Why I Switched From VSCode To NeoVim - My Setup

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what's up everyone in this video I'm going to cover why I switched from vs go to them once again to new event by the way and uh I'm gonna show you my setup my def setup how I use these things and why you should probably also do that but before we start I want to cover real quick this thing let me put it up on the screen it's the full-time good F program that I'm basically uh continuing and I'm making these videos at the speed of sound it's in pretty sale right now go take a look at fulltime go dev.com it basically has everything you need to become a professional in the space especially in golang but it's basically once you know this you can basically write every single language we do Goldline introduction we mastering conclusive building apis real life projects we're building microservices gateways uh intercepts communication all that stuff you get a free bonus the blockchain from scratch which is a not on YouTube and then I'm going to cover how to land the job because a lot of people um make a mistake with their resumes and interviews they make a big mistake and I'm going to um help you with that check it out guys uh this video is not sponsored I'm not monetized at all so this is basically uh my way of wasting your time to promote my own Shenanigans right okay cool let's delete this thing uh like this pretty fine let me see is everything okay yes I'm recording all right so basically um I swipe I swiped I swapped from um vs code like a lot of people that watch my channel I'm using vs code for a long time uh but I swapped to uh any of him once again I basically used neovim since I started programming uh but I swapped to vs code because I think the layout of vs code is a little bit not a layout but some things are a little bit badish but it's just too slow for me it's too slow it's getting again vs code is getting way too big for what I use it for right that's that's a thing um yeah so that's it's slow it's searching is is not that ideal anymore for me I think uh once you set up uh neovim uh at your at your own likings uh searching everything first defining is way better than vs code way faster and all that stuff right and and I can actually uh you need to try it for yourself if you let's say code eight hours or it's maybe too much code four hours in vs code and by the end of your coding session in vs code you basically go to neovim or Vim or whatever and you type that you could see it's it's going to be much smoother it's that tiny bit of response um that does it for me right it's it's it gives me a more um Native experience right yeah yeah so basically um what's important for me what's my setup actually I have no setup at all to be honest I don't use any special things no co-pilots no uh no nothing no Snippets to be honest uh a couple things for me that's important as a developer is um if you use Vim it's basically don't use your mouse it's for me very important it's a no-go because it's slow it's uh it's bad right you see this mouse thingy let's put a piece let's put up maybe I should unplug it but I'm not gonna do it right so just throw away your mouse and um you're gonna have you're gonna have a slow slow time in the beginning it's going to be very slow and very frustrating but after a couple of weeks months years you're gonna be much faster and um like I always say you're gonna invest time right now to buy time back later that's uh don't be don't fall for the instant gratification right so what's very important for me is how I navigate I basically navigate with the simple uh J key j key h l keys right uh lift left right up down all that stuff um basic stuff very important for me is toggle terminal right you see it's total terminal what are my key bindings it doesn't really matter and I also made for you for the people that are interested I made this right it's basically um if you go to geta.com NDM you're gonna find my Gigi's newfame configuration simple but yet effective it doesn't edited Lua and everything is inside of field what I use it just 173 lines and that's it right no big of a deal boom let's delete this so like I said very important for me is something I use all the time and that's a toggle terminal right like I said key bindings doesn't really matter you need to configure it yourself I'm using leader J to toggle it right very simple the next thing I'm using all the time is basically split screen very important split screens moving left right left right left right maybe you want to copy this remote thingy and paste it again above the same thing that's why I said why but it is what it is you can delete stuff open up multiple things let's wait let's see if it hit for example uh let's open up something else maybe engine test or something very important like this is the engine file and this is the engine test file so you could basically debug your test while having your implementation on the other side right and swap back and fourth very important split screen and you can split as much as you want right you see but you also need to basically delete them uh if boom split screen very very important I'm using that all the time the next very important thing is your fizzy Finder right because I see a lot of people opening up their sidebar and then you're basically going to their folders clicking with their Mouse scrolling looking like a mole don't do that just use a fuzzy Finder right Mikey binding is leader P or alt P it's the same thing boom and I can basically start typing for example I want to find a response or something a response you see it's already here I click enter and I'm basically in my response file that is simple right if I need to go back to engine boom and I'm at engine if I need to go to registry for example registry right and you're still you're still finding your first file you know what I mean so don't be like that right don't be like all your colleagues be a chat use them first you find the next thing uh what I'm well it's much better than vs code is basically finding right if you want to find stuff in vs code you need to do uh I'm not quite sure about the key binding in vs code is it's probably something like control F