The Old Paths @ Family worship Center - August 22, 2021

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it is my pleasure and my honor to introduce my friends your friends the old past [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] who raised some power a sin and darkness whose love is mighty and some are stronger the king of glory the king of all kings [Music] [Music] the king of glory the king of all kings this is amazing grace [Music] is [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] who brings our chaos back into order who makes the orphan the son and daughter the king of glory the king of glory who rules the nations with trumpet justice shines like the sun here the level is this is [Music] set free oh jesus [Music] worthy is the king who conquered the grave worthy is the land who was slain worthy is the king who conquered the grave worthy is the king who conquered the grave worthy is my [Applause] oh jesus jesus [Music] oh he's worthy he's worthy any church [Applause] [Music] that's myself cross when jesus got a hold of me [Music] mercy came in like a blood and saved this sinner's soul i was blind but now i see i got the grace [Music] i got the was not a grace that i had done or works that i could play to earn what jesus gave to me but only by his precious blood my past is washed away and now i stand redeemed for that's myself [Music] how [Music] that's myself [Music] [Applause] that's myself are you going to see daniel ask more today [Music] if you're trying to there's a better life [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i [Music] oh you feel lost is [Music] if you can feel [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you can feel them is [Applause] right maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't hear you somebody ought to testify today are you glad to see steve ladd in the house [Applause] [Music] i see you walking down that dead and road i see you've been beneath a heavy load yellow swirled with all its heartache is like a ball and chain you keep on praying to see heaven move and you keep on waiting cause that's all you know to do when life leaves you all [Music] we've all been tested i know i've been there feels like there's more on you than you can bear but just keep on believing and soon you'll find he will answer in his way he already knew when you don't have a clue [Music] he knew when moses needed help down by the sea he knew how tall the walls of jericho would be exactly what you're going through that he already a knew i'm glad he knows today amen [Music] disciples were gathered in an upper room [Music] they were so afraid unsure of tomorrow and what they would face on friday the savior [Music] for rejoicing cause everything changes [Music] the promise he made all that he but in just three days [Music] [Music] saturday [Music] changes [Music] suddenly there's [Music] saturday rejoicing saturdays [Applause] cause everything changed sunday morning oh i can't hear you this morning he's alive in the church i said he's alive this morning does he live in you i'm glad he lives in me today amen i often say that'll make a presbyterian kick the back of his choir robe out that's why y'all see me doing that every once in a while i'm reminding myself i ain't presbyterian i'm just a born-again blood-bought child of the king on his way to heaven amen i who was deserving of hell and now given a free pass because of what jesus did for me aren't you thankful for his grace this morning i'm glad i know him i'm glad i went from knowing about jesus to knowing jesus any anybody in here seeing this for your very first time this morning wave at me like this we got a few where in the world were y'all at last time y'all got a whole new church i i've been so excited about coming back as a matter of fact we have a new bus driver we were traveling around in a sprinter when we came back on the road for three years got the new bus and eric chastain as our bus y'all make eric chastain welcome for the first time here [Music] stand up stand up look at him yeah [Applause] i said boy you are in for a treat i said you ain't never been to a church like this church they threw religion out a long time ago huh thank god man thank god i grew up in church i knew all about jesus but i didn't know jesus started smoking dope at nine years old shooting dope at 14. left north carolina running from the law that's how i went down there to georgia you're wondering how a north carolina boy made it to georgia i left god's country and went to egypt i thought i was running from the law but what i was doing was running right into the arms of jesus [Music] 500 a day cocaine junkie selling dope every day of my life just to stay high seemingly no hope is you know what the world offered me they offered me a temporary solution to my permanent problem through a 12-step program but on father's day 1992 jesus offered me a permanent solution to my temporary problem through a one-step program changed my life forever now i happen to know since we're we've been here before that a lot of y'all went down the same road [Music] and when the lord saved me i thought it was going to be the big pie in the sky and the great by-and-by you know what i mean all of my troubles were gone i never felt so relieved and at peace in all of my life i thought man this is awesome i've been high on everything i ain't never been as high as i am on jesus huh but i got home and one of my buddies called and he said you got anything good [Music] i said yeah come on over he said what you got man i said oh it's killer [Applause] hey i died with christ that day it's killer [Applause] he said what you got i said i met jesus he said all man my granddaddy was a preacher he said you won't make it six months [Music] yeah he never had what i got he never had what jesus gave me he said you'll never make it six months well when he left i quickly realized that i still had to face the same people pressures and problems that i faced before the lord saved me as a matter of fact that morning when the lord saved me i had two baby boys at that time one was three years old and one was only three weeks old i'll never forget praying as that preacher was preaching on abraham and lot drawing perfect contrast of two lives one walking with god and serving god and the other one selling his family out to the world i said that day lord if you don't save me my children gonna grow up be dope addicts just like me drug dealers thugs thieves liars cheats when he saved me that day i thought oh my goodness they gonna grow up be preachers and sunday school teachers and deacons well not dickens [Music] i'm just kidding but you know being saved doesn't exempt us from life's problems does it i'm not trying to be a debbie downer today but i'm telling you that some of us left behind some things and then some of us brought