The only 5 scales you'll EVER need to learn

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[Music] we do need a couple Jews anybody right guy in this video I'm going to answer a question about scales that I get all the time the Ionian mode the Dorian the Phrygian the Lydian the mixolydian the mixer mitosis the fallopian flat nine there's all these bizarre types of scaled and then there's the melodic minor scale and the natural minor scale and that you get the idea right there's loads of people really confused about what to which scales are really important and which scales they have to learn to win which order that's what we're going to be talking about in this video and I'm going to prove to you why it's way easier than you think and you can boil everything down to five skills five scales that's all you need before we do this by the way I need to show you what GAO's doing this is go Haggar I mean as many of you know are we were over in governor brothers from another mother look at follically challenged we were over in new york area we were over in new york we were over in new york earlier this year regardless and of course is with guys like damien our skin and Steve Jenkins and rich brown and Evan Marion and Adam Neely and all of the roof is available all these cool cats right and we'll just edit in one down out got to show you it's wicked give it a busy morning Ellis really [Music] [Music] well that was the course that we're editing with Steve Jenkins as with all my courses going straight in the Academy as well so here in Academy remember you're going to get access to it if you're not going to caliber but you should join up like yesterday and get any more what we're doing taking base education to the next level and making a real difference for base place around the world now without further ado let's get on to some scales okay guys so let's talk about scales if anything like me you were super confused about them or are super confused about them and hopefully today I'm going to be able to boil it down into into a system that's a little bit easier to understand so one thing that really helped me out is understanding that there are only really five scale types and yes there are you know myxomatosis flat nine scales and fallopian sharp four scales and everything in between and all of these weird and wonderful scales right but what I see students do constantly is gravitate towards those types of scales instead of just the stuff that it's just going to make it down difference right just learn these scales you're going to use them every day just learn that stuff first and don't gravitate towards the hoopla so let's talk about the five main scale types that you want to be focusing on the first is the diatonic major scale for me I would say this is the most important scale that you can ever learn right so just to put that into some sort of context for you if I were to play something like [Music] old up majors go yeah I did so I go I think I did warm little passion dough in there but all of that was just major scale it was actually just a C major scale yes I was playing a D Dorian at one point yes I was playing a G mixolydian at one point but it's all always built from the C major scale and that's what really helped me just get my head into the game was just to think what where do all of these scales originate from you know Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian mixolydian aeolian Locker Ian seven scales there I gave you you'll hear people talking about all the time right and I hear my students talking about all the time but do they really know their major scale well enough and in my experience most people don't right so just spend so much time learning that basic major scale just a little quick tip for you I can't obviously go through every scale type of all the tips that I've got because this video would turn into a ten hour video instead of a hopefully 10 to 15 minute video and I say that because I've actually got a course inside the Academy the school I run and which is obviously all online and pull harmonica layering course which is all about scales arpeggios and of complete system and is 10 hours long but just to give you a quick tip right you should learn your major scales from 3 different fingerings firstly the first finger makes sense right so this is C major scale ok that's on the first finger that's on the second finger and then from the little finger if you learn those three fingerings it's just that major scale you can cover the entire neck with those three fingers up all you need nothing else okay so how is to start here I'm starting from my first finger position yes then I go into the little finger position then into the fourth finger position then into the little finger position and down then I can go down second finger fourth finger into the second thing position the second finger down and the first thing in position it just gives you all of those notes so I'm not memorized in for a load of different a lot of different patterns are memorizing three patterns for the entire major scale and it means I can play all up and down the neck and complete freedom easier that now the gag is then to use our same system across the modes but remember that the parent scale for all of those modes is the diatonic major scale right so that is your first scale that you really need to nail to the wall diatonic major scale then you can start working on your modes of the back of that or the diatonic major scale is where it's at right and I've had some differently in the the past say well well well you know just think about how useful and minor pentatonic scale is well okay yeah it's really useful and yet admittedly that's all a lot of guitar players can do but yeah I get it right it's important but where did it come from let's take the C major scale right well where did a minor minor pentatonic come from it comes from the C major scale right so let minor pentatonic to everything all for the C major scale it's all for all the major scale what about all the major pentatonic scales they're all from the major scale but all the pentatonic scale are all from the wage scale okay so all the minor pentatonic open the Reds get so I'm hoping hopefully you see in this kind of pattern that there's so much derived from the major scale that you just can't get away from understanding how important it is so the second scale type that I recommend that you learn is the diminished scale and there's the two versions of the diminished scale they're very similar one's called the half all the ones called the whole half and I'll just show you all this this is the root right so we're going to go up there and when I say hard whole it means a half step and a whole step and a half step and a whole step right so let me play that for you let's give it C room we're going to do a half step whole step half step whole step half step whole step half step whole okay that's just [Music] it's super easy to remember I'll write it because you just go 1 2 4 slide 1 2 4 line 1 2 4 slide I can then just Hamid right so that's the diminished scale and you can play whole heart so that would be a hole hole hole so it is the same thing but instead of half whole whole half so the next scale