short of the green and chase it up there nicely done can play any shot in the book Tom Watson great exponent of the bump-and-run build knock dance whatever you want to do dial a shot left himself one of those though wailing for feet a little bit of change I guess would at the 10th for a birdie swing I left to write down starts to turn is it - hi no it's not - under the lanky lad strikes again because he has the advantage of being six or seven dollars up the fairway he's got those tucked away yema nervous in some trouble here at 16 under the pack splashes up down there how about that is a wholesome yardage of putts and pictures he keeps dropping those sunglasses oh I wish he'd stop taking his hat off every time he drops the glasses hair like Rita Hayworth our opening day leader 64 in the first round well Ross Fisher's ball finished underneath the camera which was removed the ball didn't move so he continues he's got to be careful here there's a lot of straw like dead grass and there's a lot of it is loose but some of course is not so you have to be careful not to to cause the ball to move here it's a very delicate shot up over the shoulder of ruff don't look towards the flag but into the breeze well I think he was very lucky to finish under there a horrible place and smashing it out and going anywhere as it is he's going to be no worse than a four may even hold it for a par and that would be a bonus even if it misses it so he'll be okay the way he started couple of threes to some chipping in at the second Maddie Goggin for four yes that's what you need something just anything to keep it going it's a great putt there from dogged on over today as one for ten years but he's definitely Zhu Tom Watson he's left himself too many of these this week he's either rolled it stone dead or hold from ten feet this freestyle this will give you a close-up of his action well he had a shaky period in his round yesterday and he pulled it back together but to start off and a couple of drop shots in the first three hours of not good come on that's all right nice solid stop Polly necessaries tee shot number 15 nice forward bounce and other nice forward bounds keep going there he got reading this well well done this arrow is currently in seventh position on even par six players under par there it is Fischer currently leads by 3 from Chris Wood Lee Westwood Tom Watson and Mathew Goggin Goosen the only other player under par ales and and a Sarah coming along on the rails can't believe 16 years old that's a drop shot there for Fisher back to 4-under and our leader by two now over sever it buck tail in 76 he was 19 wasn't in 18 or 19 yeah when he finished second again 90 Johnny Miller won so he's tied with Jack the woes that can happen Kevin Sutherland was out in 32 started home well it took nine at the 14th did a lot the hill this pup and a Sarah as he hit it oh it was gonna drift to the right [Applause] Westwood for his par three all pars to start with for Westwood this wood on the day of the 11th [Applause] appeared but without the tug there's a perfect distance and is impossible to get that close his stocks rising today Peter isn't at Chris woods absolutely to the fourth team Maddy Goggin 171 yards today David Collins wants to know the speed of the Greens what do you think they're running at he's a member of mend it well probably about ten and a half ten ten of them yeah you can't get them much faster than that David Bing by the seaside if the wind blows and the greens are too tight and toughened short them slowly they get ball gets blown about so you can't play them going right Oh short ride he's just flared that it'll be back in the bunker very difficult up and down there from Mattie well Tom Watson was unfortunate with the second shot to the last because the wind just changed direction almost as he was over the ball instead of it being into off the right it came directly off the right he hit it straight at the flag and then just because of the wind went through well because of that wind down direction it also messed up Mathew Goggin with his choice of shot then Tom now going with a 7-iron I should gather up Teeter come down nicely little bit more speed those well it's still a good shot iron off the teeth the 54 Westwood long par 4 Fareway isn't is a master here oh good boy boy that's dreadful he may have been lucky that was a dreadful shock where is this one after this got something left to right on it use it and it only as well as it to absolute glamour ruse there aren't they Chris would this is for birdie it's to get to 3-under well that's a nice par there was no time in that at this stage now if he does nothing worse than power he'll be very happy the end of the round look at that 3 3 3 4 3 3 no fives yet on the card 1 2 3 4 5 s doesn't add up to much Retief Goosen par putt 1 under and as he has under steady way run bogey coming at the 2nd all the rest pars Retief Goosen now Matthew girl Coggan with this very awkward bunker shot 30 yards has to get up very quickly he went with an atan him away short earlier today they were just hitting 9 irons on this hole he's got to get it up quickly but also going forward look still done it well [Applause] Shawn gained suits Ansari asked what would happen if men acerra the amateur one what would happen to his prize when it goes to the first professional Shawn and therefore any of them tie they split the money what's this now in he goes came up a bit short hide the ball and suddenly the balls gone first prize is 750,000 pounds goes to the winner Tom Watson won in 1977 he got 10,000 I think those that don't even play the final 36 get a couple of thousand pound apiece just so that you know the efforts of getting here's a 70 what about 73 players at the moment the conservative choices of club there by both fish on Westwood and then the relatively poor executions have made this really into a par 5 for them both they're both just advanced the ball some hundred yards maybe 120 or so dying the green you try to chase it down there we'll have to keep it short of the green side bunker going now to try and save par on 4 be another bogey for Maddie so to over through the first four holes not good for he and Tom don't want to drag each other down you can see the Ross Fisher just missed a huge bush just cleared it by some eight paces so both players slightly fortunate here Oh where's that gonna go he's looking a little ambitious there he's sort of scuffed in front of himself got grabbed oh now he's hit into Tom Watson for to get there get there oh goodness me [Applause] nevermind good solid four three he doesn't know what's going on up ahead of him on the fifth hole leader in trouble for us Fischer this is a much worse lie than the first one he's just moving some of the cameramen back this is a coming out sideways job and I and I am for safety in the fairway of death little affair with the distance there off livid I made an error of 40 yards or more or more accident of dunking in a headlock isn't he tell you what not guaranteed to get this out either right down on the steel of the golf club here there's got to be a hard hit finish mode he goes straight across the other side well that's come way into the rough on the left-hand side Westwood over his ball and maybe that was a salutary lesson to him just to not be too greedy [Applause] missed all the fairway bunkers see the product forward okay I don't think in the middle of the fairway up there about 50 60 70 hours short the green isn't it looks to be a ball in the middle of the fairway Westwood has done the sensible thing and he's managed to dunces died in the fairway some 100 yards leaving more of the same into the flag I think it didn't look like Fischer was trying to take too much on I think he actually didn't hit it hard enough that first one and just trying to be very conservative and he finished up in a worst lie for his third shot and then had to give it some slant on Fisher well good deep very expensive is not over yet fishy was going along so beautifully that a bad tee shot at the fourth that cost him a shot another push out to the right again there when these aren't even reasonable lies well I haven't been able to get over there to have a look at this lie but the news is that is is actually worse than the first one on the other side of the fairway remember this is his fourth shot coming up and I and he's just left of a bunker that is about 250 out from the tee so he hasn't actually made too much progress up this hole all things were so rosy 40 minutes ago it looks awful as well it's like it's looking like it could play it backwards this is for a birdie - for a teef to iron from 2 to 7 - here straight downhill this is a quick one notice the greens are getting a little tinge of brown and then they're dried out Sun and wind drying them good 3 therefore drizzle [Applause] it's a pop-up for any ELLs on 16 Justin Leonard had a double bogey 6 so after that 2 3 4 Leonard 3 2 he said six Chris wouldn't lovely T shut up the 12th his second shot quick through the wall to stun cut the bull hold into the breeze nicely done 31 years of age is his second open the first one Lafayette Berg that he finished fifth good steady season the European tour this is the sorry sight of Ross Fisher taking an unplayable lie here at the 5th he's played three dropping four for his next one will be 5 when it's a very unappetizing place to have to drop a golf ball of course back on the TM Tom Watson and Mathew Goggin are well aware that they're having trouble up ahead they're in big trouble certainly Ross Fisher is it shows you how expensive one wild shot to be them how far is he back ma'am oh we've lost a bit of track of where he's geography is on the course and seas down the left he's got 227 left to go can you know he's going at 200 yards if he's taking a direct line to the flag he's got about 200 yards plus over big rough dunes and bunkers it's impossible for me to tell how well he has dropped this ball but there's time for a cool head and they're just a little bit of deep steady breathing now for us well this will be five on four 60-person looking very much like an 8 at this moment [Applause] well Thomas be wondering what nurse going on it just doesn't really want this way he's very quick Claire Watson and these holdups will not help him just think the front of the tea to get a better view of the fairways slightly uncited for the back to you mr. Waller the fairway area probably just to feel the wind a little bit Peter yes but I really don't understand the thinking of Westwood Westwood may get away with a four but I don't understand them hitting eyes off the tee because the wind must be either helping or a cross left to right so I have to thought little three or four would or something has turned the toe in and just dame it keep it flat and hit it it hit right to left a little bit would have done the job perfectly as it is it's very expensive well we've already seen how awkward this 50 shot is bunkers everywhere wind off the ref for Tom Watson debating of the options that ever deciding to go with the driver let's cut the hole down to size that's for certain the Westwood has had a drop off the crosswalk 117 left to go straight into the wind commercial down there on the fairway he'll be covering the flag go away Chris wood for his birdie to get to 3-under a leader currently 4-under was Fisher but in all sorts of trouble try nice effort it's been summer adventure for Ross Fisher mark most fish has been here there and everywhere amazing a one tall shot could catch you out it's horrible it suits just thinking it's like watching the office with Ricky Gervais you get that sort of uneasy feeling and don't know whether to watch he'll look away this is his sixth shop now got a feel for him one bad swing there's a chain reaction but that's a very good shot well done for seven a few players struggling up this sixteenth some in acero like many this for his par blocked a little one over alberto bonaga there with Matteo x2 a player as we go to Soren Hansen this four part very well done that's around the 67th or so on [Music] when overs I got chance knocking let's just a couple too many even a thought so this is other day but beginning to wonder now 10 Stewart Cink for an eagle the 7th all juniors in the box tank of CBS legends of sports broadcasting in the US Jim Nantz welcome Jim Thank You Kelly wonderful to be here manners are changing by the second around here today I'm quite fascinated by you know that what Ernie and Justin have done here playing together and it's a shame they messed up the 16th but little magic at 17 you know I think come in here and post a little 280 right now got a chance I think he could be right we've been talking all week about the value of experience well this boy is 21 and he was fifth last year he's looking like he could go for better maybe we're over rating experience I remember he did the same thing last year at Brookdale and the final round I believe was the 10th hole Leventhal were ran into a little mistake but he's pretty impressive back to back opens it's amazing him that yeah absolutely amazing we saw we can rank our human s chip in for birdie at 16 he followed that up with a bogey at 17 so he's looking like he's out of it we've been talking about an old winner yeah we could end up having the third youngest wouldn't that be a story too well to beat young Tom Morris though at the age of 14 huge putt for Lee Westwood errant tee shot costing the stroke back to 1-under we'll be talking about links golf for week Jim but other that's any real links courses in the states I don't think there's anything like this and you talking about Pebble Beach being double Beach Golf Links look at this for triple bogey my goodness what a mess I thought after that start [Applause] looking what three shots at one