some problems right along with us my oldest boy went down the same road as me and he became a meth addict been in and out of prison since he's old enough to go i don't have to tell you that that breaks my heart as a preacher of the gospel someone traveling around telling everybody god save me he can save you god save me he can deliver your children you just need to love them to jesus and you know everybody says all things work together for the good of them that love the lord and all the called according to his purpose that's what the word of god says but it's a little different when it's your all things ain't it some of y'all going through some things right now and the last thing you want to hear somebody preaching to you about what you're going through and they ain't never been there and the whole time i'm sharing my testimony telling people what god's done for me and my heart breaking saying god when are you going to save mine when are you going to deliver my boy i can just tell you this that god's promises are true everything that he ever said is absolute it's absolutely absolute it's true he in him is no lie now my son's not serving the lord this morning but he's not strung out somewhere on the street anymore either and he's not in a prison god's working and moving mightily in his life amen god's working [Applause] but more than seeing our children clean and sober we want to see our children serving the lord we want to see our spouse as our loved ones serving the lord well god has given us some promises concerning our children he said to train them up in the fear and the admonition of the lord when they grow old they'll not depart from it amen i'm glad i have that promise this morning i'm glad that god's still real i hope this song encourages you like it has me [Music] [Applause] head straight to the dark like your old [Music] [Applause] no [Music] if you're gonna [Music] you can't get away from god he's right there he's right where you never thought you'd find him that's just because that's just what love [Music] [Music] but you're gonna find that [Music] that's just because let's choose [Music] [Applause] [Music] you might be here this morning running i know my boys in a hotel room somewhere working out of town this is what god's gonna do one day you'll hit rock bottom just like me find a book in a hotel droid start to read but he'll be there let us john 3 16 [Music] you can't get away from god [Music] no you can't get away from god [Music] you can't get away from god [Music] [Music] [Applause] and then a great song aren't you glad god's give us some promises for our family yeah well we can't just sit around here and wait on god to move we have not because we ask not we gotta pray [Music] in the town of bethany lazarus was growing weak the doctors did all that could be done mary and martha cried they're by their brother's side they said for jesus but he hadn't come oh there's a lesson for you and me day one day two days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when it looks impossible break while you wait on the cross of calvary hanging between two thieves they watched him suffer and they saw him die they laid him in a grave a stone was rolled in place with jesus buried there's no hope in sight but there's a lesson for you and me day one day two day three [Music] cause the is will surely make a way when it looks if he's stronger than the grave if he's strong enough to save then go ahead and start to break is [Music] while you wait oh wow [Music] oh come on y'all do better than that i can't hardly hear you this morning are you really enjoying the old paths how about it let these guys know it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody always acts like that they just love the tenor singer why not [Music] come on now and everybody loves a bass singer [Applause] tim and i are starting to get offended [Applause] but you know what preacher an oreo cookie ain't worth a flip without the cream in the middle is it [Applause] of course in this case it's double stuffed since y'all love em so well make them welcome one more time willie nelson and johnny cash there's a family bible on the table it's paid is worn and hard to read but the family bible on the table it will ever be my key to memories i could see a sitting around the table [Music] i can still hear my mother softly singing yes she's singing [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] don't encourage it blue eyes [Music] [Applause] that's about the offering one more silver dollar oh well if it's about to offer and it's okay then you know how preachers are in offerings it'd be all right about 10 years ago we were looking for a base singer and uh we're still looking got any takers out there hey that tall good-looking young man sitting right there with all the hair on his head he's about six foot four full of he's a bass singer we might have found his bass [Laughter] i'm just teasing we had no idea when we heard this kid sing that he was so multi-talented y'all want to hear him blow that saxophone this morning come on let's hear it [Applause] y'all gonna have to sing it with him now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] ah [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] the kenny g of gospel music [Applause] all right all right [Applause] i have played the far out of that tambourine all morning long y'all didn't act like that at all i even tuned it and everything just for this morning you know aren't you glad you can still come to church and smile [Music] even though we're hurting broken we live in a broken world we can still come to church and even though our lives are messed up even though our saturday nights don't line up with our sunday morning [Music] he still loves us and he still welcomes us here because it's a lot better than just feeling guilty about yourself and staying in bed this morning at least you can feel the presence of the holy spirit and know and know that even though your life is messed up there ain't no saint in here this morning no matter how old you are or how young you are they ain't even one of us perfect and i'm so tired of looking at church people and looking at preachers a lot i was raised like that and think my gosh they live every day at the foot of the cross they never have a problem surely they don't mess up and the whole time i can't live up to how i feel everyone else is living in their life and i feel so unworthy and feel so ashamed because i can't live up to what your life is i'm a rotten sinner [Music] filthy rotten sinner but i'm thankful he didn't call me to be perfect he called me to be faithful and to know that he is just and faithful to forgive me every time i mess up now listen he don't condone sin that he won't put up with sin but i'm so thankful he came from messed up people because i am and i'll never be