Building a TRUE 4k home cinema projector (itโs awesome)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,517,312
Rating: 4.9455733 out of 5
Id: YfvTjQ9MCwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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*Before clicking "Oooh, I have an Xperia Z5 Premium sitting in a drawer"
*After clicking "Ooh, that Z5P is going to stay in that drawer!"
DIY perks is a wonderful channel. That guy's brilliantly creative and resourceful (and always cheery, which is nice, he clearly enjoys what he does), his entire YT channel is amazing, highly recommend!
This guy totally reminds me of the actor playing Theon Greyjoy
Wow. This was beautiful to watch. Cant imagine the technical knowledge needed to build one though.
Impressive build but the vignetting is pretty bad. I'd like to see R, G, and B shown separately as a single color source. That being said, I'm pretty happy with my Xiaomi 1080p projector that definitely has blurry corners and vignetting. The problem is I paid $180 for it, which is way below this budget. I do love Matt's ingenuity with all of this projects and he certainly gives me some good ideas for future projects.
I needed to know HOW MUCH his cost before the Video started... Just saying :(
At around 20 minute mark he says the fans are pushing air out, when in reality they are pulling air in. Air moves to the fan motor and not vice versa. Also indicated by the arrows present on the fans @20:08.
adding up all the components he listed, cost is >~600... wild...
i guess it repurposes the phone, but 600$ can get u a really nice projector..
edit: those downvoting, are you suggesting that $600 cannot get u a nice projector... i aint saying what this guy did is pointless or w/e, i think it's very cool...
I just watched that this morning. Cool dude.