time and you know he's the lead number is two under Tom Watson's back into a share of the lead yeah there it is incredible Chris wood from England and Tom Watson two under tied for the lead four guys one under chasing them anyone on that board could have a chance although Elson Manus arrow getting right to the ends of the rounds you'd have to think you'd have to be under par Phillips down there watching Matthew Goggin well he's still got a long way to go two hundred and twenty nine yards wind seems to be into him a little bit more now never can tell it just nestled down in a little cup Eli or not from as far away as he was not a bad shot the statistics as well this fifth Fair was actually the easiest ferry to hit on the golf course and I think most players heavier than iron of course if Tom Watson keeps it in his drive and hittin the fairways certainly this week he showed the kids how to do it it's trouble everywhere as we noted from Ross Fisher Tom thinks he can get there with a 4-iron bringing back the years in 204 yards into the wind off the left a 4-iron well the reason this hole is so difficult is that how to hit it over the left-hand bunkers that makes it hard then to hold the green we saw her mad doggin a straight over Tom Watson's is hung left a little unluckily the most difficult hole over the first three days would you take your 4 here any day I keep thinking of the start II had on Friday where after he shot 65 the first round he had that stretch of five bogeys in six holes and then righted the ship here's Westwood now at the 6th yes if what does vanity look back on that patches gutsy and I've stood back on that tee all week long again and just came over here on holiday and I've been fascinated watch that it's so intimidating you know visually intimidating from the tee and yet as always they make it look so easy how will Visser rebound his first task is to hit this very difficult green with a 2 on it's gonna be okay Jim just lassalle's tricky left in wind coming off the left that's been enough quite Gurdon yes that did well from steady the ship now Chris would can he keep this run going brilliant girl 4-under for the day tied for the lead 13th hole pintuck way back left see a lot of players mr. green left what a glorious shot but just too far ooh nasty bear vid all that excitement coming in with Fisher and Westwood in the penultimate pairing and then all the sudden Chris Wood's sharing the lead if he's seen a leaderboard he'd have got the shock of his life I think and a number of other players will suddenly realize they're in with the chance my hands will start to sweat a little and start to think what they could achieve well this is the fourth shot on the par-5 7th for Retief Goosen drove it into a left-hand bunker for Ryan into here it's got a chance here back up the hill into the wind beautiful I really thought the goose and Furyk pairing might produce some magical results but it hasn't been the case so far two major champions yes a lot of experience in that two ball they're not out of it now that's for sure [Applause] I'm very pleased to have her the main man at CBS Jim Nantz in the commentary box Thank You Kara I'm really I'm just completely dazzled by this whole Open Championship second time I've attended one bit different from the Masters it really is it's just so much fun to be here be a part of it see it huge shot here for Ernie at 17 knock it on have a chance in an eagle maybe oh very very nice yeah that was a honey of a shot this really could put the cat amongst the pigeons an eagle for Ernie would move him to 1-under just one behind he was through 17 running a couple of hours ahead of the final pairing sit back for a while and see how maybe to 79 to 80 holds up for you but think it would do quite well I was sitting just a few minutes ago with some of the American players back over at five first Watson I know this is downhill hmm take your 4 there don't you anytime ken right take it forward keep walking how I sold this week averaging about 4.5 Ross Fisher just up the average considerably he was brave taking a driver off the tee I think a lot of players today after hit an iron John squeeze it between the bunkers Fisher kidney back up and eight with a two [Music] needed something to settle down with though I yeah well so good three at that hole at least the green Santa look a little brown ball turning a little quicker than it has was a heavy shower overnight or heavy rain overnight in Gervin I don't if they got it here the course creams are looking a little a little swifter general tilt of this green has been back to front this will move to the left he's got a great read from Fisher we have a new man at 2-under what's in Westwood and woods at www.viki steady to the sitting with some of the American players and they said from afar Davis Love actually just said this he just finished a round of 69 today almost looks like at times you catch a little glimpse of Chris Wood he looks like Tom Watson from back in 1977 at Turnberry shaggy-haired and all at all young man do you expect anything like this ken from well you can never tell at the open as we've seen I mean who would have thought Ross Fisher going one way with Chris Wood's go in the other it's the sort of beauty of links golf one bad shot and suddenly you got an eight one good one and you heading in the right direction Chris Chris Wood playing with Justin Rose we haven't seen too much of him he's a couple over the championships going along fairly steadily even today this is only for Eagle menaced by these length putts and recent years can make up for a lot of them right here 18 though the hole location at 18 is definitely in a birdie position picked up another one Eric 17 I wonder how important that damage limitation of westwoods at number five is going to play a part in this championship that too was just magnificent a two iron into that green and a great cross slope putt and here is joint leader par 5 sneaking right-to-left dogleg he'll be aiming on the two bunkers on the right hand side very harsh cross wind blowing on it across this fairway which way the hole doglegs the way to hold doglegs makes it very difficult to find the fairway the ball tends to kick to the right wind off the left you've really got a wall the tightrope to find this fairway if you do there's a birdie opportunity in fact we've seen Eagles and albatross is one albatross ball ari well he seems to like it it's over the corner onto the fairway oh what a t-shirt stay there Oh brilliant from Westwood now that makes this hole a really great birdie chance just a long iron from the wonderful tea shop Chris wood 13 rapport easy now and back to seven Fisher trying to study the boat here and Westwood was signaling left back in the level of God some pretty sick old rough over there well you couldn't write the script Jim well if you tried here's a script that keeps changing but I bet Tom Watson had to wonder at one time I could ever see the lead again after a bogey the third hole and was three back now he shares it again oh just over the top of that bunker and a good birdie opportunity coming up at the sixth I'll be a few guys praying for that sort of a bounce Jay Haas had recently the difference between preying on a golf course and praying in a church is that on a golf course you really mean it they don't get arms Gargan song [Applause] would for a bogey over at 13 very flat figs of green this is I see quite a tricky one to see the line nicely done this is the green theater we have some sort of tilt or slope on it than that little left edge of the 13th fairly flat we're right wandering over in America where Chris Wood has been since since he kind of made his debut last year at the open we keep him hidden over here till they're ready Jim and asaro 17s lost it left and it done a good job mark you'll need a medical checkup after that out loud amen of that's at par the man who led the championship day one with 64 [Applause] every issue 69 plus two total currently 15 spot playing there with JB Holmes the mercurial American he shot an 82 he'll be back lot of talent there with him good week for mechanic Oh can't get over at six gave away a shot at the second and the fourth holes not sure I've ever seen a man in the final pairing overlooked a little Watson's I thought just be be at the 6th lost another one on the low side [Applause] what's any different three days hey listen you know it's not the greatest stroke in the world he loops it inside and shut doesn't he but over the first three days it's been very very solid and he's driven the ball long straight hit a lot of the goose that ate only one back get up that slope Hey as you can see right into the wind today that's beautiful one thing I've noticed about what's in the splatting the Vols are not reaching the hole they're kind of just reaching the front lip now whis wit can you running up the garden path e'er 3-iron he can oh yes yes yes yes there's a wonderful shot how about that for a little Jim Perla for Lee West with the Eagle chance under the hole cutting up the hill easiest probably good have left himself absolutely canon a putt for a two-shot lead that would be something can someone break away from this pack all their Chris Wood 3-under for the day else want to go you need a birdie to set a target at the brilliant ammeter there a couple of hours to go one over in ninth spot brilliant Luke Donald having a good day couple under there Ross Fisher Maureen well Ross Fisher protected from the breezes for a moment on the sunken fairway is it a little punch in with a 6-iron we've got it again bit high nearly got away with it [Music] he loves play aggressively Jim Desert Rose efficient I love that aggressive lash by Lee Westwood and it was a significant moment for for Lee I know they could have really gotten in serious trouble with the fifth but gotta like his chances right now was this really whipping across on this seventh tee that's another good tee shot from Tom as I lost that part of his game has he tremendous teacher he's a little bit wired he was drifting on the breeze and a little blue reach there that can kick the ball to the right but you're okay Tom perfect spot [Music] [Applause] in trouble again now at 14 [Music] Oh they have injured himself there we've been talking all week about you know and you can do some damage on a wrist it may be the best example I've seen all week well in this country health and safety could come in and cut the rough down he did very well to get that back out and play it's not good coming down the stretch here tender wrist he's 21 the hill-hill before the next shot and better hope he hates green in the horizon played in this direction here my goose is up there a relatively straight put here for the goose fantastic arrow straight for iron from 208 to get to here expose it is here wind buffeting and about trying to keep the cap on this green looks a little faster this should have a bit of movement from right to left and the goose would have this to join the leaders Retief Goosen [Applause] [Music] famed for his good cutting on fast grazed him a two-time US Open champion this is a little slow for it but mmm the greens at Shinnecock when he he won a second US Open they were almost unplayable as you'll remember I do remember they were brutal but the USDA got quite a visitor yes they did that seventh green in particular now Ernie needs you got to think one more playing eighteen although I wouldn't rule out even even par easy Oh don't know what happened there that took an enormous bounce coming off the ferry then it had another one that's better II miss hit it or just misjudge the breeze I really thought that if the second bounce was gonna check and stop right next to the hole now Eagle attempt Westwood 7 [Music] they don't have leader by two brilliance by Westwood he's broken away 2-shot lead in years gone by when Lee's got a glimpse of the pay window he's never frightened to run through it not frightened to win third shot at 14 Kris would [Music] [Applause] Fisher back at seven significant little swing on this putt for par well it's not going right for him but boy will he learn from today even if he does a badly at the end of the day doing a lot of good Ernie now from over the back of 18 he knocked one in from off the green at 13 maybe he's got one more run it down who knows he may have liked Whitney open got Ben Curtis never quite knew what it was for eventually as a number a long long way to go [Music] starting to see some signs last week that yet departments which Ernie's game was coming back around her Skagen [Music] they're in - on the par-5 7th [Music] that's what's in second at 7:00 from 250 hours with a 3-wood I think he likes it right in the middle degree fabulous shot from Tom Watson just his range too tough 454 yard par-4 hole into the breeze bunker right right [Applause] little squeeze while the hegemony sort of take you down little squirts it down the fairway you'll love that when you come off the seventh hole where you really come to the par-5 knowing you got to make for that the worst really or Celeste wood makes three but then you got eight nine ten and you know love and of course no bargain either oh my goodness watch this is this breathtaking as truly as like Pebble Beach and for us back in the states along the coast Fisher who came to the fifth hole was three in front and now is five behind starting to go the wrong way for Chris Wood is for par can you save one oh not a good part 14 directly back into the stiff breeze it won't be the last person to take five on that hole for 50 yards uphill into the breeze but that's back-to-back bogeys for the 21 year old [Music] nanus arrow we saw him short of the green in two and the thick stuff chopped it out to here he's gonna par 17 he needed to make birdie lovely five either young