The ONE REASON I switched from VSCode to Neovim

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For as long as I can remember, I've been a happy vscode user, but in the last four or five months I switched to neovim and I haven't gone back. Today I want to talk about why. All right, let's do it. I started streaming on Twitch five months ago, and in that time I picked up neovim, and I never would have thought I was going to be a vim person or care about my editor in the ways that you care about your editor when you use neovim. I'd used vscode for years. I had no reason to switch. But once I started streaming on Twitch, it made me curious to see people like Prime and TJ doing all these amazing things with their editor. So I tried it and I learned it while streaming on Twitch. Which side note: learn things while streaming on Twitch. It's way faster than doing it on your own. It's like having StackOverflow and Google, but like a push version where they're just like telling you things you didn't know you needed to search for. Highly recommended. So I started using neovim and really I would say to most people don't use it because you want to be faster. I know that that's like a lot of people's arguments and something that Teej really tries to to combat in his video on PDEs, which I will link in the description below. By the way, while you're going down to the description, you could just you could go ahead and subscribe because it makes me feel good. That's the only reason that I don't have any other reason to want you to subscribe. It just makes me feel good. Is that good enough reason? I don't know. Okay, I'm done. So I started using neovim and ultimately I could have just turned on vim bindings in vscode, learned all the vim movements and gotten like all of the speed improvements I've seen in my development workflow, just in terms of like editing text. And if you're just looking to like learn vim, speed up your, your text editing. I think that's the path you want to go down. The neovim path is more of the make your own lightsaber path. It's like you want to have total ownership over every little bit of your development environment and you want to do that because it's fun. It's a fun hobby. Not for everybody. I'm sure it's not for everybody. But I was at the stage of my career, after 15 years of being a programmer, where I sort of needed something new, something I guess, to keep me excited about programming. And I love what I do. I've loved it since the day I started. That's not going to be everybody. And I don't I don't mean to like, put you down if you don't feel that way. But I wasn't somebody that was looking for a hobby. I wasn't looking for something to keep me interested in this profession that I love. But neovim did that, and I can't think of a hobby I’m more excited about it. I literally woke up early this morning because of something I read last night about vim that I wanted to play with today and a plugin in neovim that’s going to make it easier. Like it's just become the thing that gets me up and the thing that excites me every day. You need that stuff, especially after years of doing this. And that's what neovim has been for me. It might not be for you. You might find other hobbies enjoyable, but it's good. It's good to have a hobby and you don't have to use vim or neovim because you want to use the lightest thing or the fastest thing and you want to squeeze out more time from your day. I don't know. There's a lot of reasons people push it, but I think there's one reason that matters, and that's it's a lot of fun. I love tinkering. I love playing with my dotfiles every other day. Does that mean I'm getting less done, am I less productive? Probably. But am I enjoying my job more than ever? Yes. And that's hard to say. 15 years in, it's hard to sort of stumble into something that makes you enjoy your days more. But that's that’s neovim. So vscode's great. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're less than because you use vscode or you’re less that because you waste your time learning vim. None of you are less than you're all great. This is the most wonderful profession in the world. We're the luckiest people alive that we get to do it. If you're aspiring to do it, this video, probably made no sense like if you don't already edit text all day, just ignore everything I just said. You don't need to to look into it. Also, this is going to be the first video where I just send a big blob of video to an editor. Thank you, Flip. I appreciate you. Especially considering everything I just said in this video. If you can turn this into a good YouTube video, you really are a magician. All right. I'm done.
Channel: adamdotdev
Views: 18,593
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Id: 1W1kaAfMmOo
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Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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