to learn is the harmonic minor scale again let's keep it in the QC ok then the root note C is really simple it's just like a C natural minor which is okay just like that but with a major 7 into the bottom it's got a real oriental [Music] [Music] device and harmonic miners are great because well they're great for improvising over minor two-five ones and other things but that's for a different video I remember with all these scales I'm talking about you can learn the modes of them as well what we're talking about is the scale okay learn the scale then learn the modes afterwards but make sure you really know that scale before you worry about the most so the next scale size is the melodic minor melodic minor and this is next because E is a very similar to the harmonic minor right so the harmonic minor is so the melodic minor is exactly the same as a harmonic minor but it's got a natural six [Music] [Music] like to sound great scale I'll use in a lot of different ways but again and again you can use the modes from the melodic minor scale you've got to get the melodic minor desk first you've got to get the scale down first and the last scale guys is the whole tone scale and admittedly I actually don't use it that much but it's a really valuable scale to to know and to be able to hear because you like to hear it and a lot of music a lot of film music you'll you'll just hear that you know by let's do it again so if we're gonna see route thinking one may consume think of four and then you go to be whole tones the next note is that lucky and then you're a second finger fourth finger then see and keep on it's a patent licensee that one two four and I move down the string 4 fret down straight four per fret [Music] and then you can also go like this it's actually quite a cool sound of a dominant chord but again to get into the uses of these scales it's a take it take good ten hours so just to recap guys on what we've been talking about there's five main scale size I don't need to worry about five main scales house first of all it's a diatonic major scale it's the most important scale all the pentatonic all of major pencil or the minor pentatonic blues scale stuff it's all derived from that major scale the seven modes of the diatonic major scale obviously or from the main scale I am you know like Dorian Phrygian Lydian mixolydian all of that stuff get all from the major scale so I can't stress enough how important learning the major scale is it's absolutely the number one most important scale that you'll ever learn because everything else is derived from it right all of them were all of the diatonic scales are derived from it moving on from that it's the diminished scale I do use them and you know when I see it diminished chord or for substitutes over a dominant chord to their phone as well and the next is a harmonic minor scale again great sound you've got that that made seven and the flat six there which gives it a real sort of like oriental vibe about it oriental ease of the right to nose anyway but it's got a great sound to it for me personally I use it a lot on minor two-five ones and when I'm improvising and stuff like that and then we've got the melodic minor scale which is exactly the same as the harmonic minor scale but it's not the year the natural system [Music] it's a great scale and probably one of my most used scales in a way and again you can use the most from the melodic minor as well but make sure you get them all any mileage down first they're just modes right the scalar system is what you want to be worrying about getting up system down and then after the lorda minor we've got the whole tone and the whole so again I ask you David you don't owe that much but I love the sound of it and I should probably use it more so note to self got to use the whole tone and get it into a playing a bit more so guys hopefully you enjoyed that lesson and again if you really are into mastering this stuff on the bass and you really do want to get these scales these arpeggios and all of this stuff that I talk about all the time if you've been following me for any length of time you know I talk about this stuff on the right because it is so important this is the building blocks that what we do as bass players and musicians we've got to be able to learn and understand scales and arpeggios because it's like being able to understand what you know you need to learn how to understand grammar to be able to speak properly and this is what we do with our instruments we learn the the you know the theory behind what we're playing so we can really expand on what we're doing if you do want to check out the Academy at Scotts bass lessons we've got a full 10 hour course guys on this stuff and it doesn't just throw into the deep end it takes you it takes you right on the star right through all of the arpeggios all of the arpeggio fingerings they are very specific then on to the scales or through the scales all the fingerings again very specific the fingerings that you need to be using and then on from that it goes on to practical application of the actual arpeggios and scales and what is the point if we're not using this stuff in practice you've got to be able to use this stuff in practice please please please do not just run up and down scales all day mindlessly practicing how to play them faster it's a total waste of your time and I see so many students doing it's also please don't do that learn how to use these in a practical way and you'll you'll really surprise yourself as do so many students I work with I remember guys if you do want to check out the Academy you can get a completely free 14-day trial okay a free 14-day free trial so you can try everything just to see if it's for you and that gives you access to all of the step-by-step courses all of the weekly live seminars with me with Damien Erskine with Rufus Philpott with Steve Jenkins is going to be coming up with you know all these crazy guys and probably the the best online educational based educational community in the world and just if you are in Academy and watching this massive shout out for you guys I know we're being able to telephone in the forum recently and I just want to say thanks to all you guys well I've got you so if you're not the Academy member grab your free trial get involved today I would love to see you in there anyway guys and that's it for me and George was just George chilling down that and capture the nominees by guy I will see you in the girls going to see in the shed thank you guys bye whoa where you going if you haven't subscribed to the Scotts bass lessons channel yet here on YouTube click the link subscribe I released two videos like this every single week you can also check out other videos over there and if you've 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Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 1,727,304
Rating: 4.8381023 out of 5
Keywords: scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, soloing, funk, cover, groove, jazz, slap, tuition, masterclass, beginner, beginners, clinic, The only 5 scales you'll EVER need to learn, scottsbasslessons
Id: ZCaSVtt3Ou8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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