Italian mmm product of wonderful junior golf programs around in fact mine if you want a tennis tournament the other day well done charlie this is 18 Justin Leonard there's a nice little match going today didn't they Leonard NL's looks like a round of 68 with a double bogey on the card at 16 terrific one over par and the cutouts at that model read on there from the a poll on about 8 9 a pair of threes and a deuce at 11 and Ernie Els can he make the crucial part get in there Ernie Wow five at the last approach that looked like it might be step and stymie right next to the flagstick bounds over the green makes five what could have might have been there for any see in his face third shot Gaga at the seventh [Music] [Applause] one glorious day and Jim thanks very much for joining us it's been a real pleasure to have you enjoy the rest of your holes it's for me you know I've just relished the chances of passion at golf fan and it's such a huge fan of the of the RNA and the Open Championship to come over here and experience it see what the great fans are like over here it's really something that's almost hard to describe thank you for having me we great having you thanks Jim big Tommy Watson has got an eagle chance of bender from left to right down the slope quite a big swing sort of down the slope and then it levels out gotta make sure you hit it high enough and firm enough hang-hang on his ankle immediately gives you an idea how the greens are just shining up a little have that for his birdie to move within one of Westwood this is intriguing really is intriguing it's what chip Watson's pack comes from quite a high angle doesn't keep his putter as low as some players and hits the wall right look at the hat sort of amazing has I started rolling it fantastic shot is it right in the equator well after a perfect 3-wood off the tee Retief got 145 left to this reasonable pins a good Pinner accessible pin here on nine today wind off the left-hand side gotta land it short ish though can't pitch it up by the flag let it release from right to left down toward the flag just a wedge for atif there's a little contours it to the left of the pin that you can use in it will gather up with a pin at the back you've got some landing area as well [Music] really give another fierce Nick pass the flag up tilt up with the goose loosen one under sink one under what some two under with Goggin Lee West at minus four Mathew Goggin this for birdie on seven far away he's got it the Goggin back to 2-under one over for the day two behind Lee Westwood [Applause] come Watson mr. birdie well done Thomas and he goes the under part one behind westward 59 year-old Tom Watson opala my nuttin Largs lesoire tartan BuChE BuChE a happy 50th today less when Grady's come in second shot of Westwood on 8th for iron your on a touch right is it that's safely on the top level and ricotta's back into we got a battle on our hands here and route certainly do and this man is still far from out of it despite back-to-back bogeys par-3 15th Chris wood I spin together this one all gathers at the back of the green oh look at this shot yeah what a shot just stop on the back edge magnificent shot Chris would try to post the number level par-4 behind at the moment another really challenging tee shot for Tom Watson this one on the 8th perfect turns it back against the wind he's driving the ball magnificently Sam it's always been one of his strongest points lovely rhythm there's no hit in the swing just a good turn the follow-through he's wondering what's going on a boat no Matthew goggin I think Tom Watson decided it's a lot easier for fairway so that's what he's doing making it look easy Oh Tom's getting that out there because Maddie's he's big and strong very long doesn't feel the cold coming from Tasmania blows like this all the time down there this is nothing [Music] I'm up to the youngest man in the field and a long part attempt to the 18th note and it very very nearly did what a championship it's been a parramatti or manis arrow it's good a good drop shot at the last a drop shot at the 16th will stumble to the finish perhaps but before that it was smooth it was serene it was wonderful stuff from this 16 year old amateur who has a big future ahead of him and he has the silver medal as leading ammeter to collect a hug from Albert will be Nagi the former tour player and applause from all his championship is done but it is beginning to warm up for all the rest going for the bigger prize that gets him back in next year - I think doesn't it I know he's just under 14 sorry Sam Richard Johnson it's for birdie on ten one over at the moment he's back to level and he's sneaking up on them [Applause] 1-under today level par for the championship four behind Westwood you see at Westwood 4-under Tom Watson three Goggin two and the formidable pair of Sinking Gerson on 1-under now here he is shaggy up here and strong of heart a birdie part of the 15th for Chris Wood back-to-back bogeys at 13 and 14 what a tee shot this was have you been like Prince Harry it could be a prince in a few holes as for birdie far away it's not far away fantastic birdie there I'm gonna get him up to 1-under par right there oh he must be excited the fact that he was in there last year stands him in good stead he'll know the feelings long across the grain putt for Westwood straight back into the wind nicely done going about his business one hole at a time one shot at a time [Applause] this is goose at the 9th the severity is to get to 2-under is it left just told it that's a powerful kissing one / - one still right there [Applause] nobody's for usin the final group has reached the eighth all down on the left there and the penultimate group up on the green and Fischer one finds the bottom of the cup a rose fish are still fighting but it's been a struggle forum so many shots frittered away over the last few holes we saw gustan a ninth green days playing with Jim Furyk his own three over plus two for the championship and look at that there went to the fourth T three ahead I think he was at that point and then disaster struck Westwood for four solid mess with marches on the 9200 for the day for under for the championship bleeding and I've dreamt about this since he was a ten-year-old and now it's reality same cool so it came so close to the famous woods win with a broken leg he lost by a shot in that one missed the playoff my one shot what a chance here ten holes to play just one shot ahead this is the first time he's actually led a major isn't it Sam Lee I think so this is still a new experience for him as close as he got to the US Open at in San Diego last year so now he's in the lead of the Open Championship on his own down there in the corner the ninth tee and back here at the 8th Tom Watson little hybrid and he's weathered fours he's been getting a lot of use out of this hybrid he used it on this same hole yesterday knocked it 15 feet 204 yards into the wind winds got it a little bit so they're just a little sway little back but bit of green to play with from a2y their names will go on the bottom of your screen and it is the W's who lead westward by one from Watson this has been one of the most difficult fairways to hit all week and as we look back at Westwood perched out there on that perilous T he's got a 3-wood in his hand always picking the T up it's usually a good sign bone dolor that's magnificent tee shot from where so it the hardest fairway in the course to it and he's we were lucky but not too bad and bike right so that's a difficult angle to get to it but the windows off the left dogging a date just a few yards closer than Tom Watson so 200 yards or so standing here darling very well done rooster settle down Wayne Mathew Goggin first stop is right there yeah it certainly takes a little bit of time couple of bogeys get your attention but it's good to seem on the way back sink third shot at 10 [Music] oh stop smiley really don't like this new temple I just the two bunkers in the middle of the Pharaoh oh they had five iron off the tee or try hit driver over the bunkers no this is Luke Donald on 17 years this to go one under he couldn't beauty it's online oh what a wonderful effort and I guess into level par if it's apps are in 1-under leading in the clubhouse [Applause] [Music] Chris Wood's on the 16th tee just anion 155 yard Par for the Lakey behind that's generally a good sign and it's perfect good shooting forward bounce there beyond that great thing is that so here's Donald just to tap in he will hope for his birdie at the 17th birdie at 15 birdie at 17 level par for the championship 3 under for his round a tie for seventh place at the moment this is the kind of chip shot that Tom Watson's hold many times plenty of green to work with online just a little unlucky his second shot role as far as I did forcing him to have to pitch the ball just your sink my sauce theringer greenies missed his power part this for bogey it's a drop Shaun tan sync provider level r1 over today every shot crucial now westward one ahead of Watson Goggin one behind them then would Goosen Luke Donald coming down the last richard s Johnson going well Anson Leonard in the clubhouse at +1 that's the figure being set back down to young dog it just a little bit tense - Sammis a steadied himself after early jitters a drop shot at second in the fourth but a birdie at 7 should be a party to stay - under David Hale finishing off David Howell finishes off 76 [Applause] when developer Wilson with a southern tip explored for all the Wilson who finished there from David Howe Tom Watson to save par on eight I feel as though I just need one really good solid putt and he'll be way very nice that's what he's done so well over this week he's holed some great par putts to keep the the rounds going a couple of bombs for birdies but that was very important time only a hundred and two left for Westwood he must really feel this is like a home venue this support is getting us fantastic from these galleries so they are Safari coming down the body opportunity to come to Westwood around upon one in front that Chris would what a situation for the young man you can pick up a couple of birdies in the last three pumped up that's fine 60s very very dangerous especially up front right in the horses are watching 3-wood off the tee for the goose absolutely spot-on just into the right hand semi but he's got a nice lie hundred and twenty four yards ago it's just a wedge but the wind is beating across from left to right reasonably accessible pin front right to get the good contact landing on the front of the green and let it just work down to that pin [Music] distant hard to judge here the seminar will feed back down and in Europe it will become an easier part from there quite as much base almost exactly what we saw Chris would call it it's very fast and a big swing off the left richard s Johnson on 12 second shot hold on stay up okay I did he's actually supposed to be defending champion this week at Milwaukee in America but he's over here playing in the Open Championship his first Open Championship the Swede who now lives in the u.s. played a lot of his golf in Australia won in 2002 yeah I am said championship his grandfather was an American who settled in Stockholm that's where the Johnson comes from Luke Donald the 18th fairway can it close the figure - who love the bundlers who's got nice bones well that was a good bones from that hollow minute hold on it's our Hill it certainly will we're gonna have a new clubhouse leader in a minute they were about to go 1-under for the championship [Applause] so was he just Richard s before don't worry yes you know what the S stands for but it's certainly not Johnson he's Johnson McDonald going along very nicely just creeping up there if you can get to 1-under par only westward this is it's proof shot and slow-mo Wow just a sand wedge so the elevation coming off the clubface was I seen just about everyone missed this left Sam I just haven't hit it high enough this is going to come from right to left for Westwood dying the slope first one two there you go and he was way wide so Luke Donald didn't play in the Open Championship last year because of our wrist injury I heard toughen at Tiger Woods who is missing with his ailments but acknowledged wasn't here either under the best record in the open but perhaps all to be written off at one good finish here this year level part of the moments 3 under for his round and a 15-foot birdie putt to come for who knows hot [Applause] looking down on the 16th green here Chris wood buying off this long birdie attempt from the back of the green to get to 2-under so what just driving at 17 possibly so he's going to wait playing alongside Justin Rose and Justin Rose one over from his round three over for the championship back there soon Stewart Cink this is for birdie drop one on 10 we'd love to get it straight back comes in from the left far away it is long but for us we dress up bouncing with a fiery hop his second shot writer that then we've seen some great ones hold on here Andrew Tom Watson twice M&S chipped in from behind earlier this will come a bit off the left [Music] here we go it's on its way it's good line it's a just gonna miss right beautiful speed the lovely part from Chris Wood his nerves are obviously good yeah bit nervous yours get a bit more right hand and not get four or five feet past but that was lovely speed Doosan I'm 10 this big swinger for birdie it's a just an ounce more would have held the line [Music] Tom Watson had a really good lie but didn't get the contact he wanted on that one she's been with a 9-iron I'm sure what happened he is about 15 yards short of the green just in the fringe disappointed with that one Tom when he knocked that part in and the last green he just mumbled to himself there that's