or something or control shift F and then you can find something in in your file and it's just clunky it's bad it's it's garbage so how do I do this I do it with leaded V and I can do little V and I can search for example for uh I don't know like yesterday or something and then you could see when I type it's basically uh listing me results right and then I can basically toggle scroll or whatever move again with the with the J key j key keys up and down and find registry here boom click it and I'm here let's find something else what do we have let's say at for example I'm at the top of my file and I want to find the ads function I can basically do F and then say at and then you see it's already there press enter and I'm at this function already right isn't that amazing that's finding stuff for example I want to see proc all right to see uh okay this one or this one or this one boom and I'm heat very simple finding stuff much better than vs code yes the next important thing is fuzzy finding not quite sure if I already mentioned this if I do leader P I already did this right yes fine man I'm getting old is there something else like I said a lot of people are asking me to make a video of my setup but there is no setup it is what it is it's it's very minimalistic um oh yeah something very important and I already made a video about vs code and it's basically the same thing but in Vim but it is what it is what I do is for example let me find something let me move this cursor out of the way give me anxiety where is get where do I use get by the way so remove here um I'm trying to find a good a good way to show you guys what we could do for example I'm I'm here that engine right so this I'm at the yesterday right and the registry has an engine which is appointed to an engine and I want to go to this engine I can basically just put my cursor on this engine and do GD like go to definition very important I'm using this all the time if I do GD and we already eat at engine you see very simple I want to have this Advanced stream GD I'm at the advanced stream you know what I mean the stakes and eventually Frank GG I'm at the events in Funk very simple um and you could do it with um trying to find maybe like this for example you're using something from the standard library in gooling like this look for example and you want to see what does this look do right you could basically do GD right and you're at um mutex easy peasy right is there something else um actually no guys actually no I don't use anything else no fancy stuff basic Shenanigans basic scenario I just use a simple terminal like this right and forget I just do a get init get at get push get pull get check out get lock no fancy uis just everything inside of um and by the way look at this if you want to start a PS code for example it takes long right and I don't have any plugins but I can ex I can imagine that you have 100 000 plugins in your vs code and I want to just open up this Hollywood folder maybe I want to do a public pool review pull request review or something I just do then boom and I'm already in it right I'm already here and I could do ggq because uh yeah it is what it is right and we are here the only thing you can see right now this is basically um this syntax highlighting is is much better for most of people but I don't like this I don't like this uh it's using three set and three Setter makes this a little bit more colorized and I don't like it so I always do a TS disable what's going on htts disable highlights I'm I'm I like it I like it simple hey I don't know why but but like I said I won the Nobel Prize for Simplicity I think complexity is something we don't want life is already complex enough coding is already complex enough just keep it simple and that's it yeah guys like I said that's basically it uh don't be and by the end of the day it doesn't really matter right it doesn't really matter don't be too focused because I see a lot of people um they are basically too focused with their color team which is Groove box but Goldstein is groovebox the most asked question of all time on the Anthony GG's Channel but don't be too focused on the Aesthetics right A lot of people are too focused on Aesthetics color theme this that font ligatures uh vs codes plugins more plugins don't do that it doesn't matter the only thing that matters is what works for you but what is productive what is what makes you productive what makes you solve problems right that's the only thing and that's the only thing that that's important but if you think that them or new them or or uh using the emotions or something can help you be more productive over time you should definitely do it but don't be too focused on getting your cheap dopamine from color teams right I was and I'm telling this because I was just like that when I started um sometimes seeing somebody on YouTube or seeing some colleague programming in a cool color team in them and you do the same you get this shot of dopamine and you get motivated to program but I think that's uh it's not bad but I think that's not the main driver for you to program your color team and your Statics I think um there should be other other things to motivate you to program right that's basically it very simple like I said it's on get up check my get up and if you're not subscribed yet to the channel consider subscribing jump into my Discord Community Check out my patreon for advanced goaling videos and check out the full-time godf if you want to learn the whole shebang um it's a cool program because I made it right all right cool thanks for watching this video and I see you in my live stream or next video peace
Channel: Anthony GG
Views: 64,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neovim, vim, text editor, vscode, why use neovim, why neovim, programming, software engineering, software developer, developer productivity, vscode vim, linux, vim editor, engineering, vim plugins, software, javascript, engineer, programmer humor, web developer, developer, typescript, web developing, software engineer, computer, autocomplete, vim autocomplete, js, python
Id: AzhSnM0uHvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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