Why I Wear "The Gloves" /// Scott's Bass Lessons

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Dystonia has a variety of causes – but dystonias affecting the hand are often caused by performing repeated hand movements. Such dystonias are known as “focal task-specific dystonias”. They can affect any profession which requires repeated movements but are more common among musicians than any other professional group. It is estimated that they affect approximately 1-2% of all professional musicians. Hand dystonia affecting musicians is often called musician’s dystonia or musician’s cramp.


NOTABLE MUSICIANS/ARTISTS WHO HAVE (or have had) FOCAL DYSTONIA - KEITH EMERSON (Emerson Lake and Palmer, keyboardist) - LIONA BOYD (Classical and Pop-Classical Guitarist) - SCOTT ADAMS (Writer of DILBERT Comic Strip)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tailwaggingthedog 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sort of like Parkinson's disease, which can be controlled by wearing an eighty pound lead hat.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Gus_31 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

I have a theory about this (as a trombone player who's seen multiple other trombone players suffer from this, especially around their mouth). I found that those who play forcefully have a greater chance at acquiring this ailment.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
took yourself in its the tricky way way done l-look trust Abed do it you press it just up a tiny bit what that's perfect yeah that's it bye guys hey guys how's it going it is Friday today down here elite and I thought I'd do a little bit of Q&A for you guys to have had some questions coming through so start with fun on Friday that I haven't got anybody in the office so d-max out Mike and Callie tech guys they're jetting off abroad to a conference somewhere San Francisco anyway the point is I'm alone I should be probably doing other stuff planning practice and cleaning this studio shaving my head you need to trim this bad boy anyway so I thought it'd be a cool thing to do some did some Q&A for you guys got some questions here that just just come through let's see what's going on so hook if he asks do you ever practice through pain I don't hook Abby I think if pain is involved generally it's a bad thing and so what I would recommend is like you don't actually specify what type of pain is I'm assuming it's either arm and hand pain or back pain because I know that back pain can go along with with playing bass if it is back pain just just a quick tip for everybody you like practice sitting down or a good a good proportion of your practice should be sat down these things are super heavy like this heavy so standing up for a few hours with this dangling around your neck like a big wooden medallion um probably not cool for your back so I really do recommend sitting down and not sitting down on a couch where you're like you know where your ass is disappearing a foot into the couch because you know because that's what happens with some couches I am try and find like a chair where you wear your feet well where your your legs are right and you can't see my legs but that kind of a right angle my thighs are like straight and then straight down there so you know and sit with a straight back and all that malarkey although shenanigans but yeah so that's it in terms of what you should do postural II when you sit down if you're in Academy remember just check out a cap member which corsets in I've got a whole thing on posture anyway on my online Academy so check that out here and Academy remember but what I'd also say is if it's you know wrist and and muscular pain tendon pain from actually you know plain whatever techniques you're practicing either try and relax and take it easier it could be possible that what you're trying to do is out of your comfort zone right now so maybe try and dial it back a little bit so it's a little bit easier and then work towards it that way instead of throwing yourself in at the deep end try short bursts as well don't practice for you know three hours want a non-stop for hours non-stop or whatever you're doing try and do you know 25 35 minutes then take five ten-minute break 35 you know minutes take a five-minute break that kind of thing Pomodoro Technique of anybody's into that I'm really into that like give yourself regular short breaks as well give you know you've got to give yourself regular short breaks which really ties into the the Pomodoro Technique so if that you have got any pain I not try and practice through it don't try practice through it try and figure out why it's happening and then dealing with it from that standpoint okay this is an interesting one this is one I get a lot guys so Bob asks these are the specific words why the hell are you wearing those stupid gloves again get rid of them okay Bob I so I tend if I have actually talked about why I wear these gloves I've only got one on at the minute um but I suppose now is a good time to to talk about it scene I probably had the fire that was probably the like the 500th time somebody's asked so we might as well do it now okay so the gloves guys is absolutely nothing to do with tone of the bass it sounds the same it sounds the same Russ nothing to do with tone it's bit to do with I've got a neurological movement disorder or disease or whatever you want to call it that I developed in my late 20s and called focal dystonia it's a it's not as uncommon as people think is actually quite common but it's a real to get diagnosed with it and because there's not much known about it and what will regularly happen is people will go to the doctors and they'll say I've got these symptoms and they'll say oh you got tendinitis so you've got our RSI or something like that and and and they they possibly have focal dystonia and in the nuts well I'll tell you I'll show you what happens like mine's developed over the last few years so what it started out as isn't the same as what it is now okay but this is what it is now and thankfully it seems to you know just be stayin like that okay so if I hold