Making Fire in the Rain

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[Music] hi everyone this is Emily from Emily's author adventure my channel was formerly known as Emily learning Bush Croft I'm going to show you to learn some bushcraft today I'm actually going to try to make a fire in rain I never done that and it seems like a very good idea when I woke up this morning now it's raining even more and I'm I can't say I'm with no that's okay it's very wet out here and when I'm going to collect some rest in first and then some tinder and then some wood we'll see what happened yeah I don't know try to never resemble it so here I am with my rest in tree it's quite a lot of rested on it isn't it look mmm I'm glad my my phone is waterproof anyway time to collect I'm resting okay I think it will make my fire in there at least there's some shelter first of all I need to find some really small sticks are dry I would probably if I find any I'll put them in my bag let's go down here and have a little look I think I found something that looks dry yeah you can be a little snack Oh take this oh we're trying oh I'm so happy this is perfect and so now I have to find some bigger words or branches to collect some more well good I'm sorry I'm a bit confused right now it's so wet out here and I have my axe and my sore with me so I'm trying to find something I can use is that in Sweden you're not allowed to wear then just cut down a tree that's against the law so I have to find something that's dead and not too close to the ground and hopefully that's dry inside oh here we have something that's dead I guess it's very wet maybe maybe it's not wet alway true but this looks dry isn't it it smells nice too okay well allow and just have to cut all this god it's really wet and now we start to rain even more will you now I'm going to see if I can find somewhere to make a fire I don't have a tarp with me because I thought it would be fun to try without okay I need tinder to I'm not sure how dry this Fork is maybe on the other side of it hmm put you in my pocket so here is my resting I found a lot which I'm going to try to use this is the wood and I need them dry and they are dry on the inside I just don't want to ask myself hmm well okay I know I don't have the best thing here okay I am trying to learn this we are all children in the beginning they look dry that's coming so now I have some wood I'm trying to put on under my bags it won't get too wet but now to the tricky part to actually get some kind of spark and oh I'm sorry god I have dirt on my camera now I'm going to try to make fire I'm a bit skeptical but them well I think it will work perhaps I am going to use a fire whew yeah I know it might not be the best thing you I was raining but I will try and look Tennessee Lardner you know I learned that from arctic wolf when I was in Norway look I can show you it's not raining so heavily right now look okay I did find some birch bark which was a little bit dry at least so I'm going to try to slap that up I have it here ready as you can see this is wet - well everything is wet and yeah well we'll see if I can get this to work I'm not so sure okay I have to try using my move blackness oh wow oh god how did I do that oh no oh no no and this is so typical me I always no no no please don't I I know it well oh no no no no everything so yeah everything okay well it's a very good firesteel I can say that uncle she saw they were a flame like the whole points making a fire when it's wet yeah well well I wasn't prepared enough and now my son is in trouble and broke well this looks like a philosophy cute little pile of things okay I totally forgot I was haha I was opposed this is my wrestling - okay this is what happens when I get too focused I'm sorry I'm going to use my rest in - how could I forget this I have a lot put it there - please words this time so once the sky of the Stars Oh listen okay now the riffin is burning idli and I have a loss to it so well okay I think I could make a fire out of this and I haven't also rested in it so I guess that was the trick I totally forgot to use it in the beginning I'm sorry I was a bit too eager to start this fire I think I succeeded it was very tricky and please don't forget the rest in if you're doing this and I know there's a lot of other way to start a fire if you're out you can use Vaseline and cold stone and all that kind of stuff but I wanted to try to to just use whatever you find in the nature I don't think it went very well and I but I was a bit lucky because it's not raining so much right now and when I was collecting the fire or the cinder and the woods it was a lot of rain and so I realized I have to go out and collect in there when it's dry so I have lots of that for my next videos I know I haven't been out so much in the woods lately because you know it's the fire band in Sweden during summer and I love to make fires and so I've been doing other stuff and oh okay and but I will continue to try to learn this bushcraft survival thing and I hope you will join me because I will continue with this during the autumn and the winter here in Sweden but look I managed to so proud of myself well I guess it's burning out and or as we say in Swedish this horses are mainly worth I'm on fire said the guy with fire in his hair or I'm hooked said the man with fire in his hair or I don't know how is it translated really thank you so much for watching I hope I'll see you next time take care bye bye / little fire you
Channel: Emelie's Outdoor Adventures
Views: 388,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, bushcraft sweden, survival, survival woman, swedish forest, sweden, forest, woods, outdoor, survival bushcraft, emelie, emelie learning bushcraft, berghaus centurio, revolution race, fritidsfabriken, mora eldris, pine resin, birch bark, fire in rain, making fire, firesteel, scandinavia
Id: MeE0afZTcok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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