better good stroke crucial party hold on there he's going to have another one here on nine not dogging Matthews just going with a wedge the lies not great but she'll be able to control it strong wind off the left although he didn't get the best of contacts and he's a Big Bounce right on the front edge come up soft well spotted bill could both players struggling for par on nine [Applause] [Music] powerful young man Mathew Goggin well not that young anymore he's 35 years old and he's a very strong simple golf swing effective looking down in the spectacular coastline the lighthouse but far away from that Luke Donald for a birdie on the 18th by inches it stays out so it will be around 67 full of Donald and at okay which is posted he is the leader in the clubhouse when I [Music] [Applause] and probably just a couple too many eight bucks he has laid down the motto Luke played with last week's winner in America Steve Stricker Steve shot around a 76 for a total of nine over now Richard Johnson on 12 this for birdie is the long run that's an excellent thought from there is there one under for the day level powerful championship before behind Westwood [Music] so just wanted honor three and a half feet or so so you can compose Chris Wu wonderful championship par 5 to come [Music] 171 yards back to this flag on the 11th just a 9-iron for a teef really the only way you can play this hole just to get to that gap the opening at the front of the green landed at the front edge just carried a few yards too long not a very good life at Tom you'll have to try and run it along the ground now I needed a another own start one and man in second place is struggling Thomas Aiken African for birdie at the 13th he goes to 1-under South African is showing a lots of skills this year start out in the sunshine 2-1 a couple of times they are now playing full-time in the European tour big talent now this it back to Mathew Goggin from the front edge of nine long long putt down the green here it comes it does come in off that side there's a little fiery about though [Applause] while the West would just Lent on his tee shot a fraction took driver off the tee he's fine this right-hand rough an eye he really has got a decision to make it's really snuggled down here he's only got a hundred and twenty-one left but the key yardage really is to clear this big bunker with the island without heathery grass in the middle of it all and he's got some 78 yards or so to get over that so he has to take a good dig at it it's just one of those in-between shots you never quite sure just how the ball is going to come out he can't grind it he's no option he either goes over this huge bunker or he goes short of it one or the other this is what sort of 9 for par just off the left side downwind down health come on - just gonna go right wonderful they're from Tom he will drop a shot at nine you're disappointing bogey therefore for Watson second shot expected to jump now Maureen he's got to get it over that little island there we saw Ishikawa there earlier in the week he's gonna hold on hard and hit even harder well done the 30 yards between that bunker and the green hasn't made the cutting surface but I think it was a decent at least lunch so at least he's avoided that bunker or that little island Ishikawa had to take an unplayable out of that on Friday I think organ his part till he goes and steady on Oh Mike noggin reaches the turning 36 after those two early drop shots one back at the 7th and just two behind Westwood who has troubles at the 10th nine holes to go this is it Retief Goosen on 11 coming back down the hill no birdie so far today for the goose he's burning the edges of the walls ratty person just that one drop shot of the second all the rest class that might need at least one red number on his card [Applause] Chris route 17 3-wood r5 definitely reachable must hit the fairway perfect tee shot from Chris would buy a long way bike so I only get up from there you can reach the green from there he stands on the 17th fairway in the middle and three behind Lee Westwood it's possible that at the tenth goggin and Watson 2-under PAR Stewart Cink creeping along nicely as is Retief Goosen but nobody's for the South African so if I look Donald in the clubhouse setting the target O'Neill's just a couple of slips down the stretch and 68 will not be good enough for him Ross fish are there five over after nine playing alongside this man why did the shoulders and bumps and hollows on this course always conspire to throw your ball away from the flag but an awkward one night between Westwood and the hole here he's going for a little Scuttler well just held up on the fringe now it's very fast downhill puck therefore Westwood Mathew Goggin going with a driver on ten [Music] Bunker's in the middle at 275 and 300 is trying to batter it over or perhaps turn the right of them went helping a bit today third aenthul Richard Johnson Oh that's forward we've seen a mixture of balls coming up short and also bounding over the back here at 13 it's a plateau green here's another man making his open debut this year his doing wonderful things no Westwood Drive right left with his second pitch to Hugh and his Wayne was saying it's literally quick the error with that third shot was that he didn't manage to leave it below the hole this is back into the window so downhill into the wind is a difficult combination yes good touch from Westwood what that was a horrible double triple breaker living a bit of each way there Andrew that was Finch sitting of the highest order but he drops a shortly Westwood and the top of that leaderboard squeezes a little bit closer again back to 3-under the stewart cink on 12 is to get to 2-under just one shot behind as it's not quite there for sync wind right-to-left here on the 12th out with a driver for a teeth great camera what they're following it but it's knocked into the bunker it's an error from Goosen so mommy vici look is about to sail straight over heels a creek that's an accident waiting to happen they're out in those choppy seas on the wave runner but it's a great vantage point they're up near the monument on the top of the 12th you can see 9 10 11 12 13 Ross Fisher this for birdie on ten oh boy does he need it huge swing stay up stay up so near yet so far just a power Ross Fisher there and in remain I have over today plus two for the championship it's still not over look at eight holes to play Westwood know by just one from the veteran the slightly move caliber Mathew Goggin Chris we're nearing the end of his round as well but a target he could post Johnson for birdie on 13 get there mr. tough few holes here 12 13 14 just got to get through those with fours there's a couple of opportunities down the end even pars posted in the clubhouse players are already aware of that no this could be crucial for Chris Wood has been a few players here had a chance Leonard else then I'd finish 644 else five for five Chris wood for four finish we'll put them in the clubhouse at 2-under and what a chance they'll have long iron word of the right I think he likes it we solve Watson bones there yes there kick right up onto the green that's not disastrous tricky chip there though that's a pin position we're in 77 isn't that where Nicholas missed that four footer 5-footer the time Watson and here is the man fifty-two years later [Music] Tom Watson back on target back on song again just a shot behind Lee Westwood some of these swings today have just looked a little bit tentative Sam haven't they they're just not model aggressive that that was a great shot they got the bounce he was after by his own admission he woke up this morning I was feeling a tad different than he was yesterday even he said he was nervous but he's right there one shot behind 90 goal who would have believed that well the wind is more dying than across here at this short par-3 11th which does make it significantly easier than it was a couple of days ago so 9-iron for Westwood pin very central today difficult to get close with it in just over the bunker going left and slightly long but getting better they're still on the putting surface that's okay I'm saying should be all right it is sleet it is back edge Billy Fausto what to tumblr for charity Lee Westwood would crawl or broken glass for the Claret Jug has a wonderful chance no after a huge t-shirt just a little son died of a Mathew Goggin second to 10 popular shot from Dragon they're almost jumped into the hole he's only one shot behind they say it all starts on the back nine on Sunday well we're into it now and these are the players that will be fighting it out over the next couple of hours it's ten years since the last British winner and an Englishman leads in the clubhouse and an Englishman leaves on the course Lee Westwood has golf's Holy Grail within his grasp [Music] come here we'll hear amazing story brilliance by Westwood [Music] that's been some adventure for us fishermen you will be the champion [Music] now Watson after that magnificent psychic chaton entertain mr. tidal lead [Music] stay up stay up stay up so near yet so far just the power Tom Watson remains to under just one shot behind our leader Lee Westwood nicely done from Mattie Goggins 3-under after a stumbly star was a seven on our little tent believing inflames it looks just missing his birdie putt leave us with birdie putt it's not far away Oh what's an effort for me Wesley blade well study but I was going in I did too what a great effort for showing courtesy to Ross Fisher they're marking his barley to been standing in Ross wish Fisher's through-line Chris would with angle he's coming into that bin of ramen done pretty well I would say we'd off the right the ball kicking right on the green it was going to be a little awkward have that for a birdie to get to to wonder what's the news with Retief Goosen full well unfortunately he found the fairway bunker off the tee wedged out and a very very poor wedge shot from 104 yards and now he's got virtually all the length of this green to go for a par 4 let's go back to the cutter that you won the US Open with [Music] we shake the whole of it as we can but he needs to get it closer well the teams are a little more accessible today but always crosswinds it's amazing holes 10 through 15 all change in direction they sort of weave through the golf course each hole wooden has a different effect on it Chris food for birdie is to get with him one of the lead off the right-hand side and slow stay out there oh yes just with those two under [Applause] fantastic one shot behind one hole to play he sure knows of steel just 21 years of age that's last year and his heart thumping so hard right now well there's no doubt about that that was right into the middle of a cup of the perfect pace these two lovely swings decent chip experience man on the bag there mark absolutely his name escapes me for the moment being around David leaving the courses he's been around the block a few times Teddy for Harrington for a while didn't they 1150 mad dogging their Tom Watson just an i-94 Tom Watson downwind one-seven-one difficult the stop it quick enough to get close though we go straight at it hit the downslope on the back of the bump and shoot to the back of the grill you do it these two have done and worked it in from the right so 2 well-placed shots Magog in and tell me what's at his right hip replaced in October couple of months to rehabilitate but till now would you may see Harry Vardon didn't have that advantage she would sing second 2:13 perfect tee shot my part excellent second vigil I'm lucky to see straight downwind the second shot there and that could have released all the way to the bin this is John Daly and the greatest of days so far plus for this is for an eagle good days looking up a bit now let me pray pause olestra 72 that's poor that would be and that would finish about 25th 26 you've got to believe the 17s in a pivotal hole today somehow or other five to Westwood at the 12th I think you're right Ken because there's quite a few guys need a birdie the lectures we can rough and the right is devilishly deep left is not much better just starting to miss a few Li you tough stretcher holes this is the little eleventh here twelfth runs in the opposite direction up the hill they were Lee Westwood is playing exposed areas Stewart Cink is to get within one always hold it in Stewart Cink used to chew on the power go beyond 13 1-under for the day to under for the championship there's one behind and Matt Goggin has the chance to have the outright lead if this birdie-putt goes in on eleven six people under power at the moment three under leads Tom Watson's hardly missed the shot all day maybe the second to the first and then the second to nine everything else he sits so well giving himself birdie opportunities on nearly every single hole and if this one goes in he will be tie the lead 3-under with Lee Westwood and Matt Goggin honey well he's getting running well Tom Watson I tell you you know he doesn't let you down very often dizzy the atmosphere out here is unbelievable I think everyone realizing there's something incredible happened today [Applause] [Music] I'm doggin just for Pau thank with once bah-bah westward dogging and Watson or the under par one shot ahead of wooden sync have two players just one behind them five all together as you say so I'm sorry I'm dreaming can't believe it anything could happen here a tough one for Westwood here well he's lining up like he's got shot to the green he's not chipping out so he's been fortunate to get a lie it's a reasonable lie son but there's a bit of a clump behind the ball so anything up in the vicinity of the green as a result this is a 5-iron there's a very dangerous bunker 30 yards short and right well he's a very strong boy Westwood you couldn't get it