my hand out like this okay that's my hand with the glove on okay so no movement as you can see there's probably a little bit of it can you see this some twitching of my fingers okay now if I move take the glove off I'll have to do that okay so I'm not actually moving my hands there I don't if you can see that I'm not I'm not actually moving my fingers my fingers are doing that themselves so but check this out so when something touches the surface of my hands it stops the the movements now this to anybody that's suffering we focal dystonia a lot of people don't have this and I didn't have this to start with either this is just something that's developed so and I did actually develop it in this Unferth you can see the both my hands do that movement thing I can feel and clicking it's very very strange okay so oh I'm not actually moving my fingers there they're just doing that on their own now if I relax them it's fine they don't do them when it's relaxed but as soon as I do that they start moving okay well cut out on crazy relaxed and then but if we look at this one as soon as I touch one you'll see the rest of them calm down so it's what the gloves act as is a it's tricking my brain as I touch my fingers that the tremors stop that's what the glove does okay now focal dystonia actually doesn't start like that and a lot of people don't have these symptoms either I'm it started with me in my late twenties in this finger and when I was play sometimes it was like somebody had unplugged this finger okay so I and then it just wouldn't move it was my brain was sending the signal but my finger was not getting the signal so as I literally somebody had unplugged it and disconnected this finger for my brain but then I started playing with a pick for a while because I found that that really helped obviously I couldn't this finger was at one point I couldn't use it at all it was it was completely like I could pick up things with it but I couldn't use it to my base at all or guitar and then so I started playing with a pick and lo and behold when I started playing with a pick it all was okay to start with and then it spread into this hand so this hand was actually originally uninfected but it's not infected now it was you know it just wasn't affected not infected it wasn't affected but when I started using the pick for some reason I started getting in this hand and it started happening between the set of the middle finger and the little finger I'd go to move my middle finger and my little finger would move instead why does this happen okay so in a nutshell my brain is to do with plasticity of the brain okay and which in plasticity is got to do with fine motor movement okay so your brain has got a honeycomb type thing over the front here or possibly over here I should sort this information out before I put it out to the world anyway I'm sure whether it comes from here or here is a you know we don't mind about that the rest of it will be cool okay sees a honeycomb type film over the brain and when the when you want to move at an arm or a finger or a ear but when you want to do something like that okay when you want to I don't know one grab in my ear when you want to make a movement your brain sends an electrical electrical impulse to one of the honeycombs okay one of the honeycomb boop and he goes down the honeycomb all the way right down to your finger and does this okay whatever you're asking you to do now the problem with focal dystonia is the honeycombs actually start overlapping and breaking and being very confused so when your brain sends a signal to let's say your finger instead of shooting it down this one honeycomb it because they've merged and done and split together and all these type of things that goes to this one and it shoots over to the other one and you'll move into the finger or sometimes your whole hand will lock up and look like it's spasmed and and all those bad types of things so that's what focal dystonia is it's a real alright my heart goes out to because I've suffered with it from for a long time and I'm quite publicly known for you know just talking about it openly I've had a lot of people suffer with focal dystonia get in contact with me and ask my advice and things like that like I'm lucky I've kind of battled my way through it and the gloves really help if you have got focal dystonia try it out it might work for you the only thing I've really learned about focal dystonia that's like really solid great information to anybody is that it's it's completely different for everybody that who gets it and there isn't a one-size-fits-all sit and cure in fact I don't know if there is a cure this is just something that helps me and be able to play and at one point rewind to just before I started Scott's beta since I I was really struggling to play at all in fact I had to take nearly six months off at one point six months off which killed me and but but now I can play I can gig you know I'm back in there I'm back in the groove but it's taken well it took a good few years for me to feel like I could actually play regularly again and really feel at one with the instrument it was it was a real hard slog but it was just thankfully I found these and and they did the trick for me so that Bob is why I'm wearing the gloves okay another question that I get asked a lot about I'm Scott what strings you use and that's from Steve and Steve these strings are Dunlop superb writes which are really nice and they're really nice the P bass has got some round rounds on that it came with I've got no idea what they are they're really good I really love them they're flats that I use on the P bass are d'addario they're really good I only knew no they're deer diarrhea because I did a search online to look at what bass strings they came with when they made it so you might be getting a bit of a gist I'm not really that into strings um up maybe should be more and but I'm more into like I just feel like a lot of the toner stuff comes from me and not so much the strings I like like but hands hands up I need to investigate strings more because I know that you know it can affect the tone