The real reason to watercool a camera.
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Channel: DIY Perks
Views: 1,419,649
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Id: X1u-9YqrIJc
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Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Don't get
phasedfazed by the first exaggerated part about water cooling. The final solution after half of the videos is a very interesting modification to the camera.This guy is so impressive
This really makes me think Canon deliberately undergraded the thermal capacity of this camera, so it wouldn't interfere with it's cinema cameras. The timer based "overheating" warning is a strong evidence. Thankfully someone found a workaround!
I can't watch the video right now so sorry if this was already answered in the video, but was the thermal issue solved in the r6/r5 with the update or is it still limited to 30 mins of recording?
Super cool. For now though Iβd take my preorder from the day it was announced shipping anytime soon.
The timing test looks like it just recording a static scene? Surely that must impact the heat generation. But nonetheless some impressive hackery.
It's probably going to spark an outrage amongst people who think Canon is deliberately downgrading cameras to keep a market for future products, but I think there could be some real added value for video makers who can't depend on the R5's current recording times.
I've not got my glasses on, and the thumbnail looks like grumpy old Statler and Waldorf from the muppets reviewing a camera.
I think sooner rather than later we are going to see an R5 Mark II taking into account what has been seen in this video. But there' no denying the whole original Canon made cooling solution for the camera is beyond underwhelming, it is abysmal!!!! I can't believe how they screwed up a wonderful camera in such a way.