through the wind with any real penetration but I'd give him a chance about 50 yards they'll hit some sort of a chippy run up Westwood Watson and Gorgon all 3-under and then Chris wood on the 18th - to Stewart Cink after 13 - to Donald in the clubhouse I was Chris food of the 18th must hit the fairway that'll settle okay straight downwind from there so no problem reaching the green don't doubt John Davi this preparin around a 72 and a pretty decent Odin for John [Music] to go this year something of course in 1995 [Applause] 12th hole straightest hole on the golf course wind off the right and slightly hurtin Tom Watson's been using this right and left wind very nicely starting it down the right and just allowing the wind to bring it back but the bunkers are waiting down the left if he over does it [Applause] he looked at a half-decent lie there tom I go where with it a little bit of magic was a short game here he did well together too here can he just pitched this one just a yard - on the green just cut the edge of the hole almost hit the pin wonderful shot from Westwood wonderful shot from Westwood there almost hold it [Applause] Oh Chris would kept it safe off the tee and it's given every shot in and yeah beautiful shot that right-hand rough but just rolling over the back well it's a baker it's a horrible chip back into the wind what a wonderful performance by this lad 21 years old v last year aiming to do better this year what he's known he was right in there for a while in this round hasn't faltered a couple of bogeys on 13 and 14 with him birdies on 15 and 17 these look rock-solid really that must have looked great to mark in the air they show us just right out of the flag wasn't Aloha is a wonderful stroke it's a wonderful feeling this walking up the 18th and when you had a great Odin grouse on either side [Applause] [Music] player Justin Rose just as a couple over today even for the championship I mean even today couple over the return Bishop supporting position good open for Justin to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the years of practice boiled our into moments just exactly like this come are saving attempt for Westwood a little bit off the left cost him in the past it's hauling them today and he still leads look at that crowd up on the monument hill there marks a wonderful viewing point which it is Johnson slipping back six on the card couple over now so his chances of victory may have gone up the 14th there see the steepness of the slope you've got to come up there and then it's downhill to the pen just gonna lob it up on the edge of the green remember the one that Justin Rose has playing partner hold as an amateur to finish fourth I think this one will get an even bigger roar well you have to say is this for a 65 and is this to tie the lead could well be this to win the own Sam set the target 3-under may well be good enough just needed another ounce collector starts you can still when they open if you holds that there's only one shot behind Tom Watson couldn't ask for a better lie but just in the two hundred yards remaining good angle though how did we get at Tom Watson line wasn't cuz he got such a good liars if you could play out the rough so well he was very I remember in bird L in 83 when I played with and he was unbelievably good out there are very strong hands and forearms good-looking shot from Mathew Goggin no but I can to fresh and breeze there at the 12th as this conference stewart cink drifting down the right off a good tee shot support teams has proved extremely troublesome today I'll just hold on of course everything at four point for just five birdies twenty four bogeys there are three bunkers down the left here and the spot that Westwood will be aiming for is between the first and second bunkers just wants to keep it short of that 280 bunker like it last fuels has been more crooked than an MP's expenses he's showing a lot of guts Chris would can you read it gonna be tricky fabulous round ago visibility's and [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] disappointment etched on his face its clubhouse leader at -1 a wonderful round of golf in the last round of a major championship difficult birdie putt for Tom Watson but this has been this length so far this week he's on that mound yesterday I think wasn't even cut into a different imposition but none of his part of his plan just to pop it on top of that man every day so do you think third shot so you got a decent liners just come we had the ref was gonna run a little bit more Z would off the fairway the hard scoop forward [Applause] clogging for birdie little week I could lead though Mathew Goggin level today Oh Shirley dollar just take your time pal even Ken Brown was not one of them in without writing you know he's gonna never go it's by having Tom Watson's marker between his legs I in place Thomas Danny and his it's bit the seve spot well done we bit longer than I thought awkward one for Watson wind off the right inside right he's tending to pull it back on the inside a little bit the putter and just do it through Kellogg top straight it oh there you go head office up Billy Mayfair he he used to putt but it's working Tom Watson six also go still leads the open 59 years of age and the challenges to those leading three have been weeded out Chris would bogey for us to drop back 2-1 Stewart Cink has a tricky one to hold for part is Westwood there's been a lot of deliberation over this shot by level Lee Westwood this is such a difficult green to hold it's like a tabletop that was a 9-iron protection from that's a beautiful shot beautiful control just going along trying to contain his excitement sink for his par he's tiptoeing backwards as well so watch the Gorgon and Westwood now too ahead of the field fish on 13 hoping to emulate westwoods attempt all paths since his bad patch ended at the 8th and that's a good shot and so neither happening could still get back into the top five or six in this championship that would be reward for his first three days youngster the African Thomas Aiken this for birdie not 16 is to get back to level and only three behind with the par 5 coming up he's got backs and he said joy there's one about nine times in South Africa its first thought and boy is he having a ball needs a rare talent Sam this if he finished his top ten here of his seventh top ten in 14 starts in Europe this year which is pretty impressive they we see it West but Watson and Goggin too ahead of the field Chris Wood's finished sink needs something to happen in a big hurry for to play for him Aiken he could make Eagle birdie was still get up there elevated 13 ste you look down on the ferry three bunkers down the left jungle down the right first shot he hits down is with us three arms I think a new here Sunday Lyle used to be able to do that just step out and hit a driver I'd have to spend three months in Rijo if I tried that Carlos Franco just goes on the first tee this is Mathew Goggin tie for the lead six to play perfect tee shot from him if it stops very close to that bunker wasn't it well it seems a long time ago since Westwood was almost the third man in the woods initial car were grouping out on Thursday and Friday and here the support he's receiving as absolutely tremendous but you know Rose Fisher he won't believe that he's out of this yet he's five shots behind but as we've seen anything can happen and very quickly at that he's got his confidence back he's hitting the ball well he's had one or two great putts that have been unlucky and he's got a great chance of birdie now not really any movement in this that I can see normally a pretty aggressive putter Ross Fisher [Applause] she'll sink on 15 accessible pin today right at the back all feeds into their get online on the front of the green release all the way up to the back of the green just like that beautiful shot from Stewart Cink just made bogey on 14 and may get it back there if there is a playoff is 5 6 17 and 18 if there is a sudden death playoff for holes but there may not be no whispered this to take the outright lead they're rolling nicely very flat peace agreement is it earlier shooting kissing the line but he knows as an opportunity miss pushed it squeezed in the turf a little bit Westwood Goggin Watson 3-under Westwood moving to the very stiff pal 14th 14th this is a whole way in the distance Alistair 14th thirteen goes in that direction that's seven behind it well we have to carry up the 158 158 carry up on the left at 176 - the pin pinned back 35 but to carry it up on the left over on the line of the pin 158 we heard him say Phil it's all about distance control this shot wind off the right [Applause] I'll summon kena having a rest I'm joined by Andrew Cotter of Wayne Grady nice Mike anyways after wants no Goggin skint between the bunkers it was fairly aggressive off the tee and very indeed it did get into that bunker Illinois State about six feet [Music] now 143 yards left got a decent lie should be able to land it on that back level and still get it to stop just coming into the wedge what hop it's done by Mathew Goggin a chance to go to for well after a slightly shaky stop regarding bogey at the 2nd and the 4th he has come right back and looks very settled at 448 yards back into this breeze and uphill this is a brute of a par for the two new bunkers that were added on the right the players just can't sniff them in today's conditions full of talents wing life to fly if you're thinking for pars and a birdie at 17 hazel is down with Chris wood at the moment let's see what they've got to say Chris our wonderful performance clubhouse leader as we speak how will you reflect on that round and I know it will be changed by just the slight disappointment by that last yeah I played so good all day just really steady never looked really I never felt like making many mistakes I felt really comfortable out there and you know I just thought on the last there I was in a similar situation last year and Ian Poulter hold a great putt on the last foot power and as well as going through my mind at the time but unfortunately didn't quite make it but I mean I a great putt so I'm you know I can't can't can't do any better than that you can't and when you think about it by the 13th you were co-leader did you know that and how did it affect the way you started to play it I didn't really know I mean I took a couple of cheeky looks at the leaderboard with my caddie didn't really at me so um you know I didn't really know but you know he was always keeping me informed with what was going on but no I mean I felt like okay well again it's weird to say but I've been in that situation before so and last year definitely helped definitely leading amateur last year it's not finished yet what are your plans in the next couple of hours today I was just going to chill out for a bit I think and yeah I see as some tough holes coming in um you know I think it might be one short one or two short but you never know don't go anywhere right thank you Chris chase we finished last year tied fifth line fourth of the moment Chris wood we saw Cink creeping up to two Tom Watson to go to four and the outright lead if it goes in from Tom Watson boy on these long putts he scares it that's a fourth Watson move to the 14th hole at the moment tied for the lead Greg Norman led into the final nine holes last year only to fade away that Tom is still there so we've been talking about Tom Watson and Lee Westwood but this is the third hole in a row Goggins had to all the outright lead well that was nowhere near a really good opportunity still a three-way tie single on behind moving over to the 14th hole now which is the hardest hole on the course today and at the head on the green this is Goosen for part only five birdies today so far on 14 averaging it went three nine well do something with Furyk neither of them have made a birdie today so very lackluster pairing there it is Chris wood in that's the target - one to beat there's four guys out there very capable of doing it Maureen's down there slightly downhill or lie for Ross Fisher 195 it's a three on sandy and that's becoming the Forgotten figure of this final round Ross Fisher still some holes left Westwood now with the long iron this is one of his strengths beautiful player went straight in their face 15 mile an hour up the hill Maureen I think this is as little as a 4 iron and he does flight the ball low but this is a big shot from 195 they did another couple just lifted on the wind not to his standard his normal standard one of the sweetest strikers of the ball but he's got plenty of room good angle at the flag strike doctor right I think we only had 178 to the front before Antonia go about 160 this is quite unusual Tom Watson wait somebody crucial for Tom to hit this fairway if he doesn't hit the fairway it's questionable where they can reach into a little bit of light to light on it [Applause] bill writes in there letting get a little bit of extra distance out of the first cut of it's lying okay age has not read it to them Goggin also with the driver that's perfect for the big Australian Open Championship with five holes to go Stroeve sink sank in the bushes to speak helping his plane thana but i smolder search let's think of the moment to under part nobody saw it down here at all which doesn't help let's do a and the American players for American television former player on two westward taking the putter so Watson take the putter from here yesterday and it just bounced stunning when lift Oh much like that the blaze might have much better fisticuff gift then tom did yesterday that's a wonderful shot [Applause] under the circumstances it can almost be Scottish angry with a shot like that currently there are we going the English are on the verge of a historic wind down at Lord's