of your bass and things like that so that was a crap answer wasn't it it's a really crap answer Steve I'm going to look into this more leave it with me okay but the strings that I use are really like I love doing lot superb writes I've used and they're great and shout-out to Darrell Dunlop he's proper dude love you Darrell love every sent down some love he's a proper dude and I loved it dear Dario really good as well really consistent what really I'm not going to swear what really annoys me is where you buy straight like a set of strings and some of them added in the pack you know so you put them all on ones like a dude string and then you go buy another packing like some string brands have gotten real problems with that lines it drives me around the bend man and but saying that super Brad Dunlop super brights really consistent I haven't had any problems or d'addario super consistent haven't had any problems at all so that's what that's what I use well the last questions from Sarah and she says hey Scott it's a long one this Scott how do you get so much done and the last count including the YouTube videos you release plus the Academy weekly feedback videos you do plus the weekly Academy show plus the Academy courses plus anything else you release it looks like you're I'm squinting here because I kind of need glasses anyway Sarah apologies so it looks like you're releasing from seven to ten videos per week plus from YC on social media and the photos you post there you also have a young family and seem to spend loads of time with them too dot dot capital letters what gives okay Sarah how do so how do I get so much done and a couple of things are well not more than a couple of things I'm really into scheduling stuff so I plan everything out really not down to the fine detail but I just have you know I'll make sure I know exactly what I'm doing on what day and what time I ate - everything in sight so I don't spend like what one hour wasted looking on YouTube just nothing just going from video to video which I did this morning I feel really guilty about it actually I did that this morning but I don't normally do it I try not to do it so yes I really try and structure my day so I know like I'm allocating you know different bits of time different blocks of time to different specific tax tasks I've always done this and I've done this because of one reason I'm super super lame I am the most easily distracted most a DD I want to do this I want to do that uh what's cool person you'll have ever met and anybody that works with me will tell you exactly that I am super super distracted so easily distracted so I really try and structure my day and stick to it I try and allocate time for my family in the morning definitely like I get up early normally get up about sort of a 6:30 cut some drags me out of bed literally um 6:30 and then that you know and then they get to the studio about probably between 9:30 and 10:00 so I spent all them you know I've got a good few hours in the morning with the family and then one summit were once I'm at work in the studio from 9:30 to 10:00 I've got different days allocated to different things Mondays is filming Tuesdays more filming and Wednesdays like team meetings stuff like that and what else do I do essentially like allocate different blocks of time for different things one thing that really helped and I practice a lot among all that I practice a lot so one thing that really helps me is not watching TV I don't watch TV because I find that it just absolutely sucks up my time and it's just full of crap one thing I do do I do watch TV I do watch TV but I normally watch it like an hour a day at the end of the day usually between 9:30 and 10:30 with my wife and we usually watch it like a box set something like that right like a lot I suppose my short answer is like really great time management or try to because I'm really bad naturally really bad so I try and be really great time management and and really and I work a lot as well so you know the allocate time for my family definitely buy absolutely nail it in the day time and then get home and then after you know I get home sort of yeah you know regular get home time like six o'clock something like that and then measure and my family and still get the kids in bed watch TV with the missus and then half ten comes and then and you usually work to like 12:00 1:00 in the morning and then and then that's it and also I've got a great team so specifically to do what you'll talk about the videos I've got d-mac so Denmark who's not here to down point it over there because that's where he sits Denmark does all the the editing as well so I was editing it myself I couldn't do it I just couldn't do it so a demo actors all the editing and then I've also got another videographer called gaff who helps out as well and he does some editing as well because there's a lot of videos knocking about meet sir it's crazy a lot of videos so hopefully guys that's you know I just I don't know I just wanted to make a video just hang out with you guys today and and getting among it I feel oh God dogs got dogs sneezing Georgie okay he's okay so anyway I've got no idea what I was talking about that I've completely forgotten what else talked about the dog the dog sneezes freak me out um anyway hope you're all having a wicked day if you haven't subscribed to the YouTube channel make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel if you know any bass players that are into bass playing want to take that bass player attics level point them in the direction of Scotts bass lessons and the YouTube channel and and if you haven't checked out the Academy Scott's basis let's go check it out it's really cool take it easy guys I've seen the shed you
Channel: Scott's Bass Lessons
Views: 1,066,387
Rating: 4.9351935 out of 5
Keywords: scott devine, bass lessons, bass guitar, soloing, funk, cover, groove, jazz, slap, tuition, masterclass, beginner, beginners, clinic, Why, Wear, The Gloves, scottsbasslessons
Id: wOVGrGBeqiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2016
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