perfect and you'll never be perfect but i'm thankful there's a place like family worship center that don't care what your background is don't matter what you look like don't matter what you did last night he still loves morning us the steeple can look like a bunch of perfect people underneath the shoes [Music] just looking for a home place to be long a little piece a little hoping thankful these old doors still sweet [Music] [Applause] wrecked by sin who doesn't [Music] people like me [Music] for a taste of grace and jesus never turns anyone away where everyone's our friend knowing where you've been and there's no shame cause there's [Music] the disillusionment [Music] oh [Music] people like me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no lies [Music] every life [Music] [Music] in the house of the lord amen [Music] i want tim to come and sing a powerful song i believe we're living on the edge of eternity amen a fool a blind man can see that we're living in the last days one of these days though all our accolades everything we've gained in this earth will be nothing and we will bow at the feet of jesus and always say as he's holy [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] as i entered the [Music] the angels they all met [Applause] [Music] to mention and all the sights that i saw [Music] but i said i won't see jesus [Music] for he's the one who died [Music] [Music] holy [Music] glory be [Music] [Music] glory glory to the son [Music] glory to the son of god as i enter the gates of the sea my loved ones they only knew me well the streets out of heaven [Applause] [Music] all those scenes were just [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] why won't you see jesus is [Music] oh [Applause] glory glory there's so much glory glory yes he's worthy to be worshipped worthy to be praised this morning amen [Applause] well have you enjoyed the old path so far how about it steve ladd tim reckley daniel lashmore doug have you enjoyed the old path so far today thank you guys so much they you know they tell me they ain't but two things you can do after a song like that that's preacher take up a love offering either one's to kill the service right no i know that's not true here what have you really enjoyed the guys this morning i know we all wore black pants today i wonder what that means but uh it it it's a pleasure for us to be here what a blessing i think uh when was the last time we were here was it 19. so after we left here last year the kovid deal hit and we stayed home for four and a half months and uh this is what we do for a living this is how we support our families and uh i'll never forget preacher i got home that monday and 70 dates canceled that first monday of march and i looked at my wife i said sweetie what in the world we gonna do she said we're gonna trust god that's what we've always done i've never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread and it's because of people like you and uh we've never gone hungry we've never gone without we started back singing after those four and a half months it takes us five dates a week to be able to live as a quartet four separate families involved and uh then we pay a bus driver too now and a bus payment and uh i don't know how in the world we do it except it's got to be the lord it's got to be the lord amen he's the one that does it faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god how shall they hear without a preacher how shall he preach lest he be sinned so i want to thank you guys for sending us forward y'all took such good care of us last year when we were here and uh things have just started picking up again since we started back after covid you know we'd go out and drive to illinois missouri sing one or two dates but god just kept us going and things have started picking up and now everything's shutting down again i feel like i feel like a yo-yo but i'm thankful for god's house that's open in spite of everything aren't you thankful for a place that keeps the doors open when we can worship and i want to say thank you for in advance for giving in the love offering uh hey we're a 501c3 ministry so if you're here this morning and and you want to make a check can they make a check payable to top or that they need to make it to the church well i was just going to let people know if they make checks payable to top it is just like a church it's it's tax deductible you spell ten thousand with two t's and uh but uh every gift to us is precious and we and we really appreciate it thank y'all so much for allowing us to well i appreciate you too amen i told preacher we'd never be able to recreate what god did here last time there were people saved here last time and people were flooding the altars and and uh you can't recreate what god does all you can do is say god use us how we are we're just messed up broken people and uh just use us in spite of us that's what i say and i'm surprised it does i i still telling eric this morning i said father god i'd kill us all that's the truth i mean when you i mean you read your bible and you see all these messed up people like david and sampson and noah and how many of y'all done the noah's uh the uh the ark encounter have y'all done that man y'all need to do it everybody that's not y'all need to go see that that's incredible and uh it's amazing god used noah in spite of noah and if he can use all of those people the way he used them and can use us he can use you and if nothing at all today maybe something inspired you to go tell someone else that jesus is able to move mightily in their lives so thank you so much in advance for the love offering and uh we do have a specific need i know that god's going to meet here today and that's all i'm going to say about that thank you and god bless you one more time if you enjoy the old pass come on brother brad y'all got the most talented preacher in the country y'all know that you're not supposed you're not supposed to cub it but i i'm i'm jealous of i'm i'm jealous man you won't pray over the offering you want me dear heavenly father thank you for this day thank you for these gentlemen that came here to show us your way and just thank you for this church and everyone in it in jesus name amen [Music] here's a song about bread y'all standing your feet on this one as [Music] i can and broken and my mix hanging out wow there was holy planet when jesus used a little kid five holes and you're [Applause] you're satisfied [Music] [Music] he'll take the claws [Applause] [Applause] you can give him [Applause] when jesus chooses [Applause] is is come on [Applause] you're always here one wow [Applause]
Channel: Family Worship Center
Views: 834
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: K7eFFS_cFbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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