today and we may have an English winner watch this look at that nearly a three-quarter turn smack the ball bounces normally when they bounce like that I lose pace and come up way short but I was incredible it carried ten years didn't he another deep cavernous bunker for Fisher but plenty of green to work with fish are saved on here tongue for home it's Olaf in talk [Applause] let's guys wrecking the bunkers they're all clean Clippers or head green keep this from around the country over here by bigger do a great job couple of couple of guys had no bunkers to right the first two days one guy had as many it was about sixteen he was very tired beautiful technique one up to 62 bunkers 65 Italy far fewer than any other Open Championship course but a lot of players seem to be finding them no big part for Lee Westwood [Music] saw it in the left-half but in the new a suit [Applause] these last few holes getting very little away [Applause] well that was a great save by Westwood because these greens can tease you into seeing bottles that aren't there and this really does deserve a for the stuff in from Westwood after that wonderful bunker shot that's right up and down their country sure later on a fifth hole [Applause] blank let the back down the fairway awaits the final group of Tom Watson Mike Gogan and Villa Park the great triumvirate and Tom out with the hybrid club 218 yards to the hole 200 to the front the longest 200 yards I've seen in a long time not the best of lies he's hoping he's gonna shoot out of this came out came out strange just a vote up in westwood country a little bit further back actually that's not bit of a putt from there it's so unlucky with that t-shirt Watson just took a lite-brite bounce he toured three one eighty hole [Music] got plenty of room [Music] plays a couple yards up [Music] the carries 16 those playing 71 carry no we don't need to carry hard for oh yeah I gotta fill how FAR's he got I make it a hundred and ninety nine yards remaining and it seems like the winds as strong now's as have been all day that's one eighty two front probably more fuel to carry the bunker this must be three iron [Music] 25 mile an hour wouldn't up there as well now he's off and running again well his Watson he's trying to squeeze it out with a little bit of topspin get it chasing up there but it just came out a little too low and not really with any real guts sort of just when you want a flyer you rarely get them but it was a pretty good shot leaves him a relatively straightforward 35 40 yard pitch and he's beautiful beautiful player of this title shot second shot of Goosen on 15 Oh doesn't look like he can go at the flag he was gone all the way to the back of the bunker now he'll be able to go at the flag one thing and back into the breeze a touch but all downhill what a bad break at this time of the championship you saw the ball did sit down in its own flag mark that's gonna come out with nothing on it at all beautifully played that's fantastic to keep that short of the whole was just wonderful shot slide back to one over power though with three holes remaining goose is gone congratulations and perhaps commiserations for Chris Wood after that drop shot at the last but I find 67 alone in fifth at the moment one under par and two behind three players and you don't fancy that all three of them are going to give up two shots Westwind Watson and Goggin who will claim the Claret Jug stewart cink 2-under PAR I don't think it was his bowl that they were looking for I was playing part of Bryce molder Tom normally very good at this distance just under 40 yards plenty of green to work with almost too good that's it died in the Second Vice crisp just as Andrew said almost too good well checked up our important was that up and down of westwoods not so long ago shouldn't be too difficult this one for Matthew Cogan [Applause] see it looks easy everyone out there doesn't it that is if you use the right technique just to drop just one at the 15th [Music] a double so close to the end of the Open Championship too much to take no birthdays at all today back to her who's playing with Furyk who's seven over on a holiday for two guys that we thought were going to be right in the mix of it at the end of the day sinks second chapter 16 critical shot that'll be left of the flag that's lift come on down lucky a little roll brought back onto the green quite easily though still not too bad kept it out of the drink the main thing as he got another one of these in him Jessie I'd love to think so Wayne it was a well played teachers Andrew said just almost too good this is a little too long for comfort Phil what's it gonna do he could not leave himself an easier pot is just slightly uphill into the wind maybe inside right there's not really a lot in this one what a good part just hung high I thought he made it just won't Gustav Lindt to slow it in his plane Cano is fairly an unheralded little watched Mike Gogan who leads the Open Championship Westwood on 15 215 yards this hole today under when I don't think it really matters where the pin is today it's a case of hitting and holding the screen westwards got a 7-iron these players have waited a long time and this T is just changing the rhythm of their game a little straight downwind 184 front a 7-iron with the wind she'll be pitching six or seven years on should be about right I said loosening their lyrics should have a better liar than that but that Pinner right up the back like a siren calling the players in down into the sand well it's just coming up to 2:30 in the morning in Australia but I guarantee you none of none of the people in Tasmania are asleep westwards in the lead on his own at 3-under Maddy but he's having his troubles forward on 15 and also when doggin westward in the sand Chris Wood is being brought back into it 1-under par in the clubhouse how important was that bogey on the last for wood Maddy's just given this a bit of her a run as NEMA way too much of a run for my liking but he's up to the challenge and he hangs in there three players at 2-under Westwood - three but in trouble at 15 a beautiful 7-iron but she's running over the back just depends what sort of lie has if he's a good lie it's a simple shot just lob it out into the wind even though there's not much room to play with if it's roll towards the back of the bunker would be fiendishly difficult let's fill it had a chance to have a look yet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whose sake has run a birdie attempt on 16 Weissbier don't know whether he knows what's happened behind him everything's critical on this time but poof back to 1-under for sink birdie bogey birdie bogey wonderful time all of these holes birdie ball and all of them bogey of all the perfect finish to a major championship what do they do here in 77 Tom birdied this Westwood well bunker play a short game is not the finest part of his game but it's lying fine a fiddly one look at the blade lid wide open this is not the time to try and be too delicate he mustn't be too greedy nothing wrong with four or five feet past this hole SiC the knees and that was that the danger it just didn't want to leave it in there but in protecting us he's left himself a 20-footer well we said it before Chris roots it's in the club post one under par yes there is the par-5 17th to come Bert Tom Watson goggin dropping shots at the 14th Lee Westwood in trouble at 15 here he doesn't tear so far to do anything odd well he sort of hits past himself a bit sort of body stopped hand prodded a bit and of course Watson and Gaga are standing back on the teeth they know that they're watching this intently that Lee now has a good 20 feet for his par 3 still time to chant relaxed or at least giving the impression nothing any attention to Western understanding not to be an attention he's saying when you were three years old Maddie I hold a putt from off the left of this green to take you oh you should have seen it this Nicholas was quaking any of these players have the skill to lift this title but now it's all about who has the belief it's where are they all in the mental game that challenge of Westwood can rule this one in that would be like a body blow to the two players on the tea behind you were more important 20 footers in his career No shotgun opening for the others well he's unlucky there a beautiful 7-iron but you've got to be so careful on this type of course but he's done everything right really this week a great chance for squiddy's watching in the clubhouse don't drive home Chris on the name of this whole Marcus car can you take care especially today wondered what it meant is thomas aiken double 17 slipped back to 1-under today one total one over this for a birdie but no no legs round of 69 one over total in a tie for seventh championship prospect this road [Music] would you say seven out of 14 top tens he said it is now is the first of it wow that's impressive well after Fisher's ate on the fifth hole we might have forgiven him had he pretended he'd had the phone call from his wife saying she was going into labor but he's still battling here left-to-righter here this would squeeze him back to one over not to be not to be today I was the late Payne Stewart when he beat Phil Mickelson and that US Open of Pinehurst as Mickelson was waiting for the call to come off the course with any expecting their first child he said the greater prize awaits you Oh Fisher would have loved the Claret Jug advance today is Chris wood up at the clubhouse checking all these texts or some phone calls but not daring to leave still got the glove in his back pocket 15th hole today 215 yards downhill wind off the right got a 184 yards to the front edge and that is the number you've got to carry it around the hundred and eighty like yellow ball there tomislav a a hole-in-one as an inviting pin position but go beyond it into that bunker look at the black balls bogeys plus it because they've got the whole position 31 yards back it does these give these guys a chance to get it close but you still you got to land it just to the front edge and just hope it doesn't run off the back but it is a hole position you can get close even though there's still lots of trouble everywhere club selection made Watson ready tied for the lead with his playing partner Goggin and Lee Westwood [Music] online so West which race through the green kitchen in a similar position good 25 feet short [Applause] beautiful strike it's still leading can the dream happen Mathew Goggin going with a 7-iron same club as Tom Watson [Music] that's a cruel banker position right behind the flag at the 15th this Court had a couple already but this certainly a lot more drama to unfold yet for holes to play but all to play for from where I am doing the fairway this looks like a three-word is that right and that means he's not taking on the right-hand bunker as Fischer did time oh yes it has three mood is hitting I think he's quite right because it in the bunker you can't go up to he can come from short of the trap [Music] [Applause] he's actually gone miles past the bunker on the right there that's 336 to that bunker 303 yards of Stuart's think he's got to get all of this one [Music] well they'll be quite a few can come tomorrow morning they'll talk and say what might have been think about their play over the last four days or even the last couple of hours there's only five players that can win everything whispered Cogan Watson wood in the clubhouse of Stewart Cink it's a good scores today very good scores under particular out the middle of the court where the conditions have been quite brisk well I can't mr. Gogi I play good bunker shots depends where it is it's not too bad he wishes it was a little bit more on the upslope when he would have been an easy shot but back into the wind it's not too difficult or he's swim hard at that one created so much club head speed that was amazing well he did what Westwood did but six seven yards past the hole it's a cruel bunker they're so deep he said took a full swing giving a real old top I will leave him there get back to Tommy Watson he hasn't held one of his monster butts today good time to do it Tom well there's so much drama going on us looking Lee Westwood's way then Tom Watson's way and Matt Goggin who knows what could happen but Tom Watson's left himself one of those distances that up until today he's been rolling in on a regular basis now's the time he once won this for the outright lead remember 1977 Peter this green it was a turning point a turning moment you've got another chance here's the old one he was five or six yards off the green that rattled on him for a - it's been a remarkable four days for Tom Watson couldn't have my game could it well you never know it's quite so he's $50 only ten weeks off being 60 or less than that this is the lead Oh I was uptight as if you had to touch to the championship playing it very gently [Music] [Music] important putt now for Mathew Goggin needs to hold this want to stay tie for the lead and only three holes left so Tom's turn a little bit as it died and thought they want to miss it on the low side and give it a rip through the borrow for mint Gorgon so he's dropped one what leaves with lee westwood second to the sixteenth philippe three-quarter nine four westward from 139 yards just trying to take a bit of spin off the ball dangerous pin dangerous pin you know he won't see you Latino bit fiery Ken well he hit it in the water on day one I think he thought I'm not going in there to any cost so shied away from it another awkward little chip he's left himself at the long one to go get finishing off [Applause] well it's been a it's been a championship to remember for many many reasons there's much drama to unfold yet Upshaw Watson finishing off the Watson still Titan lead lee westwood was the move to the 16th hole Stewart Cink his third shot at the par-5 is for an eagle and bean rolls out in he'll tie for the lead with one hole left to play as the story unfolding this would already had took five of the last ended up with a 67 Luke Donald a 67 it's a very good scoring today even as 16 and look at all those good scores there Ross Fisher though that sir sad memory started three three absolutely blistering form areas and started to go wrong he's fought back well he said about four crucial holes at cost him dear and that's a good one that's a magnificent shot [Applause] three bogeys on an eight and his first nine who's headed up to 40 old power since then I'll play this game one day just you wait Missy [Applause] back in drive for Tom stay stay stay by six or seven inches that's Emily just makes it that much more difficult ahead on the green crucial chick-fil-a westward water just ten yards past the hole Westwood short-game facing the severe stuff tests and I very easy to leave this one short very well called Maureen was a tricky one forum always difficult in that little fluffy rough you never know the contact again can I get on the trip and obviously with the water ten yards behind you're not going to be too aggressive well listen to tie the lead downhill a little bit of movement stewart cink can he do it this for birdie for just maybe a little bit longer than the putt the Jack Nicklaus missed here all those years ago and he and what's that they played back to shortcuts in our oversee stays one under these one by one old ago they get a three at the last so many permutations usually satisfied with that could have a nice firm bounce and this fairway yeah I seen you got Tom Watson's played the last three holes this week so far 16 17 18 5-under par they've been he's a get-out-of-jail-free card crucial for Westwood as he does he is gracious me oh so near yet so far so now there's only one player in front on Watson's one ahead extraordinaire the plot unfolds quite extraordinary and I've had a correspondence from sandy Rutherford dear friend Americans and entities in this championship my never obtain place years ago if a friend of his Nicole Hodge hadn't bought the old farm where the airport was what you know that that's for granted 2072 it's a Johnson 70s the old airport in the farm was up for sale and Nicole Hodge aboard whole lot for eight thousand quid and the first open here they used it for car parking so without that baby no Alton come on Fisher right in our lives a pet and the boy oh boy what a start to head three three not to be or what a difficulty shot this is on a normal day but all right to left the windows bunkers all the way down the left almost got to start the tee shot over the thunks of stewards down the right-hand side and let the wind do its best to knock it back to the fairway no need to hit the driver just a long I'm looking to get it down there 250 yards or so yes he likes that started well right the big draw on it excellent tee shot just run it through the fairway harder to get the spin from there it's the one shot behind sync 5 5 at 16 17 will here ooh that later Mathew Goggin just one shot behind 176 yards remaining going with a 7-iron wind strong off the right and members bouncing he to shying away from the weed burn that runs across the front and down the right of the green 151 years of the front for Tom Watson [Music] you've got to carry the ball on that line an extra seven yards to get on the flat so really 158 and it's about eight more paces to the flags we leak to the right you get gathered into the water here is the ones down here these second shots gonna come across the old water they're just out the light rough flow fill it you know that makes a big difference if it's on the fairway would know exactly how it was going to react once it hits the green but from here not too sure Phil do you think he knows he's leading that I don't I'm not sure he was walking down and probably couldn't see Lee Westwood missing that putt it was a long way down the favor when that happened middle of the green would be great here but you're never really sure if it might just jump all depends on where it lands at the baths it could be good his favorite length well westward stepping back there as he heard the applause for that shot thudding into the 16th green he's got to gather himself and put out of the his mind know that he's taken three from the edge of the last two greens [Music] it's one of the few times he's missed the fairway but I think he may have been lucky maybe fair enough it looks quite wispy there maybe okay [Applause] two and a half holes to go Tom Watson we leave the open 59 years of age yet satisfied 1/16 an impossible putt they just done started to tell him he knew him [Applause] then yesterday up to this point it was all a bit of a jolly jape Tom clannad's and whoopsie and he's on the sixteenth read again with a similar length but [Music] Goosen for Eagle is to get back to level yield it yesterday can you do it again [Music] c-can you some back to level par to behind one to play the US would have talked about should we play for that let me tell you well but using difference really Dalian just give me a stab and hoping for the best steady as a rocket shot rather frightening shots in there that thick graph I think you'll be running again to mark that one you take it much more did she look into the elder natural spring water now Thomas Tom Watson household two monsters on the 16th the last two days of course if this one goes in he's got a 2-shot lead Oh that's one of the worst places it all week Ludacris food sitting in the clubhouse now our veggies getting a bit more excited now Tom doesn't hold that one he'll be tied to the lead their ears go into the range of the bar one Avella he's going to the ridge hundred ninety-one years ago 9-iron for Stewart Cink straight downwind here right so work on it does get a little bit from there superbee page oh well okay then I went back to the screen and could fire the cutting certain hidden behind holes it goes to 2-under bogey bogey bogey for goggin sadly now you see it Tom Watson won ahead the 16th green B has a toughy this is a crucial Club for Tom Watson it couldn't have been a washed land for him oh it was this would give him if he could knock it in brilliant absolutely he's one I had to the plate 517th my god can it really happen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Pedrosa Stewart singers had a very good championship [Music] [Applause] [Music] i smother alongside sink [Applause] Maxo good today in fact seven over today so part of the last four 77 sync with the pad for 69 to take the lead in the clubhouse Westwood has been fortunate with this lie he really has he's got a 5-iron in his hand 246 to go he needs a lot of skill and a good bit of luck to thread this between the bunkers [Music] you certainly on his quarry out is he gonna get the right bounce is he going to get the right bounce telling me this what's this this is going to be absolutely crystal great shot from Lee Westwood fantastic if we could very close to the left front bunker skirted and like now here's a chance for an eagle Oh Stewart Cink just missed a couple of short ones at 16 or 17 I'd have to say this is the most crucial part of his career so far this to tie for the lead [Music] juicing and that's then finished up to and mr. Watson this week mr. Singh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well done Ken that was a belter wasn't it yes he set a target but just sting just spare a thought for a moment for Tom Watson he needs two fours to probably win the open gambit possible again Lesley Westwood comes up with a bit of magic be all right it's all coming down to biting your fingernails and the possibility of him winning the gems quite remarkable Westwood has that platform I play I'll sit on the deer the 17th no world draws that what's that telling us I don't know why they didn't show a bit more enthusiasm for that once stay on may not be too bad can now not a bad spot at all good angle to the pin then use the slope for the front left of the green and the approaching the green getting a warm round of applause a lot of fries come on Lee not gonna be Chris wood this year but another fantastic over championship tie for third just being told I think that stewart cink's done him to open season well it looks like a top three who knows but terrific effort when Chris Wood so it looks sink in the clubhouse with a 69 after that splendid birdie at the 18th Tom Watson 2-under par 5 to come the easiest hole on the course and Lee West was an Eagle chance at 17 Plus in Muncie 2040 our day's time Tom Watson will be 60 and that's the age that passed Open Championship they're exempt until they're 60 this was needs to be 65 but then they Faraday want to see more places available to study here the old champions used to come play with in all in all truth not much opportunity or chance winning another championship but them nice to see the past champions and the committee will also consider all exemptions in the months after the championships as much for them to trundle every progressively RNA and the USGA they're very forward thing like people think they're funny that is they're far from it they will make I'm sure the right decisions about the future of this championship I'm gonna bail - this one's being I have to say the course must be presented by George Brandis green staff here absolutely stunning I think the pin positions have been a real test for the class grant Moyes plant planted owes out each day it's been a splendid test and who's gonna win to cut their fissure I think once a month at 12-under Norman one with even par and Christ one with 12-under looks like this is going to be 2 or 3 under I think the course has always been set up to very well Lucent the final hold this needs to go in a very good shot he's gonna come out with our hands gonna come up a little short and he'll rue that five at the par-3 15th good tee shot just went through into the bunker to five [Applause] it is practice for hours and hours as a lad if he holds this he's red-hot favorite to win the Open Eagle chance is it coming Muscat McMaster that's impossible now did that stay out we've got another three-way tie at the top to Peter wellyes Watson's coming up behind if he can get a four he will take the lead it's all it's all tingly tingly tingly Tom's had to wait nearly every hole it was very brisk clapping he's just looking at that just ran off the fairway good line any freaking hit it straight get a bit of run chase it up onto the green [Applause] takes a walk back now better 80 yards to the 18th tee tied for the Open Championship with one hole to go quite a few long walks back from green to deer thought that was it I did too Fisher tapped his in so it seems as though Tom Watson has to birdie the 17th to regain the outright lead and he's out with a club that he's hit so well so far this week he's with Hybrid 267 yards downwind off the right straight it'll do it [Music] [Applause] there was a magnificent hit must have run 70 yards but still just through the back of the green who really gave this heavy amazing that he swings the club back so far and so freely sweeps look at that head still right through almost identical to 3040 years ago remarkable we'd have to say his favorite now Wayne he's he's making everyone a believer isn't he he certainly well he didn't have to convince me well you've got that fellow well you know riding in the Tour de France Lance Armstrong II you know there's a remarkable fellow horse how he think though he gives up cycling for a couple of years I think I'll have a bike ride around France again I might win it you know extraordinary man the drama is unfolding all around us an ideal tee shot here on a teen is dying the outer side of the edible and this right-to-left dark leg anything between 260 280 s fine gives you good looking at the green dangers one bunker 265 on the left-hand side Marshalls are waving straight down on the center which is hang on hang on hang on whoa oh well the only good thing is he may be just in the bank over and able to hit it from there with a five six iron or whatever hit it up by the Green Stewart Cink who is here on the clubhouse nice and tidally 2-under waiting hoping praying but sort of in that Nam Fisher not far away from being able to go home and witness the birth of his first child in a long day free and what would have been about that quadruple bogey on the first [Applause] [Applause] a stripper that was and so far as being a headmaster this is all lie dependent if he's sitting up nicely is relatively easy but if it's nestled and he's having a good look at it it's quite a tricky little shot sprinklin not in his way but downhill or kicking to the left he's chipped in on the 17th before in a major championship although the rough was a little bit longer to be Jack Nicholson at Pebble now I'm not sure Westwood knows his ball in that left-hand bunker the goose Retief Goosen at the 18th for a birdie a round of 71 if we can nail it he can't so a terrific tournament 72 blows today this is an easy path to 80 [Applause] 67 70 71 72 an excellent open performance Matthew Goggins Ben I'm a little bit of trouble up the 17th but has this one for a birdie [Music] right but Maddy doesn't look like it will be great effort though he hung in for a long time today we will break through soon if he takes his form back to America he's stretching his neck out here more in East if he's not sure where it is and I think he's just gonna register it you know it's in the sand he does know I can yes and you know these links bunkers just gather the ball in from seemingly 10 yards away from the sand it's got quite a fierce lip from there he's a long way back Tom Watson now for an eagle using the putter it goes in he's got a 2-shot lead one to go [Music] well it was a I thought a strange choice of club but it worked out well cap 34 fantastic effort just probably the percentage shot while he played a magnificently 59 I just can't believe what I'm watching was the holiest Lee sitting well the old days he just would have pumped the sandwich out put it up there close but maddy Goggin fries part three over two days even path of the championship a lot of reflecting to do after this round but a good week and a nice check to go home them they're professional players they've got to earn money and will do him a world of good and distally the opium budget with one hold ago Thomas Sturgis [Music] [Applause] Westwood really doesn't have a shot here to attack the green this tee shot of his has turned this into a three shot er he's got to pour all his powers of concentration into some high manufacturing a for dyeing this closing hole he looks like he's taking him fairly brave line and shot it looks like he's got a fair with the lava I don't think he's being silly I mean if he gets it out with a 9-iron or a wedge a hundred hundred and ten whatever he adds down the fairway he's got another one properly onto the green and a plat for a four if he hits the Bank of stays of the bunker it's finished it's over but hitting the fairways critical so he can really Nitin pinch his little teach he'll be aiming at the giant scoreboard there from the right hand side that made one either side [Music] [Music] didn't hold back [Applause] that's in 77 that is justice to about the show with Sandy law shop but a Guster ladies goodness we lift a grave line the waves look like an 8-iron or something an amazing shot that was that mean that Maureen was saying it over here be careful and make it if they shot up but I mean that was a physically how he did that I really don't know this is sheer genius which season a time and look how tall the lip is he's absolutely on the limit he strikes it look like just tiptoes over the lip you won't see a better shot full blast brave brave brave and then you are playing for the open [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] warm applause ken woman flus and flaws and what do you think Tom what's the things he's done I think he must have rolled it probably does mister his wife traveled with the young uns the boys that goes from Charterhouse and giggles wit who look after the Giants goebbels or a brushing about and getting rare the congratulatory note ready for whoever becomes the champion all things going on buzzin and hasn't Watson back on the tee drama to the very end yes I was about to say that Li's he's paid the price for every mistake he's paid this made this week that not that it there was a mistake off the tee and it looked like he was going to have to pitch it out but that was sensational Thomas left the driver in the bag he's got his little butt up three bedell whatever they call him you may have your own pet name for one of these little gentlemen's persuader he's gonna try and nothing down the right-hand side leaving me good line into the green probably waiting to see what Westwood does Wes was a mile away but there'll be good applause he can't wait too long of course he can always say the political movement in the crowd or whatever I thought this is a huge but this is much longer than the one that Jack Nicklaus hold surely we'll give it his full attention he was getting on for cricket pitch lands this one you had you have to throw the cricket in didn't you well mr. good measure for most being a Tom's gonna cut loose of that green shed down there on stilts down the right there that's the sort of line for Tom maybe a bit right of that [Music] this okay is it okay it certainly is [Applause] pirate was right he knows he's definitely gonna be in a play off him that's right and he's got a great angle there he's got about a hundred and seventy five hundred and seventy yards to the front of the grain Tom well this is a massive cut the West would see the length of it this for a three this would take him to 3-under par Watson is a three under so if he holds this and Watson gets a four it's a playoff but first he's got a hole this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he wasn't gonna die wondering David every chance but he's also good to remember stewart cink's in it 2 under par that really world well it was a huge lock button it was very difficult to get the distance perfect but there was a bit wid over brisk you might not know it probably does now that the part the last and he's is open champion for the sixth time as well miracles do happen fairy tales do come true well they will say records are meant to be beaten and the oldest champion for our jabber jabber Harry Vardon on the oldest of the PGM at 48 you are Julius Paris Oh miss Ross fishes had a very unhappy and happy day but still plotting on I think the biggest skeptic in pothan championship wins is about 11 years real tempered [Music] and she goes [Music] seventy-five the damage done really in the first half a dozen holes dirty v8 knocked him back [Applause] play some good stuff showed good toes you an expensive lesson watch some argue if he wins it this is greatest sporting achievement by anybody I would say well you value betting it but Watson Watson coming down waiting westward as he oh what a discipline the end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to look at the for Julie with absolutely stunned where's deserve three bogeys in the last four though Ken that's that's what knocked it back yes you don't normally come home in 38 and win a major championship you know [Music] second shot gaggenau this would be a good rangefinder for Watson to Sweetback sweep under the grain well then we've seen Tom Watson place of beautiful ions into the final game when he's won his previous five championships can he do it just one more time funnily enough the tin is almost at exactly the same spot it was in 1977 cometh the moment cometh the man one good straight one Tom [Music] as he pulled it no it's online it's book did you believe it Sheila's [Music] well stewart cink is now in second place the three touches Westwood put him down into third place [Music] that was just a pure line shot - he would have loved it in the air I can't wait to hear this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Tom's wife [Applause] [Music] well and walking up the 18th fairway there was Thomas please counsel Jim McGarry 30 years service and he this is his last Commission and Strathclyde Police I was told you do earlier and only one arrest here this week that tells you something about the funny old game of golf so many happy people so many wonderful moments one arrest Jim McGarry 30 years in the service wishing well he's looked after tom well all day today his wife Hillary she'll be chanting inside well Tom was looking down on that somewhat quizzically he's got the old putter out again it's obviously just nestled down doesn't fancy getting a wedge on the back of it well well well there it is that was very unlucky he gets outed - he's a champion if he takes three he and Stewart Cink will go and play and have a playoff for hold laugh five six seventeen eighteen Oh oh you're you're you're you're down into he could do it you're oh man do it I wither though I'm getting very nervous [Music] puppet you don't know really what to say man was like this is truly remarkable Watson with a tenner ten foot or so to win the championship is sixth it would be one of the truly most remarkable achievements in the world of sport would it be a good thing well it would be a wonderful thing to his skilled and Irvan wonderful love of the game of golf what about the young fellas he's been if Tom does manage to hold that one and win this it's it'll certainly that be the greatest sporting achievement that I've ever seen in my lifetime and maybe of all time now Mady gokhan just two putts for him for a round of 73 even par for the championship and wonder what could have been he's been witness to something special today that keep coming [Music] [Applause] that was cool [Applause] can't wait to get a free clinic because you should leave that bull hold it wider I wouldn't be grudging but I'd look at this putt as - almost eight state lines but is such a difficult one to see the line I'm actually happier to see this lengthen a five for the clinic well this is something we never expected Tom Watson one of the great champions of all time with a plan to win his sixth Open Championship 40 odd days of his sixtieth birthday doesn't to be a playoff it is for hope there for five six seven eight he very unlucky going through the green wonderful second shop still more to come [Music] for the first time the week was a momentary thought actually didn't believe it insane [Music] [Applause] announcer has been made telling the huge galleries here that the playoff take place in a few moments 56 17 18 toes should there tie it'll be sudden death over the 18th hole only so they've had their scores up for over the four holes and if we have a winner then so be it that was very very disappointing that he fought so magnificently and to hit that beautiful shot into the 18th for it just to go through the back of the green and out where it did was just a horrid place to be but but first USC but a different story for him 12 14 that this was the tacky hold to get him to 2-under [Applause] the spiritual holes it is not sudden death oh so you play what's sink playoff Hazel's live Lee Westwood Leo commiserations so close yet so far tell us your reaction to what you've just done out there well I play pretty well again I got myself into a great position here's some great plots out there coming in and just couldn't make one I thought I'd made an eagle at 6:17 and I thought it made the putt at 16 - oh it was a great foot sir I know a good shot at 15 it just went too far into that back trap so but I'm feeling fairly low now - 3-putted the last indeed yeah did you feel your chance of going when the eagle putt didn't drop at 17th well the 18 it's not an easy holding you know you can make bogey there but if you hit the fairway and the pins very accessible you can make birdie but I just figured I need to make birdie to tie Tom it's been an extraordinary day can you describe what it was like to be in the thick of it out there today oh it was fantastic right where you want to be you know I felt very calm out there not nervous any stage and looking forward to the next time you get closer and closer next time Lee thank you thank you I clearly despondent lee westwood there waned well it's not all over yet don't go anywhere we've got another four holes for you we've got a playoff between Tom Watson and Stuart st. Wayne it's just been an extraordinary day I'm feeling a little ill myself I mean poor old lade Lee's played fantastic all weekend and that he had to be careful there on the last he wanted to give himself a chance to try and get three under but the three pup was always a it was on and III putted and finished up out of what now is a playoff at 2-under and Tom what about Tom what oh just he's it a beautiful shot there on 18 and all that stays on the green I just I'm not it's hard to question him but I mean the putter from there was difficult I don't quite understand that choice but because he's such a great chipper but then to make five and go to a playoff I mean I don't know whether I can handle the next four holes let alone Tom he's 59 years old and and whether his stamina is there but I good luck to him and Stewart Cink I mean sorry what a what a great finish for sync three three and Stewart Cink as well in many ways you feel slightly sorry for him by the fact that everybody but everybody will want to win this body so probably yeah that's that's exactly right I mean think he might he might can get out of town alive if he beats Tom and the playoff his but he's he's played fantastic he was a he would under the radar all weekend and he popped up there at the end and he's he's done something fantastic and but the sentimental favorite is Tom Watson sure as well there have been six playoffs since the last time it was at Turnberry here they are [Applause] [Music] yeah well done well done La Gomera [Applause] [Music] Loredana [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it's it we've had do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] that this point we've got another playoffs this year and they'll play for holls holls 5 6 17 and 18 Stewart Cink incidentally is just behind me he's practicing a little bit more potting of course he's round finished some time ago so it probably just wants to get the feel at the greens again like absolutely yeah he's been finished a little wild Tom's come straight off the off the green I know in this situation Stewart's going to be excited the fact that he's been brought into the playoff Tom's gonna feel a little bit down that he he had the chance in a moment in time you'll think Cink would be quite a strong favorite just yes psychologically sink is the favorite that it's a big big event in Tom's that's the AG advantage as well you know when you come to a player for an extra four holes at the end of four very long days could take its toll it couldn't he's had a lot of delays out there today standing around waiting waiting all the time so but if anyone can do it Tom can his mind is so strong but yeah psychologically sinks got to be the favorite and and the age factor too it's got a sense of the mood around the 18th and ricotta's there with Phillip
Channel: Back n-the-day
Views: 356,061
Rating: 3.813102 out of 5
Id: 9m3Oc2nmX6c
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Length: 239min 51sec (14391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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